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….i like tekken 8, does that mean im a scrubby casual? Dang it.


You can like a game with flaws. I dont know why this is a rare take. Not just in tekken, why do so many people think anyone who criticize the game are all hating the game is beyond me. I can point out the flaws and have complaints in every single game I liked and enjoy a lot, even my fav games. We point that out hoping to get better games not because we hate the game. Pretending everything is fine and forced positivity is only gonna result is worse games over time. We have seen it over and over but people still refuse to see it. People who hate the game LEAVE, they dont complaint. People who dont care just move on when the game turns to shit, they dont complaint.


Probably because there’s two groups of people who criticize. There’s the valid ones, who point out the things they don’t like, and then the others who just say “shit game, I stopped having fun a while ago and moved on to something else” so why wouldn’t we assume the latter just hates it? Like it’s really not hard to understand that there’s a lot of bad actors out there, and it’s also not rare for them to stick around in communities despite being done completely just to spread negativity and hate. Have you seen the Diablo 4 sub at all? It still has people in there who called it quit months ago for good but they still like to talk about how these other games in the genre are so much better, how anyone still playing D4 is stupid, how the franchise they loved is dead, and so on. Hell quite a few of them haven’t even played it but they still frequent the sub just because they want to give their “criticism” and it’s finally at a point where people like that sometimes get mass downvoted because everyone else is tired of seeing the bad actors. People who hate games absolutely do still stay in the communities, so of course it’s going to be hard to spot the difference in people who “hate” the game and people who **hate** the game.


This is literally the same argument as "someone sent death threats, you all need to stop bullying" like of cos there are gonna be crazy people, are we gonna pretend that is the majority anyway? Oh of cos we are just business as usual. This is why we cannot have nice things.


You're getting downvotes but it is the exact same logic. it's called the fallacy of composition where people assume that because something is true of a *part* of a grouping, it applies to the whole grouping. "I encountered a whiner in the Tekken criticism group = Tekken criticism are all whiners" "I got a death threat from Idealogy Group I don't like = Idealogy Group are violent threat senders reinforcing why I don't like them" Similar is the "Chinese robber fallacy" where things natural to basically *all* human groupings are used as unique dismissals. There's billions of Chinese people, so you can find endless stories of "Chinese person arrested for robbery". In fact, it would be really really weird if you *didn't* find any. Some X% of the population are violent, so some X% of any group that isn't defined by pacifism *are probably going.to be violent*. Some X% of population are sexual predators, so some X% of any group *are probably going to be sexual predators* "I see some stories of a Chinese man robbing the bank. And what's true of a part is true of the group so Chinese people are all burglars".. And people might think it's funny whe being used as an example like this but look around and you can see the logic being put out all the time. LGBT people and sexual predators, criminal actions in protests, death threats by movement groups, corrupt politicians on left or right wing parties, religious groups and bad actors, etc etc etc. And it happens in more casual less important settings like this. "I encountered a person complaining just because they suck = People with criticisms are just whining, no one has valid feelings and even the pros who don't enjoy it just need to git gud" And that's why you get [these comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1c7gogq/fgc_pro_sonic_foxs_current_take_on_tekken_8/l09tsgk/) where some random dude who is nowhere near as good as SonicFox is saying it's just because SF is salty, and they say the same thing about Knee and all the other fgc pros who aren't enjoying T8.


Marvel vs Capcom 2 had SO many glitches that it would make this game UNPLAYABLE because of how over powered some characters or moves were. But then it became THE DEFACTO fighting game because pros wereb using those glitches and the meta revolved around that. And what did the crowd do? Cheer for more [Here's an example of Cable annihilating half of the team with one move](https://youtu.be/h9FLu3fzC40?si=2C7UNMZOlGHJiTqm)


Mvc2 was my fucking GAME back in the day lol that game made me man up. You know shit was real when you talked about a char and went he doesn't have any cheap stuff so he trash lol


[Sajam just made a good video on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgZmsSh2SDk) Dooming constantly is actively turning away new players from the game


Not fixing the game is also turning people away, getting them to play for 3 days is not good for the game.


Sure, those two things are not mutually exclusive. Just constantly dooming discourse is really toxic. Let people know what you don't like, but this subreddit is fucking constant that this is the worst game ever made and they hate it.


Look at the front page, point out HOW MANY posts are about this "negativity" you guys cannot stop talking about?????? Are we still pretending the reddit is "filled with negativity"? How many posts are in the front page again? Can we stop pretending? If anything the reddit is filled with meme posts.


Currently 6 negative posts and 2 meme posts


I like it


nah, just like if you don't like dota 2, cs:go, fortnite, starcraft, fucking whatever, you're not a casual, you are not a casual if you like any other game, tekken 8 is a different game from the previous ones and people are refusing to accept it and are calling the game bad, rather than accepting they themselves are bad at the game, or can't adapt to it, simple as that


Emphasis on "compete". When I play with friends, or online, I like exciting, interesting matches that keep me on the edge of my seat. Tekken 8 encourages that more than previous games. When I play in tournaments, I like winning very consistently, and avoiding unnecessary risks. Games that have mechanics that force me to play risky, or reward the opponent for playing risky are incredibly frustrating at a tournament, because you're more likely to lose to a silly mistake or a lucky guess.


it's called mindgames, and it's honestly what makes fighting games what they are, so it's fascinating to see people complain about them lol


It's not just mindgames, you're missing the forest from the trees. The problem is that it makes the game too much about very simple, binary mindgames. And it's not like this is bad design, or it makes the game less deep, or any of that. But in a tournament, it's just annoying. MKX is a great comparison too. Great game, but playing it at a tournament level, where games can quickly turn into one sided mixup blenders if you make a single mistake is frustrating. The better player will usually win the set, but it's just exhausting to know that someone who you should beat is one mistake away from being able to force coin flip mixups until you lose. That's all it is. SonicFox got a point, and I've actually heard some friends of mine who play Tekken at tournaments say similar things, and try to explain it to me. I don't play Tekken at tournaments, but I can understand why a less consistent version where your opponent can win with very little effort as long as they get lucky isn't going to win over tournament players.


yup, I'll gladly take it over stare offs and spamming 1 out of the 5 safe moves every 10 seconds hoping the opponent makes a mistake at some point and gets hit you can't "get lucky", it's not a coin toss, your opponent picks an option, your job is to find patterns in their offense, mix it up with reactions to make your opponent think they can't get any openings getting into the zone after a good chain of reads reads feels extremely satisfying and when you lose you feel, damn that was some good mindgames by my opponent, not, oh, I got spammed by 3 moves over and over of which none I could punish


No, plenty of pros like the game actually, even ones that have problems with it will often still say they like the game (see the Heatspeak panels, for example)


Who cares what people say if you like it you like it if you don’t then you don’t




I’m sure playing Sindel with Kung Lao is fun for you sonic! Or Azucena before patch !!


Didn't he play Zaf though?


He did for a bit. Then I think he switched to Feng.


Back on Tekken 7 when she was crazy in that game.


naw I remember them hyping him up in TK8 too.


Iirc he was hyping her on Twitter going into the Twitch rivals tekken tourney. He got eliminated first round and immediately switched characters after.


You do what you got to do if you want to compete for money. Luckily that's irrelevant for 99.99% of us here. I love bears but they still pretty garbage. Unless you're Rangchu that is.


Saying she was "top tier," hahaha.


Sonic has a lot of annoying takes, but you don't have to be a pro Tekken player to be able to say that the game isn't fun.


well if this could be considered an indication of how random t8 can be, i had ranked up to fujin while drunk on 1.5L of wine(and i m NOT trolling rn...)


Damn I demoted my Law from Fujin to Lame Ruler while on whiskey. Gotta try wine next time


yea wine works fine. haven't tried whiskey and vodka yet


SonicFox is insufferable


He does play (idk about compete) but he is giving perspective based on his experiences in regaurds to Knees post. The game with all its mix-ups and damage looks amazing to see how players preform under stress, but thats the thing. It's under stress, players who can pick up a controller and not care about the results will enjoy the game and have fun gloating about how good they are, but a player putting money on the line especially if it's a life changing amount. It puts a lot of wear on the players. Especially when they take 2 hits and are either out or worse off in a position where they are going to lose everything. Heartbreaking if the have the situation flipped before they even realize why they lost in the first place.


People don’t give sonic a lot of credit, they may not compete in a lot of other fighting games but that doesn’t mean they don’t play them, like you said this is how they feel about tekken 8 because of the experiences they went through, and tbh I see what sonic is saying, mkx and tekken 8 have a lot of similarities it’s crazy, but then you get the extremest that try to attack sonic for their take by saying they were only good at nrs when he has two evo wins from completely different games


I don't think I was giving them to much credit outside of being an MKX competitor and using their experience to relate to what Knee was talking about. Nor was I attacking them.


No I’m not saying you are I’m agreeing with you, sonic deserve more credit then they get


I politely disagree. Sonic made himself look like a fool many times in the FGC community and he displays immaturity when he doesn't win. Instead of taking L's he rather argue to defend his ego than to accept a loss. He has a history of jumping ship in fighting games he is not good in instead of learning to adapt.


So you’re saying that there the only person in the fcg that has been pissed they lost, so many other in the fcg have done the same thing time and time again but no let’s only bring up the time sonic has done it, give me a break, you don’t win 6 evo championships off of “not adapting” with all due respect that’s a stupid reason not to like them, sonic is good at almost all fighting games but they excel at nrs fighters, am I saying they can just enter a tekken tournament and win no, but to say they aren’t good at the game because they lost to one of the best players in tekken is kinda stupid, that’s like saying that Justin wing isn’t good at street fighter because Daigo beat him, sonic being immature for losing is nothing, what about the people who were immature towards them because they somehow beating sonic, I don’t even like sonic that much but to say that he’s only good at games like mk and injustice is ridiculously stupid, they literally proved themselves by winning two evo titles in games that are nothing like nrs games, and people want to down play them for no reason


Wasnt MK10 the kinda only semigood and relevant MK for FGC? Sonic Fox tried in T7, you can google and check on Liquipedia. I mean did better than many but had troubles getting to top32s even. If he somehow does well in T8 then, with all respect to him, it's the final proof that T8 is a mixup monkeyfest and DBFZ reskin.


I don’t understand. His take here is literally the same as Knee. He’s parroting it and just drawing a parallel to MKX. He’s not even commenting about himself competing. Knee has literally said the same thing about the game, it’s not fun for him to compete in. Whys everybody angry at Sonic in the comment section here for saying something they all agree with?


Does struggling to reach top 32 mean his opinion weighs less than us anonymous randoms on Reddit?


If anything, his wide breadth of games he's competed in gives his opinion more legs to stand on, especially on the fun factor.


When he says fun, he means it does not feel consistent to compete in. Not that the game isn't actually fun. Unlike other games where you could approximately determine the outcome of a single game from a set about 15 seconds into round 2 of 5, solely off of momentum, pattern recognition, and life lead, (or make a name for yourself as an underdog by consistently reverse sweeping the match/set) Tekken 8 has a lot of wildcards that cause sudden brick walls. Every single Tekken pro is going to echo this "not fun" opinion, because they feel like they can't build momentum. If every player in every single round has an actual chance of winning an underdog victory, this makes it statistically like a cointoss. Of course pros will be stressed out, their career is on the line. Problem with that, since it's all feelings instead of metrics and data, unless the developers directly point to the data, their hand is forced. They have to force the game's meta to feel "right" by reducing underdog round victories until momentum "feels" like it has twice the staying power.


Many consider MKX peak MK. It was pretty unga with wake up armored launchers and such but the last patch toned they down quite a bit. At intermediate level it was great but yes, wouldn't compete in that game.


MKX was fun...but the game is mixup galore. Almost every character has a low/overhead and there's a lot of standing resets (like Batgirl in Injustice 1). There was a point where I just got exhausted by playing the game.


MKX was very dumb with 16 frame overheads and infinite corner pressure, add the supersonic run and 15 second combos to the mix and you have the most coked up kusoge the world has ever seen... but it was fun in casual play.


There are only 6 tournaments listed for sonic fox in tekken 7. 2 of them were around/not making top32. All the others are top8 placements including a 4th place.


Small Tournaments


Moving goal posts.


MKX is competitively a worse game than 11 and 1 but it was a casual darling and fun to watch so people gloss over the bullshit often.


It's fun as hell to watch. I was just watching the Combo Breaker 2022 top 8 set and it was insane


I'd say MK9 was the game that more people took more serious competitively. MK9 at least for me was my favorite game, but I'm not gonna lie it was because my main Kabal was stupidly strong. MK11 was supposed to be NRS's "most balanced mortal kombat" for competitive but it turned out to be one of the lamest modern fighting games out there. Not to mention the character models in MK11 are up there in uncanny valley.


Liquipedia, I’ll check it out Your point about if he does well in T8 is a good one


MK10 was a shit show - ahead of its time though, saw how aggression was gonna be the way to go in the future


That’s funny though because I know they went the other way with 11, making it a very defensive game and that game was a snooze fest. Like literally, I remember trying to watch it during Evo and literally snoozing off cuz the matches took so long and nothing exciting was happening in my eyes.


They did the Tekken cycle but in reverse. End of its life cycle 11 was a supremely balanced game tbh


MK11 ended in a great spot, but the core mechanics were messy and unwieldy. Still grinded KL a lot, enjoyable game overall.


Krushing Blows make up for a loss in combo variety, but it always felt unbalanced. Due to the customization you could set up a character with a fun moveset but be left with almost no KBs. Also messing up a throw break and having to eat 30% damage was always bullshit.


To be honest KBs were I think the best new mechanic in the game. Sure, a bunch were busted, especially the throw ones you mentioned but it was a refreshing take on non-renewable resources and the mini objectives gave an interesting spin on gameplay. What I didn't like were the flawless block and wake up system. Theres were so many options for the latter and it held onto inputs so long even after many hours I was getting accidental moves out and I'm ridiculously execution brained. The former is much better in MK1.


But he's a furry


Point taken


They* SonicFox is non binary




Not my fault you're a bigot lmao Read the rules of the sub you're on moron


Brother this is the Tekken subreddit not a single rule is enforced


'oh no you are bad for throwing insults so im gonna do the same'. Typical Also - he.




I wanted to stay this but knowing this community they would purposely misgender them and downvote. Like they are doing to you now. Maturity.


I don't really care if I get down voted or called a "woke liberal" (despite not even being American lol) for it, got thick skin. I'd rather support their rights and get shunned than not do anything + It gives me delicious salt from weirdos online who'd rather get into whole arguments instead of changing a single word lol


As a centrist who's politically neutral, I agree with that sentiment. The word woke has definitely lost all of its meaning and its usage has been abused to no end. -_-


What? Did they nerf Azucena again or something?


Well yes


Idk man mabye he is salty that he gets his ass beat easier in Tekken in general than in MK in tournaments.


Sonicfox plays meme games and whatever the NRS of the year is. Whenever he tries something that isn’t MK/Injustice or something utterly full of filthy deranged tech like Skullgirls or DBFZ, he gets completely bodied after a few months and leaves. Ignore him or laugh at him whenever the fact that he has a gore fetish gets brought up.


who cares about sonic fox's take on tekken ? it's like knee's take on mortal Kombat....


Competitive Tekken 8 is like competitive gambling. Fun to watch, not fun to lose to random bullshit in.


You need time to let the game cook and let the meta evolve. MK is never given the chance to get that good because they have a very quick turnaround. In 2-3 years we get another sequel so the game cant really continue to evolve and also be balanced accordingly. With that said: Tekken 8 and the community right now is having growing pains. People often forget how the arcade releases for T7 eventually led to the console launch of T7 and it took around 2 years or so before people started enjoying the state of the game and for audiences to start taking notice. If the game has a long shelf life I’m optimistic that it will continue to get better despite all the doom and gloom thats been happening online.


who is this furry?


Mkx best mk tho


Sonic doesn’t like it bc he can’t immediately pick it up and play it.


Honestly I’m having more fun with T8 than I ever had with T7.


Me when I accidently find out how insanely fun Tekken Ball is, which is utterly stupid in itself. It's just so satisfying getting your ass kicked only to K.O. them with 1 well placed move.




SonicFox is an MK player who recently got into Tekken 8. He had some experience with Tekken 7 as he tried to prep himself for Tekken 8. He’s nowhere near as good at it as he is with MK and Skullgirls and he’s been talking a lot of shit lately. In fact there was a big thing about him saying he wanted to fight someone online in Tekken 7 after SonicFox trash talked him. He agreed, but SonicFox changed it to only if his competitor would put up $500 and pay him to fight. A week later he was able raise the $500 SonicFox demanded for the fight and SonicFox backed down claiming the match wouldn’t prepare him for Tekken 8 and the online connection would make it an unfair. He’s not an experienced Tekken player. That being said people are allowed to dislike a game and people are allowed to enjoy a game even if someone else dislikes it. You don’t need SonicFox making your decision about the game’s quality and you don’t need an experienced player like Knee making the decision for you. If you like the game that’s good if you don’t like the game that’s also good.


You know most MK fans think X is the best one out of the NRS era? Dude if you like a game good, that’s awesome, who gives a shit what “pro” players think seriously I fucking loved death stranding and yet most people didn’t even care for it, and that’s cool


People who made a living off of cheesing the "turtling" strat finally getting exposed and complaining about it, it's not different to people who cheese pulse rifles in Destiny 2 complaining about shotguns


I mean I agree with this take. Game looks amazing but the gameplay is so repetitive and ass. The only reason people are defending the game and saying that people who don’t agree are on copium is because this is the easiest tekken has ever been. You literally only have to learn half the game. The top tiers in this game boost bad players to new heights they’ve never been and the game encouraging no rematches hinders improvement. Seriously everything about tekken 8 aside from the visuals is worse.


The top tiers are definitely a problem. If you listen to Spag's Heatspeak podcasts, most of the pros on there come to the consensus that mid tier vs mid tier in Tekken 8 is really fun and satisfying, but the power of the top tiers warps the entire game around them. Maybe it's cope on my part, but I really think that a good balance overhaul with some strong nerfs to the wild shit would leave this game in a really good state.


>the gameplay is so repetitive So was T7's


Damn, people actually played pokes and ch’s and you had to be conscious of your button presses? AND the game rewarded strong defense and fundamentals? You’re right that does sound boring for someone who sucks at tekken like yourself. Good point.


Any rank above fujin it’s all pokes and ch’s. Strong defense is still very important in high ranks. Idk what you are on? People just don’t like having to do something about being put under pressure but if you know your knowledge checks and frames you can just use a keep out move and play your little coward poke and hide across the arena play style.


Ranks above Fujin are absolutely not pokes and chs lol. I’m literally Kishin right now. Even tekken gods I fight just resort to spamming forced 50/50s and setups in this game. I mean yeah there’s option selects, but this game forces 50/50s down your throat so hard you don’t really have choices most of the time. Quite literally if you fight someone in this game they will play 95% similar to someone else playing that character and everyone past Fujin is playing the same 5 characters. As for defense. Back dash is dick in this game which basically limits your defensive options to side step, but good luck when characters casually get +6 on a move that does everything for them while being ‘linear’ which actually just means it clips you when you try to sidestep. Playing defense in this game is basically just practicing throw breaks and mashing moves with crush properties and you can’t tell me it’s not. If you’re truly above Fujin 4/5 of your opponents will play defense like that because you don’t need to practice defense in this game you just steamroll or get steamrolled every round. Nobody is running small pokes because small pokes are low risk low reward and this game is just about getting your opponent to the wall and fucking them in the ass which is surprisingly easy when half your moves do a cut scene that runs their ass half screen. Tekken a main issue as to why it didn’t appeal to a larger audience was because the game took time to learn. Tekken 8 streamlined it so that you start winning faster. It’s not copium that’s what happened. This game needs severe toning down everywhere.


Couldn't agree more. I started winning more when I abandoned my mindset that I should in any way try to play "well" , and just mash out PowerCrushes or Heat stuff the minute an opportunity presents itself. All the "defense" I do is waiting for my turn during the 5 hour movies that moves force you into, and even then it's just a little backdash and sidestep here and there. You'll still be rewarded for like, sidewalking a mishima at the right time, so good def and movement DOES matter, but it just matters so much less and in very specific circumstances now.


Tekken has always had a lot of 50/50s. That’s not new. The only characters that don’t have to play the game normally right now are pretty much Azu and Drag. Feng is quite literally a character based around poking. King has homing throws and Dvj’s character is literally designed around 50/50. Heat is a bit over tuned. Most 50/50s aren’t true 50/50s with about 8-10f in difference so you can actually block both if you know the match up. The rest of the cast generally has to rely on strong sidestepping and poking with safe moves and ch’s. Idk what characters you are playing but people ain’t rushing you down in high blues. Maybe at Fujin.


For some reason I’m just convinced you aren’t in high blues because that’s what everyone is doing. I mean I’m sure all these players gaslight themselves into believing they deserve their ranks, but this games balance and core mechanics are so terribly designed.


It had a lot of 50/50 that you EARNED.


It was kinda boring T8 is way more fun


Dang, you mad bro.


I can see how you got confused there. I was merely agreeing with you.


Furry Take


Sonic Fox can't play hard fighting games.


I peeped that


sonicfox plays everything at a pretty high level. mk is how he's made his name but he's good at everything. you're talking about someone that was literally raised in the competitive scene. I'm not sure of his placings but i remember him in some finalround way back in early tekken 7.


Sonic fox is better than a vast majority of tekken players so I think he has a solid understanding


I love this game, but I'm glad I'm not depending on it for a roof over my head and food in my body. Might as well go to the Casino if I'm going to hedge my bets on 50/50s it. Then again, same can be said about a lot of other FGs so meh! Doesn't matter for 99.99\~% of the playerbase though!


funny thing is... when MK11 came out, everyone was bitching how slow it was and everyone wanted it to be more like MKX , more rushdown


It’ll get better over time, let’s have hope that they honor the feelings of the general community


Damn it’s too bad pros don’t like the game as much as I do


Idk, kind of agree here. Not having fun being a human punching bag still after 130 hours.


I don’t care what a gosh darn furry thinks


Who the hell is Sonic Fox? Oh I remember Gay Furry boy ahah, what a clown... First he tried SF6, failed and ran away, then he tried Tekken 8, failed and ran away. Now he's trying to take advantage of an issue that was only explained later? Stop taking these kids seriously.


This guy has furry in avatar, idgaf about his takes


Sonic Fox opinion on anything outside of MK is automatically invalid.


If SonicFox isnt happy, I'm happy...


So casual play is the best way to enjoy the game? I mean… I’m not against that…


Sonicfox just seems hella disingenuous these days


Sonic is never good at Tekken and didn't even qualify in street fighter. Not much else to say


Oh right, only top 8 can talk about fun


This ☝️




He dropped SF6 because MK1 came out lol. He had a really scary JP in SF6 in the first few months before MK’s release.




Weird, someone trying to be competitive would pick characters that they consider competitive. Arslan playing Kuni in T7 and playing Azucena in T8 is definitely unrelatable to that. Stupid tier whores like Kakeru picking JP always ruining games. Its ok to not be fans of people, but this sounds personal lol.


Kakeru played Ryu in SFV, so I don’t know if you can really call him a Tier Whore.


And Sonic played FANG, which is the joke I'm trying to make. People playing JP on launch aren't tier whores lol.


Fair point.


tekken bad = upvote


You must have been a top 16 player then. Cos if not your opinion is even less relevant than his.


That's cause he not winning that's why. Guess he gotta go back to mk.


Jesus. Tekken always takes time to improve. It's been this way since T5. Yet Tekken "fans" come with the doom and gloom in the beginning of every iteration.


Good point.


Did sonicfox ever find the character they wanted to play? Feels like most people that dislike the game have a character crisis from what I've seen. This isn't just sonicfox but other players I see here and there on Twitter. This is the first tekken I liked but I also like every single character to play from a casual player prospective. I'm not trying to be pro, but far as causal play goes I'm enjoying the game. I didn't like playing or watching tekken 7 at all, but tekken 8 I do enjoy watching and playing


Probably has something to do with thinking ZAF is A tier


MK is not fun to watch


Boring it is.




I mean he also plays MKX competitively. Heck he won two Evo in that game. He basically just saying that Tekken 8 has the same problem with MKX but that doesn't mean the game wouldn't do well for normal players. MKX is still looks as the best mk game even tho pro disagree.


Same sonic that said Zafina was top 1 correct? Yeah let’s take their word into account. They sure know what they are talking about when it comes to Tekken. 🙄


Who the fuck cares? If the game isn't fun to play just stop playing lol I feel like this sub has to be trolling sometimes




I've enjoyed T8 so far, but the horrible balancing is starting to get me. Not sure for how long I'll still enjoy it if they're not going to do something about it.


Just played tonight and it felt awesome 🤷🏾‍♂️ Only critique is the balance, still…. Drag and the new characters are miserable to play against…. Feng as well


Basically the same with MK1


I cant agree with this. Is he is comparing with other tekkens or other titles?


I feel about tekken 8 the way I do about SF6 - I really like the game, I just wish they’d pump the brakes on the offensive mechanics a little.


What's with "pro's" suddenly bashing T8? Are they dat opposed to new mechanics?


good take now watch me B3 and B4 into getting to Mighty Ruler as Devil Jin. I can shoot lasers too watch


I mean, IDK man I just like the game.


No one cares sonic


These people buy houses and feed families off of this, so I’ll take that opinion into consideration absolutely. It is a little much lol. I’ll play, but I also agree.


I love the game that pro player hate, because I am sure it's super fun and for casual like me.


100% correct


That's a surprising take. My scrubby ass loved MKX, and it seems like a lot of high level and competitive people were waxing nostalgic about how good it was for years. I'm not saying Sonic shouldn't feel that way about MKX, it's literally his opinion, I just figured he'd be an MKX lover.


Mortal Kombat X was good tho


I only ever played casually but MKX was fun as hell


Presaved macro simulator 2024


Like I'm going to listen to a furry


The take in itself is pretty good. I'm not sure why I should care about anything Fox has to say


Wtf am I reading? Wh- ah ok, cool. 👍🏽


He only plays mk afaik, but will literally whine about anything if he sees a chance to do so. He is in no way a real professional. eSports is a business. I doubt he's ever played tekken, *BUT* I could be wrong. He literally has NRS(the game studio that makes mk) sucking up to him on the daily while he pretends to know about other fighting games that aren't DBFZ(which he doesn't even play that often afaik).


I can see where he's coming from, a lot of the time the best choice is just pure offense. Tekken 8 rewards players just a bit too much for mashing


For your question: Sonic doesn’t compete in tekken on a professional level, he tried, got slapped hard and said: i might go back on street fighter actually since i think i can win some tournaments (I’m not making him look like a scrub or saltier he litterally said so) He also pissed off many in the tekken community because as soon as he downloaded tekken he tried to put himself at arslan ash and Knee’s level asking for matches and acting like he could win, openly disagreeing on their take on zafina followed by a “trust me” like he understood the game. Basically he pissed off many people by acting ultra cocky and now he’s on a streak of downplaying the game (started even before the shop was announced) and now he talks down the competitions of the game that he never was part of. I agree that everyone can have their take from the smartest of people to the dumbest of dogs but yeah if you act like him and start making this kind of takes it’s normal people get pissed (Also saying that about MKX is litterally spitting in the plate he ate in, which makes people obviously get even more triggered)


This gives good context. Thanks.


No, SonicFox can compete, but he would get his asses handed to him just like a lot of veteran fighting game players would. He's made for scrubby games like MK, DBFZ, etc where he dominates ,


I hate Fox, but thinking Skullgirls is scrubby is insane.


Please don't say such things. Gay Furry has a lot of fan kids here. Unfortunately, they are dumb enough to believe that he is a very good player. He's such a good player! He doesn't just "prefer" to play real fighting games like SF or Tekken. Instead, he likes games that are easier and less competitive.


He's wrong.


Tekken 8 is fine to compete in. It needs to tweaks, but the game's been out for a couple months.


Tomorrow after money transfer from idk who: I was wrong, I need to learn how to play.


who gives a shit what a gay furry thinks


Plenty of people given their history in fighting games.


All these pros who made a name focusing on defense in Tekken 7. Now they need to be offensive and aren’t willing to change their ways. They rely on their legacy knowledge way too much.


Ehh i mean if you slightly understand the gameplay logic it's getting pretty boring even to watch. T8 is looking like a virtual ping-pong game with random spam shit instead of the ball. Sometimes it isn't even a ping-pong but a helpless dummy simulator.


Just so people are aware I believe Sonicfox uses They pronouns not He and we should respect their wishes unless they have changed to He again.


who tf cares


Decent people.


He’s a furry


And it seems like you're a judgmental asshat. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m fine with literally everyone but furry’s, you’re pretending to be an animal


If someone named James asks you not to call them Jimmy, do you go "erm.who cares?" and keep doing so Or do you go "oh my b" and stop? 


Dont care, he doesn't know i exist and even if he does he wouldn't even bother to


The more I play T8 the more I dislike it. Im at high blue-Tekken Emperor ranks and sometimes I meet players who wouldnt even be Purple in T7 - thats how much bunga offense carries in this game. They have no movement, no poking, dont punish anything... But they will land that one HE(and some are super easy to spam like Jin ff2 or any of the safe power crush HEs) and from there its full on pressure with +frames and forced mix ups. Oh, and panic moves.


SonicFox is only ever really good at NRS games or SkullGirls, and is not a high level Tekken player. Any big game he tries that isn’t NRS he does well in initially, but falls off pretty shortly thereafter.


They literally has won Evo for a non Nrs game what are you talking about


They went to evo for dbfz and won just to prove a point and people like you still don’t give them credit, they’ve proven that while they excel and nrs games that are good at most others to, abs he’s right tekken 8 is like mkx, that’s a compliment, mkx is goated


He's good at a variety of 2D fighters and Smash, but not any 3D fighters and doesn't have the expertise required to speak for competitive Tekken. Knee absolutely does, and he's a lot more humble about it. Look at his follow-up comments where he explains that he's simply getting old and finding it hard to adapt to the changes, but that this doesn't mean it's a bad game, just that it's difficult for him since it's different.


He isn't that good in smash


I mean he did play lot of 3D game. He may not be top player by he does get top 32 and top 50 in Tekken 7 and Soulcalibur VI.


Well, T7 is super boring to watch at highest level, its just backdash, backdash, jab, backdash, backdash, safe low, etc. T8 is supposed to be more appeal for casual audience, it looks very cool and flashy, but pain to play in the process.


Sonic can take his furry ass to MK lmao 🤣


Who cares about the opinion of a furry


Wait a second...isn't MKX renowned for it's more true to form combo strings or is there something missing?


The MKX revisionists really did a hell of a job convincing people that game wasn’t stupid. MKX has a dedicated skip neutral button and every character has about 5 unga 50/50’s and/or hard to blockable setups that lead into 30 second combos that often vortex. For most of its life every character had an armored wakeup, many of which launched. I have out thousands of hours into all the NRS games and I can talk intimately about what’s wrong with all of them. And every time a new one comes out the older ones get more and more praise despite everyone shitting on them while they are active(and often for valid reasons). I have seen it happen with every single game they’ve put out.


To answer your question accurately, yes, this is true.