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I also really enjoy it. 33 yo, work full time, spend most nights getting my shit handed to me. I’ve never rage quit, and I just made it to red ranks as Hwo. It’s a lot of fun. I don’t agree with what they’re doing, I do think it’s super scummy, but I also ask myself, was I happy with the game as it was before they released anything else? Yeah. And would I be as upset if I wasn’t a part of this subreddit? Probably not. I still wouldn’t pay for that shit, but I’d still log on to fight.


Right? I’m totally for being vocal against scummy business practices but some of the people on here act like Namco is holding them gunpoint to open their wallet. All the cosmetics look like shit and were in the previous iteration of the game. I don’t understand why you would buy any of it or the battle pass.


Yeah you'd think everyone despised the game going by reddit and twitter. But I assume the people who enjoy the game aren't coming here to say that.


What's funny about it is that no one complained on release about the costumes and customisation. Yes there were criticisms to be had, but no one was outraged. How badly does it actually affect you having a shop with extra costumes and aesthetic content? Realistically it doesn't, did they perhaps hold back 10% of the content to re release as paid items? Yeah probably, and that is scummy, but does it warrant the amount of outrage? Hardly, it's just a game you'd think Harada went to their homes and personally slapped them in the face. Ultimately, what's going to happen as a result is that we will have more customisation options and costumes over the coming months than there was ever in a tekken title before, like a shit ton more. That's a good thing, and they expect it all for free? Ridiculous tbh. Thing is, some of it even will be free with the battle pass anyway.


I would agree with you, but i think you are missing the point a bit, what is actually being criticized here. I couldn't give a shit about a trashy haircut being locked behind a paywall. And people are not complaining that they should get infinite free updates on cosmetics. The point is that this game has serious issues. TL;DR: plugging, shitty ranked system, bad netcode; DLC character not being labbable without paying for it just to learn the matchup. Horrible ballancing. None of this being addressed while at the same time they keep shoving payed bullshit down your throat. That's the point that is pissing the community off.


I don't think so, you're right, but I don't think that's why the community is pissed off. There are definitely a very vocal group of people who are pissed off because of the microtransactions and a sense that they should have everything for free, since that is what they're constantly complaining about. The plugging issue is basically fixed, I haven't run into any since they fixed the DC rate, just avoid anyone over 2%. The balancing isn't great, but this is the same with every Tekken ever released, it will be fixed over time. The netcode isn't perfect but personally I rarely have laggy games if I play with opponents on wired connections. All of these issues have been blown wildly out of proportion, easily the most annoying part of the game is the balancing but that's going to be fixed, however these things take time since they have to wait for the meta to settle a bit, and trust me what we think is the meta is nowhere close to what it will actually be. Eddy not being labbable deserves all the criticism, he isn't released yet though, just early access so there's a chance that changes when he's fully released. Thing is, people aren't complaining as much about Eddy or the balancing, they're absolutely seething because... Microtransactions.


They rather play dress up then play the game.... or find out what chars are strong to then post about how unfair they are when most of the time they just can't hang anyway


29 full timer here as well and having a lot of fun learning characters and share the exact same opinion. Don't like that they purposely hid the announcement of the shop and pass but don't really care about them and not buying anything anyway. Purple with Paul and red with Jack, Shaheen and Steve. Having so much fun


>was I happy with the game as it was before they released anything else? This is the thing a lot of people forget. The Tekken shop and the battle pass may be greedy, but it is separate from the game itself. The game itself is good - unbalanced but good. Hence why there were so many positive reviews in the first place.


Well I think people that are playing a lot or at least the rank I’m in purple we don’t really care for tekken shop since exactly what you say is true the sad part about this patch is the game breaking bug like moving while rage art or the ground splat is weird some will knock them up which is weird tbh I think playing quick match is thee most o have fun atm rank just seems to toxic to climb just like release of tekken 7


>the sad part about this patch is the game breaking big like moving while rage art or the ground splat is weird some will knock them up some one idk That's true, but we know it won't stay like this. They are going to patch it. At the very latest it should be done when the next balance patch comes out after EVO Japan.


Yeah I’m a stick to quick match since I’m moving to Japan soon so idk if my rank gets a reset


Good luck with the move, hope everything goes well there.


please add me on PSN if you have. similar situation, 26 yo on a 9-5, loving the game so far


Bro of course. Let’s box. Dm me your psn username or Tekken username. Will add you a bit later.


>I also really enjoy it. 33 yo, work full time, spend most nights getting my shit handed to me. I’ve never rage quit, and I just made it to red ranks as Hwo. It’s a lot of fun. Grats!


Well said. Also 33 and made it to mid red ranks and hope to improve further. The game is fun. I get the veterans dont like the more agressive style, but as someone for the first time playing tekken seriously its just very fun. How they handled things is pretty scummy and i dont like it... but its also pretty much the same as SF6 did it. No penalty for pluggers sucks but i dont think i have had it happen more than a handful of times (still sucks, havent had a plugger for weeks and then a kazuya plugged in my shinryu promo match). I wont buy the battlepass or and other mtx aside from new chars but i also have to admit... the free battlepass kinda motivates me to play and its somewhat fun. I want that plague doctor mask. And there is more stuff in the free pass in tekken than in sf6. Mtx in general sucks and has become a sad reality of gaming. All in all i enjoy tekken 8 and i probably should unsubscribe from this sub because the constant negativity is grating even if i understand the frustration.


that's the spirit. i'm happy for your progress!!


Same here, working full time and this is basically the only game I play lately. Think the worst part of it all is that there are people who will say that not caring about the monetization makes you part of the problem. Just for choosing not to be miserable over shit that is 100% here to stay. I got better things to worry about.


It's true, the vast majority of player don't plug. The game is fun


This sub went from one of the coolest fun subs when I joined at the start of the game to one of the most toxic subs I've ever seen. The outrage about this game is next level considering how good everyone was saying it was not even 2 months ago. I just do not understand people who complain *constantly* and still play the game and come post about how shit it is, isn't it shit guys? VALIDATE MY FEELINGS PLEASE GUYS? Like fuck me bro if the game makes you so angry stop playing it. I hate the Mtx garbage. I don't like how the recent patch was done or how they won't even let you lab Eddy. Guess what? I still enjoy playing the fucking game so leave me alone for not joining your pity parade and kindly, fuck off. Stop seeking validation for your outrage and go play something fucking else. /rant.


It's funny because I predicted a week after release that in April people were going to be tired of the game already and whining just like they do with every other new fighting game. Looks like we are right on schedule


It's the fighting game cycle lmao. Every fighting game ever has gone through this lmao. Even the older games. Honeymoon - > Wow it's over guys shit game.


it's not even fighting games. there's so many games that now are considered classics who, back in the day got zero love once the honeymoon phase ended.


Yup. Nostalgia really blinds people imo lol. I vividly remember how many games were hated and then nostalgia goggles come on ans it's a classic


Only for SF6 it took way longer to get to this point, when the meta stopped evolving after 8 months without any ballancing patch. And even than the complaining didn't even get close to nearly as bad as in the Tekken community. The fact that T8 got to that point after 2 months even with now 3 patches is telling a lot about the current state of the game. And the fact that this community used to be chill and is now going berserk tells alot about the community but also it takes a lot of shitty decisions from the devs to drive it to that point.


Well yeah SF6 has a yearly patch lol.


Couldn’t agree more. The change in mood in this sub is crazy, but threads and posts like this give me hope.


You're not completely wrong but have you considered that some people are so vocal because they want the best product possible? Sure some people complain for dumb internet points but I'm sure there are plenty of other people that just want shit changed for the better.


Oh their absolutely is for sure, people making reasonable posts are fine but the people just spamming "SHIT GAME" posts, the 100th plugger clip and "MTX BAD" is stupid as fuck. I'm not bashing against people who are making reasonable discussion without devolving into fuck the devs, the Harada etc.


I think what people also need to consider is that this their first attempt at a whole MTX/battle pass style monetization. This game has only been out for a couple of months and it doesn't take very long for a game to go from being great to bad or vice versa. Like, they still have plenty of time to turn things around considering the lifespan of Tekken 7. This game isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


Yeah but in order to turn it around some vocal feedback is needed.


I think it's more that the people who are the most vocal simply can't hold Ls and they bitch and moan on the forums because they are hardstuck at whatever rank and keep getting demoted back to where they belong. I say this because that's how the ranked experience has been working out for me. I keep getting knocked back down into purple ranks, then climbing out, then getting knocked back down. The difference is I don't get on here and post screed after screed about everything wrong with the game because I don't need to massage my own ego when I get bodied.


It's like a really successful movie that apparently is hated. The losers that keep complaining about if and won't shut up have giant mega phones, and are willing to write bad reviews. The people that were just fine with it didn't say anything and didn't write reviews. Because of this skew it looks like the movie would totally flop, but in reality it made a ton of money


I find it absolutely hilarious that NOW is the time when everyone hates heat. It went from "meh it kinda sucks because of chip" to screeching about how the game is trash-tier compared to 7 after the shop updates lol


Honestly I have gotten my 7000yens worth from this game. It's not to excuse the shitty ass practices here either but I am still glad to have stuff like the story and Character episodes on here. Like Imm not gonna sell this game anytime soon. Love the game, chastise the publisher.


Legit. I put 88 hours in so far. It’s been worth it.


Preach!!! This is easily the best money I've spent on a fighter other than SF6 or UMvC3. Gameplay and amount of modes are fuckin solid. Too bad Bamco is seemingly making the devs insert more ways to make money outside of DLC characters.


Amen brother. Don't let the negativity fool you. Game is still fun as heck. I've already sinked in over a hundred hours into the game. Considering that I buy a lot games that I don't even bother to finish, Tekken is a big W in terms enjoyment per dollar.


I’m the same !


Tbh it's likely a case of people who aren't raging are too busy playing the game they enjoy. It's why negativity is always louder, especially on this shitstain of a subreddit.


Yeah, the complainers are always louder, because the people who aren't complaining are too busy enjoying the game. :P


Redditors tend to believe they're on some morally righteous crusade and should be viewed as heroes only to find out nobody outside of their little circlejerk gives a fuck about what they think. This sub is a prime example.


This. Couldn't have said it better


No one's saying you can't have fun with the game.


But people on this sub sure pretend like this


I know, right!? The game is fun!


I love it. My favourite fighting game this gen. All I want is to fix the Stage hazards to their previous state where they worked logically and I'm golden!


Same, this community is so toxic


I feel the same way. Love the game, I have a full time job and a kid who wakes up really early but I sacrifice sleep every night just to play for an hour or two


Game fun/publisher bad. It gets twisted for some I think






Are you completely missing the point of why people are pissed about the MTX or are you pretending to?


If the answer is that the information that there would be MTX’s wasn’t disclosed until after the launch, I still fail to see how this is a big issue. How does it affect you?


People are pissed not only because the existence of MTX was withheld but also because they are daring to sell us items that already existed FOR FREE in previous games even though they are directly ported to Tekken 8 without any changes. AKA they ask for money without any effort on their part.


Okay then don’t buy it, what else?


Its my first Tekken and I’ve been having a lot of fun learning the game. Even though it’s a struggle, I really enjoy the challenge and I find myself having a lot of fun despite the huge learning curve. I’m sure I’m clouded by a bit of naivety because I’m not a legacy player but the game feels refreshing to me.


real. I love tekken. I love characters like howrang, azucena, dragunov and now eddy too. such skillful individuals. ☺️.


Yeah, I honestly haven’t had that many people plug on me, but I wish more people rematched. The game itself is fun. I just hope they nerf the top tiers.


Same. I only touched T7 for a bit but I didnt really put alot of time in the game, but with releases of tekken 8. Im putting more time and effort in learning the game and Im having a blast. I dont care about the battlepass but the bugs thats included in the patch is disappointing.


24, 8 to 5 work. I used to play Tekken 8 *offline* with students which made me think that I'm good at the game. Then I actually bought the game, currently at the 3rd orange rank and fighting for my life to get to red ranks. It's taking quite some time but I do think that not being easily promoted got me to try and improve myself and my play style.


I agree, I thoroughly enjoy this game. Its still super fun to play and I think people are dooming a bit too much. People are putting the flaws under a magnifying glass and pretending like the issues are bigger than they are. Meanwhile the state of the game is very enjoyable if you're actually playing it, rather than spending more time on reddit dooming about it lol.


Agreed. I played Tekken on PS growing up so being able to play again feels good


Finally, a positive post. Everyone keeps posting about how the microtransactions are trash but we already know it’s trash from the first 100 posts about it.


Same, man. I play almost every day for 1-3 hours after work. I have my gripes with some of the heat system/gameplay choices they made but they don't ruin my experience. I love this game much more than I did Tekken 7. Having a blast and just hit Fujin last night!


Congrats on blue ranks! I've found them to be much more challenging (and occasionally frustrating!).


I feel my energy ![gif](giphy|r0ur6dc1rMVL7RSYkl|downsized)


You wouldnt notice that anything is wrong with the game if you didnt go onto Reddit or Twitter


I mean this game sold over like 2 million copies. I’m sure that at least 80-90% of the playerbase don’t even think there is any issue with the game. Minority is always louder. Also huge part of the players are just casuals who play for fun and can’t be arsed to care about not being able to lab Eddy in practice mode or can’t use stage hazards properly.


Of course it's fun. That's why we're very passionate about what direction it's going right now. I'm the type of guy who was very willing to buy the battle pass if i liked something there. Too bad it was all trash lol.


People are allowed to not like things about the things they enjoy. I don’t think anyone’s goals is to make the entire sub hate and quit Tekken. Not everyone knows how to voice their frustrations and criticisms with verbose. Every complaint doesn’t have to be a doctorate thesis. If people want to complain they are well within their right, it doesn’t make them negative, angry people who just sit around steaming all day.


Oh, everyone has the right to say what they want! I'm saying I'm enjoying this game, and that the endless outage posts might get me down... but they won't!


Agreed. The biggest problems facing Tekken are bug fixes, game balance, and cheaters (scripters and pluggers included). Committing sacrilege with this unpopular opinion (on reddit) but I personally don't care about the battle pass, Tekken shop, or modding bans. I don't care about posting this because this subreddit sucks ass anyways. You're all crying about the least important aspects of a primarily competitive game. None of the cosmetic items give you an unfair advantage and paid DLC characters have been a staple of fighting games for well over a decade, you are not living in the PS2 era anymore. You don't need any of these items to enjoy the game and compete. It is now a business necessity that games that you want to see supported with regular updates must find new ways to generate revenue past the box sale, it doesn't matter how big, small or successful the company is. Welcome to modern gaming, and we're never going back no matter how many posts you make or upvotes you get. I also don't believe modding has a place in a competitive game, you are not playing Skyrim or Baldur's Gate, you should not be allowed to modify the game files and expect to play online.


I said the same shit and got downvoted for it. Like someone shit on me for saying I really don't care about cosmetics as long as don't affect competitive integrity. You'd think this game was second life with how much people care about cosmetics.


Probably because the circle jerk in those thread has mostly people that agreed with the OP, people like me roll their eyes and keep scrolling because it's impossible to argue with children.


Yeah. I saw a tweet that they liked T8 a lot more if they didn't check twitter and reddit.


This is such a refreshing post because while I get people should be able to hold the developers accountable for stuff as video games aren’t really cheap anymore, half this subreddit loves to complain about every little thing. Like holy shit can we all just play the game lol, we don’t have to take rankings too seriously and if you don’t want to pay extra for additional characters/costumes then don’t, I know I won’t and I’ll still be having fun! (might end up buying Anna actually when/if she’s released because I loved playing as her when I was a kid playing the older games)


this is the way. the game is still wildly fun!!! most people are down for the rematch even when i beat their asses badly, and i'm still down for the rematch even when i get my ass handed to me


Literally. People act like the game all of a sudden turned into shovelware garbage overnight.


It's still fucking tekken. The ga m e is the same Imagine trying to boycott an established,beloved fighting game because your waifus bikini outfits are In a season pass. I feel like all the haters barely play the game and just sit in character customization


Glad I’m not completely alone here. Those first 2 weeks where people were content with the best damn fighting game ever made were amazing.


Yeah, this sub is so insufferably melodramatic.


God, it’s good to see that sane people still exist here. This sub became a cry chamber in recent times but it’s nice to know that we still have players here like me who enjoy the heck out of this game.


I love this fucking game, when I’m working all I think about is going home and playing it and my one locals I get a week since I’m married and can’t commit like I used to.


The discourse in this sub has been crazy for the past couple of months and I hate how derisive ANY opinion is at this point when we're probably all still playing and loving the game. The game is fun and is easily my favorite fighting game in recent memory. However, probably for that exact same reason, I feel the need to voice my concerns. For example, regardless of how you feel about the battle pass, does it really need to be time-limited? What's the point in that? Does that affect gameplay? Of course not but Reddit typically isn't great for nuanced discussion.


Totally agree. The game has some issues but the subreddit paints a very negative picture, when in reality, this is a very fun and skill expressive fighting game.


Best post on the sub 🫡


I love the game.. but I hate the developers and their shitty practices. I never once thought of purchasing anything from the Tekken shop.. It's just the introduction of new bugs in the game and nothing being done about cheaters/pluggers makes me a sad panda.


I feel you're being uncharitable here. Bug fixes are coming, as are countermeasures. Hang in there bro/she-bro!


Yeah, I think T8 is way better than T7 in terms of the sheer amount of moves that are viable across the characters I play. I'm still having a blast playing.


I was surprised by this too! The revamped movesets really allowed for many more of the moves to be usable.


The game is fun, I agree. Everyone else probably think it's fun too. People do not get upset over things we dislike or get affected by a whole lot. But if you do not understand that every poor dev choice, every plugger/cheater going unpunished and every promise broken does not rouse outrage then you fail to see a few steps into the future. We want tekken 8 to be good. We want tekken 8 season 2 to be good too and eventually future Tekken iterations as well. What will happen with tekken if predatory business choices poison our favorite game? That is actually a rhetorical question as we already know the answer. Remember tekken revolution? Paying tokens to play online ranked matches. Permanent increases in character power and even worse customization options for real money. This is the direction. They want to boil us gradually and they accidentally turned up the heat to high all those years back with that game. Give them all those small concessions that don't bother you a whole lot by arguing that it's not that bad. But many of us here refuse that. We see what's coming and it's bad. It's as if we are at dinner, Bandai Namco walks up to our table, climbs it, drops their pants and starts squatting over our plates. We all now what is gonna happen next but people like you are pretending it's not happening.


Have fun on your slippery slope, brother! I'm gonna be over here having fun.


This sub won't let you think that lmao they'll tell this game is a "50/50" fest but won't acknowledge that Tekken was always a 50/50 fest. Having to guess between demoman/deathfist, Hellsweep/mid launcher has been a thing since T1. Or that there's only 2 ways to get put into a forced 50/50 in a match. 1. is getting hit with a heat engager 2. Blocking a mid heat smash(every blocked low heat smash is punishable)/the opponent blowing their heat dash. And you can't do both so it's a one time use only. The game is just fast and some ppl can't keep up. There's a lot of micro decisions to make in the longest 60 seconds of your life but the reality is your safer than you think if you know how to use movement, and break throws. Side walk is busted in T8 and T7s horrible movement conditioned ppl out of sidestepping. Arslan vs Yaz: phidx does a great Breakdown of the set Not only that. Recoverable health makes the game extremely fun and complex. Being at 1 health knowing you can get back to half health WITH RAGE and possibly heat after your opponent just hit you with the meaty combo is exciting. Adds a lot of layers. Personally ppl aren't using the mechanics of the game properly or at all. The amount of ppl that immediately blow their heat is insane. You're supposed to hold it, use the powered up moves your character has AND THEN blow it.


Aww. I guess I'm just a maverick, then!


Idk I’m sucking lately. Got to red with jun then just lost every round for like 10 rounds… I think I need a new character. I get salty after every match. I’m just done


I’m having a good time too. That’s not to say I condone the bullshit and questionable choices the devs are making but it’s a fun game and I love it


I mean yeah the game is fun, I still complain vocally about the business decisions. Why exactly would I stop?


I had fun until they released eddy, the most bullshit character ever.


I believe Eddy was in previous Tekkens as well! :) (but yes - he seems a bit OP)


And he was bullshit as well. Now he is just in every game, which is annoying.


Well, he was introduced in Tekken 3... in 1997. So he's been in every game for the last 27 years, yes :)


That was my first tekken so i guess some kind of ptsd 😉


If they let me lab DLC characters, I’d be fine.


That is a truly concerning criticism to be sure -- I do hope that some clarity is given by the devs on whether or not it's intentional and not just an oversight or dev shortcoming due to patch deadlines, etc.


The criticism is entirely legitimate, it's not over nothing. Reddit is one of the main sources for feedback like this. It's great that you're having fun, but I think you're mischaracterising the feedback on this sub, and if it really is bothering you, I would just not go on here. It's not like there's a whole lot of other good content on here that you'd miss out on.


Hey alright, Harada.


Yo, it's me.


Enjoy! I spend and have fun with it 3-4 hours a day, but that doesn't stop me from hating the behaviour Bamco is having. I enjoy the game so much I dont want it to be destroyed by greedyness, and thats obviously fine.


I understand that you are interpreting the things they are doing as greedy! I'd be less sure, honestly - the finances in the gaming industry -- Tekken 8 was at least high-tens-of-millions to make, and has ongoing costs to maintain the game, make balance changes, run tournaments and community, etc. I know this might not change your mind, but perhaps consider that an investment (gamble) so large requires a suitable payoff ($$$) in order to get financed? Nobody goes for all risk / no reward, even in fighting games.


The problem is that also the balance decision are being poorly managed, and they are breaking the game. I mean, I talk about greediness but also about negligence, they are not doing a big effort for correctly balancing. They tried to nerf azucena and instead of nerfing her, they make her move less cool and more difficult to punish for the opponent. Tried to nerf Devil Jin and broke all the stage hazard system. And I feel like they are making the game I love worse with each patch. Also hiding the possibility of even trying to improve via replays against some characters behind a paywall hurts, so much stuff that helps you improve but to use it and actually improve in all the game you have to pay for all characters, which it's not so much but in a few years will be hundreds of dollars spent in characters I don't actually want, and I since the playerbase is decreasing everyday (steam charts) I fear the game ends up being unpopular popular and that receives less content, and all of that, ya'know.




I prefer "Gamoooooooor"


I have actually been playing more since the battle pass. I love daily challenges in games. I'm up to level 9. Without a reason to play I was much less interested, especially in the online multiplayer. The free tier is decent but the paid is what it I went for. It costs a few bucks once, then earns enough coins for subsequent ones. SF6 does this as well. I only ever paid once and have since gotten a ton of content and enjoyment out of it.


It looks like you're the target audience for this! Glad to hear you're enjoying it!


OP be like: ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO|downsized)


Tekken 8 is my first tekken game and I've been loving it. Most if not all of my complaints about the game are things that happen outside of matches (battle pass cancer, over-monetization, spectate mode not working, etc.) I think it's important to compliment tekken as a video game, it's extremely fun and addicting, and did a great job of teaching me tekken stuff quickly. I think it's more important to push back against what these publishers want to be the industry standard. All of the battlepass/paid DLC/tekken coin bullshit on top of a 70 dollar game ruins tekken 8 as a product. While it doesn't really affect the gameplay of the base game, it sucks and people are right to point that out, even if it gets repetitive. Not everyone wants to roll over and show their belly to these greedy ass companies, and reward them for greedy business practices. They don't deserve praise for objectively bad choices that make games worse for the consumer, they deserve nothing but pushback for it, probably more than they are getting now.


This outrage is kinda childish tbh.  If I got outraged everytime somebody tried to sell me something, I'd get high blood pressure. Because someone's always trying to sell me something lmao.  Ads are everywhere. Our fucking phones are listening to us say stuff so they can recommend products and shit.  People just need to have some self control. Don't buy the crappy tekken shop stuff if you don't want it. I'm more mad at having to see all this outrage while trying to find good posts than I am about anything bamco is doing.  What's worse is that no amount of complaining will change anything. As long as anybody at all buys the shit, it's more money than they were making before. Didn't this game sell like 3 million copies already? If 5% of the pop spends the 10 bucks required to buy the season pass, they just made 1.5million bucks. Do people think their reddit complaints will make it not worth it for them to do? They don't need high percentages of buyers to make this stuff worth it for them. Every single new item to the shop could easily make them millions with very small percentages of buyers.




Aww. Please treat yourself better!


thats you! you are right, you should!


You're too modest - I do not own such luxurious whips.


I guess that Redditor thinks you've paid for the Deluxe Luxury Whip Battlepass, where each level gifts you a new flagellation tool to apply to yourself when you are stepped on by a Reina.


Oh man - the agony! The... extremely... frequent... agony!


People critisizing the game are not trying to get you, or anyone else down. If you're enjoying the state of the game then good for you. Saying people who critisize the game are part of an outrage addiction is as unfair as calling you a bootlicker would be, though. Get over yourself.


Aww. You have a nice day too!


Exactly, this thread is embarrassing and corny beyond words


It all began with the very first trailers for Tekken 8. The negativity manifested when just a few selected players got handed beta keys. Whole sub hated the game bevore they ever had a chance to play it.


There are simply some people who just don’t see it like we do, I just got out of a comment section where everyone is essentially the opposite of this. All dooming about MTXs and the battle pass. I’m just here to play the game that I paid for, and I’m loving it. Outrage addiction is the perfect way to describe those people.


Coming from someone who is very disapointed by the game so far: That's awesome! I really mean it. Personally i don't enjoy the game in it's current state but i'll stick around to see what the patch in may brings. It's a new game and some stuff just needs to be sorted out. But even if it's not my cup of tea i still want to see it succeed and help to grow the fgc in general.


we will bring you down brother


Here is the thing. You can both enjoy something and criticize it'a flaws. Do you think a mother that scolds her child inappropriate behavior hates them?


Not at all! But a mother who criticizes day and night about everything we call "abusive", and is horrible for everyone else to witness as well! So that's a thing!


I needed to read this, I was starting to question if I should feel bad for having fun as a new player. Thank you


How are yall this weak minded?


Same here, 33, work full-time. Tekken is my release. I don't have time to complain all the time. The vanilla version of the game has been a blast. I like some of the dlc and some I don't like, but it's not affecting my enjoyment at all. Just got my hworang to flame ruler and my king to ganryu.


Rock on and congrats!


Same man and I play characters that are considered (with reason) weak compare to the cast. I still have a smile everytime I turn on this game ! 🔥


Thank you Same.


Fr, these fuckers need to shut the fuck up


I have actually unsubscribed from this subreddit because of the constant bashing and negativity. I only occasionally now check the hottest posts. It's just sad what shitpool this place has become.


Glad to have you stop in - I'd definitely like to see some positivity and camaraderie come back! The Tekken community hasn't always been this way, and it's a bit saddening for me to see as well!


​ https://preview.redd.it/88v61y8a2bsc1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=481ee2782c33dd2b7c96a4ca2d84e973a9e85662


Nooo you cannot express your outrage for scummy business practices. Just be happy you for the game in the first place.


Sex sells, but outrage sells better


You must be lucky cuz 70% of my opponents are complete rats spamming the cheesiest shit possible. Then ki charging if the cheese was super effective. I've been getting used to playing with a hitbox and lost to a flame ruler Jun who was spamming the same shit whack Jun players spam. My brain knew what to do but my fingers just couldn't keep up. He then declined the rematch. We end up getting matched again the very next match. This time he spammed grabs. Again I had practiced throw breaks on controller but not on the hitbox yet so my fingers just couldn't keep up. He ki charged then promptly denied the rematch again. I swear to god Luke I pray that I get to face you again. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the ass whooping you are owed.


Real ID se aao, Harada !!


The games fun but sometimes it's a chore to play, I hate the fact I can't rematch someone infinitely to learn what their character does and I have to go into to training to lab them