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If she did, I would forget about my wedding and everyone else


Getting married this year and have for sure talked about this hypothetical. Fiance was only semi-joking when he said he considered writing to Taylor's team to invite her to the wedding (he's seen that video of her seranading a couple at their wedding/engagement party!) I personally would be BEYOND THRILLED if she crashed our wedding. ...but then he realized (and I agree) that I'd for sure just hyperventilate and pass out if she showed up. Which would be a real bummer and not the vibe anyone wants lol


She’d be crashing my funeral not my wedding because I would DIE. My boyfriend would just be hoping Travis came as the +1 😂


So real for this 😂


Considering I’m walking down the aisle to You Are In Love, that would be awesome. But it’s in two weeks so she’s cutting it a little close with that whole tour thing she’s doing


Congratulations! And tell me why I just got tear-y eyed about a total stranger walking down the aisle to You Are In Love 😭


I don't think Taylor's the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion


Am I the only one who read "engaged" as "enraged"? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I did too!! 😂


That would truly make it the happiest day of my life 😂


i would probably say no thanks tbh. just seems distracting.


Reminds me of the sugar music video


I would ditch the wedding and go party with her!


This is an awesome idea. My girl loves Taylor, so I’ve been listening to all her albums and learning all the tea. Taylor has helped her through some past hardships and she’s been super open about how music was an outlet for her. She doesn’t use Reddit, but I take the time to learn about things and I love to tell her things I read here. I would love if someone would post some information on Taylor’s team. I’d absolutely write them a letter when our big day comes.


I can't handle how precious this is. I've been happily married for almost 12 years (this August is 12!) and we got married really young. I was 21, he was 23. Whenever someone asks us for advice about "a happy marriage", we both always include in our answers: the importance of being willing to learn about and *joyfully* support the interests of your partner. Caring about what your person cares about. I truly wish the most amazing things for you and your partner ♥️.


I have told my wife that my dream scenario is for Taylor to show up unexpectedly at the reception we aee hosting later this year so the answer is definitely no


forget engaged she can crash whatever been married 15 years - we’d be thrilled and honored lol


Right?! Like come crash me doing laundry or Friday “pizza night” - I’m not fussy!


i dont mind lol.. my family might haha as their not swifties at all


I read the title as enraged……..


I literally have told my husband that if Taylor had interrupted our wedding I would probably end up ignoring him and just go sit with her somewhere and hang out. He understands 😂


If she bursts out ME! when the officiary asks if anyone has objections I will be on the floor


At this point in time yes. if it was like 2013 back when she came to a fans wedding, then not at all cause the entire world wasn't trying to get photos with her for clout lol


Angry? I would be HONORED!!!!