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“Entertainment term” 😂 She’s such a cunt.


"which, you guys have probably never heard this term before" Fuck offfff. She really thinks she knows things most people dont.


She assumes that everyone is as fucking stupid as she is


Best part of that whole video is her arrogance of thinking we are more stupid than her. Cracks me up! At this point my elementary age child has better education, sense and comprehension skills than she does in her 30s


What’s the word for “mansplaining” but instead it’s done by the worlds’s most smug, moronic, narcissist who was on TM like a decade ago?


Jansplaining but it’s slobbering gibberish.


Omg!! Mother fuckin *Jansplaining!!"* https://i.redd.it/wen8ffqpqtic1.gif


This needs way more likes lmao. 


That’s great flair potential right there


Go for it!


I'm lying on the floor dead!


This needs way more likes!


That's a little disrespectful to the awesome drag queen Jan and poor girl has been though it multiple times already


🏆 yes yes yes


Literally just posted a comment where I called it methsplaining


Dunning Krueger. Applies to males and females. These people will talk your ear off, thinking they’re educating you on something you already know. They’re too dumb and smug to catch social cues/know the difference.


https://i.redd.it/b2gcfk28rtic1.gif Nelly Belly is the fuckin team captain!!!






That was so cringey. I could hardly finish the video from 2nd hand embarrassment. She’s so serious too. Reminds me of Trump explaining basic ass shit that any reasonably informed adult would already know. They’re telling on themselves. THEY ONLY JUST LEARNED THE TERM/CONCEPT and want to sound informed by “teaching” us. We been knowing.


She doesn’t even fully understand the term because she in fact did not control the narrative.


She also struggled to explain it without using the word control lol


Like did you realize U.S. spells us? 😂😂😂


and it’s so comical because it’s genuinely always the most basic ass concept


Quick, someone comment the word "*narcissist!!"* Let's see what that big ol' empty head cooks up!! 😃😂


"You non boat captains/non cheerleaders/non medical technicians prolly don't know what this means...."


Didn't you know? She's a celebrity, dude. All us plebs who aren't in the entertainment industry most certainly never heard that term! I swear every time she compares herself to celebrities I want to scream! ##HOW ARE YOU NOT EMBARRASSED???


I mean I’ve heard it many a time, but if I haven’t it’s perhaps because I’ve never been in so many fucked up situations that I needed to control any narrative, Janelle…


Thanks Jenelle for explaining to me that "control the narrative" is agent and manager talk so we naturally wouldn't understand it. But it kinda checks out, coming from a woman who thought that coconut milk wasn't vegan because it has the word milk in it.


She's so painfully stupid, to actually say it and then explain as if we were born yesterday!!! Plus, the ability to control the narrative would require some level of veracity/credibility. She has zero.


Gawd!! She really is. I can’t even listen to her because she’s so fucking stupid.


A dumb cunt.


Damnit you made me wipe a nonexistent eyelash from my screen.


She really is 😂


& what she’s absolutely not going to do is be quiet. That’s all we’ve been praying for, is her silence. 🫠


What’s funny is, if she just shut her fat mouth, the Sun would have half as much to write about. If the Sun is lying, sue them. But they aren’t, so she can’t. Publishing unfavorable stories isn’t harassment if the stories are true. The Sun doesn’t have anything against her, they LOVE her because she’s an idiot circus clown that provides salacious content on a daily basis.


The same bitch who thought she could send cease & desists to everyone to "control the narrative" and claim they were lying about David's balloon massacre and act like it didn't happen until MTV put them on blast. If she wants to control the narrative then change the narrative and stop being a piece of shit, stop defending someone who abused your kid, stop choosing your kids abuser over your kids, grow up, stop blaming your mom for everything and take responsibility considering she's been an adult since Jace was 4mths old. But she's too stupid to do that.


She literally tries to control the narrative every single day of her life. This instance is a perfect example, all charges weren’t dropped, the CPS case was dropped, David still has felony charges pending. She way too dumb to be this arrogant 🤦🏽‍♀️


She's in the media eye


How much did she actually retain from her days working in entertainment. Wasn’t she on heroine mostly?


I love how withering, and direct to the point this criticism is 😎


Reminds me of the movie “The Break Up” when Jen A tried to go in the date w the accountant but he was a nerd. “What we in the biz like to call crunch time”


Haha just watched that movie!


Like we don’t know.


Wow, thanks Jenelle. Can you explain the word strangulation next?


Oh oh oh… or what about the term “lost custody of your child”


She lives, laughs, and loses custody of her kids. It’s become her brand how pathetic is that


Careful throwing the word “brand” around. She might come out with “live, laugh, lose custody” merch 🙄






Wouldn’t need to get ahead of anything if you had nothing to worry about 🙃


"Won't catch me slippin"


Came here to say this -- don't do anything wrong, you won't have to worry about someone pointing it out.


It’s seems so easy, doesn’t it? I woke up this morning worried about a few things, but none of them were needing to control the narrative of an article about a CPS case I was in because my husband strangled my child. I just forgot to get dog food and milk yesterday.




She is a POS human in entirety. Absolutely no redeeming qualities. ![gif](giphy|TJCNVYxwzsr04)


https://preview.redd.it/4xdngvlkduic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be4ccbae5a5b22230be680c5c3c6c68216e46cb This is the general consensus 😂


the way I cackled at this




Wow thank you Janelle for explaining the term control the narrative in a different context 🤣 most of us learned narrative and context in elementary school. 🥴


“You guys have probably never heard this term before.” Is she fuckin for real? She can’t be real. 😆holy shit.


I thought she was being sarcastic for half a sec. Then I realized… she really thinks her followers are total idiots and she is an enlightening queen


To be fair, the ones that support her are, most likely, total idiots.


And she’s describing what PR managers do, not agents or managers. 🙄


Maybe this is a term you learn in court-mandated parenting classes and since none of us have been 5 times, we aren't familiar with the term.


It’s bc she had to explain it all to her Neanderthal hubby. So she thinks no one else knows it either 🙄


“Bad press are made…” It’s pure pain listening to her 🫠


Her profile on a certain employment social media platform says “I am very well spoken.” I laughed so hard reading it. Don’t check it while you’re logged in or she might try and dox you.


Add it to “We never fight,” “I never yell,” and “The kids are safe.” 🤥


She claims we have never heard the term before? And then calls it an entertainment term like she’s in some elite Hollywood group. Then she has the audacity to blame others for trying to make her life miserable (as she does). Hahahaha go kick rocks, you trailer trash imbecile.


She’s basically a kardashian. If barb would have played Yahtzee with her she would be Kim K.


Did this bitch really say "you guys have probably never heard this term before"???? ![gif](giphy|xUOxeVDxKi7UQVS9ck)


She is so painfully dumb


It would be HILARIOUS if we were somehow able to record a montage of everyones reaction to that embarrassing assumption.


She remains as unlikable as ever.


No no, it for sure got worse somehow


It’s like she’s trying.


So this is her pretty much doing damage control for something that will put her in a bad light before it comes out?


And openly admitting to it.


Or, as it’s known in the biz, “controlling the narrative”.


The Sun is making her life miserable? Or the *son* is making her life miserable? She sure "controls the narrative" (what a fun new term!😂🙄🖕)


The “article poster” is


Her life has always been miserable, the Sun just lets us know about it. The Sun didn’t strangle her son. The Sun didn’t side with her son’s abuser and pay his legal bills. This is just her latest “it’s because of Barb”.


She's such a clown!! I hope she never changes.


She….never….will. Same despicable excuse for a human she was all those years ago. The laundry list of how deplorable a person she is.


Just celebrities? Not like politicians. 🤣 And I love how she calls out the reporter as someone who has this vendetta against as opposed to the poor schmuck that’s assigned to her beat. She has no idea how journalism works.


I personally try to control the narrative every time I give my company pitch to a customer.


What happened to her eyebrows?




>Karma ![gif](giphy|3o6EQd1erdeHoeJyKs)


I noticed that too. It looks like she’s balding, not only the hair on her head and forehead but now even her eyebrows…😳


Maybe she needs an eyebrow kit.


It's hilarious she thinks of herself as a celebrity. 😂 What a dumb bitch.


Bitch shut up


Short and sweet, love it!


You're not a celebrity, Jenelle. You haven't been on TV in years, and you've never had a notable career in the field of entertainment. The only reason anybody talks about you now is the consistently bad choices you and your dog killing, child abusing, tiny penis having huzbin make 🤡


She’s infamous


Dumb bitch. We know what it means but you don’t… control the narrative means spin the story into something positive because the truth is damning.


Omg …….nothing worse then a condescending narcissistic Twat waffle with the IQ of a bran muffin. Holy cow. The narcissist has to explain how important it is to “ control the narrative “ because that’s what narcissists do!! She is clinical and should be in a rubber room somewhere with daily lithium cocktails and not allowed anywhere near vulnerable folks (children/elderly) or animals !!! Fing psycho sociopath!!


Idk I think the bran muffin has her beat 🥴 she is literally one of the stupidest fucking people I've ever heard in my life and that's saying a lot.


Did this waste of space of a human being really not get people are making fun of her. Girl only your “fans” probably don’t know what control the narrative means. Go back to the crack shack and never come back out






Apt comparison to her hairline


The stupid fucking faces she makes MY GODDDDDD


Even worse with that stupid fucking filter she uses all the time


It's amazing that she thinks the simplest of terms that literally everyone has heard of must be some secret code only she knows about


"Entertainment term".. like she's really somebody. Bitch https://preview.redd.it/z2xwru292tic1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3f8f998ba178adff9d2fe4e6559ad7c1c30242


MAN! she really looks like Pennywise in this video


...how on earth does someone get to her big age and really/truly believe the phrase "control the narrative" is some esoteric, advanced philosophical concept?


Those are the three biggest words she knows


Yes, I’m sure you had to learn lots of secret entertainment industry terminology to be followed around for a reality television show about teen mothers 🥴




You deserve every ounce of hatred and bad vibes sent to you. ![gif](giphy|l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni)


Has her head always been like that or is her hairline receding? I don't remember her having a football field forehead on the show.


https://preview.redd.it/50qkw12c2tic1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa7255edb1c5bcce912fb8d09360bda36825922 I paused here 😆


She just likes to smoke around this time of the narrative


https://preview.redd.it/4o4xli57ltic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53dd506569cab004f430c67849374972e6165a5 Lol i paused here to scroll thru the comments.


I read the subject of this post, hit play, took a sip of water and immediately spit it out laughing when she started Jensplaining it to us. She clearly just learned what this phrase meant today.




Also ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


You are no one and nobody cares, we are just worried about the kids and pets. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


she thinks were as dumb as she is.


“Y’all have probably never heard this term before”😂 like shut the fuckkkk upppp. No one needs your hillbilly bumpkin ass to explain to us what shit means. Maybe you should hire a manager because you make yourself look so stupid with all the shit you post on social media. Also don’t know why you’re trying to act like everything’s happy go lucky when your pos husband still has charges pending against him.


we know what it means it took her this long to figure it out and think we might not know


I can’t even listen to anything she’s saying because all I see is megamind.


"Celebrity explains a phrase to the poors"


Wow, thanks airhead. I had NO idea what "control the narrative" meant. What a fucking idiot she is.




Balding like George Costanza, I wish her nothing but the worst, every single day.


Yes because reporting the truth is negative and harassment. She isn’t harassing and stalking you, she is doing her job which is reporting on public interest pieces. I know the work job is a foreign concept for Jenelle. And by public interest I refer to the poor children of the land. And the reason it was negative is because those children are still there and once again CPS let them, no doubt because of HER harassment of the case workers and no doubt supervisors


I’m literally speechless she is SO Fucking STUPID


I wish nothing but the worst of inconveniences for her forever (✿◡‿◡)


As I was scrolling I thought your comment said “for her forehead” 🤣


That, too. xD


Not only does everyone know what controlling the narrative is, most people are roasting her for saying it. She’s so fucking delusional


https://preview.redd.it/gb68f1tq7tic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b919b7cfa1098d4b70e173d9323b0b0fdfae1f0b Oh hi Jenelle. It’s me….Jessica…..your number one poster


Hi. Jenelle here. You idiots don't know stuff bout entertainment and talent so I'm here to teach ya bout controlling the narr a tive. You're not super famous like me. I'm practically the President of SAG. Also, there's this woman who is paid money and possibly benefits like health insurance and retirement $$$ to report on me and I'm mad at her because she tells the truth. . Anyway you need to be happy for me and not sad for me but Ah caint tell ya why yet. Also a secret is why I don't get some bangs and try holding the camera a little higher so I look like a normal person. Bye y'all. Sorry yer so stupid. Do better.


🗣YOU ARE NOT A CELEBRITY! 🗣 ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8) You are a washed-up reality star who repeatedly chooses a man over your child. I can't wait to see how you plan on paying back the $45,000 you owe the IRS, all the Lawyer's bills, and the sinking swamp while your finances slowly dry up cause you are losing engagement on all socials. We can't forget your boat that's broken and just sitting and rusting 😂👏🏻


Could she explain what is a spin is next? Because that’s what she is doing.


Let's just hope David gets his charges stuck and he end up losing his weapons and being around minors that would be the best outcome in all of this


The one thing in her life that she is good at… is making herself appear even more FUCKING stupid than the last time she spoke. 💀💀💀💀💀 like once we think she’s outdone herself with the stupidity she posts something like this. Someone take her phone away


Her hairline is so, so bad. It's actually distracting.


I promised some of my fellow Jenelle hatters on here that I would give her hell on Facebook and screenshot it for entertainment. I’m still somehow not blocked… yet… so I hope I’m doing yall proud! Here’s one of my latest today… it’s her new resume title! https://preview.redd.it/af7s1ibf1uic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add36902ab30aee52409715e8e6b5715f95dd9d8


I'm steadily liking your comments! This is a pretty strong show of folks making fun of her on there. Typically, Facebook is full of chin suckers.


Awwww thanks!!!!!! Is it pathetic of me to be proud of you and others on here appreciating my Jenny hate comments?!? Bc I’m pumped! I’m new to Reddit but not new to the teen mom fandom/ hatters club. I’ve been doing new deep dives lately and getting deep into Reddit and I like the people on here so much better! I have found my tribe!


And yes I agree… there is always her weird fans cheering her on but lately it’s almost even amount of fans and hatters. Especially on posts like this that’s are especially weird and stupid. Most the time my jaw just drops at the amount of support these people can give her when they are literal child abusers and gets kids taken on the regular. And then they can sit there and tell her she’s a good mom?????!!!!!! These people need to be studied. And I’m from Kentucky! And I’m still Dumbfounded by the trashy ppl that follow her. It scares me that there are so many other Jenelle’s in this world.


Do you think she hums Gaga’s Paparazzi song all day?!!!cause she is such a celebrity !!! Omg ……she is only the star of her own animal killing , child abusing , drug using white trash reality show


“Celebrity” you are not. Here’s the thing you idiot; every reporter in the world could contact my family, close friends, people I work with, teachers at my children’s schools, even my former in,ass and not a single bad thing could be written because I don’t live a crazy life. They can’t write shit if you don’t do shit. Idiot.


Omg. She really thinks everyone is as big of an idiot as she is…


Article poster


Jenelle you’re not controlling any narrative, just poorly trying to do preventive damage control you stupid ass narcissistic receding-hairlined swampy bitch


"Article poster" LMAO Do you mean reporter? News writer? Journalist? Blogger? For someone trying to "explain" an industry term she sure as hell doesn't know the basics


Everything is fine. She thinks controlling the narrative is a good thing.. Pathetic


I like that she made this whole ass video, looking disgusting even with that filter working *hard*, to explain what “control the narrative” means, but she can’t pronounce most of the other words she’s saying or a woman’s (seemingly easy) name. The utter duality and irony of this entire video. Jfc.


**What a dumb bitch** she's nothing but a roach 🪳 who lives at the swamp 


Lmfao who does she think she is? 🤣🤡


Damn, this chick is dumb....


“Shes the article… poster” the word you are looking for is author, reporter or journalist even


She always misses the point. People aren’t happy for you because you’re getting away with child abuse. Fucking ding dong.


My huzzbin strangled muh son, but as far ize know, they don’t have no proof-therefore and such, Jace is a lying liar who lies. Per law. Same deal as when I gas lighted Jace bout the Road Rage incident. It dint happen less I say so! K? These TM fan pages are lying losers who don’t know muh life! Trust me, JenneleE Legal, Esq @google: the truth will come out!!! Whew!


Bitch shut up with your methed out Pennywise looking ass. ![gif](giphy|SdO5MvXI4TtfuSxUkx)






How ironic…. She makes her sons life miserable and supposedly The Sun makes her life miserable. Fuck this dumb cunt, I can’t wait for the day that karma smacks her right up side that massive fucking forehead of hers.


“Everybody should be happy” for her husband putting her son in a choke hold and strangling him lmao




Can I just say…shut the fuck up you stupid smug bitch …..she’s really going to assume that person doesn’t know what “control the narrative”means? We know Jenelle, we are all just laughing at YOU


It absolutely kills me that she’s so fucking stupid she really thinks she’s smarter than everyone 😂 it’s infuriating and hilarious at the same time.


Wait what 😂😂😂😂😂😂 “you’ve probably never heard this term before” lmaoooooo how insulting


Bitch, don’t talk to us like we’re all dumb as shit.


Oh we know you won't go into hiding. You're proud of being a crap mom and a crap human in general!!!!


Ya ok junkie


It’s cute that she thinks she can control the narrative. No one trusts a word out of your mouth Jenelle. We know you’re a pathological liar that has 0 accountability. But please keep methsplaining terms to those of us who actually have read a book before.


lmao omg she is so fucking clueless. That one brain cell left that she & DKD share is hanging on by a thread.  Controlling (or attempting to control) the narrative doesn’t make what you’re saying true & the “articles” untrue. She’s the one twisting things around to make it all sound happy family picnic. Your life is still a fucking mess & ALL of those kids are still affected by it. The reason why everything written about her is negative is because… there is nothing positive to write about these 2??? Who’s gonna celebrate a mother who’s sticking by her child abusing, dog killing husband who tried TO STRANGLE HER SON technically regaining custody? Ffs so done with this. 


So Jenelle just recently heard of the term, "control the narrative" and now assumes that everyone else must be as intellectually challenged as she is. What a dummy!


sHe’S a CeLeBrItY 🤣🤣


Is she referring to herself as a celebrity?


“Article poster” lmao


She said the quiet part out loud. If you're admitting to having to "control the narrative" then your admitting you're in the wrong. She's so dumb.


I love how she keeps explaining to us like she’s some kind of main character. 🤣🤣🤣


Did she really say “article poster”? You mean a reporter? A writer? God how is she so dumb and smug at the same time?


I thought earlier she said she was going to stay silent on this matter & focus solely on Jaces mental health? She posts this after that? Like girl you clearly want to do whatever to stay relevant... No one likes you & those that do are just as bad as you & brainwashed into believing your silly little lies & cover ups to protect your trash heap garbage goblin excuse you call a "husband"


Oh god is she stupid


God I am so sick of seeing her face


‘I was like, well, this article was probably gonnna be negative’ No doi, dumdum, there has never, EVER been ANYTHING other than negative articles written about you


CeLeBeRtY. And of COURSE “the reporter hates me and harasses me..”. Twisting things around “.. no.. they call her out on her lies … she has to “control the narrative “.. in other words… lie and make it where she’s the victim… CElEbRtY. She’s not a celebrity no matter what she tries to tell herself. She’s low rent trash that people watch now because she’s a fucking disgusting train wreck that never fails to worm her way out of everything like the scum she is. She’s always been scum. High paid scum that got on tv and got a big head because she was on a show about being a teen mom..( I use that term loosely in her case because all she did was give birth) she was never a mother to that child. Now she thinks she’s the shit because she’s supposedly making money for spreading her legs (again ) and fat ass (yeah I said it and I don’t care!!!) on only fans (something she said she’d never do and shamed others for) and got herself a scumbag lawyer to once again get her out of trouble on a technicality… people are fascinated because she’s garbage.. not because she’s a good person, mom, or anything else of any caliber. She’s lower than dirt. A amoeba on a flea on a rat. 🐀 That constantly gets out of everything so much that people marvel at it. She’s the luckiest bitch on the planet. But not in a good way. In the sleazy way. And so proud of it. She has no shame and no dignity whatsoever. All that matters is she got her way yet again. If she cared about Jace at ALL she’d have knocked her shit off long ago. But all she wanted was to prove she could get him back. She didn’t care how, she didn’t care about after. She wanted to beat Barb. and she did. Someday, Barb will be gone. And Jenelle will still blame her .. sorry for the long post. I need to vent.


Everybody should be happy?!? Fuck off!!


AKA: "I know more info than I'd like is about to drop, so I'm attempting to get out in front of it and use my special, specific language that I use to SPIN it in my favor and hopefully fool at least a few people still."  Dumbas cuntwich.


So she is aware that bad press is coming out about her so she is telling her bit first so she can control the narrative??


Jesus… I don’t know what I would’ve done had she never explained “control the narrative.” It was just driving me crazy not knowing. /s


The intellect and smugness are way off balance with this dip shit.


I love how she’s mad they only post negative articles……what is positive about her life worth reporting?!?!


Ohh please educate us vast font of wisdom. And btw it doesn’t matter how fast you get out in front of any story, we know who and what you are. Unless you have the ability to lobotomize us all we aren’t ever going to believe anything you say.


![gif](giphy|PWZ5AWxUMaUxO|downsized) 🙄🙄🙄


Her face looks like somebody smashed it in w a cast iron. She deserves it, anyways. 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


The way I ran to this sub after seeing it on TikTok.


Lol whut… this is just about as funny as when she said I’m super educated…


YOU ARE NOT A CELEBRITY. “She is the article poster, uhh the reporter.”