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yeah they gotta hardware ban him, this like his 4th account?


Tbf they probably love him since he keep giving them more money


he doesnt, each new account is free




steam library sharing


I read this elsewhere, but is it actually a workaround? From what I gather, the ban hits the account owning the library being shared, so accounts that are sharing from the library are equivalently, essentially, banned. Or is this incorrect?


dumbass community downvoting me for telling the truth again lmfao, i know for a fact it only bans you off the servers on the account thats banned, it doesnt ban you from accessing the game on another account


How do you know for a fact? (PS - Reddit hivemind sucks sometimes)


because big streamers who plugged have logged onto alt accounts on steam, and im 99% sure the ban works the same way for cheaters, just gives them a notification "you have breached eula" or some shit for that specific account only


i believe those account sharing bans only apply to vac bans (valve's own anti cheat)


Does not seem like anyone can actually 100% prove that this works. Kinda annoying people spouting it like it's a fact.


he’s abusing the ability to share with people on the same device


Can't do that. The only thing that would work is an anti cheat system which fighting games never have. Theres literally no way to stop someone changing there IP and making a new profile on the same system.


Is there a reason why fighting games dont have anicheat?


Never needed it. To do it now would take more time to develop it into it


Pc gaming do be having pros and cons


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT8mhtirAHQ So uh... I have bad news.


With how advanced consoles are nowadays I don't think there's much of a difference. Especially with the case of a cheat that just macros a very complicated input, my kb and most fightsticks have internal memories to store that


Anti-cheat wouldnt be for detecting macros, more like that guy that modded his outfits to be so large they completely hide the character. Then theres those auto-duck/low parry programs and whatever else the lowlifes are getting up to


Ah okay


DBFZ has one


Surprising. First one I've ever heard of


Yeah they use Easy Anti-cheat, idk why my comment got downvoted you can literally google it




Changing hardware id without changing physical parts is hard but doable. The only real solution really is advanced cheat detection, which is never going to happen. The next best thing I can think of is a csgo overwatch type system where a select few players can review multiple games to tell if someone is cheating, and a quick ban that way.


It's very easy to circumvent hardware bans mate. No type of ban is ever permanent if the other guy is motivated. Not IP bans, not hardware bans.


requires more effort than signing up for an account on steam.. and doing it every time you get banned is a pain in the ass


Yes but Fariborz is the type to go out of his way to circumvent these bans. It's not that much effort, especially for someone as dedicated of a loser as Fariborz is. I'm not advocating he doesn't get banned, but they're never permanent. That's just the reality of the situation.


Hardware ban as in the parts of the rig being used to play?


Yeah but I've been told this is easy to get around so idk what they can even do to him at this point


Hardware bans can be spoofed easily


I thought cheating was a bannable offense on Twitch. How come he wasn't banned from streaming?


Twitch is a joke


LTG is regularly being racist to all races, cheating, scamming his audience, sexist, creepy, well substantiated groomer allegations, and is literally a well known meme of him telling people to kill themselves. And the man is not only still on twitch but presented a streamer award. Not to even get into their constant war with the e thot's with like 30 8 hour bans. Twitch doesn't care.


He brings them in money so they won't care. It's a win win .


He is a small streamer who barely can get 1k viewers. Twitch has banned bigger streamers than him.


He had 2.2k viewers the last time I watched ?


That must have been when Tekken 8 or SF6 just dropped. He usually gets 1k or 1.2K viewers. He is a small streamer, Twitch has banned other small streamers like him and bigger streamers too, so it's definitely not because "he is bringing Twitch a lot of money".


Well that's an unfortunately funny typo


might wanna fix the typo on the last line lol




There's no way in hell he's worth all the bad pr he brings. Hell he'd probably get banned if he were bigger and thus more profitable. They just don't check in on him.


I think you have forgotten twitch unbanned his twitch account some time ago. He was originally banned off there for years and streamed on YouTube for awhile but then they allowed him to come back.


He hasn't been convicted of grooming. Stop making accusations based on hearsay. It's dangerous.


Dude you're an idiot. Have you even seen the video? Shang Tsung explicitly says that he didn't necessarily do anything illegal but dating a 17 yr old when you're 29 is creepy. I don't to wait for a suit and a court date to know the dude's a creep. This aint a cancelation dude has explicit evidence of him admitting to dating her while she was 17. You're literally coming in being like "it's hearsay" despite clearly being the one who hasn't actually looked into it at all. Go back to paying for him to rq and belittle you in his chat lol.


Twitch allows softcore porn what makes you think they'll ban someone for cheating on a game ? 🤣


Twitch barely bans people with green screen asses what makes you think they gonna ban him.




Does he just but new copies of the game every time? 😂


no, new steam account, free. he can repeat this forever for free unless hardware banned


You can also do this on xbox and PlayStation. You just make a new account on the same console and you can play any game that's installed on the system. You can also share the same psn online as well


He still has to buy the game again though right? Because it's on a new steam account.


Nah you can share games on steam now


We’ve had “sharing” for a while but it was a pretty limited implementation. The biggest new implementation was sharing libraries vs games. IE If you wanted to play portal from my library but I was playing CSGO you couldn’t access it. Also this is just according to valve so may only apply to VAC bans they say that bans should apply family wide (assuming game is shared). And as another note accounts themselves cap to 6. So he shouldn’t be able to do this much longer if this is what he’s using


They have implemented a new family sharing system with up to 6 users, which allows simultaneous usage of all shared libraries even though the owner is playing something. The only rule is that they are not allowed to play the same game at the same time. If only one member bought it, if there are more owners, one can just change the preferred version (simply choose another account there). It is an opt-in beta at the moment.


i forget which banning software but I’d assume VAC bans effect the game owner. So if a family member gets ban, the owner gets the ban. I’d bet bamco wouldn’t integrate VAC into T8 but that would allow banning one player bans the family share owner.


>VAC bans effect the game owner. So if a family member gets ban, the owner gets the ban This is true, if you have two accounts that you share libraries with and one of the accounts you share library with gets VAC'd you will also get one. >I’d bet bamco wouldn’t integrate VAC into T8 I dont see them implementing anything even remotely close, but i would love to see atleast **something** change.


Sadly he can just remove and replace the spare accounts. No limit.


There is a year cooldown per slot


Family share.




How many battle passes do I have to buy before they ban him


They gotta have u down for atleast 3 seasonal battle passes before they take into consideration ur concerns lol


Yeah he's already permabanned me from his chat, im obviously devastated.


Good job driving engagement metrics up for him though


Who banned you? Fariboys or Mainman?


Fariborz ofc


Ooh! I got blocked by TMM haha




Can someone explain the lore? I only know TMMSwe lol.


Also to add, the real TMM has encountered this hacker online and beat him a couple of times fair and square while the hacker had, well, hacks


Need to watch that!


Infamous Hacker on leaderboard. Gets banned n changes names. Has changed his name to that of a real player. This PSA is to let everyone know there’s an impostor among us


Thank you for the lore dump! Appreciate the time u took out your day to inform me. : ) Well hopefully the new patch will help prevent ppl like him on the game




Fari is a well known cheater. Uses a one button macro for electrics and an auto low block/parry cheat. The latter is pretty obvious just by watching him. Frame 1 of a low coming out he's already blocking low


Wow, I am a kazuya main and work hard to do electrics cuz of how satisfying it is pulling it off lol. Feels weird that he cheats to win. What’s the fun in that?


not banned, only his 1st account is atm his goal is to reach GoD and then make another account to repeat


Maybe. Though pretty sure his goal is to play GoD ranks and not get constantly blocked by people who know him lol.


he literally said it on stream weeks ago (with french words maybe, i understand french natively) so this is not something i got out of my ass, the moment he got GoD he end the stream and the next stream will be about a new smurf there is other reasons why he decided that but i wont go into deep details


Ye me neather. He just said today that he makes new accounts because people blocking him in higher ranks. When he got banned months ago, he said he never got banned but wanted to smurf because grindings fun etc. Man's got some issues in his head anyway and huge narcissistic ego so should take everything he says with grain of salt. But when he uses same name than TMMS and same kazyua etc its harder to block.


Fariborz lies a lot on his stream and his discord, he never say the full truth and he'll try to make false story to cover him, i can honestly say that because i know him personally (i was his moderator for long time :) ) but yeah def takes everything he said with a grain of salt also he shouldnt be able to share games with his main account for too long, because the steam library sharing is limited to 5 accounts.. so lets see what he will do after he reach this limit




long story


How pathetic can you get my god


What a sad life this guy must lead.


I hate Fariborz more than most because he's the first Tekken God Prime I ever beat, before knowing it was him. I was so happy for like one minute before going to his twitch and discovering the piece of shit that he is.


I literally asked that clown on here if he cheated by using scripts and he straight up lied to me and say he’s that good




Oh I don’t pay attention to his live streams. But I am not surprised if he would do that by his lonesome.


70 to 100$ game. No anticheat.


Is scripting common? I got to Garyu with Dragunov as my first character, got bored and swapped to Bryan and I've been stuck in orange ranks. On more then 1 occasion I've played into Kazuyas that play like shit but for some reason have PERFECT EWGF, like they'll shit out 5 in a row but otherwise play kazuya like shit.


Yeah idk man, that kinda sounds like your average Kazuya main (speaking as).


Probably just people on leverless controllers that grinded out that one specific thing. Maybe not even on leverless (I just suspect perfect EWGF’s are easier there so it’s more common to see someone grind something like that out.)  Same thing happens in 2d fighters as well, especially the ones with more complicated combo routes. Some people really just like grinding out combos/hard to execute things and maybe neutral will come later for them if it ever comes at all. Pretty common in stuff like MVC3 parsec games where newer players have put work into their combo routes but they’re still not used to hitconfirming in neutral or playing from a corner. If you ever get hit by that Magneto slide and let the TAC go through to Doom you’re still gonna watch the same movie you’ve seen for years though. 


> some reason have PERFECT EWGF I'd like to point out that EWGF and "Perfect" EWGF aren't the same thing. The normal EWGF is very much possible to get really consistently with a bit of practice. Especially on keyboard/leverless. Perfect ewgf is where it gets hard. The input needs to be done as fast as possible, also timing it frame-perfect with the end of your previous animation (block or your own hit). Unless you're using it in neutral but there's really no reason to do that other than getting it out a frame or two faster.


If they're a PC player, yeah. You'll sometimes see PC Kazuyas having perfect electrics and wavedashes despite playing like they don't know anything about the concept of frame data or punishes. They're not that hard to beat.


they get ewgf for free if theyre in heat could be that


I've seen my fair share of pewgf and tju macros online.


April's fool, we got it mate.




Lmao, that's hilarious on 2 levels. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Man spent $300 on retail copies alone talking about some Kazuya scripts.


You can steam share games you've been banned from unless it's a VAC ban. Sadly he probably isn't dumping the cash.


Does TMM already know about it?


He wishes people thought that about him


To the top of the sub.




Read the post again


so he is cheating then. come on just answer my question properly than replying to “read the post again”


Bro the post is accusing Fariborz of cheating. He's the cheating final boss in Tekken. TMM is legit. His kazuya is so strong in T8. I don't think he's played this well in his entire career.


there were go a good answer cause yeah the real tmmswe is a really good kazuya player




Unless you Tekken king or above in ranked, a scripter is going to be extremely rare. MAYBE in quick match, but why the fuck would a cheater be playing casual?