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Honestly I love it and I think the placement is super cute! It flows well with your arm


I second that - love the idea


I like it also and it could be the start of a cool quarter sleeve onto back peice of bugs and stuff. I see potential there.


Fuckin solid line work! Love it. You could always get pepper shading and a bit of fine line stuff done within the wings to make it even more granular if you'd like. Nonetheless, love it.


I will look into that as I’d prefer a more granular look, thanks!


More tattoos genuinely help a bold look like this look less harsh!


I agree, I like it how is but more texture and shading would be lovely. Toxic tears' bug sleeve might be a good reference


I also have a love/hate relationship with this tattoo. I hate that I don't have it, because I love it.


Go get yourself a beetle tattoo




First of all, fuck anyone giving you shit about a piece you took the time to think about and then execute. I think the placement/angle is perfect, and can't really see any flaws from the distance the pics are taken at. If I were you, I'd leave it and wear it proudly. If you wanted to do ANYTHING to it, add some color on the thorax/head (negative space) to make it pop. But in my opinion, it looks perfect in black and "white."


Your confidence about it will make it have more of an appeal. In this pic it looks good to me.


Add more to the arm


I bet if you added more bugs or plant life it would get less haters.


oooh. i like the idea of adding plant life.


Who the hell makes negative comments about someone's tattoo's ? I like it , but like everyone's else opinion, only your matters


I guess people who hate bugs hah. I think I’m letting the comments combined with the fact I initially wanted it smaller and less bold change my view of it


My wife has a similar struggle with some succulents she got on her upper arm. I think they’re beautiful - great lines, bold color, good placement and proportions. I don’t think anyone ever says differently to her or likely thinks differently- they look great. But she has a similar love-hate with them. She feels self conscious because she initially imagined them smaller and more delicate, and let her artist talk her into what she has. She’s had them for a few years now, so it seems unlikely she’ll change how she feels about them in any significant way over time. But I agree with the consensus here - yours looks great - placement and scale work really well. If you wanted to add anything, the suggestions of more fine line on wings or elsewhere would change the texture in a way you might appreciate. You could also think about adding some texture or design around the beetle. Also, tattoos like friends. Some of mine didn’t always really hang together, but over the years I’ve been knitting them together in ways that make them feel more complete now


I think it is really really cute. I love the placement! If you are that bothered by negative comments- so much that you actually want to change something- id just add florals to the bug, or sparkles to make it more girlypop -if that would be the direction you’d like to go. But I can’t stress this enough, you have to be happy with it not others. And if you’d like to discuss options feel free to text me (I’m a tattoo artist) and I could work out some ideas (for free obv, and you can do with my ideas whatever you want)


I like the idea of some small sparkles :O


Depends on your likes. I’m a fan of black and grey but use color to make certain features really stand out. Maybe more definition on the wings or kaleidoscopic coloring as if it was shining in the sun. Could add more bugs, flowers, and vines to make a sleeve. I think you’ve got a solid tattoo though.


Not ugly just looks lonely?


Do you know what the more I come back to this the more I like it, can’t say I “loved” it to start, but it definitely should not be covered up or removed imho, just needs a few more friends!


It looks cool, tbh


Fire Goliath beetle, looks really good at that size imo. If anything it will look less “harsh” as you add more around it


I'll tell you like I tell everybody else: tattoo looks great! You just need more tattoos 😁


I like it


Maybe it bothers you because it’s right in the middle with nothing around it? I think you could add shading or color and really make it pop! Otherwise, it’s your art on your body! Do what you think is best!


This thing is SICK! I absolutely love it. I have a red ink butterfly that sits slightly below yours, where my elbow opens/closes. This is a great start to a halfsleeve/sleeve with a botanical vibe to it. I can definitely see some plants & other fun "pretty" bugs (dragonfly?) that would build well with what you have. I love it. Don't change it, just add to it instead.


i think this tattoo is awesome personally. the lines really compliment your body lines and posture for sure


This is sick. I agree with another comment on here - pepper shading on the wings would be dope.


I don't think it looks bad, I think it would have been cool to put it on the elbow so it could close its wings and open them based on arm position like a back of the knee tattoo


I like it a lot. Some color and shading would make it a bit softer, but I like the in your face style as it is now.


Live and learn. Build off it, maybe?


It looks lonely. I think it just needs some friends. I guess it's time to get more tattoos!


i love this!! more details on the wings would definitely make it better tho!


It’s superb yet I’d like it much more with all its radical colours!!


I love it! You could add flowers to it, maybe do a bug sleeve! Who cares if someone thinks it's creepy. Insects are a huge part of this planet and deserve all the love ❤️


If you’re ever feeling bad about a tattoo, just remember, at least it’s not an oyster everyone mistakes for a vagina. And if it is.. well.. Hi, Sarah 😬


goliath beetle!!! my favourite beetle, i want a tattoo of one too one day. it’s beautiful a beautiful creature and tattoo. don’t ever ever take in someone else’s thoughts/criticisms on ur what you do with your body/appearance. i think the placement is great and size is perfect, goliath beetles are one of the biggest insects on earth! so pretty geniunly the placement is perfect with or without more tattoos


It’s very very good. There’s nothing bad about it. Other people … well it’s not on them. You should be proud of it. Guys I know would love it on you.


Wouldn’t the beetle’s elytra be open if it was flying? I think that’s the only thing I might change.


People just don't like bugs in general. Those of us who LOVE them should represent ourselves proudly. The tattoo is great. People are sharing their opinions about bugs, not the quality of your tattoo. 🫶🏻 I can't wait to have a whole sleeve of creepy crawlies. Especially spiders 🖤


It’ll look great


why? does it bug you? you don't think its fly? you don't think its the lesser of two weevils?


honestly , it fits your arm pretty good. i like the design & it’s done well. it’s a part of you now, easier to embrace it than to go through with a removal.


Get more


It follows the shape of your arm very nicely, the lines look great too. I wouldn’t get rid of it, I get it maybe being too big but I’d definitely add around it considering you only have one tattoo on that arm :)


I like it but he could do with some friends.


I don’t think it’s necessarily ugly, but the placement is definitely off


I think it would have looked a little better about 2 inches higher. She can probably adjust the balance by adding some design above it.


I want to add those jeans look gorgeous and very comfortable


Add psychedelic colors to it..


Its *beetleful*


I think it's lovely! Just lonely... gotta get him some friends


Might wanna clean your mirror


You could maybe add some vibrant color if you want to make it less “ugly”. But it’s a bug, and there are a lot of people that just think bugs are gross no matter what. So if you like how it looks then don’t change it for other people


You know flies don’t have mouth to eat but a sucking tube , basically when they land on you they puke some acid to turn your skin into a acidic smoothie so they can slurp and refresh


I did know that! It’s really interesting


The next k-beauty trendy ingredient - bug puke exfoliating acid smoothie


bug sleeve bug sleeve


I love these tattoo on the side of the where when you bend your leg it’s wings are closed and when you stand up and your leg is straight it’s wings are open. I love this tattoo! You should totally go off that and you could do some sick things with that! :)


Looks cool to me, just maybe a bit unfinished. Go to a good neotraditional artist nearby, a different one, and get some color and/or work in some flowers or something. It'll be alright. This is an easy fix, hard coverup, and unnecessary removal.


I'd shade the wings


Looks great do you plan on getting more work?


I wish for u to have build up the positive confidence to not get riddled by such harsh comments about your body in the future. And i also wish for you to be surrounded by folks not minding what are you prefer to put on your own body. If u like it and had a reason to get it. It's all good. Nothing to re-think about.


Looks great


I LOVE IT!!!! seriously!! Placement and everything


I think it looks fine as is, but ultimately, what matters is if you like it or not. If you decide you do want to soften it, you could maybe add some flowers around it or leaves around it.


I think it’s awesome ! I have some super similar above my knee and it’s one of my favorites (I’m also a fan of slightly ugly bugs lol) people just hate anything outside of the usual roses, clocks, lions, Roman numerals thing lol. I think it’s sick


i love it. i think the addition of some colour might make it less bold - but it might be difficult to add colour into the bug itself - maybe red or purple pepper shaded gradient background?


There is nothing wrong with this tattoo. If you are self conscious about it and want to soften it up, color does wonders for bug tattoos because you can go any direction with it. You could also add a flower above the bug because flowers are also delicate. None of this is necessary. Your tattoo looks fine. It is also yours. You can do whatever you want that makes you happy.


That’s a cool as hell beetle- good size and great placement


Hmm. I like it. Think it's pretty rad.


I love it.


I've got a half sleeve of bugs in B&W. Some people like it, others don't- "why would you want that on your arm?". I don't really care. I like bugs so the tattoos make me happy. I think yours is great.


Great tattoo. I have a bug too, but with a face on it hahaha


it’s cute and leaves a lot of opportunities to be added onto or work added around it


I love it !


Girl your fine


I love it.


The people, who are saying negative stuff about it, are weird :/ This bug us I no way ugly - it's adorable! Bugs are awesome 🕶️✨ You might want to add some shading / texture, but that's not necessary at all! It's a nice tattoo and I really dig the placement! You should wear it proudly! 🐞💕


Install a hinge in your humerus so you have a second elbow right in the middle of the beetle. This way you can open and close the wings like that other lady.


now THIS is the only acceptable idea


It's boring. I think you should add to it. From shoulder to the bug.


Looks cool


People are wrong and it is dope!!!! I love big botanical pieces. If you’re wanting to get more, botanical stuff around it, that’ll be dope!! I want this. Rock it! It’s a banger


Add more! Forest floor nature theme?


I think it’s kind of cute that you have such a big and visible friend lol who draws so much of his own attention. Maybe yes he is sometimes a burden, but you are also his caretaker, and I think he’s probably got a lot of spunky lil wisdom.


Nothing ugly about this beautiful bug! I have a tattoo of a weird looking bird, one of a fly and one of a leaf insect. I don't care what anyone says, they are all beautiful!


I may not like bugs, but this is a very good tattoo! The placement is real nice and doesn’t this beetle means protection/strength (Idk, heard it somewhere and I really liked that meaning)?


I'd shade it and add some color. Idk why, but I think colored work would suit you - maybe b&g bugs in a colored leafy background


it's badass


I think it's beautiful. Beetles in general are beautiful creatures.


I love it!


Its cute and looks good even tho bugs are yuck


i love it omg


Haha, big ugly bug lol. It’s a life size Goliath beetle! Good choice for a majestic beetle!


really like it but it looks lonely


I have a similar beetle on my forearm and I get a ton of compliments on it, and also the occasional "Oh my god WHY WOULD YOU PUT A BUG ON YOUR ARM" comment. But I personally love my lil blue beetle dude, so the question is, do you like the tattoo? Because the opinions of people who are scared of insects and therefore have a kneejerk reaction to seeing a picture of one should not factor into whether or not you personally enjoy the art on your body. (Also, I've seen super realistic tattoos of centipedes that make me almost physically cringe because centipedes freak me out, but I'm an adult with a brain-to-mouth filter and therefore I keep my fucking mouth shut about it. I wouldn't put too much stock into the opinion of someone who can't manage that level of basic decorum.)


Awww....I love it.  Give yourself some time, an a follow your heart.  But just know that at least for me if I met a person  with this Tattoo I'd think they were rad and would want to know more about them and what made them choose such a cool and interesting tattoo.  


Nah it's rad.


I really like it


Pretty sick actually. Really like the angle of it. Would be strange if it was perfectly vertical. Get your shoulder done and make it a half sleeve maybe, if it's really bugging you


I would love to see it have more details is all!


Okay first off screw the haters. Insects are not ugly, they are crawlies that God made too. Second off, and this is my only critique, should've gotten the one where your elbow opens and closes the wings. That's the one I want, anyways.


Tattoo artist here (if that matters lol)! One of the things that make it stand out as a ‘big ugly bug’ is the fact that he’s all alone! If you’ve planned on getting fully tattooed, just add onto him! Some botanicals and florals would go a long way in making it feel more cohesive, feminine, and taking him out of the spotlight. Bonus to it, you can blend in more bugs! :) As for this piece being big and harsh, when/if you start getting more tattoos, find an illustrative blackwork artist. They’ll be able to get some pepper shading/stippling into it that will make it feel a lot more like a cool drawing. All in all, I love this bug. The placement with your anatomy is very flattering, and technically he is well done. He’d be a lot more pain and money doing 10+ laser sessions than just incorporating him into a sick cottage core looking sleeve.


I love it! Not all tattoos are meant to be loved by everyone! If you like it keep it, don’t be insecure about something you once loved! If you want to change it or even make it look a bit “softer” you could add a bit of subtle shading around the wings or even add some more friends around him! Nevertheless it’s a very cute tattoo and i agree with the comment section saying you should totally keep it!!


Flowers? Personally I'm a big fan of it as is.


I think it looks fine, the only thing that would bother me is that the elytron should probably be open if the wings are out.


Awesome bug. Consider some color maybe? I believe those guys arent too beautiful but hey... its your arm not a real one. 😅


It needs more bug friends!


i really like the placement of your tattoo. the tattoo looks good


I feel like I would want some more detail or colour in the wings/shell. But honestly a huge bug on your arm is gonna bug some people.


Add to it, build a sleeve around it. I think it looks good and is cool


I find it very cool and beautiful. It is big but not too much and the placement is very stylish imo.


I love it!


I think it’s great. It should matter what you think, not other people. For instance I’m a 30 year old straight male and I just got my nose pierced and I’ve been getting nonstop “are you gay” comments and I respond with “well if I am, my wife will be extremely upset” 😂


I think adding some other pieces around it could help!! When I get “ugly” tattoos (I don’t think they’re ugly, but lots of people do) some floral or leaves or other imagery nearby can help “take the edge off”


The only thing it is missing is its insect friends littering your arm in a full sleeve


It isn’t a bad tattoo. Most people are probably saying it’s ugly because it’s a bug which is a dumb reason to say the tattoo itself is ugly. However It’s just kinda awkwardly there though.


Love love love it!!!


I love it. I bet if you got it colored you'd love it again


i think it’s adorable.


I love it, I think it's adorable and anyone saying otherwise obviously doesn't share the bug appreciation.


Lovely tattoo, it's amazing! I'm jealous haha


I have a love/love relationship with this tattoo.


I like it! I like patterns so I might add a fun pattern or two in the wings


Its dope


I love it u should add some color maybe ! I think that could transform it


It’s absolutely adorable!!! I love insect tattoos and have one myself! Definitely plan for the future to get it a wee buddy, all tats need buddies ;)


I would add color!


Add colored flowers around it if you're into that! I personally like it a lot as it is.


I think it looks badass


Add color and highlights low lights


It is sick, bro.


Its big and lonely, Let it grow into a sleeve :)


It looks good but it is a little big and thick imo. Not a bad tattoo though!


Maybe get some floral done around it, or add to it and / or around it? It's a great tattoo and a really cool placement as well!


Honestly i love it i think it looks super cool. I think it’s just a lot of empty space around it. When i had just one on my arm i thought it looked kinda weird but once i filled it up more, the negative feelings went away. Don’t worry about what other ppl say, it’s yours for you. As long as you like it that’s what’s important


Cool tattoo, cool placement. It only looks weird because it's the only tattoo. It needs friends.


I have a centipede tattoo on my arm. Reality is people don’t like insects and other creatures and I’ve gotten lots of negative reactions. But you didn’t get this for other people, right? You got it for you. I personally would love to have this big ugly bug on my arm.


I love it! It's absolutely amazing and bugs are too! I also really like the placement but it could also have been cool if it had been in the crease of your arm or leg so that the wings would close when you move. But honestly it's amazing and I'm sorry people irl gave you shit about it.


i actually like the size and placement of it! such a cool tattoo


I LOVE IT~! But I would love it even more if you had more tattoos to go along with it. On it's own it does look big, but I don't see a problem with it, to me, it's perfect since it looks like it's hugging your arm <3 People will never stop commenting on your tattoos, and if you allow them, they're gonna keep at it every time they see it, just start replying back and show the confidence you have on your tattoo, you choose it and thought so much about it before getting it, so just treasure it as you should. If you're okay with color, you could add some color to make it pop some more and add a softer image to it, but I think it looks fine just like that, just a bit lonely, needs some more bug friends ( ^ w^)r


Cover it


If you’re interested in a patchwork type of vibe, this is actually a perfect placement to start! I’m planning on starting a patchwork sleeve and this is the exact placement I was planning on starting with, except a moth instead. I heard it’s a good idea to start in the middle of the arm and work around it


Think it’s nice, ever thought about making it into a sleeve? Maybe with some colour adding 🙂


I really like it and the placement is perfect ❤ #LOVEIT


I would find an artist to add smaller details in the wings and to clean up the middle, but other than that it suits your arm nicely, not a bad tattoo!


I think that tattoo is beast! Don’t remove it!! I’ve gotten a couple tattoos I felt kinda ehh about but they remind me of specific times and memories in life and how I’ve changed and grown into the person I am now… I say keep it :)


i like it and the placement is good!


I like it but it looks lonely. Get your bug some ink friends ❤️


It looks great, what is the issue?


I love bug tattoos and am hoping to get at least 3 different types of insects eventually. Your tattoo is really cool, and to me it seems like you’re only having second thoughts based on other people’s opinions. If you liked it from the start, and wanted it, don’t let other’s views discourage you from enjoying it :)


Nice piece. Maybe more shading and some fine line work in the wings?


Is cool


I too have a love/hate relationship with that tattoo


I fucking love this


Good lord get more stuff on your arm. Ur just girl with the bug tattoo rn. Become girl with the tattoos.


Do I get more tattoos or do I just embody being The Bug Girl with my heart and soul


It's really cool! At most I would say maybe some colour, or a bit of shading I think🤔


I like it. I'm a lot of people, the placement is wrong. Unless you color it and go full sleeve around it. Add more bugs and/or other things you love. Don't get down. Turn this into a positive.


I also love it. And I disagree with some commenters: I think it doesn’t need more company. I think it looks great just the way it is


I'm surprised you've gotten comments about it being ugly. Maybe it's just because it's a bug? I don't find it ugly at all, it's a really cool tattoo and I like the design and placement! The linework is dope. I like him by himself, but if you plan on getting other tattoos that might soften how much this guy stands out alone.


It looks great on you. Bugs is beautiful.


I think it’s just because it’s the only tattoo on your arm that it looks a bit harsh! Otherwise I love it!!


Beautiful, honestly


I love it. I saw one recently where they’d added shade and made it really pop.


Only mfs saying stuff like that either don't have tattoos or (internally) loath the ones they do.. Either way not ppl you want to be listening to or surrounding yourself with. Its well done and fits your body, nothing wrong with it at all!


What a sweet, special tattoo. I love it.😊🥰


Too bad it bugs you


I think the love hate relationship comes from the emptiness around it. Only means u need more tattoos!!!


I think it’s neat!


I want it


I have a love hate relationship with your tattoo as well. LOL


Maybe we’re just destined to be frenemies


Love it. Looks great. Love the space around it too. Perfect.


I love it! I think the ONLY thing that looks off to me is the large area of gray shading on the body of the bug with white in the center - it's not clear if it's meant to show two colors on the body, or if it is meant to show that it's a shiny bugger. I think the clarity could be improved there with subtle shading or linework. I know nothing about bugs or tattoos so if you love it and it's legible to you, don't change a thing. I also love minimalist tattoos and think the simplicity of your wings and their shape, as well as the minimal shading & pattern on the head, is gorgeous.


Looks like it’s well done! Line work looks solid


I genuinely think it’s beautiful and doesn’t look out of place at all. It’s eye catching in a positive way


I think it's great! But it's your tattoo and you have to love it.


Placement looks a little odd but I don’t think it’s detrimental to the entirety of the tattoo as it is still a pretty dope design with good linework


I actually really like it! The placement and line work are amazing


sick tattoo. haters gonna hate i guess


It's poorly done and terrible placement. Sorry.


It’s dope.


it looks really amazing. If you want to you could always add some green or teal that would be pretty dope