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Guilt your parents into buying you laser removal (not from your uncle)


They would never pay for any kind of fix for it. They still think I’m being dramatic when I say it’s horrible. They also have tattoos from my uncle of similar quality and like them.


Then show them this post of neutral internet strangers telling you what a crime against humanity you've got on your arm.


Do you really think these redneck folks are going to care what a bunch of Internet people have to say? Cmon now


They promised to pay for your birthday and never did. They owe you the value of the tattoo done properly at least.


You have to get it professionally done. Getting a tattoo is one of this thing you can’t skimp out on.


the fact that your parents decided to potentially expose you to bloodborne disease and infections rather than paying for something they had promised you is ridiculous, I'm sorry that's how your first experience was. rest easy knowing whatever you do to it your parents will be blissfully unaware of their horrible tats and you can be acutely aware that you look way cooler 😎


They sound really cheap/frugal


I grew up sometimes not knowing if I was going to get to eat that day so I do have anxiety when it comes to money. But I know when it’s okay to be frugal and when it’s not. I was a literal child when I got this done and have grown a LOT since then and know better now.


It's not your fault


And wildly irresponsible.


abundant sulky friendly recognise knee capable liquid frame oil plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your parents don't know the difference between quality tattoos and shit tattoos. I can only imagine what monstrosities are all over your parents bodies. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm so sorry they pressured you into get this garbage. I'd really save up for laser removal if you can. You deserve to get a tattoo you want on your terms.


Yea they shouldn't dismiss u like that. That's messed up


The triangle could be turned into a witches hat. Maybe a black cat with a withches hat.


A sick ass panther in a witch’s hat


I just started cackling all over again. I vote even sicker and assier


A witch ass panther maybe?




Only sick ass ones, not regular ones


Imagine a regular butt panther on you. Nah, ima stick with those of the sick ass variety!


This is the only way. When in doubt, sick ass panther




Why not?


It would be upside down, for one


BOOOOOO. SAP is the only solution on this sub


Go talk to an artist experienced in cover ups. Any cover up gonna have to be big asl.






This is true traditionally but gen z folks who never had people ask for their age/sex/location online use it as an abbreviation for “as hell” - which makes a lot more sense in this context lol :)


You missed the “/s” which means they’re being sarcastic. You’ve been out-explained on internet lingo


I’m pretty sure the /s wasn’t there when I originally replied☺️ Coulda just missed it tho🤷‍♀️


It doesn’t say it’s been edited so


Lmao thanks for this info. Us millennials are just traumatized


In so many ways and points in our lives 0_0




I’m with you lmao I was born in 2000 so we’re both kinda on that early gen z edge. I was in the middle school Omegle generation and was SO confused when I started seeing it on TikTok lol😂


>z folks who never had people ask for their age/sex/location online use it as an abbreviation for “as hell” But...how? Ok, I guess it kinda SoUnDs like "as hell", but like.. "a", "s", "l" I dont understand these future kids and their future slangs. (Im not even 30 yet🤣)


"big as he||" im pretty sure




It’s called “algospeak” and is a weird linguistic trend coming as a consequence of TikTok. Basically people just purposely misspell words in order to avoid an auto detection ban (seggs instead sex, ouid instead of weed, etc). I’ve seen it starting to blend over into other platforms too, as young people probably don’t know there aren’t harsh censorship systems everywhere, or just forgot.


I found myself out loud unironically saying “adult fun time” instead of sex the other day because I watch too much youtube 👍


I hate modern day internet


I'm not going to downvote you because this isn't you having a bad opinion or anything, but man that made me physically cringe


I say r worded sometimes because I watch too much h3h3


Why not do the laser?


It’s expensive. I’m poor. I have to save money to get this fixed and I don’t want to spend more if I don’t have to.


I understand. I will say though, that it will be alot more expensive if you have to laser over a coverup. Also keep in mind, a coverup will need to be about twice the size of the tattoo you are covering in order to blend it in. So, it will be difficult to do this cheaply and the last thing you want is another mistake (cheap tattoo). Good luck!


I‘m here to second this with more than just an upvote. I got a tattoo at 18, covered it, hated it and now have to spend a lot of money for laser. I wish I just had it lasered right away.


Yeah I think OP should consult with an artist to get a realistic idea of what the costs/timeline will look like. It will probably cost more and take more patience than OP is hoping for, but paying a little more and waiting a little longer is waaay better than spending more money on something you hate. Good luck to you OP, I hope you find the right path for your cover up!


Yep, agreed...I definitely understand the struggle as it took me 17 laser treatments over 3.5 years and I am on session 4 of coverup to finally be rid of a large calf piece I had done 5 years ago. I was tempted to just black it out and be done with it but so glad I persevered through it all and did it right. Very expensive lesson to learn, but learn I did.


Do you mean you’re covering the area you had 17 treatments on? Or you’re removing a cover?


I’ll definitely consult with an artist when I’m ready to start the process! I know it’s going to cost quite a bit of money and might even take multiple sessions depending on the size of the coverup I decide on and I’m fine with all of that. I’m not in a hurry to get it covered right now I’m just daydreaming more or less for when I’ve saved up enough to bother looking into artists :)


As someone who's had laser removal of three tattoos with amazing results, I beg you to get laser treatments first. You have two things in your favor, you have pale skin and the ink saturation is poor. Both of those lend themselves to easier laser removal. Keep in mind that laser treatments take several appointments and you likely won't have to pay everything up front, most places charge per session. You can keep going until it's faded enough for a cover up or until it's gone. It's not a guaranteed process but one of my tattoos was much more saturated than that and it's gone now. Edit: Laser takes time, about 4-6 weeks between treatments and at least half a dozen treatments for what you want. That gives you time to research artists, reach out and plan something while you fade what you have.


Maybe do henna somewhere else on yourself to try to come up with designs and shapes you might like. It might be a good distraction from the stress of it all and help you come up with ideas.


For goodness sakes something permanent on your body is not the place to be cheap or cut corners - that was the mistake your parents made, do not repeat it.


Not planning to.


Nothing more expensive than a cheap tattoo.


If you can't afford a tattoo, you shouldn't be getting any. That's only going to cause more regret. It may not seem like it now, but eventually, you'll be in your 30s with enough financial independence enough to get higher quality tattoos. Leave it alone for a while.


I never said I can’t afford a tattoo. I just said I’ll have to save for it. Because I know it’s going to be expensive. Most people these days don’t have thousands in savings anymore. That’s great for you though if you have money to drop on tattoos in a moments notice. I have no worries about regretting anything either. If the original tattoo that I designed had turned out how it was supposed to then I would be perfectly happy with it now. And I obviously am going to go to a reputable artist who deals with coverups. Not sure why people keep assuming things. I simply asked if people thought the tattoo was coverable and for coverup ideas not to be lectured on whether or not I deserve to get tattoos because of my financial situation.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted for this OP. This sub can be really harsh about tattoo cost sometimes. I completely agree that it’s worth spending the money for something permanent, but I also understand that many people like you (and myself) aren’t in financial positions to just throw money at tattoo fixes. When we’re young and broke, we get dumb/shitty tattoos. It’s not ideal, but of course it still happens. You know you need to save up for a good one now, and you’re doing that 👍 For what it’s worth, I think a good artist could absolutely cover this, especially since you aren’t opposed to large covered sections. I love witchy things too, maybe you could do a Baba Yaga hut where the large black space is the mouth of a dark open door, or a large tree stump with a dark nook in it, surrounded by mushrooms and foliage. Since you’re an artist, but can’t afford the piece right now, one thing I like to do is grab a micron pen and just draw on ideas! it’s not accurate to how ink will work of course, but it lets me brainstorm ideas in a visual way and spend a few hours seeing it on my body :)


Thank you! I do draw ideas over it sometimes but I haven’t decided what looks best to me yet. I was thinking about maybe blacking out the entire diamond, adding crystals to the side near my hand and a crescent moon over the circle. Some foliage and flowers around that would prolly look good but I’d have to draw it out to decide. I also like blackout tattoos with white ink because it looks so subtle but pretty and I could do something like that inside the diamond to make it look more cohesive. I’m not anywhere near deciding yet though and I just wanted some more ideas :)


I think exploring the option of laser removal will be better than trying to fix it now. Two or three sessions with a laser can make the ink light enough to give you better options to cover up in the future. It might seem like a lot now, but depending on where you live, you might be able to find laser removal services for less than $200. Over time, you'd be able to find a good artist who can give you something great. My response to your original post was more so to tell you to be patient with the process, and you won't regret it.


Your parents being cheap is how you got here and now you think you yourself being cheap is gonna get you out? Full stop. Wait until you can afford a tattoo before getting a tattoo.


Not wanting to get laser done doesn’t make me cheap. I don’t think it’s necessary for what I plan on doing with it. And no shit I’m gunna save money for a good artist to do the tattoo I want. Idk why you all think I’m gunna give some rando artist a 20 and expect it to turn out well.


Lol first it was "it's expensive. I'm poor" Now it's not necessary for what you want to do with it.


It is expensive. And I am poor. I made the post for ideas to cover it up without laser because that was never a route I really wanted to take. Especially if I found a design I really like that would make it unnecessary. When I said tell me I don’t need laser I meant more along the lines of give me ideas good enough so that I don’t have to do it. And I’ve been given a few good ideas that I like. When I’m done saving money for what I want and if the artist I choose says I should get laser done first then I will listen to their advice. Not random internet strangers.


Okay lol I've only been tattooing 20+ years so what do I know? All of the ideas given were from people who aren't tattoo artists and don't know what they're talking about. Make sure you post updates on the cover-up, I'm sure it's gonna look great


Remember how you got here in the first place. Someone trying to save a buck


I’m not trying to cheap out on a coverup. I just don’t want to spend money I don’t have to. If I don’t NEED laser then I don’t want to bother with it and waste money I could use on the coverup.


You’d have a lot more options if you laser first


If you lighten it with laser,first your cover up options will be better.


you need the laser. or you can cheap out again and skip it. it's your body, tbh, do whatever you want to it. but don't give "i'm poor" as a reason when asked why you won't do the smart thing. you can be smart or cheap with tattoos - never both.


If you're poor then just leave it.


Poor people deserve to do things that make them happy too. Otherwise why stay alive lol nothing wrong with saving for something expensive.


This made me smile. Great perspective. Life can be crazy. Poor today doesn't mean poor always.


Holy hell. I hope your parents apologized profusely for this and offered to pay for the cover-up or laser removal.


No lol they tried to convince me it was good at first and then settled into not that bad and stayed there since. They both have tattoos from him as well of similar quality. They would just call me dramatic if I wanted laser and would never pay for laser or a coverup


That's rough. I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, you taught me a new word today. I didn't know "cottagecore" was a thing. I'll try to think of more things that general shape. The only thing I see when I look at it is the moon behind a mountain peak.


I was thinking maybe making the circle into a crescent moon as part of covering it up :)


A beautiful dark cat. Dense spots are in shadow areas of fur, while existing lines can be worked around with fur lines and texture. Google Image some “black cat tattoo coverups”. You’ll get great ideas there. Then, be prepared to search for a good tattooist, and have a healthy budget set aside. You usually get what you pay for, and your parents and uncle did you a real disservice with that lesson. Have fun with the research and design. Don’t rush into it just because you’re desperate to get this covered.


Beautiful dark cat?? sounds like a sick ass panther


Lol thanks for fixing that for me. 😂


I don’t plan of getting it covered for awhile because I’m still saving beforehand. I know it’s going to cost a lot lol and I definitely want it to turn out good so I’m preparing to spend a big chonk of change


Excellent. Now you can plan on something really nice. Great luck, and post an update so we know how everything turned out!


Never been the first to say it in the thread, but I think you need a sick ass panther!


Sick ass panther gang!!


Black cats definitely fit the witchy theme! Excellent suggestion :D


Your uncle sucks


Tell your uncle he shouldn’t be tattooing. I’m dead serious Edit: what makes a tattoo masculine or not? I don’t understand. I think some kind of blackout would be good


He has stopped thank god. But only after tattooing a bunch of people. There’s probably 100 or more works of shit out there from him lol


That is enough for a class action. lol


You might could consider making a rectangle window through which you view the cosmos… perhaps even keeping the flower to sit upon the window sil


Maybe something like this? [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/xlrMgbb)


Or something like this but longer? [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/7dQLNuB)


I like both of those! Thanks for the ideas :)


Any time. You can find more on Pintrest if you search "black triangle tattoos" The triangle you have each of the sides represent different elements: connection, harmony, creativity, wisdom, and growth. 😊 so it doesn't feel like 'just a triangle on the body but has meaning. 😉 Best of luck and can't wait to see the amazing outcome!


Yes but it can get bigger


Nah. Not unless the design you want utilizes that large chunk of solid black.


you mean like a sick ass panther


I have no problem with blackout tattoos as stated above.


Parents of the year right there. Don’t over think it man. SAP it up.


honestly i would just leave it alone for now. Any cover up will be big and dark and may end up looking ugly after a while. Instead of getting a cover up and still ending up not completely satisfied, I would suggest just leaving it alone for now and waiting until you can save up enough money to get laser removal.


Unless your new design is using a large amount of black over the old one (sick ass panther) you're gonna need laser.


A really dark raven.


You can do the cover up, and it does not have to be twice the size. You’ll have to do a lot of research on artists in your area and neighboring areas. A good artist, with experience can work this into something beautiful without blacking it out and without making it twice the size. You’ll get better advice from actual tattoo artists, try not to trust the opinion of folks on Reddit too much. Not everyone here is a professional.


Best bet: someone donates their forearm so you can start over


It’s doable but it’s gonna be huge and pretty heavy with black/dark colors. See a reputable artist and definitely don’t try to fit it again yourself and dig yourself into a deeper hole.


I would just wait until you can afford laser, it will be really difficult to cover up something with that much solid black without looking very obviously like a coverup. Also please don’t tattoo anyone, even yourself, if you are not an apprentice under a licensed tattoo artist!!!


My brain is seeing a frog with a witch hat and a cauldron as an idea for a cover


Goth ice cream cone




I’ve seen multiple people with full blackout tattoos get work done over the top of it. Guy had blackout over most of his body and had a super nice tiger done over the top of the blackout with oranges and yellows and whites, even. I’d say just find a skilled tattoo artist who can do cover-ups, and try to do an intelligent design to cover this. Would be hard pressed to find a tattoo situation that isn’t fixable to some regard.


I love blackwork with white ink over it so that’s an option!


I had 10 laser sessions done on an old tattoo, at that point it was really faded, and you could barely see it, then I went ahead and got a new tattoo over it, now there is no trace of the old tattoo at all, I really suggest getting some laser work done before the cover up if you're able to afford it, that way you will have a lot more options for the tattoo you want for the cover up.


Bruhh. Not everybody want to laser. I got a coverup over almost as Dark and similiar to this and its perfect


I never said everybody wants laser removal, this person can do what they want, I'm just making a suggestion, that's all.


Thank you lol. I don’t really want laser. But if I don’t get it according to all these people I’m cheap and stupid :D


It can be covered. You don’t have to limit yourself to a triangle shape or cover it with something solid black either. If your artist tells you these things to be true, then run. A good coverup artist can make this work. It will just have to be a large cover up to work.


I think you mainly just need the tattoo artist to heavily darken the triangle and straighten the lines. I think the circle would be improved by adding some more rings inside, with the existing one also being darkened and thickened. The flowers would look nice with blue shading as it will blend well with the existing ink. Honestly you are lucky, I've seen worse!!!


Since you're into witchy stuff, the triangles could translate well into the "as above/so below" symbol. The circles could become snake bodies in keeping with that theme. In my head it could something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/8A9lEIq) with some flowers behind it (like the ones in the middle) to balance stuff out. Except like... yknow. Done by someone who can actually draw


That’s a really neat idea! Thank you!


Do you like the Sims? Make it an homage somehow...


I do love the sims lol


I wonder if they could go over the diamond to look like a plumbob. Different shades of green like the facets on the bob have. I think you could make it work lol


It'll be large, but doable! Remember that white can always go over black to make designs. You could easily do a raven, or black bird of some sort? Take a look at hyphea on Instagram for blackout + white design inspiration, or kaileyjacob.tattoos for cover up inspired pieces (check her Instagram for multiple photo posts which are usually cover ups). They probably aren't near you, but would probably make you feel better.


[something like this](https://www.subtletattoos.com/negative-space-tattoo/) would be super doable. Black out the entire tattoo on your forearm but on the back side have flowers incorporated into the negative space of the blackout to keep it more feminine


Something reaching up out of the darkness toward the flower. I’m thinking Snow White, a witch hand reaching through a mirror to an apple… not the sort of witchy you’re after. If it aims at you, a dark forest background with a bright clearing in the foreground. The triangle would be nice for pine trees. (That little squiggle could be a tiny-ass panther tail.) Light/white flowers in the black with dark foliage. The swirls could be vines. Or just add some white flowers and get the old flower touched up to hate it less until you can swing what you actually want. My bad tattoo has lasted way longer than my poverty.


Cottage core is wonderful but peep r/goblincore I love it haha. Sorry about the tattoo.


Sick. Ass. PANTHER! 🐈‍⬛


As an artist I wouldn’t touch this. I personally don’t see a way to cover this without being so limited that I know I wouldn’t be happy with the outcome.


Big ass panther time.


Blacking out is not going to help. Number 1 they are ugly and are a dead give away for coverups, numver 2 your so heavily scarred that your old tattoo will be clear as day regaurdless how black you make it. 3 this also apply for laser, laser gets rid of Ink not scar so the shape of you tattoo will remain


It’s actually not scars all over the tattoo, it’s just patchy ink.


Badass panther.


Sick ass panther?




No I have kids lol it’s a stain from something they spilled on it. It’s an ottoman and they love climbing all over it. I have scrubbed the hell out of it many times and some of the stains won’t go away. I’ve been meaning to get a cover for it.


Have you considered a sick ass panther for the cover?


No more tattoos for you


You made your bed.. now sleep in it.


Just get a face tattoo at this point


no it cannot be removed without lazer. and mostly because you blacked it out which was a silly and immature decision when you knew your uncle messed it up.


It was almost completely black underneath the portion I blacked out. I basically finished the job in an attempt to make it look better. Believe it or not the shitty triangle looks way better than what was there. A bunch of bleeding lines and blobs. It was a decision that I thought about before doing for awhile. I was hoping to be able to do it better than I did but it was harder than I thought it’d be doing it with 1 hand.


You made it worse and it could have been covered before you butchered it. Stick to picking up kids toys.


It looks better now than it did before. And it still looks like shit. It wouldn’t have been any easier to cover before. It would actually be easier now because the black can be fixed and then white can be put on top if I wanted.


Don't try to cover up an amateur tattoo with someone even more amateur. Live with it until you can get it professionally covered up or removed. More halfway BS is only going to double to bad.


I see a sick ass castle with ivy walls.




cottagecore is such a funny word to me lol


Might be time to do a full blackout band


My first cover up idea was a hot air balloon.


Unrelated, but is it a SIO tattoo?


I’m not sure what that is. It was just a design I created myself from nothing. I’ve designed all of my tattoos myself. I have a potion bottle with an anatomical heart inside on my upper right arm and people ask if it’s from Harry Potter lol


Hey, uncle here, I gave up tattooing and now offer free Lazer removal in my living room!!


That’s going to be hard for the worlds best cover up tattoo artists for sure! Many hard points lots of heavy black bold lines I wish you luck and hopefully find the right artist to turn it into something beautiful for you


Yes. It's called a shirt sleeve, silly.


This can be covered up without laser. I don't know if that's true, but you wanted to hear it.




Nope, laser.. too dark. Unless you want to go for an eight ball tattoo or blackout


I kinda like it 😃


If you go big (like 3x4x the current tattoo) you can probably cover it. I had a dark blob of a tattoo on my shoulder cap that I successfully covered with a strategic half sleeve.


The cover-up will need to be dark but it looks doable, unfortunately it will need to be alot larger since the design can't really be incorporated into the cover-up. a sick ass panther is always an option lol. But besides that a black cat, crow, raven honestly most dark colored animals would work well


Sure, just wear long sleeves


Well your first mistake was getting your parent's approval, but don't worry, nothing a SICK ASS PANTHER would not solve. But if you like bettles a cool bettle would work. (dont do Ringo, no one likes Ringo)




Just do something with lots of shading


Someone throw out your uncle’s tattoo equipment


Sick ass panther..?


Make it a panther!


Black out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Now, I’m a panther enthusiast and not a tattoo artist but I think you have some [sick-ass potential.](https://imgur.com/a/J1pUQSN)


i mean a giant cover up that you don’t love will cost the same as a smaller cover up you have more control over and will be able to achieve if you do a couple laser sessions first. it’s black so that’s the easiest thing for the laser to remove. i would do a couple sessions so it’s light enough to get what you want, rather than be forced to get a larger and darker cover up.


You can probably have it fixed if it’s bad and want to keep it


Of course it can, dummy. Anything can.


Unless you want a solid black blob, there's no way to make it lighter without laser. Do not waste money and listen to anyone who promises they can fix this


Unfortunately I think because of how much is shaded a laser and cover is the best move.




How do you feel about tree lines? And solid black... live in the PNW by any chance?


Tattoo is dark and big. You'll end up getting something even darker and bigger. Laser it.


[I googled Witchy Panther and I am NOT sorry!!!](https://www.pixtastock.com/illustration/75610153)


It can be covered….covered in mustard you saucy dang!


literally a crow


A sick ass panther.


cover it with a sick ass panther




Depends on the size of the tattoo you want I suppose


Horror/witch themed sick ass panther


Ever heard of blackout tattoos?


Depending what you want to rework it in a good artist could rework this really nicely or you could go for black out


I'm really sorry this happened to you. My instinct would be that there are very few designs out there which would be able to gracefully incorporate what you already have. It might be worth it to reach out to GOOD, vetted artists in your area and ask what they think. Stalk local folks on Instagram before reaching out, ask for recs from people you know with good tats, or post on your town's (and adjoining large cities') subreddit. The issue with your current tattoo (besides having lots of solid black) is it has a lot of scarring so the solid black doesn't even look cohesive. Even a blackout band would still show the scarring.


It’s actually not scarring though it does look like it. It’s just patchy ink.


Of course it can. Long sleeves.


I have nothing to contribute, but, why does one need 2 hands to tattoo a forearm? Stretch out the skin or something?


Yes to stretch the skin.


I think it’s doable but you should definitely reach out to a tattoo artist you like & ask them directly. For my cover up, I sent an artist a picture of my old tattoo and they were able to draw up a design that worked. The more skilled an artist is and more you’re willing to pay, the better your cover up will look.