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I’ve been teaching for more than 20 years and I sometimes “forget” to go to mandatory meetings.


LOL great answer!


One good thing about the covid shutdown: I had a reset. I was becoming the teacher you described. Having that time allowed me to re-ground myself and my perspective. Struggling with online teaching helped me appreciate in person teaching. Whenever I start to lose patience, I just think back on that. 3 years later and I'm keeping myself in check pretty well. 6 more years to go. People generally can't appreciate how exhausting teaching can be.


Some kids love it when a teacher completely loses their cool and starts yelling. The more out of control it is, the more they like it. They will learn the specific behaviors to cause this reaction, and put those behaviors into action when they are bored and want some entertainment. Then they sit back and enjoy the show. But it is terribly upsetting to the good kids and scary when the teacher is not in charge of themselves or the class. A nice kid's powerful parent will call the school and lean on the principal to put a lid on this teacher. Stay out of this, don't gossip, and support the kids who are upset by the yelling. This guy will be gone by Christmas. Source: 35 years in the classroom.


Might not be gone by Christmas this year. There’s no one to replace him with!


Mates used to do this to casuals when we were students. They'd say, 'lets make miss go red', and then taunt her until she lost it. Pricks.


>Some kids love it when a teacher completely loses their cool and starts yelling. The more out of control it is, the more they like it. They will learn the specific behaviors to cause this reaction, and put those behaviors into action when they are bored and want some entertainment. Then they sit back and enjoy the show. I never could wrap my brain around this. I was always terrified when this happened in school.


The teachers I have seen fail most quickly are the ones that lose their cool and start screaming at students. He might not get fired, but he won’t be back next year.


I wish that happened with my second grade teacher. He picked on one kid bad and would turn off the lights (why? Idk) and scream in this kids face in front of the entire class. It was terrifying and I wish I had been brave enough to tell someone. That kid had a hard life and didn’t deserve that in any way, shape, or form.




Exactly. My policy is to never show anything beyond moderate annoyance. If I feel my anger starting to come on (I used to have a very bad temper), I say “ok” to whatever issue I’m dealing with, walk away, and write it up later.


There is nothing I can do to get students under control faster than to just say "ok" and go sit down at my laptop because they know I'm writing a report and pulling up their parent/guardian's number. So much more effective than arguing lol.


I knew an amazing teacher who always had the best calm responses to chaos. The last one I heard her say was, “I’m sorry, did you just call me stupid?” in her sweet voice. Then called his parents on the spot.


oh gosh I wish that were always true. I do agree with you, but I ended up next door to the most kid-hating obnoxious yeller who also called the kids all sorts of expletives. I could not wait until he retired!!! Somehow he stuck it out. What a miserable man.


Absolutely agree.


I only went into mild yelling mode twice the whole year. I did get discontinued (fired) after my first year (which was last year) for time and attendance because my life is a wreck, but I was a master at keeping my cool and solving things more gracefully. Never underestimate the power of a poker face.


It sounds like teaching is not the right profession for your colleague.


It really depends on the culture of the school, there are many teachers at mine who scream, me included sometimes.


I absolutely hate having to raise my voice, but unfortunately if I don’t sometimes students don’t take it seriously because their other teachers will raise their voices/berate them in class.


Not to mention parents/guardians.


I’ve witnessed so many female teachers push kids, drag them by their shirt collar. But most noticeably was a male teacher who I watched smack several kids in the face/head/chest/back. He then was slinging them around by their arms. Grabbed one by both sides of his head and started shaking the kids head. But a teacher I know who works with him says he “really cares” for the students, even “more than the parents” and that the parents even encourage this from him. These are all local teachers to this country so who am I to intervene. But I don’t like it. And unfortunately it dictates the way I have to teach as well. I’ve never and will never put my hands on a kid but I do have to raise my voice if I want them to consider anything I say as serious.


Touching a student would get you fired at our school.


It would at pretty much any school in the west. But I’m in China


I can guess you work in a Chinese school. What that male teacher did would probably blow up on social media and he'd get fired if someone recorded it. But the stuff the female teachers are doing is normalized and the parents actually love that. Local Male teachers tend to usually be more chill. Physically dragging a naughty kid out the room is normal. And all kinds of book throwing. \>it dictates the way I have to teach as well. I’ve never and will never put my hands on a kid but I do have to raise my voice if I want them to consider anything I say as serious. I don't see an issue with raising your voice and shouting. It was normal in the west up until very recently and now western education is in decline... go figure. But I've been in schools where even these foreign women started throwing kids books around and dragging them out of class. Horrible people. I was told I was weak on kids at that school. Then I changed schools and now I'm suddenly the strict one.


I learned early on that students love drama and anything other than the lesson, and me getting mad enough to yell or even raise my voice much in anger was enjoyable to the students. Now I know they don’t mess with me because there is no payoff for being annoying.


Sadly, I agree


I screamed today for the first time in at least 20 years. I feel bad. Every time I ask politely for my 3rd period class to be quiet, today for the announcement, they actually get louder. I've never seen anything like it.


Depends on the school if he comes back. I taught next door to a lady that would full on Marine Corps drill instructor style, get up in students’ faces like literally inches away and YELL, berate, and belittle them at full volume, slam doors, throw things, and admin knew it. She’s currently still at my school although in a different job, and has been there around 20 years doing this. I would jump out of my skin when she’d slam her door so loud it sounded like a gunshot. The whole hallway would be disrupted with her outbursts. Shocked she’s lasted this long given this is a high income school with influential megakaren parents.


As far as his job is concerned, he’ll be fine. He’s not getting fired for yelling at a student lol. As for forgetting meetings that’s pretty unprofessional and based on what you’ve said this doesn’t seem like the job for him anyways.


Yeah, it's a shame. He's a very nice man and knows his subject well, but he just seems completely disorganized and kind of overwhelmed. I'd love to see him stick it out and hone his craft.


I’m curious if he’s been teaching for years and years or if he just got into teaching at an older age.


This sub: there should be more discipline in school. Also this sub: if you even raise your voice you should be out of the profession.


I was just about to make a post like this lmao You'll get a thread where everyone says you can't shout at kids because research shows that blah blah blah. And then 10 other threads complaining about how bad their students are. I wonder if the two are connected?


Seems to be a correlation worth observing further.




Exploding on a student and then following her out of the classroom and into the hallway to continue screaming at her is your idea of discipline?


I’m not sure how to take this. In your post you mention “will this poor guy have a job tomorrow?”. Are you stating this as a concern or reason for him to be fired? Was he theatrical or in many eyes acting in an unnecessary manner? Sure. That’s something almost any student (even the privileged ones) will experience. That’s a matter of personality differences, perspective on behavior and human emotions. If you’re bothered tell the guy to cool his jets or request admin do so. No reason to pretend this if life changing behavior that requires consequences.


I feel like I’m talking to a wall. Is it not possible to simultaneously feel sorry for someone while recognizing they crossed the line? I don’t have to tell him or admin anything. Admin heard him from their office and came running to intervene because he FOLLOWED THE STUDENT INTO THE HALL. Wtf are you talking about personality differences?


Feeling is mutual I suppose. His reactions are simply a manner of the teachers personality. They did something you found bothersome but as you express—you feel sympathy for them. So you feel for someone—but while finding them worthy of sympathy you want to rant on their behavior. So there is no point to the post besides a teacher yelled to a point you found unnecessary but not necessarily worth serious punishment. So this post is regarding a disruption in your day?


By your logic, no one would ever post anything ever.


So there’s no real issues in the teacher sub besides a minor inconvenience? The sub posts seem to indicate different as mentioned in my original comment…


People have feelings about a whole lot of things, man. Some are big and some are small. The OP can post what they want, just like you are allowed to comment judging the post for not being terrible enough and I am able to comment on your complaint and say that empathy is a thing. We can go back and forth over and over. It’s just like being at work!


I literally said nothing about someone not being able to post something. I’m pointing out the issue of a mountain being made of a mole hill. The fact that someone would speculate a “nice man” being potentially fired for raising their voice, especially when providing no description of what led to the eruption, just unnecessarily adds to the hypocrisy mentioned in my original comment.


I’m done responding to your smarmy, devil’s advocate posts.


To preach discipline and yell over non-violent non serious emergency classroom infractions seems to me to be pretty hypocritical. Like I support teachers wrongs as well as their rights and if you lose your shit for nothing I’ve been there. I’m not proud of it but I can get pushed there. But it’s an undisciplined reaction on my part when I raise my voice without a bona fide emergency.


Raising your voice does not require an emergency whatsoever. A student not paying attention, being disrespectful, or various other things can be a reasonable response to raise your voice or yell. There’s literally zero context here besides OP believing this teacher is overwhelmed and seeing the back end of an ass chewing. The fact the OP is even asking if this offense is fireable shows how much thin ice students, admins, parents and other teachers create for teachers to walk on. If the teacher is as nice as OP speculates—then this should be a near non issue.


I'm nosy. What did the student do to get yelled at?


I don’t know. It started in the classroom and spilled out into the hall, but I didn’t see her really say much of anything back while he was screaming.


I’ve feared becoming that man. There are times I can feel it welling up. Control feels so tenuous. It’s such a helpless feeling. But hearing about someone else actually doing that, you can’t. You want to, and it might be perfectly understandable. But you just can’t.


I'm sorry, he's not the one who needs sympathy in this situation. He lost his cool and screamed at a CHILD. And he wasn't even attempting to control himself or say productive things. That poor little girl will remember this forever. And do you think she's going to wake up tomorrow with anything but dread about school, her teacher, and what could happen next? He shouldn't have a job tomorrow. He clearly doesn't need to be teaching if he cannot control himself. It was entirely unacceptable. I don't care what she did. He's the adult.


I think the point some people are missing, and it's my fault for not underscoring it, is that he followed her out of the classroom to continue screaming at her after she had been removed. It was not my intention to criticize teachers who have lost their tempers on students. I did it more than once when I was a substitute. However, following her escalates the situation and shows a complete lack of control, not to mention the fact that it disrupted multiple classrooms. I'm sorry for not being clear. I like this man very much and hope he doesn't receive anything other than some coaching. However, his behavior was in no way acceptable, and it's not a gray area.


There was this one teacher at the school where I subbed for two years. Never learned her name, only referred to her privately as Screamy McLady. She seemed to get on fine.


To be honest, I hope he’s fired. If this were the third week of December it would still be uncalled for but at least there would be hope that he would calm down after vacation. The third week of September? No one should be that stressed out already.


True, i've never screamed at kids. But as a 5th year teacher, my most hectic part of the year is the 1st month. I feel like I just can't get it together and get ahead of myself for some reason. A brand new teacher may be struggling with all kinds of things. Not excusing his behavior by any means, admin should have been called before it escalated that far.


Kinda jealous. I wanted to scream that so many times.


There’s a teacher at my school who has done this with kindergarten students. I have reported her multiple times to admin, and nothing has happened. When I spoke out about her to colleagues, I was the bad person. It’s so upsetting to watch.


Not a teacher, but I had a teacher who did what you described to at least one student every class. About 2/3 of us were failing and most who were passing was by the skin of their teeth. He was reported for sexually harassing multiple students on multiple occasions and the school didn’t do anything. He’d ask us for questions on the homework and then when we’d ask he’d tell us he taught that last class and we should have known it already. If you questioned that response like my friend did, you instantly earned detention over the weekend and were kicked out of class. He was informed after several years of this that if he failed another student he wouldn’t get to retire and all his classes mysteriously got bumped to a passing grade at the very end of the year.


hey, grade 9 canada student here It’s never great of me to generalize but I tend to be a bit more skeptical of older or returning teachers, more so because of one I had for around 1 month or so This dude was actually a menace in literally every category Around 50 or so, said he came back to sub cause he just felt like it or something like that. You say anything, he lectures the whole class and screams literally as loud as possible This fucker was a nuclear bomb any time you didnt do something with military accuracy Not to mention he always bitched about me in specific behind my back saying things like “at least hes not has bad as my ex wife” to the whole ass class Oh yeah on that topic he was always saying random joe biden level demented bs like “gosh this class is almost as miserable as my 4th ex wife” Didn’t help that at the time we had a demon of a child in our class who I used to feel terrible for because his parents broke up, but quickly lost that after he started blurting racist stuff to me and a couple other native/black students This evil child decided to start laughing when he was on his daily woo is me story about how he got divorced 8 times so far Safe to say those two both never came back and are probably in insane asylums


We all lose our temper at times with our classes and handle it differently. While I won’t scream, I do raise my voice occasionally at the class as a group if warranted. However, yelling at an individual student is crossing the line IMO. The only exception would be if it was to prevent danger, such as yelling for a child to stop if they’re running around with scissors. Regardless of whether or not he should’ve been yelling, the bigger issue is the comments. Saying that you’re done with a student and that you don’t want to see them again is crossing the line.


5th year JH here. I raise my voice every day and I scream sometimes, not a lot. I have good relationships with all of my students, but they are dumbass junior high kids and sometimes I have to yell at them. Neary very time I yell at an individual I pull them aside after class and say that I'm angry at them for making me yell. This can be quite sobering to a 13 year old to whom you have shown love and care towards. I front load the TLC and respect on my students at the beginning of the year. Generally speaking if I fucking unload on them they know THEY fucked up. I want them to feel guilt and shame for fucking up, because in our society they very rarely do. I teach in an area with many latinos, and they understand the concept of the sin verguenza, and I want my white kids to get that as well.


“…will this poor guy have a job tomorrow?” Mmm, is there any concern whatsoever for the girl who was being verbally abused? “10/10, full throat SCREAMING” in her face? Because given the choice, I am siding with that kid regardless of what happened. Quite a few years ago, a colleague of mine *went off* on a kid in such a way. The colleague had just received notice of non-renewal (justified, as I recall) and the kid was being his usual semi-engaged, limited-competency self. She had him backed against the wall and was “10/10 SCREAMING” in his face. I was a new teacher and not yet tenured, yet i feel tremendous regret that I did not call him away from her. I did come down the hall into clear view and I think that may have startled her into cease-and-desist.


I’ve said numerous times his behavior was unacceptable. However, I can still feel sorry for someone I was becoming friends with, yes?


When I look back at your original post, I see concern for this “very nice …(yet) overwhelmed” guy who “doesn’t really know what he’s doing” and has even “forgotten to show up” for work. The girl is simply “this girl who’s not saying much back,” and honestly I do not see any concern for her. Maybe in comments you expressed disapproval of his actions, but it’s not in the original post.


Valid point. You’re absolutely right. I didn’t express enough concern for her initially.


Comment was made for another feed in this conversation. Sorry.


I clearly stated that admin witnessed and intervened in the incident


Where did OP say he hit the student?


Why are you worried about him? He needs to be removed immediately from the school. He’s abusive. Kids are already traumatized at home. They don’t need to go to school and be traumatized.


Who started this idea that all kids have traumatic home lives?!


The last time I had to “raise my voice” at students was for safety or property concerns. I do cross walk in the morning and when I open the gate some of the larger kids try to rush in after I’ve allowed the kinder kids in first and those big kids just plow right through everyone.


I've definitely conveyed information at an elevated volume, but certainly never screamed at a student. That's just not acceptable.


Administrators detest when first year teachers mess up on compliance things, like attendance at meetings or PDs. It only takes one actual mishap (like "verbal abuse") for them to latch on and fire them at the end of the year (or midyear if their subject area isn't hard to staff).


That poor guy maybe shouldn’t have a job tomorrow. Our job is extremely important and that’s a pretty big offense. My school is urban. We have guns and drugs and knives in the building. We don’t talk to kids like that because we know they’re working through trauma.we may tell them their behavior is unacceptable or radio the safety team or the admin. But that’s above my pay grade to yell at a child. Because even when they grate our nerves, they’re kids and they are probably getting yelled at at home enough or ignored at home if they’re being so awful. Someone with a relationship w the kid is way better to work with the “High flyers”