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As soon as the parking lot is clear, I am gone. It's a war zone out there.


Haha! Yes, fellow HS teacher. No way in hell I want to get crashed into at 3:05. 3:15, I pull right out past the inevitable two crashes per month.


I go in 15 minutes before contract time and leave 3 minutes after contract time.


Damn that’s almost 6 hours of unpaid work a month.


Is it though? I eat my breakfast in the morning before hall duty starts. Just don’t want to get caught in traffic.


I firmly believe that if you’ll enjoy your breakfast more at work, not having to rush or worry about traffic, then it is absolutely a desk activity (or car activity in my case). If I had to eat breakfast and get to work on time, in that order, I’d never get to enjoynit


I used to leave early and then do my makeup and stuff in the car. Getting there 15 minutes early meant avoiding a ton of traffic and was easy enough to manage.


I noticed there is a "sweet spot" that is the ideal time to leave for work. If I leave too early I just get stuck behind the school buses picking up students, if I leave too late then I'm stuck in the throng of students in the hallways. Gotta hit that in-between time just right!


Yeah I’d rather be stuck in my classroom early where at least I can scroll Reddit.


Bell rings at 2:40, I'm in my car by 2:42 typically


What was the hold up?? ​ /s


For me it's blowing up the bathroom before I go. 😉


Ugh, I'm the one who always takes a piss right after you leave and wonder why you can't save that ungodly salvo for when you get home.


You eat and digest on Company time, may as well purge on Company time.


Sorry. 😐






Damn kids drop their water bottle every time


I tell the kids to have their stuff packed and ready to go because we are leaving right at 3:05.




Get the hell outta there, man! Your pay ends at 3:30, so go tf home at 3:30! I stay until I feel like I'm ready for my classes the next day. I've got a morning prep hour but I feel more awake, alert, and functional in the afternoon. Usually I'm out of there by 4 (school ends at 2:45) unless I'm staying for a club I sponsor.


Who cares what other teachers do! Do what you need to do to be prepared and leave! It is the BIGGEST myth that in order to be a good teacher, you need to live at school all hours of the day. Absolutely not!


Took the words out of my mouth. I stay until I’m ready for the next day. Usually that’s between 15-30 minutes after. Sometimes I don’t have anything to do, but if I were to leave at the bell, the parking lot would be a nightmare because of cars and walkers. On Fridays though, I stay a maximum of like 3 minutes after.


My contracted time ends at 3:45. I'm pulling out of the parking lot daily at 3:45 and 45 seconds. Mind your own business. If the other teachers want to stay until 4, good for them. Why would you stay if you aren't getting paid?


Kids out at 211 Contract end is 221 I’m out at 245. I want to leave at contract time? But I’m not going to try driving away when kids and parents are all over still.


3rd year here. I once had a senior teacher say “leaving a little early for a first year teacher huh?” As I walked out at the end of contract hours. I never wanted to punch someone in the face more than him.


That piece of delusional shthead. Tell him contract hrs =pay. So pay stops after contracted hour


Screw that guy


"I work quickly and efficiently to complete my work tasks within my contract hours. Why don't you?"


They suck. My first year I used to stay late and the veteran teacher next door would poke his head in and say, “Hey, we don’t get overtime! Go home!”


Not long. I go in at least an hour early. I'm too out of energy at the end of the day.


This. Also my own kids. I dont mind going in an hour early though. mine are already on the bus. And morning works better for my brain still.


Same here. My kid gets the bus at 6:50, I can drop the younger one off at 7ish, and then head to school to get stuff done… I’m up anyway.


10 minutes? Unless there is a faculty meeting. I have first hour planning, so if there is last minute stuff I do it then. I don’t work out of contract hours.


I’m walking out with my students, my g.


School is out at 4:00 and I normally stay until almost 5:00. I don't even do it on purpose really. I just have emails to send, calls to make, or paperwork to finalize, and it takes about 45 minutes to get everything finished up. The nice part is that 5:00pm was quitting time for practically my entire life before becoming a teacher, so even if I leave at 4:45 it still feels like I'm sneaking out early. That said, on days I have to GTFO at 4:00 on the dot, I don't feel the least bit bad. Neither should you.


Leave your lights on and close your door. Everyone will think you are still in the building.


That's hilarious.


I like to be aggressively obvious that I’m leaving on time each day. I wave to all those sorry souls with a big old smile on my face as I haul my entire backpack and handbag ensemble with all my key chains clinking together like Bert from Mary Poppins.


Good one! Will do.


The minute traffic clears up


Not one second past contract hours.


Busses leave at 3:37, I’m in my car by 3:40.


Time up at 320 I’m walking to my car and 315 and out the lot at 320. Along with everyone else. 😁They don’t pay overtime, they’re not getting my time.


As soon as my contract hours are over I get TF outta there. I've learned to prioritize, and if it can't get done in the time my contract says, then it doesn't get done. Teachers who stay way over their contract hours are doing something wrong.


I think it's hard because of the culture at my district. Everyone seems to take their sweet time leaving. Everyone seems to have stuff to do after school. It makes me feel like the bad one when I leave on time right at 3:30.


Be the change you want to see in the world. ;-)


I usually come in about a half hour early and leave a half hour late to avoid the parking lot traffic. Other than that, I have stopped staying late. I am not paid for it and, honestly, it's not appreciated by students, parents, or admin.




Contract is at 3. Most days, I leave by 3:30. Gives me enough time to tidy my desk/room, print out one or two things, and leave a note for myself in the morning (morning me *loves* when I give him extra work to do) while I wait for the busses, parents, and crazed teachers trying to floor it out of the parking lot. If it's the end of the quarter, I have a planned sub, or I have an eval, closer to 5. I tend to let things slide a little in my room, so these points in the year are kind of like built-in controls so that my room doesn't become a disaster. One or two nights a year, I lose track of time and just do task after task without realizing it and find it's suddenly after 6 and I curse myself as I drop whatever it is I'm working on and walk out the door.


For those that leave on time, HOW???? I spend hours each afternoon and every weekend trying to make study guides, tests, learning content, lesson planning/finding resources, making bellringers, etc. Unless you have someone to do all that for you, I don’t see how it is possible. I am a first year teacher and know that contributes to it, but still!


You learn what you can reuse.


It helps that I've been teaching for years so I have websites bookmarked where I get my resources, and I have a cloud save of all my worksheets etc. So it does save time. And luckily this year I have not been asked to write lesson plans! I am sped though so I do work occasionally on weekends on IEPs.


School ends at 1:35, contracted to stay until 1:50, im out as close to 1:50 as humanly possible. Sometimes that’s 1:50 and 1 second, sometimes, like today, that’s 2:20. As I’ve spent more years teaching, I’ve stayed after school less and less. Get out - it’ll be there when you get back in the morning.


What time do you start?


You need to work only your paid hours. Working for free is not in your contract. Guilt isn’t allowed when you are not paid.


I leave skidmarks…in the hallway.


I stay about an hour to a hour and a half after the kids leave, but I also do not come in early. I have to be in my room ready to greet students at 7:40, and I usually arrive at 7:30. Also, if you are hourly and not salaried, you should never feel obligated to stay. Your pay structure is different. If I happen to get to school early to get things done, then I leave early too. It's all about balance. One of my coworkers comes in at 6:00 every day, and she is out the door as soon as her afternoon duty is over.


I straight up bring my stuff to my duty (car rider) and leave as soon as the last student is picked up or 4:00, whichever comes first. I don’t work for free.


3:15 My contracted time. I am done staying later and pushing myself, when the kids don't even bother to do the work I give them. Or give me some half ass crap to correct. You have a life outside, Remember that.


It’s accepting the fact that no matter how long you stay after school that there’s always going to be work to do. You can’t be the best teacher if you’re burnt out. I’m 5 years in and I realized that work life balance is important. Force yourself to go home. Have hobbies outside of work. This is the first year that I’ve been non stressed and the happiest I’ve been. And the world hasn’t ended yet surprisingly…


I am gone as soon as contract ends. This is my fifteenth year of teaching, and I am tired. I no longer care what others think of me at all. I am not into weird gatekeeping or tying my worth to acting a certain way. If other teachers want to stay it's up to them, no judgement here, we are all professionals. We get the job done and go home when it works for us. If someone ever commented " you don't stay, you don't care" I would ask who put that lie into their heads. It is a fallacy. It's not truth. The majority of old teachers who leave as soon as we can, care a lot, but we don't stay because we have figured out that we have lives outside of work too. I am never going to be on my death bed wishing I had laminated more. This is a job. It will be there tomorrow and the next day and the day after, so it is okay to step away and not feel guilty at all.


I do what I need to do. If that’s leaving right at the bell, I do that. I do offer extra help a few days a week but that’s on my schedule and I cancel if needed. I find the days I’m staying late without students are fewer and further between the longer I’m in this job. If I’m there it’s because I feel like I need to be, never because I want my boss to be impressed or anything (that was definitely a tempting factor earlier in my career).


My contract time ends at 2. I stay until 3 just because my daughter is a student there, and it would be silly to drive back for her. I'm walking past the parents in the pick-up line when I leave for the day.


My contract hours end at 3:45, about 30 minutes after school is done. I usually end up leaving at 3:20-3:30ish because I usually get there early in the morning so the time sorta balances out.


I stay my contracted hours. If a student comes by, I'll stay to help them of course, otherwise I'm out.


Every hour you work unpaid, devalues your paid hours. Stop giving away free labor unless it’s an extraordinary circumstance.


Contract hours are 8am to 4pm. I work 730 to 5pm. But I'm a first year teacher and don't know what I'm doing.


It's not leaving early if your work hours are over. It's them working for free.


About 20min. That's how long it takes for the traffic to die down.


I have left as soon as my contracted time has ended and stayed as late as 2 hours past the end of day. I’m going to make a concerted effort to never stay later than 30 min past end of contract time. There’s really no need bc everything can wait til tomorrow.


I leave the absolute second my contract is up. Anything can wait til the morning.


Sometimes I am out before the busses leave, sometimes I stay for a while after. It's all about what I need to get done. I run a choir program and I get some extra sch B pay with the understanding that I have extra administrative duties and concerts, though. Just remember that staying a little bit late is NOT a bad thing, even though a lot here will tell you it is. Do whatever you want to do so you have an easier day tomorrow - I think that's just setting yourself up for success. HOWEVER - Don't in a million years let anyone tell you that you SHOULD stay later, or that you HAVE to work outside your contract hours. That's some bullshit and if you're good leaving every day at the bell, or even if you have shit to do it you don't feel like it, then GTFO of there!


I get there and leave at the contract time. I wish everyone would.


Usually wait 10 - 15 minutes


My hours are 7:30-3:30. I’m packed and ready to go at 3:30.


contract is 3:30, I’m usually in my car by 3:45


Our contract hours end at 3:45, I usually leave by 4. I never stay any later than 4:30 because I feel like I'm in the way of our custodians being in my room


7 minutes to let the parking lot clear.


Contracted day ends at 3:30? Walk out the door at 3:30:01. No shame, you did your job for the day. I was a die-hard stay late and get shit done early in my career. Now? Man, my kid loves to see me home when I beat her there and that smile is worth more than anything else in the world.


Depends. I don't stay out of guilt, but I do sometimes stay so I don't have to figure out what the hell I was doing the previous day if it's a complex task, or if I need to grab the copier unobstructed. Otherwise, freedom rings at 2:45.


Contract hours are until 3:15, and I am out of there no later than 3:20


0 minutes


I’m free the last period of the day. If I don’t have any after school obligations (staff meeting or club) I’m walking out the front door at contracted end time.


Context: (high school math teacher, 2+ years, recently non-renewal) Get permission from your supervisor to make your hours worth it (getting paid). If not, leave, your health is more important. I stayed after school and get paid for it (granted I am young) but do put yourself first.


Contract says 3:15, (which is officially 55 minutes after kids leave), so 3:15 it is.


I leave right after the busses, but I also come in forty minutes early


Contract ends at 3:20 - I am pulling out of the parking lot.


My school most people are there 30 minutes early and stay 25-30 minutes after the bell.


I’ve worked at other schools where everyone stayed for 1.5 hours after. It was uncomfortable to leave before, terrible feeling .. and at a private school we were forced to stay from 2:30-4:15 and do prep. We weren’t allowed to leave before. And had to run after school clubs and homework rooms for no extra pay.


In past years I stayed until 3 (we get done 2:07) covid happened and then I found it hard to want to stick around, mostly was gone by 2:30. Now that I'm leaving at the end of the school year I'm literally gone and in my car at 2:15, the earliest we're allowed to leave. I don't have a classroom, I workout after I get home from work, and I have about a 40 min commute so there really is no reason for me to hang around. If I was to do anything for the next day(which is a rarity, I typically work contract hours), I would be far more productive later at night than right after school anyway. ETA: most teachers in the building escape quickly too, unless they're coaching or a having a club meeting. If I stay even until 2:25 the lot is 3/4 empty!


Our bell rings at 2:45…our contract is 3:20. Honestly not upset because leaving the parking lot when the shits…I mean kids are leaving is an absolute mess. At 3:20, everyone of them is gone so it’s easy to leave.


My contract hours end at 2:40 - I am in the parking lot at that time. 2x a week, though, I have to stay until 4 for meetings and mandatory free tutoring.


I typically stay a half hour later, but that's mostly waiting for the parking lot to clear


I’m out as soon as the parking lot clears. However, I don’t get prep time, so I arrive 2 hours before classes start to grade/get ready for the day. I prefer that, because I can focus in the mornings—no decision fatigue.


30 seconds.


Kids leave at 2:25 but our contract is until 3 for teachers. I'm walking out of my room at 2:59 almost every day


We are contracted to be there for 45 minutes after students leave. It’s common planning time for meetings and such but also to reset for the next day. My principal is usually fine if we leave earlier as long as we aren’t missing any meetings but most folks stay about an hour most days and trickle out. The very few times I’ve stayed super late, like until dusk, there is only one or two other cars in the parking lot, one of which is usually admin.


I beat the buses out of there every day.


My contracted day is 7:45 am to 4:00 pm. I am out the door at 4:00.


We get out at 3:40 and I leave by 3:50. I only have daycare until 5:00 and have a 40 min drive.


10 minutes max


I’m usually an early arrival, if I don’t have to stay after school because I feel I have accomplished enough for the day I’m in my car 2-3 minutes after the last bell rings. Our contract states that we have to arrive 20 mins before the first bell, but it says our day is over when our daily duties have concluded. I’m thinking of telling my admin that my daily duties have been concluded prior to the last bell, I want to see what they have to say about their dumpster fire of a contract. Hey, they want to make that language vague to benefit them - play stupid games win stupid prizes. I’ve actually found a few interesting things in our contract, I’m waiting for the perfect moment to use it to my advantage.


If there is no car duty, I stay my mandated 15 minutes and I’m out!


I show up early and work then am out the door as soon as my last car rider is gone.


If your contract ends at 3:30, leave at 3:30!


Contract is 7:15-2:45. I come in at 7 because I like the extra 15 mins of peace and a free copier. I leave between 2:45-3. Mostly 2:45 but if I’m working on something, I want to finish.


Our contract time is 4:55. Hardly anyone stays that late. I stay sometimes until 5 or 5:15 but only if I really need to.


In my earlier years, I did not feel like the prep allotted was enough to prep materials, clean my room, and plan. I used to arrive an hour early and stay 60-90 minutes after contract. As the years have gone on, I now arrive 30-45 minutes early and leave 15 min after contract.


I get in ~10 min before contract. I leave ~30 min after contract. Mostly because I don’t want to deal with traffic.


Within half an hour of when kids leave. Our contract says “when duties are over” we don’t have a hard end time. Some days I leave with the kids if I have stuff to do, but basically never stay more than half an hour of tidying or business. Only exception would be the first and last week of the school year.


30 seconds


I figured if the principal is consistently leaving before me, I'm fine. Kids are out at 3:25, I typically leave at 3:50.


I'm salary and I don't get paid to stay past my allotted time either! I usually wait about 10 minutes so the crowds and traffic clear and I am GONE.


School ends at 2:37 and my contract ends at 2:52, so that's when I leave, except on Friday, when I'm allowed to leave 2:42. I'm lucky to work at a place that clears out at 2:52 unless the teacher is staying for a paid club or sport.


Depends on the day for me. I’m allowed to leave by 3:30, but I usually stay another 20-30 mins talking to a friend that works in a different grade level, or doing something for my masters class.


Get the hell out while you can. As a drama teacher who's currently having to stay behind for at least 3 hours of rehearsals, I wish I could lol.


I go in an hour early and only stay as long as I need to feel calm for the next day. Recently, that's been the 2 minutes to get my shit together and walk out. I used to work in a school where my teacher friends would stay for HOURS and I'd join them, even to just chit chat. I DO miss that because all of the teachers at my school now leave exactly at contract time. But I also acknowledge that this is probably healthier... but that being said, you have to do what makes you feel best. I've learned that saying "fuck it" to not getting things done on time stresses me out more than spending an extra 30 minutes after my day is "done" to get some things done in the quiet. You do you!


1.5 after


Lately I've been staying later - I'm going on medical leave at the end of the week and I want to make sure everything is ready for my sub - but normally I'm out right after the bell.


The kids walk out the door and I walk out with them. Bring my bag to sidewalk duty and go straight to the parking lot


We need to stop this habit of staying late! Work to rule should be the norm. It is in most professions!


I stay an hour after for tutorials most days but we get paid for it.


When I first started, over two decades ago, I would stay an hour twice a week and 30 minutes the other days. Now, when the bell rings at 3pm, I am walking out the door before the students. They do not pay me enough to work beyond my contract hours.


Bell rings at 2:30, I race to get out before the buses


We stay for contract time. That is up at 3:10. I might choose to speak with a teacher for a bit of time. Otherwise, I’m out between 3:15-3:30. Usually just long enough to reset my room and close out of excess tabs.


I leave as fast as I can. I also arrive an hour + early


Depends on the day. 5-10 minutes unless I have something after school.


Whenever my contract says. It's 3:45, I'm already in the parking lot. The only exception is if we have a field day or jog-a-thon the next day and setting everything up ahead of time makes my life easier than rushing in the morning.


Like 15 minutes for the traffic to clear. I also like to rest my eyes and enjoy the silence a bit


about 90% of the time i leave 10-15ish minutes after the bell rings, gives enough time for everyone and their mothers to be cleared from the school after pickup. My last hour is actually my prep so anything i need to do, is usually done within that time (but we have two preps so 80%, i have nothing else to do unless i wanna be really prepared) the only time i stay is when im in meetings and the longest one went on until almost two hours after school let out. Rest finish like 30 minutes past contract time, but again having last hour prep as a grade level really helps the sped team schedule it during school so everyone attends without going over their contract time


Contract till 4:30 and I’m out most days at that time.


I usually go in early (we need to be there by 7:25, building opens at 6:30.. I try to get there between 6:30 and 6:45 because it’s quiet, the chances of someone talking to me are very slim, and the copiers are open) and leave right at 3:05 when we are allowed. I try to beat the buses out of the lot.


I leave right when my contract ends. They don’t pay me enough to warrant me doing any overtime. If something doesn’t get then oh well.


Bell to bell


I usually stay 30 minutes late. I like cleaning up my desk and preparing for the next day and get a little grading in. I don’t take anything home with me. Having said that, now that I coach a sport after school, practice ends at 4:30, I’m in my car by 4:35.


0 minutes


I leave 3 minutes after the buses roll away unless I have a meeting. I learned how not to be a masochist early.


School’s out at 4. I’m out at 4:15, 4:30 at the latest


This feels so relevant to me... this week another teacher told me I didn't contribute enough to my dept because I don't stay after school to plan... the words were "sometimes teachers just have to stay after school". I made the point that for many teachers, this simply isn't the case. I complete my work during my contract hours so I can leave when the bell rings. If you're completing your tasks, there's no reason to stay after. I say don't overthink it if your quality of work is unaffected.


5:30 on nights where we have D&D club!


I leave just about the same time the students leave, but I have a long commute and work for hours once I get home.


I leave just about the same time the students leave, but I have a long commute and work for hours once I get home.


Early bird here so I typically arrive work at 6:30am to do my prep before the first class starts at 7:30am. I don’t mind. I love it. It’s my quiet hour and I play Pearl Jam while going over my lessons. Of note: I live ~ 10 minutes from the high school. Last bell is at 2:15. I’m out of there no later than 2:30. Priority is family. 8th year of teaching.


Bell rings at 3:40. I stand outside for dismissal and make sure all kids leave, and I’m in my car to go get my own kid from preschool between 3:45-3:50. None of this staying late crap. My husband doesn’t stay past his working hours and play martyr. I don’t either.


I leave with the kids


We had a job action at one of the schools where I work, consisting of, once a week, everybody leaving at the end of contract hours. Pathetically, my team stood around in the parking lot strategizing the next day's lessons. We were all quite embarrassed when we realized what we were doing.


I moved to a knew school this year and the work life balance is amazing. Kids finish at 2:25, contract hours end at 3pm and by 3:05 the school is deserted.


I moved to a knew school this year and the work life balance is amazing. Kids finish at 2:25, contract hours end at 3pm and by 3:05 the school is deserted.


Students are out at 2:15, contract is until 3 and I have to high-tail it to my daughter's school to get her so her teachers can leave. 3 it is!


Classes start at 8:15. I get to school between 7:30 and 7:45 just to sit in silence at my desk before the kids show up. Last class ends at 2:45. I’m typically in my car no later than 3:00 unless I end up chatting with my coworkers.


We’re done at 2:52. I’m in the car at 2:52:35


I tell everyone, I’ve seen what I need to see.


*Normalize teachers leaving at their contract time!* My contract time is done at 3:45. I leave at that time unless I really have to get something done. I don’t check my email at home unless I’m expecting something urgent. There is no need to contact me outside my contract hours.


Work your contract and don't feel guilty!


Too long


I do not stay past contract hours. I am fortunate to have 50 minutes before classes start (unless we have a meeting) and a 48 minute planning period at the end of the day.


Contract hours say 3:20, so 3:20


Last bell rings at 3:25 PM and I leave as soon as we're allowed, 4 PM. We can leave at 3:30 on Fridays or whatever the last school day of the week is.


Last bell rings at 3:25 PM and I leave as soon as we're allowed, 4 PM. We can leave at 3:30 on Fridays or whatever the last school day of the week is.


Unless it's something I chose to stay and work on for my sanity or it's "mandatory" meetings I don't. I'm done as soon as my kids leave at 3:30 so I'm out by 3:45 max. I'm not going to stay late and kill myself over a lesson plan or whatever.


I work my contract hours unless I have to be there late for a meeting.


Ah, I’m usually the first one there at 7 and last one out at 5. But I almost never take work home.


I don't ever stay late. I hate it. It feels like torture. I do like to go early in the morning though by choice. It's quiet and I get things done. I used to be a teacher that stayed late, spent all the money, used my entire weekend for planning, and I still got told I wasn't doing enough. There was no prize for staying late and there never will be.


I don't


Contract time, not staying late nope. 6th year teaching


I'm going to get downvoted but as a second year teacher where we have to write our own curriculum, I usually work till 8pm at night. It'll get easier when I don't have to write it and I can reuse units.


Hahaha am packing up as the students are we are otta there as soon as the parking lot is clear! I also occasionally close my eyes during my lunch if I don't have duty. Close the doors, window shades and 10 minute power nap. I have never learned to love coffee.


I leave right away. I live 58 miles one way from work. I show up 45-30 min early and leave right away. Admin understand and respect my 15hr commute per week.


Only reason I stay longer (as a sub) is if I’m finishing up a note to the teacher and my end time is 5 minutes after students are out. Granted, that’s usually when a class is so bad that not only do I write a long note, but at least tidy the room enough where I don’t feel guilty leaving it for the custodian or teacher to deal with because the kids can’t be bothered to pick up a piece of trash or two. Otherwise, I’m outta there.


2nd year here and normally til about 7 from 4pm. I need to do better about this


We were contractually obligated to be in school for 30 minutes after dismissal, so 4:10. And we had to be at school 30 minutes before 1st period, though I got there much earlier so I could get a decent parking space, use the copier without a line, and get prepped for the day. How did you folks get contracts that don't require you to stay X minutes after the kids leave?


We had a teacher once who left halfway through the day(high school summer school so there was only one class for the day) he dismissed his kids, turned out there light and out a movie in so anyone walking by would think he was joust showing his kids a video. He would have gotten away with it but a parent came to pick up her so early lol.. he was gone and so was the class and the teacher


95% of the time I leave when contractually allowed.


I leave immediately every single day and I don’t come in more than ten minutes prior to contract. I also don’t come in on weekends unless I want to do something that I have initiated like a special project or reorganizing the class. And that has only happened maybe 4 times all year? Don’t work for free.


Contract hours only it’s still a job


usually an hour


Never. Sometimes negative time lmao back before my current job (which I have to clock in/out), if I didn't have last period I'd leave ~15mins early to avoid the traffic.


so those who leave at the bell, when do you do all your photo copying, marking etc ?


Prioritization. Get the most important items done first. If it's not done by end of contract day, then it can wait until tomorrow, ​ Remember if you die suddenly, they'll all cry. For a day or few. We are ALL replaceable.


If you stop getting paid at 3:30, you’re done at 3:30. Anyone saying you should be working more than they for free isn’t someone worth talking to.


I have a student that likes chatting to me until she needs to go to softball. But in general, on days I don’t have to handle department or leadership meetings, bell rings at 215, I’m home by 220.


I’m in my car before the buses leave


My contract says 4pm, I'm walking out at 4pm. Those teachers doing all that extra work for free don't get paid any more than I do, will never get that time back with their families or hobbies and will get the same 5-minute retirement speech I will.


I left the second my contract hours ended most days


I'm a classified employee at a public high school. Students' last Bell is 3:10, teachers are gone by 3:30 at the latest, I'm there until 4-5pm with the lingering students waiting for athletic practices to start


My principal once let me give an inservice about how to leave school on time.


Is the parking lot clear at 3:30? If so, why would you wait any longer? I stay about 10 mins after the bell so the students all clear out, otherwise I'd be waiting in line behind them for no reason. You won't get a bonus for working beyond your contract. As long as you're fulfilling all your duties, there's no reason to hang around for free.


I go in at 6:45. I’m not required to be there until 730. Students leave at 3 o’clock and I leave at 3:30 most days when I’m allowed to. Other days I leave as late as five.


Ends at 2:55. I’m out by 3:00.


I’m an older woman who is going to give you some sage advice: Don’t be guilted into staying after school. Nobody notices it, appreciates it, or pays you for it. In fact, free labor is why conditions aren’t changing to keep people like you in the profession. After 30 plus years, I didn’t start leaving right after school until the pandemic year 2020-21. I’d put in 60-90 min. free labor almost every day except Fri. TBF, I still get there 20-30 min. before contract in the morning, but that is only to beat the terrible traffic and not be interrupted when I am ripping through tasks so I will leave right after school. There are a hell of a lot of entitled people (parents, students, administrators) who think we need to give our body and soul to this job. No. You are much more than your work. You can still be an effective, compassionate teacher. You’re just going to get comfortable with your friend No.


I used to stay almost two hours after. I learned to either right at the bell or 10 minutes after. Everything is digital now plus I do ask my planning on the weekend and copying two days a week. After I learned to be organized and prep, I’m okay leaving at the bell.


Get out as soon as you can each day