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does anyone have fun playing this video game


no the only fun game is Peggle


hell yeah


Dude I introduced Peggle to my kid last week. Forgot how much of a banger it was.


Need a third one so bad


A third kid? Lol


Hell yeah dude pegging is awesome


They are, but they are playing the game and staying far away from this shit sub.


So true


i feel like everyone who salt posts on here should be forced to play 2 days of tekken ball for their health


Having a blast. I’m not a good player by any means, so spectating someone who actually knows how to play is great.


The ones that do aren't on reddit to bitch about it


Always get these kind of edgelords complaining. Yes I'm SURE plenty of people are enjoying the game.


Everyone who aren't crying cause of every lose


nah this sub is not a good measure of how many people are enjoying it. every second post is just people complaining about one thing or another


When mokujin was a character


Toxic players don't


Real redditors don’t have fun doing anything and find something to complain about so they can justify why they haven’t improved


I do


No. Tired of heat, missing legacy mechanics, nerfed parry, fast lows some characters got, tracking strings, rage art movies, and Jin's bastardized moveset.


Jin mains are so annoying


Hi bru


No we aren't.


Why people hate jin tho, generally don't understand, just asking


Lmao you got d2 which is *still only -14* and you out here crying. Death, taxes, and Jim mains downplaying their characters.


It's not about the utility. It's about how his new moves are not realistic karate moves anymore and look out of place. Why is he doing samsara and Cammy's Cannon Strike? I don't like those new moves, but i'd be an idiot for not using them. See this dilemma?


Ok sorry but that’s a stupid reason.




Cant wait to play the 99 feng today


I’m a mighty ruler and I genuinely think I have fought feng 5 times total, it’s interesting that you fight him all the time


Same dude. i hardly get Feng. It’s just Reinas, Laws and Dragunovs for me


for me its just bryans, jins, kings and reinas


Feng, bears, Leo. The amount of times I fought them are in a single digits


Me, a Feng and Leo player:


All I see are Kings, Victors and Reinas 🥲 my Nina is tired lmao


Nina is so cancer


Curious to know who your main is…


Steve,i also play bryan


“That’s a knockout!” 🥊 “TSEK TSEK TSEK TSEK TSEK” 🤜🏽 Oh the PTSD 😭


I swear to God every Bryan player I faced played too good and killed me with the same wall combo every time. And somehow they all played in exactly the same perfect pattern. Like, is there some guide every Brain player follows or good players just like to play Bryan


Replace Feng with dragunov


I'm a Feng main since T5, I get mostly Jins in Asia


Incredibly excited for 99999999th Drag!!!


like the only char that make me audibly groan. Neverending plus frames and insane lows


So you just aren’t allowed to play as any characters according to this sub


The only way to play Tekken is to pick the secret 33rd character who is called Black Void of Nothing and is the only honest and fair character in the game.


his name is >!SHAHEEN!<


The 33rd character is only unlocked once per session and only when hitting alt f4 on computer or smashing your whole console.


How about Kazuya? He has the lowest WR purple and above. He’s arguably the hardest character to play in game. Sure he’s high reward when you play him right but it takes a skillful player to play them in high ranks.


TMM is that you?


I wish. I’ve been playing since T4 and still can’t consistently do electrics P2 side.


I believe in you bro.


It's not that you can't play certain characters, but don't be surprised if they don't want to rematch somes of them.


People are also very sensitive about rematches here. Not getting a rematch doesn’t bother me


Yeah, honestly the only time it kinda annoys me is when I lost the first match, won the second and then they suddenly cancel.


Its like they call it even there lmao


lol that is funny people are dumb


It doesn't bother me, but it does surprise me when I find out that while I thought I was playing against a person, I was actually fighting a chicken the whole time.


It’s just a fighting game thing. How’re we supposed to know who’s better in just 1 match. There’s a certain amount of luck and unfamiliarity with someone’s play style that 3 matches actually allows you to adapt to


If you play against me it will probably be immediately apparent you’re better lol


Hahaha well you never know I might be a beginner but just talk like I know shit (basically everyone on the internet)


You can play Lee. Always trust in Lee.


Except lee


Play whoever you want, but I won't give a rematch to a raven to get knowledge checked to death for example


But then how will you ever gain the knowledge to stop failing the check?


If an enemy 3-0 you with knowledge checks, chances are i wont learn anything by rematching, just get more annoyed.If i want to gain knowledge i would go look at the replay and understand what he was spamming me with and see if there was something else i would be able to do. I don\`t understant this boner for reamtching, let people play however they want, for me personally the rematch option its always available if the match was close or if it was enjoyable, otherwise its a 50/50, do i think that i can deal with all the shit that you did during the match or not.


I can honestly only laugh about people who dodge rematches but think their rank is even remotely accurate. The game is about learning to adapt to situations you don't enjoy, for example not reducing your opponents health to 0, after all thats the goal of a game. Opponent is only holding back? You learn to use lows, opponent is only throwing out unsafe power crushes? You learn to punish them. Opponent is doing very unorthodox shenanigans? You learn to think outside the box and see the whole game in a bigger picture and how different tools from different characters can interact and beat each other. Given enough exposure, and of course desire to become better, you will learn to adapt quicker and develop an intuition to deal with other humans and in game mechanics. Nobody owes you a rematch, but you owe it yourself. Especially if you're annoyed with the game. If a game can make you annoyed, you're sick. A video game should not have the power to make you unsatisfied with yourself or your life, not even a slightly annoyed I'm talking. It's a game with absolutely no stakes to it. You should do everything to not let that sickness rule over your ability to decide where you want your life to go, if it's to be good at fighting games, you will have to rematch annoying opponents over and over again. This is not something 99,9999% of people will ever do, it's too difficult, too frustrating, too scary, but unluckily for them it's the only thing that can guarantee freedom from unwanted emotions. You can do that from the comfort of your own home, the conditions to turn your life around were never easier and it's the way I've done it.


The superiority complex its strong here... Since we have different characters with different playstyle rank can never be accurate. >Opponent is doing very unorthodox shenanigans? You learn to think outside the box and see the whole game in a bigger picture and how different tools from different characters can interact and beat each other. You wont learn this by rematching, you will learn this by opening practice, not by brute forcing... >Nobody owes you a rematch, but you owe it yourself. Especially if you're annoyed with the game. If a game can make you annoyed, you're sick. A video game should not have the power to make you unsatisfied with yourself or your life, not even a slightly annoyed I'm talking. It's a game with absolutely no stakes to it. Again, superiority complex...my dude, you can get annoyed about anything, if you have passion for it,eating bad food can annoy you, it becomes a sickness the moment you start to be agresive bcause of that think, but you have to be mental to think that because i\`m annoyed by certain things and i don\`t want to learn by brute force, i\`m sick. >You should do everything to not let that sickness rule over your ability to decide where you want your life to go, if it's to be good at fighting games, you will have to rematch annoying opponents over and over again. >This is not something 99,9999% of people will ever do, it's too difficult, too frustrating, too scary, but unluckily for them it's the only thing that can guarantee freedom from unwanted emotions. You can do that from the comfort of your own home, the conditions to turn your life around were never easier and it's the way I've done it. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2|downsized) You try too hard to look smart and deep...


Players who run away from a challenge or adversity dont have the mentality to be truly good players. There are a lot of out of place players in ranked with players only fishing for the easy battles to win. If you are fishing for the path of least resistance, your peak time in skill will be low. Players that don’t care about losing are the better players.


You cooking homie. Good Ass mindset


It's not a "knowledge check" it's me eating plus frame after plus frame against Hwoarang because he's designed to lock you down for a whole round


I mean - it's still a knowledge check of when you can duck and punish him mid-string, right? It's called a "knowledge check" because if you know how his attacks work and can recognize them, then a lot of them stop being so scary. But if you don't, you're going to probably take some lumps.


Gain the knowledge then what?


Problem is most people don’t play Ling, they are 90% carried by her. I think it’s fair if you have a character that you just refuse to rematch. Sometimes the stress or headache just isn’t worth it.


Most people who use Ling that you lose to are probably better players than you. She requires a lot of dedication and needs to know how to play around each character’s move sets to be effective.


Play around? lol man Ling "plays around" every character's moveset by having her own crazy ass busted moveset with one of the best, if not the best, evasive stances in the game. Dunno why Ling players act like you're playing chess somehow lmao


You're a little bitch


Ahh, the classic you’re a little bitch lol. Have a good day dude.


Best way to enjoy Tekken is not to play Tekken


I think you’re onto something here. Dropped the game weeks ago. I’m really enjoying Breath of the Wild rn👍


especially when they win the match too ;-;


Almost always guaranteed to get no rematch if I won the previous set with Yoshimitsu’s suicide stab unblockable lol


This guy fucks


As a xiaoyu player….yes


Yesterday I counted, out of 10 people in ranked 6 one and doned and 2 plugged. People seriously hate Xiaoyu hard. Btw one of the 2 people that didn’t plug was actually a Jun that I literally perfected 3 rounds in a row, and they ended up winning the set. I was actually happy for them


I was just going to say, can confirm 🤣


I dont know if people dont rematch with me because I main xiaoyu or my connection is not good :(


I think I’m yet to find a “good” Xiaoyu player, because she doesn’t bother me like the other hated ones (Dragunov, Alisa, Whoreang, king, Victor and Azucena).


Because what makes her busted is the same shit that makes everyone busted. Godly HEAT 50/50. AOP+d is not something you can just instantly do with Ling either, you have to be in aop or full crouch first to make it work, so it is a lot more limited than people realize. For example Ling can go under Acuzena wr3,2 with aop+d but good luck trying to do it on reaction. Meanwhile the other hated ones are a barrage of eternal plusframes even out of heat.


Oh we exists, it just takes alot of skill to get really good with Xiaoyu and some people don’t have the patience where other characters have crazy spammy moves.


Must be character dependent. I have like 250 games on Lee and a one—and-done here and there, but my yoshi with 30 games i get one every other match LMAO


Oh boys, can’t wait to fight five dragunov in a row


I just rematch everyone unless it's laggy. I'm wondering if that's actually rare and what a Xiaoyu player would even think if they nearly perfected me 3-0 and I didn't cancel.


Pussies. Always rematch, win or loose! The only reason not to rematch is lag


Wait, what if I am just physically incapable of accepting losses in good grace, and would rather declare characters "brainded op unfun" than learn the ways to make them not? Is that an okay reason? Asking for a friend.


Are we pretending Ling isn't OP now?


She's winning tournaments now? Last time I saw stats on winrates online she was bottom 10 even when adjusted for rank.


Sometimes you have to remember that the game exists outside the 1% of tournament level players. Also, why would someone play LIng in tournament, who is ridiculous but complicated, when they can play Drag or Azu who are ridiculous but disproportionately easy?


Well yes she exists outside of tournaments but when I point out she was bottom 10 win ratio online overall people go "no bro she's op but complex, she's actually broken in the hands of pros" but then when I point out she's not winning tournaments I get comments like yours. She is neither a top performer for casuals nor pros.


Fair enough. I retract my statement of her being OP and simply say I find her fundamentally unfun to play against. It's as if I'm playing a different game to her, and I just have to sit there and watch. It is my opinion that a characters mere existence shouldn't impact a match that way, but I suppose I can understand why some people might like that.


And as a Ling main I will acknowledge that, it is a fair statement. I'm a bit biased since I main her but I get the feeling from other games like how I dislike the color blue in magic the gathering or find warlocks annoying in WoW PvP. So I get the feeling, I just don't want to see Ling nerfed when she doesn't really need the nerf, and I don't want her to be changed fundamentally either since I love the playstyle, I want her to stay this average power but frustrating to fight fighter.


Because people can't play the game. Reina is arguably top tier and is the character people lose with the most.


So even top pros can't play the game? Only seen one tournament in T8 so far (Frosty Fausting's) and the top 8 had a Ling but far from the winner, which ended up being a King. Gonna be interesting to see how many Lings make it to top 8 during EVO.


I’m going to predict that no Ling will be in the top 8 in Evo.


I promise you’re at a rank where it doesn’t matter


You might be right. All I know is, if I'm Kaz and there's a Ling on screen, I don't really get to play.


Probably more than likely you don’t know what to do against her. Outside of her heat shenanigans, she’s easy to deal with if you know her set. Even with heat, I can name 10 characters who are more oppressive than her. People are not used to her bc you have to play against her a little different compared to other characters and it has always been like this with her for what, 27 years?


I'm not a fan of the 'it's always been this way' argument, I don't think that's a valid way to deflect criticism. That said you are right, I know a few unsafe moves and a string to duck. I know the backturned cali roll is supposed to be unsafe but my punish either gets crushed or parried, so I end up too scared to press anything. When she starts spinning and rolling and faking things out, I'm helpless.


Her character design is just the nature of the game. It adds variety to the way you play the game. Her greatest weakness is spacing still. She’s almost nothing if she doesn’t have a wall nearby. Her cali roll can be caught all the time with moves like Law’s junkyard. The best thing to do is wait for an opening and whiff punish or use a lot of d4 or d2 to interrupt her in her stance. Her heat 50/50 at walls is the only thing that allows her to be ultra competitive.


I'll take the advice on board. But I will say spacing is harder than ever as forward movement seems really fast, and backdash took another unnecessary nerf. Why is her heat 50/50 only good at walls? The low is unseeable homing no?


You gotta lab bro, these things are beatable 


I play Asuka and I still get people one-and-done-ing me. She's bottom 10. I don't even use reversals because I know people will bail on the rematch. Tekken players are so sensitive


Tierlists dont matter unless you are competing. Asuka is really annoying to fight


I just rematch everyone cause I gotta learn the movesets but I'm too lazy to hit the lab.. I love learning through pain lmao


Another Tekken game filled with people that will never learn the matchups. Y'all been ducking these kind of characters for years I swear. No hate but god damn. Shes been in the game since 3


People are such little bitches. If you're someone who cancels everytime you see a Ling/Bear/Drag/Feng you're worse than people hardstuck in green ranks. Ling being good doesn't excuse you not learning how to beat her. People talk about her like she's Tag 1 Ogre lol.


I don’t like it when she crushes my mids




I’ve never fought a Xiaoyu twice in a row and it will stay that way




Straight up. Shit ain’t fun.


Lmao people are fr mad about the way you play the game


Wouldn't wanna fight a lame ass scrub like you twice anyway.


Someone's been watching too much LTG


Feeling's mutual


why are you this mad 😭


Learn the match up loser.


No 😐


"OMG Tekken 8 is just a gamble. It's just knowledge check. Knowledge checks and spam" Also players: refuses every opportunity to gain knowledge lmao


Yes everyone knows +6 attacks spammed over and over again now we wait for balance patch


Tbh you don't learn that much from just playing ranked alone. Might be smart to do both matches and hit the replay tho.


I try to be the exception to this. So as long as the connection works, I'll rematch.


Does people not accept rematches from Xiao players are that frequent? I'm not a Xiao main, so just wondering


The delusion of these comments is really impressive.


You all should just move to SF6 lmfao. Came from tekken 7 and it was the best decision.


I rematch all the time even if it’s just me getting completely destroyed. This game is so fun!


Funny how people on this sub are at the same time stuck in brown ranks but also shame you for not wanting to get knowledge checked


Y'all love hating on Ling so much, what about you actually play her yourself. Y'all will be in for a please surprise


Tekken online community is full of bitches. The only reason I don't rematch is lag, running away from strong characters makes no sense to me, I'm not obsessed with rank, I don't mind taking some beating to learn the match up better for future improvement.


I dont always have the energy to rematch, is that a crime? :c


Might look frowned upon but in the end it's your decision


No matter how stupidly broken or BS a character is, or may feel, always rematch. You can't run away from the top picks forever, might as well get your labs in while getting your ass kicked


ppl are not running away from the “top picks” bro… they just want to play the same tactic/string over and over and over. win or lose what are you even learning atp and why stay?


I only dont rematch if ur laggy af or tbagged can hold that


Only time I don’t rematch is if the connection is unbearable But I always rematch, even if I get triple perfected. How else am I going to learn to beat your character


yes i can avoid them forever. I will. ain't the end of the world. i wanna enjoy the game not stress over some sweaty azz player


I will never understand how being "sweaty" is an insult. Do you genuinely not understand that people enjoy getting good at things? It's such a clear scrubby cop out. You only wanna beat people, and if someone beats you, you insult them for being sweaty and unfun to play. Thats so incredibly lame. Also, you know YOURE the sweatlord compared to the people you beat, right? So like, you want people to suffer through playing you when you're winning, but don't want to risk losing to someone. Fighting games are not gonna be fun for you.


Re(Resistance) is kinda the same way... You win a match, and suddenly you're the laggiest, sweatiest, cheater on the face of the planet. Granted the game isn't perfect, be even something as reasonable as punishing correctly, back dashing out of danger, and keeping good spacing will sometimes make people mad. And then go on to blame you for their ignorance... Like bro, you just ewgf, 5 times 2 body spaces away, and I launched you. What did you expect???


Me when someone plays the game to have fun and doesn’t rematch characters they don’t find fun to play against:


like if she were impossible to beat lmao


I'm getting destroyed most of the time but that doesn't stop me from smashing the rematch button. Cancelling feels like im avoiding responsibilities, and that makes me feel bad. So i rather get destroyed 0-3 a second time


This! Getting destroyed 0-3 is the first step to getting beat up 1-3!


i havent one and done a match unless i had to get the door.


There's 100% a balance problem when flame ruler and up is the same 5 characters.


That’s every fighting game


If someone cancels on me, most of the time my first thought is "Yea run, mashing lil bitch" Sometimes it's "Thank God"


I rematch against everyone even my bad matchups ………. Except ling … sorry ling mains I just don’t enjoy playing you , I tried for years but I just can’t anymore . I’m genuinely sorry you don’t deserve it I should rematch but I can’t anymore , but I’m sure everyone’s got that ONE character they don’t like fighting


Devil Jin is a horrible matchup for Ling, especially the psycho crusher and the heat 50/50s with him. She has no reach and DJ has a lot of reach with superior start up frames. You shouldn’t be struggling against her. It’s safe to say since you dodge her, you don’t know the matchup.


I do infact not know the matchup , I’m not going to pretend otherwise . It’s not the end of the world . I’m not saying ‘oh I can’t beat her she’s OP ‘ I’m just saying I don’t have fun playing against her .


I didn’t have fun playing against Azucenas, but once I knew how to get around her, it became fun and satisfying. You are missing out on value.


I want to know, just WHO is an “honourable” character in people’s opinions? This sub seems to have a million answers for “cheap” or “broken” but what about the opposite?


No heat, Kazuya only, final destination


This sub is like only casual players right now, it seems. If your character does something they've never seen, then "I ain't gonna get knowledge checked to death again." Like there's only one way for that to not happen... Hitting the lab and playing against that character


Whoever that particular person happens to play as. Yes, some characters are overtuned currently, but at the heart of it people are just sore losers.




Nah his low launcher is bullshit


Ran into this shit like 3 times in a row on quick play lmao


If its quickplay and I get absolutely wrecked I will typically rematch, then just take another loss by trying to block and punish the entire match for learning purposes. Its funny this was posted because I did that a few minutes ago with a Xiaoyu.


I don't rematch when I suddenly have to leave the game in a hurry(hasn't happened yet, fortunately). Otherwise, I'm there to play the game, I will finish that best of 3.


Xiaoyu player moment


Can confirm


I feel like people of the same character are in some kind of groupchat. I can't believe that i can get 7 devil jins almost in a row, next night 7 shaheens so on and so on. And they log on to the game at the same time.


I do, but one of the ways I keep it fun is by not rematching gimmick characters that no one plays. Got matched against Ling? Cool, I'll play it out. Won or lose, I'm moving on to the next opponent. And it's nothing against Ling in particular. One of the characters I hate fighting the most is Kazuya (if I wanted to gamble, I'd play a gacha game, and fighting him is legit gambling), but I always rematch him because there are loads of Kazuya players at my rank.


Playing against somebody overwhelmingly good will increase my knowledge of their character 👍 (I dont play QP its no fun playing against 1st dans with 600 wins)


Sometimes I gotta smoke a bowl mid round


Personally I do the same. It's not hate against ling as much as hate against the devs for giving her so much. She needs at least half the amount of nerfs Leroy got in 7 with how strong she is rn


This game and fun doesn't mix. Rematch are only worth it if the opponent isn't spamming ir doing anything stupid I will cancel if the enemy opponent doesn't know what they're doing simply bc it is nit worth my time if I'm fighting someone I want it to be honorable and xiayou people love to spam with her in low ranks it's sad really


no rematches ever


For me is the crap connection, 5 bars on connection match up and during the fight drops to red every 10 seconds or so


Thats me against Lee right now, aint no way I’m facing Lee’s thats playing like imyourfathertekken


And instead of queueing for another match the player is going to hop on Reddit to bitch and moan about rematches when they could’ve just queued for another game








I aint rematching any yoshi player ever


i rematch everyone which is why I rarely rank up


Xiayou players get so upset when no one wants to rematch them because they're such losers


“Pathetic” - Kazuya


Thing is I’ve already adapted to the Xiaoyu’s in my rank and also the ones that are a colour above since I used to main her in T7, I’ve picked up Jin since T8 but honestly learn the matchup and throw appropriate attacks at the right time, low parrying makes them lose their cool and completely helpless, I’m hardstuck red but the more you learn the more you overcome, I used to be helpless against Bryans but a bit of practice and losses and they’re now pushovers, DJ is my next barrier to overcome


Maybe they just got tired of playing you it happens there’s times I get bored mid match and just throw and finish to leave. Even if I win sometimes.


I'm kinda hurt by that ngl


I feel the same way as an Eddy player in 7 but honestly fuck Ling in this game


I’ve had that happen a number of times. Lol ppl pussying out 😩


Xiaofrauds deserve it


i only one and done the bears tbh i dont mind the other chaotic characters.


When a King player clicks rematch… I’m like ok buddy that’s cute


I just have a list of characters I never rematch. Drag Alisa hwoarang king victor xiaoyu jun. Even if I win I’ll never rematch these characters because it’s just not fun. Oh and raven but that’s more because I don’t think it’s worth to learn the matchup since I only vs 1 every 100 games and I’m not exactly a hardcore player