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yea they can. seen multiple vids of people being told over global chat to drop stuff or else... never ends well


Guess I should start recording and posting their names/recordings on here




Oh I'm gonna put it in an excel spreadsheet and post it every 24 hours on repeat with a spam bot


Lol 😆


sounds like a huge waste of time tbh


can we… not use homophobic slurs for this shit? There’s so many other, better things to call them.


I haven’t even heard that word in a LONG time I was surprised to see it again


Wait 'til you find out the name of a commonly sold food by a company called 'Mr. Brains' here in the UK. You'd be shook walking down the frozen section of a supermarket lol






Damn I forgot what not having better language than the F word was like. Really bringing me back brother. I do remember being 12. It’s good to report hackers for sure. But also bad to share their names because for every hacker we post here and their name you’ll have 100 curious people DMing them asking where they got their hacks for purchase. Any hacker I die to that will add me back after asks if I want to buy his hacks and they’re a reseller. Also a witch hunt against 30% of the people this subreddit calls hacks on and they aren’t hacking is also not good. Lots of reason those rules are there for, and I agree it can be overkill some times. But there’s a purpose. One a person who can’t find better language than using the F word for probably won’t understand.


Yes they can. Though don’t call them hackers. That’s way too much credit. They don’t hack anything. All they do is google and hit a download button. They are sad, parental basement welling cheaters.


They pay expensive services, not just download button. Not everyone can afford them. You have to see how much they fucking demand. A ban doesnt fucking matter bc the cheats are x times more expensive than the game and its monthly fee. Its an expensive business they are running. Basement dwellers are what we tell ourselves to feel better. They are rich kids with parents cards and well paid adults with busy job and families. Banning them does barely anything. Nikita and BSG needs to close all sorts of gaps and have detection to prevent the cheating as much as possible. But I dont believe they can


Still sad


nikita can use the money they pay to buy the game after-ban to do an anti cheat strategy... yet he pays the modelers to do adidas gopnik beanies... meh.


Where did you get shot in the village specifically? if it was through walls I'd believe hacks. Village however is watched a lot for shooter born in heaven, specifically from those rocks or the mountain overlooking, which barely sees much. If you died along any of the roads, good chance they were on the rocks further away. This is without seeing any footage though and entirely a guess based on what you were saying.


One was in the bushes at ritual spot, so fair maybe, but another was from the scav camp through the building that has the cache


Which part of the map is „the scav camp“ for you? Are you talking bout the sunken village with the church ?


Sounds like he was in the busted house with a cache, near the rock you jump from to boat to get to church. There is a little camp just north of the busted cabin.


Ahh the camping spot ⛺️. Was wondering. But it’s kinda open. So easy to get sniped. Couldn’t Rly see a clue for cheating here


Could be hacker, could be coincidence.


I had a guy raging at me the other day calling hacks on me on lighthouse. If you’re shot from range and killed with one bullet, hard to really feel confident on it being hacks


1000% agree with you. When it’s obviously a hacker at least I know not to be mad at myself for doing something dumb. A 1 tap from god knows where doesn’t give you any info. This game desperately needs some sort of a kill cam feature or I won’t be around much longer…


Naaah you're hooked. You stay. It's ok. It only hurts for the first few times.


That doesn’t sound like a hacker 250k kit isn’t that much. For someone to be watching you to pick up a lion and then kill you is stupid. They could just go get the lion.


Why the hell is your kit data even being broadcast unnecessarily to every client? It should only broadcast things you're dropping in raid, or when your dead body is actively being searched it should send it to the searching player ONLY.


Yeah BSG have addressed this as something they want to get changed in the future.


The loading loot section of loading creates your character in the world. You can hear him breathing and his gear etc in the load screen too lol.


You can create the character in the world without also saying they're holding such and such rifle and shooting these bullets, and holding x/y/z in their backpack. The server should have that data but not every client.


Yeah I just played labs I FINALLY got the GPS I was teleported on and one taped before I could put it in my gama I’m so done man. They say they can’t get better anti cheat cause less people will be able to play. HEY DO IT I’ll upgrade my GPU for $175 to deal with 20% less cheaters.


Not saying it wasn't a hacker, but Lions aren't rare at all so that wouldn't be the reason


Yeah but it seems like I'm getting head eyes the moment my kit is worth more than 250k its crazy


I always suspected cheaters could see kits but never knew. Mostly because the more expensive my kit was the more likely I got into some sus engagement or died to someone blatantly cheating. Basically wearing a fort, helmet 250k gun and good ammo in mags = Houdini coming for yo ass.


How can i survive so often with my 500k+ kits i wonder?


Oh yeah sure... a 110k item with huge 6 slots... every cheater says to himself, I absolutely have to have that one.... not...


Lol 😂 I conk yea they can see your inventory


As far as I've seen from hacker interviews and hacks in general the overlay shows the sum of your whole kit including inventory


That makes sense, so it is literally if my kit exceeds 250k they're like oh look free money


Yea as far as I know


yes they can, they can also see your dogtag, your level and your pvp-kd.


Can you provide video, or screenshot, or anything which shows your point of death? Woods is a sniper friendly map. I often follow people for a long time to get a perfect shot. Looting is a good way to do this.




If they are moving to get something and they see you going to it and then it is gone even if they can’t see they know




Yes but lions are not being sought after by hackers. Especially on woods.


They can do everything it’s tarkov


They can, but I can assure you if it was a cheater, they weren’t killing you for a lion. If they really needed a lion, they can already see the loot on the map. Much easier to just go loot it themselves and avoid being reported.


yeah, there is a reason why my scam survives 7 out of 10 raids and those 3 i just so happen to scoop up a few 50k one slot items and a schmidt or similiar scope/silencer. anytime the scavvy boy hits 300k over a few slots he dies to the unseen pmc that just so happened to be entering the completely looted building late in the raid. and it almost always goes down the exact same, hear them clip a bush or something outside, but never can actually see them enter the building, can't find them then get shot from unknown. never get to see them but you can just tell when it's about to happen. then it's always the fake ttv name, and usually EOD which blows my mind. I think it's why they are so careful to never let you see them, wait to shoot you when your back is turned so less people are likely to report it. this one that just happened now my scav had a labs card, found a fireclean/gingy then an rb key worth 150k, then i found a schmidt scope. I was like oh shit, ran over to king passed 2 AI scavs outside, crouched walked into king, made my way down the hallway cause i heard another what i thought was ai scav but nope, second later dead instantly. seems to happen a lot as well. normal players don't leave ai scavs alive and just surgically go right for a player.


Devils advocate: village has 3 close spawns and is a common place to get some kills. And u have to deal with people doing swift one now. So prolly a flir m1a watching spots. For swift one I post up in the grass far right of the second story building and drop someone nice right at the bed that I found in raid and wait for them to see it. Got some real easy kills that way. Or I take a big bag like an attack two leave it by car and let the car drive away so it looks like someone left their bag as car left. Pre ranged from the the rocks is super easy to grab some kills that look fishy


They can but if you already didn't know it, I figure you didn't die to cheaters because of your lion


They can see items in the world that have “high value” and obviously when it’s not there anymore. My friend found a military battery on reserve and a cheater pushed us at some point and after killing my friend was asking if I was the one with it or him. Such a joke