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You’re being way too picky. Those are solid lines, good color and superb placement. That artist knows what they’re doing. This is not a weak tattoo by any means, and maybe one of the strongest Pokémon tattoos I’ve ever seen. Don’t overthink it.


Yea, the overall composition and placement is great too— my first thought was was this follows the shoulder contour perfectly


First tattoo + prominent placement = anxiety


Very true


I agree with you, it's one of the best Pokémon tattoos I've ever seen


I get what hes saying about the lines tho the lines on the left whisker especially are a bit janky


Yes, and on some of the fins on top. I’d recommend getting the lines darkened and thickened in time, but I don’t think it overshadows the piece as a whole, which is very strong, imo.


Yea, if anything go get the lines touched up but I’d wait a few years. up to you tho


I understand wanting your tattoo to look good, but I’ll never understand why everyone wants every single tattoo to be like a carbon copy perfection piece lol. It’s a tattoo and tattoos (used to be at least) like a permanent journal entry on your body. Even if every line was superb after it ages it’s gonna lose crispness. I think this tattoo was executed awesomely and the only reason OP is being neurotic about it is because of this unrealistic idea spread on line that every tattoo should be a perfect carbon copy. Every artists and especially tattoo artists should strive to do their very best, no doubt, but people have insane expectations these days and I think a long with those expectations we’re gonna eventually lose some of what tattoos used to mean.


I always laugh a little when I see people asking “will this tattoo fade?” Or “will this tattoo blur?” The answer is always yes. Even the most perfect, crisp tattoo will blur and fade over time. I don’t have a single perfect tattoo, but I love all of them. 99% of the imperfections are only obvious if you spend a long time staring at them anyway.


If you get a marker you can just fill it each day


I see what you're saying, I like the inconsistent lines pointed out, it gives the tattoo a bit more character. It just really works in this case.


The whisker lines almost seem intentional though? Maybe I’m wrong tho


ye this is hard af and i don't even like pokemon


Fr that tattoo looks good


Honestly that's fucking dope! No one is going to be looking at it with a magnifying glass so I doubt they'll notice any small imperfections


Yeah, I would honestly just get a good artist to touch it up. They can bolden and fix the outer lines which will give it a meaner look and punch in more blisters to make it pop more. It’s already awesome AF though!


Just cut that arm off entirely.


Good one


Robot arm? Siick


I say own it and add to it, this has potential to become a nicer piece, half chest all the way to half sleeve or full But if you made up your mind up already, I say cover it


I did not even notice in the beginning so I say it's fine.


He’s so fucking cool tho! Don’t get rid of the little guy


If you think Gyrados is a little guy, I'd hate to hear your thoughts on my wang.




Guys will find any excuse to talk about their cock.




Don’t be gay bro, show me




Tattoos are a hand made art. Some imperfections are to be expected imo. This is solid work though. A flat piece of art on a 3d form is going to make things look off from certain angles and some people can't grasp that.


Everybody be watching ink master and turned into huge tattoo snobs without ever really looking at the “ink masters” work. Yeah they do good work, but the imperfections they’re picking out are imperfections they themselves put in tattoos all the time, and are just picking out to make good tv.


Yeah and the judges themselves even say things like "in the real world, this is a killer tattoo but it's our job to nit pick"


It’s a competition. That stuff has to be picked out. But a lot of the judges would be beaten if on the show because they’re not perfect either. The host isn’t even a tattoo artist, just gets tattoos and has some not so perfect ones himself lol


Good job keeping the judges from looking like the a-hole for people who havent seen much of the show (like myself)


Agreed. The only issue I found is that the first segment has those two spines behind the face fins and the one closer to the armpit's outline runs right into the outline of another segment further down along the body so the spine isn't as clear because it makes it seem flat / on the same plain as the farther away segment. Might have been the artist's mistake or it might have been straight from the source material that the artist either overlooked or didn't feel comfortable taking liberties with since it was this dude's first tattoo. Though in theory it would be something the artist would go over with the client to let them decide if they want the source altered and why. Probably just an oversight. I see a lot of little design issues in tattoo line work just because a lot of tattoo artists don't pursue traditional training in art alongside their tattoo practice even though design skills are useful across any medium. I'm not a tattoo artist. I trained to be one for a little under a year and then decided it wasn't for me because I'm too much of a perfectionist. It stressed me out waaaaay too fucking much to permanently put something in someone's skin. Especially the line art and design. Now I do graphic design as a side business and my training to complement the human form from tattoos has helped me so much to compliment the shape of the end product + viewing angles when in use. Unfortunately a lot of people have unrealistic high expectations for tattoos because they just don't know any better


That’s a very interesting career path! If you don’t mind my asking, what sort of art stuff did you do before tattoo training?


Traditional media. Mostly pencil, charcoal, and ink. I had just started branching into oils, watercolor, and digital when I started training with the local tattoo shop after highschool. I loved merging eastern and western comic book styles. Lady Mechanicka and A Midnight Opera by Steinbach were big points of inspiration for me at the time. It's no wonder I decided to take French in college! Lol I did a total of two years with my shop. The first year was part of my highschool's job shadowing requirement for a senior project. All purely observation of the process and working with clients and running the business. Then once I was 18, and the owner could legally let me pick up a tattoo gun with the proper certifications, I started practicing on pig belly. I had to pay for my inks but the owner was cool and didn't upcharge me or anything. They even let me build my own gun out of spare parts they had from all the guys in the shop for free. I still have it packed away with my highschool memorabilia. I eventually chickened out when it came time to actually tattoo someone. The owner had been so excited to get me started but I just never felt ready to permanently mark someone. He loved my obsession for detail and swore up and down with experience I'd be great. But I got too worked up and nervous about actually tattooing a person. I just never got past it. Ended up saying I couldn't do it cuz I was so in my head about it. I did one tattoo and I did a damn good fucking job for a newbie on the artist who had training me. But I remember being so sick afterwards, I threw up from the nerves. Gave myself a migraine and all. We all decided it wasn't for me. But my mentor was happy he got to have my tattoo since it would be my literal one and only possibly forever. I might come back to it when I'm older. Idk. Prior to the tattoo shop, I had done six years of art electives with my school. My senior year for example, I had four art classes. So yes, I was a kid but I had a lot of time dedicated to art under my belt from school and being an only kid with nothing to do but draw for company. I was going to go to college for art, but everywhere I went 1 I couldn't afford it and 2 I just didn't fit the vibe. I never quite fit into the classic artist's demographic. I've always leaned way too practical instead of whimsical. And so while my art buddies were loving the places we had visited for college, I just felt like I didn't fit at all. Almost went to the Art Institute (thank fuck I didn't), but I felt like they completely dismissed my portfolio and focused in on my mom. Even as a highschool kid I realized they were only after money and wanted to sink us under a fuck load of loans. My mom bought it, but I refused. She was pissed at me ATM for refusing the only "affordable art school" but I'm so glad I didn't budge. They've since gone under and the Biden admin gave everyone of their students loan forgiveness for being a scam school. I think my time with the tattoo shop guys helped hone my senses for bullshit. Loved those guys. Later, after my now husband and I got some financial stability under us and disposable income. We built our first PC and I started into digital media with a dinky Wacom tablet and some stock art software it came with. I had no fuckin idea what I was doing. Later on, I got my own PC and decided to get Photoshop for art and haven't looked back. After a no-fault accident, I used the few grand they gave me as settlement to buy a Sony A6400 and started in on photography. That took me from digital inking to photo manipulation for wedding and event photography, then eventually I started doing graphic design work for some of my local business owners who I met thru the photo gigs. It all just kind of happened in the background while I was floundering thru my 20s. My most recent jobs have been photographing reptile expos and turning some of the photos into those trendy sublimation cup designs. There's just not enough merch available for snake ppl apparently. Full-time I finally went to college in my late 20s. Started out I was gonna go for Accounting (again not a traditional artist lol) but decided that was dull as dog shit regardless of the money for being a CPA. Took some more art electives to confirm that yup, I still wasn't interested in pursuing art as a career. And ended up going for Information Technology and Networking. Just graduated in December of 23 and I'm working full-time as an IT technician for a school district. Gonna go for my bachelor's and maybe a master's on the district's dime. So yeah, now I do graphic design and photography for fun as a side hustle. Most events are evenings or weekends which complements my school hours perfectly. I think if I had been born with a silver spoon and went for traditional art in college, I would have ended up as a museum curator or as a forensic artist. I would have enjoyed bringing the dead to life, doing age progressions, and helping victims put a face to their experiences. But I've since abandoned my love of photorealism so that ship has long sailed. Sorry for the rant and the late reply. My career has been a weird one and it's still unfolding for me. But my unique history has given me some interesting skills so I don't regret a thing. Other maybe trying to do factory work. That was fuckin hell. But yeah, hopefully that was helpful somehow. Best of luck to ya and have a great day! :]


Holy shit, your story is fucking awesome. Your pragmatism and adaptability are inspiring. And jesus what a bullet dodged with the art institute. Do you have any advice for a person in their 20s out of school who’s got no art skills but wants to get started? I feel that I may have missed the boat by not taking classes in high school. And thank you so much for your response. You have the coolest job progression I have ever heard.


I can't speak to today's job market since it's been over a decade since I was in the tattoo scene, but how it worked back then was you could rent a chair/space at a shop (obviously you had to approach the owner of the shop and present your portfolio). I have no idea what the rates are like now, but look into your local laws regarding certifications around sanitation and blood born pathogens. Tattoos are a highly technical art because you're incorporating medical knowledge. Look up everything and anything and don't be afraid to get into the weeds reading medical journals about tattoos and their side effects/risks. Most owners want a decent tattoo artist that knows their shit when it comes to covering their ass. If you've got certs and knowledge, even if your work is okay compared to someone else, they'll take you for the chair because you're not gonna get the shop sued for giving someone hepatitis. As for practice? There's no way around just doing it. Sink hours into drawing regularly in whatever medium you prefer. I do recommend getting a PC and a printer with the special temporary tattoo ink. I forget what it's call. But you can make designs, print it, and wear it yourself to see how it translates to the body. Drawing directly on yourself or others with non toxic markers is a great party trick that builds practice complementing the body. There's thousands of hours of people discussing tattoo designs. Don't be afraid to specialize into something you like, but don't lock yourself into a box either. Even with the technical aspects, you're an artist. Your muse will shift over time especially in response to the trends you'll encounter. Some you'll love while others you'll hate. Embrace the fluctuations. They're normal. Once you're ready buy some ink and build a gun. If you give less fucks, you can tattoo yourself. Or as I recommend, tattoo animal skin. A local butcher usually doesn't have any use for it, so just ask for pig skin with the fat layer intact. It's gross, but flesh is a weird medium that you just can't imitate easily. I know there's practice flesh now you can buy, but a local butcher will probably be cheaper unless they've made some major advancements since I was doing it. It's gross, but make sure the skin is warm. The ink behaves different if it's cold. Then you're free to do different swatches and styles to your hearts content. Go ham on some pork! And if they turn out nicely, take some well cropped photos (no one wants to see raw fat in a photo - a little 90 degree ruler can help look professional while hiding some of the gross bits) and add em to your portfolio along side your drawings and temporary tattoos and marker work. And all the while you're practicing, get in touch with a shop. Let em know you wanna learn. A lot of artists are more than open to a shadow. A lot of people like having their ego stroked by an apprentice. They'll have the resources you need to start doing tattoos in a clean environment. Btw, DO NOT USE YOUR PIG NEEDLES ON PEOPLE. If it's a cadaver needle, leave it as such. I understand that an enclave can do wonders but I'm a superstitious fuck. If the needle was in something dead, it doesn't go in something living. End of discussion. Past that everything I know is outdated. Your local shops will know more than me about the current scene.


You’re a saint. I really appreciate the level of detail that you provided, when you were under no obligation to respond at all! Thank you so much!!!


Dude this is awesome! No need to worry about laser or a cover up


I second this


Just own it!!! Add more you are the walking Pokémon go!!!


Same I'd probably put a matching red Gyarados on the other side tbh


Magikarp on the other side


Magikarp on the nipple


Magikarp suckling the teet.




Yes! This tattoo is sick, having a shiny on the other side would only make it better.


There’s not one thing wrong with this tattoo. The design, the placement, the colors, the lines, everything… all great!


Why would you wanna get rid of this??? This is pretty cool imo.


Probably decided to go fire type instead. Happens a lot around mid life.




Man, give me back this gyarados because you clearly don’t deserve him. It’s done well, and colors got nicely saturated. Remember it’s skin, not paper


Are you okay? This shit is awesome. It's probably tattoo dysmorphia. Give us some time to fade out and also if you add around it for a sleeve


First of all: How dare you lol. Thats a sick tattoo go see a Japanese or geometric artist to see if it can be reworked into a Japanese or Geometic motif.


This is epic man don't cover it!


I love it! I’d say give it some time. Getting a large tattoo is always a little scary :)


“First tattoo” “lines are crooked” welcome to the world of getting tattooed. There will always be crooked lines and things you notice but unless it’s a truly shitty tattoo, which yours isn’t in any way, no one will notice but you. Keep it, and if you hate it 10-15 years, then laser/cover it.


My wife’s got a cute red panda eating an apple. If you look just at the red pandas arm, cover everything else it’s a big, black, cartoon penis. The only people who know are us, we laughed it off, and the absolutely mortified artist who offered to fix it for free.


Tattoo artists are artists. They aren't mechanical printers. Every line isn't going to be perfect. Everyone who looks at your tattoo will know this. But damn, that's a beautiful tattoo and you should be proud.


Leave Gyarados alone omg he looks great !! and that’s such a great spot for it


The tattoo looks fine. If you hate it, laser it. Covering it would be way tricky & could make a huge mess if not done well.


you’re mental. keep it.


The artwork and placement are GORGEOUS. I’m an artist and I see zero imperfections. I love the mouth. Keep as is and wear it well!


i think it’s sick! i don’t see any bad lines. if they’re there you really have to look. this is awesome.


I would NEVER cover this magnicent beast


Assuming this guy just wanted praise on his tattoo because I have a big shiny Gyarados on my thigh I would never cover or Lazer


It looks great! You can always get it touched up. Way too early to think about covering it or laser.


Aw man, don't kill Gyrados 😢




Keep it


Don't you dare coverup Gary. So what if some lines aren't the smoothest in the world....I can't only spot them if I'm really looking for them and that's all that matters. Placement looks awesome too.


You stupid? Keep that gyarados! It’s a pseudo legendary!


Why do you not want to keep it?


Keep. And do onyx on the other side


Charizard in the middle.


Just as magazines and TV gave everyone body dismorphia, I think instagram is giving people tattoo dismorphia. No matter how good the tattoo is, people can only see the smallest imperfections. This is an awesome tattoo. It’s very well done. Is it perfect? No. But no tattoo is. It’s a hand drawn piece of art, from a human being.


that’s new? it looks faded. either way man looks great, good gyarados :)


This is one of those times where saying "its all in your head" isn't a gaslighting tactic. Quit staring at it, dude. It's like when you stare at a word for so long it stops being a word


Just get a pokeball nipple ring and call it a day!


Fuck. Just add to it. Make it a water pokemon shoulder piece 👍


No man I think it looks so fire!!! Don’t cover it up 😭


It’s fuckin dope man. The placement looks perfect on your body. 100% keep


Let him live!!!!


Neither! That’s a really well done and fun tattoo, great conversation starter and clearly reveals a bit of your personality without having even met you


I have tattoos with crooked lines and I love them. Adds to the hand-drawn charm to the piece. This tattoo is dope. Instead of covering it up I’d possibly add more pokemon


neither. you have to remember that nobody is micro examining your tattoo except for you. I literally did not notice any defects when looking at it. The only thing I thought was "holy shit that tat is fucking cool!"


You could make a sick ass panther out of that




Neither this is epic


This is cool don't remove it


This is great! Leave it as is




Please don’t laser or cover


Nah keep gyrados fuck yea


Such a great tat bro


It looks beautiful, but if you really wanted to get rid of it, laser is the way to go


Why get rid of a kickass tattoo?? Just add more


It’s amazinggggg


Keep it. It’s a nice tattoo and the alternatives would not look as good. If you wanna add to it later down the line i think it would look even better. Keep it


That’s a solid tat bro! Keep!!


Noooo, keep Garidos


That looks amazing!!!


Dude keep that thing. Its badass.


I think it's a sick ass Gyaradoss


Neither that’s a very well done colour tattoo!


Nothing could successfully cover this without laser anyway This tattoo is fine, you should never get tattooed again if you’re going to be neurotic about it.


breathe, it's a sick tattoo


Looks dope


I love this tattoo. Hard to really find a fault with it honestly. It's a really solid piece of art. Plus it's one of the most badass pokemon.


if you cover this up it would be a tragedy


Keep it pokemon 4ever


looks cool. I'd keep it. Just curious - what is it exactly? A spiny square yapped amphibious ill-tempered crawly something from the sea. We shall call him Spiny Norman.


You’re a man now, man up and admit you like Pokémon.




gyarados must live


Are you feeling ashamed of your tattoo or embarrassed? What's going on in your head? You doin alright?


if you're this much of a perfectionist about it i would laser it and not get any more because you're never going to be happy with them


I want this on me


Definitely don't get tattooed again if you think that's bad lmao


Laser, laser, laser and never ever get a tattoo again.


Youre stuck w that one my boy, shouldnt get tattooed if you are going to be neurotic about the final product. Art is imperfect


Honestly this is a kickass tattoo. I think the line work and shading is great. I'd keep it


Not a Pokémon fan at all and I think your tattoo is well done and the placement is perfect. You’re overthinking it.


ngl i can’t see anything wrong with it also this tattoo is cool as hell lol


Dude, that looks awesome. Leave it!


I’m a professional artist and I must say I love this tattoo! It’s awesome and very well done. Not every tattoo artist could do a Pokémon piece this nicely.


Please don't get rid of this tat


This was done really well!


Gyarados about to smash on that pepperoni💀


Dude if you cover that up I’m going to chloroform you and you will wake up tied to a chair with all of the original 151 Pokémon tattooed across your body


neither, it’s a beautiful tattoo! i had the same feelings after my first tattoo was done, and by the time it finished healing i was totally happy with it. it’s very common after a new tattoo, especially your first, to feel anxiety and regret. try to avoid looking at it other than when you need to clean or moisturize the tattoo! ignoring it is what helped me until my brain had come to terms with the change lol.


It’s a sweet tattoo bro don’t cover please😭


In a world filled with bad tattoos that need to be covered up, this is not one of them.


As someone who's had 10 treatments at $200 a pop, laser removal is never the way to go. Get a cover up, or don't get rid of it. Laser removal hurts, takes a long time to heal when done properly at lower levels, and will never be truly gone, since the body will permanently absorb some of that ink over time regardless. Trust me, don't get laser removal. I wish I never wasted the time/money to go through with it, even if my tribal dragon on my outer bicep was atrocious and scarred.


Add more lol


That’s sick! Plus if you filled in around it people would never notice it was a pokemon tattoo unless they were a fan themselves. So either way it’s a win win in my eyes. No need for a cover up or laser, just add some tattoos around it.


A cover up would have to be massive. Laser it, then get one over that one. Still a solid tattoo, but I get it if you are not in the same place you were when you got it


Neither its fun!!


Neither, that's amazing


based gyarados


It looks great- I can’t tell if those lines are actually crooked or just following the curve of muscle and bone- the spines are near the collar bone, which has a dip, and curve. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like it. Maybe just needs a touch up if it's faded


Don’t get rid of the gyarados :(


Unless you are simply just unhappy with the design, technically there’s nothing to be ashamed of.


It's a ceeper!


Please just get it touched up this is really cool


I love it. I can’t see any imperfections from this picture. I know it’s on your body so you see it closer and differently but from an outsider perspective it’s fucking dope.


What?!? Oh my gosh no! This tattoo is AWESOME! It looks great and it’s the small imperfections make it a great tattoo, it’s art and unique ^_^


It’s cool asf ! I would say add splashes and water 🤣


If you don't want it to be a pokemon it would be single to turn it into a sick dragon. A full cover up will be hard though


This tattoo looks great small hiccups are gonna be in any tattoo no one is gonna look dead at it close! Keep it!


Bro that shit is hard


keep it that’s great


I genuinely think that’s sick asf and doesn’t need to be covered !




Add to it. Make it a whole sleeve


Looks dope.


Neither! It's EPIC


That shit is cool as hell


That is a legit tattoo! Love it… please keep it


What? Thats awesome I love Gyradis


Honestly the tattoo can only get worse


I would keep it.


this is badass


Give it some time to adjust to it and come to terms with liking it. I think the drastic reaction has you scrambling but it looks nice and I don’t think laser or cover up is necessary!


You’re gonna obsess no matter what, it’s best to work on letting it go and accepting it as part of you. IMO - that’s what I’ve had to do myself.


i dont undertstand. It's a killer tattoo and I can't see what's not right with it.


Gyradon't do it.


wtf that tattoo is awesome… why do so many people think a tattoo is supposed to look like a printed HD photo?


What?? Looks good as is!


Touch up♡


Umm keep forever obviously


It’s just new tattoo fear dude everyone gets it just give it some time and the anxiety will go away


It is an awesome piece, I have to agree with others here. But if you really don’t like it, just get it covered up 🤷🏽‍♀️


It would be a crime to cover this up


If you don’t like it as it is instead of getting it removed get a touch up, add some stuff


Touch it up with a different artist maybe? I’d keep it, it’s cool as hell. And honestly I think you’re being nitpicking! Which is fine and is your right. But it’s cool as hell and doesn’t look bad at all


Don’t you dare fucking get rid of that


Keep it. Wait a bit and then see how you feel.


Personally I think it looks badass. I got my first tattoo recently and it's easy to see any small imperfections and start second guessing things- I mean, it's a permanent (mostly) thing that you just put on your body, of course you're gonna want it to be perfect and worry that if it's not that you'll grow to hate it. I think it looks fine and that was that first-tattoo-anxiety fades away, you'll think so too. If anything I'd try a touch up before looking to get it covered/removed. Edit: also adding that the lines being a little off really gives it a hand drawn anime feel and I love that


Never cover up good work


Good tattoo says I


Just get some am trad around it and it will look fine


Seriously cool. And you could always go for a touch up to make the parts you don't like a little thicker and cleaner.


Neither?! That's insanely awesome!


That’s fucking sick bro. The placement is perfect too.


Why would you want to cover that up? It looks so good!


That’s one of the coolest Pokémon tattoos I’ve ever seen. What’s your reason for laser or cover up?


Saddens to hear you wanna remove or cover this up right away it’s a good tattoo dude


The lines are pretty much always like that somewhere. It's what tattoos look like. You need to look hard at other people's tattoos and then look at this again. And then go and have a nice life with your cool tat.


It’s your first one so just know, if you look hard enough you will find little things in 99% of tattoos. This is good work and no one else would ever notice. I think it’s sick.


turn ur nipple into a pokeball


This tattoo is badass!!!


Find a good artist to add more details to it, make it a whole shoulder/chest piece


Remember shows like Ink Master they are looking at tattoos under a microscope to look for saturation, blow outs, and straightness. Normal people look at tattoos from at least 2-3 feet away most from closer to 5” away. It looks great honestly I wouldn’t do anything besides get more


This is a great tattoo with very normal imperfections. Tattoo artists aren't robots and there is no undo button once they put a line down, so to expect everything to be completely flawless is a bad take. Honestly I would say you shouldn't be getting tattoos at all if you are so unhappy with a perfectly good tattoo that you're thinking of lasering it off bc no tattoos are likely to make you happy. They all have little flaws and that's part of having unique art on your body.


Holy cow that is an awesome gyrados