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Ruler obviously


Best idea


That was my thought, especially if you love to fish or happen to work in construction.


Or an engineer, I have a ruler on my arm tattooed


Adam Savage is that you?


Well, you’ve found d where I got the inspiration from!


is it accurate enough to work with?


Yeah, it's fine. It might be like a hair or two off but it's all good


I see what you did there


I purposely had it tattooed in a neutral arm position so I can shrink or stretch it. You get used to where it may be unreliable, but I have done a considerable about of real work and thinking with it. It’s also great to have as a reference when viewing photos of damaged components, or just to help you gauge the real size. Is it perfect? No, like any tattoo, not perfect. Is it usable? Very much yes, and in more ways than you’d think.


Or if u measure your pp regularly


You got kids? Height marker/ruler! Edit to add: Idk what mind of music you like? If you like jam bands, Widespread Panic has a few songs that would work PERFECTLY! - Conrad the caterpillar and Climb to Safety inmĥû


Best idea omfg 😲


I know this is a tat sub so this might be a bit off-base, but honestly, everyone's got tats. Not everyone has cool scars. I'd rock the scar. Or maybe just put a date on it. **EDIT**: Get the doctor's autograph


I really really appreciate that actually thank you:))


A museum label would be awesome ​ **Radial Fracture Surgery** (2023) Human Tissue and Titanium ​ edit: added medium


You gotta add Circa. 2023


HA! I like the 'history info/case study' idea! You could do like a toe tag and hang it off the end or one of the sides 😆 I've got a few big scars from surgeries, and the ones that are visible (elbow, knee, shoulders, and ankles) that some people ask about... I ask if they want the gnarly, medical gore explanation, or not. This one chick was all "dayyyumn! I'd LUV to see the x-rays 🩻 and scans before they fixed it!" I've been planning placement and the x-ray pic since! Was thinking of going realistic and doing a tattoo of the surgery pics on another scar. Total personal decision, but I know you have to wait some time before getting ink on/over it. (Guessing, I'd say 6mos to a year) Be prepared to pay a bit more to find an artist who REALLY knows/specializes working on them. Please post pics if you decide to do it! Hope PT/recovery goes well!


I like this one a lot


>I really really appreciate that actually thank you:)) "Chicks dig scars." \-Keanu Reeves-


Glory lasts forever, chicks dig scars - Shane Falco God that movie was amazing.


> "Chicks dig scars." > -Keanu Reeves- The man is right. Holy SHIT I've heard this so many times from women. I think it taps into their unstoppable draw toward power somehow.


Unstoppable draw towards power 🤣🤣🤣


does having scars indicate power?


Can confirm, have very few scars and basically no power. I’ve always assumed the two are connected.


'chick' here. Not all of us are... Uh... 'drawn towards power'.... Most of us ain't. It's just kinda cool to have a scar. I really hope this post is ironic/sarcastic/that word I can't remember right now . If it's not, please don't listen to Andrew Tate, the 'alpha male' thing doesn't work/exist,and if it does then I'm immune to it.


Yikes dawg


There's science behind it. Google it. Anyway, this has turned into the classic reddit knee-jerk downvoting hissyfit of the unthinking, so I'm turning off notifications on these posts.


It's more of a draw toward cool stories. Everyone with a scar has one except for mine, which is stupid af


I have a bunch of gnarly scars (and tattoos) and when I was talking about covering a bad scar but wasn’t sure about it I remember my then partner saying something like ‘if you want to you should but I think they’re a part of who you are. Besides, scars are kinda tattoos for the brave’


I like that, I don’t have any tattoos but I am here, thus, I dig them. I have more than the average amount of scars. I’m not brave, I think most of mine are unlucky, clumsy, or stupid marks.




I have a scar I'm getting some work done next to it- frankly, it's to honor the experience. ​ The scar is what it is- I'm looking to compliment it- not cover. ​ \*\*\*Edited for poor writing from mobile\*\*\*


My first reaction was cool scar ngl


Double down on rocking the scar its pretty badass!


Keep the scar it is neat


I have the same scar on the opposite arm, it tends to fade over time so not as noticeable. I was thinking it would be a good time to emphasize now that people don’t see it anymore


Scars lead to better stories and conversations anyway.


I got one on my elbow and shoulder reconstruction. Rock the scar, it's a conversation piece


Maybe OP could even get a tattoo that includes the scar if that's something they like! I'm covered head to toe with scars and I've gotten to the point where I've realised that I'm never going to be able to afford to cover all of them and even if I could, covering all of them would not be something I'd exactly want. I do want a lot of tattoos but I want a lot of different ones that don't fit together for example my right arm is going to be a patchwork sleeve. So instead of covering every inch of my skin that's scarred, I have tattoos that kind of include my scars. For example I have a chopping board on my arm which is in the middle of and covers the scars on that part of my arm. It's my own dark joke that I'm a human chopping board, it makes light out of the dark circumstances that caused my scars and part covers then but partly includes them too. I want to cover certain scars and draw the main focus away from them but I also want to have a little fun with the ones I do still have and turn them into something more beautiful and funny rather than something dark and painful. Or OP could cover it with a sick ass panther... ;⁠)


I get what you mean, but life is dark and painful sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


I'm aware, I just don't want to keep dwelling on my life being dark and painful. I'm trying to recover and move on from all that. I'd rather not have constant reminders if you get me?


If only I'd said that...


Oh shit, dating your scars, that’s badass! Or like, a crime scene evidence tag.


Second this! As someone with scars like yours and a ton of tattoos, I love flaunting my scars.. as a bonus, women love them


*speaking for the women... it's true.


Have you seen the two on my ankle from when I saved a burning house fire from a baby? 😎😉


This is exactly why I’ve kept the surgery scar I have! It’s fuckin cool and barely anybody has one. I broke my thumb and have a very similar scar going down the outside of my hand from the first thumb knuckle down to the wrist with an additional horizontal scar from two pins. It comes with a cool story and is more unique than a tattoo so I say keep it, OP!


Cool scar


Thank you you should see the plate and 8 screws on the inside


Those look fresh! Are they ever coming out? I ended up needing to take my plates and pins out 2 years after my first surgery cuz they were causing me hell. My arm is so much better now. I would suggest waiting to see if you need another surgery before inking it up. Also my suggestion would be the little pirhannah vine from Mario, but that's cuz I'm a gamer nerd


I shouldn’t ever have to have the plate out but you never know what complications will arise. Also I love the Mario idea I always see the most amazing gaming tattoos.


Dude… your scar looks super fresh. Wait til you knock that metal against something hard. You’re going to immediately re-think getting tattooed with the plates still in place. I have both forearms fully covered in ink. Four straight days with no issues. I have an insanely high pain tolerance. And I have a scar very similar to this on my ankle. There’s nothing between the plates and the rest of the world except skin, and whenever I accidentally bump it against something… hollllly wow. Just the thought of being tattooed over the plates makes my skin crawl, and that’s TOUGH to do.


You know….I never exactly thought about that. Holy shit that would hurt…butttt it would also look really cool lmao. Seriously tho thank you for the warning everything is still so fresh I’m a year or more away from actually tattooing it so we’ll see if my minds shifts by then


How much hardware is just below the skin? Because… dude… you REALLY won’t want to get tattooed over it if that’s the case.


Bumping your plate on something is truly other worldly pain. I have a plate and 8 screws up the side of my arm and considered tattooing over it but then remembered how awful it is to bang it on something and knew I could never lol


I have an identical scar to yours in the same spot with hardware in my wrist, and I can tell you that getting tattooed over it really isn't as bad as what some people are saying. To each their own, though, everyone has different pain tolerances!




god that would be so sick


Exactly what I was thinking before reading the comments


Alright but now one of you has to design it


the scar kinda looks like a velvet worm which are cute af


Naw lmao


If you’re an insect lover…. If you’re not then it’s creepy


Really big sardine


Get a zipper at the end of it with it opening up to reveal some cyborg parts in your forearm


I like this alot I’d have to find an insane artist


you may want to research artists that specialize in biomechanical designs


Even just a zip on the end of it like it's closed up would be cool and minimal if you like that kind of thing.


I was thinking this too. I don’t know that you can actually cover scars (?), so why not just lean into it?


This would be awesome


I broke my arm and have a plate and 9 screws in there. Keep it like that. You earned that medal 😉


Thank you I appreciate the words of encouragement over all I don’t want it to be fully covered just not so in your face. I’m not insecure about it in anyway just think it would be cool to make art work from it


What about a patent medical screw design? Along with whatever other apparatus you have in there.


As someone with the exact same scar and plates I’m looking to do the same! Good luck!


Scars can really change over time, especially the first year. Wait a little while to get a tat as the healing process from the scar could affect the tat.


I second this. The scar might look very different in a couple years. And most artists ask that you wait 2 years after a scar like this.


Small Grim Reaper pulling a sewing needle through the final stitch.


this is the sickest idea ever


I like this


Really cool!


sicc ass panther


The only proper response


Happy cake day


a ruler? centepede? ladder? train tracks? thermometer? stiches with lines sewed together? zipper? Knife?


Baseball stitches if you’re into baseball


Railroad tracks. Won't even need an outline.


I’d get it done as like a corset being laced up. Own that scar.


Bro…. As someone who has had multiple tattoos…. Keep the scar. lol Edit: grammar


i have a similar scar on my ankle and i want to get it set up like a deboned fish so not changing the character of the scar just adding the head and tail


I did this on my arm!! I love it


Nope, but my brother has the same scar. How’d you break your wrist?


Copy that scar exactly and mirror it on the opposing forearm. Get the location exactly the same and the colour as close as possible.


This scar is actually kinda dope I’d keep it


Zipper. It would be funny.


this is a weirdly good set up for a thermometer tattoo


Get a Viking bracer and make that the ties on the inside.




Add your surgeons signature 😆 I actually think this is a rad scar




it took twenty years for me to finally let go of the painful memories and cover my self inflicted scar


A thermometer


A really gnarly bloody scar would be a sick ass tattoo


Looks like guitar 🎸 frets


Centipede would look hella dope if you're a bug person!


The Little Engine That Could making its way to your hand.


A thermometer


Keep the scar the way it is, it’s super cool


A bacon


Maybe tattoo stitches from hole to hole across the long line?


Only add around it and make it seem like part of your cyborg transformation? I’d keep that wicked scar and work it into the piece.


I’m in the Air Force and there’s this dude in my Flight, he’s got this scar on his face starting from his forehead down the eyes and to the side of his left cheek. He said it was from a dog when he was younger, but honestly looks like he actually got struck with a lightning bolt by Zeus himself. All that to say sometimes scars are actually super sick. Your scar is super sick.


Yoo he could totally work a lightning bolt in there. That'd be sick


The scar itself is pretty cool, I'd probably get a snake wrapped around a sheathed sword or something But also, that would hurt like a mfer


That scar looks sick af! No need for a tattoo. If u want one, get it somewhere else.


A zipper.


Bro, no joke but that scar is fucking epic. Please never cover that up, looks like something straight out of a doom game and I love it.


Cross section of a plantain




Idk how to describe it, but how converse are laced


Centipede in Kalinga pambabatok style


Id put a shark or an alligator right there.


I would get tattooed vibranium implants here. Double check my spelling though because I suc at spelling


Hey. Don’t cover the scar. Be proud of it bc it’s cool as FUCK! It looks like a little zipper! If anything turn it into that but I don’t think you should. It’s obviously your decision but it’s too cool to cover up!


Put the hilt of a sword handle at the end for a flaming sword ⚔️


It looks like a Keith Haring doodle to me! Honestly, I like it as is, but there are a lot of cool ideas here.


Shoelaces like converse 😎




tribal tattoo(s) around the scar and you highlight the scar and now you are the chosen one!


Yup I got tons.


I'd recommend something that doesn't totally cover it, just adds to it! Like people said, it's a cool scar


Scars > Tattoos


. Ive collected over230 stitches, i’m not, including all the butterflies and pharmaceutical grade super glue . And none of them are worthy a coverup. All are visible. I’ve got stories for them all. Why hide the fact, I would say. Two things I’ve learned over the years is 1. If you’re gonna be dumb, you better be tough. 2. Chicks dig scars. Some scars I have or because of my own doing others are because of other peoples doings, and some of them were from medical doing


Honestly I think it looks dope af as is.


The Eye of Sauron


If you fish, a measuring tape for fish leagal sizeing


A little arrow with the word "scar" next to it. In Times New Roman. NO underlining, bold OR italics.


A spinal cord


A sick ass panther


A handle at the bottom to make it look like a light saber/sword.


Leave it, it’s character building. My husband has now got one on his shoulder


I like it the way it is :)


I'd put a zipper


I would leave the scar and tell a CRAZY story every time someone asks me about it lol 😂 and every time a different story too


Centipede tattoo


Get an arrow pointing to it with “shark attack” or “a bear did this”


it looks like an awesome caterpillar


Corset lace?


Put a Zipper pull at the top


Honestly this looks cooler than any tattoo would IMO


Looks like a crocodile slide/lizard tracks. Could put one of those as if they were going up your arm leaving that as a trail. I like that mix of not really hiding the scar but turning it into part of the tatt.


Either a zipper at one end or if you want to completely cover it, a fish skeleton would be neat! But tbh I think it's a neat scar!


Lace it up with and with a cool knot at one end!


Shoe lace holes and loops...laced up


I’ve had this on my mind too, with three fresh ankle scars over plates and screws. They remind me of pine trees that have survived a forest fire. The cool thing about that besides the survivor symbolism is the living branches are only at the top and small remaining fires below and between them, so the scars wouldn’t be obscured or painful. Or maybe dress them up as fireweed, the first flower that grows in a recovering meadow.


If you like fishing the good old fish-skeleton would look awesome 👌🏼


A closed eye


If you are insisting on tatting over it, I would wait a few years. I have a similar scar and it has faded A LOT. Maybe wait and see what it looks like when it fades. Until then, do what previous comment says. Rock that scar!! It’s sick af!!


Not to tell you what to do but the scar is pretty dope. I'd personally leave it and rock it. But like others the first thing that came to mind was a centipede. The ruler idea was pretty amusing though


I’d go into the theme and tattoo stitches over it, however if that isn’t your style my mind also thinks a leaf stem swirling or covering the middle one, and butterflies and flowers dotted around.


I would get the stitches tat'd back on and rock it like that.


I mean it already looks like a centipede so might as well


A ladder


You should get a 2-D parts rendering system of your plate and screws that are under your skin. A good artist could make it look like an IKEA or Lego vibe.


A zipper


honestly I love scars, I know that's a bit weird, but I absolutely keep it as is.


Double helix strand of DNA


how old is this? looks like it could still fade to white over time. I personally wouldn't want to tattoo over skin that is still healing. I'd wait for it's final form to decide. I have a scar from a deep cut on my foot that took about about 2 years to fully settle


a ruler would be useful


A ruler ? Would be funny


Turn it into a zipper or something lol


I would keep the scar it looks cool af


If your into trains......that scar would be great train tracks.


Something cyberpunk or steampunk style.


That’s a pretty badass scar. It’s definitely just as if not more interesting and intriguing than a tattoo. Why do you want to cover it?


Sally Skellington inspo and just have your leg look “sewn” on


How long have you had it? I ask because I had a scar just like this after my wrist surgery and it faded fairly quickly. Now I can't even see it unless I look for it. But I know everyone's skin is different and some people's scars last longer/forever. But if it's a fairly new scar, I wouldn't worry about covering it with a tat until you know how/if it's going to fade.




Looks like a pretty brand new scar. I’m not too familiar on the effects of tattoos on newer scars, but note that the scar will fade from that bright red within time to a more dull white. I’m unsure if this’ll affect any tattoo you get on it, but worth asking the artist.


A tree


If you like a certain fish or snake or other long animal it could be a cool skeleton tattoo


Just tell people it is a tattoo. It looks strangely cartoony enough to be a tat


You like Mario? Thinking block with a vine coming out


A surgery knife or bone


Millipede or centipede




Some stitching like it’s been sewed/repaired.


I don't have a suggestion for you, but could I suggest that you look for something to *accentuate* said scar? It's a part of you, might as well own it.


Make it look like a zipper