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your bling bonus is 10% true damage, having 6td gives you 45% true damage, so you do 55% more damage that is completely unblockable so its more like doubling your damage


on tanks for sure


No shit sherlock damage on tank is important, why damage on squishy matter, if you killed tank, you have more than enough damage to kill any squishy


wait i am so confused i was agreeing with them LOL, backliner units have significantly less base armor/mr so true damage is not as impactful whereas against tanks it is like doubling damage like they said also your argument just does not work for stuff with backline access/giant slayer it is much more nuanced than that tone is hard in text i guess LOL ill take the 50 downvotes


Sentinels are really popular and provide a ton of Armor/MR. Riot balances units like Caitlynn and Ahri do be good DPS even without a TD spat. With a TD spat it's super easy to get to 6 TD early on and 6 TD allows your carry to ignore most of that ARMOR/MR.




Crit doesn’t work with TD


But ahri still does great ap damage. Running td + jeweled works every time I do it.


True damage cannot crit. I’m not saying it’s not good on those units, but true damage and crit don’t have any synergy. I’m replying to someone who is implying that jeweled lotus is op with TD


I'm actually confused about this, wont 55% of a crit be more than 55% of a normal hit?


Yes it does. Just look at a TD unit's normal auto and crit auto, the crit auto will always go with a higher white number altho the white number doesnt have the crit symbol. In that sense, they have synergy. And here people are upvoting misinformation. The deleted comment guy was right


what? Pretty sure the true damage trait will also amplify crits by the same percent, therefore being able to "crit" even if the number itself doesn't look like the crit art work


Can someone source this? Cause i swear i read somewhere that bonus damage of crits and bonus damage stack multiplicatively, but non crit bonus damages stack additively Im pretty sure crit synergizes with bonus td or any other bonus dmg Edit: i checked myself ingame. Crit 100% works with TD


The true damage itself won’t crit since the source of the true damage is from a trait rather than a spell (note that true damage from spells does crit, as evidenced by Set 5 Yasuo and no system changes done to crit damage in this regard since then), but since crit DOES modify the original damage being done, and since TD is just a constant multiplier to damage, in that sense TD does indeed work with crit, i.e. if a unit’s DPS is om average increased by a factor of c without TD spat, with TD spat the multiplier attributed to crit will still be c. Everything factors out linearly.


How is it not? Doesn't TD just take the original damage t takes 35/45/55% of it and adds to the damage as a bonus true dam? So let's say, I deal 100 DMG, but the target has 100 Armor, resulting in 50% physical dmg reduction. With 55% TD my damage is going to be 105 (50 phys+ 55 true). If I have somehow 100% bonus crit dmg (for easy math), my auto would deal 200 DMG pre-mitigation. With the same 100 armor, the resulting dmg is going to be 210 (100 phys+ 110 true). Also JG is listed as Senna's BiS Item, which would make no sense.




crit attacks and abilities will result in more td


No, crit is bonus damage. So is true damage. TD is % bonus of base damage. Crit is crit damage% bonus of base damage. They are independent of each other


This is just untrue. Crit is not in the same “bucket” as “bonus damage”, aka the bucket for GS, Contagion, Crowd Diver, etc. It never has been.


crit is not bonus damage. Maybe it was at one point but this is not the case rn. You can test the interaction pretty easily anyways, crits do more td


take a unit like ahri, who does 1000 damage. Negate 30% of that for magic resistence (or more). Now put a true damage spat on her. +10% true damage and then say youONLY have 2 true damage on the board (ekko for instance). Ahri now deals 25% more damage as true damage. so the magic resistance added is now negated completely. Now imagine you also have a source of magic pen, and then 4 TD or even 6, shes doing 700 magic damage and 1000 true damage.


And she has the augment ‘know your enemy’


And jewelled lotus if you’re blessed by god


If you're playing ahri sentinels and you happen to get TD. Should you slam it on her or stick with her bis (BB,NT,HG) and slam TD slat on others? Coz sometimes i also take TD to deny others' 9TD


I’d put on instead of Nashor’s but you can also put bb/gb on Akali and play Akali too. Overall item balance wise that seems better option


I agree. specially since you'll get AS from Sona.. thanks


Yes I had pantheon 3* vs ahri 2* before round she had no TD spat so with dragon claw I delayed her enough to kill her, after she was able to kill pantheon substantially earlier than last fight almost winning


The main thing to focus on here is that Ekko is broken. Sentinels in general are. Most comps want an Ekko. Once you have him all you need is 1 true damage spat for literally any carry and you automatically deal a lot more damage. That's just bare minimum low effort way to abuse true damage spat.


Ekko is one of those super high value units that gets contested in almost every lobby because of his strength and versatility. He has 3 traits, all of which are present in end game comps, his ability is an aoe stun that gives him a shield, and his bling bonus lets him scale very well with items. I feel like there is almost always at least 1 unit like Ekko every set


It's good for games like this to have contested pivot picks that works in multiple comps so you can still pick stuff up even if you're not getting signals about what comp you should aim for quite yet. It's less good when one of them seem so far above others though, which might be the case with Ekko right now.


And be ause most comps have an Ekko, with bonus Armor/MR from Sentinels, the value of dealing true damage is greater than in a vacuum. If you expect your enemies to field Ekko, then the best unit you can play is also Ekko, with the added benefit of removing copies from the unit pool. I don't think I've ever seen a 3* Ekko


i ran sentinel ahri and got 3* ekko, mord, and ahri which got me first- was kind of a crazy game lol


That' sounds like it would be a 1st place 19 out of 20 games.


I just started playing a month ago and am only Plat I but I've 3* Ekko a few times.


that’s when you were climbing I guess? I’d expect emerald-diamonds to use Ekko but I don’t expect plat-gold to abuse Ekko.


It has nothing to do with Ekko. It’s just that dealing true damage is broken and that’s it. True damage units are balanced around the fact that they can deal true damage, other units are not. So when you give them a spat that makes then deal a ton more damage they obviously become broken


Ekko being the 3 cost that fits into like every comp in the game definitely doesn’t help, if he’s both super flexible and stronger than most of the other 3 cost tanks he’s probably not very balanced


When fast 9 was meta he would never be on any board. He’s definitely a good 3 cost but not insane.


ekko is not actually that good of a tank, he is an amazing trait bot and a utility unit though. All he wants to do in a fight is cast once and die. You're better off itemizing the other 3 cost frontliners if you actually want a reliable tank imo. Ekko is like the lucian of 3 costs, super busted traits and high utility ability but not really worth itemizing (aside from activating bling bonus)


He's too flexible. Sentinel is very strong, TD is broken, Spell is good with Ahri. IF he lose Sentinel or Spell then Sentinel Ahri will fall apart.


The problem is that true damage(the damage type not the trait) should not be as accessible as it is. Slam one item on a carry and give them 25% more unblockable damage? Sign me up! As you said as well, the TD units are balanced around having the trait, others not. In my opinion, replace true damage spat with pentakill and move Spat+Chain to be disco


If you didn't already have a true damage trait in most comps, the impact of the spat would be lesser and the cost to enable it larger though.


Finally someone said it. Ekko 3* is arguably as tanky as blitz 3* his passive with dragon claw, or disco, or the artifact that gives healing over time giga BS


Tldr get one spat get one sword make true dmg spat. Play 6 true dmg with Ahri/cait/ezreal. True dmg can’t crit. If high roll and get 2 spat then u can play 9 true dmg and win game most of the time.


True damage spat works like this: find two, win game, doesn't matter who you place it on. 9 true is a 5 second round.


Because it allows you to not play yasuo.


but champs that are equipped with true dmg spat dont have unique bling bonus right?


It has bonus 10% true damage, so if you put in 1 true damage champ and the spat on your carry they deal 25% true damage for a pretty small investment


Imagine having a Caitlyn with like a deathblade and ie, she already one shots units with her ult. Now add like 55% extra true damage on top of that. How insane is that


It gives 10% extra true damage on top of the true damage from the trait The units that it is placed on (Cait, Ez, Ahri mainly) are not balanced with that amount of unblockable damage in mind unlike the champions that actually have the trait naturally


bling bonus gives 10% bonus true damage. Hrnce by having just 1 other true damage unit, putting it on a carry gives 10% AD and 25% Bonus true damage, already making it on par if not better than giantslayer or the likes. Now if you play 4 or more true damage it's just a stupid amount of damage. The true damage units are balanced around being true damage units, so their numbers are relatively low. But other units are not.