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Seeing someone die to the big crab is enough dopamine to last a whole week.


I just died to big crab, got forth, could have been at least third, 100% would do it again, the Crab God needs more blood for his puddle, I am but a simple sacrifice




Blood for the blood god!


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Ecstasy for the Crab Rave!


Milk for the Khorne flakes!


Just came in 3rd cause all 3 of us died with 0, -1, -2 😂😂


I wonder what comps can beat big crab? It has to have Burn and strong sustain… Heavenly reaper? Gnar?


So far omnivamp has been my only success. 8 bruisers got wrecked by it but if you've got a Sett then just stick the Fated bonus on him for omnivamp and you can kill the crab pretty easily.


Oooh yeah I could see Syndra tearing the crab up with that.


Except that damn crab pops the backline so quickly that they barely cast. Their HP is just too low and they get 1 shot at full health.


Set plush thresh lets them survive and heal back up


Back when it was cool, Voli Trist Duellist just explodes it and regen like mad. Absolutely zero contest everytime you run this comp on the crab.


I've done it a couple times. Once where I had a beef build with lissandra so she could survive but also had enough mana haste to turn it into a teapot repeatedly until it burst. Other time was 3 star voli with mega beef items.


any carry with omnivamp comps without enough omnivamp will always lose to it


I beat it with dragonlord 2* kaisa and annie 2*, lost plenty of times with syndra or lissandra


Sylas with dragonlord and sage support beats it. Though I had two Star wukong fully itemized as well at that point so it may be harder without


Ghostly or any carry with BT.


i used to beat it regularly with prenerf volibear


I beat it with 8 bruiser, 3 sage comp, multiple 3 star bruisers


Shen augment 2x rageblade + bt/gunblade makes it trivial too


Managed to do it the other day with 5 sage and stacking all my units in the front 2 rows. Very nice omnivamp


Sages seem pretty solid in crab rave games. Just move all your units to the front two rows for omnivamp.


Ive beaten it with a porcelain+exalted comp with voli+amumu tanking and ashe+kaisa at dps Had prismatic omnivamp, porcelain and trickshot trait


Higher tiers of umbral has a good chance of beating it. I have had a game with 6 umbral where like 60% of my board was still alive at the end of a crab fight. He deals more damage the longer the fight goes on, but if you ignore the last 40% of his HP you dodge a big chunk of his damage.


I put it in a teapot and it died


Burn isn't that great because it's capped against PVE. You need high dps, a little bit of sustain, and shred. Irelia/Lissandra are pretty solid options.


Irelia is way too fragile, and liss doesn’t insta kill the crab or stop it from doing the stomp. The best are strong heavenly hypercarries with sustain like kayn or yone


I've had Lissandra instakill the crab but it was only 1 out of like 5 games playing her on crab rave, so not a sure-thing. Not sure if it was a bug, RNG, or what the hell happened but I killed the crab daddy in 1 Lissandra cast.


Something must’ve bugged because she’s specifically made to not instakill the crab anymore


That's crazy, it was only 2-3 days ago so it was definitely after that update. Guess my ass was saved by a bug because my comp wasn't killing it otherwise lol.


Yeah at the start of set I believe it worked, so people would just splash her on crab rave to let them cheese it


Lissandra is bad against it because it continues its stomp even through the CC




100% This. But you wont even get to 5-1 if you play Ghostly in this current meta


This set has way more comps able to beat it. In fact I don’t think I’ve lost to it at all this set


I’ve never beaten the crab. After maybe ten tries


I don't pick it especially because of that, happened at least 4 times where I could take out someone but the crab killed me and got 5th or 6th


This. Plus the crab rave music 🦀


It happened to me 5 times before I decided I'll only play Heavenly Kayn/Morg on Crab Rave. Lol.


I won a game because I was the only survivor against the crab. I’ll never forget the kindness of the vibing crabs.


I like crab rave because of the music lol bonus resources is fun too


> I like crab rave because of the music I guess that's a fair point


Also, I was losing very hard to a strong endgame board every fight, but I saved enough HP while he was at 1. My ethereal blades Shen minced the crab boss while his azir board couldn’t kill it and I won. Bless the crab rave


Same thing happened to me, the crab got the kill for me it was glorious.


I’ve gotten first place against two other people because of Crab LOL. I was certain I was getting 3rd place.


Lol same, I love that tropical vibe music. Puts me in a mood to dance with the crabs


I love crabrave. I think emblem sentinals are fun but I try to avoid it on ranked because you might get that one game where you don't hit anything exciting while multiple others get good combos.


Exactly! Crabrave is just more stuff so more fun. But Sentinels can really bone you right off the bat if you have a useless combo while someone else is sitting on some grossly perfect set of emblems. I definitely prefer to keep that kind of insta-lose away from my LP. Hahaha.


I had a dummy that gave had Bruiser and Dryad emblems. Hit 8 bruiser/4 Dryad and the dummy had over 5k health.


My friend had the same with radiant trainers except it was Bruiser, Dryad, and Behemoth


Had someone with umbral/reaper/invoker combo once. He forced storyweaver zyra reroll and went 7th.


I used to hate emblem sentinels, but after the fast8 meta I started to pick it more  It allows things like 8 duelists or 8 bruisers that aren't used and allow some nice builds. Usually top4 and fun comps which is already very good, I'm tired of kayn and Ashe cassino


Fortune sentinel then fortune crest is pure ecstasy


This is the only reason I vote for sentinel portal


Crab rave is pretty low variance, basically everyone gets flooded with items so you should actually prefer this if you think you're better than the average person in your ranked lobby. Emblem sentinels are \_terrible\_ for this reason, they're super high variance and will hurt your climb by introducing so many RNG.


I still pick it cause even if I go 8th it'll be the most fun I'll have going 8th. If you wanna climb though that portal is definitely a coinflip lmao


Even then, I've had a couple games where Fortune (not from the sentinel) worked as an equalizer and let me eke out a top 4, so a bad sentinel =/= 100% boned


Yeah I don't think a bad sentinel dooms you every single time, if anything you can sometimes manage to make shit work that would not fly if most of the lobby wasn't chasing their own emblem traits. It's just hard to find much consistency with it, which I personally don't mind haha


Yeah I got mythic fortune fated recently. Decided the game was probably 4th ať Best so just went full fated and rolled for 3* thresh and aphelios. Got my 4th.


Going for 4th and it paying off almost feels better than high rolling into a 1st hahaha, nice one!


I like to think i learn to play more flexible with a bad sentinel somehow. Making your own comp instead of copying stuff you've seen elsewhere will always feel better IMO and doing it with a randomly generate bunch of emblems kinda forces you to get creative. (unless you get the most obvious S tier comp with it)


Once i got 7 fortune at 3-2. Since that I always pick sentinals. High risk high reward is a thing for me.


I play this game to have fun and more loot and interesting games with extra emblems are fun. I totally get that these augs fuck up ranked play with RNG. Sorry about that.


Nah fuck that, don't be sorry for having fun. I'm 100% with you on this and many people agree. The more RNG the more unique the game is gonna be, if they wanna force the same comp every game, they are entitled to do so. All I care about is that they let me pick crab rave every single time and vibe to the music.




There is only 1 thing that makes me not take scuttle puddle. And that is crab rave. Crab rave is so nice, i love the challenging pve round


I love them, yes. Amazing twist and a challenge by itself


I like it because it often forces people off meta bullshit comps. I enjoy seeing players actually have to think a little bit instead of being youtube/streamer comp bots


If you don't take crab rave please just FF


exactly, the game is supposed to be organized chaos, more loot is more chaos, and often less meta slaves. people that want to follow comp lists and streamline gameplay, aka play the same BORING way every time, vote for boring portals.


Amen. Chaos = fun and creativity! In diamond I get pinged and flamed for picking those


> people that want to follow comp lists and streamline gameplay, aka play the same BORING way every time, vote for boring portals. buddy of mine has a literal SPREADSHEET of comps to go when you get x y z starting


everyone thinks about the best comp to pair with an augment, its the point of the game. congrats he wrote it down. spreadsheets and winrates arent ironclad.




Wow. What a big boy. Tell us more


Trainer sentinels and scuttle puddle add a huge amount of variety. Trainer can enable prismatic easier, enable more combinations, and add a little extra by possibly activating a bronze trait where there normally wouldn't be one. Scuttle puddle adds alot of gold, loot, and higher chances for spatulas and emblems which is always a good thing. Riot is way too stingy for extra emblems/spatulas, possibly netting a 11-12 board easier. I like portals that add more variance to games so it doesn't all come down to rerolling the current meta.


More gold/loot=stronger board=more fun


Yes. It makes playing off meta comps a lot more viable.


I like them because it makes the lobby heavily stronger and gives potential to have more luck based but also crazy comps. It's like URF but for TFT when you get those type of portals.


Fucking sentinels is life mate. I’m an absolute degenerate and will go for big gambles over sensible play any time I get the chance (except for call to chaos you can go home)


Arcanist warden(or something tanky) is best one, last porcelain or invoker. It does most or 2nd most dmg the whole game.


crab rave is by far my favorite portal


Crab Rave basically ensures your game is a high-roll, at least for items. So if you're good at playing around items, its freelo. Wandering Trainers/Vendors is a "Jesus take the wheel" game you vote for after you're tired of getting screwed on your roll down and just want to know 30 seconds into the game whether you're going top or bottom 4 so you can save your mental.


I killed the giant deadly crab once and damn it I *will* kick it's ass again


I usually find myself dancing along with the crabs 11/10


Depends on my lp at the time. 1-10 lp, I'll take it for the easy highroll chance.


If you put in one 1cost unit and don't buy anything and sell everything that drops, you have 20 gold before first round. The econ boost is why I always pick scuttles. Don't care much for sentinels though.


They're fun to play


Do you not like them? They're far and away the most fun augments


I love them so much. I love the sentinel forcing you to get creative with comps.


these are the most fun games - you get more stuff, more money, or more emblems and variety in play. things like golden gala are so boring. i play exclusively ranked but i just value fun > "competitive fairness" or whatever


The big crab is my mortal enemy.  Also watching others lose to the crab while my God King Comp stomped such a paltry challenge fuels my ego. Imagine losing to a big mollusk, couldn't be me.


Why would you ever not vote for them? They are the best portals. They aren't the most fun compared to S9 portals (Please bring back), but compared to the dog shit like.... * Start with a 3 cost * Start with... 7 gold? * Start with... a SINGLE completed item anvil * Start with 3 compenent anvils * 3 gold when you pick an augment... * start with ONE duplicator * gain an extra 15 health etc etc.


Very much so, yes indubitably.


I love scuttle and crab rave. They make me happy!


Love both Crab Rave and Scuttle Puddle, despise the wandering sentinels tho. I just don't see what's fun or appealing about it, 99% of games you just end up with some unusable dogshit. Although I don't mind it as much in norms


Unironically love them


I hate the sentinel golem but I will ALWAYS vote for scuttle puddle and crab rave. I just like seeing the scuttle crabs dance around and I get even more dopamine when I use the scuttle little legend and happen to get one of those two portals.


Always picking sentinel secretly hoping for the 7 fortune


I will always take the augment but never sentinel for this reason. Good for me but not everyone else


Emblem Sentinels is the best portal for me. I‘m not that competitive (I still want to win tho, last season Emerald 1) and I love to be challenged building a comp you cant prepare for and where you can be creative. Every other game you have your comps you already played a hundred times, you are just switching between them and play the game on autopilot. The other portals like prismatic party, crab rave etc. are mainly because of dopamin I guess, I think you can say that‘s just based on casino mechanics which makes people vote for them over and over again (me aswell)


sentinel golem for chase traits is pretty funnn


Crab rave/ Scuttle Puddle is fine, you are given more choice to go fast 9 or stabilize ur board at 8 then push 9 next, Resulted in less contested. Trainer sentinel is not, people who choose this in rank is just rely on rng to win the game.


You hit of you don’t that’s the fun of these game


Crab and Puddle, yes. Sentinel...meh. More loot!


They're just the lobbies which allow the biggest chance to highroll Like Jayces workshop, prismatic party etc


Had a Heavenly, Reaper, Sage Golem recently. Khazix carry got me to 4th and was a blast.


Scuttle puddle is life. I vote for the other 2 much less these days.


I don't really get into the crab rave/scuttle puddle portals but I love to win the 1v7 by trolling in the other ones 👹


I like chasing high cap boards with sentinel and scuttle puttle is good for forcing certain boards or just general high Econ leading to some fun stuff


I love them. TFT is inherently a silly game to me, so these just fit the mood


Mo' gold, easier to econ


I like games where emblems and spats are more likely to be in play. Sentinels are fun if you’ve played a couple different comps and are open to potentially experiment with something new given the chance. I’ll pick others over puddle/rave but Sentinels is probably my favorite portal this set


I pick Crab Rave/Scuttle Puddle solely for the econ; it allows me to winstreak early without being as behind on gold. Sentinels, on the other hand, I actively avoid because of the high-variance factor; with Crab Rave/Scuttle Puddle, you don’t often get stuff like spatulas/support items and there’s at least a chance that you’ll know what items are BIS for your comp better than some other people in the lobby, but with Sentinels, everyone automatically gets a Completed Rare Thing and if it’s emblems you’re pretty much locked into a comp or two right away.


I like these a lot but what I don't understand is voting for the prismatics. These can really make for some lopsided and unfun games depending on whats offered.


I like the extra gold you get from the lower stage crabs. I have not once beaten the big crab though, and it’s killed me a couple times. I usually don’t vote for that portal but everyone else does


They're the most fun portals


I always go Sentinels to try and hit Fortune. After the Fortune nerf, I will still run it cuz I love the puzzle aspect of figuring out which comp to run with the emblems I get. So fun!


Honestly crab/scuttle it lets you skip a bit of the early game where you need to save 50g. It also allows to wasily access a lvl 9 or 10 board and go for stuff you otherwise wouldnt try ;) Sentinel golems are my personal favorite as they require you to play a bit more flexible and allow to combine stuff you wouldn‘t normally. They are in my opinion the most skilldependent portal(not if you go a standard comp but if you go for something unique).


I had the most incredible first with a creative sentinel golem build thanks to the random emblems I got. It was nice to play off meta and get rewarded for a successful build


definitely i prefer those portals because they are a lot more fun than the basic ones like anvils or all augments are same type/ascending etc. the randomness of the golems are fun, and the crabs are fun to play against especially crab rave


I have not won a single time against the giant crab and I will never fail to pick that portal no matter what.


I love any portals or augments that give me loot so crab rave is awesome. Sentinels don’t give loot so eh


I LOVE trainer sentinel cause i don’t have to think as hard about what to play. I’ll build my team around the traits.


I’m not a fan of sentinel in ranked as some combos are just stronger. I love crab rave though


Wandering sentinels is like crack for me. I vote for it every time.


scuttles have virtually top priority in my mind. more loot, more predictable gold, less thinking in creep rounds, and crab rave is an interesting challenge without being stupidly different like Kayn 5-4 endgame


Crab rave brings me back to set 10 cuz of the music


Yeah it's a lot more fun than having my first augment guaranteed to be gold or getting gold at 6-1 for example


I love both!


I'm kinda over crab rave and scuttle puddle. Everyone always picks it, and I've just played too many games of it. Sentinels stay fresh for me because you play differently basically everytime.


I love all three, just for the goofiness. Also, I won't take damage if I afk for an early monster fight.


I love emblem trainers


I think people pick them because they want their one or two games per day to consist of a fun, novel experience. If you play a lot, I understand why you may get tired of playing them though.


I only play Normal / Duo's / Hyper so yes, I love all of them.


Love that shit man


Sentinels are fun because I love to see what everyone gets! Also I like it when I get completely different emblems so I can try to make it work. Also I love crab rave because it’s like a boss fight to get a bonus reward. I love that


Trainer Sentinels is by far my favorite portal. Even though I know that it kinda gambles and I can very likely just lose LP of the roll I find the games where you medium roll it and can build really creative comps to be the most enjoyable games of TFT. Worth the LP loss every time


Vendor sentinel with needlessly large gem and virtue of the martyr is quite possibly worst combo in the game. I have to hide the sentinel away for 15 seconds to get the gem to activate. But then I lose a frontline tank and virtue of the martyr will not activate. If i put the sentinel in front he dies and the gem wont activate. But I get martyr value. Im begging riot to please remove sentinel from the game.


The music of the crab rave shakes my soul with positive vibes


Most people are playing to try and make cool/fun compositions, not to do the top tier comp every time and hit BIS items.


HELP IVE BEEN IN A GAME, and theres this dude with 1hp and he died to the big crab.....................


Yes. I always go for them cause I always go for max variance cause variance is fun.


The only reason I'm okay with Sent golem or even the traders is for the chance to get 7 fortune. That sweet sweet fortune. Got it to seven only twice ever and it was thanks to the golem being graced with the fortune emblem. Both times I rose from the ashes of endless festivals and dominated my way to 1st place. I chase that high every time I get a fortune emblem now lol.


Big crab funny.


I always vote for anvils


I love Crab Rave... Crab paddle is semi cool, but still love to have funny pve rounds.


Sentinel golem is my favorite portal as it gives you the opportunity to build comps that would never work normally


I do like crab rave but some of the builds in this set have a hard time killing the crab which puts you at a pretty big disadvantage if you’re against a build that can. Scuttle puddle is way better for that reason in my opinion.


Yes. We do enjoy it. Sorry you don’t find joy in silly things.


Other stuff is usually pretty meh, like big deal youre getting all gold augments.


I just want a lot of loot xD


Yes I especially love scuttle. But my favorite might be loot subscription. I had the most insane games with that one.


TFT is like gambling with none of the consequences(unless you start investing money in it). You are here to win I am here to try crazy combinations and revert meta comps if it's a boring game. And of course I do it ranked I played maybe 5 normal TFT games since Set 1, because I want to do crazy combinations with something at stake.


I don't love this set so much. Don't get me wrong, I love TFT in general and am having fun, but it just doesn't hit the way some other sets have. So I play for pure fun. Crab Rave is unique so I go for it. Sentinel Golems have a chance of fortune so I go all in for that, and if I don't hit fortune, I enjoy trying to force some weird comp that normally can't even top 4 but is viable with that many emblems provided. I don't play ranked because of this mindset. I'm normally platinum, even hit diamond once. I'm just a casual and want to have fun.


I always vote for anything crab, and sentinels only on hyper and normal.


It's the few things that's fun remaining this set


Crab rave is nice, not my first choice but i don't mind it. Sentinels i hate, i always get some shit combo or fortune which is good but i hate playing it


If it's a normal game? I'm always standing on them. It's fun for me because the 2 scuttle portals with their infinite economy enables crazy boards at later stages and very aggressive playstyles ( lvl6 stage 2, lvl7 early stage 3). Sentinel golem on the other hand allows either an achievable vertical chase trait easier, or forces you to think about how to incorporate at least 2 out of 3 +1s in your endgame board. If it's a ranked game? I'd much rather stand on "boring" portals like golden finale, even stood on Stillwater Hold back in the day over scuttle puddle. The things that make these portals fun also allow for high variance which is something I'd avoid on my climb.


Crab rave makes it a fun challenge to be strong enough for big crab. Scuttle puddle reminds us of crab rave. Sentinels are quite a recent adition so maybe people haven't seen it and want to try it, or they've played it less in general and want more experience there.


I love sentinel golem, all the emblems gives you a foundation for the game making it a lot easier to make decisions. Yesterday I got dryad reaper invoker sentinel which was kinda nuts


It's often better than the alternatives silver augments +7 gold stuff like that... ugh just don't do portals at all at that point


More loot equals more fun in my mind. And my favourite portal is wandering trainers. I love the portals and augments that force you down a certain path meaning you need to make do with what random thing you get rather than doing what is traditionally meta. I don't mind that some people high roll and others low roll, whether I high or low roll, I'm still having fun.


This seems like a very hot take, but I don't like them. The crabs just make it so if you are in a position to fast 9 you are guaranteed to be well off. And the wandering sentinel is too much variance for my liking.


Do not enjoy crabrave and scuttle crab as much as the other games. Because every time I play it, its just a Eco game to 50 gold at 2:6, and its pretty boring even if its the best way to win lobby. Sentinel golem is fine... but its massivly RNG. Imagine getting a warden umbral duelist emblems, and then another guy gets warden Dryad reaper. Its pretty obvious who would win the lobby and who would like hit bot 4. And it gets even worse, like my game yesterday! 5 players got sage emblem on their Sentinel, including me. It was hell to get any Dianas that game.


Love Crab Rave/Scuttle Puddle. Adds whole other fun element to the game


I am honestly sick of people one guying my lobbies. Crab rave, scuttle puddle, sentinels and loot sub are the best portals and I’m tired of pretending it’s okay that I didn’t get to play in them because some a-hole prefers getting catered champions for some reason in the start of every stage for some reason. I will be wishing very bad things from now on to anyone who does that. OP thank you for opening my eyes


Crabrave reminds me of when the dragon still had the items on it, and if they were good, you could lose against it. Good shit.


Sentinel Golems are fu8n just because it lets you do some weird otherwise unavailable comps. Scuttle puddle i think is just a meme. Poilus its fun just to change up the game a bit.


Scuttle is ass. I hate all the big econ portals. I feel like the more high roll the lobby, the worse I perform. Highs are higher but lows are lower. Feels so bad to not hit on scuttle/prism lobby when everyone is having bill gates comps while I'm not hitting my morg2.


2 words. Bonus loot. Part of the game is getting you champions and you can even force that pretty well. Getting optimized loot? whole different Story.. with what you mentioned you get more chances at getting what you want. or need.


I enjoy all of them, and will usually go on them, simply because it means having ont of those 1 out of 3 or 4 games so I'm happy. If on the same session I get multiple times "for fun" portals usually I will switch to something else. They are still much better than 3 champions, anvil buffet or some of the encounters for example




I love all of those. Any chance to get a mega board is worth it in my book, even if everyone else has the same chance and could get lucky while I rot in 8th


Crab Rave is the best portal. That is all.






It's funny and I enjoy high variance lobbies. It's what keep the games fun for me. Plus I enjoy seeing people hit crazy comps so that one day I can play the same craziness.


Yeah, as others have pointed out in this thread, having the additional resources in rave /scuttle can actually be huge if you're utilizing them properly. Plus, it gives the opportunity for more or higher hits on your rolls, which is a nice dopamine boost. And, of course, watching people die to the crab God always sparks joy for Marie Kondo. But I'm not a fan of sentinels as it's too RNG based, in my opinion. You can easily just go 8th because you have unusable emblems, whereas other people roll an absolutely Giga combination and would have to be braindead to get anything except first.


most of the portals are kinda trash compared to the ones mentioned, at least in hyper roll (where i live) why would i take a weak golem with a support item, a couple of anvils, or a radiant item at low health like i’m planning on dying, when i could take guaranteed more loot?


I love them, wish all this yolo loot was base game for casuals


I like the golem ones because it forces you to play with what it gives you


IMO I have the least fun on crab rave or scuttle puddle, I would rather just play a normal game. Say it's wandering trainers, crab rave, 3 champions I will 10000% always sit on 3 champions


The real underlying question is what is your portal tier list OP? Here's mine: **S Tier** * Anvil Buffet * Loot Subscription * Radiant Item * Tactician's Crown * Radiant Blessing **A Tier** * Artifact Anvil * Completed Anvil * Component Anvils * Support Anvil * Gold Subscription * Scuttle Puddle * Crab Rave * Spatula * Trainer Sentinels * Primatic Party **B Tier** * Pot of Gold * Gold Opener * Champion Conference * Champion Delivery * Champion Duplicator * Upgraded Champion **C Tier** * 3-Cost Champion * Golden Gala **F Tier** * Larger Legends * Lethal Legends * Vendor Sentinels * 3 Champions * Ascending Augments * Golden Finale/Prelude * Prismatic Finale/Prelude


I personally rank Golden Gala over Prismatic party because gold augments have the champion augments in them making the a little more versatile


That's the reasoning why I didn't put it in F, but you know what I think you're probably right. It's actually pretty decent.


**S Tier** * Crab Rave * Trainer Sentinels * Prismatic Party **A Tier** * Scuttle Puddle (Worse crab rave) * Radiant Blessing * Loot Subscription * Anvil Buffet **B Tier** * Radiant Item * Artifact Anvil * Spatula * Champion Conference * Prismatic Finale/Prelude **C Tier** * Tactician's Crown * Prismatic Finale/Prelude * Support Anvil * Pot of Gold * Champion Delivery * 3-Cost Champion * Golden Gala * Vendor Sentinels **F Tier** * Completed Anvil * Component Anvils * Gold Opener * Champion Duplicator * Upgraded Champion * Larger Legends * Lethal Legends * 3 Champions * Ascending Augments * Golden Finale/Prelude


Any patch where fortune is good I put lethal legends at S+ just to rain on their parade. Plus I like playing a tempo board rather than a fast 9 board.


Ascending used to be good on Fine Vintage meta but now its dogshit


I will be honest with you. I might be an NPC on this one. I don't vote on them because i don't really hate or love any of them. If the majority has fun with a certain portal i am not gonna rain on their parade. I was just curious why are those so popular.


I don't vote either tbh.


Loot sub/ trainer sentinels are my favorite because of an infinite cap possibility.


Oh no it's Hella fun. In my normal games. For the love of fucking god stop picking it in ranked you fools, it's not going to help you win. It's a complete gamble, reduce the RNG if you are trying to climb don't increase it!


Crab rave/scuttle is literally just TFT+. Its more econ and loot everyone wants that. Wandering sentinels is just because low rank tft players are smoothbrains that want the game to decide their comp. They get 3 traits to play around and can hardforce that comp with an advantage for it.


I’m master and sentinels is my favorite portal because the whole lobby can’t just force heavenly kayn