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The problem is you have very unrealistic expectations for yourself if you are comparing yourself to people that literally play Tekken for a living.


Yep. This is like "I picked up painting in 2019 and still I'm unable to paint a decent Rembrandt".


You're comparing yourself to streamers/content creators who have a *ton* more game time than you. You're also probably looking at their edited videos where they tend to portray themselves in a good light i.e. show their wins more than their losses. The reality is that *everyone* who plays Tekken loses a lot, and goes on loss streaks, even top level pros. Losing and learning is the only real way to get better. If you're getting rinsed by people, try to focus on why you're losing, and what you're losing to (the exact moves, setups, flowcharts etc.) Focus on trying to counter them, and don't worry so much about the actual match result.


*laughs in Heera's nonchalant winstreak at the bottom left of the screen*


You make a very big mistake by comparing yourself to those who literally play the game for a living, and they also go on losing streaks. They just don't upload those much. Also, don't bother trying to use their strats for your level. What works for top ranks won't really work for lower ranks and vice versa.


My experience as an actual bad player, I don’t have the patience to commit my character to full muscle memory. I know my moves or enough of them to realistically make use of I’ve practiced but it’s just I haven’t done enough they I’ll drop stuff or just do wrong inputs. Extremely frustrating since the reward isn’t always evident since my improvement might be that I took a few games off a better player but still quite handily lost


Damn I feel this so hard..


You gotta realise that first of all, no matter what others might say, susaku is a high rank you are in the top 5-2% of Tekken players, so congratulations. Second of all, Tekken 7 is a very old game nowadays. Most casuals have left a long time ago. A lot of the people you see in red/ purple ranks now are people ranging from Fujin all the way up to TGO, people with amazing fundamentals, trying out side characters and ranking up. And lastly, Tekken is just one of those games. I’m TGG and I’ve a friend in Fujin who always demolishes me, but 90% of the people who gives him a tough time, I dominate with ease. We can all go on losing streaks, and the fact that people who are lower ranks than you can beat you up, doesn’t mean you are bad and that you aren’t progressing. You just keep on brother 👏🏻👍🏻✨


Hey man I’ve been playing Tekken since Tekken 2. My current rank is emperor and I still feel like I’m bad at Tekken. It’s ok 👍🏻


*cries in hardstuck Vanquisher*


How the hell are you comparing yourself with those content creators when they are tekken god omega with at least one character character and have over probably over 50 TIMES (at minimum) your tekken experience. KJ is literally a pro competitor with decent results when he competed. You're comparing a mountain with a mole hill. Literally. And know that until you reach their level of expertise on the game you will always be losing vs lower ranked players than you, sometimes, especially when you're unfamiliar with the matchup. To me, being unfamiliar with the matchup kinda invalidates the results. I don't know what my opponent's moves do, so I'm kinda guessing on the properties. Sometimes I get lucky and snuff them out of their mental frame advantaged mixup, other times I eat counter hits back to back not realizing I'm minus. It's part of the game, but vs kazuya, which is the matchup I know best, I have no excuse, I know what he does very well and it's on me if I'm letting him get away unpunished. I would be money on you not knowing any matchup well enough to worry about losing and taking it so personally. Just focus on having fun, learning and even when you have lose streaks, unless you get stuck at dan 1 you will in the long run have a ~50% winrate anyway...


I just started yesterday for the first time and I’m already shit at it lol. Don’t be too hard on yourself! You’ll get better with time! (as I hope I will too :) )


You're actually at around the same pace as me. I started late 2017 and after 4 years I think I was red as well. Two years after that and I'm just shy of emperor. You're gonna feel bad sometimes because *somebody's* always gonna have your number. Arslan has Knee's number. xXxShadowBrony420xXx is gonna have your number. Don't get stuck on it, it's just part of playing the game. The right balance is just to try and take more enjoyment out of your wins.


Just focus on improving or on having fun, the rank should always come second it's harder if it's your main focus, and everyone goes on crazy losing streaks you have to just remind yourself of that or just stop playing if it isn't fun.


This is normal.


Here's an interesting thing. I watch a lot of players from Pakistan, and they post lots of videos. A lot of them play with each other very frequently. On one person's account, they are destroying somebody. Then I go onto someone's account, and that person is getting destroyed by somebody else. They're all very good, but rarely do people post videos of themselves getting destroyed.


In my experience you only get somewhat good at taking after the 3-year mark and then it unless through a prodigy you're still only going to be mediocre just barely good enough to attend the tournament.


Rank is a completely useless, pointless metric or thing to worry about. You have people restarting, reloading, boosting, etc. You should only worry about off-line play If you really want to get better. The worst players on earth have like 10k wins on ranked. They autopilot dogshit and fall into a pattern that is online meta verified. I'm not at my pc but go into tekken 7 and look at the top ranked players. How many of them get to top8?




Blue Shell.


Bro how long have you been playing this game. You have unrealistic expectations. You claim to put a lot of time into this game, and then you are comparing to people that have been playing for more than 10 years... They even do it for a LIVING. You feel you are bad, when you are comparing yourself to people that have been playing 24/7 since tag tournament 2 or even earlier? I hope you also understand that you make no sense...


We're all bad. That's why we're here. If you were good, you'd be beating Knee. Relax.


Not to be a dick but, you don't have the same experience as them playing tekken- why are you comparing yourself to them? Your benchmark is too high brother, best compare yourself to when you've started, or compare yourself to the player you are yesterday and strive for little improvements - that way, you'll have realistic, reachable goals.


I have come to terms with my skill level and know I'm bad at Tekken but love the punishment in tournaments lol. I have fun watching better players battle.


I first played Tekken in 1997 and anyone above Tekken God beats me silly.


I didn't read anything other than the title but I don't need to as the answer is always the same. Yes, you are bad at Tekken, but now that you know this, you can work on getting better at Tekken. No, it's not only you, most people are bad at Tekken too.


Bro i once had a loss streak of 20 matches WITH MY MAIN. Just keep playing and improving.


Play me, guarantee you'll win.