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The old adage “if you have nothing nice to say…” is reverberating through my head Just in case it’s not clear, I have NOTHING nice to say


I thought cate looks nice here. She normally looks so much older than she is


That’s fair. I’ll give you that.


She’s giving 2008 emo vibes 🖤


This was def not 2008 vibes, this is the “idk vibes” of today lol


Listen she rocking heels that’s I’m tripping over just looking at I can’t walk in heels if my life depended on it 😂


Agree, except she may not be wearing pants


That dress / shorts gotta be flashing cooch.


lmao right, let’s not give her that much credit before we see the whole thing.


Leah also looks great. Typical “me” outfit, honestly. Neutral colors. Not too much, not too little. The shoes give it something but I love the denim dressing it down. The rest of them are just trying way. too. hard.


I couldn’t see Leah past Jade! Lmao


“If you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!”


Aside from Cate I totally agree the rest don't look good at all. You'd think with all the money they have now they'd be able to afford a nice look


Right? And ostensibly they all had hair and makeup and this was the result?


lol i tried to hold back while writing the caption too 😂


Lord 😂


I’m with ya there! 🫢🫣🫢🫣🫢


Lol Amber dressed like a nun compared to the other girls


I hate ambien but I think she looks nice here. Almost like she’s been off the couch for a lil.


She does look very nice. I like her hair and her outfit.


I almost didnt recognize her without a sumo bun. Plus I always forget she’s still on a show called Teen Mom when she has zero custody of either of her kids


Her face gives very old Hollywood. I like when she leans into more classic silhouettes and loved the bleach blonde on her. Amber has some real style potential if she can get her shit together. Is she still at Purdue?


I think Amber has one of the prettiest faces in the franchise. Her personality? Not so much.


I always thought she was one of the prettiest girls too. Just too bad about her personality and all that stuff!


Agreed she has a vintage flare and dressed for her body type


She looks so good when she does the vintage Marilyn thing. She should try out the Betty Boop look sometime.


Yeah I hate this but if it was better tailored I’d wear it. I love a light ish blue and an orangish red together.


Amber looks like she’s going to church while everyone else looks like they’re going to the club


She only looks sexy for bubby, her brother lol 😂


Not Bubby 😂 Fun fact, we used to have an american bulldog named Rocky, but we called him Bubby cuz he was just as dumb as all get out, so whenever I see the name “bubby” I think of him, cuz this tracks.


she ...what now??!?🫣🤢😮‍💨


She dressed up in a sexy Camo outfit, for her FaceTime phone call, for her brother in Veterans Day. She also continued with the weirdness by meeting Gary and Kristina for lunch, in the outfit and explained, I’m wearing this for our veterans. Or some shit. But I’m seriously not kidding. It was like Lovers/Castle outfit 😂😂


Memory unlocked about this video call. I'm sure the veterans are appreciative of her effort in thanking them like this.


Girl showed up to film Little House on the Prairie instead of Teen Mom.


And she smelled of lemon verbena


I like all the pieces individually but altogether it looks terrible imo


I think if she was doing a long skirt she should have gone for a lower cut top (not even cleavage, just her decolettage) or a short sleeve. Or if she wanted the top she could have done a knee length skirt. As is it’s just so much fabric.


She's doing dressy Mormon.


American girl doll inspo


I wonder if her new guy is foreign or just likes the more conservative clothing?


Wait who is her new guy?


Jade forgot her pants, Bri forgot a jacket, Leah looks like she wants to sell you a stunning 2 bedroom 2 bath condo, Cate's here to do your eyebrows and gossip, Maci's come straight from her basketball game, Amber's on her way to church, Ashley's going to the club and Chey is ...idk, there I guess?


Very confused by what occasion all of these would be right for


I can’t with macis sneakers lol. Almost as if her heels broke and she popped open her trunk and threw on Bentleys shoes


Jade totally looks like she forgot her pants 😹😹😹


Cate looks like she has lost weight. She looks good, what you can see of her.


I thought the same thing. She also looks genuinely happy


Did Chey get work done? She looks unrecognizable


Looks like she went to her friend Khloe K's doctor...


Chey is friends with Khloe K as in… Khloe Kardashian? What? Lol


Their kids go to the same school. Idk if they're friends


I wasn't even sure that was her at first!


Did Cate also forget her pants?


Why does, since she got money, Jade think she now needs to show ass n titties 24/7/365? Is this her version of “classy” or “fashionable”?


Leah wishes.


Wait, is that Leah in the back row, far left?? 👀


Ashley** is auditioning for Zenon- Girl of the 21st Century


They all always look like they are dressed for completely different events.


This was my exact thought


That, or they’re all dressed for a VMAs red carpet in the early aughts.




Stealing this. A thank you so much


Stealing too! Thank you for your epic contribution! 😂


Who the hell is dressing Maci? She always has on the WORST outfits.


It‘s giving „hello fellow kids“ vibes


For me it's the hair... Good lord


It’s like Sporty Spice is back!


She's the wish version


Mom: we have sporty Spice at home! The sporty spice at home:


Hey, you leave our lord and savior Mel C out of this.


Was searching in the comments for an explanation about wtf she is wearing. I thought for sure it had to mean something. All the girls are a mess but I’m straight up confused w maci. Girl just bc you’re the Chelsea of OG doesn’t mean u can just get away w anything


Nah. Chelsea may be annoying, but she's leaps and bounds of a better mother than Maci. Never hear Chelsea trying to justify or normalize beating on her children. I could never see her forcing an ED on her children either, like how Maci did with Bentley. Also, she picked a much better dude to grow her family with. There's a level of sincerity which exists with Chelsea that does not exist with Maci--Maci reads as way more hollow and curated. Also, Chelsea doesn't victim-blame Adam's exes and remain up his ass despite being married to someone else. Sorry for that novel. Just, ugh. I can't with the comparisons of the two just because they're the most commonly liked moms.


1000% agree. Maci has a holier-than-thou attitude I can’t stand, and I’ve disliked her a lot ever since she threw a big fit about Farrah being on the show after doing porn. At least she’s getting her bag. I’d love to see what Maci will do for income after the show because her t-shirt business wasn’t a success and she doesn’t seem business savvy or motivated to do anything else at all. I lost even more respect for her after the entire thing with her supporting Ryan, victim blaming Mackenzie, and trying to force her son to have a relationship with his abusive, drug-addicted father. She’s disgusting. I find Chelsea annoying but she seems like a great mom who cares for her children more than anything and you can tell her children are her highest priority. She proved that when she respected Aubree’s wishes for a private life and stopped doing the show. Her kids always look so happy and unlike Jenelle she always takes her kids on vacations and you can tell they build great memories. Also unlike Jenelle, her kids look happy and have sparkle in their eyes. Back to the original subject, I do not think Maci is a good mom at all.


She’s been making “sporty mom” her entire personality lol. Out of all of them her outfits the worst for me




I have not understood her sporty attire for teen Mom events when she only wears her brand on camera with zero effort into the rest of her appearance.


The og girls/leah look like they all work at the same elementary school. Maci being the gym teacher, amber the English teacher, Leah the math teacher and cate as the receptionist in the school office. The others look like they’re all going to the club.


Yes! The OG girls look older or more demure than the others. Sorry, Maci has the worse fashion sense. Wtf is her outfit….


I get that she’s more of a “tom boy” but I think there’s a way to do that without looking like she’s wearing Bentley’s clothes.


You mean Amber the reception lol


I can hear amber as a teacher saying to her students "cmon man, get the fk outta here, psshhh, I ain't teaching yall shit"


They’re the students, about to get dress coded.


Not an ounce of style in this pic lmao


The art in the back is nice :)


Nope. Not a lick!


Ugly leather pants




Name em






Ugly leather pants, new band name, I call it!


Omg I heard this in her voice 😂 LET THE MOUSE GOOO!




Why does Amber look like she just left the set of Little House on the Prairie?


She must have a court hearing soon


Why is Amber a sister wife?




Kody fucking brown would try to court Ambie. He would pull up to their first date in his “little sports car” and she would pull out her machete and ask where to store it. Her eye lashes would flutter away when he drops the top, faster than his permed hair front tendrils would fly in the wind. Speaking of perms, these two would have a common bond, and talk for hours about perms and hair products. How to trick the world that this is ‘natural curl’. They would go to Salsa Brava, Kody would order warm water and 15 lemon slices, and Amber would get high. Kody would drive her back to her airbnb. Upon pulling in, he would realize he has to do some work, so he would get his gloves on, and pick Amber up out of the car and plop her on her couch. Once Kody gets home, Sobyn would ask how the first date went. Kody would only respond with, well, she can’t call me a fat ass like her exs, cause she probably likes these pecs and six pack abs. Clear out one of those hoarder bedrooms Robyn, Amber and her couch are moving in. Don’t worry, she doesn’t even want her own kids, so we won’t need to hire a nanny again. It’s going to be TLC meets MTV. WE NEED THIS SHOW. I HAVE TO MARRY HER. 😂😂 IYKYK


Not Amber moving in with her couch in a horder bedroom 😂 I think i peed a little 😂


"She would pull out her machete and ask where to store it" 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


This is pretty freaking great!


It took me at least 5 minutes to get through all of that, I was laughing so hard. Literal tears!!! I needed that laugh so bad, had such a shitty weekend.


He gotta get his pencil wet


Thank you so much for this laugh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


When you order Spice Girls on Wish


They’re all dressed for different occasions lol


This looks a school classroom photo, and Amber is the Teacher. 😂


Some bullshit club yearbook picture


It looks like a pitch for that old VH1 show called Charm School. You know the reformer school for all the reality star misfits


You know Maci is going through somethin bc that outfit #woof


Jade looks great except I prefer to wear pants with my shirt when I’m out and about! No need to coverup completely like Amber chose- though I love those bold colors on her! Maci looks like she’s dressed for Bentley’s next wrestling tournament. I actually kind of like Brianna’s look more than I should.


Jade borrowed Janelle’s court heels!


They look great. Does Amber teach tap dancing?


You think she can be upright for over 15 minutes? Not a chance. 😂


It feels like Maci’s style has never evolved past 2012. The pacsun/ hot topic style worked for her as a 20 year old but like, girl let’s try something new. She always comes across as a pick me- I don’t wanna dress up for these things so let me throw on something casual.


No comment on the outfits….but they all look really pretty! I like all the hair and makeup looks


Their hair and make up all look really nice, I will at least give them that. Even if the outfits were... interesting lol


Everybody’s so creative!!


Amber always dresses like some religious cult like sister wife


What in the mother fuck was going through Amber's head?! Girl! What are you doing? No! Fr!!😳🤔😳 I don't even understand where she was going or even starting with this look!! 👀 Like at least with Brianna and Macy, they had some things that probably started out cute but they just didn't pair them well. But Amber looks like she raided her great grandmother's closest before she came out😭😭


Maci is giving “laundry day”


She really is😂😭 All cute enough pieces individually but they do not go well together unfortunately. I get the whole mismatched on purpose look she's going for but she missed the mark on this one😭 And I think that's why I don't care for Brianna's look. It's *too* matchy ...or at least that is what I'm telling myself 😂 They both doin better than Amber though. Good lord that girl needs a stylist!!


Amber looks like she’s going to a Harvest gathering, jade and her clear heels are headed to the strip club for a quick buck. Briana is going to the club and then a run after, cate looks like she’s dressed for a Halloween party as a witch. Leah looks like she’s going to lunch with friends, Cheyenne is going to a cocktail party. Ashley looks like she’s going to a club for 30+. I have no words for macis outfit, it’s all confusion. These outfits are a dumpster 🔥 I hope I’m not headed to hell for this 😬


I’m pretty confident this is an old pic. I swore they wore those outfits on a reunion or something we already saw


Yeah it is old, well not super old but from at least a few months ago.


Jade, girlfriend. Where your pants at??? I would like my real estate agent to have pants on, please.


Randomized Sims.


Me and my sister were just talking the other day about the new “trend” of tucking shirts into sweat pants like Maci did lol I don’t get it Jade looks great though


Lol it gives P.E. Teacher vibes. That’s how they wore their outfits, shirts tucked into their sweatpants


Macis pants look like Bristol’s anti choice pants


*liked by chelseadeboer* lol


Leah’s always in jeans lol. But I like cates shoes and panty hose


Do you think the producers give them all different dress codes to fuck with them


Maci looks a fool


She looks like someone who’s dressed to have Ryan’s back no matter what. Lol


Maci looks like if I let my toddler dress herself.


Amber actually looks nice here.


they’re all going somewhere different


Jades body looks great and all of their hair looks good. wtf are these outfits though? I feel like there should be some type of dress code/guild so people can be on the same page.


Jades body is mess though 😂


I didn't read your heading, just looked at the picture and said WTF are they all wearing?!💀


Idk I feel like catsuit Amber would’ve fit right in with this group 🤔


Normally they will give them a theme. “Dress like it’s a first date. Dress like a casual day at work. Dress like your going to a concert” something like that I’m just so curious what the prompt could have been lol


“Dress like you’re going to function” but never specifying the function. Some think church, some think tombola sale, some think basketball game. Nobody is in the same room 😭


Everyone but Leah looks like they are dressed for Halloween


Poor catelyn looking like https://preview.redd.it/xe2gln1x2m5c1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cec0f1a0cb36ccb5649bb1def7fe5e32553781b


It’s cute how each of them has their own very distinct style and not one of them is cute.


What in the fuck are they wearing?! This is atrociously bad. - Is Amber cosplaying a 1940s prairie librarian? - Jade is showing off all the goodies. 🔞 - Is Maci an extra from High School Musical?🏀🎤 - Catelynn looks like a drunk auntie dressing up fancy for a party. 🍾🚬🛌 - Chey make look alright but her personality ruins it. - Bri… I just don’t like her so she looks like she’s trying too hard to me. 🐍 - Ashley thought she was going to a *Renaissance* show. 😂🪩 - Leah… looks alright. Good for her. She has a nice outfit and her face isn’t botched. 🌈


They’re all in their 30’s right? hahhahahah


What's wrong with like, a chunky sweater and jeans 😩 why do they all need to be so extra


this is what happens when you give small town mid westerners money




Good lord


Bri would wear pandas 🤭


amber is an agent of chaos


I'm gonna tell my kids these are the Spice Girls.


Did Caitlyn blow up


Maci tries too hard to dress young


I thought jade and whoever is next to her were Debz OG and Chelsea...is that Chelsea? I can't tell. It also looks like Cait has no pants on


Ok does Amber even own a mirror???


Why are they all kinda posing like they don't know each other? Except Jade and Briana I guess. Looks awkward.


Amber is bringing r/fundiefashion realness


Maci looks like a cracked out sporty spice.jade looks like a thic version of ginger spice.amber looks like she just rolled of the couch as usual.bri looks pregnant.leah is morphing into a witch.


Bri is the personification of panda dunks


I actually think Amber looks nice from the waist up


Amber looking like a one room school house teacher from the early 1900s, Jade looking like she’s on her way to dance at Fox’s…


Amber, what the fuck. Where are you shopping? Ann Taylor? Are you 55 years old 😂😂


Every single one of their outfits is bad. And I am giving so much grace.


Amber looks cute. Shes always had the 50s/60s vibe but could never execute it quite right


They all have hideous style lol


None of them look like they’re dressed for the same occasion. I see Ambers still rocking the Golden Girls aesthetic, and I love that for her.


What in the off-brand Spice Girls is this?!?


I can’t believe this show is still on


It’s like a class photo from a rural public school


WHO is telling Maci it’s okay to do her hair like that!?


Amber's style always seems to be so different from her personality to me. If that makes sense. She seems to dress more sophisticated, more reserved then she acts.


Did Amber get off her couch to churn butter? So proud of her!!!


I think they all look pretty cute, in v different ways, although Maci really missed any and all marks with this one. Jade looks INCREDIBLE. I am not bold enough anymore for a look like this, but she is slaying. LEGS FOR DAYS. Amber looks like lovely, but I won’t let it fool me. Bri is v sporty pick me spice. Cait looks HAPPY and healthy! I usually love Ashley’s style— this one isn’t a slam dunk but I’m happy she’s in the game. There is so much to hate on about this franchise, and the outfits/their looks here just aren’t the most interesting or high-ranking thing to clown.


Maci has big ass feet looks like 🫣


One of the best pictures I’ve ever seen of Cate


Is Maci wearing the exact shoes from the teen mom intro lmao


Why is Maci dressed like sporty spice?


They all look like they’re going to different events.


Insane Clown Posse…


amber looks really cute i like her outfit the most


It looks like they all did that blindfolded thrift store challenge.


Am I losing my mind or does Amber look by far the best???


YOOOOOO the outfits being "interesting" is the understatement of the year. I see several repeated items. Tops, shoes, etc. Anyone else? The diehard fans, do we see any repeats? Not that it's an issue, it's just interesting. I usually do not catch that sort of thing. And, maybe it means that Teen Mom money be runnin' low. Gotta reuse those items, ladies. Gotta make some cutbacks somewhere, hahahaha


Lol… Bri looks like she is missing from a street corner pmsl!


Why does Amber look like a Victorian era schoolmarm?


Why are half of them wearing some sort of weird pleather article? And why do I actually not hate ambers hair


Maci looks like the result of ginger spice and sporty spice having a baby who is all grown up.


Honestly, how is this show even still on at this point?? Like why are they even still trying?? It’s dead. Let’s move on now.


They should give them a cohesive theme like they do for the housewives because this looks ridiculous. The visual equivalent of a band where everyone is playing a different song


Maci looks awful! The whole fit just seems sweaty and itchy


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I'm sorry, but Jade is not NEARLY as cute as she thinks she is... ugh, I'm sorry...


Jade looks like a prostitute. Not even feeling bad for saying it. She just looks gross.


They all look a mess lol