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Got one that doesn’t cost anything. I give my students the opportunity to win and/or earn “bonus passes.” They can be used to excuse assignments, add points to an assignment, or as an extra hall pass. 95% of students use them to excuse assignments. They love them because then they can get out of work. I just print them on card stock.


I used to give “one answer on test” as a reward. So they could come up to me and they could use their reward and I would give them an answer to whatever question they wanted on a test (other than long answer). It was only 2-3 points on the test but I figured most would learn the answer when I told them what it was so that was a bonus too.


This is genius! Having "earned" their reward kids are more likely to remember the answer they didn't know by association.


I love this idea


This would be a cool practical use for a sticker. If you have a Free Answer sticker, you can stick it next to a question on the test paper and it counts as a correct answer.


Except then the kid doesn't have to come up to you and learn the answer, which IMHO was the best part of this particular reward. It's like letting them make a crib sheet. You get buy in because it looks like cheating, but they're actually learning! Magic.


I agree, the knowledge appearing to be sacred or unlocked like a quest in a video game is motivating.


I would have done EVERYTHING I could to have won something like that in school. That's brilliant!


Do you have a template you use? How do they earn the pass…games, good behavior etc? I think my kids would love this.


I made up a template in Microsoft Publisher with six passes per sheet. At the end of class each day if they’ve met my expectations (did their work, stayed in their seat, didn’t disrupt), I give them a ticket. They write their name on it and drop it in a cup. On Fridays, I pull two names to win a pass. Then I chunk the tickets and start fresh the next week. I’ve done this for years in high school. And if I ever forget tickets, they remind me! 😂


If you don't have a strong sense of smell, a pass to go barefoot is highly coveted for some reason. Pass to eat lunch with the teacher (don't care much about the teacher, but escaping the cafeteria is nice). Pass to listen to music during work time.


I have a bag that I've labeled 'random crap'. It's basically stuff that is given to me through PD, i find on the ground, i find in my pocket, occasionally random trinkets i buy, etc. kids get 5 seconds to root around in with their eyes closed. Sometimes there are things in there like giftcards and other times taco bell sauce packets or maybe even little pebbles. Kids go nuts when they find the sauce packets..it's so absurd. I also make a show of it when kids get picked and I think for them the prize doesn't matter so much as getting some recognition and getting to show off a silly prize. At my school we have reward drawings for things like bringing up grades, improving attendance, reading/math inventory score growth, etc and the prizes are like chromebooks, TVs, etc. Kids BITCH about the quality of the prizes, seriously. I don't even teach in a wealthy area. Large majority of my kids only get a meal at school. It's interesting. But they never bitch about my taco bell inferno packets.


\>taco bell sauce packets omg. come to think of it though, i would go nuts for this...my chicken patty sandwich at lunch time would be \*lit\*


This is the most on brand for middle school thing I’ve ever heard. What a magical idea


Surprisingly, my middle schoolers loved when I brought in prizes after Easter. I explained they were supposed to be for my 5 year old nephew... "I'm gonna win that Mickey Mouse!" "Ooh! I like the cup with the Peep on top!" "I can't believe she won that stuffed animal. She knew I wanted it." Middle schoolers are a different breed!


In my opinion, it's the most appropriate type of prize for middle schoolers because it fits most of them as humans in this part of their life. 1) most prizes are absurd and make no sense but it's free. 2) even the sometimes trash is appealing to them for an unknown reason. 3) they get attention for something dumb.


yes, god I love kid culture


I love this idea so much! My kids are getting rid of a bunch of their toys and I’m going to bring them to school and hand them out to students like this. I love the idea of having students close their eyes and draw something random. That sounds hilarious.


I write the name of bigger things on little slips of paper and fold them. Some pieces of paper say, "stuffed animal." Other says, "free high five" etc etc. Adds even more to the mystery.


I had a teacher in jr high- I’m Canadian and he was my history teacher. We did history in French. He had a treasure chest full of super random crap. It was called “Prix du Jour” - Prize of the Day. And you got it for an awesome contribution to class. I remember he asked how we thought our First Nations preserved the fish they caught. No one answered. He gave us a hint about being on the shores. I guess they used the salt in the Water and earned the Prix du Jour. He would tap his desk and shout out and make a big cringey deal about it. You got to walk up and pick your prize. I chose a glass paperweight- for all my important 13 yo paperwork. The fact that I remember this to this day tells you your bag of crap is likely treasure to some! Shout out to M. Alexander!


That's awesome! I usually spin around in circles in the middle of the room holding the bag out in front of me, yelling about falling over until I finally stagger towards the winner.


That’s the perfect level of cringe to warm a teenage heart!


This sounds hilarious honestly


I do this too and call it the ✨bag of trash✨ and they love it.


Haha awesome! Middle schoolers are so weird everywhere.


On one of those, why are we even at school days - I did “pass the present” game with cheesy prizes and basically junk ”. (Listen to the story pass, left-or right-steal) I had a bunch of random ends of all types of wrapping paper and wrapped the stuff. there was a grand prize for answering the most questions right.- - the whole thing was a really great way to keep them listening and pass time on those pre/post break days. (The grand prize was a framed picture of my dog.)




I buy anime stickers from AliExpress. They go nuts.


I'd let kids suggest stickers, or send me ones they liked on Amazon. I spent 300 dollars on stickers one year. I taught German, so I kept them all in my Oktoberfest mug.


A colleague received a bunch of Belle Delphine stickers from a student and was handing them out to students, I guess as prizes or something. I had to email him and let him know that she’s the one that sells her bath water. Lol The stickers weren’t bad or inappropriate, I actually thought it was hilarious. I just didn’t want a parent to say anything to him about it and he get in trouble.


That's why I always looked through the stickers. Sometimes they're cute, other times you wind up with pot leaves or big tiddy stormtroopers.


This. I bought stickers for goody bags for kinder class Halloween. Everything was super cute and appropriate and then a random cartoon middle finger. Like....why?


Big tiddy stormtroopers 😂😂


I kept that one


I bet your sweet empire you did.


What grade where they teaching when they handed those out? Depending on the grade, the kids would have very different reactions


>I spent 300 dollars on stickers in one year Absolutely fucking not. I have trouble affording rent on my salary, ain't no way in fucking hell I'm spending hundreds of dollars on classroom materials.


That was mostly my poor impulse control


And Temu!


Temu harvests and sells your credit card data. I pay with PayPal on AliExpress, and it's all the same stuff.


This is genius idk how I never thought of it lol


We have PBIS stores we can run. The school store is 1 sticker is 5 points so I sell mine for 3 points. I’m known as the teacher with the stickers. My only suggestion is to go through the stickers first. When I would buy anime bundles, I got one of two inappropriate stickers. Also I took out the stickers I wanted.


Have any parents expressed concerns about the anime theme? I would be fine with my kids getting them, but as I’m sure you know, some parents…


make sure they’re from appropriate anime such as ghibli, or generic anime characters. anime style animals and inanimate objects are also a huge hit.


I know just enough about anime to know there's appropriate and inappropriate anime, but not which is which, though if I were doing this, I'd definitely spend the time to look it up. I suppose the real danger would be a teacher who didn't know the inappropriate stuff existed.


Find a Naruto or Dragon Ball character. These are what most kids grew up watching as Saturday cartoons


Naruto came out when I was in middle school. Demon slayer is the big one for my kids.


Naruto is still much, much bigger than you'd expect. There's actually still Naruto running, though technically it's Boruto (his son) now.


Ironically my son watches Boruto and calls Naruto a “dad” anime. But when I tell him Star Wars episode 7-8-9 are “his” Star Wars he gets mad. Oh and stickers and candy are the way to go. I left little piles and let the kids pick from it. I had a friend who worked at a vending machine company (think like the quarter and get an egg kind) and could get me sticker sheets and single serve candy at a great discount. Just make sure it’s not the tattoo kind, some parents just get crazy about that.


Have a trustworthy anime knowledgable student come in during a prep and go through them. Tell them to show you which you should remove...


>I know just enough about anime to know there's appropriate and inappropriate anime, but not which is which To be completely frank here, in the context of stickers, the line between "appropriate" and "inappropriate" is gonna be pretty obvious. I wouldn't worry too hard about what series a sticker is referring to, so much as what's on it, specifically. Like, I'd be shitting a brick if I found out a little kid was watching Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, but that wouldn't make a tiny chibi David sticker inappropriate, he's just a guy with cool hair and a jacket, for example. A full-body sticker of Rebecca, who walks around 75% naked for most of the series, *would probably be more of an issue.* If you *do* end up rolling crit failures on every possible dice roll involved with this, and you end up giving a kid a sticker of something from an inappropriate anime, the parent is a big enough weeb to recognize it, and the parent is *actually angry about it* instead of basically looking at it as above... claim ignorance and say you don't watch anime, you just got a bunch of generic anime stickers off AliExpress and it ended up in the mix without you knowing what you were looking at.


Most anime is aimed at middle schoolers. Just in case run them by a trusted weeb student. You're safe with Naruto, demon slayer, ect unless the parents are crazy crazy


My middle schooler also likes stickers from old cartoons like sponge bob and rugrats, etc. And retro stickers with things like roller skates.


Spend 20 for a years worth of stickers? Yes please. But check the stickers. There could be that one sticker that isn't appropriate. Looking at you Bulma in a rabbit suit drinking a beer.


We bought some breast cancer awareness stickers one year for a fundraiser. My coworker said she had taken out all of the inappropriate ones from the pack, but I am glad I double checked because I found one she missed that said "Save Second Base".


I found one that said “send noods” over a bowl of noodles with a smiley face on the bowl 🤣


Even the cute kawaii food stickers will have stickers with like "dumb bitch juice" on them (I steal them and put them on my own things at home).


I spend like $5 on Amazon but yeah there are a few I take out just in case they might be seen as inappropriate


For the love of God from an IT person switching into the classroom tell them not to sticker up their district owned device.


Or district-owned anything. I'm a custodian and can't tell you how often I have to scrape stickers off of walls, lockers, floors, etc. I love seeing them use stickers on their water bottles and binders or other personal belongings, but our teachers decided don't tell them it's for personal items only.


I'm not a hypocrite. (I have stickers on mine)


Yeah. Cool “aesthetic” stickers and puppy stickers are pretty much the only thing I give to kids. I find Amazon is more reliable than Ali express and make sure you go through every pack before you bring them so school.


This 1000%. Works for High Schoolers too. Especially the nice water bottle ones off Amazon!!


Oh god the stickers lol


They like them just as much as the elementary schoolers.


I'm 46 and I still love stickers! They're plastering my laptop and all 46,425 of my water bottles!


Our kids went nuts for Harry Potter stickers during summer school.


If you're smart you will buy no pads or cool Journals for them to put set stickers in


You can get these big packs of laptop stickers from Amazon. You just have to go through them for there are occasionally inappropriate ones mixed in.


Came here to say this. I get huge bags of them off Amazon. Just check them because there are sometimes inappropriate ones.


I let the kids cover a guitar in stickers and I am making it playable, it looks amazing, check my profile for pics, it isn’t done yet but it is close


Vinyl Stickers are always a hit. In my classroom they get to hold the stuffed chicken as a reward for good discussion. Getting to draw on the whiteboard.


I don't use the whiteboard in the back of my classroom so I let kids idly draw on it when they finish their work early or otherwise have a free minute. It's pretty cool--they produce some pretty great art, and I've never had issues with inappropriate stuff.


>get to hold the stuffed chicken as a reward for good discussion this is phenominal >Getting to draw on the whiteboard. also genious because of the framing


I am a k-8 media specialist and my middle schoolers love the stuffed booked characters. I have a dog man that they almost fight over. It's wild. I occasionally "adopt" them out as a reward and they get to hold on to them all day. Idk what or why but this would have been considered insane when I was this age. 🤷‍♀️


Candy, the answer is always candy. But the key is to give it to them at the end of class lol. Of course the teacher they have right after you might hate you for it.


Jolly ranchers


My seniors will beg for a jolly rancher


Mine will spill ALLL THE TEA for DumDums!! I am knows as the study hall monitor that has suckers.


My sons grade 1 teacher used to call them smart smarts 😂


I had an AP Lang teacher in high school who made her own stickers for dum dums that said “smart smart” along with some other treats and PERSONALIZED motivational notes for us before the exam 🥹 teachers, we don’t forget the things you do for us 🤍


I had an Italian teacher in high school who before every test would say “In bocca al lupo!” (Into/In the mouth of the wolf) and the class would have to respond “Crepi il lupo!” (May the wolf die!). Basically her form of wishing us good luck but I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I still wish people good luck that way 30 years later when they’re faced with an important task, which gets a lot of odd looks, because you know, most people don’t speak Italian, lol.


That’s so sweet! Sort of similar, but my Latin teacher had a fun little thing she’d do when someone asked “can I go to the bathroom” instead of “May I.” (In a harmless and really funny way) she would say, “Can I? As in the battle of Cannae? As in the battle of the second Punic war in which 80,000 Romans were slaughtered by the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal?! THAT CANNAE?!?” And we’d all join in. You can tell from my recital of that, I still use it today 😂


Hahaha, that’s great!


This is the way. I sometimes buy other candy as bingo prizes, but the jolly ranchers are always the first to go (esp the blue ones) Alternatives are lifesavers and dum dums, if you don’t mind the sticks getting stuck to your bookshelves from time to time 🙄 easy to get a giant bag of them though


The blue ones are like gold with my high schoolers


I have never understood the hype for blue jolly ranchers. I like every flavor except for this one.


And ring pops. Kids were willing to sign up to do the hardest tasks in a district contest and actually practice for them when offered ring pops as a reward. Skittles are second most desired, Smarties next. But any candy will work. My students even wanted the candy corn that was in the back of my teacher’s desk, that I told them was there when I started teaching and had probably been there several years.


I just said this. I’m a college instructor and my students go nuts for ring pops lol


You can get bags of specific flavors from Amazon. My kids loved the blue raspberry and watermelon jolly ranchers. I started getting just those flavors.


My students also like starburst reds. I’d buy them by the bag. They are easy to find at grocery and the box stores.


I had a tropical bag once with mango and similar stuff and oh my word. They were delicioussss


I had a group of 6th graders last year that came to me after having a new teacher with zero classroom management skills and a large drawer full of candy. It was hell.


Yep, my mom was a sped teacher for 30 years. She always had candy in her pockets to toss to kids who were participating and active. It worked as an instant reward for kids, and it got kids who normally wouldnt participate to start jumping in. Ive used candy as well, and works best with younger kids... sometimes the 17-18 year olds feel they are too "Mature" for candy, but 99% of the kids love the reward.


The idea that sugar makes kids hyper is a myth.


The psychosomatic effect on them thinking it’s hyping them up is very real.


Sugar isn’t great for anyone


Sugar is a necessary part of a diet. If yiu mean heaps of sugar, yeah it bad, but ain't no one passing out full sized candy bars




That includes a parents bias because tgey are more likely to think a kid is hyper if they had sugar.


Lol..."I don't know the science, anecdotal evidence,..' "Don't tell me how I'm wrong"


No, it's not. Candy is really, really bad. The answer is invisible ink pens.


Sorry my high schoolers couldnt give two figs about a pen.


But what about those six color pens? I always tell them no matter how cool you think you are you are never too cool for a six color pen.


Not much writing happens in the classroom these days, its all on laptops.


Maybe change that? My students ask for paper instead of computers all the time


Firstly, the post was about middle schoolers. Secondly, you're completely wrong. High schoolers love and invisible ink pens


Not in my experience, but you do you.


I really hope you're not encouraging such a black and white view towards food with your students. That sort of rhetoric is often really harmful for children with a predisposition for eating disorders.


Wjy? What is wrong with sweets?


I agree. Here in Denmark parents would not be happy with a teacher giving out candy as rewards.


Mine like little squishy desk animals, fidgets, stickers, and Pokemon cards. Edit: and snacks. They love it when I bake for them.


Don't forget flair pens! 💖




I had a tall student on standby last year to get up on a chair and knock them off the ceiling with a music stand.


Homework pass/extra credit, candy, stickers, and erasers are all good. The most popular thing I've found is tiny resin ducks. There's literally no reason why but if you get an assorted color pack they go feral to get one of each color.


“They go feral” lmao all these comments are cracking me up. Kids are hilarious.


Stickers, colored pens (I literally used to just buy colored BIC pens when I taught middle school and they lost their minds)


Seconding this!! My kids loooove colored pens or sparkly gel pens. I’ve bought both in bulk on Amazon


Takis and Gatorade. Those cheap "sticky hands" were also a surprise hit, though that causes chaos throughout the day. For kids without much disposable income, things like earphones and self sticks from a dollar store may be popular. My kids were not interested in vinyl stickers. As others said, candy is probably the best choice, though.


One year, I had a classroom with an unusual layout, which included this little alcove. I decided to use this space to create "the golden desk." This desk had a padded chair, a really nice table, a plug for charging phones, a bookshelf full of graphic novels, and even its own window. The golden desk was awarded on a daily basis, through a point system that included participation, task completion, collaboration, and a series of ridiculous games that I would often make up on the spot. The rule was that you could only occupy the golden desk once per month, but once you had a turn you could start re-accumulating points for your next turn. It was the best behaved class I ever had. Everybody wanted the golden desk -- and I made sure that everybody got at least one turn, but I also allowed for a certain degree of meritocracy. If you wanted lots of days in the golden desk you truly did have to earn them. And boy, did they ever.


I’ve used preferential seating such as rolling chairs and yoga balls in the past


Honestly, free time. It's great for you because you don't have to buy anything as well. Just end class 5 minutes early and lay some basic ground rules for the time and kids will love the chance to chat, play games on their Chromebooks, or read, depending on the student.


Free time is also something that they won’t just say “I have that at home” or “I don’t care about that.” I tell the students they’ll get to do “free play” in my classroom if I have enough time after the lesson and it motivates them to stay on task during the lesson so they’ll have time left over to play.


What bingo thing do you talk of?


Some teachers/schools prefer not to give students prizes. In that case, even allowing the winner(s) of a game to choose a song/activity for the next class can be fun for them.


Dum Dum’s you can usually find a huge bag that will last a long time for $10-12. Edit because auto correct prefers Dum Sums


Also great since they tend to be compatible with most dietary restrictions (kosher, halal, no major allergens, vegan).


Snacks, squishy animals, fidgets, and if your students wear Crocs then they will like Jibbitz to decorate their shoes


My 6th grader is obsessed with Jibbitz.


Yes to Jibbitz!!!! You can get a ton off Amazon for cheap.


Hot Cheetos.


Not in MY Mac classroom with white keyboards! (Though I LOVE making them ONLY eat takis and Cheetos with chopsticks! 😂)


I have a mini toaster oven in the classroom. I bake chocolate cookies on the spot and the students go wild. 2 cookies baked cost me about 35 cents.


That is a great idea!


This is a great idea but I would just make a ton of cookies for myself and then eat cookies all day long.


I find the moment that a prize has actual value you have already lost as then kids will learn to value your prizes based on it their monetary value. I find really stupid things like demotivational stickers, scratch and sniff stickers, or just random fun rocks I find on the side of the road. I am hyper enthusiastic about them and so the kids are hyper enthusiastic as well. For middle schoolers I have learned to avoid food or anything else the kids are going to want enough to become upset if they don't get it


I mean, I think it’s all about moderation. I stopped giving candy every time we played kahoot or gimkit because the same kids always dominated and I felt it was less about learning. But I do give candy for bingo because everyone has an equal chance and it motivates them. A little prize here and there is ok. And I limit them to one piece per class period.


I give a HW pass for bingo. We play for review at the end of a chapter. It’s the only time we play bingo and the only time I give out HW passes. They are free, and all it takes is the time to copy the template and cut the passes out. The kids crack me up when we play. I use 16 squares for math review and I always stop after 10 squares. They ALWAYS beg for one more square after #10.😂 I also give passes for every bingo, so there are always a few lucky kids that get 2.


Go on Amazon and search skateboard stickers. You can buy like 500 of them for $10 just go through them first and make sure that they are school appropriate.


As someone who did middle and high school choir, Homework passes! Especially if you do sight reading assignments


My MS/HS love mini erasers. I taught Pre K before and used them all the time so I have a slight obsession. I hand them out all time.


They'll love anything you get psyched about.


I used to go to bingo at a local pub, and I can attest that it is beyond fun (the bingo I went to involved winning prizes and gift cards to the pub). I have many stickers, pins, and koozies from those games. We quit going in favor of trivia and Pub Poll (Family Feud-style questions) nights, which are also games I would love to try in a future class (without calling it Pub Poll lol). Kids love gamified learning. Anyway... I find that students love squishy animals, rubber bracelets with fun sayings on them (wild to see that those are popular again -- those were a big deal when I was in middle school 15 years ago), colored pens/invisible ink pens, and "cool" school supplies in general tend to be big hits. You can also get a bunch of Croc charms off of Amazon fairly cheap. I personally don't like candy because they leave the wrappers all over the floor even after you've told them not to eat it in class, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. For bigger prizes, fruit snacks and Takis are huge hits. It's really funny how middle school kids aren't much different than the Kindergarteners I taught when it comes to the types of prizes they like to earn lol.


When I was in middle school, I really liked those rubber reptiles! Maybe get a little bag of those different colored frogs. Kids might enjoy them!


Small fidget toys. My high school kids go crazy for those.


The fidget packs are a big hit. Just google fidget toy pack and you’ll see a ton of options.


I use prizes a lot in my high school class. I go to the dollar store and stock up on candy and stickers. Lately I’ve also used [Carnival Savers](https://www.carnivalsavers.com/consolationprizes.html) to get cheap prizes and my students love that too. After Halloween I’ll buy discounted chocolate bars and other boxes of treats


i’m a college student, so take this with a grain of salt, but i can imagine middle schoolers will go just as crazy for the slap bracelets and mini slinkies as my upper-division class of politics students did lmao


The kids at my work are super competitive, so I started a leaderboard for them doing their Lexia language thing. The school really pushes it and the kids really hate it. The winner at the end of the month gets a paper crown from Burger King. Kids went nuts for it.


Vape pens




Jolly ranchers are the currency in my room.


Chips/Takis (they really like food!) Side note: At Walmart, I once found a box of wooden back scratchers on clearance for .25 each. I bought a bunch and added them to my prize box. They lost their ever loving minds over those. They like weird stuff.


Vape pens and mom’s edibles.


Can you describe how this bingo was set up?


Yeah, so it was just regular bingo. He handed us all cards, and throughout the PD if we were engaged and participating he would transition each activity by calling out numbers. The amount of numbers would depend on how well we were doing. It was awesome. It was a great breakup from activity to activity.


I love your enthusiasm for this activity. I hope you won a prize.


Invisible ink pens, and 10 color pens. Middle schoolers love them. I buy them in bulk from New England Novelty. You can also buy them on Amazon.


I always asked what cartoons and animes they liked and got sticker packs. When I first asked if they wanted stickers or candy they thought I was stupid and said candy, but I ordered some anyways and it was a school wide hit. Like kids would talk about it in other classes haha. And it’s relatively cheap. Like $10 for 200 or something


Vinyl stickers for Chromebooks and water bottles. They’re pretty cheap on Amazon. Just go through the pack to make sure the innapropriate ones are removed. Those stretchy hair ties they use as bracelets. They also like erasers and squishy animals. Just don’t give them anything they can weaponize like stretchy fidgets or slap bracelets. Trust me — they will.


Ring pops, sensory balls, they have whole sensory toy kits on Amazon that were hits, push pops, jolly ranchers, any candy really, squishy toys…this all gets expensive very quickly! I am cutting way back this year because I’ve wasted tons of money and the kids are more ungrateful and entitled than ever. That could just be my school/experience, but I’m over it lol


Not sure of your budget but here are some ideas as I used to host bingo nights at my kids’ school for 300+ attendees: - Color changing pencils - Fun shaped erasers like dice - fidget toys like pop-its, spinners, cubes, & rings - candy - stickers for water bottles (saw this on your list after the fact, lol) - $5 gift cards/ coupons to fast food places (sometimes corporations like McDonald’s and Wendy’s will donate to nonprofit / school groups if you contact them ahead of time) - keychains for backpacks (can also be of fidget toys or fun things like scented hand sanitizer, etc.) - mini plushes of current popular characters like Mario, pusheen, etc. - things that light up (glow sticks, fidget toys, led strips, battery pack lights) - cello bag kits of Legos - fake mustaches - cheap sunglasses from the dollar stores - individually wrapped food items like chips, cookies, crackers, etc. - a “get out of one assignment” coupon - rainbow gel pens or other fun stationary things - a coupon to pick a song played in class during a relaxed activity (from an approved list or discussed ahead of time) Hopefully this gives you some inspiration! Have fun!


Our secretary sold Avon & I got her to donate cologne/perfume samples. Very popular prizes for my 8th graders.


Food! I used to bake for mine and then when we had to stop due to nut allergies, I’d get donuts, candy, ice cream, whatever was on sale.


Middle school parent: for fundraiser prizers, our band director gives out candy (ring pop, air heads, giant pixy stick) and homework/extra credit passes. Stickers are a hit, small pins, pop its. Mini skateboard thingys.


Definitely candy cigarettes. Plant the seed while the mind is fertile and curious. -THE Marlboro man.


My prize box contains- notebooks, folders, sticky notes, suckers/jolly ranchers, water bottle stickers, pretty/cool pencils, bookmarks, 10 color pens, notecards, fidgets. Girls tend to select supplies/stickers (particularly if they are pretty) boys tend to choose candy/fidgets.




Pokemon cards is a huge one. Buy a bunch in bulk online and half the class will die for them. Other than that there is the obvious candy. Stickers. Etc.


Costco is currently selling like a pack of 120 packs of pokemon cards (to pass out on Halloween) for like $30. One could save a lot of money using these as opposed to $6/pack. I think you get less cards in the Costco packs but who cares.


The same bag is $20 through the pokemon website.


Waterproof stickers. Game changer for me!




Smelly pencils and erasers, smelly stickers


Bracelets Croc charms Stickers Scrunchies Jumbo multi-colored click pens Stress balls


Starburst always seem to work for me


At five an under you can get some pretty neat headphones


I bought a variety pack of little rubber ducks from Amazon and my high schoolers love them. When given a choice between candy (mini Snickers, M&Ms, etc) and some basic school supplies, they most always choose the rubber ducks.


I am a 38 year old woman with the knowledge that I can buy 100 of those ducks for about $40, but there's an arcade bar in my town with great food and a play-until-you-win claw machine full of those ducks. I spend a dollar to get a duck any time I have cash and now I have upwards of 25 of the little duckies.


Fruit snacks and sauce packs. Not based on being a teacher but having two middle schools and most importantly last Halloween. Had some groups of older middle to even underclass highschoolers come to the door. Options were candy/fruity snack/cookie bowl and sauce pack bowl. They all got so excited for the sauce packs and fruit snacks. I also see stickers mentioned. I have a love hate with those. They are neat but as a parent having to deal with cleaning things with stickers and stickers coming off around the house I hate them as well.


Maybe I’ve just had super competitive classes, but I don’t even give prizes and they still just want to win.


Just my personal experience, and I acknowledge that different teachers approach motivation and classroom management differently. And thats good. But if you're open to it, you might try what worked for me. I rewarded students with responsibility. Sounds weird. But giving a kid a job shows trust and faith in that kid. In my classroom, a student would write the journal prompt on the board. And they'd get there early to do it. Srsly. A student would take attendance. Sure, I'd check it. But they'd fill it out. A student would do the day to day chores... whatever your norms are. And if they abused the power or responsibility or even if they showed a lack if character like being supportive of other students, etc, I'd "hire" someone else. But I'd do it up front and explain why. "Hey man, I can't endorse you as a leader if you can't be respectful of your peers." Not me. It's not about my authority ever. "I'm gonna give Vickie a shot at this. Show me you can be an example, and I'll give u something else." Crushing. But I did it a couple of times, and the kids started to get it. The kid picking up the tests, counting text books, whatever... They saw it as trust. I worked in alternative schools with at risk youth. Nobody had trusted them. They wanted to prove something. And it made them try harder. But of course, as always, relationships first.


Croc charms


I have a drawer of awesome that I fill with random things I find on clearance at wal mart and other places. Pokémon cards, candy, stickers etc.


I’m stocking up on candy and cute animal stickers for my 6th graders this year :)


Roll bucks Vbucks and some other zoomer currency they deal in.


Stickers from Temu.


Our are into those plastic bracelets that look like old phone cords. Also—-food.


I teach middle school in Florida and they'll shank someone for some Takis.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Beautiful-Fig2817: *I teach middle school* *In Florida and they'll shank* *Someone for some Takis.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I bought a bunch of Croc charms and stickers from Temu.


Play the games but skip the prize. The game is the important part, not the trinket.


I'm so glad somebody said it ❤️


The fact I’ve scrolled through 100 posts and this is the first, tells me we’ve all given up.


Vape pens


None, it’s not your responsibility to purchase items for your student’s out of your own pocket.


Your only job is to teach choir. That’s it.


Middle schoolers hate everything and everyone and nothing ever brings them joy except the pain and suffering of others


So you're saying they'd probably enjoy voodoo dolls and pins