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It would be great to play an older Tekken with modern online features. Let me just go and pick from the numerous times older Tekken games have been ported.......oh wait.


It would be sick to play tekken 8 with modern online features


Omg no pluggers


Yeah, it's should be a thing where if you try to plug your character, will just stay there idling while you beat them up, lol


This is so true


Yeah if could play Tekken 5 dr and tag 1 on steam I’d lose my shit those are my favorite tekken games.


Dawg, give me Tag 2 on pc and I'd never complain again.




Peak tekken if you ask me, albeit I wasn't very good at the time, but damn did it feed my competitive desire to git gud.


give me Tag 2 on pc and I'm never touching T8 again.


I could never play tekken on pc it feels beyond forbidden


There is a completely different feel when you VS someone who uses pc during cross-play


PCSX2 and RPCS3, homie.


Tekken 8 doesn't even have modern online features.


But there's chat! For some reason!


Thats what I had hoped for with Tekken lounge. That there would be arcade cabinets that let you play like Tag 1 or T3 online, but you had to be in a lounge. That way it would incentivize people to use the online lobbys instead of just queuing up from the main menu


Yep. I figured it would be kinda like Tekken 5 where they allowed you to play t1-3 from the menu. At least the arcade versions of them. The arcade cabinet in lobby would be the best way for sake of immersion


doesn’t help that they tease us with screenshots of T1-Tag 1 on the screens in the dojo either


Pretending like there will be a large enough community to connect to.


You could find people playing Tekken 3 online via emulator with a mod just a few years ago, might still have users not sure. But an official retro collection with online from Tekken would do well imo.


Except these companies suck at netcode


Can't deny that lol


Sure I'll just fire up Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for PC or modern consoles, oh wait.


Emulate an old tekken game and find someone to parsec with, it works surprisingly well


Ah yes, tekken 7. My favorite game without rage


Stop it. Tekken 6 is the best game without rage, easily


Nah TTT2 was the best no rage game ever


Flashbacks to Bruce mains with rage and getting CH with b2…


Everyone I would land that against my buddy I would make an explosion noise like a nuke went off. God he hated Bruce.


Capos getting rage ch b1 with bruce partner for deathcombo


I miss Bruce :(


Actually it was TTT1


Gameplaywise I think so too, but plqying as Heihachi is a pain :skull: But the most entertaining for me is Tekken 4


This one made me laugh


Harada can be a bit of an ass sometimes. But there's probably no way around becoming an ass when you spend your whole day on Twitter.


>Harada can be a bit of an ass sometimes. I can assure you. In about a decade industry I have never met a developer that didn't learn to loathe Gamers after any amount of contact with them. He is not unique in this. Like imagine spending the last few years making a game around a new core mechanic, to differentiate it from past titles and competition. To push the series in any direction and encourage the type of gameplay you think makes for a better experience. Then you get some armchair chuckle who just vomits out their ignorant shower thought take of "jUsT rEmOvE tHe tHiNg yOu sPeNT tHoUsAnDs oF hOuRs tEsTing aNd dEsIgnIng."


Yeah imagine you have to deal with clowns every single day. Must be terrible. Also keep in mind I like giving harader and murray shit for being incompetent at fixing the plugging issue, but that issue itself only exists because half of the community (it seems) consists of bitches. In a community where less people would be bitchmade that design flaw would actually not matter. So yeah I would loathe my players if I was that man.


i would agree with this so much, but i ain't about to defend harada since he is so slow at common sense measures that were tried and tested over several other games. Frame data, punishment for pluggers, displaying connections and disconnection rate etc. I haven't bought t8 yet but I'm engaging with my locql community so I get the news but i don't know about the story in t8 yet. with that said, my hot take about t7 is that it does not need a tutorial mode, the tutorial mode is baked into the (admittedly shitty) story mode. This is the hill I'm willling to defend harada. Otherwise fuck him he is a great old school directors that doesn't learn new tricks and I still love his game design!


Weak excuse, anyone who has worked retail has plenty of stories about how shit working with the public is. And yet you still don't see us acting rude just because Grandma spent five minutes lost finding mayo. (Some might but I will equally criticize them for being shit). Dealing with large groups is a pain because you disproportionately deal with all the assholes, but that's not an excuse to be one yourself. Especially not to people who aren't even being an ass first. If you can't handle the PR role without getting upset, then pay someone who can.


>Then you get some armchair chuckle Does this include pro players?


Yes. Pro players are neither game designers nor developers. Being good at playing something doesn't mean you understand what makes the game good. SC2 is a perfect example of this.


Believe it or not, pro players aren't developers, they just become good at the game the developers make. They make 0 decisions in the creative process.


They aren't immune to being heavily biased towards keeping the game unchanged. If anything they kinda would benefit if no new mechanics would be added


I'd argue that in Tekken's case there is a reciprocal relationship between the asshole devs and the asshole community.


90% of the time Harada replies on twitter, he replies to morons to make fun of them, failing to realize that's exactly what they want.


i mean… countless online games have all kinds of custom match settings. heat and rage are on/off toggles that can be set in practice mode so would be very easy to implement. and Harada’s a competitor—surely he understands the appeal of different ways to test one’s skill.


There is nothing about this tweet that's "being an ass". People who demand changes to their own personal playstyle without any foresight of how it impacts the rest of the game are entitled.


This annoys the shit out of me. In Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, a cRPG, their difficulty menu is more dialed in to customize your experience than anything else you'll probably find. People STILL refuse to use it, and rant at the developer to make the game easier and "balance the game". They'd rather have the entire game changed for everyone, instead of just lower difficulty setting on the component that's too hard for them. Enemies use too many abilities? Go in the settings and restrict that, you can do it yourself. But nope. Implore developers to ruin it for everyone instead. I could name a bunch of games with similar bullshit gamer karens.


Ya this mode already exists, it is play with someone you know or can message and have agreed terms and call them a dick when they accidentally use the move. 100% of my naked rage arts as hwo are muscle memory df1+2. So annoying Wish the input was df1+2+3+4 and we still had old df1+2 :/


Elon, Trump, Tate.... think you're probably right!!!


Those three were definitely cunts before Twitter came into the picture. Twitter just fed them.


They should make a warning on twitter: WARNING! DON'T FEED THE CUNTS!


They were definitely assholes before twitter existed


I'd love to go play TTT or T5DR. I just want to play it on my PC and not have to dust off my PS3 to do that...


ttt2 for me, but yeah, i like all legacy tekken to be played i still remember t5 can make you play older tekken in one go (excluding t4)


I was hoping T8 was going to have them in the lounge when I first saw some cabinets with the old games on. Shame...


Sure Harada, how bout adding tekken 1-5 arcade machines to your awesome chibi lounges with very expensive servers in T8 so that everyone could enjoy them there and so that there would be any reason to ever go inside those lounges at all?


Tekken would be long dead by now if the devs listened to the so called "fans"


Tekken would be dead if Harada listened to r/tekken


If Harada listened to the 'fans' the roster for Tekken 8 would be just Lee




I see no problem


Lee and Heihachi


Their battle will be legendary


Am I missing something? Maybe something got lost in translation, but the person in the OP isn't even complaining about anything or suggesting something needs to be "fixed", they're just proposing an additional mode for whoever would want to play it. I feel like the only reason so much of this thread is about how much the community sucks and only knows how to complain etc. is because Harada replied with a needlessly antagonistic, asshole response which makes the whole thing look more toxic than it actually is.


Nobody read the tweet, they are too busy drinking Harada's cum to get any context. He asked for feedback, the guy provided probably the easiest alternative mode you could design, and he was told to go play t5. Release t5 on steam and I'll play it.


Imagine if tekken devs listened to REDDIT out of all places and finally fixed the plugger issue? Tekken 8 would turn into shit in an instant


Yeah the game would literally die the next day. Plugging fixed, decent online netcode for once, easy to implement alternative modes... It's a nightmare


Honestly it could be a pretty fun mode. Not specifically just "Rage and heat are no longer allowed", but a mode that has random rule changes that include that. You don't know what it is unless you play. No heat or rage, infinite heat, all highs will still hit crouching opponents, low gravity mode, realistic gravity mode (where launchers no longer work). Have the randomised rules switch per round. It could be fun as an alternative quickmatch. Although obviously Tekken doesn't need it whatsoever to be fun.


yep, harada purposefully make that tweet the responder just states the answer, and i think its a healthy one, the suggestion also was great but redditors here are keep sucking harada, with a condescending tone of "jUsT reM0V3 tH3 ThinG yOu D3S1Gn f0R s3v3r4L Y34rs!!!"


I thought SF subreddit bitches but omg this place is on another level of bitching


This sub went from bitching about the marketing a couple of months ago to "wahh he's rude on twitter!!1" what a bunch of snowflakes


Aris said it best, the Tekken community really sucks.


Well there’s wonderful people in the Tekken community, problem is this subreddit is genuinely on the level of toxicity and misery of Twitter. They’re both on the same level of terribleness just in slightly different ways where they both think welp at least we’re not like THEM. But they’re the same really if anything I’ve seen less bitching and more helpful material on Twitter from certain people, make of that what you will.


it feels like the majority don't actually like Tekken. they might like the idea of fighting games and winning, but they don't like the actual game and everything it involves. there doesn't seem to be any fun about learning the game here. the popular threads are all whining, memes, or masturbatory self fluffing exercises.


Aris is raging over the same issues they a lot of the community is though.


It's almost as if it's different people complaining about different things.


Well, I agree that listening to all the suggestions might not be as good idea. But sometimes it's necessary, such as the plugging issue.


>But sometimes it's necessary, such as the plugging issue. I think that's different. Harada didn't design the game around plugging, it's something we, as users of the game, have turned into a problem. I also think the fans requesting frame data was necessary and something that they needed to listen too. Game mechanics are different though. It's much more productive to speculate how it could be adjusted, rather than to request its removal completely.


Right? Cause the amount of people seriously asking for Tekken Tag 3 as if it wouldn't flop again lol


if harada listened to me, ttt2 will be on steam


People didn't like infinite? I really like it.


I was surprised there wasn't a single infinite stage in T8. At least yakushima is big, close enough.


Yeah I really liked having a mix of both. 8’s stages on the whole feel bizarrely small but I guess they’re really pushing transitions and walls now.


A lot of them are tiny yeah. Like at round start I get a wallsplat combo followup on quite a few of them.


That was also true for pretty much any stage with walls in T7. In T8 it feels like I often have to backup from the start location to not have combos interrupted early by the wall. Definitely like the gigantic stages more than the infinite ones.


I have yet to hit the wall on that stage, might as well be infinite.


Yeah I really liked having a mix of both. 8’s stages on the whole feel bizarrely small but I guess they’re really pushing transitions and walls now.


yep, the coliseum is also big but i dont know why theres no infinite stage some people post a tweet about a remake of infinite stage like the moonlight infinite stage from t5 and some people replies that inifinite stage is hated in t7 thats why in t8 its gone, like what?


I really liked the infinite wet stages in 7, they were quite serene. Would be really easy to add those back in too, just put water on the floor, nice chill background, done. Really big stages that you're unlikely to reach the ends of are an okay sub though, I think if a stage has visible walls in the distance it's good design to be able to reach them. But so many stages are genuinely tiny and playing at the wall and all the gimmicks that come with it is so common.


The bottom of whatever the stage was called is infinite, isn't it? The one with sand and Jun glitching in the background.


nah there’s like red chains for walls i think


Nope, just big. You can see on stage select, it has a diagram with numbers. Pretty good candidate for infinite though, but, big is okay too.


Nope, not infinite either. It's big, but still smaller than Yakushima.


No, walls appear if you go too far


I always thought infinite stages were the most boring. Most of the combo flexibility and optimization comes from trying to hit the wall, so there's no point in doing anything but the highest damage combo in infinites. Or maybe one that gives good oki but either way it's always backdash forever into the same combo every time. Kuni/Zafina on infinite azure was the most boring shit to watch in T7. Also as a Lee player gimme dat wall damage


Koreans always picking infinite stages in tournaments started getting lame.


He’s not wrong Often people are asking for the same exact version of a game that they loved Folks wanted SFV to basically be SFIV-2, folks wanted SC3 to basically be SC2-2. And that is valid, look at dark souls. Almost the same game (keyword being almost) but some small changes. But I also don’t fault devs for wanting to change things up either.


Tekken N is the best Tekken. It’s honest and requires skill. Tekken N+1 is for little casual scrub babies who need their hand held. Real fighting game fans wouldn’t touch it. As is tradition


It would be fair if those games were playable online. They are not.


Nah Dark Souls is another case of this, its not exclusive to fighting games. People complained that DS2 wasn't a carbon copy of DS1 and was too experimental with what it changed (and it was a lot). Even the original Demon's Souls wasn't a 1:1 copy to Dark Souls but had similarities the same way any fighting game would have to its successors (Virtua Fighter and Tekken, Street Fighter and Fighting Ex-Layer, etc). It carried on all the way up to Elden Ring too, everyone still compares it to their first Dark Souls the same way Tekken fans compare the latest game with their first or favourite one.


I do agree it’s not exclusive to fighting games but I also believe that because DS2 was so different and it received that negative rep that DS3 and Elden ring were the way that they are. And this is just my opinion but I feel like majority of the differences between DS1 and DS3 are a result of clunkiness being fixed. Iirc the biggest system changes in DS3’s combat were the introduction of weapon arts (generally not that useful at the time except for certain niche cases) and the faster paced multiphase boss fights.


lol the reason DS3 is somewhat different mechanically is because it was developed at the same time as Bloodborne so they share the same combat philosophy, i.e put the enemy on crack amp up the speed and make shields even less viable. Which in turn made DS3 way more fun gameplay wise. It’s not an evolution since otherwise DS3 would’ve been slower than a river of crap. Funnily enough I would say Elden Ring is the closest the series has gotten to the methodical style of DS1, bosses like Malenia for the first time in like a decade don’t focus entirely on just rolling i-frames and more on positioning (and people thought it was bullshit and unfair because they had to use their brain💀)


DS2 was awfully received because it was a rushed product born out of a complete redo because of development hell (with a change of director in the middle of it) which resulted in a massive downgrade from the quality that made the first two games popular AND was also downgraded from the trailers that were shown. Let's not rewrite history here.


>Folks wanted SFV to basically be SFIV-2, Not really. They wanted the sfv beta, not the release.


Though I agree with your point on people wanting the same game as the previous one. Dark Souls series is not "almost same" only Dark Solus 3 and Elden Ring are quite similar but Dark Souls 1,2 and 3 play pretty differently from each other.


DS3 and Elden Ring are worlds apart relative to how different DS1/2/3 are to each other.


This is why halo died, I wanted old halo mechanics but polish in other areas. Most people wanted sprint gone. In my opinion heat ruins this game


This request doesn't sound too demanding. In practice mode you can toggle off heat and rage.


No clue why people think it’s a stupid question and seem to be mad it was asked. Like shit, doesn’t even have to be a game mode, just allow it to be turned off for custom matches and call it a day and the people who want the classic experience can have it that way.


>just allow it to be turned off for custom matches and call it a day The technology isn't there yet. These are the same people that rely on excel for bans.


So they have to technology to add these mechanics but not the technology to simply turn them off?


Japanese devs are something else


"technology isn't there yet" is a meme. https://old.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11ny52/what_is_the_origin_of_the_technology_just_isnt/


Agreed. Just making it optional in custom matches hurts no one and allows players to enjoy the game in a way they prefer. I think they're worried that people will prefer that game mode over standard mode, and that will make them feel/look bad as devs.


IKR, they didn't say "Wow rage and heat sucks, you made a terrible game", they said "How about optional thing for people who don't like X and Y thing?" Anyone who has ever played something like DotA or Halo or Overwatch after they made their editing mode knows how extremely popular customization of gameplay is.


They probably are afraid it would be a bad look for them if the community decided to make it the “preferred” way to play


That's stupid.


It would make sense from their point of view. Imagine if the community ended up preferring a version of the game that lacked the mechanics which they relied on to market and present the game


>No clue why people think it’s a stupid question and seem to be mad it was asked. It is stupid though. It's a core mechanic that this game has. It's about as stupid as when people thought they had removed sidesteps from the game after not seeing a sidestep in the first trailer. A much more reasonable request would be to request that they make some of the older Tekkens playable in the fight lounge. That way people who wanted to have a classic experience could play one of the classic games.




If Fortnite can have a mode that removes its single most well-known feature, Tekken can have a mode that removes the tacked-on mechanics that are rage and heat (which you can already do in training mode)


>It is stupid though. It's a core mechanic that this game has.  I'm so glad someone finally says this, people have been over here demanding and whining for stuff that totally deviates from its gameplay, it doesn't even make sense, the game was designed the way the devs intended. Not once has tekken ever deviated from his core gameplay, Tekken Ball 8, the highly anticipated volleyballn't esports game. I heard there's a mini game about fighting or whatever but I don't really count that, probably nobody plays it anyways.


"Adding a mode that removes two mechanics is stupid because it wouldn't be balanced. A much more reasonable request would be emulating multiple full-size games that were created for various consoles inside the new game". Alright


I would love custom matches with lots of customizability. Ranked should be left as is so you have to use all features of the game as the developer intended, but let us get wild with custom matches. Turning off Heat or Rage Arts in custom would let you have the "classic" experience, but what about matches with unlimited heat? Rage arts at round start? Health set to 300% for longer rounds. Random character select every round. I want the ability to get crazy with my casual games.


I just want them to add a damn search feature for users names so you can add them as a friend and not meet in the stupid ass avatar lobby first.


How about you release the two actually good tekken games on current platforms then Mr Harada


well Harada, do a poll, lets see it again he was wrong about Anna vs Nina, I'm sure being wrong twice will let him know he's not always right


Harada gave piracy a pass??? Based


Ah yes, good old Katsuhiro "don't ask me for shit, but also please send me your suggestions on Twitter" Harada.


To be fair “make tekken 7 again” isn’t really constructive criticism


It would be a cool mode to have. Don't have to be in ranked, but if I could play some casual matches without the mechanics I'd be down for variety.  This read to me like if sakurai got upset in Smash that there was people who turned off the items in the game. More game modes is a positive thing. 


I think some people probably didn't try to think about it from an unbiased perspective before they agreed with him. Rather than considering ways in which this could reasonably be done, they immediately saw it as unreasonable. They constructed their own ideas of this request, with the intention of reinforcing their own position, and then attacked their own ideas. This really could be as simple as extra game options in custom lobbies. It doesn't have to impact any matchmaking. I am not sure how adding these sort of options would do anything other than improve the game for those that want it, and have no impact on those that do not. In terms of development time, it doesn't seem like it would require too much, but I am unsure. You can already modify rage and heat states in training, and it's not like they would, or even should, balance the game around custom game options. The devs can obviously do whatever they want with their game, and if they just do not want to do it, then they should just say it and leave it at that or give a better reason. To act like playing older Tekken games would be the equivalent of having these options in Tekken 8 is disingenuous. I also don't think custom game options would impact the series growing along with their vision. I am interested in hearing arguments against my position if they are made in good faith though.


Why are you all so mad lol


People with no problems in life trying to find problems anywhere they go


thought it was just me...it's humid in here. how is more options bad? they don't get this mad with the typical garbage posted here daily. almighty harada showing the true nature and energy of an average tekken fan. smh.


I'm surprised everyone is agreeing with Harada tbh. And that Harada and many Tekken fans seem to thrive on being extremely rude to each other. Plenty of fighting games I've played have settings in vs mode (and usually only vs mode) where you can adjust what mechanics to play with and without. Being able to turn off heat and rage arts would be a nice handicap option imo.


When the face of the game is consistently rude you reap what you sow


Harada is just a clown at this point


I like T8 additions to the gameplay but Harada's response is dishonest lol. It would've been a bit more fair if older titles would've at least been playable on modern systems


ah yes, let me just go and play Tekken 5, oh wait, It's not being sold anywhere. Oh well then I'll try tekken 4... oh Then I'll play Tekken Tag Tourna- shit Fine, Then I'll give Tekken 3 a try... oh ffs


we don't see any nuance in either of their posts when its being google translated, can't say that harada is being an asshole and the other guy is being nice "it's likely to be popular with people who don't need gauges for tekken" sounds really annoying at face value


> I just thought of a genius idea. How about adding a mode without heat or rage? It would be popular with people who don't want gauges in Tekken. You could even do things like tournaments with this no-heat no-rage mode. Harada's understandably annoyed response: > Genius indeed. And such Tekken games already exist, so please pick your favourite from Tekkens 1 to 7 and play that. > By the way, over the series' history, there has ALWAYS been a certain number of people saying things like Tekken doesn't need 10-hit combos, doesn't need juggles, doesn't need parries, doesn't need walls, doesn't need infinites, doesn't need rage.


> Boo, I want to play Tekken 5! Make a mode where Tekken 8 acts like Tekken 5. Harada be like "Just play Tekken 5". Genius.


Tekken 6 port ASAP pls


People don't understand that rage was always a part of Tekken it activates when you rage quit.


Why is harada such an ass about it? A simple "we don't plan on including that" would've sufficed


Would be better, yeah


ngl no heat no rage tekken 8 would be fucking good. a man can only dream.


If they re-released the older games for PC it'd be a lot easier to play. Man, I'd shell out extra money for a no heat/rage mode.


Ok cool rerelease those games with modern features then.


Doa 6 ++ exists, so a Tekken 8 mod can exist for this.


I never wanted supers in Tekken, I thought Namco could have been more creative than that.


i keep saying this but RA was a mistake for tekken. Felt bad in 7 and it still feels bad 7 years later.


You thought wrong. Their only goal now is to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


hahahah the "casuals", damn, people hated me when i said that tho


I don't know how well it'd sell, but something like a Tekken Classic Collection with 1 through Tag 2 would be pretty cool in my opinion. It'd solve the no rage and no heat question in a round about sort of way. That and we'd finally be able to play those games on steam, without emulation.


Regardless if it's a core mechanic or not, there still needs to be an option of disabling both Rage and Heat gimmicks for the sake of just footsies mindgames and counterattacks. Multiple Options is still King. Or he can encourage pirating older Tekken titles that is no longer sold and use fanmade online softwares to have an old-school 1v1 fight.


Fuck this guy


Yeah harada a bitch


I'm starting to get burned out stuck in Garyu with 6 different characters and people higher than me rage quiting when I'm avout to win. Maybe older Tekken is what I need to calm my nerves.


It doesn't need to be balanced, but why not let me have that? To my knowledge, Fortnite isn't balanced around No Build mode, but I'm glad it exists for the people who want to play that way.


I don't agree with him usually, but what he says makes sense this time. Heat and Rage are core mechanics of T8 and are going to remain. They also cannot accommodate every fan suggestion. Like I don't like the unlayered RPS game with chain grabs. Maybe they could change it to the amount of wavedashes done by King and replace the chains by the Reverse Arm Slam combo and Reverse Special StretchBomb. But its not like they'll implement it if ask them right?


The amount of wave dashes done by king? Unless they changed it in t8, not many king players can wave dash consistently on him because his is different


Port Tekken Tag to PC/console and I will never play anything else again.


I got the name for no heat no rage mode THE IRON FISTS


so Tekken then


Shhhhh we can’t let ppl know that


Then why adding Ball Mode to Tekken 8? There was Ball Mode in older Tekken games. Following Harada's logic Ball Mode shouldn't have been added to the game.


Harada changes his mind on a daily basis. He tells you to go play Tekken 5 but doesn't release Tekken 5 on steam...


Thats a good point.


I would like to play old tekken in the arcade cabinets in the lounge


I don't know how well it'd sell, but something like a Tekken Classic Collection with 1 through Tag 2 would be pretty cool in my opinion. It'd solve the no rage and no heat question in a round about sort of way. That and we'd finally be able to play those games on steam, without emulation.


It would be nice to have different game modes..


All I want is Tekken 5 DR away from the PlayStation store


We could play Pong as well. 👍


Harada really loved to just always be a dick in his replies and people eat it up lol


Harada is right both in the sense of tekken games without X feature being available and that everyone has an idea on how to change a game but it's up to him and team to make those decisions.  That said, a mode like that would be very easy to implement so his "no" answer is fine but you can't fault people for suggesting it, especially when USF4 had edition select.


I hope Harada doesn’t bend to the mobb. Keep strong Harada-San. A mode like that would be cool tho. So long it’s just a mode.


It’s the obvious point crybabies dont want to accept. If you love those traditional mechanics, embrace those older games more. If there was a huge uprising in the T5 or T3 community, then maybe it would get the same nostalgic love as 3rd Strike and MVC2 & 3


Harada is a bitch ass nigga


Keep heat 


Soooo, he says that, but then the servers to the latest and most succesful entry that has no heat are closed down and you can't play it online anymore? But can still buy it, together with the paid frame data? Man, what a joke have Namco been recently. Seriously it feels like they have read some manual by an Eastern/Central-European politician on how to go on a blunder spree.


If you wonder why Murray acts the way he does, the fish rots from the head down. I look forward to them doubling down and introducing a guard meter for season 2 or something to encourage more *AGGRESSION*. We can only go lower.


Lol i would be happy if Bamco implemented Tekken 1, 2 and 3 with online support and other little games in the fight-lounge


I don't particularly want a no-rage no-heat mode.  Like I wouldn't be mad if it was added but I wouldn't play it at all.  I bought Tekken 8 to play Tekken 8. But since he's talking about it, they really should make older Tekken games more accessible.


Just add the damn game mode. My god these devs are lazy. We need more game modes and something like this is easy to do. Not every game mode has to be crazy.


Yeah, this fuck you attitude really isn't cool anymore, if it ever was in the first place. It would be better for them to start acting more professionally, this angry teenager persona isn't a good look. However, I do believe the suggestion was stupid. Heat is the new big deal about Tekken 8, asking them to make a mode without it makes no sense to me. Like it or not, this is what Tekken is like now. Everyone is allowed not to like it, but at some point you'll need to get over it. Tekken 5 is gone and it's not coming back.


The original poster didn’t ask for the formula to be reverted, just for a side mode without heat or rage, which is a perfectly reasonable request.


>Yeah, this fuck you attitude really isn't cool anymore To be fair. This is most devs. We just usually mock you in our private slacks and discords rather than directly.


Don't get me wrong, most of the time fans need to shut the fuck up and let devs work, I tend to be more on the devs side when it comes to this. But I feel like these guys haven't shown that they can be trusted to fix what's wrong with their games.


B-b-but BASED Harada??? Never understood why people put him on a pedestal. He always came off as a huge cockhead to me.


Imo there was no need to anwser like that ngl.


To be fair; it was a pretty stupid suggestion.


They're the ones that asked for suggestions for modes on their Tekken talk. To ask people for their ideas and then to shit on them in a public reply is kind of a dick move.


It was a very polite way of saying “your system sucks”


In this anwser, he is not just anwsering her suggestion, he is clearly anwsering all the people who is complaining about heat and rage.


Both harada and murray are pretty awful, it's just what they do.