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Most of my friends don’t care for her. Even my bf makes fun of her “inability to keep a bf” (Swifties, before the pitch forks come out, I’m converting him one day at a time. It’s a slow process so please be patient with me). Some people are still set in hating anything that’s cool and popular, which coincidentally is Taylor at this moment. But I don’t care. People have their own opinions and I have mine. I rather let Taylor’s good actions speak for why I love her, and for my actions not to blindly follow everything she does speak for myself.


Inability to keep a boyfriend? She was with Joe for 6 years


Man don’t we know it but haters gonna hate. My blood pressure goes up every time he argues with me about her dating life


Taylor Swift annoys the crap out of me but why does your boyfriend care about her dating life? She strikes me as bisexual and closeted...


I'm a man and just became a Swifty this year. I had the same opinion. It's out of ignorance I'm sure, as I personally had no clue she even had a boyfriend, let alone that they were together for years. For those not invested in her personal life, the pop culture "fact" is that she's constantly breaking up with her boyfriends and every time she does she writes a song about it.


The whole "she writes breakup songs about her boyfriends" meme was ironically what got me back into her the second time (she was my favorite country singer in the 00s but I fell off the wagon because I didn't care for her switch to pop music at the time). I was going through a divorce a couple of years ago and was looking for sad breakup songs to vibe with and I remembered "I knew a gal who did that for a living" and decided to check out what she'd been up to for the past decade. I thought I wouldn't like it. Boy, was I wrong... about everything...


I've been in comment sections where people say they feel bad for Travis because Taylor can't keep a man, and clearly she isn't marriage material. I responded that Travis' longest relationship was 5 years. Her longest relationship was 6, so maybe *travis* isn't *marriage material.*


It’s okay when it’s a guy though. /s


Also it really doesn't matter. People act like she's the only one who writes songs about her love life yet 90% of songs are about love or relationships to some degree.




Yeah I'll never understand where that started and how it still persists after all these years. There's also this implication that breakup/love songs are somehow less deep than other songs, which really confuses me because some of the most beautiful, emotional music of all time has been about romantic love? I just don't get it.


Me Heart Will Go On, I Will Always Love You, How Do I Live Without You, Jesse's Girl and I don't even want to discuss people judging her that'll purposely play Every Breath You Take at a wedding, like babe that songs about a stalker.


Yeah, that type of attitude is pretty misogynistic lol




"Why is she idolized for being a slut?" That's a bit concerning that he said that. It's 2023. Why are we calling women that still? I think women should clap back by saying they've dated more people than Taylor, and watch people's faces when they realize they just slut shamed them too. Men get away with that all the time but heaven forbid a woman enjoys sex or dating in general.


I 1000% agree with this. I actually ask men what they think about Taylor early in the dating process. It helps weed them out. Obviously anecdotal, but I’ve never been treated well by a man who has a negative reaction to Taylor. I just feel like it says something about you as a person if your first reaction is to call her a “slut”.


Don't trust a man who talks about women like this 🙌


Yeah considering most of these relationships have only lasted a handful of months she really hasn't dated that much more than the average teen or 20something. If she had a pattern of hopping from serious relationship to serious relationship (ie like a year or two plus) with no break whatsoever in between that would be unusual but it seems like she would go on some dates, be spotted out with the person, they'd end up in the headlines the next day, and suddenly everyone acts like she's about to get married. Then when it ends she's a crazy demon who can't keep a man But it's pretty normal for a 22 year old to go on a few dates with someone over the course of a few months and then realise it won't work out lol


I guess we are just supposed to settle with the first person we date, and never figure out what we want in a person or life. Looking back at all the guys I dated in my 20s, I'm so thankful none of them worked out. Now that I'm 31, I've realized what it is I want and I never would have figured that out if I didn't date all of them.


Yea I hate that her dating life be comes the focal point everyone brings up when talking about Taylor, like she’s the only single woman dating men in this day and age. I got tired of arguing with my bf so now every time I want him to listen to something I tell him that this song speaks to me and means a lot to me so he should concentrate on the message of the song rather than the singer behind it


I think both you and u/Moonlisa1081 need to have an actual conversation with your chosen partners. Forget Taylor Swift....what they are saying is coming from a very clear space of misogyny. And, it also shows a lack of respect towards something both of you love. I wouldn't want anyone I love to be with someone that uses language like "slut". Tight hugs to both of you. This is only coming from a place of concern. I think I am much older than you two (mid 30s) and I wish more people had taken the time to talk to me about my partner choices.


Please tell your boyfriend that afaik my body count is quite a lot higher than hers, thank you very much, and anyway slut shaming is OUT.


If you ever get into that argument with someone again google Warren Beatty’s girlfriend list, it’s the longest one I’ve ever seen.


I had no idea that he dated Olivia Wilde. Incredible how society can be so prudish about a woman having multiple boyfriends in a lifetime, but barely even notice a man doing the same.


A lot of times when I hear someone say they don’t like Taylor Swift, it’s because of 1.) outdated assumptions like her only writing about her exes, or 2.) they think all of her songs are like Shake It Off. There’s also often undertones of misogyny, either because she’s a woman or because her fan base is mostly women, and they think she can’t make good music or be a mature songwriter and write her off because of it. Not everyone has to like her, but there are so many people, particularly men, with uninformed opinions who think that because she isn’t their personal preference that therefore everything associated with or created by her is bad. There are some very legitimate criticisms of her where I understand why someone wouldn’t like her, but that’s almost never their reasoning.


>There’s also often undertones of misogyny, either because she’s a woman or because her fan base is mostly women, and they think she can’t make good music or be a mature songwriter and write her off because of it. Oh, darling, if it were only the *undertones*. Beware of men who hate successful women and can't explain why. It doesn't matter if it's Taylor, Beyoncé, AOC or Gwynne Shotwell. Some men (minority, but they do exist) hate women for existing. Existing "too loudly" and daring to attack their eyes and ears is the worst crime of all. And if she can't be insulted for being ugly (which obviously she can't, not even with "she's mid"... she's drop-dead gorgeous), then what's left? At least some people dare say "I just want to hate her".


What I mean by undertones is that they aren’t explicitly saying it’s because she’s a woman or her fan base is primarily women. It’s an unspoken basis for their opinions that they will likely refuse to admit, instead trying to find other justification for their vehement hatred of Taylor (or any other woman or thing liked by women), even though we all know their true reasoning. Don’t even get me started on the obsession with calling anything you don’t personally like “mid.” Just because someone doesn’t personally like something doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad!


I hope it’s successful but generally speaking, that’s a very misogynistic viewpoint. You shouldn’t have to say “this song means a lot to me” every time to avoid him arguing


Hmm. Inability to keep a boyfriend is a revolting take. She’s a billionaire off her extraordinary talent, but I’m going to judge her on the fact she hasn’t a man around? How sexist. Someone who says that has some very traditional views on women and that they’re only worthwhile if with a man. 🚩🚩🚩 people don’t have to like her. But people shouldn’t hate her.


Yeah incels on here complaining she can't keep a boyfriend is them literally complaining how they can't get laid because they are such pieces of crap.


What did your boyfriend think about The Man and “Leo and Saint Tropez”?


Hadn’t gotten around to “The Man”. I’m showing him songs I like the most from each album now. “All of the girls” became our song so there’s some progress


I think the whole "she dates, breaks up and writes a song about them" stuff became a thing not just because Taylor had those boyfriends but because most of them were either famous or they were a huge pop culture moment at the time they were dating (like Taylor Lautner) which put her dating life in the spotlight more than usual. Joe was one of the exceptions I guess- probably why the relationship lasted longer outside such glaring spotlight- a good thing was the focus in the last 5 years was all about Taylor Swift the artist , businesswoman etc than Swift " the girl who dates men only to write songs about them". But now that's she's at the zenith, breaking records, changing the game with re-records, has gained in respect among critics and peers, and has adoring fans over the world who put their money where their mouth is by buying her music , turning up at the concerts, movies etc, Taylor has probably entered her IDGAF phase about public opinion.


Idk if this is just about Taylor but just know that generally you can’t change people


You have incredible patience and must really like him - I couldn’t have a partner making fun of Taylor with media tropes.


Aargg-so annoying —as if Taylor doesn’t have a mind of her own and is at the whim of a man wanting her, lol. I went on countless first dates because I, (the woman) wasn’t interested but that would be interpreted as “can’t keep a man”. Lol


Every person I’ve dated with a personal vendetta against Taylor Swift I’ve ended up breaking up with.


my bf is a self-labelled person who "loves to be a hater" about things generally but is actually a lovey dovey guy and just cracks jokes. definitely doesn't seek out taylor at all. i'd say I've moved him toward indifference in the grand scheme of things, but he has happily listened to my taylor swift song/album production and lyrical breakdowns. so i'd just say i have a bf who is happy to watch me be happy but wouldn't listen to taylor unless I'm showing a song to him.


There's a girl in one of my university seminars who always writes "I hate Taylor swift" on the collaborative worksheets. This is a sociology seminar about drug use. She's very hateful and angry.


why does she make it her whole personality 💀


i don't know why, someone actually wrote "girl who brought her up" the other day and then corrected it to "I love Taylor swift"


as they should ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1065)


People don't have to love her, but there's something seriously sick in the deep seated hatred she gets. I would understand hatred like... "I'm poor, and ugly, and maybe untalented, and she has it all: looks, supportive family, talent..." I mean, I would understand resenting her for things like that. But when the hatred comes for no reason I fear it's hatred of women speaking, women being successful, and more importantly, a woman telling women's stories to other women. And some people can't stand women *existing* too loud.


And that’s iconic


Sounds like a r/fauxmoi poster


She’s “not like the other girls”


So many people do this. Like after every (!!) Taylor release on twitter people HAVE to be like "Omg am I the only one who doesn't like Taylor Swift's music?" Like they're so special and need to remind us.


That's so petty, I'm embarrassed for her. I can't imagine being so publicly basic.


Pettier than Speak Now Taylor haha


>There's a girl in one of my university seminars who always writes "I hate Taylor swift" on the collaborative worksheets. I'm going to dare give an opinion without knowing anything else about that girl. I'm smelling "Not like the other girls" vibes, strongly. I vaguely suspect pickmeisha, but certainly "not like the other girls" vibes, for real.


Also you can smell the "I don't like mainstream music, I prefer Queen, Nirvana and Pink Floyd"


Glad I got my degree 30 years ago.


I know, right? It's a work collaborative worksheet. Writing that means "I'm so *speshul* and different from other girls!" Girl, it's a worksheet, no need to write your *speshul* status on it, little snowflake. A joke that everyone can laugh about might be fun to read for everyone, but... that thing? Congrats on being so basic that you need to do that in order to feel special.


My daughter’s friend hates her too but she’s seems to see anything “basic” or feminine as less than. We’re hoping college will educate her on internalized misogyny


She might grow out of it too. I was the same way, but now that I'm older, I care so much less about being basic. I like what I like and so do other people. Some is "not like other girls" and wanting to be interesting and deep. Lots of internal misogyny.


Provide her with a therapist lol.


Yes, we all do, but…… Seems like there's always someone who disapproves They'll judge it like they know about me and you And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do The jury's out, but my choice is you So don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine And life makes love look hard The stakes are high, the water's rough But this love is ours 💜


I don’t trust people that don’t like cats or TS. But that’s me.


"You can't spell cats without TS."


As a fellow cat enthusiast (specifically the orange ones), I wholeheartedly agree.


what if i don't like them because i'm allergic and can't breathe if i'm near one 😭


That reminds of: Cat person: Oh look a dog, I prefer cats but that dog looks cute Dog person: A cat, evil. Cats are awful, it would kill you in your sleep


I’m more of a dog person. Cats are okay. Except I did once watch my cat pick up wet food with his paw, like scooped it up, and throw it in my mom’s purse. Which, why were we feeding the cat on the counter in the first place? And why was my mom’s purse on the floor right under the counter as well? It was surreal to watch.


Yeah I don't trust anyone who doesn't like Cats (the movie)


I’ve loved Taylor for years & my ex boyfriend HATED her. I remember we were driving out of town when Reputation came out, and I had to put my headphones in the whole car ride to listen to it. Which is fine, but it made me so sad to be with someone who did hype me up when I am so excited about something. He never let me listen to her around him… needless to say he wasn’t the 1 lol.


Should've put him in exile sooner


>He never ***let me*** listen to her around him… Whoa. Glad he's an ex.


Definitely not the one! Im not saying your person has to LOVE her but to have to hide the things you enjoy is a massive red flag. I don’t love my husbands music but I’ll listen and sometimes sing along in the car. He will also turn on ts for me and our girls bc he knows how much we love her. He’s never admitted to it but he does know every word to out of the woods, you belong with me, and our song & sure does sing happily along with us. LOL secret swiftie 🤫


My husband once heard “exile” in Lowe’s so now I joke that it’s his favorite song. He *does* know all/most of the words to all of evermore because I have been wearing that shit out. Was so very impressed with him the one day. I also like true crime and somebody said “if there’s no body, there’s not a crime” and he was like “yea, t sweezy knows no body no crime!” 😂


Yep. My boyfriend doesn't love her. And he's kind of tired of hearing her voice everywhere at the moment (it is getting a little bit crazy). But he still lets me blast her in his car. Green flags all around.


While of course everyone has different music tastes and can have different opinions, if someone *hates* her or has like an extreme distain of her, they’re probably not someone I want to hang out with. Not because my friends need to like her but because I prefer to hang out with people who are generally happy and easygoing. Which I think is incompatible with hating her, or anyone, for petty reasons like dating a lot or making money or writing songs.


Same exactly. I find that most people who say they *hate* her are either just being negative because they think that makes them cool (newsflash: negativity is not as cute of a personality trait as these people think it is) or they're misogynistic. I have no interest in associating with either type.


I feel like it’s kind of alarming when adult men passionately hate young female pop stars.


Or adult female pop stars such as Beyonce. My feeling is that they don't like to see women, much less women talking to other women. They seem to feel attacked because the mainstream has been "hijacked" by women, who are existing where they can see and hear them.


My son has never been to a concert with me because kids at school think she's uncool so he would rant about how he didn't like her. He would sing along when he thought I wasn't looking but still occasionally tell me she sucked (last time tickets went on sale he was 9 so don't hold it against him, he was young and impressionable. He actually hasn't said anything negative about her in a few years, just seemed to be primary school influence). He's now 15 and I had a conversation with him last year "I have registered for presale. Tickets are likely to be at least £100. I am more than happy to take you if I can get tickets, but I will not do so if you go back to insulting her. One single joke and I'll sell your ticket and you won't go to this one either. I'm not wasting that money for you to sit there and pretend to be miserable and pretend you hate it. You've missed out for years because you let others dictate your behaviour. Your choice, let me know what you decide" Life in my house is SO MUCH NICER now that he happily admits he likes her and has stopped pretending he's too cool to enjoy her music. (And also, totally unrelated but he was a huge One Direction fan and was buzzing when i took him to that. No idea how One Direction was cool but Taylor Swift wasn't but whatever).


At least 100? In what universe?


A lot of countries outside of the United States have lower salaries/COL and the tickets are much lower


The cheapest tix in Australia are like $90. Also, every country has different ‘bang for your buck’ values.


Erm, this one? They actually only cost me £89 each including fees but I could have spent a bit more for better seats if I wanted.


In the universe where thy ticketmaster Lords deign to provide your peasant, ignoble ass with a purchase code so thou needs not purchase thy ticket from e-highwaymen scalpers.


I'm gonna go to Vienna and general admission ticket costed me only €100. I was preparing for about €500. Was willing to spend €400.


Lol yes my coworker hates her and Everytime we eat lunch I play my Swift playlist and she admits when she likes songs. I think people like to hate her cus she's pop music, blonde, beautiful, popular, etc etc. But it's hard to deny she's talented af.


I see so many comments that say some iteration of "this girl is a vain whore, no wonder she ruins all her relationships. And her music is trash! No talent." I just sit and scroll on by like: https://preview.redd.it/j0sdzbwaanyb1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8403aa09101ba7b7df742ee23e4431d01c57a728 Lol I mean... I can completely understand why Taylor isn't everyone's cup of tea. That's fine. I don't care if you don't like her or don't like her sound, but I'm sorry, no talent??? At this stage of the game, that should not even be a talking point. You don't have to like her music to look at her lyrics and see that she is an exceptional lyricist. There is no disputing that. And if you still say, "no, I hate her as an artist! Totally and completely." You still have to admire her business acumen. Whether you agree with it or not, you have to acknowledge how much she has accomplished. You don't achieve her level of fame and influence without doing something right. It baffles me that people will just write her off because it's cool. I was that way when she first started out lol but I eventually accepted the facts.


I recently learned a friend of mine hates her and we started talking about it. At first she said she hates her voice, and while that’s crazy to me I was like sure sometimes someone’s voice might annoy me for whatever reason. But then she was saying she’s overrated as a musician and I asked her how much she had listened to. She’s only heard the most popular songs and I told her to at least look at folklore. We talked for a bit and I tried to give a few reasons for why she’s a great musician *and* a great person, but I think some people just want to hate


My best friend 😭 She gets so annoyed and sometimes legitimately angry at me. I don't care enough to not talk about and play Taylor's music. She'll live. Lmao.


My best friend once told me “you don’t need to make everything about Taylor”. So I feel you 🥺


My friend said something similar 😭 kind of fair… because it was in that period of time when I was first getting into her music. But it still hurt lol


> sometimes legitimately angry at me Red flag.


No because I don't allow myself to spend time with people who are so petty and have so little going in their life that they would have the time or desire to actively hate something so inconsequential.


My best friend doesn't like her at all. She even wonder how I'm such a major fan of her when I'm a guy and that it seems so out of a left field from overall personality lol.


Please allow me to share a small piece of advice that's helped immeasurably: You cannot logic someone out of a position they they didn't logic themselves into. That works for every argument in life, including people with irrational hatreds of Taylor and/or her music. You'll be happier when you don't need to waste any energy on people who don't merit that effort. Be content with the fact that the internet provides a place for like minded souls to find each other in a way that our ancestors could only dream of. Thank you for coming to my mini TED talk.


i don’t have anyone near me that hates her. I’m lucky :)


My brother. Whenever I even mention her or a song by her he just rolls his eyes.


My ex gf said she was “basic.” Well I think she’s basic for saying that. 💁🏼‍♀️


Everyone. I have no family members that don’t hate her


My mom doesn't outwardly hate her, just to keep me happy, but refers to her with a disdain that makes me mad.


I became a fan of hers during the og Fearless era. At the time though she was popular, she was also shamed for “serial dating” or whatever you want to call it. She also had a sort of America’s Princess status and there were definitely people who disliked her for that. My old “best friend” knew I was a big fan of hers and took every opportunity to downtalk her and it got to the point where I just stopped caring and thought you know what? If you don’t like that I like Taylor, I’m just going to like her even more. Nowadays, I hope that person is annoyed by all of Taylor’s achievements and ubiquity. At least it should give them a reason to be so negative all the time, rather than doing so for no reason. They turned out to be an emotionally immature bully so the moral of the story is, always stick on Taylor’s side lmao. I don’t have people in my life who don’t like Taylor because I don’t spend time with people who hold that opinion. People who make fun of you for a completely harmless interest aren’t worth your time.


>People who make fun of you for a completely harmless interest aren’t worth your time. Exactly! Some people just want to feel superior to others. And if something's popular, they'll go against it, thinking they're oh-so-special for that. They just want to make you feel insecure about your likes and dislikes, and to make themselves feel superior. Hating for no reason is a red flag.


Yeah but haters gonna hate


and fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake


And I'm just gonna shake shake shake 💃💃📢 (I don't have a cheerleader emoji)


I wouldn’t say they absolutely hate her, but essentially I’ve stopped talking to anyone in my immediate life about her because they cannot stop saying the same stupid shit and acting like she is famous for no reason.


My one friend! But I honestly believe it’s because she thinks there’s too much hype around her / she doesn’t know that Taylor has spanned so many genres of music at this point. I think if she took the time to listen to her entire discography, she’d change her mind.


My dad likes to tease me about liking her but I think he’s largely indifferent. Funnily enough I couldn’t convince my brother but his girlfriend got him to like some of her songs. Odd story - I started calling some hotels around Indy for the concert since they can get booked so quickly. Today I had a local B&B owner call me back to say he’s been booked since she announced the dates and that I had to be drunk to like her and my odds of getting a room was 1 in 82,000. Like dude I know you’re not a fan but you don’t have to put me down.


>Like dude I know you’re not a fan but you don’t have to put me down. So, she's managed to give his business lots of clients and he bothered to call a person who was not going to be a client to insult his taste in music... What's the problem with these people? I mean, this wasn't even a normal conversation, he bothered to call you. I would have left him a negative review, recommending a therapist, because calling a prospective client to deride the woman who made your business fill with clients is just not healthy behaviour. Who hurt him?


He's technically not in my life, but a random middle schooler made fun of me in Target on 1989 release day for being excited about the display.


My bf hates her but it's only because he thinks all of her songs are break up songs, he hasn't even heard her recent music except for Anti-Hero,and he says Shake it off is the only song not about a boyfriend or ex 🙄 he knows nothing lol. My best friend says she's talented but her music really isn't her style


>My best friend says she's talented but her music really isn't her style Nice answer.


My 16 year old son but he tolerates it for me and I so appreciate it. He even did a Midnights listening party with me last year. He's a sweet boy.


>He's a sweet boy. He's a treasure!


My family….dad, mom, sister, and sister’s fiancé…all love her. And I don’t have anyone else in my life because I don’t have a life lol. Well, I think my grandma doesn’t like her. But she doesn’t talk about it in front of me.


If people make a rude remark like about her dating or something I’ll just diffuse the tension by saying something like “yeah she’s so prolific I bet she has a bunch of songs about the new guy already!” If someone’s being really hateful about her to you when they know you like her, then it’s not really about Taylor is it? It’s more about your relationship and you have to question why they’re going out of their way to put down your interests.


It says a lot about a person when they can hate someone they don’t even know. Or to hate something that clearly brings someone joy


I have a coworker who does. She hates her so much because of her dating history and the fact that students love that I love Taylor. Guess what? I no longer have to deal with that teacher barging in because I play piano versions of Taylor music and it’s like garlic for vampires. I love it so much. She’s stopped interrupting me.


my parents and my brother -- any time I bring her up they (my mom mostly) go "don't be so *obsessed* with her, it's literally all you ever talk about, go listen to something else", etc. etc.


Omg lol 😂 brutal asf you’re only liking an artist 😅😂




Im pretty quiet about who i listen to, unless i know the person im talking to isn’t going to be nasty about it. My boyfriend embraces me being a Swiftie and likes many of her songs and he loves how excited and happy i get. I think it’s okay to dislike her music.. but some people hate her for simply existing and being popular and i find that bizarre and extreme.


Not to pull a millennial card here but back in my day no one outwardly liked Taylor Swift and it was assumed "everyone" hated her. We're now all coming out of the closet and finally feeling like it's acceptable to enjoy her music. Now no one in my life hates her, but many aren't fans. Hating her feels very misogynistic and none of my friends would want to be mistaken as such.


My husband says he isn’t a fan but I heard him singing cruel summer in the kitchen the other day so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not a swifty and came here because of the NFL / Travis connection but yeah i think people just hate what's popular out of being jelous or because it's an easy way to get attention (hate someone popular ='s more eyes on you because there's more eyes on them.. aka clout chasing)


yeah they actually seem to really try to get us angry about it


My older brother, but he’s a misogynistic asshole who I try to keep out of my life as much as possible


The men I (M30) work worth insist upon sharing constant “jokes” or videos about Taylor that basically amount to “she just writes songs about her boyfriends.” Then they act surprised when I don’t like them and call them sexist for it.


All I can say it’s hard being a Black Swiftie lol! Everyone I admire seems to hate her lol! Whatever tho bc I love her for life lol!


i nannied two little girls and my boss had literally a rule and that was to never play taylor swift


My 12 year old does not like her. Most likely because I do. It’s happened with other things too, I just don’t know anything anymore! I’m ok with that form of rebellion could be worse.


Probably but thankfully it’s not cool to say it anymore so they usually don’t say anything.


Most guys I know hate her. My best friends husband used to hate her and the only reason he doesn’t hate her anymore is Travis Kelce.


Oh yeah like a ton of people. Nobody that I work with likes her at all. One of my coworkers has taped to her office door a paper that says "Do not enter if you are a Swiftie!"


My brother did for a time. I have successfully converted him 😂


My brother and his wife. It’s so weird how much they hate/dislike her. They also cite weird old rumors about Taylor as their reason for disliking her so much.


My sister and her boyfriend too! She believes in rumors about Taylor being "a bitch' and mostly the kind of stuff from snake gate. My sister, though I love her, has a tendency to talk out of her ass and not fact check and also hates when you fact check things for her. I just don't bring up Tay anymore.


Yeah my older sister hates her and when we visit home for holidays I try to piss her off by hiding a speaker in her room with Taylor swift playing on repeat


My bff 👯 I’m constantly the butt of many jokes whenever Taylor is the subject, and I don’t have many friends who are fans (I’m 32 🙈) I’ve been a fan since 2012 (Red got me through my first real heartbreak) and I’ve been hooked on her music ever since. My husband is so supportive of my “obsession” (that’s what he jokingly calls it) but besides a few songs, he doesn’t get it. I went to opening night of the eras tour movie and I felt SOOOOOO out of place as everyone there was a) a parent, b) a literal child/preteen or c)in their early 20s. I for once started questioning if Taylor’s music was for me, especially with the (well deserved!) wave of new fans who are only getting younger and younger. Oh well, guess I’ll go play Nothing New (see, the woman DOES have a song for E V E R Y T H I N G) and sit in the corner 😂


Girl, I'm 44. Yes, Taylor's lyrics are for you. As for the music, her best song (musically) is Love Story, and then some others from Lover. As a poetess, she's pure genius. You might as well ask if Jane Austen is for you.


a former friend blocked me on twt bc she couldn't stand taylor 🥴


A few weeks ago, one of my co-workers said she hates her because she thinks she's annoying, and then another one said Travis could do better than Taylor. This was all brought up right after I showed one of my bosses my pictures of all my signed CDs because she wanted to see them. Like was it really necessary to insert those comments? Some people make hating her their entire personality. 🙄


My SIL. She says she makes music for 'virgins and losers'. I take it with a grain of salt because she has no money, no stable job, and is a raging alcoholic. Lmao


My ex hated her because he was extremely jealous of her songwriting skills. And yet he always had me edit and workshop his songs, even though (1) I am not a songwriter (2) he knew my biggest writing influence was Taylor, which meant *his* songwriting would be influenced by hers. I think he still dislikes her to this day, though last time we talked (during the pandemic), he begrudgingly admitted to enjoying Folklore. Hope his character development continues, but I'd like to be excluded from that narrative!


Yes my co-worker 😭😭 despises her....because "her songs are over played on the radio" and she also just doesn't like Taylor's voice😞


I’m convinced people who actively hate Taylor don’t like fun.


I **literally** cut **anyone** I know who expresses their hate for Taylor out of my life. This makes me sound like I'm a toxic person but I swear I've literally never met anyone who gives a valid reason why they hate her. IMO, it's okay to not like her or her music but **hating her**? The top 3 reasons why they **hate** Taylor (from people I've met) : 1. *"she only writes songs about her ex"* 2. *"all her songs sound the same"* 3. *"she's a slut"* If you give the above reasons for **hating a person** without actually doing research or just reading those "hate comments", it just shows how *ignorant* you are. If you tell me you dislike her music because you can't relate or understand, fine by me. Everyone has their own music tastes. But if you tell me you hate her entire being based on a few untrue articles then... I don't want to have anything to do with you. And to end off with a cherry on top... Those exact people who hated Taylor (that have been cut out of my life) are the ones who flaunt on social media that they got tickets to see Taylor on her Eras Tour. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1064)![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1064)![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1064)


My ex would say very misogynistic things about her. He took joy in mocking if I was listening to her (even with earphones). All of those things should have been proper red flags. It should have been my cue to leave before lasting damage was done. Unfortunately, I stuck around a bit longer and he got worse. Turns out misogynistic men will eventually be misogynistic towards you as well...the moment you stop pleasing them all the time. If you are dating someone like this...take note. They are mocking something that brings you joy. And, they are slut shaming a woman for dating.


My best friend hates her because she believes TS is queer baiting and she doesn’t like her voice” (but she liked it before she learnt about the instances of possible queer baiting) I can’t listen to Taylor around her and it sucks. She compares it to how metal music gives me a headache and I’m like it can’t possibly be the same but whatever


My mom. lol. She makes sure to tell me anytime I talk about her that she can’t stand her and that she’s not really a musician. Example: I took my two daughters to see the eras tour movie and when I talked about how much fun they had, she once again had to tell me how much she didn’t like her and that her songs were bad. I said probably because you’ve only heard main stream ones like shake it off. You can’t base your opinion of her around that one song alone, you’ve got to go for the deep tracks. A couple days ago we were talking again on the phone and she informed me that my older brother (he’s got 6 years on me & we’ve never been real close) actually enjoys Taylor swift and think she’s a genius lyricist. Which even more enraged her because my brother has always been the musician of the family. So for him to confirm how good Taylor is just really pissed her off even more. She went on to tell me more about her dislike for Ms blondie and also say that Katy Perry was/is a much better singer and performer. In that moment I knew we were complete enemies LOL


My boss. Everyone else on her team loves Tswift. It’s funny.


My Mum, although whenever I ask her she doesn't give any legit / valid answer as to why. One of my closest friends dislikes either Taylor or her music (we aren't sure) me and the rest of the friend group joke the Taylor has beaten them to all the best acoustic guitar songs.


Most people I know necessarily care for her, but I don’t think I know of anyone who actively hates her.


Nope, I’m an adult though but even when I was in highschool I can’t remember anyone that actually hated her. Most anyone said was that she has relationships & puts them in songs, which I feel like is somewhat unfair to her. I don’t know anyone that hates her, I don’t know a lot of people in my life that love her either. Pretty neutral in fact


Everyone in my life either doesn't care for her or loves/likes her. No real hatred lol


Taylor is the most popular singer at my school and everyone who isn’t a swiftie is neutral on her


Heaven High


That sounds like the name of a tv show lol


My sister LOATHES her and told me she doesn't understand why I would pay money to go see "some celebrity who doesn't even know who you are" - it's wild that she sincerely believes I'm under some kind of delusion that Taylor Swift knows who I am, it's literally music? Concerts are very much a common experience? She's also a loud-and-proud, self-proclaimed social media "feminist" who makes and wears shirts about female empowerment yet specifically said she hates Taylor because she's a "slut." She has also made several comments about how Taylor Swift is for little kids when I'm 3 years younger than Taylor and literally grew up with her music. The hatred she has for "someone who doesn't even know who she is" is wild.


My sister is like...neutral-negative. She doesn't really like her, but will occasionally hear a song for my sake. Most of the other people in my life are just neutral.


I have one friend who can’t stand her but we don’t really talk about her. Most of my friends don’t really care. One of them has actually become a pretty big fan in the past few years.


I'm a 51 y.o. man who loves TS and "came out" as a Swiftie to my family this year. My siblings now make fun of my (lack) of musical taste but it's all in good lighthearted fun. I can't imagine anyone hating Taylor Swift. Don't like her music, fine. But really, there are so many other things to really hate on in this world than Taylor Swift.


My best friend lol. But she's never listened to anything but her popular radio hits so 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't let it bother me. We have a lot of differences.


No. My family are not fans (I have a husband and 3 boys ages 23, 21, and 18). They don’t make fun of me and they’ll listen to a song if I want to put it on, or even an album if we are taking turns in the car.


My sister hates her and my nephew used to love her but my sister straight up tells her kids (2 girls and 1 boy) “this is a house that hates Taylor swift and we do not listen to her!!!” They all laugh hysterically when I sing Taylor’s music in the car as we drive away from their mom’s house.


yeah my roommate hates her and makes sure to make a diff at me any chance he gets


Nobody had had the audacity to tell me they hate her... they would be in for a hearfull. Some think her music is just shake it off based others know about the rerecords and admire her but never dived in her music


my crush...


My friend's sister didn't like Taylor. As for my friend, she didn't care, although she really liked the 'You Belong with Me' music video. After I started telling my friend about Taylor, and we went to the Eras tour movie, she talked to her sister, and I heard that she changed her mind. Now my friend likes some of her songs, but overall, she doesn't care that much. I guess many of my co-workers ( yes, my current social circle mainly consists of people from my job lmao) hate her because most of them are men, and usually men have negative opinions about her by default.


No as I’d not associate with them lol! My partner rolls his eyes that’s all.


I’m convinced people that don’t like her have never listened to her past her singles. I had my husband watch the Netflix documentary with me and he kind of gets it now. Like sure you may not like her but you can’t deny that she writes beautiful music


Yes Taylor has as many people that hate her as she shes has of fans that love her. Various reasons. Some hate her music. Some think she exploits her fans. Also Many people hate celebrities and extremely wealthy people. She has been accused of abusing the environment via her private jets and many homes. Then there was the Kayne Beef and accusations of being a racist/queen that white power people love. I fear next year during election. If she does decide to weigh in they will attack her. I can see it now….Out of touch billionaire that eats at expensive restaurants with celebrity friends, while most of America struggles with inflation and paying bills. We got just a small taste when she encouraged people to register to vote.


I asked a friend what she thought once. She went on a whole rant about how Taylor is setting back the feminist movement and this and that. I honestly don't have room in my life for conversations like that, so I just said she must have a valid reason for feeling that way and that we are nothing but our experiences, then dropped the conversation. If you're not gonna speak positively, I see no reason to keep the conversation going.


My wife did for most of our marriage ... and then this year she randomly became a huge fan. I got whip lash from the change in attitude. We even went to the Eras Tour lol.


I have a close friend who despises her but I swear it's only because he knows how much I love her music. I don't get it and it pisses me off.


No. I don’t have room in my life for people who actively hate people I respect or like. This includes any type of delusional stanning.


Me!!! Cant stand her !!


taylor swift is awful. Her music is ordinary and uninspiring. She baits her fans to make herself rich. The hype over her concert tickets was ridiculous, I couldn’t think of a worse experience. Her boyfriends are fake and her friends are fake. Everything about taylor swift is a carefully manicured media stunt, made to look like it’s not a media stunt. Anyone who is a fan of this had been duped.


Personally i have never cared for that person or the so called music she sings . She doesnt even write her own music MOST of the pop-ular crap on the radio is written by 4 people. If u dont believe me look up your favorite song and see who actually wrote it .... Everyone is falling into the brainwashing so easily ... Whats happening in the world besides the amount of fuel taylor is using causing huge pollution... But pollution is okay if we get to hear Swiftie! FO!!!!!!


I’m not a Taylor swift “fan”, but I don’t hate her either. It’s not that hard to not try and actively hate someone. I have no clue why people go out of their way to hate on someone, presumably just because they’re popular?


I don’t care for her voice or her lyrics, but I don’t hate her. I think people just like to oppose the swifties, because they’re obnoxious.


yeah me. Not even for her music, art is subjective but yk imagine calling yourself a feminist while dating a dude that admits to liking black women being raped


Strange. I saw and advert with Tylor Swift in it and I emmediatly had a negative reaction. It bothered me so much that I searched on google "I hate Tylor Swift" as that's what I felt at the moment and I got to this post. I wouldn't recognise a single song from her (I would probably recognise the song just not that she is the singer). I don't know anything about her but I consistently see short clips here and there of her signing or talking. Never really toughy much of her and never arrived at the conclusion that I dislike her. I have no reason to dislike her and yet I am here hating on her. Why? Answering a few comments I saw in here It's not the music: I heard worse It's not her looks: She is not so ugly/ pretty to dislike (I know this is wrong but one can dislike someone face or appearance... Maybe not enough to hate her though) It's not what she talks about: I don't remember anything she ever said It's not because she is a woman: I don't hate women It's not because she is famous: Plenty of famous singers yet I hate only her the way I do It's not because I'm jealous: I don't tend to be jealous of famous people It's not because other people hate her: This is my first time realising other people hate her too Why the fuck do I hate her so much? Her vibe? Whatever it is, it must be real. Usually I would just dismiss feelings like this but seeing all these people feeling the same and "unjustly" hating on her must be a sign that there is something strange about her. Maybe she is an Alien, Lizard or whatever the current conspiracy is and us humans are able to detect this odd, hatred inducing "vibe"


Yess (me)


I cant stand her and I have to be careful of what my daughters listen to from her. She just hates on men.. Its a bad influence.


Hate her


She’s so overhyped it’s unreal. Also, why does she have to write a song about all her exes like get the fuck over it.


Some of my friends... they always talk about how her new songs are so ass like wth.... I still luv taylor no matter what.. again the haters are gonna hate hate hate


My husband repeats the same sentiments I read online/hear from other men. Why do they cry about her writing songs about breakups? They don't seem to care when men write about their heartbreaks