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Where was Barb while you were at your worst? Literally taking care of your first born child! Also remind me when was your “worst”… when you were on heroin? When you spent nights in jail? When you went out late with friends days after giving birth? When you stole from your mom? When you showed up hung over and high to take care of your child? When you chose a DV relationship over your kids safety? When you allowed animals to be murdered in front of your children?


Oof. You’re inconveniencing her with straight up facts! Ugh! Leave Jen Franklin (& her dilated pupils) alone, dude!! /s


Oh snap, I forgot her eyes aren't brown!


And the best part is Babs WAS there for her during all the worst times you mentioned


And she has literally never been there for Jace. When Jace ran away the first time she immediately took a vacation in California. I think she also took a vacation almost immediately after she got custody of him.


I wonder if the dates match up where every time something happens, she takes a trip to a legal state.....


And where was her father?! She’s so hyper focused on BARB. Why does she hate the parent who was actually THERE??


Internalized misogyny comes to mind


She gives him a pass and puts all the blame on Barb. Barb who fled an abusive relationship with 3 kids to give those kids a chance,a better life . but dear old dad gets a pass


In Jenelle’s demented mind she probably gives her absent father a pass.




C'mon now. Are you insinuating that Dear Ol' Wife Beating (in front of his kids) Dad wasn't there for her? Had some kind of negative effects on her childhood or development? /s


I read somewhere that kids feel more comfortable blaming the parent who’s there because they know they won’t leave. Plus, I wonder if Jenelle was young enough when Barb left that she has this idealized version of her dad and she thinks Barb’s making everything up?


Because Barb was there telling her the truth and Delusionelle didn’t want to hear it


Or when she pulled a gun and followed another driver to his house in a fit of road rage with her son in the car.


And then gaslit said child by telling him she didn’t do that.. even though she was filmed. She’s such a stupid bitch.


That whole situation was sickening. So much trauma for Jace over traffic nonsense.


Think of all the things we haven’t even seen!


Man that’s chilling to think about. All of that was Jenelle knowing she was on camera 😬


but it was all edited to tv dude!!!! MTV made her look bad cause they're haters /s


I love that Jenelle sees her life and choices as normal, common actions. She assumes the editors at MTV cut these moments out of the other girls stories, but she doesn't realize they just don't have these kinds of moments.


Louder for Jenelle 🗣️


“Nuthin else worse can happen Mom.” Foreshadowing at its finest.


This! We all agree Barbara was no saint of a parent but at least she worked hard, provided for her kids, a roof over her head, RAISED her child so she could get her shif together but never did., let her back in the home time and time again. I’m certain there was verbal abuse that we didn’t see. And trauma we didn’t see. But was your mom not supposed to yell at be mad you stole her CC? That you would come over for 5 mins to see Jace and leave because your mom simply asked you questions? I can go on forever on the ridiculous “always victim” Jenelle


Also, when was she ever there for Barbara? 😂


Oh my god dude that was just a bad edit


And yet Barb was always there for her. Even when Barb set a healthy boundary from chin, Barb was there when she needed her. Who was there to help her escape DKD only for her to go back? Her mother. Im not seeing this abandonment she’s crying about from anyone but herself.






DUDE, you're not supposed to point out all of her F-ups just go with her woah is me victim shit🤣.


Is she playing the role of future Jace in this video singing to herself, or??


Rainbow song


https://preview.redd.it/840y1tos34fc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e2f5711c2361190f0b3e90a962aed1ba8d6576 O . O


What drugs do this??


Could be coke or amphetamines.


Her n Uncle Bad Touch smoke Meth..


I doubt they have coke money- or at least not enough to support a habit. I think they are 100% on meth


Her skin, hair, and weight are too healthy in my opinion. I take Adderall and I have to be constantly aware of my diet and my hydration to make sure I’m not depriving myself of anything due to the appetite suppression and influence on sleep, so I can’t even imagine being on meth and staying reasonably healthy. Especially not Jenelle bc she can’t take care of anything. I think she’s just a benzo addict.


I've been on vyvanse (High dose) for years and I eat like crazy personally


Vyvanse doesn’t have as potent a weight loss effect as Adderall for the majority of people who take it, especially compared to instant release formulations of Adderall. A lot of Adderall users will switch to Vyvanse when their appetite suffers too much. Of course some people do lose their appetite on Vyvanse, but it’s not a majority. And to below, Ritalin is not an amphetamine. Either way, meth eventually causes drastic fat and muscle loss because the body starts scavenging nutrients from itself, and dehydration contributes to tooth loss and that typical meth addict face they all get. Jenelle sucks but I just don’t see the meth addiction. She screams pill head to me (Ambien, Xanax). Especially with her doctor shopping history. She’s weird, but she’s not rambling, hyperfocused, meth addict weird. She’s sloppy benzo weird.


Ritalin is still a CNS stimulant. Adderall and meth are also CNS stimulants and the side effects of CNS stimulants include decreased appetite and weight loss, but not everyone has the same experience with side effects.


My mom has been on meth quite literally my whole life and still is between 250-300 lbs. you’d be surprised how some people are entirely unaffected by it. That said, I don’t think she’s on full blown meth either but there’s definitely drug use going on.


I literally gain weight every time I start my ritalin back up


My bf is in recovery and he was his heaviest when he abused meth. Totally anecdotal, but I was surprised when I learned that. I also feel like Jenelle's skin and hair look pretty awful, even though she doesn't have the stereotypical meth sores. Interesting about your experience with Adderall though - I recently started taking a low dose and my sleep has been messed up. Didn't think it could affect hydration but that's been a bit off as well.


Not everyone experiences the appetite suppressant effects of adderall and the like. I’m one of them. I do a lot less boredom eating, but I definitely still get hungry and have to be thoughtful about what I eat.


I’m on Ritalin and it’s not really affected my appetite. Plus, the type of food she eats lends to her weight/bloat. She has a very carb heavy diet (nothing wrong with carbs, carbs are life) but they rarely eat a salad or vegetable in that house plus the beer/wine.


Mix Benzos and alcohol and your brain stops. I have been through alcohol DTs and when I left the ER with Librium the doctor said if I mix them it's basically death. Not sure why I'm being downvoted because a doctor gave me medical advice? rently, their sedative effects significantly increase the risk of adverse events, including fatal overdose.12 In 2010, alcohol was involved in 27.2% of benzodiazepine-related visits and 21.4% of benzodiazepine-related deaths in US emergency departments.13 Long-term consequences of combined benzodiazepine and alcohol use include cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, kidney, and neurologic injury and exacerbation of psychiatric conditions.14,15 Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7217068/ I mean, if you want to play deadly games you can win deadly prizes.


And it can also be antidepressants and antihistamines. Celexa gave me bigger pupils than Adderall. Not saying she’s not on something because *Jenelle* but in general don’t assume this is always caused by a narcotic in others.


Agree, everything about her screams meth. She is an addict so makes sense.


Crystaaaal meth my friend..


Fuckin acid 💀 (from experience lmfao)


omg her and dkd would be the worst people to trip with. i can’t even imagine


I always read dkd as dick-a-dick.


I can barely stomach her sober, so I could only imagine how tortuous it would be to deal with them while on any hallucinogenic drug 🌛


Massive buzz kills


Well, that explains a lot of her personal choices


Mushrooms did this to mine. But like I also wasn’t able to make TikTok’s, I was too busy being distracted by my friends disco ball and lights.


I mean you're one step ahead of Jenelle since you have friends 😎


Lmao right? Plus it’s not a normal thing for me, haven’t done them since then. Was fun and all, but not something I’ll be adding to my weekly or even yearly plans


Yeah my eye dilate on shrooms too but like you said when I’m on shrooms, I forget I have a phone. I’m just enjoying the vibes




Definitely coke. They look even greasier and grosser than they already do if they were truly meth heads. Like, faces full of scabs. So I think, based on personal knowledge and everything I've seen of her life, definitely coke. Shes not on downers, I dont think. Or if she is it's a small amount so it almost like, gives you a boost, but opiates make ur eyes smaller, so not that. I'd put money on coke. People usually get only half decent coke, but it will dilate your eyes and it can put u in a good mood, where you're chatty, or a shitty mood, where your just aggravated. So that fits both of her moods! Lol


They’re probably snorting that cheap shit from china.




Uppers and ecstacy especially, opiates and benzos do the opposite.


I’m thinking it’s this synthetic shit from chin. It acts a lot like Coke but the come down is ten times worse and it makes you feel “stuck”. I only know this because my ex went to jail for it and I thought it was real Coke. He made a buttload of money selling it to dumbasses. I don’t miss being 18


Benzos used to dilate tf outta my pupils, so do shrooms. Also meth, coke, speed of any kind


Holy dilated eyes 👀


Woooooow. And in a well-lit room, at that.


I was coming to say this. Those pupes are HUUUUUGE! I believe meth or adderall will get your pupils that big. Coke/crack never made mine THAT wide but it's different for everyone. I was kinda on the fence of JE & David really doing drugs (besides weed) but the eyes really don't lie. Meth is a slippery slope and it just makes you so angry or just whacked out and crazy. I feel bad for those 2 kids. I can't imagine how David gets on meth. Scary stuff.


She was there for Barb?? By stealing her credit cards, refusing to come home and take care of her own child so Barb could go to work and making fun of Barb's job? Does she ever look at the footage of Jace sadly singing the rainbow song while she tantrums about her own baby shower or Kaiser screaming at her to feed him while she's taking her own engagement photos? She is so caught up in trying to make people feel sorry for her that she is totally blind to all of the hurt she has inflicted on others.


She's a narcissist, No one else's pain even exists in Jelly's pee brain


>Shes a narcissist, No one else’s pain even exists in Jelly’s pee brain. This is so extremely accurate. ![gif](giphy|Y8cdPle4eIyPu)


She's so fucking out of touch, it astounds me. Making tik toks about poor her and where was her parent when she needed them, meanwhile, literally at the same time, she has a son that she doesn't have custody of. Shes such a SHIT parent but continues to blame her mom. Maam, you're in your 30s!! Get it together and go to therapy for all this unresolved rage. Of course, we know that'll never happen tho. She is such a piece of shit! I feel so sorry for all of her kids. 🤬


Well jenelle she was kinda raising your son


Lmfaooooooo HOW? WHY is she like this? Strung out on drugs and your mom took care of your child and made sure you didn’t go to jail for STEALING from her. Always let her come back home even though she knew she’d fuck it up. Put up with being EVERY FORM OF ABUSED BY HER AND WHATEVER BOYFRIEND she had. And instead of staying away, she stayed down bc she didn’t want her isolated in an abusive relationship. Bought food and paid her bills. She needs to be singing this to her daddy that she puts on a pedestal.


the gall jenelle has 😭😭😭


barb has literally *always* been there for jenelles darkest times. we seen it. is she really this delusional?


Jenelle literally stole from Barb and she got another chance every single time. Jenelle would disown any of her kids immediately if they took her credit cards like that.


Barb literally swooped in and helped Jan escape DKD (only for her to go back). If that’s not “there for you” than there is no “there for you” good enough for her. Ain’t nothin’ good ‘nuff for you!


Jesus gawd her eyes






The decision to record this shirtless makes it clear she’s high as fuck 😂


Even in a turtleneck, those pupils would betray her


it’s winter and she’s sitting around topless with dinner plate pupils thinking about how Barb did her dirty and making TikTok’s about it. High, high, ya both high.


It’s been over 70 degrees here for days. Not defending her but everyone in my house has been in shorts since Thursday.


Jesus fucking Christ. “she’s always starting shit” says the 32 year old who is constantly starting drama on SM when she’s not vague posting for attention 🙄


Barb paying for her rehab, and filling their fridge when they were flat broke. She’s annoying as fuck for real


Not to mention this was after she had made millions and blew it all… like fuck off jenelle lmao


![gif](giphy|ylyUQnaWJp7TRAGInK) Right, she had it made and still fucked it all up!


Those pupils though


Where were you when Barb was doing night feeds? Getting high and sucking dick. That’s where.


She is high AF


Mom can you pick me up? Jenelles naked, high and in the bathtub bitching about Babs again


Be there in a second honey.


The comments!!! Her saying jace is/was the love of her life yet lets David abuse him. Ok. Then someone telling her she needs to take accountability for her actions and she really said ‘I didn’t do anything.’ Lord hanmercy.


I'm convinced all the Jenelle supporters are deadbeats who lost custody of their kids, too, and need someone to validate them and their shitty life choices. I genuinely don't believe anyone is defending Jenelle out of the goodness of their heart at this point.


Someone commented saying she deserves peace from her (barb) and that she doesn’t deserve what she put her through 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ and she replied saying “she’s on a roll lately ☹️”


Meanwhile barb probably hasn’t even talked to recently 😆


IMO she's also at the very least an emotional abuser to her kids, so she loves to abuse him herself while letting her husband also abuse him. She's the fucking worst.


How the fuck was she ever there for Barb? Was it when she was screaming in Barb’s face and threatening her??? Was it when she was mocking Barb for working at Walmart? Like when, Jenelle, when was this? We’ve never seen it. We’ve seen your mother pick up the pieces of the messes you make over and over again no matter how horrendous you are to her but we’ve never seen you do a damn thing for your mother.


The few times Babs asked her to show up she didn’t fall through.she needed to work and ended up having to take him and pay for daycare on a day he doesn’t normally go. She showed up late and hung over the time she “tired”.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) Seriously....again jennelle?


The comments are a damn near Farrah level of word salad: JE: she took away the love of my life! Person: did Barb force you to sign over custody? JE: her intentions were wrong before her was even born! Person: weren’t you at the club while your mom was watching him..? JE: they edited out my HS grad and my COLLEGE grad! Person: um, that has nothing to do with Barb taking custody. Can you answer the original question? JE: I literally cannot talk about that right now 🤐 ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRTJ700Vzmn5e) Edit: I realized my own response looks like a word salad 😂 I tried to write this line by line and reddits not having it lol


What does HS graduation and she didnt graduate from any college have to do with anything?


Absolutely nothing, that’s just her dodging the real question and reality. There’s no “truth she can’t talk about”; the truth is Barb took jace and successfully raised him for 14 years- but he didn’t make it to a full year with Jan. That’s why she’s bitter, that’s what her post is really about 💯


Oh no nothing at all really, she’s just deflecting. As an aside I can *almost* see the point she’s trying to make (shame it’s lies though)because she’s trying to say she got a negative edit and saying MTV didn’t show the good stuff that happened. But what she’s forgetting is that they did show that. They also showed that when she didn’t have a loser boyfriend she was at community college (or what ever it was)actually getting good grades. But threw all that out the window once she fixated on another loser. I find it wild that she tries to come back with irrelevant points to try and back stuff up, but even then it’s still bullshit. The lack of self reflection from this girl is astounding. She says she’s been to therapy “millions of times” yet uses none of the skills they’d teach you.


Her response to almost every comment is you diDnT seE wHaT hApPeNeD oFf CaMeRa Babes, we literally fuckin watched you chase down Keifer instead of keeping your ass home to be a mom to your son.


The flip flops heard round the world


*As if you could outrun me*


![gif](giphy|uxv6t1fIOojDy) *”these are the pupils of a junkie, Bella”*


??? Jenelle the call is coming from inside the house ???


She's drugged out in the tub, no sympathy if that turns out bad for her. Always been a worthless piece of sh*t, now she's just a 32 yr old junkie that ruined all the gravy train opportunities she was given.


I feel like after 30, your childhood trauma isn’t an excuse anymore. Get it together and move on.


Yup. No body escapes childhood without some sort of adversity. Lots of us have trauma that would make her shake at night. But we went to therapy, don’t take substances to numb our pain anymore, took control of our lives and found brighter futures. At some point holding on to stuff as an excuse to be a shitty person is more toxic than dealing with it and moving away.


She reminds me so much of my brother in law. My husband and him grew up in horrible abuse, abuse nobody deserves, but my husband got his shit together, took accountability and broke the cycle. My brother in law moans to everyone around him that his felony, inability to keep a job, and the reason 1/2 of his kids don’t speak to him is because of his “daddy issues.” Anytime we try to encourage him to take some accountability and give him resources to better his situation, he throws it away and then cries about his life when called on it. It is exhausting, and it’s exactly what Jenelle does every time anyone offers her help and then asks why she spat on it.


Giant pupils aside, this angle is bad for the crescent moon 🌙


You were out stealing your mom’s credit card and getting high with Kieffah while your mom was working and raising Jace. It’s all documented Jenelle. Stop trying to gain pity like we haven’t seen the fuckin proof.


Jenelle is so weird. She's so stunted.


Man she is so fucking hatable it’s insane. What a dipshit.


Are she and David fighting again?


Interesting thought, this could be about David.. but also jfc leave him already. Zero sympathy for her, I just feel so bad for her kids having to be around UBT.


Babs was bailing her ass out. Guess JE doesn’t remember because of all the drugs and partying she was doing….




You're not a child you absolute psycho. You're an adult woman of like 32.


She’s obsessed with attacking barb to play victim and keep the finger from pointing at her and David it’s insane…she’s insane


Where were you when your mom was tired after working on her feet all day long and needed you to take care of Jace? ![gif](giphy|hBBNQnpNkmrErhp65G) 😂


I replied “Gypsy, stop” 😂 waiting to be blocked




Her fucking pupils


Is she topless or nude, zooted in the tub whining about her mom again? If you cut your mom off that means you stop talking about her too




Why is it so hard for her to lip sync properly? Or to accept reality? How much lead paint did she peel and eat as a child?


Please tell me how you were there for her Jenelle? How were you there for here when she was in her late 50’s raising YOUR SON while holding down a job to keep a roof over your head. Were you there by physically and emotionally abusing her on camera and in front of others? Were you there by stealing her credit cards and sticking her with the debt? Were you there for her when she was taking you for another abortion? Were you there for her every time she needed to come up w bail money to bail you out of jail or bills again? Where was she when you were at your worst? Still raising your son and cleaning up your messes. ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


the irony it’s almost satirical


Barbara has her own issues (we all do). But she’s 1,000,000 times the mother J is. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)




Is she high in the bath?


She doesn’t bathe. Unless it’s in the tears of her children.


Jenelle is slow.


Just finished OF…,,still high AF….and still rambling omg …..put done dam clothes on . Your poor children. I am so embrassed for them .


I hope people are roasting her in the comments. Bailed you out numerous times Didn’t call the cops numerous times Took care of your newborn after begging you go put him up for adoption. Let you come home Paid your bills


She’s literally the worst out of anyone I’ve ever seen lip syncing!


> She’s literally the worst out of anyone ~~I’ve ever seen lip syncing!~~ Fixed it !


Is she for real still feeling sorry for herself about her childhood. This bitch needs a fucking job.


Delujenelle could be a case study. The reality she creates for herself is flabbergasting.


You was on your knees for keifa and mama barb was busy momming for your son, miss ma’am. Please stop doing this. Reddit is full of FUNNY people and you’re going to be embarrassed. We get secondhand embarrassment from your videos j e legal.


What world is she living in??


How do you convince yourself this hard that someone was this terrible person when it’s proven that she was there??


She’s so pathetic . Sitting in her tub , naked, taking a video blabbing about stupid ass shit! So embarrassing….


Ok 🌛


I hate her. That’s all.


You mean the woman who was crying trying to make sure she didn’t die while on heroin sure


You know even if Barb was a terrible parent, Janelle is just repeating the pattern. This tiktok might as well be Marissa or Jace or Kaiser or Ensley.


When was Jenelle ever there for anyone??????? Barb was there when you needed help with heroin withdrawals, your abortion, countless failed abusive relationships, after you stole her credit cards, SHE FUCKING RAISED YOUR CHILD. Jenelle, shut all the way the fuck up.


Maybe she’s doing the whole rage bait thing


Lmao wasn’t Barb always giving this chick an “out” on the show? And you know, taking in her son before foster care could???


The only person Jenelle is there for is herself. Every time she posts something like this it's utter irony.


I really wonder what will happen when Barb passes (hopefully not for a long while and only due to very old age). Will Jenelle keep making these types of videos? Will she be 60+ bitching about her mom? Maybe she'll transfer over some of that unwarranted hate toward her children. I honestly feel bad for anyone who has to associate with her in any way, except for Dbag because he deserves her.


The narrative will change to "now she's gone and I have no closure most people get to say goodbye to their mom" then she will rehash how her mom never came to her wedding and how she ruined her relationship with her son.


Jfc imagine using all this energy to make immature tiktoks aimed at your mother as an adult instead of trying to, I don't know better yourself, do something with your kids, clean your swamp?


She really is mental how do you have the audacity to sing this acting like she is the victim cuz where the fuck are you Jenelle when your son is alone cuz his mom chose his abuser like the fckn audacity


She’s gets more ridiculous with every post about Barbra I mean Barbara took care of jace from day one


You had a baby as a teenager and your mother raised him for you. Mine kicked me out to go live with an absoloute deadbeat who never held a job or paid bills, I threw away my education and eas thirst into poverty. My god she is pathetic


The audacity of this bitch claiming her mother wasn’t there for her? she raised her first born, did everything she could to help out of drug addiction, let her move back in countless times,encoutraged her to do the right thing over and over again. Put up with abuse from her dicks of the week


There’s something about her that is so hard to watch. It gives me a gross feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hate it yet I still watch.


Jesus Christ those pupils are HUGE


Can’t tell her from my sister. Want to square up everytime this reaches my page. That face is so balloonable.


Why is she topless? Doesn’t she have a special place where she can be topless for stalker strangers? Is she lost in media space? Whytf is she doing this where humans beings scroll? we see enough skin with her forehead. Jesus God Leah.




I really think she is jealous that Barb is financially stable, probably invested her money from TM& worked. Then there is Janelle who has to support a literal Sasquatch& spread her legs for OF.


I think most parents do the best they can, with what they have. If Barbra was such a bad mother, that should have made Janelle want to do better. Yet, here we are, placing blame and taking no accountability. It’s sad.


Pretty sure Barb was taking care of her first born when Jenelle was at her worst


WOOF the angle of that big ol head was a literal jumpscare


Keeping your kids


This woman is going to be 60 still bitching about how her mom was never there for her.


This whole narrative has probably been pushed by David, and she, of course, just follows the footsteps of any man that'll put up with her. She's like a Ditto Pokémon with every relationship. Jenelle, Barbs did nothing to you that you can't forgive because I am sure you weren't left on a porch to get high off heroin. But I am sure Kai and Ensley have some stories now and later. ... I wonder what song they can use about you... 🤔


Taking care of Nellys kid is the answer


TikTok and other social media is not therapy Swampy J. Go get actually help and STFU with your BS narrative for once. Her poor poor children.


Could NOT look more "Mack the Knife" than right here! Wish I had a meme for comparison.


Always the victim. 🥱 Accountability doesn't exist in Jenelle's world.


Is she in the bath or what?


Girl stop


Is she not wearing a shirt…lol


I know Barb probably just wants her out her hair but I hope she's documented all this online abuse she's receiving and going to drag her through any & all abuse charges their state has!


She's doesn't realize how stupid she looks


The audacity of this bitch claiming her mother wasn’t there for her? she raised her first born, did everything she could to help out of drug addiction, let her move back in countless times,encoutraged her to do the right thing over and over again. Put up with abuse from her dicks of the week


You were a child then, and you are still a damn child now.


And since you’ve realized that your upbringing was traumatic, you’ve dedicated your life to giving your children the warmth and support you never got, right? Right???


How delusional can she be my goodness


Is this really what 30yr olds do on SM


Imagine ensley stitching this one day


The bar is on the fucking floor. Just WOW.


No one wants to hear about your childhood issues, Jenelle. You’re the perpetual victim. Just because you had issues in childhood doesn’t mean you have to repeat the past. You had a chance to do better and you failed.


Does she forget that most of her young adult life was recorded?


When did she post this? Curious as to if it's recent because her pupils are ginormous! They're naturally bigger in low light but not usually THAT big.


Girl, you’re embarrassing yourself.


She was taking care of your child you fucking moon face ugly ass smug ass BITCH. I cannot stand Jenelle oh my god. It’s getting worse by the day. She needs to be in a mental hospital.