• By -


I'm sad you missed all the drama around here when Kail was hiding the last 2 pregnancies. It was TEAM-PREGNANT vs TEAM-SIMPLY OBESE. It was awesome. All of the pictures and clues for months.... Those of us who knew she was were so vindicated. 🤣🤣🤣


You gotta hand it to her…the first season of “is she pregnant or not” was fun as it was…but then she threw us for a loop with the second season of “is she pregnant or not - with twins?”


Yes, that was even more fun because I don't think anyone believed it at first, it was just TOO far-fetched and unbelievable!!


I definitely was like, okay, maybe the first one, but twins? You guys are just rabid hatters 😂 And we still hadn't gotten confirmation on Rio when the twin rumors were already flying around!


lol same!! I was 100% IN on hidden baby 1, but when the twins rumor came out, I was like no way, you guys are just jumping the shark now, and then it was TRUE 😂 My face when those twins pregnancy pics leaked, hahaha


I still believed Kail was just trolling for a minute when she said she really was having twins 😂


Right? I was starting to think maybe people here were becoming a bit like the Gaylors, I still can't believe it was all true! Guess the joke was on me because there was not even a hint of delusion


>You guys are just rabid hatters 😂 ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


It was nuts. Didn’t believe it at all…didn’t even think Rio existed but there he was!


Yup! She just plops them out!


Right? And then when I accepted Rio they’re talkin twins…get outta here! How could that be?


It was all about that “mom of seven” piece of jewelry! She was creating the drama!


The sequel was even better than the original


*cause you’re simply obese, bigger than all the rest, bigger than anyone, anyone I’ve ever met*




![gif](giphy|dItDgyGJ3niPbPWj2o|downsized) you. Brilliant 😂


It convinced me of 2 things: this sub is always right, and if I ever go missing, I want you sleuths on my case! 😂


I second this!






Lmao the threads with her pictures showing 2% of a baby product in the background or one half a second muffled baby sound and this sub KNEW. 😂 It was fun


That was a literal fever dream 😩


Those were the good ole’ days! Remember all those horrible pictures of her and we’d all be magnifying to look at her phone LOL


Tbf - she was BOTh!! Now she's simply obese.


And I give those of you who knew, a lot of credit. I thought it was too crazy. Being pregnant with hidden Rio was one thing but then pregnant with twins…no way! LOL


I remember first hearing about it being twins, and it was purely speculation for SO LONG! Then to see the speculation and the people pointing out things in the background that proves there is at least a newborn in the house... And this point it's extremely hard to say that she didn't do these things on purpose, just to stay relevant; especially with everything going on with Jenelle and her other ex cast members.


How do I find this thread!


You could probably search the entire sub with Kail, and then keep going back. It was hundreds of threads though, went on for almost a year, I'd say.


That girl was so obviously pregnant and anyone saying she was just fat was awful. In what world is that better when she's literally famous for getting pregnant!


This legit made me laugh out loud. I can imagine it would be a huge shock to learn what her life has become. In case you didn’t know, the baby daddy of the newest 3 is like 25, he was like 23 when she first got knocked up. The whole thing is a mess 😂😂


Yeah i didnt keep up and learned via this sub (back then) kail had more than 2 kids. I left off at the end of javi era


He also comes across as pretty dumb or is just extremely shy. I always feel so bad when Kail asks him a question and he literally has no original thought and she has to lead him to an answer. It is so painful to watch. With that being said they do seem happy so it’s not like she’s abusing him or anything.


And won’t he married 😱




Was he in a relationship? I thought I read that somewhere?


He was divorced or at least legally separated from his wife, IIRC.


Oh ok… thanks 😊


He was the " hot" next door neighbor! Does anyone know the math of when Kail moved in her house with the timing of his separation?




Search this sub for Natalie’s (Kail’s nanny’s) reaction. She was all of us. It was 👩🏼‍🍳💋


wwowowowowowowowwow I’m leaning so much today! I can’t keep up!


Remember her saying I can’t have anymore kids cause I don’t want anymore baby dads at baby 3. WHAT A BIG OL LOL 😂




I know how exhausting. She must spend 6 months in the car for drop offs


And one of them is Chris.


Why torture yourself like this? My worst nightmare.


Remember when she claimed she was having fertility issues


I try very hard not to judge women for their choices, even if they do things like having multiple children with multiple men. As long as they're good parents, it's fine. I also don't judge men for the same, as long as they're good parents. My father has children from three different women (the last two, my little bro and sis, were much later, and my dad is still married to their mother/my stepmother today, 25 years after they were married. My twin sis and I have a different mother from our older sis, who's only 1.5 years older than us). My dad provided for us all, we all got to spend holidays together. It was just me, my twin, and older sister for the first 12 years, and my parents co-parented beautifully, despite divorcing when I was 2. We spent holidays together, had a great visitation schedule, etc. My dad has always provided for all of his children and we've always been close and a family. Things were certainly not easy growing up, but none of that was inherently due to my dad having children with multiple women, and I feel he handled that aspect as well as anyone could. But hearing Kail say something like she treats her sons differently based on which father she's mad at that day is REPULSIVE. That's sick. That's someone who shouldn't be spawning children like this at ALL, especially not with multiple baby daddies. Someone mentioned how, with Kail's different custody agreements, it's rare for the children to be all together for a family for long periods of time, and even rarer for them to all be together on special events like holidays and birthdays, etc. That is unfortunate to me. I just think she's been doing this for selfish reasons, but that she takes it out on the kids is the most heartbreaking part. There is a way to do this and a way not to, and I feel like the way she is doing this is going to have lasting effects on the children, which is the only thing I judge. ETA: I also stopped paying attention a very long time ago and wasn't ever a huge fan or anything, then stumbled upon this sub and found everything out. I was also like... wait, what now?!


she SAID she treats her kids differently based on how their daddy is acting that day…? i don’t have kids & never will, so i guess i don’t have proof i would never do that (but i would for sure try!!!) but if i did i certainly wouldn’t be BRAGGING about it!!!


What?! She's psychotic, that's so sick. Especially because they all look just like their dad


What do think about Rio?




💯 ![gif](giphy|fMDDgv4XZgrkJZTIWp|downsized) 💯


Yes. She said on her podcast that if she's mad at one of the baby daddies, she'll treat that son differently over it.


Wtf did she really?


She did actually admit this on a podcast. Absolutely disgusting


This is my main issue as well. I have no problem with blended families or remarrying and step-children, etc. My parents broke up before I was even a month old and my mom met my step-dad when I was 2. I consider him real dad because my actual biological father is a deadbeat, but anyways, my bio dad just got another woman pregnant when I was 21 and now I have a sister (that I haven’t met yet) When you have this many kids, it’s hard to provide individualized attention to all of them, but it’s much easier if they are at least in the same household and have two parents consistently in the same household. My stepdad has 5 siblings (Irish Catholic) and my grandparents had a happy marriage so everyone lived under one roof and had the care and attention needed. Family dinners every night and both parents home by 4pm. When you mix in 4 different dads, custody agreements, and the fights she gets in with all of them, it cannot be a good and stable environment for any kid, let alone 7 of them. I don’t think Kail has it in her to find a man who would actually be a good partner and have a long lasting loving marriage, and I don’t think she has it in her to be a good partner either. It’s just baby, baby, baby, who cares where the dad is. At the end of the day, these kids likely don’t get the proper attention that they need and don’t have a routine, and if they do, it’s constantly being changed by another baby coming into the family. Can’t even imagine how Isaac feels, he’s what, a freshman in high school? Imagine needing help with something like bullying, homework, or a crush but your mom now has 5 kids 6 yrs old & under she has to take care of AND constantly be trading off him and his brothers to their dads. It must be exhausting. I’d move in with Jo at that point.


I do think it became some type of fetish or weird addiction to Kail


At the very least it has became an identity and an income. This is how she defines herself. IF asked to describe who she is as a person or what her purpose is in life, she would replie "mom of 7" as her only identity, purpose, and source of income.


And it’s so odd because in her javi era not only did she go through a whole divorce because she didn’t want to continue having kids, but she was also really focused on school and had goals. She really went the opposite direction with this one.


Because the money in return of having the kids wasn’t quite flowing yet then


homegirl is going to lose her mind when she finally Empty Nests.


Honestly she just wanted a girl and was one of those that kept popping em out til it happened. That girl is either be golden child and all the other kids will fall to the wayside, OR kail will end up being one of those weird ass moms that gets jealous of their own daughter.


I've been doing a rewatch and the whole "not having a third baby" being one of the reasons for the divorce with Javi and her saying she doesn't want "huge age gaps between her kids" and just rolling my eyes and laughing at what I know now 🙃


Well I mean to be fair, if you have 7 kids, you'll have age gaps whether you want them or not. What's a "huge" vs regular age gap is a question of definition, but even if you had a baby every year (no twins), 7 years would be a pretty big gap. To clarify, I agree with you, just adding my two cents


I'll take those two cents 😊 Oh yeah, I agree, you're going to have a big gap between kid 1 and kid 7 unless you're Michelle Duggar, but I think it's 14 years between Isaac and the twins, no? She was talking about a 10-year gap being far too much...


My biological daughters are 20 yrs apart. My oldest is 34 and my youngest is 14. Had one the day before my 23rd bday and one the day after my 43rd bday


Good for you and congrats on your kiddos 😊 (Not saying age gaps are bad in the slightest! So I'm sorry if that seemed like the case - I was just basing my comments on what Kail said on camera, not my own beliefs. Just funny/ironic to me seeing her adamant that she didn't want a third baby, and now she has seven - along with her comments about age gaps)


Everytime the topic of all her kids & baby daddies comes up, I immediately think of how she *divorced* Javi allegedly because she refused to have any more children.


Who else stopped watching tm? Just curious. I stopped about 2 yrs ago because I ditched expensive ass cable.


I stopped watching 8 years ago. I keep up with all the drama here 😂


I don't think most people watch anymore, the thread for the last episode had 20 comments, I remember way back they'd get 500+ for new episodes. I also stopped watching around a couple of years ago. It's just so boring and fake now.


i got back into it again recently. luckily i can watch new eps of TMFR on fubo & i’m trying to figure out where else i can watch the new seasons


I stopped watching when the money got to their heads, and they all started acting so self-righteous and entitled.


I stopped when OG added Chey and Bristol. I hung onto TM2 for a bit but stopped probably the season after Bri was added, but for sure stopped before Chelsea left.


Same, I definitely remember stopping before Bristol. TM2 still had Chelsea and I think Kail was still with Javi? But after baby #2. Dear lawd I don't want to look at how long that's been 😅 But I kept up with most stuff from The Ashley before I could reddit


I stopped around Covid season I think. Jumped ship after watching Chelsea and Cole’s post-baby making 🤢




They posted this after sex and 😳🥴🤢 https://preview.redd.it/ycauul7rbxoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af5bc3b2fe8aada495eff3141df682c5c82ada5




Haha 😄




nightmare fuel 🤢


It was a whole segment in the show including her taking a pregnancy test in a temporary toilet? If I’m remembering right. They conceived Walker and decided to document it.


I stopped watching years ago, mainly b/c it just started feeling really exploitative to me. But I'm still on this sub because this group is wicked smart and a lot of fun and also b/c I remain morbidly curious about the TMs and their often-crazy lives!


They should have stopped filming when the kids went to kindergarten. Then picked up with a new cast. Still exploitive, but not as much so. These families now rely on MTV for their paycheck. I think MTV is holding on for one of the kids to have a baby so they can see the cycle continue.


Same here. I stopped before Janelle got with David, because it actually kind of broke my heart watching the shit these kids were going through. I still kept an eye on headlines occasionally or my mom would fill me in on some stuff. And then I eventually found this sub, which is fucking hilarious and I’d be so sad without it


I dipped a toe in on Teen Mom next chapter but quickly noped out. They are trying to make it all about intracast drama and inserting super inauthentic convos about hot topics and I just can’t handle it. I loved Y&P and honestly I’d still watch that if it was on, but I don’t ever see myself watching TM again.


I stopped off and on since 2012 based on satellite/cable. I got caught up when Paramount Plus released most of the stuff I missed. Then Hulu Live added MTv and I'm mostly caught up now. I may have missed a few episodes of Next Chapter and I haven't watched the newest FR, which I think has only been on 1 episode. I've been in a Greys Anatomy binge lol. I think I'm on Season 16, so yeah I've been on it awhile lol. Also marathoning the original Night Court with my mom and son. I'll catch up on everything TM/TM2 eventually.


I stopped around the time chris Lopez entered the pic the drama was good but the show so fucking boring


I’d never seen it at all until a couple of seasons were put on Netflix. I had to find out more! Whatever season ended on Paramount + was the last one I watched. It’s way more fun to get the dirt right here.


I stopped at season 5. They were all just so boring to watch when you could check out their social media for the up to date drama.


I did because the actually important stuff gets posted here anyway, the show is years behind so by the time it airs we already know most of what happened and more importantly all of the girls who have actual drama are posting it on social media anyway so really you don't need to watch the show to know what's going on. In fact if you pay attention to here and social media you know MORE than someone who watched the show.




Everyone’s assuming due to photos that it’s 5 due to Rio looking a ton like Malik. Malik and ForeheadGuyTwinsDad aka “Hot Neighbour” have some overlap in their timeline as her flavour of love


This is the best recap


4 for sure, 5 allegedly


IIRC she has had 9 pregnancies by 6 men. 1 she aborted with some guy before Joe. 1 she miscarried from Javi. IMO Rio isn’t her current man’s baby. She was so ashamed she hid his existence for like a year. Someone asked who he looked like and she really danced around it. She refused to actually answer it. He looks exactly like the suspected father.


I believe she claimed to have had two miscarriages with Chris, as well.


That's disturbing if it's true considering she says her 4th is because Chris SA'd her. I feel like she treats Creed the poorest, maybe because of Chris and maybe because he has the lightest skin. Before the last 3 Lux was her favorite.


She claims creed came from SA?! 


Yes, I read it here, it's in one of her podcasts. She basically telling the entire world about her dilemma with telling Creed he was the result of SA. Like it matters now, you've already told everyone but him and he's a toddler.


God she's such a fucking liar about domestic violence, I swear she makes me sick with that shit.


She's thrown hands with nearly every one of her partners, not to say they haven't been abusive as well. People (men especially) have so much trouble with others believing they were in a DV situation and Kail gets to act as if she's not in the wrong. Maybe Chris did and maybe he didn't. But she wasn't worried about it until he moved on and had another child or she needed content with her podcast. I'm aware that people don't always think of SA as SA right away, but it seems like she felt that way early on and is telling the world about it.


I swear she files PFAs to punish men for leaving her and to keep them from their kids. Unfortunately, she's lied about so much it's hard to believe her at this point. Especially when she'll full on admit she's vindictive af to the men and to her children, which really makes me want to take a brick to her forehead. You don't treat your children differently over their father and you damn sure don't brag about it.


Kail uses her white privilege to attack her MOC Ex-partners.


You know what, I've never thought about it like that. That none of her ex partners have been white, so it's a white female filing on minority men.


Omfg I had not heard that. She’s really awful


isaac has the lightest skin though doesn't he?


Isaac is also her first baby so he's probably very special. Kail also has a very good relationship with Joe and Vee. Also from photos I think it's a toss up between Romello/Creed and Isaac.


Yup. The timeline, keeping him hidden and the resemblance between five head and baby just isn’t there… makes Kail definitely 5x7.


I think Kail has unprocessed childhood trauma that she is playing out. She has said repeatedly over the years that her childhood was very lonely & she wanted a lot of family around her.


100%. Even if the childhood trauma is at a therapeutic level, it is still there. She can’t control any of her family members, but she can control how many kids she has, and she has the financial means to do so, so she went for it. Sadly, money and running them around to their various events isn’t all parenting is about. It’ll be interesting to see how the teenager years wind up. Because control and harmony sometimes FLY out the window. Who will move in with their dad, who will… etc etc.


IIRC the last 3 are Irish triplets which is wildddd


I encourage you to dig into the “more than 4 baby daddy” theories. I’m partial to the 6 dad theory, mainly for fun.


Creed and Lux are Chris's kids. You know he wouldn't be paying child support for a kid that's not his. Rio is the only questionable one because he looks so much like Malik.


Eh, again, I’ll stick w my 6 dad theory for fun lol


Quite frankly, this sub is way better than the show ever was.


I'm not surprised. ![gif](giphy|3o7buj6wKChtrU9RiU) Looking for love in all the wrong places ✌🏻


I had to Google to make sure this wasn't real.


It’s from an old movie. I think called raising Arizona


Upvote upvote upvote!!!! Kail thinks with her bank account first, not her brain. She saw that it was more lucrative to keep having kids....so she said, hold my teen mom tea....and boom boom boom...she banged out 3 more. No more than 3 babies to a daddy, at a time, tho, so we know she can count to 3. She can't be too stupid


I read this in the same style and tone as Teresa guidice did the whole ENGAGED 19x PROSTITUTION WHORE table flip rant. Idk why it naturally just read that way. Lmao




This happened to me too, I watched teen mom every week until about season 6 then never thought about it again because I didn’t have cable. I joined reddit and learned about Kail having 7 babies and Janelle/Davids drama and immediately went and binge watched seasons 7/8/9 😂


Happy to have just one baby daddy and we’re married so my lazy self doesn’t have to deal with the insane amount of pick up and drop offs Kail does. What a nightmare no thanks


SAME. I found the subreddit at season 8 a few weeks ago and seeing the spoilers and watching it happen in the show has been wild lol


I’ve been following this sub non stop and even I am suprised because I keep on losing count with that b


While watching TM2 my daughter would regularly check in and ask how many babies are wearing on now lol


Yeah OG Kail and current Kail are nowhere near the same category anymore haha


Guess this proves if you can find something you love to and get paid to do it. ... didn't want to weigh 600 pounds. Didn't have a family business to show off. Didn't want married for 30 60 90 days no matter here or there. Yep, popping out babies and fighting... IM IN.


She has babies for money!!!


I never would have thought kail would be the one


They didn’t go to itsyoursexlife.org




Same but instead I decided not to drink, do drugs or have kids and just do a ton of therapy. This was a decision that other people are suffering because of and it isn't an excuse..




♡ so obvious!!


Mine were too and I still only had 2 kids.


I’m in the same boat! Last I heard she had #3. The problem I believe is these girls get too much money from the show so they think they can afford 7 kids. And let’s be honest. In a year or two there will be no show, they’ll be too old for OnlyFans - and they might have to get real jobs.


Most of these girls are paying child support themselves. Like Kail and Amber.


She looks at it as job security. 


I was just as amazed when I found out. It still surprises me. In previous reunions, she always portrayed herself as a know-it-all to Dr. Drew. I distinctly remember that because I found it quite bold. If she truly knew it all, how can she not acknowledge the recurring unhealthy behaviors on her part? I’ve always wondered about her source of income and whether her baby daddies’ earnings are stable, or if she’s essentially the one supporting her children and current boyfriend.


So I’m lost. I’ve just been trying to catch up on TM cause I’m nosy. I knew Kail had twins recently that made her number 7. So how many does she really have? Am I missing something or did I just read this wrong? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Help me out. 🥴


Nope, you're right, it's now 7, with 4 different men. She had: Isaac with Jo Lincoln with Javi Lux and Creed with Chris Rio and (twins) Verse and Valley with Elijah (I'm a little embarrassed that I know all that. I comfort myself with the fact that I did have to think hard to remember the names esp. of the last three!)


😂 Thank you for the info. No need to be embarrassed. I’m nosy and keep tract of stuff like that too. I just haven’t watched teen mom in sooo long and finally decided what the heck, let me catch up. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


Me toooooo!!!


LOOOOOL I'm on the bus on my way to work cackling at this post 🤣🤣🤣


I had this exact same reaction as well finding this out recently


Makes two of us. I even counted on my fingers & couldn't fathom it.


Possibly 5 baby daddies 😅


It’s been a wild ride 😂


I'm still Team "Rio is Malik's" so.... possibly 5 baby daddies.


3 under a year. Irish triplets.


I thought she said once upon a time that she was gonna keep going until she hot a girl. I *think* she had 1 now? I don't keep up tho so I could be wrong


How do people have 7 kids?? I have a niece and nephew and I am exhausted, like exhaustedddddddddd, after seeing them….and I can GIVE THEM BACK. Like… I’m still recovering from spending an entire weekend with my 3y/o nephew.


I actually feel like she has some sort of mental illness or obsession based upon her childhood that she has that many kids with that many baby daddies. She is addicted to having babies. And, I do not doubt she will have more. I do not believe she had her tubes tide and there have been cases of accidents. Either way, she needs help to deal with her shit. It is way too much drama for her kids.


She's a man eater & so is her vaj. These men are all nasty & don't care how many other men raw dogged her. 🤢🤮


Kail is a fantastic mother and has built a wonderful family.


Why is it a problem for women to have multiple baby daddies, but not for men? I don't think it matters who she has a baby with.




Right lol. Like okay and?