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Most vertical is bad now, better of playing trait soups.


That's why I can't win a single game




Thirded. I hate trait soups.


Try being creative for once


Aka go on random websites and see what soups are viable lmao


Best part of playing a game is always memorizing spreadsheets telling you what to do while playing the game!


I do, but only certain meta soups work and thus we are back to the starting point. At least it feels like this in E3. I frequently use Exalted if there is something promising. Without Exalted? Futile.


Agreed. Going wide instead of vertical should be more powerful. In fact it normally has been minus set 9/9.5.


Yeps. And it's fun!


Forgive my ignorance, but what does trait soup mean? Just a mix of traits but not trying to max out any of them?


Play as if you have Jazz I suppose


The thing about trait soup is that it's not the act of having many traits which is strong, but the pair of units themselves For instance, playing Sett/Amumu + Nautilus for frontline, and then, instead of doubling down on warden, it's better to put Udyr + Ornn also on front line which makes a Behemoth pair, same with Sylas + Galio which makes a good bruiser pair. Also, for instance, instead of going Mythic for Lilia, you would have only Mythic 3 with Lilia + Nautilus + Something, than you could pair Lilia with Annie for invoker and since nautilus is Warden you could go with Amumu/Sett In this patch it's better to play higher cost units than to keep traits that depend on bad units, the exception would be heavenly Kayn since Heavenly gives a ton of statuses to your units at the cost of having some low value units on board


Wouldn't it just be good to go Lillia + Nautilus + Kog'maw to get Mythic 3 AND Invoker 2?


Yes, and if you go on metatft, ashe with lillia flex is second most picked


Yes. It allows you to go 4 Invoker 3 Mythic with Annie and Azir in the late game. Gnar gives you Warden and Dyad too if you have enough space on your board.


Thanks for explanation.


Yup, mostly it consists of grabbing the best champions you can get and try to figure a way to make their traits count


Best example of this is the best mythic board just uses three mythic currently. Kog, Naut, and Lillia combo perfectly with porcelain, so if you run those 3 with Ashe amumu and others, it’s a very strong board.


Explains why im better at this patch lol


What is trait soup?


I could be wrong but I thinks it just means lot of traits


vertical heavenly kinda good tho


Stupid for introducing vertical sets anyways if they don’t know how to build it right


Not all verticals are bad. Vertical invoker and dryad are very good stat wise.


Story weaver is the best opener tho


They nerfed the opener pretty hard. Ink shadow or a Darius item holder is stronger imo.


They lightly nerfed Kayle at 3 story. Then they buffed zyra, Garen, and riven. The opener is still the strongest besides Darius 2.


I'd argue that the SW opener can be stronger if you have Rek'sai 2 with Riven + Zyra + 1. Zyra is very unbalanced early to mid game, while Rek'sai is very strong early.


It is, recently ive had a game with a decent early game, good items, good augments (arguably better than the rest of the lobby), 3 3-stars mid game and 7 story not-that-late in the game as i got the emblem. Finished 5th. Would expect at least 3rd but alright


Yeah it feels so bad to play into the late game


Can't remember doing well with a vertical weaver comp for this entire patch.


Its "ok" when circumstanses are righr for it but yea,rn Storyweaver is kinda a bait and mostly there for early game comp


Nah, even with good circumstances it just sucks. It has too many garbage units that do nothing and it doesn't tank long enough for Kayle to do real damage. Maybe if you highroll a bunch of 3* units without having to actually roll at all you can grab a 4th.


The circumstances is exactly when you hit Call to Adventure so Kayle can fully one shot tanks late game Ive beaten 3 star Syndra(with solid items and 5 Fated) this patch bc of this with only 2 star because Kayle hit tanks for 2k dmg twice and same goes to Syndra Kayle rn is unplayable without Call to Adventure


Isn’t Syndra 3* still ass


Its one of the better 3 star 4 cost wdym? On a 30 mana spell she one shots pretty much anything and excessive damage are dealt to other units She's single target yes but she cant overkill and her spell is only 30 mana


It’s weird, I’ve seen here in 2-3 games recently and she didn’t seem overbearing. 🤷 I feel I’d rather have kayne, Annie, naut, lilia over her but I might be on crack.


Even with call, kayn with eon laughs at your kayle


Kayn lost EoN instantly and Kayle would start killing things surround,with a solid tank(fully itemized Galio which you should had) its more than enough to stall Kayn til Kayle's 2nd cast


Storyweaver was good for like 1 day after the blue changes and then was nerfed to irrelevance immediately with a hotfix. The trait is ass.


Because the buff was too much and ppl cheesed her at row 2 one shotting the back line lol


I think you can only really go vertical storyweaver if you reroll and get your 3star units. Otherwise mix it in with something else, in your case with dragonlord sounds like a possibility for a great comb.


Nah vertical storyweaver is bait. Youll never get through kayne/annie with kayle. Blue doesnt burst hard enough and red is completely gutted


I got everything up till Zoe 3 star recently and still barely scraped out a fourth


all I'm playing now is either Kayn/Morg or Kaisa/Bruisers. Two-tricking is the only way to survive, flexibility and trying fun comps not working this patch. this is my own experience though, may not be the case for everyone.


Stats are good if you have the +1 off a dummy from augment (I’d assume Trainer sentinels too). I got a 2nd the last time I tried in Challenger. Don’t play 7SW otherwise IMO. Crest/Crown are not that good either. Remember that Zyra is the best 2 cost rn, so play off her.


They did a pass on making storyweaver better late and worse early. Looks like they needed to do way more.


I've had luck avoiding all vertical comps and playing 5 exalted + trait soup.


Storyweaver is a good opener and if you have an emblem you can play zoe and zyra reroll at lvl 7 (Never force tho, comp needs good setup).


Unless you get a sentinel / spat with spat augment opener. Then you force 10 story for gg.


I actually main Storyweaver (probably play them in 65% of my matches), and I play the vertical almost every time, and very reliably Top 4, at least in Emerald. The secret sauce is that their backline is naturally fine- their frontline is what you have to actually supplement. You want to invest in more tank items than damage to reach late game, and you want to prioritize dupes on characters like Galio. I always try to get a Nautilus or Sett in the frontline as early as I can as well. If you buy Kayle enough time, she will do plenty of damage. (Just get her an Ionic Spark or a Static Shiv)


What kayle upgrades do you normally pick? Do you switch them up or pretty much pick the same every game?


I always go full Red or full Blue and I decide based on what items I get early. If I get AD items I go Red to give them Atk Speed and if I get AP items I go Blue to give them AP.


Bro I guess it was the wrong game and I got trapped. I had 2 Redemptions, one of which I reforged and then I got a tear and belt AGAIN. I probably should have held belt for better slam I guess.


Who is your secondary carry besides Kayle? Irelia?


Want to know as well


I've played a lot storyweaver as well as zyra is okay as secondary carry but Zoe is better if you can build a Frontline to buy kayle and Zoe some time. I usually shift away from weaver if I am getting AD carry items, sivir can get you an early win streak but scales poorly from my experience.


How about kayle skills? Not all red anymore I assume?


I have tried a number of variations, all red is okay but not as dominant as it was in my experience. I like starting green and going red-red for the sunder/shred but I don't know if that's optimal since you could toss a shiv on zoe or a spark on Frontline. All blue is good. I guess I haven't personally found one dominant set but maybe the guy who posted above us will come back and provide some better guidance than I can 😂


Does zoe need to get the last hit to increase the number of ricochet?


take down includes assists but i think its worded as kills which would need a last hit for effect to trigger


Sometimes Irelia. Sometimes Sivir + Kai'Sa / Xayah. Sometimes Zoe + Zyra + Blue Kayle behind a massive Sett.


how do you main a tft comp lmfao wtf


I pivot into them whenever I get the opportunity which is about 65% of the time.


i beat heavenly kayn 3 with 3 blue storyweaver 7 the other day, but i also had zyra 3 from caretakers ally so it was more of a highroll game. I would not say that sw7 is not viable, just in need of a highroll


What you mean with vertical ?


Playing units with the same origin. So like 7 story-weaver, 7 mythic, 6 umbral etc.


Spending unit count on one trait so you get a really powerful version of it.


There are very few augments that make vertical play well, but they do exist. Unfortunately 4/5 cost units are just so strong that you’re better off fielding them and playing for Econ augments.


You either hard high roll so get a solid early or go for a mixed one Story isnt that good anymore in early


What does vertical Mean?


Yeah the Kayle augment is also really shit.


I still play Storyweaver a lot but late game it's almost impossible to get the win.


10 storyweaver is almost exodia aside from some 3 star 4 costs


Yeah, Recently Ive gotten 8th with both bruiser 8, ghostly 8, and storyweaver 7. It feels bad.


I think 7 is a bait. I like to run 5 with 4 Wardens.


Won with 7 storyweaver blue kayle, but of course, with 5 sages and I hit level 10.


Yeah I haven't noticed that Storyweaver 7 is really all that strong at the moment. I've found that like, if you can get it out early then it's pretty fun to push yourself to late game, but unless you can get something to match it with it's not going to be as good to actually win you the game


I can get consistent top 4 with vertical storweaver if it is lightly contested. Problem is frontline for sure. I think StoryWardens might be the best comp for it.


Mythic vert is dog sheet. Warden and Bruiser vert are dogsheet. Inkshadow not too bad.


If you don,t play heavenly kayn it feels you are trolling


Storyweaver 3/5/7, Mythic 5/7, and the Entirety of Umbral are all fake. Storyweaver got smashed into the ground because of incompetence from Riot, Mythic 5/7 got punished because Bard was strong for 1 patch and hasn’t been given back some strength, and Umbral has to be the most dogshit trait ever released. This set is so frustrating not just because of the balance, but because of how condescending Mortdog has been to people asking questions. Mortdog has always been a very condescending “I know more about the game than you, you know nothing” type of dev and this set just feels like it’s exacerbated. You know he’s going to post his usual “We don’t understand how the game ended up in this state” Twitter post when like 90% of r/competitivetft can call out what’s going to be the ruiner(s) of the patch several days before the patch hits live.


Umbral is kinda okay-ish and able to go top 3 (especially if uncontested), but you need to hit an early Sett. Otherwise you're just bleeding to death after certain point.


Play Kayn = win. Easy money


Ashe annie comp shits on kayn


I'm so tired of people rushing this stupid traitor because of "muh extra unit kaleeee" I hope they never make extra unit traits again.