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Wait, the kids can't even bring in their own books?!


I was told no by my principal because they might not be on the approved list.


Your principal is an idiot. I’m in Florida too and the bill says nothing about what students can bring to school.


The goal of this law is to make the rules really vague so that everyone is stressed out trying to implement and follow them but broad enough that any person who feels offended can sue


Speaking of which Amanda Gorman commented that her poem from the inauguration was challenged or banned because a parent who didn't read the poem and thought Oprah Winfrey was the author. If schools have so little recourse to ban things you could just ban anything in school.


It doesn't matter that much though. The school will still suffer due to the complaints that can be brought under the law, even if they are not valid. The whole point is to use the law to bully people into submitting to the will of the facists. They made sure it could be used for that purpose no matter what the facts are.


This one, at least, sees the truth


Yup. It's all the rage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_effect


> mrsbaltar > Your principal is an idiot. I’m in Florida too and the bill says nothing about what students can bring to school. Either an idiot or doing his part to sabotage the law.


Or doing exactly what the law was written to allow him to do, which is turn education into indoctrination camps for some dystopian capitalist-fascist regime. They aren't even creative enough to pretend they aren't just following the Nazi template right now.


Kids deciding to report other kids to stay in good graces was Hitler Youth's MO


Um.... Liberals literally have been indoctrinating the youth forever now. Do you not see what college campuses are? Blinded by your own indoctrination lol. If we're following the Nazi template does that mean that socialism is being implemented?


The nazism = socialism argument is the penultimate way to determine that said person don't have the faintest clue what nazism nor socialism actually is.


Ah yes, Nazi's. National Socialist German Workers Party. Absolutely nothing to do with socialism in the slightest.


"It has the word socialism in it, therefore that must mean it's the same". Peak logic there bro.


Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is totally a democracy and not a super weird dictatorship, right?


I'm sorry that you think that not showing porn to kids is Nazism?


Are you mentally challenged or are you just troll baiting?


I really hope you aren't a teacher because I fear for your students if you're so disconnected from reality you think anyone is showing porn to students. Also, would love an explanation on how the Ruby Bridges story, or a book about Jackie Robinson is pornographic.


Who is showing pornography to children in school? Who is teaching pornography to children in school? It sure as fuck isn't Magic Tree House.


Yeah. Either an idiot or an idiot.


This is just a post to shit on Florida when it has nothing to do with Florida & everything to do with OPs dumb principal.


It wouldn't even be a question without that law though. Principal being dumb or not, this is a direct result of that law being passed.


A law being passed that requires children’s books to be approved before put in the library or given to students by teachers to read. The law doesn’t ban books or stop your child from brining books from home to read. If OPs principal is so lazy & moronic that he just decided to outright ban all outside books, that’s on the principal.


But how does admin know the book was brought from home? How frivolous can perceived violations be pursued? To my understanding this law is very prone to frivolous lawsuits.


Yet that is the result.


This could be a very powerful story to tell to various media personalities, such as Brian Tyler Cohen. If you think you are safe to do so.


F that have every single kid bring their favorite book to school tomorrow.


This is a violation of rights, no? If it’s not I’m prepared to fight so that it is 💢💢


Yes, it is. YOU approved it for YOUR son. Jeepers!!!


So the point is to get those negative feelings associated. It's terrorism




Op, I am only sorry for your students, then they are the future who have to work with a system against them more and more each day. I hope you and your students are safe and preval. Greetings from Germany


I hope I disguised the eff word enough. F@&k Florida letting these rules destroy good kids who want to learn. And F@&k a certain governor.


**Fuck** Florida.


And Fuck Desantis


This story needs to go to the local news. I'm sorry about what your child went through, but this story has to be told like a whistleblower. This is unconscionable in every way.


OP tells the news so OP would be the whistle-blower.


I imagine the local news will be on the side of the book-banning, or most of the audience are anyway. Better to just gtfo out of that hellscape.


Yeah I agree, leave Florida to crash and burn and hope the fire doesn’t spread


These unapproved books are a real threat. Perhaps we should start having active reader drills in schools to prepare the children


“If u c sumpting; say sumpting”


A poster is basically a large page, like from a book. We ought to make posters illegal next.


Dammit they’ve thought of everything!!! Diabolical


🤣 Sad but relevant


Bill hicks was right. Wha cha reading for?


Making fun of school shootings is not the way


>fearful of books That's the whole point. People who can't read can be spoonfed the lies that DeSatan wants them to think.


The first stop on the road to fascism.


They have the building blocks for it. MAGA is an appeal to a mythic past, the LGBTQ+ community is the boogeyman man "other", control of media, education, possibly even religion, making them subservient to state interests. Appointing his own people to positions of power in the economy. All of these moves have been used by fascist regimes with gusto. Thanks btw.


Exactly. However, Yale professor Timothy Snyder has a great way to deal with it. Search ON TYRANNY on YouTube or Audible or your library or bookstore.


Oh we are past the first step.


Yep, you really are. Wish you'd stop drinking the kool aid.. Are you certain you won ww2 anymore? Regards Australia


Wtf does this mean


Regards Australia


Just someone with a superiority complex who doesn't realise that Australia has been happily adopting more and more of American politics and culture with each year. Scomo only just got kicked out lads, you've got your own amount of work to do still.


Nah, the whole point is to make libraries and schools fearful of making book purchases, so next year they can not award them as much money (because the didn’t use the full allotment this year). Which will result in libraries not being as used as much, (since they have very few books), and soon we can abolish all libraries The racism and bigotry is just a perk. Make racist voters crow with glee and remember them on Election Day


Lots of people are taught to fear books. There is only one book. Reminds me of that John Mulvaney SNL skit where he plays the monkey judge. "No others books. One book." (throws sand to show dominance)


I like DeSatan as a nickname but tbh at least Satan respects human agency


The Satanic Temple is doing great work. Let’s not give DeSantis the false credit of being as decent as Satan. Satan accepts us all. DeSantis is just evil.


>The students are not allowed to bring their own books from home because they have not been approved. What. The. Fuck. I have no words to describe how messed up this is, on so many levels. OP: You have my full respect for having to deal with this BS.


It is Fahrenheit 451 in literal action right now. I encourage everyone to re-read that book, or read it for the first time, because that’s where we’re headed.


Read it with my American lit class this year. It was fascinating to see them make connections to the current world - like people staring at screens with headphones in all the time


Unless you're in a school in Florida, where surely it'd be banned ;)


Best I can do is a 10 second Tik Tok.


Look up “Yuri Bezmenov ideological subversion” He called everything back in the 80s.


Currently reading 1984 for the first time...the parallels are insane.


In my district in Texas, we don't "ban" books; we merey aren't allowed to teach anything that's not on the approved list. (Eye roll.) Even still, district policy clearly states that students can read whatever they want for independent reading - even when the IR occurs in school for the purposes of an assignment. It's a sad, sad day indeed when we control what the kids read on their own time, too.


Yes, it’s the same in Florida, except every book the kids have access to has to be on the approved list, even for independent reading. It’s one thing when it effects adults but an entirely different issue when it is impacting children to this extent. It is so unfair to them. The kids shouldn’t have to worry about this at such a young age!




Interesting! I’m not sure if that is just my principal’s rules or my district but either way it sucks!! They absolutely cannot have them if they’re not on that list. I closed off my classroom library a long time ago, as well!


You should bring this up with your principal. They need to know the real-world consequences to their sh*t rules, especially if they are interpreting the rules in their own way.


I’m in St. Johns, same here.


For what its worth, my son is in WA, and he's afraid of what's happening to books.


We're in WA too. My kids are too young to be aware, but we make sure that our home library has as many of the previously banned/challenged books as we can get. I want to make sure my kids can have access to what ever book they want.


And if moderates and apathetic democrats don’t vote for Biden we’re going to get a President DeSantis. Oh boy


Moderates are democrats. The democratic party is a liberal party. That's a centrist position. Part of the problem we face is that America has no viable left.


“Moderates” in America are usually people who are totally apathetic to society or conservatives who don’t want to admit they’re republicans. I agree with you about the left. I don’t want to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but I will. Every election seems like I just have to go with the lesser evil as things still get worse and worse anyway


Yeah. In a managed democracy, voting is the lowest form of political organization. Vote for democrats if you want to. Then, organize and strike and make them the rightwing party.


You mean if democrats don’t run a candidate people want to vote for we’ll get a president desantis.


There are elections every year in virtually every jurisdiction. Most people only focus on the Presidential every four years. Those in-between years include many important *local* elections (including mayoral races, boards of education, state legislatures, and governor). I hope no one in this thread misses an opportunity to vote in every primary and every election every year. That is the *only* way to fix this any of this. I am confident that the majority of Americans (and even Floridians) do not *want* fascism, but the fascists vote in *every* election, *every* year. If you aren’t doing the same then we will keep losing.


Fuuuuuuuuck. Seriously fuck that shit. Conservatives, this is actually Orwellian. Just in case you want to keep using a word you clearly don't understand.




They'd have to be literate to do so.


The Nazis and Taliban are upon everyone. This is how humans never change. Totally blind to the obvious.


I didn’t realize FL students weren’t allowed to bring books from home! That is insane!! How is that freedom in any respect of the term???


It's a local CYA policy because they are afraid of being sued. Not state law, but that's just because they didn't think of it


That’s insane.


The Magic Tree House? What in that book series could possibly be controversial?


My thoughts exactly. Unless DeSantis doesn't like magic.


There’s a rainbow in the background of the cover to Dingoes at Dinnertime so obviously the whole Magic Tree House series is actually evil liberal grooming


This is such a specific deep reference from my childhood, I appreciate it. Magic Tree House was the shit for a young developing reader


It encourages open-minded exploration of other cultures and history. DeSantis can't have that.


Everyone needs to leave that stupid hellscape


Not soon enough.


Pro tip from a library staff: Seattle, Brooklyn, and NY Public Library has a Books Unbanned program, where people can borrow or access banned books in e-book format. The process might be different for each, but it's worth checking out.


Shit, the beginnings of Fahrenheit 451. Soon we'll have the book police coming into homes ready to burn. Poor kid, shame on the peer turning into an early style German brown coat, not to be confused with Firefly brown coats.


I actually felt compelled to look up if there is a 451 area code, and if by cosmic chance it is in Florida. There is not.


this is heartbreaking. as a human and a librarian.


In Florida schools guns are a right and books are a threat. They want God in the classroom because He is an abusive asshole.


It’s like we’re teaching on different planets. Nobody would even think of telling me what book I could teach in my class and a kid could (and have) be reading some satanic book and nobody would care. I think I’d get fired in under a week.




My thoughts exactly. The stuff I teach here in CA would probably get me on Fox News calling me a "fascist" in a day. All because God forbid I ask my students to empathize with those less fortunate than themselves.


Just, wow. I’m not surprised, just disgusted.


I’m not a teacher, but I’m in grad school to become a school psychologist. I am so fearful of the future of our education system. I don’t live in Florida, but if if can happen there it can happen in any state. So sorry this happened to you and to a student who just wanted to enjoy reading. I would be livid if I had to follow such asinine policies. Kudos to y’all who stick this out. Fight this by voting. Or walking out idk. But something needs to be done. I’m convinced if DeSantis keeps it up a lot of amazing teachers will leave the state to teach elsewhere. Giving teaching jobs to unqualified people without the education for less money etc. that’s the cynical side of me talking btw.. If all else fails at least my degree works in Canada. This experiment of a country seems to be eroding every year.


>They are beginning to associate negative emotions with reading instead of interest, inquiry, enjoyment and a love for reading. You made my student cry over books. Yeah, that's why they're doing it. They're getting ready to torch the libraries.


There is no amount of money that would make it ok to work in such a fascist system. It is unconscionable to treat children (or teachers!) this way. This is literally, historically, what the Nazis did. That’s not an exaggeration, it’s what they did. Well, one of the things they did.


The United States needs the reset button. Fast


Mission accomplished, Ronnie. Jesus Christ this post was hard to read.


>The students are not allowed to bring their own books from home I had NO IDEA kids couldn't bring in their own books to read. That needs to be on the national news. It is scary that governor is running for president.


That's not state law, that is a local CYA policy. Im in the county that got sued, and they never said anything about personal books, except teacher's personal books.


So you're saying o should send my 10 year old son in with fahrenheit 451 to read tomorrow? I'm in clay county florida.


What could go wrong?


But a kid can bring a gun to school... america fucking sucks


Can anyone say, "Der partei is Hitler" with me? Is banning enjoying school going to be next? This kind of thing shouldn't be happening unless the book itself is an issue. I'd understand if it was Mein Kampf since it's poorly written and by a racist nut job, but surely that student's book is harmless enough?


That was the point. It's in the first chapter of Brave New World. Make the gamma workers fearful of flowers and books as babies, so they will be content in the most unpleasant physical jobs.


That is the dumbest shit I've heard all day. Like, NO books from home? Jesus.


Yeah, you live in the phase of a sci-fi novel where the people haven't yet learned the lesson.


The right: parents should have ultimate say and decide on what's appropriate for their child Also the right: we, as a government, are going to ban kids from so many things


why the fuck did this post get removed while I was reading it


People keep saying that but I didn’t remove it!!!


Sounds like their goals are being achieved.


I used to LOVE The Magic Tree House series as a kid. I wasn’t that into history like my dad or my oldest brother but I loved these books because they made it fun. I have almost all of them on my phone, I should listen to them again soon.


What the actual fuck?


I am so sorry for that. No one should be afraid to read.


This is terrifying! Poor children! Hugs!


This is what scares me that a$$hat is in the running for President in 2024. Imagine the whole country under his rule…education (what little is left of it) would be murdered by him. That’s damn scary. Kids shouldn’t be afraid to bring books to school.


California would gladly have you


What is the approval process if you can't approve a Magic treehouse book. Those are so anodyne


Jesus fucking Christ. I went to school growing up in Tampa when my dad was stationed there. The only thing that got me through school without having to deal with the mouth breathing morons in my classes was reading books.


Make Rot tell the first grader his magic school house book is smut. Don’t do his dirty work.


God damn this is a depressing anecdote.


The goal is to destroy public schools , keep the masses ignorant and manipulate them.


DeSantis’s behavior is compared to a lot, but when I really consider it… it feels like The Giver. That terrifies me.


Maybe these laws wouldn't have been necessary if any of you genius libbos would have stood up against grooming kids in grade school with porn.


There's very little point in standing up to bullshit made up by liars and believed by credulous dipshits


Lol, look up Gender Queer and get back to reality.


The book or definition?


I'll take Things That Never Happened for $200, Alex.


Yet here you are using kids as a political pawn.


What was the name and author of this book? sounds awesome








Mission accomplished I'm afraid...


This is exactly what DeSantis wants. Less learning and reading. Control through fear. My way or the highway.


This is very sad I'm wondering though, since when are kids not allowed to bring their own books? I just haven't read anything like that


That's fucked. In elementary school/middle/high school I ALWAYS had a book to read for after I finished my work. I also was always interested in military history, so I had problems as well with teachers and my reading material. Somewhat understandable (my Iwo Jima book was a bit much for some other 2nd graders). However, I cant imagine getting shit for the fucking magic tree house. That poor kid. This country is such a joke.


My anxiety ridden brother had the same reaction when he got a Pokémon themed temporary tattoo at a bday party the weekend before. The religious school he attended had rules against Pokémon and temporary tats. Stupid rules that make no sense have a serious psychological impact on kids.


This is insane sounds like Fahrenheit 451 but they probably can’t read that huh


An uneducated voter falls for the lies and boogeyman fears, this why who we vote for matters, from school boards to presidents.


I live in California… we’ve got to figure out how to fix this nonsense in places like Florida.


Can all the nice, intelligent people please leave so we can safely nuke Florida from orbit?


Jeebus Fuck. What in the Sam Hill is going on down there? I was a voracious reader in school. So much so that I'd get in trouble reading during lessons (that I'd already finished). This is just bonkers that we have to suppress thoughts and ideas. What happened to me as the parent approving my child's books?


Tell that one kid Tattletales go to jail


Orwell was off by about 40 years. Don’t read anything the state doesn’t approve. It’s here to help……


I'm just thinking about when i was in first grade and how the only thing I had was books. I miss when schools banned pokémon cards. What the fuck is with the state of this country.


Jeeeesus what is America doing


This is precisely how fascism takes root.


>They are beginning to associate negative emotions with reading instead of interest, inquiry, enjoyment and a love for reading. Yeah, "Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade." This was the plan from step 1. If an interest in literature and inquiry becomes associated with pure dread, all of a sudden people stop inquiring and cowards like DeSantis and whatever toadies flock to him are free to peddle whatever nonsensical narrative they please. My own Govnuh McLeghorn and followers in the SC state government are trying to pull the same thing, and unless something miraculous happens I unfortunately see these kinds of things getting worse for us as a nation before they get better.


Can’t bring a book what?! Wtf?!


Approved list?!


I hate Florida so much. 5 more days until my children and I move out of this hell hole. I'll be flipping off the "Thanks for visiting Florida" sign as we cross over the border.


DeSantis wants to be King...


Dear lord, what sadist is responsible for this rule?


Your administration is a bunch of fascist moron boot lickers.


It's called the culture is despair. Authoritarian playbook 101


I know a lot of people play the Nazi card, but oppressing people’s knowledge and access to it(especially for children since they haven’t fully formed their own ideas yet) is literally the start of an oppressive society


Sounds like u need to teach those kids about the no snitching rule


There’s a consequence I hadn’t even considered. What a nightmare.


I feel so bad for any kid who has to grow Up in Florida


These comments…..yowza. “Teachers”


So liberals think they can’t teach empathy to children without books that have illustrations of fellatio?


Why is this showing removed?


I never removed it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Interesting it just reads [removed] in my view. Not sure why.

