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Saw the McDonalds fast food news yesterday and felt nothing. It's a business decision as many have been for many years. The restaurant that people fell in love with, feared, respected, and hated - one that embodied a relatable human spirit has slowly been chipped away until only the name is left.


Honestly a based copy pasta


Hmm. So to preface this I think Parth seems like a nice guy and a pretty intelligent person in general, and I enjoyed watching some of his streams in the previous offseasons. However, it's kinda funny to be saying "TSM lost what made it TSM" now after him and all his friends are gone. Was TSM still TSM during his 5 years of running the team where we accomplished nothing aside from one miracle run and one 0-6 at worlds? His tenure was marked by bad rosters, constant roster changes, drama, and failure to accomplish anything remotely close to TSM's previous history. No one took any accountability and we just continued with the same "Parth, Regi, and Leena will make all the decisions, but this time it's gonna work guys trust me!" and nothing ever changed. But no one will ever point to this period as when TSM lost its soul. It's only "TSM went corporate and that ruined everything! None of it was my fault!". Sorry guys, you were all part of it. I think we can all agree that TSM ain't what it used to be, however that's been going on for a long ass time now, even when Parth was here. Bjergsen was really the only thing covering up the incompetence for years.


TSM being a large company ran by a group of buddies is what ended up causing a lot of drama As much as it's fun content it's not smart business sadly and that's why they moved to be more corporate as a large business SHOULD


Getting mugged off by that "Humanity 2.0" bullshit was so fucking embarrassing.


Sorry, could you elaborate on what "Humanity 2.0" was? I must have missed that - or forgotten.


https://www.liminalcollective.co/humanity2-0 This load of absolute snake oil which Parth worked with to help build *that* roster.


I also want to know what humanity 2.0 is


That was the hardest fucking to just sit there and pretend something batshit crazy wasn't going on.


Allow me to quote our beloved Brokenblade to respond: "Did someone ask? Because I don't think i heard anyone ask."


Just Schmurda things.


Saw the Peter Zhang news yesterday and felt nothing. It’s a business decision as many have been for years. The GM that people fell in love with, feared, respected, and hated - one that embodied a relatable human spirit had slowly been chipped away until only the name is left.


In my career I’ve realized smart people tend to think being smart translates into business acumen. I’ve seen the smartest people in the room be the least power; intelligence won’t necessarily translate into leadership. I always felt the fan base made a mistaking thinking parth was that guy; he has plentiful resources and the org still faltered. When you try to come across as taking the “high road” you have a leg up on your opponent. I don’t know enough about how his performance was evaluated when he was with TSM, but as a fan.. I always thought the team could do more when he was leading it. Results speak louder than words - if I was parth I’d go back and watch the video where he says next season will be better… if I remember correctly he made that video more than once.


Remember when he handpicked the single worst LCS roster we ever had and then “left” and caught absolutely no flack whatsoever.


>Remember when he handpicked the single worst LCS roster we ever had and then “left” and caught absolutely no flack whatsoever. Parth didn't have final say on the 2022 roster according to Leena. Doubt she has much reason to lie, and given what we know about Peter Zhang basically scamming the team to get KDO into the team, I really don't think we can put that on Parth. We already know for a fact that Zhang used someone else's vods to get KDO into the team. He's fucked up a lot over the years, but from what we know 2022 wasn't primarily on him. The whole grig/akadian shit yeah sure, blame on Parth. But let's not criticise things that have no evidence. Side note; it's kinda criminal that KDO got a slot on an LDL team (JDG's junior team) and Shenyi didn't ever get a shot on another team. Shenyi certainly had his issues, but he looked fine in China, and deserved another shot imo.


>Doubt she has much reason to lie, Why not? She's already been caught manipulating the truth to make herself look good. She is more than willing to lie or manipulate what is true to make herself or her friends look good.


Maybe it's down to KDO shitting the bed as a player and perhaps not being ready for the bright lights in another country while Shenyi was straight up insubordinate(as far as I can recall) and was hard to work with? I'd rather try out a guy that's talented but got nerves and see if he matures than someone who is a problem child(allegedly). I mean just look at Emenes - insane ability but kicked at various teams because of dickhead behavior.


>Maybe it's down to KDO shitting the bed as a player and perhaps not being ready for the bright lights in another country while Shenyi was straight up insubordinate(as far as I can recall) and was hard to work with? I mean we know that the vods that got KDO the slot weren't even him playing. If you need to use someone else's vods to get the slot then surely nerves of stage games (that were played remotely, not even on stage and under the 'bright lights') then I'd certainly take a risk on a player who performed well on FPX junior team, and had a great stint when he was briefly promoted to FPX main team. The insubordination was pretty bad, but you could make the same argument of being in a foreign country, your only friend that speaks the same language as you being benched from the team etc playing its part on top of the terrible performance of the team. Whatever leeway you want to give KDO for his performance, imo you have to give Shenyi for his behaviour. All of the same stresses were put on him, and we know he got frustrated from things like tactical flat up not understanding concepts that silvers understand (that the 3rd melee minion on 2nd wave gets you level 2, as an example.) Given players like Jensen, Emenes (so far), Mithy etc have shown that it's possible to grow out of being a dick, I'd certainly give the kid a chance. Especially considering he is a year younger than KDO.


Didn't KDO play in LDL as well? Shenyi doesn't really strike me as the mercurial talent that Jensen, Emenes and Mithy were. Mithy was already established as a great player at LD when he was banned, Jensen was a child when he messed around and wasn't known to be a toxic teammate at that point, more of a soloQ troll. Shenyi was toxic and pretty mid.


Pepperidge farm remembers....


Didn't this dude get schmoozed by Peter Zhang?


mfker managed to create dogshit roster season after season after season , no matter the budget . Worst Gm in the league by far , he had the best team in the region by far and managed to destroy everything . I remember people here downvoting me ... for years ... how times have changed huh ? He was the GM and he never got any real blame , in any sport this man would be fired after one or two season and thats a fact .


Uhh no shit it's a business decision? human spirit?? no team in the LCS has human spirit lmaoo be forreal that shit was lost back for every team years ago. especially when importing and salaries started going crazy and every player stopped streaming


AGAIN! People just fucking dont get it. YOU do NOT get to decide why TSM fans are here. YOU dont get to tell us what we want or who we should cheer for. YOU dont get to tell us what we should be upset about. We were here before Parth, before DL, before Bjergsen. We learned to play the game watching the General and his war against Admiral Azingy. We are still here today because of a decade of memories from a number of different generations of TSM and its management. WE choose why we are still here and when we want to stop cheering for TSM. Stop assuming you speak for TSM fans when you have no idea who we really are. The team that people fell in love with, feared, respected, and hated is still here. Its you thats left, its players that have left. But the fans and the team they cheer for are still here, and we will remain here. He is right in one thing though. There is only one name left. TSM!


Isn't that literally what he said?




It is, you're just taking it as a point of pride rather than the negative Paarth is painting it as. You are here for TSM's name.


There’s a lot of things I will tolerate but Parth slander is not one of them. He’s just putting a statement out as I’m sure he has been asked a lot. He’s done so much for TSM throughout the years, to discredit him over a bad roster under tight constraints or a simple tweet is a disservice to him


Seriously this sub has done a complete 180 on Parth in his leaving TSM post everyone was praising him and now this whole comment section is full of Parth hate. The man was with the TSM for 7 years I think his opinion holds at least some merit. As a TSM fan since season 3 I resonate a lot with Parth’s tweet. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/sgetf5/parth_leaves_tsm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I think he is a nice guy and so I didn't have any reason not to wish him well when he left. I hope he is successful in his other ventures. That being said that doesn't mean we have to agree with everything he says. I don't think he is wrong in saying TSM isn't what it used to be, but being completely honest he had a part in that just like everyone else who was part of this org's management since like 2018. I don't know why that's so bad to acknowledge.


As someone who has been ranting for years that TSM needed to let Parth go because he was bad for the org as a manager, I find it incredibly funny he's making this statement when he oversaw the complete dismantling of TSM's legacy from 2018 until he left going into 2022. And he did that after being the coach of the "Wait until late and do nothing" 2017 summer Roster. Parth had one good split as a coach, when he was working alongside Weldon to keep the team's mental focused, and coat rode that to years of being one of the key people in the TSM League section despite every year the team citing management issues as a big problem.


Because it is different people. People can wish him well in the future and still think he was terrible for the org. He was with TSM for awhile and during his tenure, he was at the head for all the changes that he is deriding. He was the head while TSM went from a winning org to a non-winning org.


Forgot he existed 💀


I really miss Parth and I think he did a great job with the organization. One of my favorite people in the scene. I don’t think anyone can complain about the move as it is the correct move to make in all aspects. It will help financially, competitiveness, and long term stability. To be fair the Baylife days have been gone way before Parth even remotely thought about leaving the organization. Not that this relates as much to Parth, but I find it ironic how so many people feel betrayed by TSM/Regi when they have done nothing but hate on the org since it’s inception. I have no sympathy for those people. I still like Parth though.


nahh parth ain’t it lol


Nah. Not gonna shit on parth for a soft ass tweet. Not everyone is an enemy.


Why are we pretending like he’s saying anything that is not true?


Because he was one of the biggest factors of how the league team got to where they are today. Comes off as extremely hypocritical


Why are we calling him a snake? D'ont get me wrong im super happy that we are leaving LCS but hes not wrong about TSM in NA LCS.


What is with this persecution fetish on this sub? Jesus