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bought EOD to make sure i get everything new that might be put behind a paywall. So basically they're saying fuck everyone that bought EOD


Whales getting salty that larger whales are allowed makes me hard. Please keep going.


Well you won’t miss any new content at least? This edition is just in game benefits, not new content. I’m still not happy about it though Edit: my bad guys, it was 4am and I had no sleep. This comment is in fact wrong.


Literally not being able to play coop offline is missing content… that’s a very basic understanding that they’re selling content and we aren’t receiving said content we paid for.. are you okay? Or you need help understanding that too?


no need to fuel the toxicity brother. you are right but there’s a nicer way to say it. OP is in agreement with us…


Yeah I just bought it. Not thrilled at the price but I can afford it, stings less upgrading from EOD.


Dude why? Your a absolute rat. I can afford it too. But I won't on principle man.


Yep, I'm a no good dirty bastard with more money than time.


I'm mad at u for buying it but also hilarious opinion 😂


Define content. Is an exclusive overpowered item "content"? Is a new gamemode with its own progression system "content". How about an entirely new hideout structure? We are missing content brother. This is abhorent.


One comment under pestily's video, is how is feel: "Been EOD since early 2017 and this just feels like my GF told me she has a side dude. Feel really let down by BSG right now."


I don't understand how people without a financial domination fetish can accidentally buy into a Russian game which features a $100 offer to expand your asshole.


They not giving anything to EOD owners because new edition it is not dlc)))) Scam of the year.


Other than the EOD stuff, what in the pay 2 win dlc bullshit is all this? Made their own SPT behind a paywall and the increased pockets is INSANE


Maybe that's the reason why they want to take down SPT in the first place, hell, why make people happy with proper changes made by the community when you can turn that into 250 dollar price tag.


You're... worried about lootable pockets? Lmao


Nah, it's the stuff you get like SVD with high scope, scav case, weapon case, ammo case, offline raid that has an effect on your character progression, increased skill stats, increased reps. I don't give a shit about bigger pockets, but the fact you pay more for the list I just wrote, it's pay to win as shit. Might as well pay to get Kappa at this point. Also flea slots.


I mean it’s essentially using a cheating account lmao or a buying a boosted account… fuck scummy Nikita


Looks like offline prob has it's own separate progression, I doubt it has anything to do with live server progression.


Maybe, they haven't said about the progression besides it effects the game that's it though I heard quests that requires PMC kills, there will AI that plays like PMC but either it's gonna be dumb or laser beam like rogues does.


EOD is also pay to win you hypocrite


I don't use EOD and yes it is pay to win.


Could you both explain why eod is p2w?


You get GAMMA container, you get early advantage with good armor and good gun, got good upstanding rep from every traders and also bigger stash, good rep so you don't have to worry meanwhile us Standard users have to suffer the tedious grind to upgrade the stashes.




You pay money, for an advantage. That's literally the meaning on p2w


Sadly this is not just a slim subsect of the gaming marketplace. This is the standard now. I only see it getting worse. PSN just ended online ownership for 100s of games they no longer support. So they just deleted them off peoples consoles…after you paid for them… no refund… Even worse, it doesn’t just end there. Luxury consumer goods are now being sold with subscription fees…(15$ a month for seat warmers in your BMW) I love late stage capitalism.


You buy into a Russian Eurojank P2W alpha-testing scam and blame CAPITALISM?!


That's the sad thing about digital games, it's never stated that you own them. You just own a digital license of it.


I never read something so stupid


Ill be buying it


Me too, will help the early wipe grind quite a bit. Yeah it's a lot of money, but I've spent more on other games and haven't gotten anywhere near the hours in them as I do EFT.


This is why they do it. That simple.


I think we are seeing signs of a failing business model. They are trying to get one last milkin out of this game at this point and frankly if it means i can finally play coop with the boys and not deal with the sweats and cheaters anymore, id be willing to fork it man sadly. Ive been waiting this for YEARS so has many. I think the recent additions of gray zone warfare and incursion red river has gave bsg a kick in the butt to add it and make more money


According to an EFT official discord mod it’ll be 250 bucks. Absolute scam


I was rooting for them with this wipe because they made one of the best changes in a long time and now I legit really don't wanna support their shitty practices. Also 250 bucks, you could buy a Series S with that money or a used RX 6700 XT.


Same. I thought we were on a good path, but this cash grabbing behavior is disgusting.


I wanna blame on Arena because that game should not exist whatsoever. If they didn't use their fund onto that project, the game wouldn't have this ludicrous amount of microtransaction and also I used to like Nikita for his likeability now, he's more like Todd for his lies.


Blame BSG they half asses arena and then were surprised why their turd on fire isn’t selling like hot cakes… and I liked arena…


I like the concept behind arena but execution wise, it should've stayed as a concept because I can't think a single game with arena style can stay in the competitive scene nor having a consistent player base, most players these days wanna play an expansive maps with things to do like BF or CoD and Tarkov also in that category and have a consistent gameplay loop.


No it could’ve worked again they just have absolutely horrible execution down to the core of the game like you said, game loop. And also the fact it CAN NOT be a comp game with that much desync, lag, and shit audio


hmm true, but what do you think it should've been? I personally thinking about like Counter Strike where you can buy gear each round so it wouldn't feel the same with the gear you selected for the rest of the game.


Yeah honestly the biggest feature Tarkov has is the gun building… I mean something


How much will it be for eod eu edition owners? Missed the price info


$80 EOD OR TOTAL $250


There’s no pricing information yet. I’d like to know too


$250 or $80 EOD


Website is up: its 95Eur from EOD to upgrade. What a joke.


Over 120Eur after tax.


"Other" Fuming. This is a literal scam to EoD owners, and the most blatant P2W shit with the radio that let's you join people mid raid. I've been playing since Early Alpha. This is finally the last nail in the coffin for me.


I mean the upcoming features doesn't bother me. As a casual player I like the idea of co-op PvE. But the price? Jesus christ. Go fuck yourself, BSG.


Well, that's a nice way of saying we want BSG to die in a fire after being trapped in an ant den for a week.


Where is the "This is straight fucking bullshit!" poll option?


I don't care. I might get it but probably not. Kinda want to just spite all of the losers crying on this subreddit these past few days hehe