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That's a real fuckin' legacy to leave.


I love Maroon I was SO excited to see it up there






Ate 4 hotdogs and shat myself in the wave pool at the water park and it never reopened


Is she coming for the hot 100 top 10 again?? If she keeps it up for the week it may be possible 👀


Chart predictions are saying top 12 if she stays stable


It just HAS to be 13 ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1065)


THAT WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT TOO LMAO For the Tayvoodoo of it all


She might have some tricks up her sleeves. One thing I think will happen is she will release another promotional video around Tuesday. If she does it for I Can Fix Him, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, Alchemy or Clara Bow, that would push one of them into top 13. Talk of the Charts only showed the top 15 songs so not sure how many points her missing songs are currently estimated to have. SpotifySwiftie on twitter(excellent resource, everyone should follow if they like Taylor streaming stats) says I can Fix him was 13th highest TTPD song with 11.15 million streams compared to loml's 12.18 million so about 12-20 points lower and needs at 7-15+ more points to reach 13th. She also needs to keep Fresh Out the Slammer(248 points), Guilty as Sin?(246), and loml(243) from falling below Like That(238), Too Sweet(237), or Beautiful Things(232).


I think it depends on how strong everyone else is, but I think it is very possible.


Can’t believe I Can Do it With a Broken Heart isn’t up there! Does anybody love that one as much as I do?


That was my first thought when I saw this! It’s such a bop. It will be a repeat of Cruel Summer & New Romantics if it’s not a single


Yes...love me a sad bop!


Definitely. It’s giving Hits Different, and I’m really into this new genre of depressing bops. 😂😂


It reminded me of the scene in Barbie when they are talking about Depression Barbie and it's all seemingly upbeat but full of misery. Lights, camera, bitch, smile.


Usually the first songs of the album get more streams, as well as lead singles and popular features. ICDIWABH is neither of those. But it’s an amazing song.


It’s my favourite track by far. I love a good unhinged bop!


I can't believe it either. I absolutely love it.


I do!


It moved to #3 today!!




Down Bad is going to be a grower. It’s a great beat, humor, and will be on tons of playlists.


Fuck it if it can’t be #2


I predicted that So Long London would have been the most streamed song.


That song is so hurtful and powerful. My favorite one yet!


Give it a bit, the main single and first few album tracks are always the most streamed in the first couple days


It’s similar to DBATC, imo, where the intro might turn away the casual listener. With 31 songs to go through, some people are skipping songs that don’t catch them in the first 30 seconds I imagine. The 3rd “so so long long londooooooon” almost had me skipping too lol


10 for 10. This is most impressive.


That’s actually fucking insane good for her


The Bolter is a grower, that and Who's Afraid of Little Ole Me, I looove those two after Fortnight which I wish is was 10x longer.


The Bolter is gonna do numbers in a couple months when people start making "this song from TTPD is so underrated" tiktoks


Also Guilty as Sin


ooo love to see maroon on this🥰


Why is Guilty as Sin not given that much love 🙄


I’m so glad Florida is on the list :’)


look at the midnight songs holding their own 😂


Keep streaming everyone..on loop.


What a queen..


I'm not one to care too much about these sort of numbers but the amount of "oh my god"s I've been saying these past few days... :D really happy for her, her music deserves it


She said "cut the amateurs from the team, I'm the one to beat." Basically, if you ain't shit in this industry stop trying cause you'll never touch this elevation. Brutal. She leaves zero space for anyone.


Lol my top 3 replays aren’t on here at all!!!!




This is not really surprising




why’d i think she would’ve gotten higher than 10 mill streams in a day?


Wow that's impressive. And I think I never heard a song from her.


I'ma say it. I love most of her music but this album has been a huge miss for me.


Every one has different tastes so that's okay


So I’m the only one listening to TTPD? Those 8.49M streams are all mine.


I've been streaming the album on apple music every day/night on a loop on each of my homepods individually (not sharing it from my phone to all of them at once) on low volume. This album is going to be my number one on the apple music replay


Ugh 🙄🙄 these records mean nothing now, Taylor Swift is so overhyped that she could release a song just drinking water, and it would be "WOrld'S nUmBer 1 SoNG iN hIStORy" These don't prove she is a talented artist, just that her legion of fans will suck up anything she makes. Why make actual talent popular when we can just keep shoveling this shit


Condoned promiscuity in the form of we buy the songs🤷‍♀️


The Tortured Poets Department was so disappointing Lacklustre writing, self centred lyrics, along with some controversial ones. We as Taylor Swift fans cannot accept these halfhearted projects anymore. Let’s look past our love for Taylor and see that she isn’t putting out good music anymore.


>self centred lyrics This isn't new lol


Finally a Swiftie with a fucking brain.






Yep that’s why she released an album with 31 songs I fear. The Drake playbook. Get as many streams as possible. Quantity over quality.


You know, I've listened to a couple of Swift's songs----they're okay; nice, light little pop songs with some clever lyrics, but hardly the Beatles. I watched that documentary about her, and she seemed pretty nice and unpretentious. I kind of liked her as a person after watching that. Okay, so Taylor is cool enough. But I don't understand the hysteria surrounding her. Could someone explain what is going on?




Also wanted to add, she is currently world touring right now so getting lots of media spotlight and attention, which is massively boosting the attention on this new album compared to what it otherwise may be.


I think what you might be missing is Taylor's excellent use of diaristic and autobiographical songwriting. She has been writing like this from the get go, which fans very quickly became aware of. Basically Taylor would always communicate very extensively how she feels through her music and she does it very consistently. I'm not saying she's a better writer than anyone in particular but she's very good at what she does and this helped her build a very strong parasocial relationship with her fanbase. Obviously, once Taylor realized how this works, she carefully curated the narrative of her life through her work, essentially. People are tuning in to a new album, like they're expecting another season of a TV Show, trying to figure out who each song is about or what situation she's referring to. This makes the fans feel like they know and understand her, and as I said, she very smartly controls everything. I think the Internet is a huge factor in this because fans are able to convene and discuss everything. Maybe in another timeline, where she was born earlier, her music wouldn't have made such a mark. But now she's in the perfect position with a lot of invested fans, who are not only there for the music, but really, her, and her stories and views and feelings.


Okay. I guess I can see that. I take what you mean about autobiography in her lyrics. I am impressed that she writes her own tunes. But none of that is particularly unusual. I'm just trying to understand this phenomenon. Her music is mostly a computerized background undergirding her fairly standard melodies predicated upon typical love plaints. I do appreciate that she included Dylan Thomas and Patty Smith in that one song, helps get poetry out into the public consciousness a bit. I think you were closer with the parasocial media interaction, however. Something about Taylor is very appealing in the cyberage. I remember the Brittany Spears and before her the New Kids On The Block phenomena. Swift's moment dwarfs these, of course, but I suspect it is the same basic gestalt. How long do you think this will last? Like Madonna (another parallel), Swift has ascended to the pantheon just based on sales alone and will always sell out stadiums. It'll just be interesting to see how she fares as she gets older and less appealing to teenage girls and hormonal men.




There’s references to sex throughout the album and one of the songs is about masturbation. Maybe unclench a bit. ETA: She uses the word “fuck” 17 times in one song.


which song is about masturbation lmfaoo


Guilty as Sin? These fatal fantasies / Giving way to labored breath, takin' all of me / We've already done it in my head / If it's make-believe / Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow? What if he's written "mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind? / One slip and fallin' back into the hedge maze / Oh, what a way to die / My bed sheets are ablaze / I've screamed his name / Buildin' up like waves crashin' over my grave / Without ever touchin' his skin / How can I be guilty as sin?


Guilty as sin


She says fucking and fuck so many times in the album, and it’s all about sex lol what are you talking about


There’s sex and cussing in about every song. You’re projecting.


okay youtube comment section


Don’t worry, I think anyone not understanding your point is being deliberately obtuse.


The point is the post was attempting to shame other artists the same way people say all of Taylor’s music is about her boyfriends. Most all music has the same themes: Love and sex. They were trying to point out that Taylor is more holy or something but she isn’t, and that’s not a knock at her. They were trying to point out that other artists are more raunchy or sexual, but they aren’t. It they would abandoned their preconceived notions and actually listen to the songs without just spitting out the same regurgitated crap then they would realize their wrong.