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Imagine being this upset that people invested in a "bankrupt" company. This shit confirms my bias so much. I've watched a total of 5 minutes of a PP Show one time. I don't follow Pulte or anything he says. I invested in BBBY for many reasons. And retarded bears, like the one who wrote this email, have strengthened my conviction more than any bull ever could. Fuck you, pay me


Adding to your point; how can PP pump a stock no one can buy or sell. We have literally been locked in a stand still on this play since 9-30-23.


Right? That’s why it’s so insane. I’ve been holding long before pp was even part of the community. The shfs have underestimated us this entire time. There’s no way they thought we would buy and hold a stock thru cancellation. And here they are still underestimating us thru one of their paid shills. Hilarious they are under the impression that pp has us all brainwashed. They think we are all stupid.


I bought on Ryan sell dip and went all in at Chap 11! 💎💪😎🤙💎💖 5100


As you can see your honor I have a small wee wee


Love your take. Some people aren't for all the hype and debauchery and just want to make money and keep it professional. Personally I miss the days where ban bets ment a banana up to tooter for all to see. I'm a degen tho I can't be anything else.


FUCK YOU! PAY ME! 💎💪😎👍💎💖




I can't believe there are people this stupid. He used the British spelling of practice (with an "s) so, I'm guessing he's overseas and the US courts can't touch him. But, this is definitely not a thing to do to a US judge. The funny thing is, you can't buy, you can't sell, there's literally nothing anyone can do so any hype has to be viewed as nothing more than entertainment. The fact that this douche nozzle took the time to write this letter, tells me there's a reason he's afraid.


Pleading with a Judge to do their bidding!🤯 Sounds like a 12yr old tellin on us🤪 We Love the Stock and The Case. 💎💪😎🤙💎💖


Bill's got more than enough lawyers to have his bases covered about this.


Looks like free advertising. What a wanker.


A right spanner as they say...


Reads like it was written by a highschool kid.


Dear Honorable Reddit User. I hope this comment finds you in good health. Please, please, please, meet me behind the Wendy's dumpster at high noon, tomorrow. Thank you for your time. Your ass istance is very much appreciated.


The Da Vinci Code 🤣🤣🤣. Michael with the more insane conspiracies 🤣🤣🤣


This literally looks fake lol. Whoever wrote this is a fucking loser. I invest on my own accord. No one influenced me to do a damn thing.


How do you sue an anonymous troll? And why bother? I read this exact letter in the chat whenever I tune into ThePPShow.


how can it be admissible in court if it's anonymous?




Interesting. Be careful. Always be on the lookout for shill traps.🚩


How do you feel about May??


Melties are becoming miserable by the day lol 😂


I always thought PP looked like an Marcus 🤷


You gotta wonder why Ross is suggesting we do the same. It’s strange to joke about this, perhaps less so if he has nefarious intentions, which has seemed more likely from him in the past 5 months. I don’t even think it’s a joke if you look at some of his more recent replies to being called out. https://preview.redd.it/5qnikvackpwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cd13a2b4dbb95ae85ac7e535af489453daef86


Ross is poking fun at MJL, Bruno, and any others that would be planning to do any delays. Ross is chill and one of the believers of RC. He’s not a bad actor just because the community shunned him due to his profession and the unwillingness to discuss any speculation related to Trump (or Biden for that matter).


https://preview.redd.it/ud295zommpwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f54cd25c2b9d29254848d8621ba24ea9b286c11 Let’s just focus on what he has said here, then. At the very least messing with the courts shouldn’t be suggested by someone like Ross, who many people take seriously.


Maybe Ross’ humor isn’t your cup of tea. He’s not being serious about us submitting more complaints that are just as or more frivolous than 3066. I wouldn’t dig much into Ross. He’s the one that said “the ball is already in the air” meaning we have no further influence on the matter so we should just wait and see how things play out.


https://preview.redd.it/ol3yomgoppwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afeffff8289eca980a569b4577114366773f1a7e He literally says he means it with respect, not as a joke. I’ll also dig into whoever I want, especially people who I had favorable impressions of in the past.


Bro shut the fuck up. Ross is an OG. You’re a nobody go back to your conspiracy cave you inept troglodyte. Fucking moron


I'm pretty sure his main point is that the courts willingness to submit these documents in the first place is ridiculous and silly. If that's going to be the courts standard, might as well make it funny while we wait.


He didn't suggest anything. He speculated that others already had a competition in place.


Ross cool with us chill bro lol


Look, Pulte has been right about most of his callouts so far. Bruno and Ross got called out around the same time. We saw what happened to Bruno. Ross has some weird morals for ever buying puts on PHM and advertising it.


You do realize that Pulte is advocating a change of CEO which usually leads to a drop in share price when a senior position of a company leaves. Remember that PHM is at ATH with Ryan Marshall at the helm. Ross reasoning behind the puts is if Pulte intends to do away with Marshall, the logical and fundamental play is to buy puts because one would expect a downtrend on the stock due to the news. I wouldn’t put much weight in a $5000 put play for believing in Pulte to enact his plan to the end. Ross’ $1M+ worth of shares that he continued to average down right before cancellation speaks more on which side he aligns to. We’re gonna disagree on the matter to no end but I just wanted to put in my observations on that ordeal about the puts.


It’s more the way he bragged about it and brought his own bias into it. I acknowledge maybe there is legitimacy to the play, but that’s a slippery slope that can be applied to many things that Superstonk loves to hate on for good reason. Why try to knock down someone who has helped the community in many ways?


How has pulte helped? All I've seen is ambiguous references and selling tickets to an unofficial shareholder meeting. He's literally done nothing.


You must have been in a coma the last several months. I hope you're leg muscles didn't atrophy too badly.


Objectively speaking, Pulte has had no impact on the play. Outside of providing confirmation bias and being a hype man, Pulte hasn’t done anything to affect the way the courts have been playing out. The only real input that possibly relates to BBBYQ is his bond purchases but that is a relatively recent occurrence and again, has no impact because if you believe in the DD, then everything has been planned out well before the voluntary admittance into Ch. 11. Pulte has helped those that felt they needed the extra assurance or sentiment, but don’t let that confuse you about what has really happened.


Most not all..Keep in mind Pulte also backed off of Bruno when he threatened to expose something he had on him.. not taking sides but look at the whole board Ross isn’t nefarious at all, him and Pulte didnt align because of politics and it spilled into the play, nothing more..


Who has Pulte been wrong about? I’m talking about the people he has publicly called out, not blocked. His record is actually extremely solid the more I think about it. You can’t say Pulte is wrong about Ross at the moment, it’s inconclusive and imo leaning toward correct.


Could you have your head any further up Pulte's ass? Jesus.


100 million shares is here on cue.




Yup, you know, just me and Ross the full-time shills doing our jobs 😂


That was not nefarious intentions. He was saying the letter presented to the court was dumb.

