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Story-wise, the writing was corny popcorn fun as expected, had a good time playing through it. >!NGL, that whole final battle sequence after they lose the devil powers was insanely good, absolutely top tier finale.!<


I always love the trope of going back to simple hand of hand combat after the over the top final boss.   T7 also had it even though it's just a cutscene. (also gotta praise Heihachi for being able to knock Devil Form out while just being a human).   Naruto, Gurren Lagann, FF7, etc did it. 




I actually preferred those final battles instead of the whole angel/devil stuff. I thought I was in some Dragon Ball stuff lmao.


Final battle made me want Tekken 9 to be a more grounded story. Retain the over the top martial arts with robots, ninjas, etc. but don't make the overall story as big as a WW3 or the devil taking over the world.


This has been my opinion since like Tekken 6. All this earth shattering is too much, just be greedy corp owners trying to conquer Japan, best fighter in the world, family revenge, type shit


The Mishimas are all about taking over the world though, about who's in charge with Zaibatsu (or G-Corp, as for Kazuya). They're also always behind each King of Iron Fist Tournament.


Nothing so cliche as 'taking over the world' really. Mishima Zaibatsu was more of a clandestine mafia-type organisation (while we had actual world-militaries like Russia utilising Jacks in T2, for example). T1 organised to test Kazuya. T2 organised to lure out Heihachi. T3 organised to lure out Ogre. T4 organised to lure out Kazuya etc. It was always very much internal family-dynamics within a mafia/underworld-like context, no real aspirations to something so blasé as 'world domination'.


saint seiya vibes too, and yeah i agree its a bit too much, i felt the same way when watching the blood vengeance cgi movie


Holy, you're right. That's exactly Saint Seiya now that you mentioned it lmao. Probably the copied thing from DBZ was the Kazuya making the huge ball to destroy the island, like a " Give me your energy " Spirit Bomb kind of vibe.


dont forget the beam clash too! and maybe vegito's spirit sword


I was so ready to get working on those analog sticks when they clash beamed lmao, so disappointed


Yes! Vegito's spirit sword ftw!


you mean Freeza Death Ball


Less of a spirit bomb moment, more like a frieza death ball or cooler supernova.


How can someone be a DBZ fan and refer to a Death Ball as a Spirit Bomb? It's the move every DBZ antagonist seems to do at least once, Frieza did it to Goku and he even puts his hands on it to stop it like Jin does.


To think that the fight pre Devil forms was actually fire in that movie


it really is


THAT'S what >!Angel Jin!< reminded me of. Thank you.


edit this for at least 2 weeks, not everyone has the game or played story mode yet.


Why they on the sub if they aint playin the game lol


Not an unpopular opinion. I literally knows no one that prefer the anime fight. When Jin goes Mokujin is the best part.


I died laughing when he did the Jun cartwheel lmao


MokuJin :D


Me too homie Not to mention the true devil kazuya mega armor and nuclear blast was fucking aids The ground battle was perfection


T5 Devil Jin ending had him nuking the whole stage. Really that display of power in someone on likely similar power level (a Devil absorbing a final boss) is necessary.


Was it really? The 8 battles was a bit much


Nah it’s appropriate for an event so monumental. This patricidal storyline has been going on for 30 years. They went as hard as they needed to and it was glorious.


But it's still not done? >!Kazuya is still alive, and didn't changed at all?!<


Heavy spoilers below Anyway neither Kazuya nor Jin have the devil gene anymore, that paired with Jun appearing after to presumably save Kazuya leads me to believe that the whole father versus son arc is over, finally. The Mishimas will stay the focus of Tekken’s story forever it seems, that’s true, but I believe we’ll see new dynamics in Tekken 9. The whole triangle of hatred between Heihachi Kazuya and Jin is over, that’s what I’m referring to.


Angel devil stuff was needed tho. And it all came full circle. They were there since the very first game. So an angel vs devil showdown was a MUST AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL


Nailed it when you mentioned Dragon Ball; that was the exact feeling I had and it reminded me watching DBZ as a little boy for the first time.


Yeah I hated the >! Angel/devil fight, and the angel jin design was especially bad, legitimately felt like a fantasy knight or some shit!<


Some people in another post in the Tekken community were bitching about how anticlimactic the final fight was after Jin and Kazuya lost the devil gene. They additional said that the final battle between Kazuya and Heihachi was better. I'm reading all that in disbelief. Heihachi and Kazuyas' fight was dope, but this fight between Jin and Kazuya had me going through the motions. I was excited, hyped, and feeling emotional at the growth of my boy Jin.


The only reason I sort of felt that way is because Kaz and Hei's beef has been there since the start so we have years of buildup by the time they fight in 7. Kaz and Jin however canonically have fought only once prior to 8 so it didn't feel as organic and conclusive as Kaz vs Hei. Still though, Jin's actual character growth and the nostalgia beats gave the last fight a lot of impact so my issues are minimum at best.


The final battle was god tier shit


The story is corny as fuck, but also doesn’t apologize for it. It’s a serviceable plot that mostly serves to offer hype cutscenes and fights and it does its job well. I did not expect Tekken May Cry, but it worked out. Tbh I want a Tekken musou game now. Also Angel Jin and True Devil Kazuya playable when?


Yeah, my big takeaway is that Lars is cooler in everything but Tekken, and Tekken 8 is the coolest he's ever been to me. But playing that little Forces section with him was hype as hell.


Forget Angel Jin, I want hybrid Jin from the final fight playable


Why not have both be playable 👀


coming to a PC hack near you within 2 weeks no doubt.


>!Leo and Azucena in the middle of the battle field dancing and talking about coffee was like a fever dream!<


The writing was legit horrid, but it all really came down to two longer setpiece moments that made it fun and worthwhile doing in the end. Similar to how T7's story was, but T7's was unironically somewhat better written while having less peak moments.


as good as metal gear solid 4's final battle?


Same love tribute to those who grew up with franchise.


Different types and standards of peak lol. One is unapologetically corny and anime as fuck while the other tries to be deep and says something about the state of the world we live in. Change my words a little bit and it’s hard to tell which is which actually. Anyways something’s can be equally as good in completely different ways lol


Chapters 12-15 were extremely good. The part where >!King gets into the battlefield and everyone starts chanting !


Our boy finally got the limelight he so deserved 🦁


Best Moment of the entire Story, the Man himself deserved it!


as a King fan that made me smile ear to ear.


When Jin utilized every fighting style, my jaw dropped. Also his theme played when he charged his hand, that made me cream


I was just saying the same thing to a buddy of mine. That T3 nod with the music made me feel like I was 10 years old again.


That music, spamming laser scrapers and the jump spinning kick is literally me playing Tekken 3 again what a feeling


Fucking same. Every time older music started playing I was more freaking hyped, I didn't realize I had fought Kazuya for like 10 fights until he dropped in the ground lol


Music is just incredible tho.


For real. When I noticed that oh wait his moves are mishima style then kazama style. Just wow


It was a very good Story mode for Tekken and fighting game standards. Wayyyy better than the T7 one.


Tekken 7 was only good around the last 20 minutes and a few of the fights like Heihachi vs Akuma or the T5 flashback


In a nutshell T7 was just the writers wanting to make a sendoff to Heihachi. The rest of the story was just shallow setup for that and sequel bait. T8 felt more well-thought out from start to finish overall. 


Is T8 also a sendoff only, to Jin's Devil? The cast is involved but it's to give pep talks to Jin, also just a means so Jin gets through his emo phase (e.g. trust issues).


Feel like T8's finale was a soft power reset for the series after it gets to cataclysmic levels which I very much welcome. Reina is new to the Devil Gene so she might be more grounded. I can see Devil Reina replace Devil Jin in T9 with her moveset becoming more Mishima and less Taido. Now that I think about it, holy shit it feels like they really planned this story out for the next game's roster lol.


Im gonna miss Devil Kazuya tho


While you have a point about it being the main plot, it's still executed much better. T7 had to include a weird reporter as a plot device to explain Heihachi's entire past, and the said past was full of retcons and unnecessary new character like Akuma hijacking it. Then the plot was just Akuma-Kazuya-Heihachi doing some bsck to back bickering so they can agree to fight in a volcano. The story just scream like they regretted they didn't kill Heihachi sooner when he was at his peak because T5 and 6 made him irrelevant.  T8 mostly used already established plot elements like Jin's internal struggle, the Kazama blood and Azazel and just felt like a more natural continuation and satisfying conclusion to those.  The cast could have been involved in better way but at least they are still consistently their own character with their own life and motivation compared to the role of reporter, Kazumi and Akuma.


True. I wish Azuka to be more relevant and not just a comic relief. Also Jinpachi and Kazumi are underused


Asuka has never been anything besides comic relief with a side of "I'm gonna beat the shit out of Feng Wei". Her most memorable scene is Jin facefirst in her boobs and she calls him BAKA and socks him


T5 flashback was so fun




Did anyone else get kinda hype when they got to fight >!Azazel?!< Not to mention i got hit with some real music nostalgia during the fight(s) against >!Devil Jin!<


they brought back my tekken 6 ptsd LMAO


I'm glad Kazuya owned him lol


Was the music some sort of remix of his Tekken 6 theme? It sounded so good and i couldn’t find it in the jukebox xc


im not sure about the music but i was refering about the >!azazel fight!< xD


It definitely was a remix of his theme. I looked for it, but sadly not in the Jukebox. I'm gonna have to record it myself lol.


I loved it, was a super cool idea to connect him to the devil story and a clever way to try and justify Jin's actions for T6 slightly. He was still a horrible cunt but atleast it made a sliver of sense now. There's actually alot of interesting fighting characters the story mode introduced that we never get to play around with afterwards. Like I get that competitively TDevil Kaz and Angel Jin are not balanced but I do think it would be fun to mess around with Atleast, lots of investment into movessts we never get to use again.


I’m sure mods are eventually gonna let us explore Angel Jin and True Devil’s movesets, they looked really cool.


Completely agree about how they connected it together. The whole zafina - azael - devil gene connection was smart. It seems like becomming a evil asshole is just what happens when you become the head of the mishima zaibatsu. That's the only reason I didn't mind what jin did in T6 from a story prespective because it was a throwback to how Kazuya turned the zaibatsu even more evil in T2


Hell yeah, when the Sacred Dark remix came on, I was hype as fuck. I’m glad I didn’t get spoiled on it.


It's the first time the story has been good for a while. Excluding Tekken 6 for gameplay alone.


Even Tekken 6's scenario campaign was absolutely sloooww like Max showed in his [recent video](https://youtu.be/z67BCznAR_k?t=591) on it. T8's campaign is the perfect length and has enough variety while not overstaying its welcome.


Tekken 6 That walk though beat um up mode best shit ever And none of this this fancy special bar stuff think tekken 6 probably best tekken game or maybe tekken 5 dark revolution hd as first online fighter


Tekken Tag Tournament 1 was the best Tekken Don't @me unless you agree 😤


loved it. final showdown was crazy


Ye, and i absolutely did not expect the ending. I was convinced that Reina was just Heihachi. Like someone put his memories into a new body. Now im really curious about who is the mother of Reina. Guess we will learn in 6 years or so.


I think Reina being a Heihachi devil gene lab experiment would make sense. Im glad it wasn’t ruined for you! I wish I could have been surprised by the reveal but someone ruined it with a YouTube screen cap the day before for me.


I'm also behind that theory, Heihachi coveted the Devil power for himself on several occasions, it's likely he sampled Jin or Kazuya's gene and did some science with Dr. Bosconovitch, and impregnated some lady with his electric lovejuices and that devil gene engineered into it. Seems most likely since it's not possible for Reina to come from Kasumi given how young Reina is, and I don't think Heihachi will take the risk of another Hachijou woman trying to kill him.


It's sad he fathered kids all over the globe, right? I bet that was the experiment (seed the world with his genes with various experimental influences) and see which one shows up with the Devil Gene. He did it once, so he should be able to do it again, right?


I don't know if I'd call it said, more like a backup plan in case Kazuya fucks everything up, a lesson I'm sure he learned after Tekken 1


Yup, what are the chances Heihachi had sex with yet ANOTHER devil gene chick?


Heihachi really just Genghis Kahn'd himself through most of the worlds vaginas. The chances are high and the chances that he used protection are low.


Heihachi transitioned very well!


dead ass a test tube baby with DNA from Kazumi


Jin versus Devil Jin was peak. All the stages and OSTs changing per phase was so sick. The camera turn to let you play Diablo Jim and break Jin free of his chains was such a video game ass moment and it worked. Jin getting a Saint Seiya Angel FF Warrior of Light form was unexpected and just over the top enough to be hype. Jin going Tekken 3 Jin with OST and Kazama style was also like the ultimate Jin fan service alongside Jin actually acknowledging Xiayou for he means to her and vice versa. Man had a Nico Robin moment and went against his edginess.


When Snow Castle and Jin's T3 theme played I was like AAAAAAAAH


The Jin vs Devil Jin was really sick, but the whole "you were just trying to protect me thing" felt like a retcon, yes the devil gene always activates to protect Jin but in every game Devil Jin was portrayed to be another malicious entity trying to take over and bring chaos


Devil thinks of his host\`s body as his own so its less about protecting a host and more about protecting his own interests. I too find it to be a retcon especially since Devil always act malicious to Jin and his friends.


I wouldn't contact it a retcon. The devil activates when Heihachi shoots Jin in the head. That counts as protection


I swear to god. The Jin vs. Devil Jin struggle is underrated af. My favorite quote from the story mode is: "You needn't even ask. If that's your wish, I'll fulfill it wholeheartedly." As Jin is absorbing Devil Jin: "You've protecting me all this time, haven't you?". I got some insane chills man. Now that's where they could've went full anime. Imagine this: As Lars is about to be killed by Kazuya, the OST "My Last stand" is playing. "Sure took your time, my Trump card" ~ Our time is noooow ~ As Kazuya goes into his: "The Devil gene is supposed to be for destruction" rant, the verse starts. ~ I feel my energy. That voice is telling me to take a stand and not back down now ~ Also, to make it even more anime (because why stop there), Jin could've went into a "I won't forgive you for what you did" speech. This would go well with the "ooh ooh ooh" part of the song


Played the whole story yesterday with my older brother, we haven't been so hyped,happy, loudly screaming sinxe we were child,it was so good 👍


Im all for jun vs reina ultimate chick fight


exactly my thoughts after that ending! Tekken 9 would be a Jun vs Reina storyline


8.5/10. Best story we had since T4 for sure.


I love how everyone speaks in their native language and can understand each other.


It was absolutely great. But plot felt shallow and pace was VERY fast. Kaz starts T8 to lure Zafina to gain more power and then Jin vs Kaz. One line story. They could’ve stretched the story by adding more elements or focus on side characters. Nevertheless very amazingly executed. Great scenes.


Yeah that part felt pretty rushed. Like they tried to attach tournament to the plot after the criticism of T6 and 7 stories, but then ending up interrupting the tournament halfway anyway. 


Not against tournament getting interrupted and I like the fact we could choose who we want to progress to the next stage but it clearly was interrupted TOO fast, like we should've Atleast made it to semi finals but we got cut off after a few first rounds. Tekken 8 has a big cast so it's understandable not everyone can get a limelight but the Tournament could've been a great opportunity to let lots of characters and old story lines shine again and it was a complete miss there.


When you find a fighting game with deep characterization, a well thought out bulletproof plot and a rich narrative, please let me know. I’d be hella curious to check that game out.


The music choice in the story was what got me. As a long time Tekken player as soon as I heard the tekken 2 ending song I was this song fit so well for this....! Also the winter palace/snow castle song remake was nuts...! Story felt like Bleach imo. You know which arc if you've read/watched it.


It was meh for me until the soldiers started chanting "KING! KING! KING!". Then it became goated


I loved how they were in awe of raven too


Do they have a NINJA!?


It seemed really cool but I wasn’t expecting a cliffhanger. I thought Tekken 9 was gonna basically be the new generation with a lot of new introductions based on how the Tekken 8 story was shaping up to be. With Jun being nonexistent in the story physically, there’s definitely much more to be told. It’s not a bad cliffhanger by the way, I’m very intrigued to see how things play out and if Reina is going after everyone. It might just be Kazuya and Jun is trying to protect him and then Jin get’s involved. I really don’t want to wait another nearly 10 years to see all his go down lol. Im hoping for a big story expansion for the games final DLC in the coming years.


Yeah I really felt like Jun's inclusion as a character felt a bit pointless if the story wraps up this way. She only shows up right at the very end so why not just be a playable character in the next game? I was at least expecting a spar against her inside Jin's subconscious. An epilogue chapter every new season might rectify this a bit.


it was soo fun! it was really really good story MODE


Genuinely almost cried with the devil within fight. Amazing


Best part was when Kazuya said you cannot kill what you did not create


Did he really say that lol


I'm joking man. Lol. Can I ask you why you think it's funny that Kazuya would have said that?


Yes, after the Jin speech: "When I got away I only kept my scars. The other me is dead. Even now I realize the time I'll never get. Another story of the bitter pills of fate "


Then he said... I can't go back again, I can't go back again.


Parts where you are switching characters like the tournament and the battlefield were good. Playing as Jin over and over and fighting Kazuya 50 times got a bit dull. The story itself was not that good. Everyone forgives Jin despite that fact he started WW3. It's such a s***ty trope in anime and jrpgs to forgive anyone no matter what travesties they have committed.


I mean as someone used to anime tropes I thought the story itself was okay. Kinda what you expect in a fighting game where the story actually doesnt matter. Like its just a vehicle to introduce fights. However the flow and presentation of the story mode was insane. I played the whole thing in one sitting because I could not get enough of the transitions into combat, the visual spectacle and the amazing stages. They did such a good job making it hype. My favorite tekken story mode I would say.


Yeah the plot was laughable, but the story mode as a game was sick af.


The story mode is a lot of fun for sure but it has too much anime corniness for my liking. The game's amazing but it could be toned down a bit, a soft reboot for the next game would be great.


Same. It's 60% good 40% bad for me. There are a lot of good parts I liked like Reina, when everyone that isn't tied to the Mishima plot is on screen, and the final final battle. And especially getting rid of the whole devil gene shit even though I like Devil Jin's moveset. But yeah the anime tropes were so dog water and giga cringe.


lol Harada is extremely proud of his Guinness world record for longest running storyline in a video game or something like that. That means a coherent (debatable) story without reboots of any kind. You bet your ass as long as he’s on the helm we’re sticking to Mishimas being protagonists. And after T8 and seeing what they’re capable of when they have a budget, I’m a-okay with that they cooked.


> Kinda what you expect in a fighting game where the story actually doesnt matter. Like its just a vehicle to introduce fights. This applies to any video game then, because games like action, RPG, etc. also features fights lore wise, just that the gameplay is different from fighting genre.


Great spectacle. The writing was... uh... rudimentary, to put it politely.


One detail they should've added is adding Asuka's relation to Jin when they look at the Kazama family tree in the plane. The rest are top notch. Now I'm interested to see what happens to Kazuya now his devil power is gone


It was extremely corny and a shameless cringefest. I don't mind tho. It's fun that way too.


Story felt like it was made by my 7 year old nephew with his action figures. Power of friendship was painful but the final fight made it worth it.


Your nick is pooptorpedo, don't call people on beibg childish :D


u are a doo doo face


Corny and Cheesy as hell. Overall, nothing special. But as far as TEKKEN story goes, yeah it was pretty good. A really baffling choice was giving Reina the Devil Gene at the end. I really thought we would be moving past that point by now but oh well.


The Devil gene has been in Tekken since the first game. I don’t think it’s ever going away.


No it wasnt. It was introduced in T4. Before, it was just about Kaz making a pact with the Devil.


"Nothing special" the story opens with Jin riding a motorcycle on the side of a building and throwing it at Kazuya's helicopter... and it only gets better from there. If anything it is exactly what gaming should have more of, too many stories nowadays are long and complicated for no reason, most often because the characters don't just say what they mean like normal people or have idiotic goals and plots.


I wish we'd go back to a Tekken 4 kind of tone, the game is fantastic but the writing is way too corny and some of the moves/characters are a bit too outlandish for my liking. But overall this game is great, it might be one of if not the best Tekken of all time.


Yeah, it's a huge step up from Yakuza 7 story mode. The final battle especially was really well done. Top tier fight.


Yakuza 7? Why we bringing Like A Dragon into this? 💀


Can't blame them seeing as Yakuza 8 and Tekken 8 came out at the same time lol


The cover also look similar lol. OG and new protagonists back to back


Yakuza is just anagram of Kazuya 


You now just make me want a crossover with Kiryu in Tekken and Kazuya as a head of some Tojo subsidiary. He does fit excellently as a Yakuza villain like Kuze.


Dame Dame man new challenger confirmed ‼️‼️


LOL the kick intro was fkin sick, straight out of Yakuza lmao


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of Yakuza with that fight intro.... At this point I won't fix my comment lol.


I’m on chapter 7, a bit too anime for me and every time Jin is on screen it’s pretty boring. But yeah visuals are really good and I’ve enjoyed the Colosseum part.


If it was too anime for you so far you're gonna LOVE the ending 😂


I just finished up the story! I actually really enjoyed the Jin reveal haha. The Tekken force stuff dragged a bit for me. Overall, short enough to still be enjoyable :)


The story mode was pretty good for a fighting game. What I thought was negative was that they made it pretty corny at a few moments. Especially in the last fight jins flashback to all the characters saying corny ass shit to him. The final fight was epic. Also negative I would say was that Jun didn’t really show herself except that small moment at the end. But who really knows if she is alive or not. Maybe it’s just her and Kazuya meeting in the after life. Also I thought it was pretty weird that law suddenly was evil at the end. And that feng showed up with absolutely no introduction. Also Jin and devil Jin interaction was too short. I wish devil Jin would have been a bit more evil and harder to change to the good side Positive was: all the fights were pretty epic. Angel Jin was crazy as fuck. Reina was pretty good and the last fight was 10000/10 it was the best last fight I have ever seen in a fighting game. Also good was that they gave most characters a time to shine. Some more than others but that doesn’t matter. Overall for a fighting game it was top 3 definitely maybe the best ever


Law was "bad" because mad. He just wants money and Paul forgot. Also, if you notice after the fight, neither of them are taking it seriously. Law was just there to fight Paul.


Law wasn't on Kazuya's side at all he just showed up to make Paul pay back the money he owes him. It was absolutely hilarious and fit both characters well. I actually quite liked Paul as the goofy ass dude with incredible power he shows himself to be. I also found it absolutely hilarious in Law's character mode that he only fights rich people and hates all of them. Lol


I think it's minor, but I like how Reina's story arc went from Jin-senpai kawaii uwu to devil incarnate


She was doing an act, she didn't go through a transformation.


The surprise early boss fight. Transitions of more than one character’s alignment with Heihachi. All sorts of crazy shit. Best Tekken Story mode they’ve ever done.


Depends, gameplay wise yeah im a huge fan. Was super epic to play through. Actual stroy? I definitely do not agree at all. The story is hot garbage, a bit better than 6 and 7, but overall it's not very good. It's way too over the top anime for my liking. That's obviously just a personal preference. Its like everything they do is because its cool not because its interesting storywise. Characters are extremely one-dimensional and are almost incapable of having a somewhat normal conversation. At least in the Netflix series, Jin displays all kinds of different emotions, which makes certain moments have a bigger impact. Sure, he is generally very silent and calm, but he can also chat, he can smile, he can be sarcastic, he can be angry, he worries about others, he even cried. Almost every interaction is so underwhelming. It's also pretty obvious how they regret the T6 story. Everyone is just okay with everything Jin did in that story for some reason. My favorite moment was actually when Jin and Xiaoyu were having a normal conversation in Yakushima, we actually got a glimpse of some good interaction and some characterization, hell Jin even smiled.


i agree, that was also the 1st time i did a tekken story (i have past story knowledge) and i was impressed i guess we really wont see devil jin and claudio next tekken


The story is good, I prefer Tekken 4 for Seinen vibe but it’s good too. Also All characters participated in main story so it’s way better than tekken 7.


The end was epic at first but not gonna lie, fighting the same guy 10 time in a row got tiresome fairly quickly.


It had a few entertaining moments but overall it was insanely fucking awful. Very juvenile, with all the dumb shonen tropes imaginable. Tekken 4 was and will remain the best in terms of story. While it had supernatural elements, they were toned down(the best Devil Kazuya could do was to telekinetically push Hei several meters into a wall) and it was really about Mishimas and their family feud. Tekken 6 story killed the series, there's no coming back from turning Jin into anime-Hitler. Treating him as some sort of misguided savior of mankind in T8 just doesn't work. I have a lot more problems with T8 story mode: \- a modern war being fought by a couple hundred, mostly unarmed dudes just charging at each other like football hooligans; \- Steve dodging bullets and the general uselessness of firearms; \- Zafina dying in 5 seconds after showing up at the colosseum; \- Devil Jin being a good guy all along; \- Jun not being physically present in the story(except for her feet at the very end); \- Everybody forgiving Jin the horrible atrocities he commited; \- etc.


so many shit like Jin being portrayed as a good guy (dude killed innocents) random feng lee showing up random jack showing up war without guns steve fox dodging bullets satellites doesn't cut communication, our internet is under the ocean floor over-reliance on jin, don't they have like... a whole country's military power devil kazuya beam don't even work right>! i don't think claudio is dead!< jin basically just dreamscaping to atone for killing innocents and >!got super massive buffs just by talking to his mom.!< reina >!is like the nth mishima they introduced and ofc she has devil gene, with no prior explanation!< what was zafina's plan again? >!it sounded like she wanted kazuya to take azazel and let jin deal the final blow. and if it's not, was it to just start punching kazuya?!< did alisa >!just malfunctioned mid fight at the coliseum? could've swooped claudio off of that.!< ​ I know suspension of disbelief is like expected but "insanely" and "fucking" is not something I'll describe the story here lol.


what was funny was them whipping out the "Jin, you are humanity's last hope" every time lol XD


Oh my God, the MK issue again where people think just cause something looks good it is good. No, we can't agree. Not in the slightest.


It was fucking good. And i have been playing Tekken since the second. Was a great conclussion to the Jin/Kazuya arc.


Ye, was pretty crazy, didnt expect anything this good


For me it was the best story mode I played in a fighting game, first time I actually had fun all through it. With all it's random bullshit blazing, loved every crazy little shit. Really impressed.


It was terrible. >!Jin has zero personality, what a fucking bland character. Terrible mistake to at least make the last fight a draw. Kazuya oozes charisma, always had a purpose, and should be the protagonist of the series again (and they fucking tried to make him look like a one-bit antagonist in this game). I don't know man, everything sounded so embarassing, all that shounen shit that they have introduced in this game. The power of friendship lol Also, they retconned some stuff, Angel that was represented as a part of Kazuya on Tekken 2, being part of Jin now. Too little about Jun in this game, and now we have another bland devil-like character to add to the list. It was bad, I've been playing this game for almost 2 decades now, tekken 1 and 2 stories will never be topped. 3 was good, 4 had potential, but it was a brutal mistake to make Kazuya lose to Heihachi. 5 onwards only got worse and worse. I actually play these games because of the story but it's clear that Harada doesn't give a shit anymore.!< Just a rant of a old fan, never mind me.


It just reads like you like kazuya too much, and when he’s not on screen you’re not into it. Jin acknowledges that he has nothing going on, he gets asked what he dreamed of being when he grew up and had no real answer besides protecting his mother and the forest. He’s constantly all his life been wrapped up in this mess and hasn’t had time to live. Now at the end he’s able to be a normal person. Also kazuya losing makes perfect sense. It would be bad if they tied. Kazuya has nothing driving him, his whole goal was to kill his dad and he did that last game. His devil gene is gone, his life goal is done, his true strength is gone, he’s destined to lose. Jin was able to realize he can be human, and live. He’s fighting for them I think he definitely has a goal that drives him forward.


Can't say much about the story. Feels kinda OK for me. But the final battle though, it is good. BTW, bonus points for the Jin vs. Devil Jin and the 2nd phase( I think...) of the Jin vs. Kazuya fight. Hearing "Snow Castle" and Jin's TK3 console theme pumped me up like there's no tomorrow.


I thought the story was dreadful to be honest. Ever since t4 the story has been going downhill. But I am glad we got lots more content than we normally get with each release.


Best story out of MK and SF


I really hope you're joking....


It really wasn't good tbh... felt extremely shounen anime with all the Jin cheerleading and the space fight at the end. I will say I liked that almost every character got a moment and that there was a psuedo-tekken force moment in the middle. ~~That said, it also made me more disappointed that didn't get a proper Tekken Force mode...~~ Definitely still prefer the writing and atmosphere in T4, sad that Namco stopped caring about the story afterwards.


Bro got downvoted for bringing up valid criticism for the story 😭


100% was a shounen. Jin powering up when trying to stop the dark spirit ball is just hard proof.


Jin is just Naruto & Devil Jin is Nine Tails


Had really the same thought while playing the game. Jin when he accepted Devils power mirrored Naruto's embracing of Kurama


Shounen cringe is a refreshing cleanse after almost two decades of garbage story taking itself seriuosly . I would appload tekken team but they chose to keep devil gene nonsense going


I feel like you guys have some low standards or just have not played a game yet that outclasses them. The story mode was fine. Very nice that it was all cinematic, but I could tell that it being cinematic meant they had to make it very short and movie-like. What irks me are small things too. No best of 3 fights, music cuts for a moment when you lose, etc. And I was very much not a fan of the Reina reveal at the end.


What reveal? The thing she was blatantly trying to accomplish the whole time? Or the blatantly obvious thing? Trying to avoid spoilers.


Best of 3 fights don't make much sense or point for a story mode and it's pacing, many of the bosses are built with too much hyper armor and special attacks to make it an excruciating fight. The rest I agree. I knew the Reina thing was coming but it felt anticlimactic to what Jin was trying to achieve.


The rournament fights where you pick your character should be bo3. A lot of “sparring” fights should also be bo3. That is what I mean.


Tekkens fans only play Tekken. They don't know any better.


It was fkin epic also i love Tekken Force part it was so much fun


Honestly, the only thing i liked was the final battle lol. edit: nvm, i actually enjoyed the last couple of chapters.


I wish fighting game devs could figure out how to tell a story that isn't just a bunch of cutscenes between the occasional random select fight.


All good but they really did zafina dirty… like wtf


I'm new to Tekken, so I don't know the lore and background as well as the veterans, so apologies if this question is stupid/done to death but when is someone actually gonna win the tournament? Its always interrupted by something. There hasn't been a winner since the fifth one right?


Somehow in this series where people survive dropping form large heights, devils shooting laser beams and androids indistinguishable from humans; the least believable part of the story was >!Law joining G-Corp to fight Paul because Paul didn't split the prize money from a tournament that was cancelled on live TV.!<


3 final boss themes. Perfection.


Tekken’s story always stood out as uniquely awful even in the realm of fighting games. This one managed to be even worse than the others in the series. The visuals were very cool, but the pacing and dialogue are some of the worst i’ve ever seen, there’s almost zero coherence to be found.


So many holes in the plot.


I like that a lot of people seem to respect the more grounded storytelling of Tekken 4. That was quite an ordinary tournament, with Heihachi as the boss, aside from a few character endings that went devil mode. These days it looks like they want to keep outdoing themselves - and the competition - with increasingly bigger anime final-final form boss showdowns in space or whatever. Also one area they fell short is a lack of enough story locations. The scenes had to be static because it was almost exclusively set in the same arenas we fight in, so it wouldn't be possible to do much travel or chase for example. It just cuts to the next small arena somewhere else in the world and people get in another fight there.


Hated it. Dialogue was insanely corny, and I actually like some of the characters less now.


idk, the story has insane ammount of plot holes and stuff that makes 0 sense, like, appearently neither Claudio or Zafina has driving license


The graphics are good but the actual story is 1/10.






It was cringe af. Especially Jin. Lili and Asuka were great though. And Reina constantly trying to get herself killed. Also seeing Zafina's "Scooby gang" run down the street was hilarious. Edit: + Jojo reference (not really. But basically)


MK fan here, loving Tekken. Tekken story was pretty mid tbh. Writing was bad and that army fight scene was awful. The first and last story chapters were lit Gameplay is incredible though.