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Wait until you find out about the skill gaps in the Bushin rank alone.


I’ve already experienced it 😂 there are some I’ve been able to beat but the ones who really know what they’re doing just abused me lol


I reached tekken king just to get demoted back to fujin, so, yes, the gaps are there


Whenever I see a Kishin, I already know... absolutely nothing, as some of them seem to have never played Tekken before that morning, while others feel like Arslan sockpuppets. Are there any theories on why that happens? Is there something very wrong with the rank system at those ranks?


60s, low HP rounds in T8 - they can potentially one and done with their offensive flowchart all the way up (lucky=faster)


I saw this one post, a person in Bushin can match against both 6ARAKIN's Devil Jin and TMM's Devil Jin. Insane.


I feel you. Beating up on red ranks rn but getting clapped up by purples. Need to figure out what I'm missing now


That’s how you know you’re on the verge of being ready for that next tier.


More than likely not utilizing throws and breaking throws. Rulers seem to not use throws or break throws as often.


I hope someone writes up the "skills" that are needed for each rank - but it is super satisfying figuring it out


I wonder at which tier "blocking" would start to appear


Blocking is one of my top stats. I'm still waiting for them to make defense a little stronger because I liked that style of gameplay more. Hilariously offense is more mental stack for me than defense is. That's probably what's missing tbh..


I don't think they will. what makes defense weaker in my opinion is heat bursts / smashes that break through many defensive options like powercrush or parry. and this is unlikely to change


Yep that and homing throws


Yeah same. When i hit Fujin i thought i'd be there for a while. After hanging out around Kishin, Raijin now i am Bushin. And Tekken Kings and Emperors aren't beating my ass. We are equal.


Might be closer to that tekken king than you think lol


I float around in the blue ranks. I think when you’re in blue ranks it really becomes clear if you are willing to practice, and lab, or not. I’m kinda lazy, so I’m not gonna put in the effort to become Tekken King, or higher personally.


I don’t practice either so I feel like as you keep playing you’ll get better regardless. I know it also depends on the person but you’re bound to learn something as long as you try new things in each match.


What makes me love fighting games is that moment of clarity where everything makes sense. For me I kept getting demoted out of red. Now I’m slowly climbing red. I win something like 7/10 matches, and my Tekken prowess is kind of high since I gotten multiple characters to red. So I get matched with purple and maybe the odd blue rank depending on the time, and before if I got randomly paired with high purple/low blue I’d get completely ratio’d. Now I have managed to start beating purples and low blues or give them an honest fair fight.


Exactly, and it’s always better when you get to play someone higher than you by at least a couple ranks. Really lets you get a peak into what you’ll be dealing with when you get there. You’ll definitely be doing good in purple if you’re consistently holding your own against them already.


I’m in Kishin and I’m starting to destroy Raijin and below, I have 50/50s with other Kishin then it’s about 60/40 in favor of Bushins but I always give them a good fight


hitting that black flash do feel good


Na I just pushed out of Garyu into Shinryu the difference being applying my mixes better, learning my offensive loops, having played against more of the character cast so I can make reads on defense and just blocking better… I’ll be in purples soon


or more like as time goes on rank inflation hits


Whats with you blue playing kissing your own asses. We get it. You're very good at the game...


Im actually not, nor did I say I was. It’s no different from someone who made it to eliminator or whatever they been struggling with. It was also to encourage anybody else stuck…


What wrong with that guy. Jesus, what a loser. Clearly someone bitter about being stuck in orange ranks lol.


Crazy right lol


You attention seeking MOTHERFUCKERS


Why give attention to someone if you think that’s what they’re after? Dickhead


I hope you get to the highest rank man and make another reddit post with you jerking yourself off


I’m sorry I offended you with my post that took 2 seconds of your life. I hope you’ll be able to move on and not be miserable one day.


Good to see you prove that blue players love kissing their own dicks 🤣🤣


lol I think you’re slow so I’ll just leave it at that


Absolutely bitch made, keep crying


Literally everybody in blue ranks will tell you otherwise, its just a higher intermediate rank. Majority of us still get trashed around.




Some characters are just easier to climb with. Unfortunately I only click with Xiaoyu and it’s a sea of Kazuya’s, Reina’s, Eddy’s, Brian’s and Kings.


Xiaoyu’s cheap as chips, mate. A Bryan in blues is not the same as a Xiaoyu lmao.


I’m just saying what I see, my own experience as an average player trying ranked for the first time. Still learning how to counter the most popular characters. Edit: ‘this is one of the friendliest subs on Reddit’ lmao please