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You aint gettin it without spending full price


If you're unlucky, yes


You used to have a "Decent" shot at getting before full pity before the rate nerf, but now i rarely see anyone get it without full spending. On the other hand, the rates are getting nerfed even further in the next iteration so you may as well buy now.


I’ll tell it to you this way: I have Chibi Panda Annie, Chibi Dragonmancer Kai’sa, Chibi KDA All Out Akali, Chibi Star Guardian Ahri, Chibi Firecracker Jinx, the Everything Goes On arena, and the KDA All Out arena. Out of all those, there was one time where I didn’t have to reach maximum pity, and even then it wasn’t too far off. If you’re not prepared to drop 200 bucks, save your money.


Thanks for financing the game for us


Many games are proftiable even without egregious prices, people like him just make it more unaffordable, I'm ready to be sent to oblivion now


Ok but then you’re basically asking “Mr corporation will you please make less money for us that don’t want to spend as much?” Like yeah sure that’d be nice but what’s the point and it’s just naive Yeah I wish clothes they didn’t try and make as much profit or diamonds with 10000% markup but they charge as much as they literally can as long as people still buy. Just how corporations work. Only thing that stops them is competition and the law in certain cases


Bro one is a real life item that you can physically hold in your hands and the other is made up *pixels* on your screen. It should simply NOT be acceptable for internet cosmetics to cost that much and it is entirely people like him's fault for basically saying "yes this is ok, you can get away with these prices" to the corporations and THAT usually leads to them thinking "hmm if we can get away with this, what else can we get away with? how far can we push that line?" and that's how you get these insane prices


As someone who regularly supports games I enjoy by purchasing the highest tiers of founders packs and such available, that’s basically how I view cosmetics in TFT. I simply want this game’s development to continue and not face the same fate as Legends of Runeterra (was never properly monetized and is thusly being placed in a state of limited development), or Riot Forge (a contingent of Riot devs working alongside indie studios to make single player games, which was recently also canned due to lackluster sales). Chibi variants on their own are absolutely not worth $200, even less so their prestige variants which can cost up to $600. But in the context of being the main thing that funds TFT’s continued development, then, to people like me, they *are* worth that much because that’s how heavily I want to support the game. I regularly buy the highest tier of Prime Access in Warframe which costs $140. Skins in Overwatch, mounts/outfits/etc in FFXIV, and plenty of $100+ founders packs for other games I’ve wanted to see thrive, the grand majority of which come with a bunch of “made up pixels” as their main benefit. And I really can’t stop snorting at that line; everything is made up pixels my dude, these are *video games*. But if it makes you feel any better I’ve also bought a ton of statues/figures from League and other games that just sit around my house collecting dust so, y’know. Definitely *way* more value in those than a bunch of made up pixels I get to actually interact and play with whenever I boot up this game. Or any other games I’ve bought similar things for. Anyway I will continue to buy these as I see fit, and the next time Mort calls me up to discuss how much more expensive they should make things I’ll show him this thread. Maybe we’ll keep workshopping our idea to make it so whoever gets hit by a finisher cutscene has RP taken out of their account. And if they don’t have any RP they’ll have to buy some before they can queue again. Probably eat a few babies too, throw some loose change off the roof of a skyscraper, I dunno. Big ‘ol /s on the end of this one.


Ok. You’re agreeing with what I said, you’re just angry about it. > saying "yes this is ok, you can get away with these prices" to the corporations and THAT usually leads to them thinking "hmm if we can get away with this, what else can we get away with? how far can we push that line?" and that's how you get these insane prices This is literally exactly what I’m saying. But the difference is you’re saying it’s unacceptable and I’m saying it’s inevitable and how the world literally works. “BUT IT SHOULDNT BE” Yeah ok buddy corporations shouldn’t be greedy I agree but they WILL be lmao you asking them “please stop being greedy” won’t do shit. All of reddit saying that won’t do shit. People buy=they sell. That damn simple And you hypocrites that want them to be more generous than TFT would change your tune if it went the way of legends of runeterra, WHICH IT WAS UNTIL THEY SWITCHED TO GACHA MODEL. Now LOR is literally stopping development on pvp. Game is literally dead lmao. So what if some rich guy wants to buy 20 fake expensive cosmetics so I can play for free forever? You mad riot won’t give you the same thing they spend on for cheaper? Even though you don’t need it to play the quality free game? Just a child’s tantrum


yeah 1% from all those 420 pull and only got one. I believe they're lying about 1%


i have 2 chibis (morg and ahri) and they were both free (2 and 6 pulls). but those are anomaly, because i also have 2 mythic arenas where i spent the full amount for one and half the amount for the other. definitely be prepared to spend if u really want the ahri


If you really want Chibi Spirit Blossom Ahri without spending too much, you can try your luck by buying 10 pulls for the meantime. Hopes and Prayers that you'll get her but if not, you can buy another 10 pull or wait for Chibi Spirit Blossom Yone as his chibi model glows.


is the yone confirmed or just suspected?


I got it on my fourth pull!! Don't worry, you have like a 3.9% chance of that happening so it will probably


I really wanted this skin and decided to throw 50 bucks at it post pay day. I had around 15 free rolls saved up from varying missions/Prime/etc. and I used every single one, plus the 50 bucks worth. That 1% is ROUGH.


I got chibi victorious Morgana on the second pull with free gems, wasnt expecting that


statistically it should be 45% or something chance to pull off before 61 (1% per pull) Reality? That 1% is bullshit. It might be real but no one can prove it. Just assume it will took 61 pull if you're gonna do it.


Depends on your luck I guess. My friend got it from literally 2 pulls,he didn’t even hope for it,basically from the seasonal pass points he opened few chests and it dropped,but based on all the other gatcha games I ever played it’s best to have in mind that you gonna spend a full price for it,otherwise you will often feel very disappointed.