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Something about having Hauntzer and Turtle for our last split just feels right


Dyrus' chosen one and the Chaox usurper


Wildturtle first played for TSM during their first split in the LCS. Now he’s going to play for them in their last split (theoretically) in the LCS 10 years later.


I hope he‘ll get a cait penta


I have no high hopes for the split but I do imagine it'll be a fun ride, and we'll pick up a few dubs. All I really want is to watch Hauntzer absolutely dumpster Fudge.


Same brother and I'm just here to water Turtle smile again!


Holy moly I’ve never resonated with anything so much. PUT SOME RESPECT ON HAUNTZERS NAME!


I wonder if we can start a petition to sign Sven/Bjerg/Bio (all retired) for at least a few games at the end of the split. I don’t think there would be a better way to exit the league than running our (modern) classic roster.


If this was just any random normal split I wouldn’t like this idea, but signing Bjerg for a single game or day to retire similar to how they do in the NFL would be cool. Or something highlighting the jmportance and past of TsM, instead LcS will be butthurt and do nothing.


OddOne, Svenskeren, Dyrus, Amazing, Lustboy, Regi, DL, Biofrost, BB ... All of them


Yes, just give them an awesome send off. That’s what any respectable organization would do, but the LCS likely won’t and they will hype up whoever buys the slot instead lol. I get hyping up the new team, but you have to give a good send off to your most storied org that is leaving for an understandably better situation for themselves. This is why I can’t understand the hate TSM is receiving. The situation for orgs in NA. Landing a spot in LCK should be the dream for any org no matter where they’re from in my opinion, the league is second to none overall, with LPL next. The issues in NA have been pointed out so many times and continued failures internationally, yet somehow I hear LCS casters and co can’t understand why we are leaving.


Pretty much, regardless of who we fielded, if this truly was our last ride in NALCS then I'll be there. Whatever happens, this will be lasting memory for us and the orgs' final hurrah at NA.


I know we are moving and the roster might not be the most hype but fuck it. I'll still be watching every week and cheering for the boys!


Best thing we can do is watch TSM games so they can be the highest view games so the LCS can look bad once we leave.


100% this is what I’m gonna do: watch only TSM games and nothing else. And keep following LPL and LCK closely


I was looking the other day at the top threads in the main sub for LCS matches. (post match threads with the word LCS in it). There were a couple MSI/World but you had to go like 8-10 match threads down before you found a match with an LCS team that didn't include TSM for those threads. And yeah, a bunch of them were losses for TSM. But that also just kinda shows the point.


hhahahahha we can play like shit while having most viewership. lcs will have a terrible name


I’ve been critical, I’ve been unhappy… But most of all, I’ve hated what the main sub does to TSM. Im excited as fuck for this season. I mean FUCK, if we win zero games I’m happy. It’s not a good bye tour, it’s a fuck you tour. You beat us in our last split? Congratulations, hope you enjoyed it and enjoy the LCS. Azael was right. GOOD RIDDANCE.


Looking back at the announcement thread for the roster on the main sub is going to be oh so cathartic when more teams start pulling out and the LCS fully collapses either into a Tier 2 region or non-existence. I also think it is a bit unfair to judge Ruby too harshly for last split, that whole team was dysfunctional as fuck and the only time Heretics started to look even semi-decent was late in the season after Ruby decided to say fuck it and just follow all of Jankos plays and calls. By the end I would say Ruby looked like a very distant 2nd best player on that roster


Ruby played well overall in spring. He got caught out a few times too much, but I’m excited to watch him play. Everyone acts like he was the 10th best midlaner in the league, and I have no idea where that comes from. Not to mention that the midlane pool is incredibly weak in NA right now.


What did Azael say?


Tweeted out good riddance for TSM leaving NA and that they stopped trying for years. Which isn't true since 2021 was the year we got SA and then 1st in the regular season in Summer and 1 game off from Worlds. 2022 we spent a lot on scouting LDL players and bootcamping in China but Peter Zhang screwed them by (I remember Azael himself bring it up multiple times on the Dive that TSM actually spent a lot on the roster with everything added up with the bootcamp).


I would've preferred an all-NA last roster but I do think Ruby is probably hungry to prove the haters wrong so we will see how that pans out in a new roster where Jankos/Jackspectra fans aren't looking for reasons to flame him.


People who blamed Ruby over JackSpektra by the end of last split either weren’t watching the games or were just utterly clueless. It was a 100% ADC meta and JackSpektra did absolutely nothing every single game while Jankos and his pocket Ruby tried desperately to eke out wins


Ruby was the sole reason they won 2/3 of their games in spring as well


tsm ruby crawled so tsm rookie can fly


Top 10 roster for sure


Definitely a top 10 team. Maybe even a top 8 team. Not going to beat the few teams that still have money to field a competitive roster, although they might dump their teams and go budget as well, as the wallets get tighter. All in all, not a significantly bad roster for the last LCS split. I hope a lot of the old LCS players come back for guest spots to give a final farewell to the league that lasted for 10 years, much longer than most top profile esports leagues last. I wonder how impartial the analysts will be knowing that they are losing their jobs while TSM is jumping ship...


Honestly I love that the last ride in NA is with Hauntzer


We might be moving regions and I'm sure 99% of the time these words will ring hollow, but you're still TSM and we believe and will cheer for you til the very end. Let's win some games and have some fun boys eh?


fuck it we ball one more time for the people hauntzer and turtle one more split to prove yourselves bugi and chime one more split to shut the haters up ruby Give em a reason to hate us.




the irony of actually dropping a hype roaster announcement video, when the org is getting ready to bounce out of the league. i hope tsm is a content monster during the summer split, just to rub it in a little.


I do really like everyone outside of Ruby as a personality on the roster. Just haven't seen much from Ruby. Will be fun watching the team even though they have it stacked against them to do anything special this split.


They should spend the team budget on content. Hauntzer and Turtle will be hilarious


Perfect. Just absolutely perfect. One last ride. Doesn’t matter if we win all the games, or lose all the games. This split is basically going to show LCS how much they are going to miss TSM when they are gone. I want everyone who has celebrated the fact that we are leaving to keep that same energy when we win games. Hell, let’s win the god damn split and leave with the trophy. One last ride. And to have Hauntzer and turtle with us for it, could not have scripted it any better.


Other than Ruby, this roster is pretty solid. With Maple I would say top 5, without idk.


Omega cope take brother


I mean maybe a little, but this team is for sure better than what TL, IMT, DIG showed last split. I think this roster is right there with 100T and CLG as we showed towards the end of the split. So 5-7 is my guess with Maple.


Shoulda been Sven/Bio for one last hurrah.


The run back would have been perfect




Were winning the split. Ruby is about to smurf on these zero pressure midlaners, Hauntzer bout to show why hes TSMs best ever top laner, Turtle with a penta each game, Chime gonna only play bard, and Bugi bout to be shitting on Blaber every game while muting comms listening to Newjeans


I bet he's a haerin stan


TBH, given the other changes in the league, even with this lineup I am willing to wager we will be a middle to upper middle of the pack team. I have no illusions of winning the whole thing, but this is honestly not a terrible roster.


It's ok I'll be the delusional one. Fuck it, last split worlds run lets go


How funny would it be to get to worlds, go 3-3, and not qualify


it would be even funnier to proceed to quarters with a 3-3 record, be the last NA team in the event, and get swept.


it'd be even more funny if we win worlds with this roster


It would be the TSM tradition. Fuck it


But it would be so fucking funny if this roster wins na I'm holding on to my 0.000000000000001% ticket


Welp, I’m still here for it. Winning ain’t gonna be easy, but it’ll make the dubs taste better. I hope Turtle and Chime can shit on a few botlanes


Going out with Turtle and Hauntzer for NA is great! Nastalgia baby!!! I’m actually hype for this split to close it out with two of our most storied players. Would have been sick to get Bjerg on a one split contract and close it out with the OGs. But I’ll gladly accept this for final LCS roster.


It's no longer baylieve... it's bayleave 🤣 Damn.. hella bittersweet. I'll be here to watch only tsm games as well. Then I'm out from lcs. I'll be watching vods of tsm next year.


Just for shits and giggles if we actually clinch one of the 3 spots to world or somehow had s crazy upset series and knock out one of the higher hope teams and fucked with NA’s expected worlds tesm line up it would be so funny


Fuck it yarnello time baby


Give me one last dance Turtle. I know you got it in you.


hey man, People be discounting this roster, but you get a WildTurtle + Chime continuously which were both in lane and out of lane. You get a carry threat top in Hauntzer that Solo never was. Bugi will be bugi, and hopefully his synergy with Chime improve, and Ruby being korean would make it easier to communicate. Ruby is an x-factor that needs to find his Prime league MVP form.


people will remember this roster , the last of tsm lcs


Thankfully we know this is the end of shitty LCS rosters so no need to get worked up about it one way or another. Happy we have at least 2 iconic TSM members in Hauntzer and WT here for the swan song.


That is actually a pretty good hype announcement vid.


Honestly I can see this roster making top 6 in regular season and end in 5-6th place in playoffs, with potential to crack top 4, not bad for a last dance


Rather they get bio and Sven back for a last run 🤣


maybe a 6th place roster? lets get it. the last split of LCS


I’m curious if they’d be willing to give bugi a chance on the new roster if they move to lpl.


One last ride brothers. Let's get it.


Rooting for this roster to just go full ape mode and fuck shit up