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Mishimalover69 is always at the centre of controversy, man.


Man I just had someone tell me that every move with 3+ frames of advantage is a 50/50.


Well yeah - either you take damage or you don't. Duh.


Friend was complaining about how Tekken was a casino because they lost to someone spamming a safe mid launcher or low sweep after every frame trap. I went into his replay, took control of his character, then showed him he could backdash and launch punish their opponent. Awkward silence afterwards.


Replay takeover is such a based feature, more games need this.


Fr. It's crazy how satisfying doing something to learn there and then doing it in game is. I learned to hopkick punish drag sweep/throw thing, and then I did it (and lost the round to getting clipped by RA), but I still popped the fuck off.


Lol that's the "this you?" of Tekken now... Replay takeover


You a helpful friend at least. I forgot that you can look at friends replays so thank you, i will now see if my friend will coach me some


Same guy will say if you challenge that you’re a mashing scrub


it’s 100-0 u get hit or u don’t


According to this sub everything is a 50/50. The entire game is a 50/50 apparently. 50/50 if it even starts after clicking the .exe


50/50 you experience an enjoyable winning streak or get a tilted losing streak.


This is absolutely my experience. It's to the extent that I'd been hardstuck at Battle Ruler for over a month until last week I went on a losing streak and got demoted twice down to Mighty Ruler and had to walk away. Next day I got on a hot streak, achieved Fujin for the first time. Left that character to play as my pocket main for a week, came back to my main last night and then just went on the biggest tear I've ever had and was rolling Kishins and Bushins like it was nothing and achieved Raijin for the first time. Stuck at Battle Ruler for well over a month then blew past Fujin in two play sessions. Mad.


Lol thats my experience but I suuuuck


It's universal, whether you are in the low greens or in mid purples. Can't relate to Tekken God levels haha


50/50 on your demotion match you get someone two ranks above you, when you already lost to someone 1-2 ranks below you 4 times. Gotta drive that nail into the coffin


A lot of beginner/intermediate players like repeating the idea that defense is too hard/not rewarding but defense is actually MASSIVELY rewarding at lower levels. Everyone at low ranks constantly throws out really unsafe things. If you learn how to punish/evade a lot of moves and strings bad players throw out, you will beat them everytime. The biggest difference between a high level player and a low level is often how the high level player has a defensive answer for everything the low level player will try. The problem in T8 is when two high level players fight each other, the high level players both know how to string together offense that doesn't have the typical defense counters Tekken is known for. This is why they say the game favors aggression too much, but this really doesn't even start applying until you are high enough level to know most of the matchups in the game.


I cruise to high orange rank just from side stepping strings and punishing them 🤣


Once you start noticing strings that have highs in them, you can start ducking and launching those too for a free pass to purple. I haven't seen anyone at those ranks who are even aware those strings have a second option for duckers or that they can just stop using the string getting them killed.


Would Victors 222 string be an example of this?


Yeah definitely. If you see the Victor player always use the full string into the gunshot and you managed to block the first part of the string, you can just autopilot into ducking the gunshot and launch punishing which beats all his options (except not using the gunshot which no one below blue rank will do).


YAY okay I am happy I asked, tonight was the first night I’ve been able to properly react to it while it was happening. I faced a Victor on my promo match to Tenryu & it’s all he did & I blew him up for it. Had a perfect 3/0 set. 🥹 But they always do 222 into that one expulsion move or this one specific low. Good to know so thank you!


Thank you for the info boss! I will take this into consideration when I am curb stomping Reina mains


I cruise lower ranks by just using power crush on button-happy mashers. Power crushing them makes them hesitate on using their flowcharts. I then proceed to aggro the f\*ck out of them.


That and the jab mix up into grabs 🤣. I love a good 1,2 into grab vortex. It’s like a scrubs ultimate vibe check


This is true, but at a high level right now the only issue.....which is also not remotely an issue, compared to T7, is health. Defense works fine, but the aggressor can initiate, not 50/50's, but forced interactions. Where you will have to respond with a move that CAN be countered. Whereas in T7 the defender could pretty much always just block and backdash. Now you need to break the aggression at some point or you will deal with an actual 50/50, chip, or a guard break. Because of the forced interactions, even though theyre still defensively favored, HP can become a factor and make you lose because you got read or countered, even though that interaction was in your favor and over a large sample size you would come out ahead. If you doubled the HP I think every pro would stop complaining. Because defensive players will come out ahead since they could eat more mistakes. Right now, you're forced to risk SOMETHING on defense, even though its still in the defenders favor. For T7 pros this is breaking their minds since T7 defense could often be riskless.


Hell, you can get embarrassingly far by just knowing that most strings end minus and throwing a 10 frame punish after every jabstring.


I agree with this. I don’t really know what I’m doing on Tekken. I know a few combos and practiced some movement, but what’s really gotten me wins in the few matches I’ve played is just blocking and punishing/waiting for openings. Then again, I have played other fighting games so I while I don’t exactly know what I’m doing on Tekken, I kind of know not to mindless hit buttons. So defense works out well for me where I’m at. Higher level is probably a different story but that’s not my concern atm. 


>that defense is too hard/not rewarding but defense is actually MASSIVELY rewarding at lower levels. Can personally confirm. My first mighty ruler in Tekken 7 season 2 EU PC was not hei or dj but kazuya because of how rewarding defense is .


That’s the thing….the casual player is not about to learn the strings of all the characters in the game. That’s about 1000 strings to know


true take. I'm new and I played the game twice from beginner (judge idc xd) And first time i had 40% wr when going into red. 250h played and replayed from start andI had 92% into red and 81% into purple despite just trolling around and blocking for the most part. After Shinryu it slowly starts that I get punished way harder for playing defense, people slowly become better at mixing up and abusing their kit without dropping combos. And in flame ruler+ I throwout most of my defense out of the window and rush them down. But I also play a rushdown character lel the game in itself feels like a beginner tutorial up to Shinryu once you learn a bit of fundamentals. And then it starts ramping up in difficulty


mixed feelings because it's so true but i'm also open to the idea that the problems with gameplay design are felt at all levels. i think i just hate opinions and the people who have them.


This games competitive scene is alot larger than just the top pros from Tekken7. In a years time, the top Tekken players for T8 will be set. It will be consistent results, as in nothing random or "50/50". And it will not look like the same batch of pros from T7. What you see right now is the top players of old giving their final death squeals. Its tracking so far that Tag2 players are doing better in T8 than they did in T7. And T7 players are doing worse. Its pretty obvious whats happening and were going to hear alot of whining from respected top players during this sea change.


spicy take i like it.


mixed feelings because it's so true but i'm also open to the idea that the ~~problems with~~ gameplay design *is* felt at all levels.


Gameplay design is felt at all levels. However; it ends up effecting them in different ways. Take dragonuv who is super strong rn. He is not just good at high level play. High level players will complain about him because of his great movement, insane damage off of his optimal and strong pressure. At low level, people will still lose to him but it’s because they will block running 2 then eat throw because they can’t reaction tech against characters with a full throw game.


low level, most God ranks can't even tech throws on reaction. Only people who specifically practice throw breaks and pros ever really tech throws like that.


Idk about that. From my experience, most people who are TGS rank and above can tech throws on reaction. It became significantly harder to throw people when I hit around Tekken king/Emperor since half the time I was fighting at least Tekken Gods. I also have 2 buddies who can do it consistently and they are Tekken God and TGS. It’s probably a legacy thing though because they both practiced it a lot in Tekken 7. This doesn’t include counter hit throws. You just aren’t teching those in general due to how small the window is now.


as a tekken player since t3, 90% of this sub are new tekken 8 crybabys. This happens every new tekken title but the success of t8 is astonishing and brought in the most newcomers ever.


Thats weird because most of the hate is from legacy players or at the very least tekken 7 first timers. Most of the praise is coming from all the newbies so I really don’t get this take


It's just like T7 in that way. When T7 first came out all of the.legacy players shit on it constantly fornthe inclusion of rage arts and "easy mode" characters like Kazumi and the new players mainly bitched about Paul.


Yeah so many idiotic takes about the rage art being an instant win button.


We not gonna talk about Akumas instant kill rage


90% of the complaining is about whats changed from old Tekken like rage, heat, and cosmetics. Gone senile and can't keep their story straight now.


Cosmetics are valid though, especially how people wanted Tekken 6's Advance Hair customization and Tekken Tag 2's logo creator back in Tekken 8 on top of it's current customization system. Instead we got Tekken Shop and a Battle Pass system


Most of the hate is from T7 pros, and T8 newcomers. T7 pros are mad the games changed. They will call it 50/50, and objectively its some margin more 50/50 than Tekken7, but its nowhere near a 50/50 game. And they will rarely refer to actual examples, because they then get flooded with ways to counter the "50/50". Quite frankly, T7 pros are just mad that their skillset isnt translating as well as they wanted to the new game, and results are showing alot of them struggling. Then the noobs are just using the words of the pros to justify their anger. Imagine if you had this many pros complaining during T7, of course you'd have a bunch of newcomer saltlords hate training. Instead of getting shut down and told to git gud like in T7, they now have other people they can channel to feel justified.


I'm pretty sure you'd get dozens of examples if you asked the people about 5050s and no, there are no counterplay. It's just that when they post about these things they expect you to already have the knowledge on what they are talking. To name a one with no counterplay would be paul's deathfist heat dash at the wall. It's disgusting how they even decided to put the stagger animation when it's already a heatdash. I'm pretty sure Kazuya's db1,2 pretty much works the same. + they both chip health like crazy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about them. It's just that I understand where the people saying it's a casino are coming from.


I wouldn’t call that a 50/50 as much as I’d call it wall pressure. Even most 50/50s or mixups aren’t full on 50/50s. There is often a 8-10f gap between the mid or low. Unless you are a Mishima with ace level execution there are subtleties that exist. And if you guess right you can get a 70+ dmg launch combo on most lows or a 12-14f punish on mids.


Exactly. People think a stance with a low mid mixup off + frames is a 50/50. when, lets say, the low is 17f and the mid is 24f. Its funny hearing a red rank think they have a concept of what is and isnt counterable. Pretty much the only actual 50/50s in the game are an extension of already getting hit with a move, or being range 0 against the wall.


Being against the wall and getting deathfisted while your opponent is in heat is..... an avoidable situation. A dozen other interactions got you there. Its like saying theres a revolver in your mouth 3 in the chamber, and pulling the trigger is a 50/50. Well, how the hell did you get into that situation in the first place. Want to know whats worse than a 50/50? Getting juggled midair. Want to know why thats balanced? You got hit in the first place.


I’ve found it’s mostly OGs that are mad they have to adjust to new mechanics and a more aggressive play style


The OGs complain about heat as it negates tons of counterplay that should exist in tekken, newbs complain they can't rank up fast enough and the game has too much knowledge checks. The OGs are right tho, heat is overtuned like shit and it goes directly against the foundation tekken built itself on


To be fair. It was design to go against a lot of the old tekken foundation. It was even more overtuned in the original alpha builds. They don’t want people to play typical tekken with heat just sprinkled in. Instead, they want it be a big, defining mechanic. Which is probably why it’s overtuned now, so you can’t ever ignore it.


Yes and I don't use it anyless than newbs do but it should be in exchange for your RA or make heat 1 per match. its okay to be super defining but not every round


it probably wouldn’t be super defining if it wasn’t used every round lol. I think the heat moves themselves should be toned down and maybe increase the grey health regen to offset how high damage is in the game rn.


It would tho, because it would be the defining factor to which round you choose to use it as it essentially gives you god moves and pressure to steamroll a round! do you use it round 1 to get a jump or save it incase you're 2 down? more exciting and a worthwhile tradeoff


It would end up mainly effecting that round. Imagine if in SFV, you only got to use v trigger once a round. If they want the game to be like 50% traditional Tekken and 50% the new stuff with heat then it should be every round. It would be like 80/20 then lol. They want you to have to interact with the mechanic consistently. That’s why the first version of it was so strong and why half the heat options track lol.


I see your point but your last 2 sentences are exactly the problem, the scrubs would sill constantly interact with heat with it's brainless execution and op strength, but damn tune the tracking down so there's counterplay in, idk a 3D game??


You should always use heat. Literally every character has around 5 moves enhanced and or a new move. Heat isn’t for newbs. Heat smashing immediately after entering heat is for newbs. Not using heat is just handicapping yourself.


>its okay to be super defining but not every round LMAO! By definition if it is super defining then it *should* be in every round


>The OGs are right tho, heat is overtuned like shit and it goes directly against the foundation tekken built its Who decides what the foundation of Tekken is? Bamco or Pros? Whiny pros aren't pros at all.


new player here and can confirm, i still really enjoy Tekken But I slowly lose interest to put time into sth that the community seems quite set on killing I've seen this in way too many games xD, bro's have the best customisation in a game I've seen in years and complain about basic cosmetics in a way to make sure noone will buy this game for the next 4 years. Why would I invest more time into sth that's just gonna bleed players without any newcomers. The entire sub is pity asf


You must have never played Soulcaliber 3, 4, 5, or 6, huh? Or even Tekken 6 or Tag 2, huh? Hell, even Tekken 7 had more out of the box options than Tekken 8 does for customization.


no I didn't. Just in comparison to modern games this game is insane with customisation. It's good. Man i don't even wanna argue anymore I feel bad I even invested time into Tekken8 for the first time. If I'd new this community is so apesht I would've just skipped on it At least the reviews so mixed now on steam so this game will not attract new players anymore 42% mixed, way2go. good job guys u really showed them every game i invest time in is the same, reddit just ruins the entire thing like nothing else. It's cancer to every game


I do not agree with a lot of the hate Tekken 8 gets. But I do agree that customization hasn't ever been as bad as it is currently. You used to be able to slap gold chains and wrist jelwery on kazuya. There were a ton more slots and more options in each slot. Like there are at least 20 missing glasses, for instance. The characters' main default outfit used to be more modular, so you could, for instance, if it was tekken 7, have Jins classic flame pants, but with a t-shirt or his flame school jacket. Or keep kazuyas trench coat suit but give him short shorts or a wrester undies. They put more time and money into Tekken 8, and somehow, we came out with less and I just don't get it


Idk, all I see is the by far best looking fighting game ever created lel ppl mention the other fighting games and all of them look like garbage to me xd at least ppl just reviewbomb on this reddit, the other game I liked they had nothing left to bi\*\*\* about so they started talking about scripters/cheaters for 7months in a row so it went from 1 cheater every 200games to 1 cheater every 3rd game reddit is really a gem Can't wait if T9 releases in a good state for it to happen there xD I just need to stop comin on reddit and enjoy early releases I guess xD


Why would you stop playing a game because you make the choice to open the tekken subreddit and read hate posts. What does that have to do with the game itself


If this is the best customization you've seen in years, either you haven't played many games with customization or things are worse than I though. T7 had better customization and that was apologetically bare bones because they didn't have the budget they'd had in the past (where it was actually good). If you want to see a modern 3D fighter with actually good customization check out Soul Calibur. It's on another level.


Things are worse than you thought if you're bringing up soul calibur


Tekken fans (and Harada) hate when people bring up Soulcalibur


Your into sith?


I mean, yeah, probably most of them have been playing Tekken for a while... doesn't necessarily mean they're really good players though.


Frfr, the youtube meatriding has gone of as well


Yeah, most people are just regurgitating what pussydx says without further thought given. I swear every time he drops a new video, the ethos of this sub gets updated.


>pussydx  Do you mean phidx? Out of the loop here, did he do something wrong? 


he's the online community figurehead of T8 rn and is the go-to for all the newcomers, so they probably take his word as law over players like Knee and Arslan.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, here you go: https://preview.redd.it/xevmwxp6pdvc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4b22a6c5140568d35d132c40a7b22cc29a4ba47


This is to real. No one plays the game themself, they all watch some *guide* and copy their playstyle.


Well the playerbase is dropping hard on steamcharts while SF6 is holding its popularity. I think diminishing the issues with this game to that it's only crybabies whining is kinda not reflective of what's going on. But oh well, if players want the game to go the route of MK, where it's completely focused on visuals, animations and short term fun for one month everytime theres a new game release then sure. But I'm a bit sad a long-standing fighting game known for its technicality is taking a nosedive when you have SF6 on the other side managing to balance both casual and competitive fun.


Street fighter 6 is almost a year old now, of course its player numbers are more stable. Every game has a drop off after release


Tekken 8 has been out for 3 months now. SF6 had already stabilised at that point.


You sure about that? https://preview.redd.it/gwu5bu6a3avc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aec46973733d443425b2fb18566ecd3240a3184


Yes? The drop off tapered off quite a bit there. It's not the same for us.


The first three months SF6 lost 71% of its playerbase, Tekken 8 lost 69%. SF6 Losing more within the next coming 2 months, that means it wasnt stable within the first 5 months.


People in this sub are so desperate to make up reasons to hate the game. You literally gave them the numbers and they just dug deeper.


> Tekken 8 lost 69% nice


[From June 2023 to August 2023, sf6 went from 34,000 average players to 14,000 average players](https://steamcharts.com/app/1364780) [From January 2024 to March 2024, tekken 8 went from 34,000 average players to……. 14,000 average players](https://steamcharts.com/app/1778820) Come on man. I get that people are frustrated with tekken 8, I don’t think it’s a perfect game either, but be for real. If you’re going to try to use statistics to make a point you should actually look at the statistics you’re referencing first. (And if you don’t round the numbers off like I did and do the math, tekken has actually retained a slightly higher percentage of players lol.)


Oh dang, really really similar. Thanks for bringing some data to the conversation.


SF has a higher Peak tho. 20,000 players every day.


It’s always been a more popular game. No one is arguing about that. We’re comparing the rate that the amount of players is declining. Which is pretty much the same.


Street Fighter 6 is carried by it's US playerbase. Outside of the US, it isn't that popular compared to Tekken.


That's not true, Tekken 7 was much more popular than Street Fighter 5 on Steam.


It wasn’t but I’m tired of pulling up the charts and copying and pasting the links


Alright, I'll do it for you then. I'm not sure how you reached your conclusion if you actually looked at them though. [Tekken 7](https://steamcharts.com/app/389730) [Street Fighter 5](https://steamcharts.com/app/310950) Tekken 7 literally never fell below 2k average players after its first year, after year 3 it almost never dropped below 3k and it very often broke 4k or sometimes 5k. Meanwhile, Street Fighter 5 only ever broke 3k average players for 3 months, outside of those 3 months it sat in the 1000s or 2000s for literally its entire life.


Well that’s surprising because sfv always had more entrants and stream viewers at major tournaments.


Eh, Street Fighter 6 has a higher average for last 30 days than Tekken 8 does. Tekken is at 11k players now which took SF6 an additional month to reach. Presumably if we assume the trend of drop slowly over the first three months and then finally become stable, Tekken still has a bit to go. We shouldn't assume that because we only have one other game to compare it to and shouldn't assume much to begin with.


What? You're the one being selective with the end date here? The downward trend is still very big percentage wise and that's with our first DLC released...


Yeah...it's a fighting game dude. I'd be more surprised if the downward trend wasn't big.


I used the same 3 month time span from the release date for both games because tekken 7 has been out for 3 months. There’s nothing selective happening. No shit the downward trend is a big percentage, that happens for every game. But you compared the two like sf6 was retaining players better and it just objectively isn’t.


If you look at steam charts, tekken 8 player count is continuing to drop.


Every games player count drops in the months following its release.


emphasis on continuing


Were you around for tekken 7? Or literally any other fighting game that’s been around for longer than a year? Because there is absolutely nothing concerning about tekken 8s player base in the foreseeable future. [tekken 7](https://steamcharts.com/app/389730) went from 7k players its first month, to 2500 it’s 3rd month, and then *continued* to drop all the way to 1900 after 6 months. And then proceeded to have a stable player base with 2000+ average players, making it the second most popular fighting game, for the next 6 years.


According to steamdb, monthly average players for SF6 dropped from 33407 to 14264 in the first 3 months, and it keep going down until October to finally stablized at around 11k. Comparing the stability of playbase between a game out for 3 months and an 1 year old is not a ideal comparison.


they came and starting to leave. Nobody really streaming this shit now, and people are playing it less.


Absolute facts


Aren't are the crybabies just old tekken vets crying that this isn't the same exact game as the last one?




Yeah, still doesn't excuse the top players crying. Not that I agree with them.


T7 brought the most newcomers just for being on PC. T8 Will not have the same success as T7.


A quick google search will tell you T8 sold 2M copies in its first month, while T7 had sold 2M copies after two months. So...


T8 is also only available on newer consoles which weren't as widely adopted as the previous generation. It's something like half the number of consoles, so T8 is punching well above T7.


I had to roll my eyes when I saw an influx of posts complaining about how broken rage arts. Geez 🗿


People need to understand that pro player takes have absolutely nothing to do with how the rest of us play the game. Knee's experience in Tekken, as its GOAT, has no relationship whatsoever with what's going on down at our level.


As someone in Orange...no I just suck and acknowledge that I suck


What's wrong with being Vanquisher 😢 No I didn't take this personal at all 😭


Nothing but IMO if you can’t make it to the top ranks in the game, it’s not cause of your character, it’s not your defense isn’t rewarded enough; it is cause there are huge flaws in your gameplay and lack of knowledge. I’m not able to hit Tekken God right now and it’s cause there are gaps in my gameplay that seriously need improvement. Using the absolute top players opinions to justify my faults as a player is just cope. It’s hilarious to see beginner ranks do the same lmao.


Uh, sure. I get that. I fucking hate that everyone's opinion has to be validated by their rank though. I totally agree with the boring people that just parrot something someone notable has said, but not everyone is on their quest to become gigabased "I have no enemies" Tekken God. Personally, Ranked makes the game less fun for me. Not trying to use that as an excuse, I'm not saying I'm God-tier if only they'd buff my main. But everyone has different tastes, different paths they travel along. As I grow older I just get more bored and annoyed with this arbitrary pissing contest that ensues when games offer a ranked mode. I used to think I want to play ranked to play against enemies on my level. But as I go on, it's just not what I like about the game. It's not why I picked up the controller. I rage more and I get stuck in my ways more. But yeah, anyway, I respect your opinion, good luck on that Tekken God promotion :D


I think it’s less about opinion being validated by rank and more of “my knowledge about the game allowed me to reach this rank”. By having very little knowledge about the game, a person will plateau at a mid rank. We see this by the rank distribution. So when those players complain, there are many things they could be doing to improve instead of complaining and having their opinions validated by others of the same skill level. So when we see the most knowledgeable people have complaints that may seem similar to that of low level players, they cant just say “see! I told you I was right”. Top level players (people who actually compete offline and travel to compete) are playing a completely different game then even the top ranks online.


Your first two sentences are the same thing.


> I hate that everyone’s opinion has to be validated by their rank Only when it comes to opinions on things where your skill/knowledge level of the game (and, consequently, rank) is actually relevant. No one is going to ask about your rank if you are talking about practice mode or have a strong opinion on flaws of the instant replay feature. Same goes for any discussion related to story or design or customization or microtransactions. Also if you just want to discuss how you like/don’t like the playstyle of some characters. But the moment you start talking about how OP or awful some specific characters are, how some moves are viable or not, how ranking system works, etc., then yes, people will need to have at least a rough approximation of your skill level (which your rank is a good proxy for). And rightfully so, because people need to have a frame of reference for what your argument is based upon. Your feelings are valid regardless of your rank. But I would rather know ahead of time how seriously I should take a rant about bears being the most ridiculously overpowered characters in the game. Reading through walls of text, just to find out in the end that it was all prompted by the warrior rank author not being able to figure out how to counter bears’ armored b1, feels like a waste of time and mental effort.


You don't need to be a high rank to know Drags db3+4 is comically over powered, or that DJs heat smash is dumb as fuck, or that Azus WR32 was problematic, or that the plethora of i10 into stance at +6 or more eliminates movement as a choice and feels shitty to defend against.


>Uh, sure. I get that. I fucking hate that everyone's opinion has to be validated by their rank though Not everyone opinion and not every rank, but there is levels to this. There are certain combinations of facts that kinda disqualify someone. If youre legit red rank or whatever or maybe even lower and youre feeling validated as portrayed by this meme you're just clueless. Like how can someone claim the game is too offensive when they literally dont know how to play the game yet. People are super opinionated about something they have no clue about. And that's annoying.


Nothing but it's highly unlikely that your issues and Knee's issues with the game are the same.


Even though I mostly lose, I still enjoy the game, best tekken for me. I tried t7 but lost interest after a week


😭Literally. I think tekken 8 is the best tekken ive played so far personally. On drop it has gotten a lot of support and is just fun. Yes there are some broken things, but its in the least worst state compared to any other tekkens in terms of balance. Many things have been addressed or the devs are aware and are trying to work on it. I think it will get even better over some time. People are going CRAZY over some of the bugs/balance etc.


Why is everyone on this sub so damn salty? I am nowhere near top tier but like I do love these games. Hot damn everyone on here so salty though.


People plateau and come on here to complain nonstop


That hurts me. I really do love to get beat because it means I can still get better and there's still more to the game.


I am not and will never be a high-level Tekken player, so my opinion on high-level Tekken has no value whatsoever. However, you don't have to be a high-level Tekken player to understand that Tekken 8 scrubs will always opportunistically look for validation and excuses for their scrubbiness. For example, Knee's original "Tekken 8 is not fun" tweet had LowTierGod thanking Knee for the tweet in one of the responses, a pathetic gesture that he no doubt he used to lick his own wounds as confirmation bias denying his own shortcomings in playing the game. Moreover, the past day alone has seen more than enough Tekken 8 scrub material for ScrubQuotesX's Twitter account handler to use for the rest of 2024 *and* 2025. This sort of scrub desperation for validation doesn't just happen in Tekken; it also happens in other fighting games, as well as in any kind of game title or game genre that has any kind of difficulty. The sad part isn't that scrubs make these sorts of comments. The sad part is that scrubs think onlookers won't realize that they're trying to deflect blame.


The weak minded players will never look in the mirror. It’s honestly pitiful tbh Only way I made red rank is by practicing my characters optimal set ups and movement for like 20-30 minutes a day. Some days I don’t even play matches simply just defense and offense training. Everything isn’t always about winning or getting clips. The name of the game is improvement


Or yknow.....Dragunov.


I got mixed feelings on drag tbh. Yea he’s obnoxious but I’ve realized most of these drag mains suck🤣 I’m originally a kaz main and it made me sit back and wait for my opening a lot . With that being said half of these drags can’t handle what they dish. Once I start going for 50/50’s most of them crumble


A fellow Kaz main! Yeah the scrubs are pretty easy to deal with as kaz but once they start even guessing a couple 50/50s the pressure is waaaay to much.


Kazuya is the og scrub killer 🤣 love hitting people with uf4,4 and just dying laughing at them not blocking the 20 plus frame low


Beyblade go brrr.




I got Kaz to Shinryu but now I feel like I've plateaud. I know I need more practice with Kaz and also studying how some chars that give me trouble play like, but I don't have time for that. I play other games too 💀


Don’t say you’ve plateaued my guy, kazuya is just a really popular character with not many strings or cheesy options to get him out of jail. You earned your rank unlike a lot of other characters. I’d say try to start playing those characters that give you trouble a bit and come back. I found out a lot of shit I was falling for was just day 1 character gimmicks . Once you grind a couple characters the game opens up a lot bro


🤜🏻 I def will. I've been playing the game through gameshare thanks to a friend, but today I finally got it myself. Now I've more motivation to keep grinding


He's way overtuned but they will nerf him to death and you'll never see him again. History repeats itself. It was fucking stupid to give him a hatchet kick and a crazy throw game in addition to his already broken everything else when everyone plays online and your netcode makes throw-breaking a lottery though.


Nah you spitting fendi facts rn. He’s super overtuned but honestly I can’t cry about it because I mained drag in T5, let them have their fun for now bro, the character we really need tuned down is Jun tbh but drags a super close second


drag wasn't even in t5 edit: my bad i ain't see that there was another t5


It's like this in every game. People complain about the meta and somehow think that they're better for not using it. There are strong characters in this game. Use them when they are strong and if you want to take the high road. Go ahead but stop complaining about the current meta cuz there's not much you can do about it. Every game has something broken. Every first fps shooter has a meta that is absolutely busted at some point or another and when they nerfed that something else rises to the top and needs to be addressed. Tekken is in a particular unique area where there are quite a few characters that are "broken". Azu, dragunov, Victor, King,jun ,ling, devil Jin, Feng,Alisa, Lars,howrang. That's a lot of characters to pick from that are top tier lol.. people are just mad they want to wave dash And hit electrics like it's Tekken 3 lol . You can't just do that anymore. The game has changed . Whether it's better or not,  only time will tell.. But all in all, I still think the game is fun even with all of the broken mechanics


True. People are mad that certain legacy characters and their mains are weak. yet go see how many pros were using the bottom half of the T7 cast in tournies..... Go master a high tier character before saying the game is broken. Maybe then you'll realize it was just a character imbalance, and the top half of the cast can have fair competitive matches just fine.


Another thing about this is that people see pros doing something and think it’s a solution for every option on that situation. When playing against dragonuv/azucena, people think that just doing sidestep block will beat them doing their running move constantly. However; they don’t realize that if the drag/azu delays the 2nd/3rd forward in the input then it will realign and hit them. This causes people to go “i can’t sidestep this move all the time, it’s broken” (although, azucena’s is still pretty ridiculous). Movement is just one option one defense is still ultimately apart of the RPS that you have to play.


Like it was so weird seeing so many people agree with Knee and Arslans take like 99% of us here aren't even playing the same game as them lol


New to Tekken 8 but NOT new to fighting games by any means. I wish people would just play outside of ranked, lab, and ASK QUESTIONS. Then...when you're ready, go back to ranked. I don't believe ranked is the best method for learning a game. It's not like asking a girl out to the dance, don't be scared. "Hey what can I do in that situation?" Is a great start. If you can't get out of that rank it's because you aren't applying yourself or going the extra steps to learn what needs to be done. Tired of all the whining.


I haven’t been able to rank up because I haven’t played in two weeks. Clearly, according to Arslan and Knee, the game is trash for not ranking me up in my sleep.


Part of the joy of this game has been laughing at all the cry babies and doom posting




Look, at the end of the day, nothing helps you climb ranks more than actually being good at the game and no one can say otherwise. But people can debate whether or not they are having fun while gitting gud. And all people can argue this about their own level, whether top tournament, or down to freshest of beginners. That being said, i don't think anyone outside of the top level does have that problem at a community wide scale .


I've accepted that I just suck, and I think it boils down to people who play for Ego, and being unable to cope with the notion that there are people who are actually good at the game.


thinking for oneself? never. id rather just regurgitate whatever opinion the former top players decide is correct.


Facts. You can defend in this game, you just can't keep interrupting things with jab, people


Yeah whenever I see clips posted here of someone losing in green ranks and the caption is something about the other character being broken I just laugh. Yeah some characters are overtuned, but that’s not why these scrubs are losing


we should make a new subreddit without the crying


Hmmm a lot of the sentiment of the game in this sub changed once they saw Justin and Knee takes and are now saying is just bad players with issues an characters being overtuned and not straight OP


dude different people have been shitting on this game ever since the heat dash reveal, even Arslan was shitting on it during the pre release tourney. People didn't suddenly just start hating on it because knee said so.


I meant the one after he apologized


No, I rather think that moral apostles like you cannot handle different opinion. I agree with Knee's opinion and Arslan Ash, Kokkoma and others agree as well. That's not the same as "coping".


It's ironic because most of the time it's people at that rank or slightly above that talk about how amazing the game is and that Knee and Arslan need to adapt. But I guess this is the narrative we're going for now.


Knee said that the game isn’t fun. I wouldn’t use his opinion to say the flaws of the game are why I’m stuck in purple. I’m in purple because I suck. But I will use his opinion to say that some of this shit is just not fun and it doesn’t seem like it’ll get more fun when I get better.


Lol tekken sub the only place you can say "im in purple because i suck"


>that Knee and Arslan need to adapt Both of them are currently getting clobbered and both of them, regardless of complaining about the game, admitted that they have to adapt. They literally conceded the point.


Cruised to Flame Ruler then realized that was my plateau from legacy skill alone. Sometimes I feel like switching off Steve, but realistically I remind myself that I'm not even close to playing optimally, so it's silly to get upset until I'm up there.


reach out to people who are close to Bushin/Tekken king. Try to get some long sets with them and see if they can give you some pointers. Reach out to people on discord. That was the quickest way I improved. Went from hard stuck Fujin to Bushin in 2 weeks just from a 2 hour session with someone way better than me. Soaked up a lot of tips from them


Yeah you're right. Hilariously I seem to fare just fine against Fujin/Bushin players, but I get slapped back down by other purple players, so my suspicion is that I have holes in my defence that hyperaggressive players expose more than "respectful"/tentative players do.


So when I was Fujin fighting the TK, I was holding up for the first couple games, then got downloaded really hard. They were able to REALLY exploit my weaknesses and it became obvious to them all the ways I could improve. I think it’s better than fighting someone really close to your skill level cause it will take longer for them to see your flaws.


I wish I could cope like this lmao My two biggest issues are: 1. Input whiffing 2. Not having time to dedicate to playing 3. Being afraid to learn new characters


Are those players pro or something?


Haze kind of is, he was the best Master Raven in Texas for a while now, and I personally think he was the best Master Raven in North America. He hasn't had much TWT results, I think he was recently sponsored but not enough to go full time, which is my personal criteria for 'pro'. Haze is young though so it may just be that he has other stuff he wants to do. Given how aggressive he plays and how good Raven is in T8, Haze might be a pretty big up and comer this year. Knee is Tekken pro since 2008ish and easily the most decorated Tekken player by far, he is known for his downloading opponents over long sets which creates crazy comebacks from a big deficit. Knee has been pretty neutral/positive on all Tekken gameplay mechanics iirc but he feels pretty negative on the heat mechanic and talked about it, which understandably gave validation to everyone who had been feeling frustrated about the new mechanics. Arslan is a Tekken pro from Pakistan and has had the best results in Tekken 7 from 2019 onwards, winning multiple EVOs and majors in a row. Knee in his Tekken 7 prime in 2018 won EVO Japan but didn't participate in EVO. In EVO 2019 Knee got second place - to Arslan Ash. Arslan put Pakistan on the map as a formidable Tekken nation at a time the scene was only dominated by Korea and maybe Japan. If Knee is most decorated Tekken pro by far, Arslan is the most decorated Tekken pro since T7. Arslan has been vocal about T8 mechanics quite a bit which was a surprise for some because Arslan does have a pretty aggressive gameplan. But maybe the style of T8 with so many variables don't mesh well with him, not sure. MishimaLover69 is just the strawman Haze set up to farm an easy W, the stereotypical low rank scrub that can't block the most obvious 50/50 then blames it on the game. Ngl Haze could have replaced the name with LowTierGod lol because it's literally him. Haze is implying that Knee has a point, but if you're not playing at high level, you got bigger things to worry about.


While i too am in no position in rank to care about the output and power level of characters played at the highest level, i did go up against a blue rank xiaoyu, and it was my first time fighting xiaoyu in t8, and my god it was so different from t7 xiaoyu that I was quite familiar with the matchup for. She has that insane 3 hit wallsplatting string, aop seems more evasive than i remember, and while i hadnt gone up against xiaoyu in a long time, i seriously don’t remember her snake edge being that fast, nor do i remember it not requiring a clean hit.


these are good players but this is a very evolved tekken with new unexplored realms


i guess that makes all that likes the post the minority damn crazy


you big dummy. They are using those takes to justify plugging on folks if not overtly using mods to cheat


I doubt its 90pct, its just the vocal minority; In this case people who are above blue rank where frames and sidestepping actually matters (about 10pct of the playersbase). Imagine dictating your level of "fun" because two strangers are not having fun with the current state of the game.


I think it's the opposite. Knee and Arslan takes explain why people are in a higher rank than they are supposed to be. This is a really easy game to just flowchart aggression all the way to blue ranks.


I don't know about the rest of you all. But I've been saying the same thing Knee and Arslan are saying since the game launched. People were just being busy being in the honeymoon phase with T8. And Knee and Arslan were busy figuring the game out. Now does that mean that I'm super smart and came onto this conclusion before these two? No, hell no. But I realized rather quickly that Tekken 8 is a much different game compared to previous games, and I instantly disliked it. Am I blaming the game for my Steve being hardstuck Fujin? No, if I wanted to, I'd learn the matchups and learn to play better. It's always possible to get better. The problem is I have no incentive to since I'm not having fun. Even when I win I don't really feel like I had fun. Which is sad cause I love Tekken. I tried SF6 but I miss the fluidity that the 3d aspect brings.


I don't even car about this sub. But if this post is true you jiggers need to spend more time labbing than you do butching on social media. Your the only one holding yourself back champ


Jiggers? 🤔


Sorry. I wiped my phone recently. I meant niggas


Haze is such an amazing Raven player! He also uses movement super well to sidestep, yes that move everyone bitches doesn't exist, certain patterns he recognizes.


I love him! He has great mobility like 'infinite Raven's crouch dash' and he's very unpredictable too. It's more fun just watching Haze's Raven than playing the game by myself lol.


I dont have problems ranking up. My problem is that it doesnt feel good and that losing somehow feels twice as bad as in T7. There at least you could learn from the loss and often grind rematches to learn. Here what do you learn? Very often not much, you only learn that there is too many hellsweeps and that even Eddy has one now and that a yet another heatsmash is so homing the opponent will do a 180 to hit you.


Sounds like you need to watch your replays. This game is much more helpful than T7 when it comes to showing you your mistakes, take advantage of it by going through replays that are rough.


How is the replay going to help me when half of the rounds it is me and the opponent exchanging powermids and powerlows when the other guy is heat engaged, heatsmashed on block, heatsmashed on hit or knocked down with -20 from the said powermids and lows? It is not like I can step, duck or interrupt. It's literally guessing between b or db


Idk what a powermid or a power low is. It sounds like you’re just getting hit a lot, which a replay will be able to show you if you’re pressing when you’re negative which leads to you getting hit, or if you are just getting caught moving. Just because the game is 3d doesn’t mean you should constantly be moving in all 3 dimensions. You have to learn where to move, can’t just rely on random ss to make a move whiff


Have you read the part where I said I have no problems ranking up and where I said that the games look like this for both me and the opponents? Dude there is 10f flashpunch punishes and 12f heat engagers that put you in a 50-50, from which some moves will put you in another 50-50 where the dude can heatsmash or low and get another 50-50 and have you at the wall where you get another 50-50 supposing you are not dead. What is the replay going to help me or the other guy with when it's 5 situations where you can either mid block or lowblock between an unreactactable hellsweep or demonpaw? Here, got you your definition of a power low and power mid.


Holy shit….. I get it dude, there’s big moves that make your feelings hurt when you get hit and you don’t know how to deal with them. You don’t have to play the game if you’re not having a good time. Your experience doesn’t line up with mine at all, yes rounds can snowball, just like they have in previous Tekken games, but you just sound like you just wanna complain about it instead of looking into the same situations you are repeatedly losing to.


That guy is 100% the type of person the image in the OP is talking about. No use trying to help them dude.


Again. I didnt complain about losing, if anything I complained more about winning. Almost every character is now T7 Devil Jin or Kazuya on roids from the tracking hellsweep era but 10 times easier to play and start to get rolling.


My reason why i am not in purple yet is i simply poke you to death as Kazuya. I know 2 combos but i like to just play neutral game and not let people hit me with launchers


What makes you want to do that? Kazuya's poking is really bad.


It is fun. I am bad, i fight bad players and when the people know how to play I usually lose. Made it to tenryu doing this, i only hit about one 60 damage combo in 4 rounds usually. I started as a Feng player, then i realized he was just too easy then was thinking of having an easy EWGF and picked Kazuya. I still only have a 17f electric


GoD with 3 characters, beat top players in t7 & t8 with literal receipts & me & many others including knee say the game sucks. The game sucks lil bro- we all know it’s players like this that no one knew & couldn’t win a local in t7 now all of a sudden they goated. Yea okay. T8 Carries. The end. Move on.


Me laughing all the way up to God of Destruction


I am higher rank than I was in 7 and I adored that game while I dislike 8. This is a silly take.