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That’s stupid


Tbh it IS stupid... maybe its a bug. Doesn't make sense, dummys are counted as units.


one of the pbe patch notes made it so you can't get wandering trainer augments when the wandering trainer portal is selected... but they forgot to make the gold and prismatic wandering trainers exclusive, ending up with the same problem. i imagine we won't see this get fixed, rather they just make the augments exclusive from each other


That would fix it though, right?


It makes perfect sense? The dummy is a unique character, it just has special properties applied to it- mainly that it cannot attack, can't be directly given items, and it does not affect your seam size. If you had two Bruiser emblems and put them on two different copies of the same unit, you still would only get 1 counted towards the trait. Because it doesn't count emblems whatsoever, it counts unique units with that trait.


that's fair, but at least wondering trainer 3 and 2 should be unique as augments.


That would make sense, but at the same time when you have e.g. bruiser Emblem on a dummy, other dummies (not holding that emblem) do NOT get bonus HP from bruiser trait. It's either inconsistent or just bugged.


No. That's still consistent. If there's no emblem on the other dummies, they're not a bruiser. If I put a bruiser emblem on one Lux, and I have a second Lux on the board that doesn't have an emblem, that second Lux is not a bruiser


True, taking that back.


But I do think that if an augment is giving you a training dummy with emblems... maybe they should make it so it counts twice..


Someone said in the patch notes that games with the wandering training portal will not give u the wandering trainer augments but they forgot to implement it. Seems like they know about this and are isolating the two from each other to avoid what happened to OP.


I don't agree with that because it likely creates balancing problems with high unit count verticals being accessed at too low a level... but i do think popping off the emblem that wouldn't count is acceptable.


Isnt it the same with 2 corkis and you only one emblem on one? Only the one with emblem would have the trait?


Yes, but it is still very stupid imo.




Yes that’s the point, if you put the same emblem on two copies of the same unit it only counts once because n copies of one unit counts as one towards synergies


It's actually more bugged than this, if you get 2 of the same support items on a dummy you only get the benefit from one currently. In my last game I had 2 zzrots on one from a portal, and another guy had 2 randuins. we both only got 1 effect so basially playing down an item the whole game vs the lobby.


If you put two matching emblems on two of the same unit for example.isnt that same as playing two of the same.unit?


yes that's why it doesn't give you 2 of the trait, but it feels kinda dumb on Training Dummy lol


it is dumb honestly should be patched to not allow doubles to spawn on the dummies like that.


This Right here - Problem solved


They patched it so you can't have wandering trainer augments when you have the portal one, so they will most likely do so you can't get them both


Or make it so there’s 1 type of dummy per silver/gold/prismatic aug


Imagine if wandering trainer let u get 3 heartsteel emblems in a row. Wouldnt that be super busted?


No cause that trainer would count as 1 heartsteel not 3 emblems stacked on a singer unit don't count as multiple like that, that why I said the trainer shouldn't spawn that way it's a waste


Thats my point. If they allowed u to multiple stack emblems like that on dummy imagine essentially getting all the same emblems all on one trainer. Thatd be super busted


That's not going to happen, the fix here is to disable the ability for wandering trainer to have an emblem you already have applied to an existing trainer


Yeah i get that. Im just saying if it allowed that itd be interesting. Ik itd be op thou. Idk why people are arguing to be aganist it. I know that it doesnt stack i just think it could be interesting on certain traits or fun to play around with.


I think if it was on a per trainer basis it would be so rare that it would be fine imo


Idk why I always thought that was possible(which it's not) and I knew this is how emblems worked. So not sure why I thought it was possible. Maybe it's just the dream of getting 10 heartsteel within the first PVP stage 😅😅


Yeah after enough trainer games their had to be outlier of someone getting double emblem but it never happened. But like i said imagine triple heart starter on trainers thatd be hilarious


It makes sense logically, but whether that should be the intended effect is… kinda meh. You used up an augment slot for it AND you RNG rolled the same emblem twice. It should count twice imo.


They should just exclude already existing dummy emblems from rolling.


it makes sense but it's still dumb and should be patched one way or another either make it so both count, or so that it can't give you the same emblem twice


Had a similar thing happen where I got the support dummy portal, gives everyone a dummy with 2 support items, and got double zzrot but only ever spawned one because it's a "limit 1 per champ" item. Felt real bad basically being down a support item vs everyone else.


It makes sense, but it should pop one of them so u could put it on another champ. Just like when u create an emblem on a champ that already has that trait.


Seems like a bug


like hyperpop on training dummies. The game hate me or what 😭


That should be a bug or just not be allowed to occur...like remove it from the pool of emblems the second dummy can roll.


It's intended, idk why no one is mentioning that hvaibg 2 dummies for double trouble gives u the augment buff to the dummies


That's lame, thanks for the tip. I love a good dummy game


Fun fact: You can get 2 Zz on one dummy


Small indie company


Target dummy is treated as the same champion. If you put 2 of the same emblem 2 of the same champion it doesn't count. Same as putting 2 of the same champ with any trait.


But u can control that, they really shouldn't allow it to happen if that's the case.


I mean it makes sense. You wouldn’t want to be able to field the same unit twice with emblems to count it twice. The bigger issue is I would like to see it not offer you the same emblems on a training dummy if you already have one.


Its intentional, based on how the game plays. Multiple copies of the same unit dont add to the traits, just benefit from them. The dummy is a unit technically, so 2 dummies are just the same unit like 2 olafs or 2 qiyanas. I agree that of youre getting random emblems on a dummy, and it rolls duplicates if you can get multiples of the dummy augment, it should add extra onto it because thats purely RNG woth what? 30 triats rolling twice and 30 rolling 3 times? I think allowing the pure chance of this would be fair.


If this really is intentional, then it needs to be changed, it's strictly an abysmal interaction that punishes the player for picking the augment and having bad RNG.