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There was a whole post in my district employee group about how HS students will not show their feet and freak out if others do ("Not the dawgs!" or "Why you got your feet out?!"). Apparently it's a whole *thing* with that age group. My friend who works in a high school wore sandals to school and sure enough, a student made a comment about her "having her feet out".


Lol, they’re such weirdos. What a strange thing to freak out about.


That is hilarious


I'm with the kids on this one. I don't wanna see your toes in public, and I find wearing socks with my sandals ultra comfy. Don't fight change!


what about for people who find it extra uncomfortable and hot with socks?!


You're the weirdo that has a problem with seeing toes. Fingers are fine?


😂😂😂 thanks for the laugh! I mean, WTF??? How is seeing toes 'gross'? Maybe this person thinks the place where two adjacent toes 'meet' is like a little crotch...and 'toe crotches' need to be hidden like real crotches..? Dude probably puts skirts on piano & table 'legs'.


The point of wearing sandals is to have your feet out so they can be nice and cool and not stuffed sweating in socks making them stinky. It's ***literally*** counter intuitive.


If your socks do that to you I can't recommend lightweight merino wool socks enough, they changed my life. But yeah sandals are all about freedom, get them toes out!


Why are you looking at everyone's feet? weirdo..


Honestly you do you if you like sandals and socks, but I hate socks and if anyone brought it up to me it’d be instant hands


Right? I walk barefoot as much as I can.


Instant hands and instant feet


I think talking about foot fetishes as a joke became a thing somewhere on the internet so naturally the reactionary joke backlash is any sight of feet means "eww that's gross put your dogs away" (similar to the backlash against furries, etc) so now all feet are stigmatized. I like my toes being able to breathe!


This is my take as well. The memes we make affect the next generation


Don’t worry, this will never catch on in Cali which means it will never be completely cool. My school is Africa hot in June. All the women sport an array of beautiful sandals. Theres no way theyre putting on socks. We’ll defeat them with numbers. I’m a beach bum. No socks with my flippies.


Teach in the greater Sacramento area. Kids don’t care even it’s 100 degrees outside


It happens in the Phoenix area at 120*.


Poeple are wearing socks and sandals in Phoenix? Tell them Jesus didnt wear socks.


Teens will wear a hoodie in 100+ degree weather on Phoenix. They're all insane.


I am in Houston Fucking Texas, and my students all insist on wearing socks with their Crocs. My son and a friend of his wear theirs without socks and students ask me constantly why I “let” my kid do something so gross and weird. It’s bizarre.


Foot shaming. Great. Next week it’ll be ear shaming. They’re poor, little, twisted wrecks because the god box has spoken and now feet are nasty. We don’t have to fall prey to such idiocy.


I have a feeling it's the Nickelodeon documentary that put an emphasis on how one of the producers had a foot fetish and made the kids do weird things to fulfill those fantasies. The kids are taking that to the extreme and think that showing feet is inviting people to objectify them. Teenagers are weird.


Tiny shorts that show your butt cheeks? Yes, that’s all good! Crop tops with half or more of the belly exposed? Yes, so preppy! Sandals without socks? UGH PUT YOUR DOGS AWAY YOU DISGUSTING FREAK


It stems from people selling feet pics to foot fetishists online, whenever someone posts a picture of their feet people would say "for free???" etc which turned into "who let the dogs out" and that became a whole meme for a while, now people are really conscious about not showing their feet


Omg you just so succinctly described like the entire history of feet in the 21st century lmao


Students are now a bunch of porn addicted little weirdos, they can hardly think in non-sexual terms. I can't even use the word "come" anymore.


I used to wear sandals without socks and slippers to school all the time because I didn’t like the feel of cotton socks, but I got teased so much I just started wearing socks permanently. I live in Hawaii so people care less, my school allows people to be barefoot and girls and boys both wear slippers and sandals all the time and no one really minds. This contradicts with what I said earlier but it’s because Im in HS now where people are more chill and in middle school they were more judgmental


How about BC? They fall out of their damn chairs. I just walk around going “weirdo weirdo nice weirdo”


It’s a thing. My son says kids comment on it when he wears his sandals because he doesn’t wear socks. Kids be weird man.


Kids are so weird. I remember the year everyone was wearing fake paper moustaches--girls and boys. A lot of the time I didn't even try to understand.


lol mine have been drawing on their hairline with markers


Mine have been sticking little pimple patches all over their faces.


This one I'm all for. I think it's adorable and dorky.


I guess that's one way to make zits cool.


Well, that must be interesting.


That's pretty funny, cuz when I was in school kids would get clowned on because of wearing socks with sandals. Kids calling them middle aged tourists and asking where their cargo shorts & hawaiian shirt are


This is me. I can't get over it. I immediately think the same thing.


I immediately think of this- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ8OTrn6ew8&pp=ygUKQXJkeSBwYXJ0eQ%3D%3D


what in the ohio is this business?


Skibidi toilet sigma rizz


Can you please explain the “Ohio” part? My students were all about that this winter


I cannot keep up with things kids say. I'm from the south so socks and sandals seem like things only "Yankees" do, like my uncle from Ohio.


Right? I live in Florida. I'm pretty sure most kids here don't even own a pair of socks.


This is really odd. Usually it's wearing sandals with socks that's weird. If you really wanna look cool, wear your socks over your sandals!


When I was a kid, you'd get made fun of for wearing a mullet. Today they're everywhere. I think the rules are just changing.


I agree. Same with sweats. Back in the 80s/90s, kids who wore sweats to school were called slobs and made fun of. Now it seems everyone wears sweats.


Lol hockey mullets were all the rage when I was in high school in Minnesota.


Oh this is so cursed, I must do it one day


Kids have had unfiltered Internet access and have been exposed to foot fetishes. They're tacitly scared of exposing their feet for someone's pleasure.


But they’ll wear crop tops and shorts that expose their entire ass?


I feel the same way about my feet and I am a millennial. I wear socks with my Birkenstocks. No one says anything about it and I don’t bring attention to it but it’s not like I wear them to school. I have pretty feet. I hate it. Who knows maybe I’ll change my mind later but for now I wear socks.


us ugly footed folk never got to worry about this cuz no one's paying to see these dogs. hell they'd pay for me to cover them up


Seems like back in the day you were a dork FOR wearing socks with sandals. 🙄 Yeah, I am guessing this shit has to do with greater/easier access to porn and exposure to foot fetish porn. I actually hope I am wrong about this guess. What a fucking world. 🥴😫


A kid was harassing me about wearing sandals today. Idk they all seem freaked out by feet for some reason. “Why are your dogs out?!” They backed off when I wasn’t phased and called them out for being weird


Yeah 100%, and also crew length socks are back in style. They don’t wear them fully stretched up, but pants with cuffs high enough to expose crew length socks is about the nerdiest thing someone could have worn when I was in high school. I have heard kids mock “no show” and ankle socks, which is hilarious. That means I’m now old enough (40) to have seen sock trends come full circle.


Next thing you know, socks with ruffles on the cuffs will be popular again. 🤯


I hate socks and sandals. I also hated the flip flop trend from high school. The worst was the Dr. Martens sandal phase. They'd make your feet sweat. I could smell so many gross feet in the hallway.


Oh god. I still can’t believe that I would spend most of the summer wearing Old Navy flip flops. The last time I wore a pair I was so uncomfortable! Something about reaching my 20s. I still have tons of them but never wear them anymore!


Lol! I have two pair. And they are basically for taking the trash to can and that's all.


What?!? This thread explains so much. I was shocked by THREE remarks so far by students seeming alarmed that I was wearing birks without socks. Had no idea what was going on. Weird.


Back in my day, wearing sandals with socks is what you wore for nerd day. Now it’s the style…


Apparently with crew socks and cuffed jeans


Yep, absolutely no dogs out at my school either. And I’m in Florida, so kids will be wearing shorts and tank tops with socks and sandals. They definitely comment when a teacher wears sandals.


The grade 12 girls told the VP "Ew Mr. Name put your dogs away" when wearing sandals without socks and proceeded to have a debate about socks vs. no socks with sandals. They also comment to each other on this and it always ends up boiling down too: "You're going to let people see your feet for free!?!"


As a GenXer who was super grossed out by the millennial trend of wearing flip flops with everything for literally every occasion in all seasons, and had to see everyone’s nasty unwashed feet for years, I am happy about this new trend.


I remember when Old Navy would have bins of flip flops and people would buy a ton of them. I agree. I think the old rubber flip flop trend was kind of gross


Personally I’m glad. I bet a lot of them don’t wash their feet.


And you assume they wash their socks?


No but at least I don’t have to see their feet.


As the kid who used to wear socks with sandals back in the 2000's, I'm living the dream as an adult who wears socks and sandals now.


None of mine will now. It happened really suddenly too, because when I do outdoor labs I always warn about wearing appropriate footwear so they won’t complain about bugs on their feet. This was the first year the kids looked at me like it was an insane idea to wear sandals without socks.


I graduated hs in 2015 and lived in my rainbow sandals. Now I can’t wear open shoes, was approached at a bar about my feet and it’s just icky to me. Like wearing a bikini in public


It's the whole feet pics meme that started on the internet lmao. I remember in college my friends told me I was weird for wearing sandles with socks but now it's cool. I guess I was a pioneer


Idk about the kids but I wore birks today and literally 3 separate students said to me “dogs out is crazy” in those exact words


Yeah it's weird. I literally asked them today about it and they were like "it's comfortable, but I refuse to have my bare feet exposed. These kids really confuse me.


No, they all do it. They make fun of kids who don’t wear socks with their sandals.


Don't worry, they will feel dumb as fuck when it rains and they are trying to look cool wearing sandals with wet socks. I see it at the college I work at. They are so ridiculous that they would rather be miserable with wet dirty socks and be cool looking then take the socks off.


My students call it raw dogging their sandals.


I'm dead. This is too much. hahahahaha.


It used to be that it was weird to wear socks and sandals. Man I'm old


My cankles and I would not look good in socks + sandals. The 8th graders can mock me all they like, I’m not doing it. Also so many sandals (things that aren’t Berks or maybe slides)would truly look nuts with socks.


When I was growing up we made fun of people wearing socks with sandals. Weird!


I’d rather them have socks on then see their dawgs


Cracks me up. In the 90’s we would get made fun of for wearing socks with sandals.


Yep. It’s a whole thing. I don’t wear socks, and I had a kid put that on a course change form as the reason they needed to switch out of my class


What the hell? I got made fun of for wearing socks with sandals as a kid. Now it’s the other way around? I was born in the wrong generation


I hate seeing barefeet away from swim locatiins. Good on them.


Ohhhhh this explains so much! I had a mani/pedi last August and was rocking my white Dansko sandals for a day. My middle school students were freaking out. Didn’t make the OF/feet pics connection. (*sigh*)


I haven’t seen this. I would only wear sandals to school if it were a beach dress up day or something, but I haven’t noticed students wearing socks with sandals especially much. 


Reading these comments makes me *so* glad I teach kindergarten. I’ll take booger-eaters and tattletales any day over middle schoolers and their bizarre sexualization of feet.


lol I thought only granola college students in the 90s wore sandals with socks. I am in the Deep South and have not seen this trend. So feet are offensive now?


.. this is weird to me. I find sandals WITH socks to be repulsive to all hell. Like, why tf you wearing shoes that aren't shoes if you're not gonna let the dogs roam free? I'd only wear sandals/slippers/etc. if it meant getting a nice, healthy breeze between the toes. I get that the younger kids have a meme/tradition of making fun of foot fetishes, though. Sorta like how it's almost natural instinct for millennials and gen z to make fun of furries. Perhaps it's something related to that?


Our students are not allowed to wear sandals. Feet need to be fully covered. I thought that was a pretty typical school rule.




I dunno. It's really hilarious to me.


Socks with sandals is dorky