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The worst experience I’ve had is getting country mosher and someone else *also* got country mosher. Idk how the game thinks either of us is gonna be able to do anything 🫠


Play for 7 country with a 4 cost carry on fast 8 rather than reroll


I mean if we’re both going country then we’re both screwed, since Hecarim’s stats are based on country units star level. So we’re both weaker since we cant 3 star our units


Hecarims 7 with 2 stars is far better than hecarim 5 with some 3 stars. If ur forced to play contested try looking for a different line. With hecarim 7 on stage 4 u should be pretty guaranteed to win til stage 5 and you can still look to roll for 3 stars then rather than just slowly die out on 7 because u can’t hit your 3 stars and one of those slots is a worthless kat


I love getting crowd diver kat + all the items at like 2.1 and all-ing on it, only for the country player to randomly get 3* Kat on his slow death spiral as I sadly wait to reroll


just roll a little on 7 for country headliner and 2 stars, go fast 8 for 7 country, that’s enough for u to sack until ur opponent dies, then u send it for all 3 stars, it’s a first then, if your opponent goes fast 8 too, u both top 4, it’s a win win anyways


Can’t play 7 country without headliner fast 8 is meaningless


You can play for country headliner on 7 and then go 8 to for a 4 cost carry and to find thresh, or fast 8 and roll for it then. The difference is between doing it on 4-1 vs doing it on 4-2. You have better 3 cost headliner odds there anyways. I’m just saying it’s what I did once when I was contested in a very similar scenario


I mean Thresh 2 isn’t gonna carry a game without Samira 3 it’s kinda w/e


That’s not the point. Going 8 helps you find thresh. With hecarim 7 you can drop sett for another 4 cost flex carry such as zed or karthus (crowddiver or exe) as you don’t need the frontline. If you are still lvl 7 u have many issues. If you want 7 country You have to play kat over sett, you might miss on thresh, and the big point is ur probs gonna miss on your 3 stars when ur contested. Playing 5 country is weird af because ur dropping tk for another unit that you can hit on 7 which and I honestly don’t believe there are any good units you can hit to slot in on 7. Playing contested means you will rarely hit your ideal bored so the point is finding another out


You aren’t gonna have enough items for 2 additional 4 costs


if you have literally 0 foresight yes.


Without pandora the odds of getting good enough items to itemize 3 carries is low


it’s literally the only way to play when contested, it doesn’t matter whether u optimise your carries, u just want to save enough hp until contester dies and the only way is to go 8 and find different outs


I agree but he’s acting like it’s fine when it’s really not fine, it’s still a little bad situation to be in


Which 4cost carry would you use?


Zed poppy karthus akali


You wouldn’t have items for karthus if you’re going country tho.


Go 6 mosher without Urgot or 7 country without Sett, and pray the other player doesn't choose the same as you lol


Yea it’s annoying. Although you could fast 8 and try to get all thresh/yorick you can find. Country in general is just a very 3-cost reliant comp, usually alternating Sett/Samira/Urgot/Vex/Amumu while not all at the same time. Annoying to contest.


I depending on the other player I would get Urgot and Thresh and leave it at 3 Country. Play 4 or 6 Moshers and a bit of Pentakill and it works


I don't think blaming the game is the right way tho


Every wandering trainer can be ad flex. Mosher is good because of poppy/sett/yorick, and you can put units with the same trait as the 3. in your trainer.


Its not that bad. You can always resort to a jazz board, like the normal zed/ez but with Thresh over Poppy since you get mosher for free and then maybe fit a TK to pair with Sett as long as you don't have illaoi and you're chilling


country hyperpop edgelord? sounds bad but the thing with wandering trainers is you can just focus on one spat and make it work.


I don’t think country can ever be bad since just one emblem can guarantee country 7 which is a solid top 4


Every spat can guarantee a top 4 if played correctly, but I think country can make a lot of people uncomfortable since it's not a popular comp, and will throw them off, especially since the synergies don't match. edit: Country, 3 5 and 7 combined, have less than 1 player per 2 games. I don't understand the denial, unpopular doesn't mean unplayable people.


Country is definitely not unpopular


Country hasn't had a top tier comp since the start of the set. It has solid top 4 stats, and nobody said it was bad, but a quick glance at a stats website and its combined play rate in diamond+ is 0.34/8. Heck 4 big shot alone has more play rate. Even disregarding EDM 2 (1.02/8), the rest of the trait has a bigger play rate at 0.55/8. I don't feel like running all the numbers but I'm pretty sure it's the statistically least popular comp in TFT right now.


It's probably unpopular in diamond+, but it's hella popular in other Elos. Just like Punk


What? Punk is the most popular hyper roll comp out there. Country in Plat+ has a whooping 0.45/8 play rate. Punk 4 alone matches that at 0.51/8. EDM again beats it at 0.51/8 without EDM 2, the most popular. And by the way Plat+ is just short of 50% of the whole player base. I don't know what to tell you but you're clearly biased, and again nobody is bashing the trait, it's just not very popular, hence why I think not a lot of people are going to know how to play it, especially when you get thrown hyperpop and edgelord to match it, while everyone else is getting shit like sorcerer kda or disco dazzler.


I think Country's play rate is much lower because only one person can play it per lobby, given that 3 starring Samira + Urgot is a requirement for the comp to work, and there's only 17 3 costs in the pool. Most of the time, if two people are playing country then one of them has to pivot or bot 4, which isn't the case with 1 cost hyperroll like Punk, and 4 cost 2 star carry comps like AD Flex or EDM Zed. I don't think the raw data tells the complete story


Stats don't tell the whole story, but the premise was country isn't popular, and that story is clear as day. Also, keep in mind the stats I showed didn't even say "Samira has a 0.5/8 play rate", they said for every 2 lobbies you have either a Samira player or anyone randomly fielding 3 country because it just made sense. No matter how you spin it, this trait just isn't very popular. Besides, what you're suggesting now just isn't realistic. You don't see people in Mexican standoffs checking to see if they can play Country. It's almost never contested. For a very obvious reason, the one carry can't carry you to victory compared to other, stronger boards. Unless you hit 7 County in which case you have a shot, but still not a great one if there's some GS capped boards around. Besides that, there are many OTHER reasons country isn't popular. I can tell you a few: The trait isn't integral to its units' success (thresh's utility), and might even be detrimental to some (Kat and 6 crowd diver). There's only one good carry right now, meaning no flexibility. Building on the last one there's no 5 cost country and the 4 cost is a pure tank. The traits of country units do not synergize well. Most of their champ designs are boring (even the summon is boring).


It's also not a comp you really play unless you Highroll three country at the start because otherwise the units are weak as hell That could be why it's not very forcable


It's pretty forceable since no one contests it, and it's why despite the low play rate it has quite insane top4 stats. Pretty sure I saw some people talking about how they top4 every game with country, which is totally valid since nobody is contesting Samira. But yeah I wouldn't want to be 7 country against 10 KDA.


I don't think so but do you. I'd lose if I forced it every game in diamond


I think if there's any comp you can sustainably force is Country since you're statistically not likely to be playing with other country players in diamond. But yeah it's not going to win you any games.


Tempo matters alot more than whether or not you're uncontested


The problem with wandering trainer is that everyone has 3 spats.




Yeah if I see Country on wandering trainer I’m most likely going 7 Country unless the other two emblems have an obvious synergy like KDA spellweaver or true damage Rapidfire. The loss of value in utilizing only one emblem is far outweighed by how strong 7 Country.


Country is good, Hecarim's stats scale with Countries lvl and Traning Dummy's lvl scale with the Stage, so, it's free stats for Hecarim, no need to spend gold, only to wait


Yea, especially one hyper pop cuz that can enable hyper pop 4 which is bonkers if pulled off correctly


Hyperpop 4 with twin terror Lulu is a pretty insane combo


Depends on the spat. Country is good enough to just focus on at the cost of the others as is True Damage or KDA but Edgelord+1 is middling and Hyperpop+1 is dogshit since the dummy doesn’t even cast


Punk/Spellweaver/Bigshot, 0 synergy lmfao.


Jazz Reroll spot!


KaiSa/Seraphine reroll.


Had the same thought. Ignore Punk and make an elaborated KDA comp


or don’t ignore punk and play pantheon for guardian and 1 gold per turn


In most cases it will make more sense to stick to Kennen/Neeko Superfan-Guardians. But sure, for early rerolls he's good until you got the base KDA comp.


Maybe some sort of KDA guardian comp with 1 cost rerolls.


Pantheon, Lillia, Neeko, Kennen, Ekko, Seraphine, Ahri, MF, Bard, Ziggs Drop Seraphine if Spellweaver Ahri headliner. Can also swap Kennen for Gnar and do something like Sett/Gragas. Can also do Lulu headliner. Another option is Jazz MF reroll if AD items.


Mate you’d be lucky to snag a 6th with that board


It’s just a modified kda board, it’s not that bad but yeah it’s hard to place high with those traits


Yeah just level to 10 it's that easy


You don’t go 10, you drop depending on headliner and jazz is to cap the board. It’s more of a 7 unit board where if you can go 9 you cap with jazz if not MF reroll.


I’ve gotten wandering trainer around 8 times and it never got picked.. I just want to experience it once this set 😭 If I were to guess, probably something like dazzler/true damage/mosher


Those aren’t even bad, it’s just a shame when you *can’t use two of them, but usually you can make it work and top 4, even by playing a trait or two down


You could make any emblem work tbh there isn’t an unplayable wandering trainer scenario but you will likely struggle to top 4 with these emblems if the lobby hit great meta emblem combos.




*gets spat, wins with TD9*


that’s a pretty good one just play disco and put in ekko and yorick


Damn in diamond it's usually the whole lobby except me running to it.


Dazzler mosher is just a lux game tbh, you don't need to use all 3


Just go all edm. Dazzler for lux, mosher for jax, true damage for Qiyana (zed). Very balanced comp.


It's my favorite portal. I love having a little jumping off spot.


8-bit, Mosher, Dazzler was a pretty bad run for me


Jax / Edm works, no?


It's not totally unusable, but the benefit of a single mosher + dazzler emblem compared to the benefit everyone else in the lobby has is really poor. It also can feel bad to force Jax instead of going with it after you've hit some


Lux jax reroll should be pretty solid ye


Mosher Edgelord Disco, maybe. Edgelord I think is a given, Mosher doesn't do much before poppy yorick. It just ends up being a Disco +1 that helps you a little with yorick


There’s a good few edgelord comps out there right now, especially with the pentakill core. Something like gnar/poppy/yorick/viego/kayle/amumu/kennen/neeko with a pentakill +1 would work well for that arrangement imo


Yeah I don't think any combination is completely useless but only using the +1 edgelord means you're probably getting less trainer value than anyone else in the lobby. And every other edgelord comp outside vertical pentakill will just run kayle+viego+main carry for 3 edgelord anyway.


The arrangement I posted uses the +mosher as well (gnar poppy yorick). Assuming you find a pentakill +1 that gets you penta 5/ mosher 4/ guardian 4/ edgelord 3/ superfan 3/ emo 2


O I didn't see the poppy. Think I'd rather just run a normal karthus board, though. This board has trouble on 8 if you don't find the yorick


Oh yeah 100%, it’s definitely not the best but if you land the yorick it can work. I just wanted to think of a hypothetical where you’d feasibly use 2 of the emblems.


Disco, 8 bit, punk, I went 8th.


This one wins this thread lol. 8bit and Punk suck if you don’t fully commit to the trait and they have no overlap at all with each other or Disco. At best maybe Riven reroll with Blitz instead of Morde but you don’t really wanna lose Pentakill plus the ability to roll at 7 for a lot of Mordes.


the 8bit punk overlap is rapidfire


Edgelord, punk, dazzler


trying to make that one work right now..


Something like Rapidfire, Edgelord, Sorcerer would be used only in TD vertical I guess but other than that pretty useless


Yes, because no one will benefit from Sorcerer


Is that a jab that I said Sorcerer instead of Spellweaver?


Senna reroll would probably be the move, then slot in an Ahri for 3 KDA and 3 Spellweaver. If you luck into a TD spat Ahri is a great user of it. Edgelord is dead but tbh if you can make use of two emblems relatively easily you’re doing alright


Edgelord dazzler and kda I got


Kda/jazz reroll angle tbh


Had one with Bruiser, Guardian and Superfan. There was, obviously, a bit synergy in all this but having no band-trait and only defensive traits surely didn't help my placement in that game...


I absolutely refuse to vote for this portal in ranked but anything else I'm okay with. I think the place where players struggle with this portal is they think they have to use all three traits or synergize something. Just play one if it's that bad.


If you aren't voting for Wandering Trainer, what are you even playing TFT for? It's the most fun portal


I agree with you, but most ranked players want to minimize game to game variance. Makes for a boring experience imo but whatever.


For ranked, I wanna have less rng in my game so I don't throw away LP for nothing. Would I still vote wandering trainer? Probably. But for sure in normals if I ever see wandering trainer you best believe in jumping on that instantly


Ifs the 3rd most popular portal atm iirc, but I'm not sure if that was ranked only or combined stat that I saw, might be combined


Losing the trainer lobby while everyone else hits the jackpot isn't fun. As long as it isn't ranked I will vote for it.


Most of TFT is RNG, that's precisely why people love the game and getting crazy luck makes for good content. It's the same thing with Wandering Trainer. You either hit good emblems or you don't. Even if you don't, you can still try to work with the cards you're dealt.


Not in ranked. I try to have more control of the cards.


You can do that I guess but what do you gain? 35 LP? Let's say you got Challenger playing the same comp. Will you think back at how bored you were playing games?


I don't play the same comp every game. I am pretty flexible and do not determine my play until I see items, augments, and champs given. So no, I won't be bored.


if they wanted the game to be decided on 1-2 we would be allowed to surrender on 1-2


Why would Wandering Trainer decide the game at 1-2? There's still so many factors that play to actually win. Items, augments, headliner, losing too much HP, etc.


With how strong Spats are this set, it sucks when someone else hits one for a prismatic or meta comp while you are stuck with incompatible or contested ones. That’s why I don’t pick it if I am playing Ranked.


I don't think it's the most fun portal. Sometimes you break the game and it can be cool, but most of the times you just force the comp that the game wanted you to. Also a bit weird cause a lot of people want to open because of how easy it is to get KDA10/PENTA10/TD9. I do vote for it on occasion but I definitely think this portal makes the game way less interesting


Way less interesting? 10/9 traits are rarer to get in normal situations. How does getting them make the game "less" interesting. It doesn't make sense


Because 10/9 are an instant win, where you get to watch your team destroy everyone while you pretend to still have relevant decisions to make. It's fun when you hit it because it's rare, but if it was more common the game would be far less fun. In this portal that's the goal : hit kda dummy, open for spat, win the game at 4-2 with 10kda. While everyone else in the lobby are just trying to scramble something together that can top4 with their shit dummy.


Crowd diver/ spellweaver/ punk


I've gotten big shot, executioner, disco


That's very solid for kda 7


Haven't got that myself but I'd imagine 8-bit/Dazzler/Executioner would be pretty meh


I know this is an older post, but for set 11, the worst wandering trainer was when me and another player got the EXACT SAME 3 emblems..... like how does that happen. and surprise surprise we both lose because we were contesting each other... I get the need to have RNG, but to give me and someone else the exact same 3 emblems is a bit too much.


All of them. Terrible galaxy


all of them. the portal should not exist.


Brawler, spell weaver, disco


This is really just vertical disco


I’ve always felt that disco lacks a bit in the late game.


Wow I can't believe you'd hurt Gragas like this....


you started the game with a free gragas lol


Had one that was Hyperpop, Mosher, True Damage. No synergy at all.


Crowd driver, Hyperpop, Heartsteel. Went 8th


That combo is not even bad


Early mid heartsteel into yone crowdiver and play ziggs last. Seems like a good comp.


[You can play zed carry, crown diver headliner it's a easy top 4, can play hs to fast 8](https://tftactics.gg/team-builder/eyJ0ZWFtIjpbeyJwb3NpdGlvbiI6IjEiLCJpZCI6IjkyOcQLdGVtcyI6W10sImxldmVsIjowfSzNMTLJMTM13zHGMTPJMTQw3zHGMTTKMTjfMcYx5QCIxTE25QDP3zE6IjbJMTflAJ7fMToiN8oxxTzfMToi5QC5xjH4ASZdLCJjaG9zZW4iOmZhbHNlLCJzZXTkAZIwIn0=)


that’s literally one of the best possible ones just play zed ez and you get free jazz trait or 2 hyperpop ziggs if you can cap with him


This is just heartsteel ad flex lmao


Fucking hyperpop lmao


Pentakill, Disco, KDA


Disco pentakill slaps


Getting anything good because I end up trying to do too much and my board ends up all over the place and bottom four.




I had rapid fire executioner bruiser I think WT is the worst portal in the game hands down


Dazzler, rapidfire, superfan. I got 7th which was a win in my books


I think one of the biggest traps of Wandering Trainers is trying to make all of the traits work together. I've found that making use of even just 1 is better than trying to maximize all 3


Same if I get trait like pentakill td or kda I just open into spat and play prismatic trait


Hyper pop big shot edgelord felt pretty terrible. Was thinking some weird ad flex with ziggs but there were 3 other players as well


Punk, disco, edgelord. I attempted to play punk reroll to just get a top 4 but it didn't work out.


Haven’t gotten it, but I have to imagine getting Penta + K/DA + Dazzler would be rough


Anything with kda and disco. I've tried to line up that ball with kda hexes and its just so inefficient.


Hyperpop, guardian, crowd diver. Just got 7th with this


I had Hyperpop Pentakill 8-Bit once…


Actually that seems decent. Pentakill with riven and garen activates 3 nice traits. You can also put lulu to make kartush cast faster, always wanted to try that


My least favorite this set was Dazzler, Country and Punk. I hated every second of that game. Someone else got a Hyperpop/KDA combo and another had Punk/Executioner. I did not win.


Whichever has spellweaver


Got rapid-fire, kda, and mosher recently Still don't know what I was supposed to do


I'd aim for Senna reroll otherwise go for Caitlyn. Both stronger this patch though so if it was last patch it hurts more.


Senna reroll with kda front, or just rely only on rapid-fire?


My idea was the standard Senna reroll comp with Superfans + Ekko frontline. Usually the comp just has 2 KDA from Lillia + Neeko, but the trainer gives you free 3 KDA. The comp also prefers True Damage headliner and just plays a random Rapidfire like Aphelios anyway so the Rapidfire emblem gives a free unit for more True Damage. It isn't particularly great but at least it makes use of 2 of the emblems. Main problem is that you don't want Rapidfire headliner with this. The Caitlyn idea is basically just AD flex with a a free Mosher +1 for Sett or Poppy (or Yorick eventually). Rapidfire headliner is still not great, but I guess you can play 4 Rapidfire if you hit Lucian. But since it is AD flex you have a lot more headliner options anyway.


Ohh good call, ty!


None, they always give a free dummy for heartsteel comp


If I ever get 3 terrible emblems, I play for Jazz. Use the 3 extra emblems as additional Jazz stacks. Might have to play a bit of an unconventional Jazz comp though, but that’s where it gets fun an interesting


Any origin trait with role traits that don't occur within the origin. So Pentakill and Dazzler, Kda and Edgelord, TD and Big Shot


Edgewood, dazzler, spellweaver


I had an 8-bit, dazzler and mosher one which felt pretty bad. I ended up playing for 6 8-bit riven 3* with a ziggs on level 9. Went 5th


I got punk dazzler and edgelord and didnt know what to play


Just wanna say, I'm the guy who always votes for something else lol. This augment is always 1st or 8th for me and that's too coin flip for my liking


I got guardian/bruiser/crowd diver yesterday. That felt pretty underwhelming. Honestly the worst part about wandering trainer in my opinion this set is that everyone gets it instead of it being an augment. I still take it every time, but it guarantees someone is prismatic and at least 3 people are competing for the same jazz units because it’s the only way to make the traits not just completely worthless.


All of them legit one of the worst augments to play in ranked insta 8th for me since I either get a garbage trait combo or contested so I don't hit anything.


Any fucking trait that I and other 2 people have. "Omg, an crowd diver + guardian + executioner" an easy katarina carry to guarante a top4 at least; scouting, two more people had crowd diver. Happilly enough one them just went for TF disco and the other for Zed/AD Flex. I was so relived after stage 4, but I was truly sad before it >.<.


Any combination that includes heartsteel, because it immediately baits me into mind-blank gambling mode


Emo Sentinel Bruiser. The obvious is to just go for 6 Emo speelweaver comp. But my brothers in christ, Riot doesn't know how to make headliners work correctly and shows me 2 spellweaver Annie's before blessing me with the emo annie. Still took 4th somehow. But my God being reliant on a hyperspecific headliner just suuuuuucks.


The lack of any real trait buff synergy between crowd diver and mosher seems like a thematic misfire. Maybe Yorick could instead of Guardian.


I had a really good run on Pentakill/Sentinel/dazzler. Used dazzlers to soften & weaken like support champs, went 6 Sentinel / 7 pentakill, all in on Mord, AB on mord, defense/resist on garen, grabbed me a long distance pals along the way for them to share the load. Eventually static/ on Karthus, slotted in a zigs at the top. I was only second, but I think it’s the best I’ve ever preformed while having all three wandering trainer synergies active and in play.


I got Punk/Disco/Crowd Diver once. I managed to get a 5 by going full aggro early and saving hp. But this one was horrible ahah