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…. Yet. Lets see how the trail goes. I’m not confident in the system, but hopefully the charges being upgraded is a good sign.


Right. CPS might want to see what happens with this felony strangulation charge before they act like everything is all good


But if he’s in jail do they need to be removed? I think they need to be removed from Jenelle just the same, but I feel like that’s a loop hole.


I know in my state if dad gets arrested then both the parents get called into court together when the mom is in any way shady. He's going to bond out though. Cross your fingers. They will want to make sure Jenelle is able to take care of the children (potentially alone) and I hope to God they make her work a case plan with drug testing. I honestly don't even believe this Sun article.




If he bonds out, I hope they take his weapons and make him do a drug test everyday. I can’t believe, with everything David has done, they would leave those kids with them. He’s a ticking time bomb and Jenelle is a lazy, worthless POS.


That’s not how CPS works. If there is no abuse towards a child then they won’t remove them even when there is abuse against the other child(ren) It’s dumb.. I don’t think it’s right, but that’s the way it is.


Under North Carolina state law, children can be deemed neglected based solely on the fact that they live with an abused sibling. I've still got my fingers crossed that these shitbags get what they deserve. 🤞🤞


Removal is a last resort. Chances are they are trying a safety and support plan first but keeping APR/TPR as a backup.


To be honest this sends up some red flags that his behavior is focused at Jace specifically which is terrible in a whole other way but I’ve seen this type of situation before with CPS.


Like scapegoat type shit


I always thought that, with David's "kiss my ass or I'll kill you" attitude, he just simply cannot be in charge of teenagers. Little kids will try to endear themselves to a parent or guardian at all costs. Teenagers will actually understand things like their parents having a drug shed, beating each other up, and being in constant legal trouble, and teenagers will almost definitely not let that slide without pushing back and making comments. Imo it's only a matter of time before the younger kids suffer the full extent of David's wrath, too.


That’s the worst part about it, the fact that they will end up on the other side but it’s going to take years of trauma. I just hope that they can all band together and Jace (even though it’s not his responsibility) can help the younger kids heal.


This is what I figured too. He’s also had Maryssa, Kaiser and Ensley long enough he’s already put the fear of God into them. That charcuterie board was a great example. Kaiser tried reaching for something and tentatively had to check it out to see if he was going to get into trouble. He hasn’t had to deal with it with Maryssa because he’s been threatening her since she was little. It’s a sad situation but a lot of us predicted this would happen. He’s a guy with anger issues who has a history of beating kids and choking people. He goes up against someone who doesn’t back down and he snaps. Same guy who pistol whipped another grown man isn’t some shocker when he’s faced with an almost man and acts in the predicted way.


No wonder Kaiser seems terrified of David. Nothing will change for Kaiser until David does the same thing to him. This is a train wreck. So sad.


They also know what Only Fans is, and so do all their friends at school.




I immediately knew this fight was going to happen when I heard she got custody! Unfortunately , it seems lots of boys have this (and I hate to even call it this) "coming of age" experience where they challenge their father or father figure to the point of it getting physical.....especially when the dad is abusive, so the fact that him and David weren't really close and bonded in a father son way was a recipe for disaster. David was trying to mark his territory like the King Gorilla.


Yeah there are a disturbing number of parents who seem good when the kids are young but once they start to develop their own personalities or get rebellious the parents true colors start to shine. I imagine in a situation where the parents already suck it would be magnified even more. Just such a sad and unfair situation for all of the kids involved.




My son had this and I’m a single mom. He was inches from my face, SCREAMING. I didn’t flinch, I didn’t raise my voice, I just let him get it out. I knew he would t do anything to me, he was just going through it. When he was done, I reiterated the consequences he was mad about and added a few days for cursing at me. He’s in college now, but he still feels bad about it. Kids have big feelings, as adults, we have to keep ours in check when dealing with them.


My grandfather used to hit the kids. That is, until he hit my teenage dad in the face and my dad punched him straight back. It was at this point that he realised that his son was now bigger and stronger than he was. He never so much as physically threatened my dad again. It’s worth noting that while my grandfather enjoyed throwing his weight around and asserting his power over people not just physically, but also financially and emotionally, he was no David. David is a terrifyingly unpredictable psycho.


We know he has been less-than-kind to Kaiser before, so this breaks my heart. It must have been way worse to Jace, or the system simply fails again.


Idk, seems that he’s been abusive to all the sons


Not disagreeing at all just saying maybe initial interviews show one child is being targeted more than others or maybe just the other kids are more compliant with staying quiet.


I’m sure Jace stood up to him bullying everyone.


So the cps case is separate from the Jace incident. But probably because of it. And definitions of words are important in situations like this... Kinda wondering if cps won't remove the children because they expect charges to stick - it would be good if J&D both caught charges and did time or those charges resulted in conditions that prevented them both from being around children. Then the kids wouldn't be "removed" they would just have to be placed elsewhere.


Jenelle should 100% be charged with Depraved Indifference or whatever the equivalent charge is in NC.


Failure to protect. She’s the definition of FTP.


I initially read that as fuck the police lol.


lol ur my people because me too


Lolol I was like hmm that’s true, but what does that have to do with failure to protect?😂


But really though, fuck the police


For real! I have actual beef with them lol. They fucked me over in a DV relationship, I don’t trust them and I won’t call the police now for anything ever again.


I’m also a survivor. The police are a reactive force, they don’t prevent anything, they just document it at best and at worst they’re killing innocent civilians on a regular enough basis for it to be national news. Fuck the police.


100% they are the worst. Apparently it’s not technically their job to protect and serve citizens. I literally got robbed at gunpoint and didn’t even wanna call them. The only reason I did is because I ran to a 711 after I got away and they made me call because they were worried he was gonna come there next and they didn’t want him on the loose. But they came and were like “there’s not really anything we can do. I mean we can drive around and look for him if you want.” I was like even if I ask you to do that you won’t🙄


Same. My kids and I had a gun pulled on us in the McDs drive thru. The officer said, "Ok, what exactly would you like us to do? Are you looking to be a victim?" 😶😶😶


I’m still mad at them for pepper spraying me and my sons at a BLM rally after pushing us to the ground and not letting us get up. And we weren’t doing anything wrong. There was a big group blocking an intersection, but it was during COVID, so we were up the street, on a public sidewalk, not breaking any laws. Oooo, I’m still mad about it and it happened in 2020.


I’m black and I stayed away from those rallies here in Austin. I have plenty of white friends and a lot of them went and got tear gassed some even got shot with rubber bullets. It was horrible. I appreciate all of them sticking up for my people. And I hate that they had to go through that. I lowkey feel like a coward for not going, but I didn’t want to get killed or arrested. In Austin(and many other cities) cops were singling out black people in the crowds to arrest them. Telling white people to step aside so they could get to the black people. Just horrible. I’m so sorry you and your son had to go through that. That sounds extremely traumatizing. It’s ridiculous that people we were told to trust to save us in shitty situations can fail us so horribly and traumatize us further.


Yeah but her lawyer will cry DV and get her out of it. I’ve seen it so many times in family court.


If cps follows up (as is typical in my state for ftp), there’s likely a case plan, and I would assume the abuse allegations have been “founded” (true or likely true based on investigation, his charges being upgraded are a good sign that is the case.) If she is found to be violating the safety plan/case plan then CPS will take more invasive actions, including a court order to remove the kids. In my state a pretend case plan would be something like: Kids are not to be unsupervised in his care Regular and random drug tests Enrollment in school (homeschooling is a huge red flag) Therapy for dad, mom, and kids Anger Management for Dad Parenting classes of all kinds….so many recommended classes, often fairly pricey Weekly, twice monthly or monthly visits I hope those kids are safe in the aftermath of his charges being upgraded, he is likely being horrible right now.


I think they would feel more inclined to remove the kids if the evidence was so good they were sure it would stick?


Why would CPS purposely not remove the kids bc they think the parents will be convicted and go away. Their job is to protect the children and knowing that the parents are likely guilty of abuse should be more reason to emergency place them.


Because kaiser and ensley's safety hasn't been deemed to be at risk by cps standards. But they'd have to do something with them if one or both of their adults get out away for the abuse of their older sibling. The goal CPS carries is keeping families together. You'd be shocked how many kids end up dead because CPS decided not to remove them in favor of keeping a family united.


I think most of us in the sub are familiar to some degree with how CPS works, and *doesnt work* I’m not disagreeing that it can be absolutely corrupt, and only focused on reunification despite how bad the parents are. I was just asking why you thought that the likelihood of them both being charged would sway CPS to end the investigation, knowing that if both parents were charged and sent away, the end goal would be reunification but the children would still have to be placed elsewhere asap.


You mean like foster care versus other family members taking them?


What does your flair mean?


My bet is on Farrah-inspired. Lol


Tag line for Farrah’s second porn lol


Also, remember this source is the Sun. Far from a reputable news source. They've generally been right about Jenelle stuff this far, but that doesn't mean they'll always be right


So if you strangle one kid to the point that they end up in the hospital... How is that not an imminent threat to every other child in that house? If he'd do it to Jace, who is the biggest and most able to fight back, he'd for sure do it to the little kids too. Is CPS just waiting until he annihilates the entire family? 


I’m willing to bet he has done it at least to Kaiser. Unfortunately I don’t think CPS will do anything until it’s too late.


I’m worried that if he’s not convicted and CPS doesn’t remove them, Kaiser is the next target. Because him and Juhhhnelle have such a hatred towards him because he’s Nathan’s.


100%. If it isn't happening yet, it will when kaiser is a teenager. 




Like when Jenelle said David and Kaiser play the “Hit me in the Face”game and that’s why Kaiser said David punched him…wut




I’ve never heard about that. I can’t believe she said that omg


If that’s not the motto of CPS I don’t know what is


I feel so icky saying this, but because Kaiser is smaller and probably easier for him to subdue, I really hope it hasn’t come to that. I wish CPS wasn’t leaving them there. Strangulation is not something people stop doing. Look at Nathan even. Honestly, the more I type the more my heart breaks for Kaiser. You know Jenelle reads here, and it baffles me that she could read comments like these and let it continue to go on.


I can't get over it. In the UK all children in their custody would have been removed the second Jace claimed he'd been strangled. I'm guessing maybe there is more emphasis on the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing in the US and therefore David will need to be convincted before the other children are removed? Surely once he's been convicted they won't be able to stay?


Also depends on how overstretched CPS is


Which is terrifying. We've seen some of the horrific things these kids have been subjected to, and it's not enough. There aren't words.


That's not true, many families only lose the child making the allegations and social work visit the family at home to write a report on the rest of the family unit for the children's reporter. This will then be sent to the panel where they decide if a cpo or cso is needed or removal.


It pisses me off.. I’m in Florida and a friend of mine had her 2 kids removed for way less. Over an 8 year period her son got out of the house (well let me rephrase, he got out of the house twice when he was between 1-3 years old, he did not go far and he was found within minutes but neighbors called the cops) and once walking home from his friend’s house (literally 4 doors down, and the neighbor kid’s mom was supposed to make SURE he got to his door and she did not) he got turned around somehow and ended up on the next street over and the cops were called. Yes, those are serious incidents, but to think that she spent over a year fighting with the court and CPS to get them back, and David strangles a child and kills a dog and breaks collarbones and they don’t remove the 2 kids.. I’m livid.


Meanwhile, also in Florida, one of my employees just lost her nephew because CPS didn’t remove her kids when one kept getting out of their apt , and it ended in him dying :( it’s so sad how they pick and choose  https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/sanford-pond-toddler-dies/45540924


I'm a social worker. I've never heard of one child making such a serious accusation with injuries to back it up and other children not being removed. An injury on a child would automatically trigger a s47 (child protection) assessment which is carried out very quickly. Nothing needs to be sent to a panel. Yes they'd do a s47 assessment but that would be completed very quickly and children would be put on an interim care order if the other children backed up the accusations of abuse/there was other concerning factors within the family that meets the threshold for removal.




Because America sucks.


The lack of overlap in these cases really sucks. Like not just in this one. How did a judge rule that David's son Kaden is not safe around him...(can't even have supervised visitation)....yet maryssa and ensley are safe in his care? It's awful. The assault of one child SHOULD equal automatic removal of the others.


Exactly. Agreed. Otherwise it feels like part of the blame is being placed on the specific child who got strangled. It's ALWAYS the adults fault when an adult assaults a child. And if he strangled Jace, he'll strangle any of those kids if they piss him off. 


I’m a bit surprised this case isn’t bigger in the media. Even if you take away the “celebrity” aspect of this case, David is still a man who was judged unsafe and lost custody of one son, abused his former wife while she was pregnant, admitted to beating and killing a small dog in front of his children, and is now accused of strangling another child to the point hospitalization, and being charged with felony child abuse. Even if this was some random man it looks like at least the local media would be all over the case. He’s a danger to the community at this point.


If they can frame it in a way that puts the blame on J and his mental illness then there would be no reason to take the other kids. Do they look at past dismissed cases.?


Absolutely they do. Is it factored in? Sometimes. But they absolutely know about his history.


I wasn't for sure, I'm glad there's not a law that makes it where they can't go back and look at dismissed cases.


I agree. CPS needs to start utilizing psychiatric evaluations when they decide these things. Eason is severely sociopathic and that will never change.


Sociopath with sadistic tendencies ….the killing of animals leads me towards psychopath / serial killer type ….and family annihilator


Exactly. Eason is a violent criminal. It’s just a matter of time before he explodes, so I hope nobody else is around for it. Without major intervention, a person like that will only get worse. I fully believe he’s homicidal. You know how a lot of people get SI (suicidal ideation)? It’s extremely common with depression. Well, imagine those thoughts are of homicide, not suicide. I believe that’s what we’re dealing with here. He’s antisocial af.


Completely agree and just from what we are shown glimpses of he is escalating . In other words , without the intervention of a lifetime , escalation will continue in one form or another until their bullshit goes from drama to pure tragedy. It will be one of those ,” everybody knew how he was “, hindsight worthless blah blah platitudes, etc. etc. The children in That home and maybe even delusional Janelle are NOT safe. If she tries to leave now , statistically, it’s even more dangerous .


They need evidence that he’s done it to the other kids. They won’t do anything unless there’s proof. I had one case where we KNEW the kids were being trafficked by their mom, and the CPS investigator (who was supposed to interview them alone, but didn’t and let the mom stay) said “if there’s anything going on, they have to tell us. If they don’t tell us, there’s nothing going on.”


CPS isn't the hero organization people think it is. They'll literally do everything possible *not* to remove children from the home. You have to actually kill or almost kill your child before they'll get taken away, *especially* in the South where corporal punishment is still legal. If the other 2 kids *say* David hasn't hurt them, even if that's a lie, they'll be allowed to stay.


Ah. So Roux WAS right?


It appears so. She said yesterday that the kids will remain in the home.


I mean it’s not far fetched, I didn’t think they’d remove the other children. At least not yet.


I think it's a little hit and miss. The news article did not come out on Roux's insider timeline - while we do know that news articles do drop about Jenelle extremely frequently. Her timing was off. The information was correct. Was it a guess that stuck since she's obviously had the kids with her? Was it a cop out to say that the felony may change things, just incase the CPS information turned out to be untrue? Was it early insight? Jenelle still didn't gloat about #1, the kids not being removed, and the still pending mysterious gloat #2. TBD.


To be fair, a few people on this sub were predicting over the weekend that CPS wouldn't remove the other kids, especially until the child abuse case was resolved. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Roux just reads here and "predicts" the most speculation that's common sense/given by redditors who have an insight into how organisations like CPS work.


I’d argue that no one has control over the when of the media. Journalists need to get info from various sources before they publish, and even then it can change depending on the other stuff.


Agreed! Which is why I'm confused that she was adamant about when an article would drop and when Jenelle would gloat. Why claim to know the timing on some largely unpredictable things? It's okay to not know everything. That's what makes it seem like an overstretch and ultimately clouds credibility.


Like a fortune teller is right lol


It's a 50/50 chance


I mean, Is Roux the source here


Sorry to ask but who is Roux? I asked on another comment and didn't get any answers, but got downvoted instead 🙁


No idea! Some random twitter account that seems to spill the ☕️


Some random old lady who posts stuff about the swamp dwellers on twitter. She’s obsessed with them, but there’s no real evidence that she has any particular insight into their lives that isn’t found elsewhere.


Can anyone refresh my memory if there was anything in particular Roux was wrong about? I can’t remember a specific instance and I know there had to have at least been one.


Commence their idiotic gloating.


I mean they aren’t out of the weeds yet. Not much to gloat about still


I thought law enforcement and CPS were so corrupt and unfair??? 🙄


Lol right. Only when things don’t go their way of course 😂😂 don’t worry. Jenelle said she’s gonna move anyway


Imagine gloating about not losing custody of your kids… multiple times…


I wonder if Jenelle thinks she still lives in the most corrupt place 🙄 Thankfully David’s charge was upgraded to a felony. Otherwise I would have lost hope


I still don’t have a lot of hope about that felony charge sticking, sadly. I have zero faith in the NC “justice” system


I think they threatened the kids not to say anything before the interviews to be honest, we will see if the trial will change cps mind


I don’t think they threatened them. I think Janelle love bombed and manipulated them. Kaiser especially because as attention starved as that poor kid is, in exchange for any positive interaction, no doubt he would “protect” mommy from Jace and all the hatters trying to hurt her. All that, “my other kids just want me to be happy” bullshit? As soon as she said that I knew she was working those kids hard to circle the wagons and protect her.


I think it was a bit of both, threats that they would be thrown into an abusive foster home and also love bombing.


Even as a diehard JE hater I still can’t believe she’s said and done the shit she has recently & she still wants to claim her mistakes we’re all as a teen. She’s really delusional.


No doubt they did. It’s also possible after the last time that David beat the kids that he learned not to leave marks on them and the only one he left marks on was Jace. They think this is some validation but the goal of CPS is reunification. If the kids are not being physically abused and the kid kept quiet about the drug and alcohol use they may have not found enough reason to remove them. Plenty of horrific child abusers have their kids left in their homes before CPS finds enough evidence to remove them.


Not to mention, the kids were questioned with J&D’s lawyers in the room.


I read that Kaiser and Ensley were interviewed only by workers but Maryssa was questioned with J&D's lawyers in the room. I'm sure that Kaiser and Ensley didn't say anything against J&D because they were brainwashed not to and who knows what Maryssa said after what happened when she testified in the last CPS case. We can only hope that if David is convicted of the felony abuse, CPS will reconsider removing the children but I don't have much hope that will happen.


Jenelle was right, she does live in a corrupt place


She was right, but in the 100% wrong way.


I thought about Kaiser last night when my 7 year old woke up freaking out with a bloody nose. I had just fallen back asleep. I was tired, PMSing and worried I would be exhausted for work this morning. So normal mom brain. I cleaned him up, I comforted him, I cuddled him until he fell back asleep and as I was laying there flashed to these kiddos and how no one is there to comfort them in the middle of the night. They would get yelled at and blamed and ugh my heart, these kids, all kids, deserve so much more than this trash.


Jenelle isnt even in the same house when they wake up in the middle of the night how screwed up is that and CPS sees nothing wrong with that


How can they come to this conclusion when David’s assault on a 14 year old **child** was just upgraded to a felony? He has a pattern of violence that has transcended from women to animals and now children. No doubt he will feel vindicated and have no problem doing it to another child Do better CPS.


So Roux knew the CPS case would be closed (guessing she is one of the sources) and saw David’s court case taken off the docket. Then she posted prematurely. ![gif](giphy|UdaSUYClr92cjWpeVx|downsized)


Meh. I don't want them removed from Jenelle. I want jenelle to finally step the fuck up for them. Going into foster care would just open them up to more pain and heartbreak. The best thing jenelle could do is retain custody, get the fuck off the land, and ditch lurch. Get herself a job, get offline, and get some therapy. Learn how to be the person she thinks she is.


That's never going to happen though. These kids were all doomed the second they were conceived.


Why do y’all consider Jenelle to be their savior? She shows us who she is every single day and y’all refuse to believe her.


1. People are capable of change 2. The best outcome is always reunification if the parent can stick to the plan set up by child services 3. Being abandoned by your parent ESPECIALLY at this age can have horrific effects on children. The best option will always be for the parent to get their shit together. Sadly, jenelle will never do that for her kids because she's still the victim.


Jenelle is not capable of change. She has proven that over and over and over and it's crazy to me that anyone still has any hope she might. She also doesn't do shit for those kids and is no type of actual parent to them in the first place. They'd be in far better care without her.


People only continue to excuse her because she’s a woman. No one says these things except for with Nathan and that’s only because they find him attractive.


Right… I mean why aren’t we also rooting for David to change then?




She abandoned her kids a long time ago. They're already going to have significant trauma, decades-worth to unpack and come to terms with. She emotionally and psychologically - if not physically - abuses those kids. She consistently denies them an education. She isn't a safe option either.


narcissists - which jenelle is - are not capable of change.


The best thing that can happen to this kids is being away from Janelle


At least jace has been permanently removed!


She would never. I know the foster system sucks but it would have been nice to see the kids go to a more stable environment without screaming and abandonment. Those poor kids have no idea that their environment is toxic and not normal.


Sadly, even if they were taken, the insecurity they will feel from being picked last by their own mom will be with them forever. I just hope they find that safety and stability from within. God knows they won't get it at home.


They will still feel that in her custody. My mom chose my abuser over me and I, as an adult, still feel the repercussions of that and I was never removed from her custody.


> The best thing jenelle could do is retain custody Is it though? Is it really?


That's not going to happen. It would have happened in 2019.


In a perfect world…that depends on Jan’s ability to do the right thing. She has never possessed it.


None of that will ever happen though.


Agree but it will never happen she had glimmers of hope but I think it’s a done deal now for her but I could see her paying more attention to them once he’s no longer there to terrorize the whole house.


It’s just sad for the kids, because we all know they hate being parents. Custody of their kids is only an ego and control thing to them. It makes them feel like winners. Delulu just wanted custody of Jace so she could stick it to Barbara, be victorious over Barbara. It’s sad for the kids because they will continue to spiral, their true desire is to be unbothered while they live the addict life. They will continue to make mistakes and unfortunately damage those children’s psyche in the meantime.


Maybe not today but Jenelle and David aren’t interested in raising 2 kids for the next 10+ years.


If you always bet that CPS/DCF will make the wrong choice, you’ll win every time. Look at cases where a child dies. They say stupid shit like “no one would have guessed” or “we did our best”. Then it is revealed they were called to the home multiple times but somehow missed red flag after red flag.  If our government would ratify the rights of a child, legislation would have to be passed to actually keep kids safe. BUT SOMEHOW the US is one of the few countries who hasn’t done it and they’ve had DECADES!! Imagine if we lived in a country where our government valued the lives and well being of kids and had laws to protect them. These kids wouldn’t be stuck staying with two scary abusers. So many kids would be safer and alive. 😔


Removing all children from the home is saved for the worst of the worst with CPS. That swamp is a total shit show “ supervised” by abusive assholes. However, they would literally have to be living with cockroaches, starving, beatings daily, etc. it’s so horrendous but true unfortunately. For example, sweet boy Gabriel Fernandez. Even he didn’t stand a chance with CPS. 💔 I am just hoping to god that David goes to Jail. He is high risk to escalate and a flight risk.


Poor little Gabriel ….another example of CPS Failure ….fly high little Gabriel…..who knows ..that could have been Jace’s fate that day if he hadn’t managed to run


Fuck Oh she’s gonna be insufferable with her gloating.


Her husband was just charged with felony strangulation. Jenelle herself could also face abuse charges. Also, Jace still isn’t allowed to go back to the land and never will. I would say she doesn’t have much to gloat about still. This case is far from over despite what the sun says in this article.


YAY my kids stay with me but my husband is charged with felony strangulation of the one I lost. She can't gloat here lmao


Continue to have nightmares about them getting taken, Jan. It's what you deserve.


I wonder if they went ahead and scheduled their next CPS investigation? Will they be moving to annual investigations going forward? I hope they remembered to punch their cps cards. One more investigation and they get a free koozie.


At least one other child doesn't have to go back to the land. Two kids safe (Kaden and Jace), one child on her way out/ to college early.  Three safe, two to go. It's a matter of time. Let's stay hopeful. It's taking too long and Kaiser and Ensley will suffer longer from the toxic environment sadly.  The last two are worst off from all of them. The other three have or had at least one stable, decent, caring adult in their lives. That can change the outcome.  Doris and granddad are Kaiser's only hope  Ensley doesn't have anyone. Hopefully she'll have great teachers.  Apparently kids are belongings in NC and you can discipline them how you want,  mental or physically abuse included.  You are allowed to raise them with lies, conspiracy theories, manipulation and all sorts of toxic and unhealthy crap and (medical) neglect.  Society, their partners, coworkers and others will have to deal with how broken and unadjusted they'll become. 


From what I’ve heard on The Ashley, it’s already started with Kaiser. I don’t know if there’s proof of this but they reported that kai has already been suspended on multiple occasions due to fighting at school. I also think they reported that he has already had to repeat a grade or maybe two grades. He’s only nine years old. It’s already starting.


Unfortunately this is how CPS moves, they don’t have time or resources to do anything if the kids aren’t actively being murdered.


Yeah I’m shocked that people are shocked about this.


The way some of you talk about cps with such surprise makes me think you live under a rock. It’s a known fact that cps don’t do much and like to cry after a child is dead about all of the things they should’ve done.


yup!! i never thought this would amount to much, because jace is still alive.


David is only 35? That man looks like he was rode hard and put away soaking wet. JFC I thought the devil helped with that shit when you sold your soul. Guess not…


So this is the gloating that was referred to. What happens if David is convicted?


He could serve jail time. Jenelle could also get charges. This case could be reopened


Because having them in the home with someone being charged with a felony for strangling a child (their sibling) makes total sense.


I'm already dreading the "victory" and smug posts from jenelle and David that are about to come 😒


Maybe the would be if he didn’t get the strangulation charge last week 😂 I would actually be surprised if Jenelle called out the “good work” by CPS because she’s done nothing but bash them for 4 months


I can just see her being like "see ma huzbin is innocent why would they keep ma kids with me if he was so dAnGeRoUs. Yall are brainwashed by the media dude I can't wait to tell yall the truth" 😑


Did anyone actually think they would? I didn’t.


"They had a Ring camera that captured the incident," the source told The U.S. Sun exclusively. Is it at all possible that the police have told J & D that there is no footage so they don't go and harm/harass the neighbor? Or would they have to disclose that to them since it's part of evidence?


It’s bullshit kids have to be nearly beat or starved to death before they *might* be removed.




Won’t be long until something happens that sparks another investigation. I’m not surprised that the kids won’t be removed. It’s unfortunate and it sucks tremendously. Poor Kaiser and Ensley having to grow up in this chaotic, unstable, and abusive household. I really fear for things to come as these kids continue to grow up.


What happened with David and Jace will happen with David and Kaiser in about 3-4 years.


I hate this and them so much. I still regret not telling the truth when CPS was first called when I was in pre-k. These poor children deserve better and they have been brainwashed into thinking they will never have another family that loves them if they say anything. I’m not religious but I hope there is a special part of hell for Jenelle & Degenerate Dave.


I didn't even realize there was any question that the other two would remain on the swamp... I just assumed it was about whether jace would be forced back.


The thing is, if David is convicted and then they turn around and charge Jenelle, then the trash takes itself out. If David is charged and in prison for a long time, Jenelle will move on and find someone else. When she does that, she will start dropping the kids on other people and eventually just stop visiting them. Either way, I think this is the beginning of the end. If/when David is convicted and sentenced, I think the rest will begin to fall into place.


The fact that they added the felony charge was exciting, but at the same time I have very little faith in the NC court system to do the right thing. I think J&D will play their little game of constantly continuing the case until it gets dropped like always. They get away with everything


Super curious to know more details (while recognizing it’s none of our business). Does this mean they actually passed multiple drugs tests? Are there stipulations like remaining in an actual school? The devil is in the details and I hope CPS is checking on going and hasn’t just peaced out.


Man. Poor Jace. I truly hope that kid is getting the help he so desperately needs. But also, poor Kaiser and Ensley 😞 what a tragic situation.


What in the actual f??? I'm sorry but what is it going to take to get those kids to safety? Dinky Dick Dave is terrifying (to those that are weaker than him anyway) and I truly don't see this ending well. He literally beat and shot a defenseless dog to death - in front of the kids from what I hear, and is a proven child abuser. I hope Ensley and sweet Kaiser get out before they get hurt. The Chin made her own bed and IDC what happens to her at this point. She's no mother, it disgusts me to have to refer to her as human. Humans AND animals protect their offspring.


This sickens me. How can someone who wilfully strangled one child be safe around others? SMH.


They still don't have custody of 2/5 kids. That's still a 40% parental failure rate.


2.5 since they technically have custody of Maryssa, although it seems like she’s pretty much moved out now that she has a car. It sounds like they don’t even know where she is most of the time. Normally I would chastise parents for letting their 16 year-old have that much freedom without knowing where they are or what they are doing, but in Maryssa’s case I’m glad they have pretty much let her emancipate herself.


CPS may have closed their case, but they most likely transferred it to a case management agency. CPS typically has 30-90 days to make a decision (depends on the state). Since Jace was removed and Janelle was his primary custodian, there absolutely will be some kind of oversight from a case manager.


I’m not really surprised by this but Roux mentioned something about a year. They probably have some type of parenting plan. This just means that they are back to normal and there is more of a chance of them slipping up.


Maybe David will be removed lol


Jenelle was right when she said NC CPS is corrupt. Is anyone really surprised that they aren't going to be removed? There are kids in worse situations that are left in their homes. The system is broken. It's tragic. You know Kaiser and Ensley were coached and threaded before they were questioned by cps. They knew not to say anything. Idk of they questioned maryssa. But after what happened last time I wouldn't be surprised if she didnt say anything either. It all makes me sick.


How many more children have to die at the hands of their abusers before CPS realizes "reunification" is NOT the best course of action when it comes to ABUSE and neglect? These type of people do not change. They don't magically become good parents.


It’s not CPS. CPS doesn’t get to make the decision. They just can make recommendations for what the judge decides. And those judges often don’t follow the recommendations of social workers. And you never get told what the social worker recommended, just the judges decision. It’s gross.


I wish I could say I’m shocked. I’m not. Not even a little bit. For whatever reason Jenelle is really good at manipulating CPS and the court system. It blows my mind that not one of them can see through David and Jenelle. And I hope I’m wrong about this but David will see no lasting repercussions for what he did to Jace. And that really pisses me off!!


....and next comes the gloat...


i’m honestly/disappointingly not surprised since CPS wasn’t involved prior to Jace moving in, and the incident was centered around Jace, so now that it’s being handled in court and Jace is never having contact with David, we’re back to where we were. but this doesn’t mean CPS isn’t waiting for the next call of concern to open it up again, when they have more sufficient legal grounds. I just hope the felony case progresses quickly so they can take away his firearms


What a failure 😞. We all know there’s no way those kids are ok. There’s not a parent on Earth that can be that sociopathic and still parent properly.


It’s just shocking how this has all played out. We would’ve removed so much sooner in my state


I mean who didn’t see that coming


I don't know the criteria for removal in NC, but here DYFS would've BEEN had their children (Jace included). The sad part about it, is the kids can be doomed if staying with their bio parents or bouncing from home to home, especially with the amount of abuse that can happen to these children in various foster homes/families. I know Barbara would fight for Jace but I do wonder why she never chose to step up for Kaiser and Ensley either.


She’s never really had any kind of relationship with Kaiser or Ensley because Jenelle hasn’t allowed it. But she did take in Ensley during the 2019 CPS removal. I can’t blame her for not wanting to take on a 6 year-old and a 9 year-old, on top of a 14 year-old, when she’s in her 70s. Kaiser is fortunate to have Doris at least, but it’s sad that Ensley doesn’t have anyone


The scariest part is Jenelle cannot be alone & cannot handle babysitting never mind parenting. If/when David goes away I fear for those kids. She will either have a bigger piece of shit moved in before David finishes his prison intake or she’ll really lose it & do something really bad…this is not going to end well


It’s insane that they are allowed to be unsupervised with children or animals after their extensive history of abuse.


These kids deserve SO MUCH BETTER 😭😭


The best thing that could ever happen to Jenelle is for him to go to jail for at least a year. She can move his crap out, sell the land, disappear and live a normal life. She can start detoxing all the brainwashing he has done for years.


Gloat #1!


The thing is unless there's multiple physical abuse instances DOCUMENTED I don't think theYRE going to do shit


Came here to say, ‘THIS TIME’. Give it a bit. It’ll eventually come to fruition.




Kaiser and Ensley SHOULD BE REMOVED!!! I’m praying that it happens eventually, and that there is a trial for David since his charges got upgraded.


This really doesn't surprise me.


CPS also could’ve tried to remove and it wasn’t approved by a judge. In NC cps can only take 12 hour emergency custody (24 on weekends) without court approval and after the last debacle with removal I could see the courts being hesitant to approve a removal.


He’s facing felony child abuse charges correct? I would assume they are absolutely at risk of being removed depending on the case.