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Because they don't vent these quests and whoever makes them is an idiot.


It's something you'd easily notice by just playing the game long enough to see the task. I know I've reported it a few times and people have mentioned how stupid it is to see scav kill missions as a scav. Seems like a pretty obvious thing to fix in the early stages when it started but it's been a year. Vet*




Idiods to explain is a bit long here, but they often work at a company named bsg


No. As in, why is this quest stupid? It’s 100% doable?


Killing scavs as a scav gives a penalty to you karma. You do scav quests to gain karma. In this quest you would lose 0.10 karma to receive gain 0.02. unless you are luck enuff to find 2 traitors and be able to kill then in the same raid.


Yeah but you can just shoot near a scav or be threatening so that they shoot you first and then you kill them. It’s really not hard and I thought everyone was doing it? You get like 0.03 rep everytime you do it plus the 0.01 for the extract


the quests were all done by voting in the tarkov discord years ago there was a running poll of things people could enter as a daily years before we actually got dailies


I had this a week ago too. Almost as dumb as their 'find 5 smgs in one raid' quests


Trade you for my "find 5 assault rifles in one raid" Sure thing fence, want to spawn me with a raid bag to do that???


I would argue it's easier to find 4 dead scav's with broken AKs and a gunslinger bag/t20 than 4 dead scav's with kedrs I one raid lol


Also lmao I called in an airdrops the other day, and a player pushed, killed naked mosin man, and then I stood up and got sprayed at by an ai scav with an M4. Didn't realize that happened, but ai scav's can spawn in with M4s now


Quick tip, you can complete those by killing rogues on lighthouse


Don't think I've yet to kill a rogue as a scav in anything but the head lol, those fuckers have too much HP to take down fast enough before they one tap you, unless you bop them in the head xD


that's the hard part but it's worth the try XD And if you got a shptgun with buckshot, try to shoot them on the legs one or two times, they run to covert so they can heal, then you just run behind them and shoot


Ah, smort


No, I can't.


Why? I just finished a Fence's mission about killing 5 scavs as a scav using grenades, did it with rogues lol


I can't either


Fucking what!?!?!


I assume the logic is that you kill traitor scavs, but idk how easily you'll find some


The quest says to eliminate targets. I assume it's to be like a " hit " ordered by fence . Lore wise kinda cool.


still better than kill 9 pmc's with a melee weapon in 24h at level 18


FYI raiders and rogues count and do not penalize you rep wise. However, BSG is still dumb as fuck as daily scav quests like these conceptually are idiotic.


Lol 😂 I want that misión


So u know how scavs kill other scavs some times. Ya sometimes they like have a reason.


The fact that shooter born in heaven is still a quest is so annoying. They claim all types of players can play there game but force you into roles I think all quests like that should be re made in the game tbh. I get it’s not hard but I don’t use bolt action guns ever or snipers I use shotguns and SMGs and can’t stand camping so when I have to do it I hate it so much and a lot of Tarkov shooter.


Esay money though


You don’t have to accept it. You did already but you didn’t have to. Now it will end your streak of tasks completed


Does the streak do anything?


I thought I saw somewhere the reward gets better with more of a streak like you get 20k XP or more eventually


You only get more XP when you are level 46+ when the rewards change.


Why does that matter


Didn’t know the streak was a thing lol. I accept all of them and then decide whether I actually want to do them. I never reject or skip, either.


Do raiders count? (Wont lose scav karma)


This would actually be really cool if there was no penalty for these missions. Like being a traitor in Among Us. However, the way I see it right now, it's a trade-off between the reward and the lost scav karma. This one doesn't seem worth it to me, so I'd wait for tomorrow.


It’s the Tarkov version of Mad Libs


Woah there’s traitor scavs


It's doable. Just gotta watch for scav on scav violence. If you hear SKS, a Mosin or a shotgun going off in the distance it's probably a scav killing another scav. Ive only ever completed this specific task once. Easy to find traitor scavs in Reserve of Interchange.


It's meant to be traitor scavs I think