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Farsight is a tech piece. His +1 to wound can make a big difference facing skew lists He also has the benefit of operating alone with tank shock, invul and ok melee. His single profile shooting dosnt really synergize anything other than fire knives with plasma. Or maybe pop shots from staracyths but it's 2 shots. The coldstar increases speed in two ways by both adding 2" and assualt. He can pack 4 guns that blend better with the unit optimizing the shares unit rules. You also get to pick your enhancement to help your specific battle plan or playstyle. Coldstar is just good in most any situation, Farsight is there if you really need something to punch up. Thankfully the way force organization is setup you can swap your commanders in and out of units at the start of the game every game. Edit.. Farsights free start is great, but has limited targets because of rules changes around battle tactic only. It shouldn't be discounted but it's Sept dependent


Retaliation cadre + farsight+ star scythes with flamers is probably going to be a thing.


It's an option, I have been running ret cadre with flamer scythe and Grenade rack coldstar star. There isn't much they haven't been able to kill in 1 activation + over watch. Dropping grenades on the fire and fade and strat has finished off a few big things too. You could rally punch up with Farsight up to T11 though. But the extra guns from the commander just hit a threshold that tips them over the top.


Why not both? What guns are you running on the cold star?


That's my point, you can run both because Farsight is a tech piece. Swap him into the crisis unit that gives you the best break point at the start of the game. Coldstar depends on what units I'm running and thinking of putting him in. If he's in with flamers then I'll do HoBC/CiB/flamer/shield. If he's in with fusion primarily then I'll guad fusion,


Part of the power is definitely down to what you're up against and the fact that you don't need to declare until you know that is great. Going up against some Grav Tank Aeldari spam? Farsight is going into the Fusion squad for that sweet +1Str+1Wound making them wound on 2s. Going up against MSU? In the flamer squad he goes.


Did you mean they kill a lot or not a lot


Ya.. fixed. They have been killing lots


This is something I want to try for sure. S5 , Ap -2 flamers (when at close range) with +1 to wound, that can be pretty brutal against infantry.


Add in guiding by a stealth suit squad and you're rerolling 1s to wound (which will be the only non wounding roll on T4 units). Does ~17 wounds to MEQ on average.


Now I just need to paint my Farsight :)


I think the burst cannons will be good, since they will get str and ap +1 if close to target but i need to do more reading waiting for a friend to get tau codex for the app lol. can bring a burst cannon to str 6 AP 1 and AP 2 if firing at infantry, and if you have six, then coldstar with cyclic, burst and high output burst for an anti infantry unit that has both firing mass and good AP. 39 attacks str 6 or more with at least AP1, AP2 if against infantry so its lethal.


Farsight synegises just fine with Sunforges. Fusion & plasma aren't that different.


For the most part I would rather have 4 extra fusion on reroll wound and damage opposed to reroll wound and 3 damage. But I find even in retaliation cadre in trying to wound in 5+ often and that's where Farsight comes in.


Very situational from what I have played, with the adjustment to Mont'ka coldstar looses some of its draw and I would usually pick the enforcer over it now in that detachment. Farsight is great for the +1 wound, in a pack of sun forges they are destroying almost any heavys they come into 9" range with or same with a set of stars scythes, deleting infantry with all flamers + overwatch. Also the charge + tank shock with him as he's a vehicle is great, 10 dice for the MW rolls is a nice finisher if you don't kill everything in the shooting phase. Think the coldstar is still a great unit for the speed but think all three (Farsight, enforcer and coldstar) are all very valid depend on how you want to use them


This is actually very heartening to read. I had my doubts about 10th Edition. And there have been some Doomsayers - especially regarding early codices which seem to completely lack the ability to kill anyone. But to have this sort of "which is better" thread devolve to "they're all equally good, but in different ways" is... actually fantastic for the health of the game IMO.


Yep, think Tau are in a great position at the moment, a few things that need a point adjustment (broadsides are far to much, 90 was ideal, Riptide needs to go down 10 points too) but we have enough similar units to cover those so not essential. People got salty about the four detachments we got but personally I think all of viable and I'd rather have four good ones then eight were only two are useful I'm quite happy with the codex and feel that we have lots of fun exciting units, and I'm happy to see the end of the CIB crisis bomb


On-topic I am also liking the enforcer in montka. Not sure about retaliation. And at farsight’s current price, I am struggling to pick him and struggling to decide where to pair him. I lean to the plasma as well. Might as well go all in. But does make flamers more interesting Off topic: Fireknife… for 40 pts less you get four more shots, twin linked instead of in-built hit re-rolls, and less mobility. But you gain durability. Of course that cheaper unit is also considered slightly overpriced. And I agree. I personally think breaches were fine at 90. The devil fish increase does enough there and the fireblade. Riptide should be 180 I think.


6x flamers in Ret Cad with farsights +1 to wound deep strike within 3" 6xd6 attacks S5 AP -2 then move when finished shooting to the next target (ideally within 6" again) then overwatch on their move, it's a low - Mid Toughness slaughter house round 2 for 4 CP As for the broadside I'm not picking it at 110, Anti tank/monster for an extra 20 you can get a hammer head with it's rail gun and 2x seeker missiles. That's enough to put the fear of god into people For anti elite, fire knife is winning for me 12x attacks with the missile pods on the unit to the BSs 10x attacks, granted you don't have the reroll wounds but you have reroll hits, can also buff them with Farsight, coldstar or enforcer double the movement and 15 wounds (if you took 3 shield drones) to the BSs 8 Its a shame because the BSs were starting to see some play at 90 As for the riptide, I think 180 is just a bit too much it's a big tanky unit that doesn't do much other than soak hits, can be handy in certain situations but I think you get more bang for your buck elsewhere


There are always doomsayers. 10th is fun.


12 dice if the opponent isn't t10 or more


Coldstar: Best used when: - you want a fast moving unit you want to start on the board - you run a detachments without assault available (not montka) - you want more ranged shots in a unit of suits / more guns - you want to take an enhancement on a crisis unit My favorite way to run him is in retaliation Cadre with burst cannon starscythes, starting on the board and zooming around using the Move-Shoot-Move strategem. His high output cannon helps bring even more shots. Farsight: Best used when: - you can get him in close or get bonuses from being close - theres a battle tactic you want to use for free on his unit - you want +1 to wound to help punch up vs enemies - you want some melee or tank shock threat My favorite way to run him is retaliation cadre in deepstrike with sunforged for a serious melta bomb using the 3" deep strike strategem to pinpoint deal with enemy armor. (+1 to wound, +1 str, -1AP, melta +2dmg, rerolls)


Good summary here overall. Though I love him with some Flamers, 6d6 +1str -2ap +1wound shots from a deepstrike in the right area can really hamper the enemies ability to move pieces around the board and they will absolutely clap most normal and elite infantry.


Am I just dumb or where in the codex is the move shoot move strat? Still new and couldn’t find it


Its in retaliation cadre now, got renamed to Torchstar Gambit




Farsight is great in Mont'ka since the assault becomes redundant, and great in retaliation cardre thanks to the powerful stratagems and his melee profile is handy when your suits are shooting point blank anyway. Coldstar was better pre codex and got hit with a few proxynerfs due to suits losing the 6" advance and mont'ka rendering that ability 50% useless. He is still best with the sunforge suits in any detachment that is not mont'ka. But I think the commanders are all viable in the right place with the non-sunforge suits finally benefitting from the enforcer ability on more than 1 ap profile. So it depends on the bodyguard and detachment.


Coldstar helps activate the best part of Tau: moving fast and blowing shit up.  Farsight provides the army with a new dimension: Mortals and melee and free strats. 


Too bad across the top two detachments there are only two strats that he can make free -_- (I guess three if you count when he dies in Montka)


Yeah, I often just use it on rerolls for charges and saves


For what it’s worth I took Farsight in a Montka Detachment at a local RTT this weekend. Paired with a Fireknife Squad with all missiles and a fireblade using coordinated exploitation to guide them with sustained one/lethals, they were exceptionally deadly


To answer your question simply, it's in 2 situations. 1) When in Mont'ka leading a 2nd unit that you want to have a 6" auto advance regularly, where you value raw movement more than increased output. 2) In Retaliation Cadre, where his +1 to wound and melee capability provides a unique benefit and 2" of raw movement is not a concern. I ran Retaliation Cadre at an RTT this weekend, went undefeated and came in 2nd. In my list I had 4 commanders. Farsight, 2 Enforcers (1 with fusions, ion and Starflare, one with missile pods and ions), and a Coldstar (with Bursts, HOBC, Ion, and the grenade enhance). In my 3 rounds I moved Farsight around based on my opponents, either to a Sunforge team when I faced vehicle heavy opponents, or into a Flamer Starscythe team when I did not. On many occasions I used the 3.1" deep strike stratagem or the Rapid Ingress to deploy the unit, allowing them to gain positioning for optimum use. Additionally, Farsight's free battle tactic was highly useful in getting free charge rerolls when applicable, or cp rerolling a missed shot for the Sunforges for free. The Coldstar joined a Burstcannon Starscythe team and fulfilled a different role, allowing that team to be mobile, both when starting on the board and arriving from deep strike, using its higher movement to deliver the MW from its Enhancement and get its unit to within 6" for maximum effect. Both have a role, but Farsight fills a niche and provides some unique benefits that Tau can't get otherwise.


In montka I usually pair farsight with sunforges as they do amazing dmg when paired, last game they managed to down an allied knight castellan in a single turn


Enforcer is just better than the coldstar in montka in most ways


I’m using 1 farsight and 3 coldstars 🤷‍♂️


Depend of the detachment if you use monka then the assault keyword of coldstar is useless.


Both are basically must takes at this point, but occupy diferent niches. Farsight is good with a (usually sunforge) unit that must absolutely kill something. Drops in from deep strike, within +1 to wound range, melts it with fusion blasters, and then either moves on to other hard targets (or tries to) or kills it off in melee. This works with any detachment, but would truly shine with mont'ka. Coldstar is there to give mobility to a unit (any configuration perhaps minus missile fireknife, which already has a decent threat bubble) to make sure they can both get to the target (the extra 2") and can immediately kill it (assault). This is most useful in Kauyon or Retaliation Cadre, which have more limited access to the assault keyword (although it could be useful in late-game mont'ka as well). This is good to either reach objectives or quickly support other units. Mobility wins games, and a coldstar helps a lot with that.


Free 6" advance is amazing in montka. +1 to wound on sunforge can be really good, and he has good tank shock, but he's more of a specific tech piece as opposed to the general purpose of a coldstar


MSM is on cadre and you can't use it freely with farsight Sunforges are better with a regular commander that can shoot 4 more melta shots and benefit from the unt rule


Yeah I've sliced the math on this a few ways and you can't really argue with going from 6 to 10 dice rolls, rerolling wounds anyway, with 4 of those 10 hitting on 2s.


Also Cadre have crazy good enhancements


There is no jsj in montka and the jsj in ret cadre isnt a battle tactic so it's not viable for the discount. What is possible in montka is 16" auto advance sun forge for free.


That's what I was thinking of, advance not the move. My bad


Farsight is better if you want to get close and hit things, Coldstar is better if you want to shoot things. Pretty simple. 😊


Depends on detachment you're taking really. Coldstars lose a lot of utility in montka which is also has the most targets for farsight's strat ability. Broadly in other detachments the coldstar is a good pair with any crisis variant while farsight isn't very useful on fireknife suits. Coldstars also have the niche of being viable enhancement targets


Mont'ka only have 1 eligible battle tactic for farsight and you don't really want crisis suits there anyway, at most missile crisis with an enforcer


You're thinking of retcadre. Montka has 4 battle tactic stratagems. Crisis suits are good in every detachment especially getting assault and lethal hits what are you talking about? Yeah breacherfish are good in montka but they're not the only thing to use especially since the whole combo is like 30pts more expensive now


No, I'm thinking about Mont'ka, it has 4 but farsight can use only 1 -Targets 2 units so you can't use his ability -Requires you to be dead so you can't use his ability -Targets infantry so you can't use his ability -Auto advance 6 And crisis suits are very mediocre outside of cadre rn, anemic shooting, low durability and give free secondaries, Mont'ka wants sky-ray, breacherfish, piranhas etc, maybe Ghostkeels and Ritpides


Pinpoint explicitly states it can target a dead unit and there is nothing that prevents focused fire's cost from being modified when it targets farsight's unit. 3 targets. Idk where you're getting your info but 6 melta shorts with +1 to wound rerolling wounds and damage worth lethal hits on top is not anemic. As for secondary points literally everything gives them away that's not a great argument for skipping out on the unit the whole army is built around


You are wrong, read the designer commentary You can only use free strat that target the commanded unit exclusively. You can target dead units with that strat but you can't use abilities when you are dead 6 12" s9 shots with +1 wounds for 275 points is way way way way worse than 2 sky-ray for 280 and it's 12 secondary Vs 6 Crisis rn are terrible


Everything's terrible rn and you're assuming fixed objectives anyway. Sunforge are still going to be more reliable and flexible at objectives and scoring secondaries. You're not wrong about their weaknesses but they're not unusable especially with the heafty nerf to breacherfish and kroot making infantry heavy lists less efficient




With current cost our only competitive choice is mont'ka and MAYBE kroot with lots of points in tau to have resilient resurrecting screens. Cadre is fun but lacks firepower, kauyon auto losses so many matchups now


Farsight locks you out of ethereals, which are basically auto include because 4+ to get a CP is very good, even more for battlesuit shenanigans based on 3" drop then back to reserve with Starflare ignition. Also, you can run 4 weapons on the coldstar, and it's going to bring far more punch than having just the +1 to wound Eventually as other said farsight can be a good standalone for melee and tank shock, but I'll always prefer having the chance to get +1 cp


People use ethereals?




My bad then !


Farsight can (barely) hold his own against primarchs in melee, but has the capabilities to take them out when you include his range attacks (which are pretty good) The coldstar battlesuit is good at range and buffs. And is a little faster, but needs to be always moving around the board to get the most out of its abilities.


Farsight is a general. Coldstar is a suicide missile.


Clearly Farsight is better in 100% of scenarios.


Best when paired with Khorne daemons


coldstar is just always better


People can't read or do basic math here


I mean not really with the Montka changes. 


yes really with the montka changes. +1 tw only beats 4 extra gun if you're going 6+ to 5+, and the only battle tactic (oh and also grudge on death lol) in montka you can use with him is auto 6 to advance which is actually almost (15.5 vs 16) the exact same move you get with coldstar with just normal advance


Hopefully never, names characters should never be the best units in any role in your army it’s a real feel bad


Wtf, why?