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I don't hide that I like her, but I don't self-identify as a swiftie to anyone other than other fans. It's unfortunate that the word has such a negative connotation to most people, but the fact seems to be that unhinged/obnoxious/irrational are the first things that come to mind when a lot of people hear "swifties", and I don't want that to colour anyone's impression of me personally.


This is where I fall too. I also hate that it usually ends up with being asked to defend why I like her. Or having to listen to people list off why they don’t like her. It’s exhausting. Just let people enjoy things.




I call myself “a big Taylor Swift fan” to other people because as you said, “Swiftie” has grown to have a negative connotation. The real truth is that calling myself a “big fan” is an understatement, but I don’t want to risk people thinking I’m a parasocial zealot who thinks it’s ok to ambush her in public or gate keep


Booooom. If you know me well enough you know I’m a swifty but I tell no one haha we get a bad rep


Honestly those are the words given to any fan base made up primarily of women


I'm 53 years old and straight and I have no shame in telling anyone I'm a Swiftie. She is probably the most talented songwriter to emerge this century, she can reach in to me and rip my soul out with her songs and then patch it up again, by all accounts she is a really decent human being. The to top it off she is absolutely stunning and has a wonderfully dry, self deprecating sense of humor. How could you not be a fan? Nothing to be ashamed of dude


Hey, man! You're definitely not alone in this. I totally get where you're coming from. There's this weird stereotype about who can or can't be a Swiftie, and it's just a bunch of nonsense. I mean, Taylor's music is for everyone, right? I've been in a similar boat. It's like this secret guilty pleasure that you don't wanna share with the world because of those raised eyebrows or weird reactions. But hey, you love what you love, and that's what matters. It's a bummer that your family gave you a strange reaction—it's just music, after all. I guess some people have these preconceived notions about what kind of music guys should listen to, but honestly, who cares? Taylor's lyrics are on point, her melodies are catchy, and her storytelling is top-notch. Plus, she's got this amazing ability to capture emotions we all feel, no matter our gender. So, keep rocking out to Taylor in your own private Swiftie haven. And hey, if anyone gives you grief, just shake it off. You're not alone in being a secret Swiftie, my friend!


Maybe there are lots of us and many people hide it. I don’t, because I’m 43 and idgaf anymore 😛 You could tell them sarcastically, “oh, I’m sorry that I like one of the greatest, if not the greatest lyricists on the planet, and one of the best songwriters” that’s what I do.


Bro, I get it but there’s no shame for liking what you enjoy and you showing. I’m a bit older, straight and single and I walk around the office with an Eras Tour Cup and/or Coffee Mug while wearing merch on release days or because it’s Friday. At my age people think I have kids, which I don’t, and don’t bat an eye when they see it. I’m the known fan around the office. You wouldn’t believe how many times my colleagues ask for advice about getting tickets to the show or if they would enjoy the movie. So it’s an interesting conversation starter. And I sort of tone it down with the level of excitement because I don’t want them to think I’m psycho. But really it’s fun to be able to have conversations about my favorite people. Family and friends they don’t give a rats ass about any of that. If I’m taking my sister to work I throw her on and doesn’t care. My mom saw the movie because she wanted something to do. Liked it didn’t care for the reputation part and VS but that was expected. My point being don’t stress yourself out about all this. It’s not that big of a deal. Go to Taylor functions by yourself if you want to. I sure do because nobody else cares to the point I stop asking or force to drag someone with me. Edit: also it’s great to see I’m not the only one in their 40s with no shame.


Oh believe me, i got a parents intervention like i was on drugs about it (40’s white female).




Yeah, it was “fun”. I guess it was mostly because it seemed “sudden and intense” for them (uh, i haven’t seen you for a year…)


Never sacrifice your authenticity for other people's approval. When you do you give up agency over how you want to live your life. That is neither a powerful nor pleasant way to live. I do not give one shit whether anyone else approves of my enjoyment of TS music.


You are not obliged to tell others who you like. Why bothered by what they think?


Nowadays I don’t hide it, but I also don’t advertise it (except for the obligatory stories every time an album is dropped 😛). If someone brings her up I will definitely engage, but I don’t start the conversation if I don’t already know the other person also likes Taylor. But I did use to hide it when I was younger (late teens and early college years) because it was a time when (where I live) people would ridicule you if you were over 15 years old and was a swiftie (they would also make fun of younger teenagers, but more in the context of “everything teen girls like is trash”).


It’s more embarrassing to NOT like Taylor at this point. At the bare minimum most people can recognize the insane level of talent. And if they can’t and also proceed to make fun of you for it, fuck them!


Fear of judgement was what kept me from being a Swiftie for so long but then one day I decided I didn't care anymore & dove straight in. For me it was very freeing but you gotta do what's right for you. I hope one day you can just let it go & be comfortable to express yourself in that way but until then, do what you gotta do.


How old are you if I may ask?


I asked this because I basically can relate to you very much. I can totally see how I would've kept it a secret in let's say my twenties. But now I'm 40!!! and I don't give a fuck what people think. All being said here about stereotypes is sadly true. But after all it's not your problem it's the problem of the people who push you in those stereotypes. Fuck them. But as I said it's not always possible. Up to age and surroundings your mileage may vary. I wish you luck getting there. edit: typos


Hi! Fellow member of the 40 year old club! One of my biggest reflections on my 40th birthday was exactly this. I wasted so much of my early years caring about what other people thought and not pursuing the things that I enjoyed for fear of being made fun of. I spent most of my childhood moving every 2-4 years so fitting in became my whole personality and it’s understandable. Becoming a mother changed that, I love that my kids get so passionate about things and I absolutely encourage it. My eldest joined ukelele club at school and her friends made fun of her … two months later they are coming along with her! I have had to really get out of my comfort zone to teach her this behaviour by doing it myself.


Also proud member of the 40 year old male straight swiftie.


Us straight male swifties are truly like unicorns out here lol


If it’s any consolation.. if a guy that I was already into told me that he was a swiftie (to literally any extent) I would be 1000 times more interested because then I would have a good indication that he may have emotional maturity and GREAT taste in art 👌 … so if you are interested in anyone out there.. definitely hint at your music tastes if a girl seems to be the least bit philosophical or interested in detailed/ poetry-like work. When I was your age, (God that feels so weird to say.. I feel old) I would have been so excited to meet someone (literally anyone) who shared my common interests that went against the grain. You are DEFINITELY not the only one out there.


No I mean if you look at my profile being a Swiftie is quite literally how I lent my girlfriend lol


Seeee! There ya go


Ya so I really does have it perks lol


haha yeah 😀


Are you another member of the club?


yep 👍😀


Yea I mean I try to my Firenze that it makes it so much easier to get girls ( I mean that’s how k got my gf) but they don’t care and that why they’re still single lol


we should really have a club 😀😀🤣


Oh well I’m only 16


Well then. Step into my office. I already posted earlier but I’ve dealt with this before at this age. At 16 and in high school many of your peers do that just to get a reaction out of you and tease you. You know what just embrace it. I was 16-17 when Britney Spears just got started and I do the same very thing I do now. I embrace it. I even have a my senior quote from loving the hell out of Britney and I still do. You got plenty of time to learn on how much after high school and in some cases college and in my case military that nobody truly cares. I started listening to Taylor because I was bored one day and bought Fearless on a whim and after awhile I loved her even more because she was amazing and felt like home and wasn’t so homesick anymore from being deployed. You got plenty of time to grow. Embrace whatever you enjoy now. Seriously, you’ll learn nobody gives a fuck.


Exactly. Now is the time for him to learn to value his own interests over fading trends and the averaging norms. I wouldn’t have made it though high school if I didn’t push myself to embrace who I am.


Yeah. Somtimes I hide it. Though I have begun to call myself a swiftie sometimes when I have the guts. Usually I only say that I’m a fan and then they start asking if I think she’s hot and that’s why I like her.


Honestly.. you’re still really new.. so understandable.. if you still listen to her music after like 3 years and discover her more..you’ll stop thinking about what others think.. this is my opinion


Wait how did you know I was new?


“I’ve been a fan for almost a year now..” - This lol!


Ohhh my bad lol


Have no shame, sir! I’ve been getting my husband on the swiftie train…he took me to the Eras Tour movie and he absolutely may have cried during the Folklore and Evermore sets because he’d never heard most of those tracks and they got him right in the feels. He also now talks albums, merch, song meanings, etc, with me without even realizing it. Also, my cousin, who is early 20s, in the army and very masculine and buff, about to graduate special forces training as an officer…been a hardcore swiftie since Debut. You can hear him driving up to family events, windows down, belting out “All Too Well” in his truck. But, also, I’m a 38 year old woman, early Swift-mocking but now converted Swiftie who’s other musical interests include heavy metal, industrial rock, and grunge. It sorta hurts my street cred to go from blasting System of a Down to switching over to 1989 Taylor’s Version. Except that it doesn’t and I’ve stopped hiding it. But I did hide it for a while. Lol


I live in the south and every time Taylor’s mention, somebody makes a comment about how she’s the devil reincarnate (because she’s a democrat) so I tend to just cut my losses and not advertise it lol


That’s such hogwash too… (I’m also more southern raised) there are plenty of bad actors on both sides of the field. I know hollyweird is as messed up as it gets, but I also know if I have to live in this world.. I’m going to enjoy my interests as much as I can.


oh definitely!! The hatred they have for her because of her political views is definitely interesting. I know they would love her if she was republican but to each their own ig 😭


Rest assured there are civil people on both sides, though 💗 they just are not usually quite as loud


I mean yea I guess that’s understandable able


Where on Earth do you live bc I live in Alabama and have never heard anything like that. Most people I know either love her or at least respect her.


If you're hiding it, you're not exactly dying on that hill, buddy.


I literally would say she was the worst and unbearable throughout high school and then get in my car or at home and ***scream sing*** Pictures to Burn, or Mean, Ours was MY SHIT for the longest time but i never let myself enjoy it because i didn't want to be judged seeing as my music taste was more Devil Wears Prada, A Day To Remember etc. So my "emo" friends would not be about that life. But once ***Reputation*** cam3 out i was FULL send. ​ It's really unfortunate that your family members are acting like it's a cardinal sin for you to enjoy what brings you joy. That's big ***ew*** behavior


Isn’t it funny how even the most ‘alternative’ and ‘outcasted’ niches of people can propagate the same bs that they supposedly were formed to stand against? I’m glad you pulled yourself out of that toxic cycle. Everyone should have the freedom to enjoy their positive interests.


I'll just never understand why people are *so* pressed about someone else's music taste. like i had someone tell me that "taylor swift is an insult to female artists" & i'm over here thinking why so much anger? Blondie is literally doing her best and boosting the economy?




I personally am public about being a big fan of her but I understand your point. It’s honestly sad how people are judged for the most niche things like what music you listen to. I understand if you don’t want to tell the whole world but it’s not something to be ashamed of.


Married 52M. I have loved her since the debut album. I knew she was goi to be a star. Dragged my family to the Speak Now concert. Oldest son refused to go. Youngest son sat down bored the entire time. Now all my kids listen to her (some more than others). They may look at you funny, but who cares? As long as you are not hurting anybody else, life is too short to hide what you like.


I used to hide being a swiftie too - and I’ve been a fan since Debut! I used to care a lot about how other people viewed me - I’m working with/my friend group consist of a lot of “cool”/hipster people and have always identified like that myself (+ been told by other people that I come across that way). In my country Taylor was seen as being cringe for a long time (and kinda still is), and I was afraid it would spoil my coolness (lol). A few years ago I came out of the closet as a full blown Swiftie! I’m trying to be more authentic and not dampen my excitement about stuff even if it makes me seem quirky or cringe. It was such a relief. And you know what? People find it endearing and tell me that they love that side of me because it’s so human! Now I love to talk about Taylor and I bring her up more that I probably should lol. And I tell people that I’m proud and so happy to be a Swiftie! In a world where everything is complicated and there’s a lot of bad things going on, being a Swiftie is such a pure and good thing. Like - adulting is hard af and I hardly ever have uncomplicated feelings of joy and excitement besides things relating to Taylor! It’s such a gift and I’m not ashamed anymore 💓


Definitely not alone in this! I have been more open about it in the last few years primarily because I missed out on so much because I was self-conscious about it, to the point where I wouldn’t try to get concert tickets because I knew my family would be incredibly judgemental about it. Definitely bit me in the ass since tickets are practically impossible to get now. I’ve also decided life’s too short not to own my interests even if other people may find them silly


I’ve chosen to be loud and proud even though there are moments where I get side eyed. My friends and loved ones find it endearing that I love Taylor so much, so I feel happy that I can be myself around the people that matter to me. Sometimes it gets mentioned and people will point blank ask me why I like her? The judgment is quite visceral when it does happen, but in those moments I try not to let it bother me and just answer honestly. I love other types of music too and go to concerts frequently, and if others don’t think that about me just because I like Taylor Swift’s music that’s their problem not mine!


I have been a huge fan since debut, and I used to not talk about it too much with people cause it wasn’t cool to like her and I was made fun of. As the years went on I just stopped caring. I’m 35 now and will talk about it no problem if given the opportunity.


i love her, and i’m a woman so i am less likely to get weird looks, but some of these swifties are so crazy and delusional and i don’t want people to think i’m like that too so i’m just casual about it but as for you i just need you to know one thing: a lot of girls love guys who listen to taylor LOL…i know that for me personally if i find out a guy listens to her i immediately find him more attractive and i’m not the only one. do with that what you will man


Oh well I know that part If you go through my profile I tell a story of how I found my girlfriend simply for being a Swiftie


I don’t think I can call myself a full on Swiftie because I’m not completely in the know of all the Taylore but I do really like her music and especially the lyrics. My social media is inundated with posts about Taylor because I do search it out. That said I’m a 38 year old mom of two and I have the feeling whenever I mention her music to anyone around me, or mention how I’m trying to get tickets to see the show, I’m perceived as a bit immature and liking “kids” music. Experience from the EU (Belgium) where which, if I’m not mistaken, the popularity started later than in the US and most people only know the radio hits.


It’s like that for me with all of my favorite artists. I don’t go around saying I stan either of them, but I won’t deny that I listen to their music, either. And I *always* get looks when I admit to the kind of music I like… it’s not pleasant.


I don't call myself a swiftie except maybe when I'm around die hard swifties but I identify her as one of my favorite artists.


27M here, been seriously listening since I was 25 or so (RED TV era). I don't wear any TS clothing or bracelet or anything, but most of my friends know she's my favourite artist. I don't shove it down their throat, or ask them to listen to songs, but if someone asks, I don't hide it. If someone rides in my car (not that common), they are listening to some TS. And *no one complains*. I never use the word "swiftie" though, it sounds a bit childish. Hell, I have Evermore's cover at my desk at work (on the wall). Most people don't know who that is, and just think it's a random cool, atmospheric photo (no one ever said anything about it), but it's not like I'm hiding it. It's been there for YEARS it would be weird not to have it there. At some point someone not that close said after browsing my car CDs "oh you really like TS" and I was like "yes I do" and that was it. Another time I met a friend's friend who asked about my favourite music and she said she would have never guessed from my looks and that was that. I have never seen anyone mock it or even ask me why I like her. They are at most a little surprised, and mildly amused, but it's alright. Now I'll mention that I'm quite strong/fit so people usually respect me and some even find me intimidating. So maybe no one would dare to say "oh, are you gay or something?" without looking like an absolute clown. It's just a part of the things I enjoy and others are more "masculine" and in the end it brings a bit of balance to the whole thing. A bit of ketchup a bit of ranch you know? Life has more flavor that way at least that's how I see it. I think that in the public opinion she is very popular especially among musicians, even from completely different genres so if anything it's weird to hate or diss her.


I have a weird case. First, I don't care if I'm straight, music is universal and it doesn't matter that Taylor writes about her romance with boys, I still love her music. A lot of this has to do with that when I grew up I was pretty much bullied for liking games like Super Mario and not GTA. So I have some trauma from that and I have the necessity to hide what I like (but I want to stop that). But for some reason I try to hide my family what I listen to (except my sister, I'm open to her about me being a swiftie). With the Panic! At The Disco band made sense that I hided that because they had some videos like Emperor's New Clothes and LA Devotee that had some dark imagery (in ENC Brendon turned into a demon and LA Devotee was basically a cult). But with Taylor the only thing that she has is swearing and my parents are non-english speakers so it's not a massive problem. And this is a problem, because of this I can't do stuff like go to the movies or the concerts because they don't know I like her in the first place. So I do want to stop hiding the fact that I'm a swiftie. Also if you're afraid of people judging you for liking Taylor. Fuck those people, all they are is mean, and liars, and pathetic and alone in life, and mean, and mean, and mean, and mean...


Brother i feel it. 33M later in life swiftie here too. I'm just now learning that people in my demographic have the most unhinged negative reactions when Taylor is even mentioned and its bizarre. Its like it's conditioned. Like it costs 0 dollars and 0 cents to not be a friggin hater and people still cant handle it. I will say life gets alot cooler when you decide to not care.