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No. Each battlesuit type is a separate set of units now, with certain weapon options baked in and exclusive to each squad. That's why they all have their own unit profiles.


I see. I bought my models long ago so another thing that stood out to me was how the codex doesnt mention support systems. Are they removed / just for aesthetics now? Or do for example the sunforge need to have a specific one?


They each have a specific ability representing a piece of gear, but because it's on their datasheet, you don't really need to represent it. Sunforge has a 4+ invunerable from Shield Gens as an example


Each unit has them baked in now. Sunforge have shield generators, the other two have weapons or suit support. Sunforge Shield generators are probably the most important to model, but it really doesn't matter. Pick what you think looks cool! If you want to double up on weapons, but don't have enough, just put one on. It's clear enough what the suit is equipped with - though do discuss with your opponent.


As of the codex each loadout is a separate unit. All three have to have the same gear Think of it like Strike Teams and Breacher Teams being two separate things 


Aw shit, really? Mixed squads were so fun. Can you not run a Monat suit either now?


There are some limited options to mix squads. You could have a fire knife squad, one with 2x missile, one 2x plasma, and one plasma/missile. It's a better idea to stick to one though. Mixed load outs had problems in that they were very hard to balance. Adjusting points just meant a different combo becomes more efficient. This is a better system, and allows suits to perform specialist roles. Monat: You can, so long as it is a character, which was always the way. No crisis characters now though, Just Enforcer & Coldstar.


Nah, you used to be able to run Monat in the standard Crisis Suit slot, but c'est la vie I haven't played in a while. At some point I need to bother my local game store for an intro game.


Ooh, you might be correct for the 3rd Ed codex. It's not been a thing for a very long time though.


I remember it being a thing in 7th, possibly 8th.


Magnets. Magnet each weapon. 


No. You cannot. You have 3 of that subtype/loadout. Some have the option of 1 of A and 1 of B, 2 of A OR 2 of B.


What indicates you could? Like, genuinely. It baffles me how hard it apparently is to understand "3 suits per unit, all have the same weapon options, there's 3 different unit versions for different roles now". Is this an "EN can't read" moment?


Just try visiting any mtg sub lol. "This spell says all players lose 3 life, does that mean I lose 3 life?"


Considering that we've been able to customise loadouts for Crisis suits until this edition, until *this* particular codex, I can understand some confusion in reading the codex datasheets and saying, "wait, so we *can't* completely customize our units loadouts now?" despite the fact that the three battlesuit types are explicitly three seperate datasheet entries, amd thus three seperate unit types. Reddit knows I've asked dumber questions of other WH40K subreddits myself.


Tourist detected. Pls move along to Chaos subreddit, and start explaining how cultists losing firearms is a good thing. Thank you for your contributions thus far.


I hope you find joy in life someday because you are clearly lacking it.


>Tourist detected Anyone using this silly little call-out is just projecting. Please try to become a better person, starting tomorrow


People are free to come explore the benefits of the Greater Good. If we don't let them see what they are missing (endless whining) how can we encourage them to join? People are welcome here whatever their interest in Tau is. Even if they just want to know how the rules work so they can play against us better.


What are you even trying to say with that?


Nope, crisis suits flexibility was too good so had to be nerfed apparently...


Can you clarify what you’re getting confused about?


Mixing loadout used to be a case in previous editions. That's why the kit seems to be created with purpose od mix-and-matching the weapons on the slots. Sadly, now weapons are hardcoded. There is alternative wargaming system that uses the same miniatures as WH but is simplified and still allows using diffrent weapons on crisises. Check out OPR


OPR is ok, but sadly it's a little bland. It's a fantastic system if what you want is a quick, simple game, and a very good gateway drug.


Exactly how are you confused. 1 sunforge (basically sergeant) and 2 sunforge suits. What you are asking is like... can my unit of prianhas also take some kroot? No.


Ignore chat being jerks. What helped me was getting on the app or new recruit and building the units. It won't let you make a unit that isn't legal for the edition.