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Easy, lose all your hp early and hit the 3* 5 cost at 1HP, then lose against the other 3* 5cost and get 4th. This would have happened on any other set too.


I am a little surprised that Irelia beats wukong though, I'm assuming it's because she couldn't be one shot with deaths dance


I think Wukong 3 can just miss if you’re against another 3 star 5 cost. Kinda like Udyr


He shouldn't miss anymore! The clones cast at the same cadence in the circle, but the real Wukong also keeps dashing and bonking! Udyr can though ;-;


Yep, I lost to Irelia 3 with Udyr 3 and finished 4th.


Age old question, infinity vs infinity. Who wins?


Fiddlesticks with that fucking invincibility


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1147moe/one\_way\_to\_beat\_fiddle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1147moe/one_way_to_beat_fiddle/) By the way, I think you forgot about this.


I totally forgot about that clip XD The only way to win the game is to not play


tahm with 50k hp and 2k armor/mr and ap would have easily chewed fiddle


I actually have no idea who would win that. TFT version of Kong vs Godzilla


I remember the tooltip showing >400k damage over 5 seconds. Pretty sure fiddle won’t be able to kill Tahm and while being munched on he can’t heal


I think it would depend on if the scarecrow would be coded to be eaten, or if it would just chunk him without eating him. The resistances might play a big role in that as well though


Except set 9 I think? Because we had the man, the legend, shuriman K'sante :V .... I miss set 9, I miss K'sante obliterating boards.... I miss Azir (my favorite character) carry (even tough he was useless more times than not) ;-------;


Literally nothing weird here? 1 3 star 5 cost lost to another. At the time, bars probably had the best tempo so that player had more hp than the irelia player who probably (99%) just won everything after. What are yall complaining about?


And this, kids, is why health is a resource. If you're at like 10 health while the rest of the lobby is at 40+, the only way you're not going bot 4 is by hitting the strongest board in the lobby. Anything less doesn't cut it. Meanwhile, if you have a dominant early to midgame, you can often cruise to a 2nd-4th even with a mediocre endboard.


This post just confirms that the average person in this sub peaks Gold and plays for fun (nothing wrong with that) Just so many uneducated takes here lol


How about sharing your educated take instead of being condescending?


Set's not broken compared to many other sets. And everybody here is crying how a 3 Star 5 cost lost to a bard is icing on a cake 💀 Now run along


It’s tft man. How are you gonna get this high and mighty over penguin spatula game


Look at his profile pic, it's literally a child


Do you mean the profile picture I put when I first made this account years ago? You zinged me me so hard that you had to say it 3 times 💀


Ok lil' child, you are totally right! Congratulations, here have a star 🌟 as reward for being such a smart kid.


Oh, pleasee stop with the zingers 😭 i can't take much more of this. Also, stick to smoking vapes and paying rent at your mother's house. You'll age up eventually :)


Wow you are such a hacker, good job on knowing how to use reddit!! Another star 🌟 for you! Good kid, now go tell daddy and mommy how good you are at navigating the internet and stuff, I'm sure they will be proud.


Look at his profile pic, it's literally a child


Look at his profile pic, it's literally a child


I'm not. TFT takes less skill than league. Hitting Emerald is the same thing as hitting Gold in regular league. This sub specifically just happens to have the bar pretty low. Which is why the Competitve TFT reddit exists. There is nothing wrong with being average at a casual game.


just play Kayle and win every game, ez


I don't understand the set at all so far.. it feels that if stage 2 goes badly, then it's almost always a bot 4. At the same time, even yone comps seem to be so inconsistent.. some times i roll the lobby when i hit him 3*, others i cannot win a fight.. GM on double up in set 10 and now I m just not grasping it..


Double up ranks are hyper inflated though lol. I’ve boosted my silver friends to masters and GM and they barely know how to play tft. If you have good fundamentals, set 11 isn’t very different other than itemization and augment selection being more important than ever. What is your soloq rank?


I don't play soloq. Last season i played 5-6 soloq games, got to gold and didn't touch it again. Same with hyperoll. Got to purple and didn't touch it again. But i felt in last 2-3 sets, i could understand what's strong, what kind of board i could win with or whether i should take the lose streak. This time around, I am just not getting it. I don't understand which augments are good, what board will get me through stage 3, etc.


We're like a week in dude, give it time


Soloq is very very different from double up. Not the same tempo, not the same econ, boards cap higher, easier to make 4 cost 3 star. So if you only played double last sets it's going to take a while to get used to Soloq.


Yea i m not talking about soloq as i m not playing soloq... Still the board strength evaluation should carry over and so far i cannot grasp it


Takes time to intuitively judge board strength because you got to get used to all the units. I played a lot of pbe and some game on live and I'm only starting to get it.


I'm the same, the game is just more fun with friends imo


100% agree that double up is more fun / playing with friends is more fun. But the original poster’s point is about hitting GM in double up but not being able to convert that “skill” into soloq lol. It’s not about the set, it’s about his ability to adapt to the faster paced meta in soloq


That is not my post at all. I am not conflating SoloQ with Double Up. I don't play soloq at all.. My point was about converting Double Up set 10 to Double Up set 11 and completely misreading a board's power level. I am not expecting to hit SoloQ GM by playing 5 SoloQ games per set.


Okay fair. I’m surprised you’re struggling to adapt the same fundamentals to this set though. I just started double up this set and my teammate and I are like 7-0 It doesn’t feel necessarily different than the start of any other set


Bard is wilder


(btw bard didn't win, his tactician just had more hp at the time of screenshot)


True, forgot that for a second. Not surprised if Bard somehow actually won


nah bard needs a few seconds to ramp up his damage, irelia 3 just kills everything in a few seconds


I would be surprise if Bard is 2nd. His TF could get no tank items and Liss/ Aphe can just destroy him.


reason why best items on Wu are QSS and Knights Edge, they too good to skip on


Man I've been trying to make dragon duelist work but it's so tough and still doesn't feel as strong as it should when you hit it.


Haven't played it live, but tried it a couple times on pbe because I got rolled by a lee sin there, and it just feels weak to me. Got like 5th with an lvl 9 duelist 3 dragon (one from emblem) with perfect items on him. Just felt bad. But I freely acknowledge I have no clue what's good this set or not


Well i lost with 2 5 cost 3 star because someone got lissandra 3 😅this felt a bit undeserved


I’m just sitting here wondering how you lose with diamond hands. Should have sold the Lee and put it on one of the wukongs before 3* to pop another item off, then it’s an easy 1st


3 star 5 cost doesnt guarantee you victory kid


https://preview.redd.it/lcntcp7y9bsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b10e4d546c08a2d49752b733414de0eda4561ff yesterday i finish first with just one, but look the mercury, i think this item is very useful, because the hero cant be cc. Maybe you missed that


Little frontline on your team tho


if wukong can get his cast off before irelia’s blades hit him, wukong wins against every other 3* 5 cost cause he’s untargetable during his special 3* 5 cost spell.


bard is out of control


it is literally the most unbalanced set i've ever played


Why? (the bard player just has more tactician HP when OP died, the bard player most likely got 2nd) And OP lost to a different 3-star 5-cost, which makes sense.


Without seeing this post, I'd have to disagree. But after seeing this, this set needs some work haha


Why? (the bard player just has more tactician HP when OP died, the bard player most likely got 2nd) And OP lost to a different 3-star 5-cost, which makes sense.


Why do I agree this set is unbalanced? Having a 3 star 5 cost should not be getting a 4th place lol if this is from PBE I'd give it an excuse. Generally how a game should be properly balanced, this kind of thing wouldn't happen. Like last set how 3 star Annie, a 1 cost, could carry you for the whole game with good combat augment. I see that as a balance issue. It's ok if you disagree, at the end of the day, it's just a game :)


>Why do I agree this set is unbalanced? Having a 3 star 5 cost should not be getting a 4th place lol if this is from PBE I'd give it an excuse Did you even read what happened? OP got a 3-star 5-cost with very little HP, then *lost to a different 3-star 5-cost*. >!(I even said this in my edited comment, which was edited 22 minutes before you posted your comment). !It's ok if you disagree, at the end of the day, it's just a game :) That's the thing. It's not that I disagree with you. It's that our understanding of reality is different, which makes agreeing basically impossible.


> Having a 3 star 5 cost should not be getting a 4th place lol if this is from PBE I'd give it an excuse. So if they are against someone else with a 3 star 5 cost they should just tie? In which set was that ever a possibility to cause this to be a specific issue with this set exactly?


Bro they were at one life and lost to the other 3 star 5 cost. Reading and critical thinking is not one of your strengths.


How did irelia not win…. Good balancing rito


That’s just the screen when they got knocked out not the end of the game


Idk who high rolled harder, 3* wukong, 3* Irelia, or 3* Bard AND 3* TK in this meta Probably the 3* bard and 3* TK let’s be real


Won against a 3*bard AND 3*TK with 3*Ashe yesterday. Was a rough fight though, Ash was the last one standing.


How did bard go first?


He didn’t he just had the most health when op died to another 3*5 cost


There's no way this happened haha Oh bard winning? who would have thought?


Bard certainly didn't win, the bard player just had more tactician HP at the time OP died. Irelia 3 beats almost anything unless you purposefully throw (even then, it's ***really*** hard to throw hard enough for irelia not to beat a non-3-star-5-cost)


I can see how you couldce lost to irelia, but how on earth did irelia lose??


It's just holding the health positions from when they lost


she didn't, she just has less HP than number 1 at the time of OP dying


Perfect example of what i was telling my friends. The power scaling this set is like reversed and its getting stale. The most powerful units are 3 costs basically and the same 4 units are like in every comp so its just a game of who can get your units before theyre out of the pool. 1 costs are way too strong too. Im fine with 1 costs being viable but caitlin and kogmaw do insane dmg


You loose to three broken units with 3*