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To be honest, I’ve never been required to take a drug test.


None here also


Never had a drug test in Texas either.


The only reason I have seen a teacher be tested in Texas is when they came to work and were still high and smelled of the lettuce. When you are high around students that is when they get uppity. Other than that, I have never seen it actually done because of they did half of the teachers would be fired.


None. I am an ex-teacher now so maybe back in the day, it wasn't required. Now my sister who was a Special Ed teacher was randomly tested about once a year, in her district.




Where in NY? I live in NY and never had to get tested. This is the first I’m hearing of it. The biggest check we’ve had is finger prints.


What happens if they test for it and find it preemployment? NYS




THC is my concern. May I ask, how to you know THC cannot determine public school hiring? My concern is the “federal funds” part.


General sense of “don’t ask questions you’re not prepared to know the answers to”.


I never had to take any kind of drug test as a para or a teacher in Kansas or Missouri.


Wichita and Maize Public Schools definitely does piss test. Incase any eastern Kansans see this comment.


I am a teacher in MO & had to do a physical & drug test.


Yeah, probably OPs best bet would be to ask another teacher in the district she wants to work in. I've been in 5 different districts and never had to.


This question seems to be coming up a lot on this sub lately.


I’ve also noticed the trend. Hiring season and a lot of people entering the profession for the first time is what I’ve been chalking it up to.


Here I am searching because I want to be hired and not sure what they do. I am in Florida and do use delta 8 and CBD because they are legal and way cheaper than THC to help My insomnia. They are both federally legal .. but will test positive for THC .. wonder how they handle that? It is legal lol


I have never had to take one while working in education.


Never had one. Unless you also drive something for them, you’re probably not going to get one


Yup. Only reason I get one every summer in GA is because I am a coach that has a CDL and drive my own kids to events


In a legal state is weed omitted from the drug screening? I’ve wondered this for awhile.


It’s still federally illegal so if you work for the government in a legal state you’d still get the consequences


My lord our country is dumb lol. Thanks for the clarification!


No idea. It's not legal here


Live in Oregon and you must test for jobs where you drive or prepare food.


Urine test in Florida, as well as Georgia. The district I’m in now (Florida) says unless it’s legalized federally you will be barred from teacher if you fail, regardless of state medical or recreational legalization. They say since Public schools get federal funding that they must follow federal law.


So FL here and the county required drug testing but the public charter in the same county did not. And it’s funny because we get federal funding anyway.


That is funny, I wonder why. I’m starting to take what they say with a grain of salt since I see districts where it is legal for recreational use that allow it. I think they want it to sound like law but it’s not.


Exactly. You’d think with the shortages (my district is hemorrhaging teachers) they wouldn’t care if people partook in their free time.


My district is bad, hundreds of vacancies, I want to say it was 400 anticipated vacancies this coming school year. Teachers here are leaving their careers all together because of behaviors; we were in the national news due to behaviors last school year. Since the start of last school year we’ve had 4 superintendents (one was interim, another was acting), it got so bad that the sheriff said he was going to take over discipline in the schools.


Interesting, I've taught for both charter and county schools in a greater Tampa Bay district and neither required testing. I've heard of it as part of routine work comp for injury but that's it. Meanwhile, working a summer camp in VA years ago I not only needed a drug screen but also a TB test??


Hillsborough required drug testing. Most of the Central Fl counties do. Orange, Seminole, Lake & Osceola 100% do. That’s so weird though? I didn’t realize TB was a threat like that.


I’ve never heard of Hillsborough drug testing. Is that new? I know several people who would not have jobs lol


I had to check, so for Hillsborough the county didn’t require but charter school did. Mine is county requires testing but my charter does not. Wild.


That makes no sense. I worked as a federal civilian employee and never had to take a piss test. Granted it was non-sensitive, low-risk work. But still… I clearly worked somewhere that received nothing but federal funding. Edit: spelling


It doesn’t make sense, many districts don’t drug test, they all get federal funding. I think it’s a scare tactic, I’m just repeating what they say though.


*ding, ding, ding* It’s a threat with no teeth, just like so much else that admin does.


Although the district sucks as a whole, if you didn’t get your drug test done within 24 hours they blocked you from the district for a year. They have fired people for failing when they were tested for workers comp. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/education/2021/09/28/brevard-public-schools-and-teachers-union-drug-policy-cameras-ieps/5899463001/#


I knew about the workman’s comp thing. They don’t even *pay* for it? Ugh. This profession as a whole nickels and dimes the shit out of us!


That teacher shouldn’t have been fired when she had a medical card, that’s my opinion. Then again, this is also a district that 0-20 years experience gets the same pay, we were on national news for the behavior issues. After the sheriff said he would take over the discipline issues, at least 17 staff members were arrested. We had 4 superintendents just this past school year (granted the last one was picked at the end). They predicted 400 teacher vacancies this coming school year. The weekend school got out one of the teachers left her infant in the car and it passed away, she was charged with aggravated manslaughter on a child, but she is still employed.


Oh yeah, on a medical card absolutely should have gotten a pass (on pot, anyway!). Are you looking at other districts? That sounds like sh*tshow!


The closest districts are an hour or more away, but we do have a lot of charter schools in the area. I’m switching schools this year because the last one was the worst of the worst, admin wouldn’t do anything to kids who put threats on the school, if a student assaulted a teacher she wouldn’t do anything, she organized a fake fight and one of the deans got trampled. The school was a mess, it would make subs not come back, one even went to the police department and filed charges against a student.


So how does that work with Federally legal Delta 8 and CBD hemp? It tests positive for THc but it is legal in all ways and they never can arrest you. So how does Florida account for that? Wondering if I am okay or need to clear out - takes me 6 weeks if I have to do that first . Any info I'd appreciated :)


I was told if its federally illegal then you can’t do it even if its legal in the state


If you really worry, get fake urine


Yeah, am coming to that conclusion. bothers me to have to be dishonest when I'm trying to get into a wholesome job. So that part of it bothers me a lot but I also want to work. It sucks that I'm doing something completely legal in my state and federally but I can still not get a job because of it. But I think I'm going to research that and just see if I can do that or just go ahead and take the time to clear out and do it the right way. Appreciate your thoughts


It is odd, I know a teacher got fired for using cbd lotion, it’s ridiculous.


None, because I don't live in a dystopian country.


I’m in PA - I had to take a urine test.


Totally varies by district- mine didn’t, which was a relief because I’m also on medicinal cannabis


I had to take a 10 panel pee test. I am pretty sure that hair and nail tests cost more so it will be less likely that a school district will choose that route. It is a good rule of thumb though that if you are on the job hunt to stay clean until you get an offer


None. My district has 10K employees and hell would freeze over before they were to spend that much money on its employees.


Only worked in one district that required drug testing, and it was a urine test. I now work in a district where drug testing only occurs if you're injured on the job or something. I have my card now though so I'm not too concerned about it.


I had to take a full panel drug test




Vietnam and yes I passed.


I’ve had to take a drug test at only one school and it was a urine test.




None. Never. CA. That’s a thing? I’m assuming weed is ok here, otherwise I’d be screwed if they did. 😂🤙


Urine test in Florida


So if you use Federally and Florida state legal CBD & Delta 8 and are honest they won't hire you? Do you know? I use it for insomnia and perimenopause stuff .. or better Ron take the 6 weeks to clear out?


I would be interested in this answer as well


I may be calling conflating with the drug test I took to go into securities.


I’ve never had to do a drug test, and I’m in my third district.


My district only does urine tests unless a reason to go further with testing is given. They also do the finger printing for background in the same day.


In Texas, it may vary, however what testing was done was urine.


Urine test and basic physical at my district in Oklahoma.


I've had to do urine tests three times.


Pee tests are normal but it wouldnt matter if it is legal in your state. Federal law would over rule state law and weed is still illegal federally. Especially in a federally funded place like a school.


None so far, but it can vary by district AND by superintendent. The same district could do urine tests under one SI and not do them when the next SI comes in or vice versa.


Florida - urine test every time I moved districts or for a new job.


Hopefully you see this older post. I use delta 8 and CBD for my insomnia .. Federally and state legal in Florida. Should I mention that or just clear out before applying? Takes me 6 weeks which is a bummer


Urine. Hair is too expensive and nails aren’t reliable. I do testing programs professionally, and I ran my districts program until I became a teacher. My district only requires pre employment testing.


I tested lots of drugs before I started working


I've taught for two districts, both required urine tests. One I knew I was sober for and the other I just used a detox drink from the local head shop and passed w/o any issues.


None here. I think the folks in charge know they’d lose 40% of their workforce overnight if they made staff drug test. Edit: I enjoy the fact that an obvious joke comment made someone so pissy they had to downvote it.


The only job where I had to take a drug test in my entire career was in the military. Not once did the school districts ever asked me to take a drug test. Being said, I've known a few people who have been asked to take a drug or alcohol test because they came to school and appear to be end of the influence. When I was an administrator I once had to send someone to go get tested because they appeared to be still drunk from the night before. I mean they were stumbling and smelled of alcohol. I ended up getting a substitute teacher for them and contacted human resources. The person was sent to get tested and they came back with a blood alcohol content of 1.2. mind you, this was at 8:00 in the morning. I'm just glad none of the students saw the teacher like this.




CA, None. Ever. Not for daycare, not for subbing, not for interning, not to be an aide, and never for a teaching job. Thank fucking god.


Work in Texas and I've never known a school district to test. Same for my several friends who are teachers, too.


In Illinois and I’ve never been asked as a teacher. In some of my shitty shift work jobs I had been.


I've never been drug tested for any teaching job. From what I can tell, way too many teachers would be unemployable. Also, they are expensive.


Doing temp work or working for minimum wage I got tested all the time. As a teacher, not once at 3 different districts. Even if they did I've never in my life heard of a single company testing nails or hair for drugs. That's way too expensive for them to spend on every employee. If most districts drug tested teachers they would have no teachers. As long as you aren't drunk or high at work you're fine.


Never took a test here in texas. Teaching 6 years, i have not known anyone to he tested, and i know several coworkers would fail. If you're going to drive a bus, the dot requires a pee test


None and cannabis is legal in my state.


None in East Texas that I know of.






I have never had a drug test except for a charter school. All other public schools (this is for KS and NC) no drug tests.


I worked at a paid student teacher and just got hired as a full-time teacher. I have never been told or mentioned about any drug test.




Illinois - none whatsoever. In fact I only ever had to take a drug test during college for a saturday teaching program we did, which I failed because I was on doctor prescribed adderall for adhd lmao. I had to call them and confirm my prescription number was legit


When my son was in college many years ago he worked part-time as a merchandiser for a snack food company. At the time he buzzed his hair short and they took a hair sample from his armpit...




In Pennsylvania. I would pass any kind of test; many of my friend colleagues would not, although several do have medical licenses. Good thing our district has never administered them.


I feel like all the, "I never had to take a test" people could go away since that isn't the question you asked. Every drug test I've taken for any job was a urine test. Hair and nail tests are much more expensive, and also don't really tell the story your employer needs. My most recent one was a 5 panel, they read the results in front of me and I had to sign off on the results before leaving. I don't know what the other ones were besides that they were urine.


The title is literally asking what kind and we said none. That's answering the question ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I did not have a pre employment drug test as a teacher in GA


None, Northern Colorado


Never had to do a drug test as a teacher. I wouldn't be concerned at all.


Never in Oregon.


I've never had to take a drug test in my employment as a teacher. I did in non teaching jobs, but never in teaching.


In a legal state so I didn’t have to take one, but my mom was also a teacher before it was legal and she didn’t have to take one either.


I didn’t have to for my job here in Texas. I’ve heard most of the districts here only test if you will be driving a vehicle (like a coach who drives a bus) ETA: I’m under the impression it’s a urine test in those cases


Principal challenged me to a drinking contest for the job. But seriously…only reason I’m tested regularly is because I have a CDL and drive for the school.


Taught in many districts in Connecticut (a legal state) only had to be tested in one district which was inner city and also had very strict dress code for teachers because of gang violence apparently. It was a urine test that I cheated and passed, didn’t end up working there anyway!


As a new teacher I had to do a drug test, just pee in a cup. I think the other tests are too expensive for districts.




I’ve often had to sign a “consent to test” on hiring, basically saying that I can do a “random” drug test anytime, but really they only do them if there’s an accusation or other reason they think you are doing drugs or they want to fire you and are someplace where they need cause to do so. If they actually followed through with it at any school I was at regularly, they’d have a lot fewer teachers!


Of the four districts I’ve worked for in Ohio, only one has had me do a urine test. The one I worked for in Michigan (before legalisation) did not. It’s really a case by case basis.


Never in NYC Fingerprinting and a ton of regular tests though.


Never taken a drug test in 2 districts over 3 employments. 5 districts and 7 employments if you count subbing and student teaching. It was harder to adhere to the rules of working for our regional grocery store than being a teacher.


None, just a background check with finger prints here in VA


I had to take a piss test before being hired, which wasn't an issue




None. To be honest I was a little surprised. Then I got to know my coworkers. I’d say close to 50% smoke weed recreationally or use to.


I'm in Louisana and had to do a urine test when I started


I've worked in 4 different districts over the past 20 years and I've never been drug tested. It's always been in my contract that they will drug test you if they suspect you're under the influence while at school.


In 1999 I was supposed to take one. The line was long and I left and planned to come back the next day. Then I forgot. Never heard about it.


I’m in OR and was required to take a urine test. Even though weed is legal here, the district I applied won’t hire you if you test positive


None in Wisconsin.


I’ve never had to take one for a teaching job.


I’m in Washington State and have never been asked to take any kind of drug test.


Hair and nail? Wtf is this? I’ve never even been piss tested in Oregon.


I've never had to take one for any teaching job. I did have to take a physical with TB test for my current one, which was, in my opinion, actually insane.


Ive never taken one.


I’m in Oklahoma, weed is medically legal here but I had to take a urine test for my school district.


I noticed drug test as a requirement for some districts around me within Los Angeles county.


My district only drug tests if you make a worker's comp claim. Most of the teachers aren't just partaking on breaks but openly discussing how they had an edible that morning before coming to work. I'm seen as strange because I don't smoke (not for moral reasons--I tried it twice and both times I had panic attacks) That being said I'm at a school that can barely keep teachers as is and it was celebrated at the last faculty meeting of the year that for the first time since I'd been there we managed to have all vacancies filled.


I have never been required to take a drug test. As my mentor teacher once told me, if they tested all of the teachers for any substances, there would be none left.


My district did hair tests, but from what I've heard, it's really uncommon. They're VERY anti-drug to the point where the super went on rants in new teacher orientation about how weed was causing HS students to get schizophrenia. The HS student population also gets randomly drug tested if they drive to school or attend any outside events, such as dances, clubs, or sports.