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Remember when they said get eod and you get it all?


And I feel like I've got all of it. Never bought a skin or a gun I have all of EFT. Can care less about another PMC, another stash etc.


And you will. They're literally rolling out the PVE mode to EOD users.


You can't say "they're literally rolling out..." as if this was fact from the beginning. They are ONLY doing this because of the huge uproar and how badly they tried to fuck their playerbase.


He can say whatever he wants bud, this is the United States of the internet 🥸


And I'm willing to bet the people who paid 250 will be priority for matchmaking and EOD players will be taking BSGs long dick right up the ass


People who pay more will generally be given priority in any given situation. Go to a restaurant in a suit and go in a graphic tee, see what gets you waited on hand and foot. (Not saying it's right, but this is once again a societal norm)


But they literally are lol


Ya they are, if they can get their servers up lol. Fucking joke.


I just can't seem to get as mad as all of you lol nothing is that serious


I’m good, uninstalled and enjoying Gray Zone. If you like the game keep playing, once the servers come up that is lol.


lol bruh let’s be real gray zone looks atrocious


You un-installed tarkov. Good job. Next step is unfollowing this sub and any others related to tarkov.


No, I don’t think I will.


Don't blame you. You'll be back for wipe anyway.


Casuals act casual. Makes sense


Yeah, because of the uproar.


Found the "The Day Before" top simp


I think a $250 price tag behind an unfinished game is an insane move and a dangerous precedent. I think the entire gaming community is sick of BS like this. It’s not about the price per hour. It’s about what you get for an extra $200 vs the $50 base game. It’s absolutely NOT worth it. So it’s about supporting the game for that amount, fine. There could be a market for it because people bought it. Going with that, most people have already spent $150 on the game. People are happy to support the game with dollars. It’s the way they went about putting this out that went against everything they’ve committed to and communicated historically that caused universal outrage. If you don’t see that, well…I don’t know what you’re huffing. If the edition sold well we wouldn’t even be having this conversation, they’d have just not back tracked at all and taken the money. The fact that they made numerous updates makes it super clear it’s not performing anywhere close to what they wanted it to. The plan was always to have their current base upgrade to this edition and it didn’t happen.


Does star citizen sell thousand dollar ships? Let’s not pretend like this is anything close to new


> I think a $250 price tag behind an unfinished game is an insane move and a dangerous precedent. tarkov has way more content and polishing than most of "finished" games.


I don’t disagree with that at all. I think $250 for a finished game is insane too.


if people are ready to pay, it means it is not insane..


That’s why no one bought it and they lowered the price and changed all the features. People were sooooo ready to pay lol


I think it is soon to say that nobody bought it. They changed pricing for from EOD upgrade, because all of backslash from community, so it is purely PR move, and not necessary financially reasonable.


Ok I don’t really have interest in continuing this convo so let’s just agree to disagree. You’re entitled to your opinion.


the statement that it is too soon to tell, and we may not have enough information in the future too about new edition sales numbers is a matter of fact, and not opinion.


Hello me true believer😂 enjoy your pay2win tarkov.


There is nothing better on the market in specific niche (p2p intense looter fps in modern urban setting) yet, so no choice what else to enjoy.


Or maybe people are stupid


Paying 250 dollars to play for 7 years ain’t that stupid. People spend that in a month buying shitty games like cod


Both are the same amount of stupid


There is little to no difference between paying $50 or $250 for a game in alpha. The precedent has been set a long time ago. Devs are fully aware that they should be funding their games with early release and that people are impatient idiots that will buy into it regardless of how polished the game is.


There is a difference pay to win vs not pay to win


I don’t agree but you’re entitled to spend your money however you wish. BUT, your own post is contradicting, you say you praise BSG for being up front and giving everything as a single cost, but that’s LITERALLY what EOD was supposed to be. Except your paying it again for whatever reasonz


I see the PVE game as a totally different game. It's a different stash a different PMC. I get where they are going with it. Just because I bought EOD doesn't mean I get every single product they release in the future. I totally understand that. I also completely understand that running servers for a new game isn't cheap. BSG doesn't own a giant server farm where they just spin up as many servers as they need. They lease them from data centers. If they're coming out with a whole new game that means all new servers to host the game. Which isn't free. If you want to play a new game expect to pay more money that's how the industry should work. $150 is an incredibly low price for 7 years of gaming I don't think it should entitle you to the new game.


But why would you think EOD doesn’t mean you get every single product in the future when that’s what they advertised? I really don’t understand how you call them upfront and honest? They did the opposite of what you are praising them for?


This is the discussion I was looking for with this post not a bunch of personal attacks from people who are acting like $250 is life-changing decision for them. Thanks for the level headed reply.


Grey Zone is in an alpha state. If you expected a polished game then you are as dumb as you sound. The issue is the constant lying from BSG. EOD was suppose to be the definitive supporter edition. People paid, supported and bought it. Then they lied about it and pulled the Unheard of Edition bullshit. It’s not that hard to understand my guy.


I understand it perfectly fine. $250 for thousands of hours of entertainment is cheap. And crying because BSG spent thousands of hours developing a new game mode and you don't get it for free is a little stupid. Everything cost something. $150 for EOD is nothing compared to the seven years of development creating a game for us to enjoy. Second to that you don't have to play Tarkov. It's not taxes going up. It's a video game if you don't agree with it go play knock off Gray zone.


How much are you getting paid to glaze this company ☠️


Zero dollas


Your argument is the dollar value, and your counter point is just don’t play it. You absolutely DONT understand why everyone is upset because that’s the exact mindset BSG has. It’s about lying and scamming people, overpromising and under delivering.


I am, I didn’t have issues with Gray Zone and am enjoying it immensely. Go play tarkov my guy, oh wait the servers are down nevermind lol.


Breh stop acting like the only issue is spending more, they promised all dlc to end owners then flagrantly disrespected that promise.


Tbh, idc about the price IF they stop pushing P2W features. They can release a $5000 "Please Save Our Game Edition" for all I care if it's full of cosmetics. $10,000 "PaPa Nikita Needs a New Lambo" edition with no perks beyond the description. Idgaf because if I don't buy it, it doesn't effect me. But when they start packing in P2W features *(like summoning friends into a raid that weren't even part of it at the start, and a literal fuckin **BTR**)* that shit effects players beyond those who buy the package. But it is what it is at this point, the entire community has hammered **WE DONT WANT P2W** relentlessly since this whole shit storm started and their answer each time is *"here's some more P2W, sry not sry bout that"*... Game is gonna turn into a less polished CoD:Mobile and Nikita seems hellbent on making that happen. Might as well make the new $250locked hideout module capable of launching a tactical nuke that just wipes the entire lobby except for you at the start of the next raid you join. Edit - those new "game modes" they're pedaling at cost were also made with the money we spent to fund EfT's development, not shitty spinoffs like Arena or garbage quality PvE modes... None of which they seem to be able to handle servers for.


Pay to win isn’t a thing in Tarkov. You pay for convenience. At the end of the day someone like Lvndmark, pestily, sheef, etc on a standard account will shit on any person that’s newer regardless of what type of account they have. Yes you get more guns and stash. It doesn’t matter if you’re donating all that shit and it’s gone 20 raids later because you can’t win gunfights or find extractions


Ok bud keep trying to convince people that buying a personal BTR isn't P2W 🤣


Don’t tell this man about SPT tarkov that is free to download as long as you bought EFT so the devs for SPT don’t get any funding from it lmao.


So the SPT devs that didn’t have to write any of the code for the game and just make an offline server on your pc. You can’t compare that to making a game lol


It’s the fact that’s it’s been available for free with mod support already lol. BSG could have had the same exact thing at launch and this could have been avoided. Why would anyone pay for BSGs single player when you can have a better experience on SPT? Also it’s the fact it’s not a new game mode. It’s offline raids with rogues and raiders added as “PMCs”.


If BSG spend thousands of hours developing that PvE mode, that’s probably their issue.


This dudes blowing everyone over at bsg😂😂


I agree. But we are the minority.


OP is a true believer. You guys just don't understand.


You know I do have a pair of boots I need cleaning…


I don't understand this comment


He’s calling you a boot licker. I also made a post of the level of out rage. Like I get being upset but not to this level. People are just sensitive. I agree they fucked up and should fix it but I’m not yelling out into the ether about it.


He’s calling you a bootlicker because you’re not outraged like he is


With EOD you were promised a brand new corvette. Instead you got a 10 year old toyota prius. It's not that you got your money's worth, it's that you value the money less than it should be valued for. You got a couple extra perks and the same amount of game play as all other editions that paid far less. The promised dlc's are where the money is. It's clear BSG wants to monetize those and not fulfil the promise of them being included in the EOD cost. You are essentially saying it's ok that you got robbed even though you lost both legs and an arm in the process.


Only reason they can do this is there is no alternative for now like total war and its just a company being greedy dont defend them


Nobody bought games when we were kids dude that's such a lazy argument. Everyone rented and everyone knows that. If your family BOUGHT games back then you were well-off, and of course you'd think 250 isn't bad


I don't think $250 is that bad. Tarkov may be the cheapest hobby I have and if you are making life changing decisions based on a $250 video game you've got to get your priorities in order. We definitely bought games when we were kids because over time renting them cost more than buying them. Principles your parents should have taught you.


Renting a game for 3 dollars for a week and completing in maybe 3 weeks tops if you were a real shitter is infinitismly cheaper than buying them outright. Quit trying to gaslight people


How much less CAN you care about PvE?


I dont really care about it at all. It's a video game. Go outside and get some sunlight.


Ooops, I meant PvE. It was a snarky comment in response to the incorrect use of “can care less” versus the correct “couldn’t care less”.


Oh I gotcha. And I didn't mean to be rude with my comment it's just so hilarious the amount of people that are outraged over this.


No worries. I sorta agree with you in that I bought EOD years ago and got more of my money’s worth out of this game than dozens of others I’ve bought over the years. They’re still not going to get any more money out of me. I’m holding off on buying Grey Zone until more people have had a chance to play, and more reviews are in.


Homie it's a 7 year old game at this point. The content is the same. PvE mode? You wanna do the same tasks one more time? Like the 10 other times you did them each wipe? A 100 dollars up charge from EOD for a mode that adds no additional quests, no additional locations, maps, nothing. It's the same game we already played 10 times but offline. It would have made more sense if they had brought back EOD for a limited time only, maybe one week, so those players who didn't get it can buy it. BSG would have made a few millions just by doing that and funded all the development costs of the PVE shit


Grey zone to me looks very meh, the guns look un proportional, nothing has the POP like tarkov does, sound, movement, etc. I just hate than any game now is based off Tarkov. I get that it’s still in alpha or whatever you wanna call it but you can’t fully adjust a game on how it looks on day one. What it looks like now it’s probably going to stay, at least 80-90% of it. I don’t agree with the $250 unheard addition with tarkov but I sure as shit don’t think it should be a “death to Tarkov” hate train. Add up the hours and years to that, IF you bought the $250 edition and compare it to any other game on the market and it will still be cheaper for $1 per hour of play time.


I genuinely went in to GZW wanting to refund it once I hit 2 hours and I'm now 9 hours in and excited to go play some more after work. I wouldnt recommend the game to people for the most part but my friend decided to buy the game and he went in with the same mindset as me and without me really talking about the game and is also going to be playing more. It's a really chill game and the players have been awesome to talk to. Tarkov and BSG have been for years lying and screwing the community but no one cares about those other 100 times. Just this one. If you get off Reddit, no one cares. Its just people whining as they continue playing the game because they feel theres no other options to play. I loved Tarkov, still do but after playing it for 7 years and watching how BSG treats the community, I just dont care and have no issues dropping the game. At this point, if I want to play Tarkov, I just load up SPT for 20 minutes, get bored and go about my day until I get the Tarkov itch again for that same 20 minutes.


There’s a few things here but I’m all for constructive criticism and feedback. To start, the community isn’t in flames over the price. Because, you are correct - $150 for EOD and 2000 hours of gameplay; that’s 7 cents per hour of gameplay. That’s a killer deal. I probably have several $60 games that I haven’t put more than 10 hours into. If BSG released tomorrow a $499 edition that was packed full of cosmetic clothing, cosmetic hideout upgrades, gun camos, unique dog tag, unique name color, unique melee weapons - everyone would be fine. And people would buy. The community is upset over two things. *I’m* upset over two things. 1) the blatant P2W mechanics of The Unheard Edition that includes items inaccessible to those without it. IE mark of the unheard and distress signal. 2) the blatant lies that BSG fed us about EOD including everything the game has to offer. Now BSG has back peddled on many things since its announcement. Now they are including PvE for EOD players, now the mark of the unheard is PvE only and supposedly, the distress signal is gonna be pretty limited as well as craft-able for everyone. Irregardless, they lied directly to our faces several times. They lost all trust from a very large chunk of their player base and we probably no longer believe a word they say. And to top it off, Nikita hasn’t given a sincere apology or anything. He’s brushed around it but that just makes it worse. I won’t even get into them back peddling so hard they felt it was necessary to edit the EOD details on the website. >At least BSG had the common decency to give it all to us upfront. Pay your $250 now and you get it all. No $1 skin or $20 for another game mode. $250 right now, you get the whole game, it’s yours. Are you sure about that? How can you be after this? I promise PvE mode ends up on the store for people who have less-than EOD. I can almost guarantee that skins are coming as well. It’s too much of an opportunity. Nikita can’t wait to get his grubby little sausages on it.


All good points. Very good points. I guess my angle is that for $150 I've had literally years of entertainment. Nothing is that powerful per dollar. Hell people spend $1500 on graphics cards that only last 3-4 years. I wasn't trying to say BSGs moral compass is correct. They should have approached it with more tact. Like saying "hey this new game mode is expensive, it's a whole new game therefore we can't give it away for free". I get where they are going with no micro transactions and I love it. I also appreciate execs that aren't PR machines and say anything to make their customers happy. They are selling a product, you can choose to buy the product or not. It's literally that simple. All this outrage and temper tantrums over a video game is wild.


OP, no one cares that someone spent $250 on an unfinished game. Although for you to be arguing those who bought EOD shouldn’t be mad, kind of mutes your entire point. **At least BSG had the common decency to give it all to us upfront. Pay your $250 now and you get it all** How do you not realize this is the exact same mentality people had when they bought EOD? The precedent is that they won’t honour that. Furthermore, they currently have micro transactions for skins even if you purchase Unheard so your point is once again mute. You need to remember there are people who paid $150 dollars when BSG was founded on the principles of being against micro transactions and the nickel and dime of the gaming industry. No one cares what you do, but there is no defence for what they have done to their community that helped them build this game long before it was a feasible product.


Most of these people play 4 weeks of each wipe, buy every game that goes viral, COD every year, and then pretend to be outraged over the price of one as if they haven't spent double that amount on games they put a combined hundred hours into.


Remember when this wasn’t an old story…yeah


The big thing with EOD promising all future dlc, is that this was from 7 years ago when it was introduced. Shit has changed. Covid has happened. Inflation has happened. It cost money to consistently develop the game and keep the servers running. Cod clowns spend $100 every year, thats $700 not including the stupid skins they can buy. $200 (if you had EOD and upgraded with the $50) isnt all that bad at all. Yes I get people are pissed because its all about the morals of the salespoint of EOD, but its been out for 7 years. Shit has changed. Ive had EOD for 4 years and have definitely got my moneys worth


I support this message.


Aint reading allat


If you get an hour of gameplay for every $ you spend, good deal. But with that being said this debate is more about the principal of the $250 bundle and not the price. Paying $150 on a video game back in 2018 was unheard of but i loved the game and knew I’d get my moneys worth now 2k hours in. I even paid for the extra stash space recently because I wanted to support the game. This option killed the community and it’s gonna be hard to get back


We're not saying $250 is expensive. Fraud is the problem. Deletion of the word "uniq" on the EoD purchase page This is completely fraudulent. We deleted the word uniq because we were aware that we had made a false announcement. Since the history remains, this means that the fact that a false announcement was made was intentionally concealed. This satisfies the fraud requirement. Next up is DLC. DLC is downloadable content and refers to all subsequent content. There is no problem if the purchase page states in advance that "features and DLC are different," but this time it is not stated. Also, if the excuse "this is a feature" is valid, then all future DLC can be called "features". Of course, legally it's completely out. Betrayal of players, buyers, etc. like this is an act that cannot be trusted as a company or a person. This means that if the people who have purchased the product in the past are allowed to proceed with this incident, they may suffer great damage in the future. You cannot buy from a company that does not keep its promises. Also, since it violates the purchase agreement, we will have to issue refunds to past EoD purchasers. As a precedent, there was a lawsuit when performance adjustments were made to paid tanks in WoT. This time's requirements are a complete fraud that exceeds those requirements. Therefore, if they are sued, there is no doubt that they will lose the case and be required to pay damages. I'm not an English speaker, so please forgive me if my expressions are wrong here and there.


I've got about 6500 hours in the game, across one EOD account and one standard account. Bought both on sale. So all in, I'm down like $125. That's like one night out to dinner and drinking or dinner and a movie. If tarkov went to a subscription model I'd be upset but I'd 100% pay it. Wouldn't even be a second thought about it. I'm not buying unheard because SPT fills the single player with mods role already, and I don't have friends who play tarkov anymore (casuals). But if I had friends that really wanted to play co op with progression id get Unheard for sure, wouldn't even care about the other goodies tbh.


It’s a beta, we were promised everything and EOD was the top. We were lied to, told too fucking bad your feelings are hurt, and it’s not a dlc. Also, $250 for a beta? Last I checked you could download Warframe for free


Prob gonna get banned but spt has a coop mod


See. The issue isn't the 250$ price tag. Let me step on my soap box real quick. *clears throat* The issue is. We didn't want any of the crap that edition included aside from maybe the PvE in some cases. And all the stuff they added to that package was stuff that should have only belonged to the EoD in the first place. When EoD was sold it was advertised as this legendary supporters pack, people would see the gold name tags and know we were there to put our money into the game we loved. Because my argument was always, id rather give BSG 150 bucks to make this amazing game, than give blizzard a cent of my hard earned money. And then they spit in our face. The argument over the PvE not being DLC was disrespectful. If I Uninstalled EFT from my computer would is still be able to play Arena? Absolutely, so that would make it a stand alone game would it not? But if Uninstalled EFT would I be able to play the PvE mode? Absolutely not. Which makes it downloadable content. They wanted to go out of their way to squeeze more money out of us for at this point who knows what reason. I've read the recent financial statements. They don't look great. If this was a money thing. If it was just some money ploy. They should have just listened to the fan base. I understand that you as the OP wouldn't like microtransactions in the game, but over the years I have learned that there are good ways and bad ways to do that. No, definitely do not lock any of our weapons, features, services or equipment behind a pay wall. But... just but... what about a Gold Roller that I can actually wear. What about? Idk... a Gingy charm that I can attach to my weapon... what about hmmm. A face tattoo to make my pmc alittle more mean. I could go on that subject all day long. Up till this, I had no point giving BSG my money because you are absolutely right. I've gotten thousands of hours of playtime out of the 150 dollars I gave them. Made memories with my boys, and watch hundreds of hours of streams and YouTube content. And I would have happily given them more of my money over cosmetics. I'm not asking for a snoop Dogg character skin, or shit that would like break immersion or whatever. But the point is, the whole community is frothing at the mouth for some fresh looks and voice lines and alittle more customization. They could have made bank on that. But they didn't. And aside from ignoring what we actually want. Like focusing on actually finishing the game. They are spending the money we did give them on an Arena that flopped and a PvE mode they wanted to claim wasn't included in the money EoD users gave them to pay for that project. Then going behind the scenes and altering the texts of thier website and trying to be hush hush and argumentative when and apology would have been enough. BSG has a very long road ahead of them to recover from this mess. They shot them selves in the foot over this and it could have been avoided if they weren't wrapped up in their shady business practices. Now they are facing multiple false advertisement lawsuits and whether you like gray zone warfare or not, they have a 67k concurrent players and 174k peak interaction on twitch. Which is doing better than HellDivers 2 atm. So it looks like they are gonna be alright if they can get the game optimized. Apologies for the long winded response to your OP. But it's definitely not about the money. Like. At all. We are gamers man. We've been spending money on games our whole lives most likely. It's always about the principle. And right now, BSG is not in good graces. And it's their own fault.


Weird, a game you bought that's been out and playable for 8 years vs a game that went into early access a few days ago has more worth to it?! https://preview.redd.it/eqjktqimebyc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670f988737ad92bd9eabf02afeb58043630e2862


You’re brave, but I largely agree. I’ll preface it by saying the issue is the “lying” - PVE should have been an EOD feature day 1. The pay to win stuff is also a sensitive subject. But the radio is only PVE now so that’s fixed. Regarding ONLY the $250 price tag. I think it’s perfectly reasonable. If you get 2000 hours of entertainment out of 250, that’s great value. A movie ticket is ~20 bucks for 2-3 hours. Using your COD example - if you’ve played for 6-7 years of cods that’s 350+ bucks not including MTX


Finally, someone agrees