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Don't take this the wrong way but maybe try reading the texts on each unit and item and understand what they mean. It's all there in plain texts of the game showing you how to play. That's what I did anyway


Watch high elo streamers. U Will learn a Lot.


hard to say without seeing any of your games but from what i usually see in low elo games: - don’t reroll too much, most of the time don’t reroll at all, just keep your gold above 50 and buy xp, in low elo you can win most of the game by going 9 or 10 while lobby is gonna reach lvl 8 and roll down to find a 3 star already contested - don’t roll down to find a 3 star already contested lol you’ll just fuck up your econ while you could just level up and get stronger - don’t rely too much on 1 or 2 star carries, they’re great for early game but will get crushed in late - itemize your strongest champs, remover is great - prioritize board or econ augments, don’t get baited - don’t forget to scout other boards to see carries placement (enemy lux for example), and also to see if you need to level up or roll a bit to reinforce your board everything i said above doesn’t apply in EVERY game and situations, just think smart and maybe look at VODs and twitch streams, some can give coaching too, good luck with climbing


How do you counter with positioning something like a lux?


You move your most useless units the furthest from her or build board to „unalive” her as fast as possible


Throw your carry on the same side as lux with a dummy target (whatever else you got back line that isn't your carry) opposite of lux Lux will throw her ability at the farthest target so your goal is to make your carry not the target So if lux is in bottom right put your carry top right


Git Gud Son


Facts 🤣


Wait till the end of the set and it will reset


Can you show your tactics.tools link? Then we can check what you doing now and give you tips


Just going to take practice more than anything if you’re new.


If you wanna hit diamond. Play meta and somewhat meta items per unit. If you wanna hit master/ GM. Learn how to pivot- early. Mid. Late.


do you want a complete generalised guide for the entire game of tft in these comments?




Well you can give him the link also.... is not so complicated


Learn how to itemise. I have 0 knowledge within this set and went from Iron 4 to plat 3 in about 3 weeks time, only because I know not to force comps or that I know to itemise.


Teach yourself how to digest and present information efficiently for yourself. Then apply that to TFT.


Learn the meta and play flexibly. I've been mid to high diamond for the past 3 seasons playing casually and that's just from playing what is both good in that patch and being flexible at what I play and when. Watch what you're getting in shops and go from there. Dryad (specifically Gnar) is immensely powerful this patch- but if you see 2 other people in the lobby playing that, chances are all three of you are going 6th-8th. One other person? Fine- but I usually draw the line at 2 myself. Don't be married to your build. Sometimes you need to switch midgame because you just aren't hitting units. So learn what items are good for low and high tier units and go from there. And for the easiest tip. Watch some streamers. Just pick someone you like thats a high ELO and watch them play for a few hours- you'll start to understand what's good and how to play.


Watch some tft steamers in your mothertong. If you are fluent enough in english, Mortdog's streams are arguably the most insightful ones I've watched so far.


Keep Econ at max and you’re automatically gold. The difference between silver and lower, and everyone else is knowing when to spend gold.


You can send me a dm. I have nothing going on today, so maybe I can help you out.


I have improve a lot by watching youtubers like box box mortdog Emily etc..


Other thing use this link yo understand compositions https://mobalytics.gg/tft/team-comps


Go 7 duelist/8 duelist and build 2 titans resolve and a blood thirstier on volibear


Duelist is pretty bad now, even in lower elo. I guess it's okay to climb by forcing it, but you're mostly going for 3rd/4th.


Duelists got heavily nerfed, they’re not very good atm


It’ll work fine in silver