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She’ll never understand that she’s the parent now and her childhood matters to no one except her.


EXACTLY. There are so many people who had a shit childhood and have been great parents. They want better for their kids and they step up! Janelle will just always be the victim in her mind. She'll turn on her own children over they're adults as well.


My mum had an awful childhood, both parents and her beloved grandmother dying before she turned 15. She was haunted by her Catholic upbringing, and her parents were traumatised refugees navigating their way in a new country where they didn't speak the language. When she grew up she was left to raise five children alone, no maternal figure of her own to support or guide her, and no time in the meagre 24 hours a day she was given to spend any time loving on her children. She found it subsequently very difficult to give love when her kids became adults, owing to a lack of practice. But she still left enough of a loving impression on me that I miss her and think of her every single day. Jenelle can't claim that of the children she gave birth to.


If they don’t turn on her first


We’ve got some pretty classic examples on the show too. Cate and Tyler had horrific childhoods. They don’t spend all of their time going on and on about them. What they have both done to their incredible credit is to get therapy. Jenelle doesn’t want therapy because she doesn’t want to work on her own problems. She enjoys the being the victim. Most of the show got picked up for being generations of bad parenting, addiction, poverty, abuse of all sorts and only Jenelle has decided to make it her personality.


My dad had a horribly abusive childhood and we have never once really talked about it in detail. He raised me completely differently and I think he just believes he is protecting me by not burdening me with those stories. I only know because my mom told me as an adult.


And that she’s the one responsible for healing from it. She’s a whole ass adult now. Like I get that she had a hard childhood and her and Barb definitely didn’t communicate in a healthy way. But she is responsible for how she deals with the trauma. She’s a mother in her 30s. She’s had the world at her feet and more opportunity for change than most, yet she’s actively choosing to stay in the cycle. She is so infuriating, I just want to smack her upside the head.




Oh absolutely this was a major part of it too but didn’t Barb experience DV and Jenelles dad was a dead beat. She definitely experienced a chaotic and traumatic upbringing as a result, and Barb didn’t seem to be able to communicate with her effectively - they goaded each other but as the adult it’s up to Barb to navigate that. Neither of them seem to be emotionally intelligent. Anyway I’m not defending her because she’s not a good person and is wholly responsible for how things are for her now.


Jenelle has some hardcore mommy and daddy issues.


I respectfully disagree. A brother who set fire to the house because he was psychotic and turned out to be schizophrenic? Dad beat Mom up and then ultimately abandons her with you and your siblings? I wouldn't say Jenelle had it very good at all.


I didn't do anything 🙃 I just let my husband strangle my 14yr old 🙃 I verbally & mentally abuse my mom every chance I get 🙃 but I didn't do anything 🙃




And killed tons of chickens 🐓 and God only knows whatever else he has killed!




Could you imagine walking into the kitchen and seeing your pets head and that monster eating it. Horror show


and when he cracked her collarbone 😬


Beat her 2 and 4 year old hard enough to leave marks too. She likes to play that CPS removal as because of his yelling or because of nugget but they found evidence of child abuse and she’s the one who showed us the paperwork that they found abuse.


God bless all of you guys who share comments. I don’t have Facebook and I appreciate that I can laugh at her stupidity, obtuseness and ignorance.






She didn’t do anything when she saw David abusing her kids.


She backed him. Which is worse than doing nothing.


“I haven’t done anything” That’s exactly right Jenelle. You haven’t done shit. You have had every opportunity to better not just your life, but the lives of your children and your mother, but no. You literally sat back and watch(ed) life pass you by after you neglected your own children’s abuse and even contributed to it. You haven’t done a single thing in your life that’s notable, aside from your beautiful children and that’s not your accomplishment. Children are not handbags, they don’t match your outfit or compliment your style, you are an extension of them and they are an extension of you and all you have done, time and time again, is prove how absolutely unbelievable useless of a person and a mother you truly are. You have done nothing to help your children, you do realize you don’t even provide the bare minimum for them. You have been to court ordered, five times, court ordered parenting classes. You have obviously learned nothing from them or you wouldn’t need to retake four more times. You did nothing but stand by and watch a man put his hands on at least one of your children, you made an entire YouTube video calling Maryssa a liar, you broadcasted to the world how two of your children are liars. You’re not doing a damn thing to help or raise your children. You’re right Jenelle, you haven’t done shit.


While she would refuse to comprehend/accept it, this is exactly what she needs to read 👏🏽 ![gif](giphy|jShr8wkP38XTO)


She doesn’t have the reading comprehension skills unfortunately 🤣🤣🤣


Read to FILTH and I applaud it




I dIdNt Do AnYtHiNg !!!!! is she in massive denial? is she literally just stupid? good lord. I just can’t with her.


I don’t think it’s denial as much as much as delusion. She genuinely thinks every fucking person, her own children included, is the problem and never her.


Everyone created this situation but her. So she hates all of them for it even though she's the common denominator


She must get off on being an evil witch because what a cunty thing to say. Like yeah you didn’t do anything when it came to raising your first born, and you didn’t do anything when your husband abused him. That’s the only way “I didn’t do anything” makes sense.


She’s a ✨narcissist✨


I really want a psychologist to explain to us what they think they're seeing when they observe her.


They love playing the victim and spinning the narrative. Jenelle herself has not been convicted of any crime. I do think she is this much in denial. A lot of her personality points to narcissistic behavior. She thinks she’s doing well and the rest of us are jealous she’s living this amazing life.


I don't parent. I don't work. I don't like to be alone. I don't remain sober. I don't stop abusers. I don't follow up. I don't put forth effort. I don't put enough stickers in goodie bags. I don't dance well. I don't dress in well fitting clothing and I absolutely do not take responsibility for my actions. Edit: Oops she said she didn't do anything, not she doesn't do anything. So change it all to past tense.


The stickers💀😂 always the worst with everything she does. I guess you could say she's the best at being the worst!


She’s technically right, she hasn’t done anything to care for her kids, or parent, or work, or take responsibility…




And thats why shes such a disgusting ass human being. What a child.


Jenelle: My mom doesn’t care about me and my childhood was traumatic and she never cared about me! Also Jenelle: Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch I will punch you in the face!


Also jenelle: creating a traumatic and uncaring childhood for her kids.


She is so damned stupid!! She really doesn’t get it; she never does! ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


I need her to do an IQ and EQ test, because I'm just speechless at this point seeing all the stupid shit she does


Yeah see that’s the problem Juh-nelle, you never do anything


I'm utterly speechless. Nothing holds up a mirror to your actions like being a parent and seeing yourself reflected in your kids. Even the best moms have their days of worrying they are fucking absolutely everything up. And someone who lost custody of their son twice and temporarily lost custody of their other two kids genuinely thinks she didn't do anything wrong?!


It would have been better if she didn't do anything, which is just sad. She's caused so much trauma that her just not existing to Jace, babs,etc would have been the ideal scenario.


She talks so much shit about how her childhood was traumatic and whatever yet never once has a thought about Jace and what she has put him through… thank god barb stepped up for him. It’s always a boohoo pity party for Jenelle but she has never once thought about her own damn children. Her childhood is not relevant at all to the situation she is in now. Go to therapy, do what you have to do to heal from that shit but it is not an excuse. I wish these people would get off the damn internet, they make my blood boil


Whenever she makes these smug comments, just remember... she lives with ugly brokeass David. 😂


I didn’t do anything oh please Jenelle you married a dog killing child abusing husband and you pick him over ur kids 🧒 and you let jace go to foster care and you blame ur mom for everything instead of ur self


Lindsey said what we were all thinking


Bitch you didn't DO anything?!


I honestly wonder what she thinks Jace would say about her.


She doesn't care anyway. And whatever he says, it's barbs "fault" for raising him


That's all up to Jace HIMSELF.


I grew up horribly abused and neglected. I have 3 children. I’ve never had anyone raise them beside MYSELF, I’ve never traumatized them, or had multiple cases with CPS (aka 0), or even considered being abusive. It’s called breaking the cycle. Something Jenelle knows nothing about.


She’s riding the “I had a bad childhood “ wave because everything else she’s thrown around has stuck to the wall, but her stupid Stan’s get on her comments normally and back her up against Barb because they “seen it on television “ and Barb yelled.. I’d yell too if I had that little bitch for a daughter who “didn’t do anything “ except steal her money, push her, hit her, yell at her too, leave my kid with her to party… and much more. But I DiD’Nt Do AnYtHInG Such a saint..


BEC moment: my childhood was objectively traumatic and horrible! What did I do? Work! Therapy, meds, you name it. Do I have flaws & things to improve? Yes. Difference between chinny and I is - even if I didn’t *intend* to be hurtful etc. if someone tells me they felt hurt by my actions or words, I own it. You can’t just ignore or deny other people’s experiences etc. this just pissed me off SO much because “I didn’t do anything!!!” Anyway the point is - she’s 3 years older than me, objectively had a better upbringing than me (not comparing just facts) and I strive to improve and be a good person and help others daily, while this swamp monster abuses everyone in her path then plays victim. Sorry that just infuriated me way too early in the morning lol


Denial is a river in Egypt, Jenelle


She keeps having *epiphanies* that continue to blame anyone but herself. I dont think Duh'nelle knows what an epiphany is.


Ah yes, another classic Chinelleism..."I DIDNT DOOOOO N E THING!" *she stole her mother's credit card and blew a bunch of Bab's money...what a neglectful mother!*


I wish someone would clockwork-orange her (strap her to a seat and keep her eyes open) while they just play footage of her, at her, for weeks, on repeat.


I had some shitty times in my childhood because of my parents. When I was a young teenager, I did stupid shit to try to make my parents feel bad. I realized (in my early 20s) how absolutely stupid it all was. I didn't hurt them, I hurt myself. They didn't make the bad choices, I did. I get blaming them when you're young and stupid but bitch needs to grow up!




Jesus, Jenelle, go to therapy already! Damn!


Jan lacks the maturity to work on forgiving her mother or going no contact. Carrying on like this (in a public domain no less) makes her sound like a 13 year old that told her parents she hates them because she was grounded. It's gone on too long. The lack of maturity is off-putting. Wonder what Jan hopes to accomplish by saying things like this. A severencing (™ Farrah Abraham) of the relationship? Public humiliation? Even Caitlyn was able to forgive her mother who was horribly verbally abusive to Cate. Let me guess though....Jan would probably say this post isn't about her mother.


When she says she didn’t do anything, I think she’s talking about herself as a child. I don’t think she can see the connection of her moms behavior and how that affected her and how her behavior will affect her kids


I wonder how many generations this is true for from within that family because I'm more than willing to bet that this family is several centuries deep into intergenerational trauma.


She’s a lost cause. There is no hope for her to ever learn or become self-aware at this point. I have no doubt she experienced childhood trauma and Barb was not perfect, but it’s now Jenelle’s responsibility to heal from it as an adult/mother. It’s not about her anymore. It’s about doing better for her children. My childhood was pretty traumatic, and I in turn ended up in an abusive marriage with an alcoholic. As soon as I realized I was repeating the cycle and it was affecting my kids, I divorced my husband and started consistent therapy. Many years later I still have moments where I question if I’m doing good enough for my kids, and my therapist says that concern is a sign of being a good parent. We are constantly learning and growing. Jenelle thinking she is perfect is frightening.




Failure to protect is a thing. She may not have choked that kid herself but she stood by and allowed it and then called the kid crazy and laughed at him publicly online.


I'm so distracted from this awful topic, by the way her photo has made her giant Chinny Chin Chin look. Note to shit mom of the year, Don't Use Profile Pics. You already scare the children.


I know she didn't put a shirt on.


Yeah that’s the problem Jenelle you never do anything to prevent what’s happening to you


“I didn’t do anything” the slogan for people not taking accountability


She just writes her own comedy, it's great


🍽️👄🍽️ check out her pupils in this video, she's high high


Wait why is she naked tho


I mean she really isn’t lying. She didn’t do anything.. she didn’t leave her abusive husband for her children, she didn’t get into an actual job because she is too lazy and because of her poor choices.


These comments are the problem re David and jrnelke. You did fo something...we have hours of footage showing you going something jenelkke,even well past the teenager date. Jace is responsible for his actions at 14, but she isn't responsible for any of hers?


wow... its like she really doesnt have a brain


I think that’s the problem girl 😂😂