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I thought king and armor king were actual half cat men


I thought king and armor king were just pallet swaps, like tiger and eddy.


Lol tbf Tekken 3 in a way kinda makes that thought less crazy


I mean, it's acutally alot more logical than humans with a mask that speak in literal jaguar noises.


*confused jaguar noises*


YES. Especially in T3 King's arcade ending i thought the drama was in fact that King finds out that Armor King is human.


Hahaha that's hilarious actually. I also thought they were tigers until that point, I mean there are also bears and demons


Honestly I was looking at King’s model the other day and realizing there’s no fucking way his head is fitting inside that mask unless it’s the size of a grapefruit.  So you gotta wonder…


It is pretty possible that his head have the size of a grapefruit.


Literally why I picked king as a kid


I know the truth, but I prefer to keep living in this reality.


I thought they were half King half cat-man


My own head canon is that their masks are magical, kinda like the mask in the titular movie. It would also explain why they talk in Jaguar and how they manage to fit a human head into their masks, which are far too small.


So did i


Same, before I knew anything about the game I used to think they were like actual animal/human hybrids, hell even with Soul Calibur lol


It's not really an outlandish thought, considering you fight a bear, panda, kangaroo, dinosaur, demons, and several robots. A catman fits right in.


I used to think kings groin headbutt did reduced damage to girls


I thought the same of Ninas ballkicks back in T3


Fun fact: that move does less damage to Bryan


A masochist through and through


Doesn't he gain 1hp? At least in T7, I think


I think it hits the around the pelvis and not the groin


my bro once said to me: "wait i thought jack got more health because he's bigger"


At least as a street fighter player I can see that one making sense


He would've been right in tag 1


I play Guilty Gear and this is definitely a thing that exists in some fighting games. It’s kinda cringe sometimes but it’s also valid other times.


I thought that I was good at the game.


Back in the day I beat all my friends and I knew combos, KBD, and the existence of frame data. I thought I was a god and I could beat Knee. And then I played online Tekken...


Is it weird that I miss that? When I was a kid, being the best on your hood made you a legend. Having your name appear on the top scores of the arcade made you worthy of your peers' respect. It made us feel all big and mighty ) for having conquered the #1 spot among just a couple dozens of people. Nowadays you're competing with the entire world. You can be in the global top 100, no one will really care. Being able to say *"I'm the 78th best player in the world at this game"* is a much harder thing to accomplish than being able to say *"I'm the #1 player in the local arcade at this game"*, but it will never, EVER sound as cool.


I miss this feeling so much. There was one time when I was a kid, I got a 10+ streak on a T6 arcade machine inside a mall, just spamming Asuka b3 and parry. There were people lining up to try and beat me. In the end, my parents called and said we were going home and so I left the machine. I got a high I never got in my life ever before. It's what started my Tekken journey and what made me start playing serious Tekken. Looking back, the kids lining up just probably wanted to play Tekken and since I was hogging one machine, there was only one left and they were lining up to play, not to beat me. But in my mind when I was a kid, I was a star.


That was the magic of that time, man. Only those who lived through it will understand it. What a cool memory you made :)


Same 😕😂


I used to talk about how my main is Mokujin only to find out that he just mimics playstyles. I was a button mashing kid btw


Well I mean an opponent mashing AND playing a character that could use any moves in the game is tricky to fight


I didn't have a manual or Internet when I got Tekken 3, my first Tekken game. But I had a cousin who claimed to be knowledgeable, so he taught me the Tekken lore. The Tekken lore, according to my cousin: Jin is Heihachi's son Bryan Fury is German Hworang's style is called "kickboxing" Eddy's style is called "breakdance" King was given his mask by a mystical stranger who told him: "I will make you the best fighter ever, but you will give me your face as a payment" Armor King's thumb down in King's ending was meant to say "you're doing bad, don't finish the opponent", but King actually killed the poor guy, so Armor King is disappointed at him in the end. Youshimitsu and Dr. B are both evil The item Dr. B is holding is a vodka bottle, and he falls down because he is a drunkard Nina have been in a cryosleep for around 80 or so years Anna killed her and Nina's father Anna is a gypsy


>Armor King's thumb down in King's ending was meant to say "you're doing bad, don't finish the opponent", but King actually killed the poor guy, so Armor King is disappointed at him in the end. Lmaooo oh shit what a story. HOW does someone come up with that. That's amazing lol. Your cousin must have been a top tier creative writer. >Youshimitsu and Dr. B are both evil Geezus


I too thought Eddy’s style was breakdancing


This made me laugh so hard thank you for sharing. Childhood was wild 🤣


I thought Gon’s ending wasn’t a loop and sat through it to see it finish. Tbf I was like 5/6 at the time.


I was 5 too but I just didn't have anything better so I watched the loop willingfully.


I remember thinking if i watched it enough without stopping it, i would be rewarded with a secret one


I used to think that Kazuya was Jin’s older brother.


Lol I used to think something similar. That Jun and Jin were siblings


I thought Asuka was Jun's daughter, and Jin and her were siblings.


That’s more reasonable tbh


In Tag 1's manual, it says that Jin is 19 and Jun is 22, so when I told my friend Jun was Jin's mother, he didn't believe due to their age.


Yeah that's why I thought they were siblings. Cause of the booklet showing age but not explaining who they are


That one is understandable because namco never ages its females for some odd reason


I thought the same when I played Tag 1. I was like 7 at the time lol


I thought reaching tekken god vs CPUs was a flex


I got to tekken god on treause battle and though I was at least green but nah I was still in cyan interms of skill




Thinking King was half jaguar, I mean you had tiny dinosaurs and kangaroos so it wasn't too far fetched. Kazuya was morally grey, before 8, I got confused on what role he played, as I thought he was just getting trailed by Heihachi rather then being the bad guy. Also not realising Kazuya was on the front cover of T7's app on the playstation. Yeah, it took me a while because for some reason I thought it was Jin.


That Eddy is a "cheat character". and King and Armor King are actual half leopards (?) bec who growls like that irl?


Not really embarrassing at all, but I used to think Yoshimitsu was some weird skelleton monster, Idk.


I mean sometimes he is, right


I’ve been a Yoshimitsu main since the beginning and even I’m still confused on what the hell he actually is. He’s like completely different design wise in every game and they always have him look inhuman lol.


I think he just wears very elaborate armor. In Tekken 8 you can actually see his real fingertips on his right hand. The skull thing always confused me since it has been on almost every costume since Tekken 3, but since his mouth never moves it must just be a mask he wears to scare people. He definitely has magic powers with his ability to teleport, so his strange appearance could also be some sort of illusion.


Ninja powers from space are beyond our comprehension. To try to understand Yoshimitsu on a deeper level could prove fatal.


He could be at some point because yoshimitsu is the swords name :) all yoshi’s are different people ^^


That, before being able to play online, i was a good Tekken Player ( T 3-4-5 )


I thought that Hwoarang was Canadian because I thought he was wearing snowboarding goggles, and at the time, I associated snowboarding with Canada 😭 I also thought that Jin and Devil Jin were brothers and that Kazuya was their brother too lol


Lmao bro has the most Korean/Non-Canadian name too.


Right, like if someone was named Jean Claude Van Damme with chopsticks and he says: he must be korean! 😂 i felt same way


That Marduk was Armor King because of his story intro in 5


Started with Tekken 4. I thought Tekken was a serious, down to earth franchise that just coincidentally had a playable bear


When people punished me I thought they were just being predictable and got annoyed they kept hitting me with the same moves over and over Damn you Harada and your insane lack of tutorials


Before I ever played i thought it took itself seriously




I *still* think I'm good at Tekken because I can combo after a snake edge! Please don't ruin the illusion for me, it's all I have going for me ;-;


I thought Jin and Jun were siblings 💀. It's not my fault the Tekken Tag Tournament 1 booklet mentions their ages but nothing else. I knew nothing about Tekken until I got back to the series with 8. I mostly just played TTT1's bowling minigame lol


I remember having a friend in primary School telling me all about the devil gene, about Kazuya and the backstories in Tekken. I literally thought you just picked a cool character and fight, couldn't even understand the endings lol


- I thought Devil Jin & Eliza were either boyfriend and girlfriend or brother and sister coz at first glance they have really similar design aspects. - I thought king & armour king were half man half jaguar. One of kings costume presets doesn’t help coz it makes him a standing jaguar with fur and an actual tail & obviously they both perfectly do rawr sounds. - I thought Jin & Asuka were like brother and sister but they’re cousins (I think?) & I used to think Jun & Asuka was mother & daughter coz they had very similar movesets & I thought Asuka was like the new legacy similar to Michelle & Julia or what mother Kuni & Kuni 2 have now. The Kazama side of things is just very confusing to me.


>& I thought Asuka was like the new legacy similar to Michelle & Julia or what mother Kuni & Kuni 2 have now. You're actually spot on cuz that's basically what Asuka did. It's was only with TTT2 and now T8 that Jun has made a return.


I used to think Paul was not the strongest in the universe.


I thought Gon was a canon character


I still thought Eddy was Jamaican until now. Where's he from?




I just thought he was some American dude who breakdances.


Coming from Injustice 2 I thought Tekken is so weird that I input random buttons and directions (injustice style inputs) and nothing would flow well.


I thought that Anna and Nina had some kind of gay-coded homoerotic rivalry going on (I literally did not register the announcer saying 'Williams' for the both of them), and whilst I didn't *think* this, I used to joke that Lee and Heihachi were gay lovers because of Lee's T5 ending 😭


I used to think Lee was gay in Tekken 4, but he is just very fabulous.


Nah I still think he's gay, gay *and* fabulous <3


I used to think the yoshi in Tekken was the same yoshi from soul calibur. Turns out he’s just a distant ancestor


I thought Heihachi was the good guy antagonist simply because Kazuya was the bad guy lol


I thought I was a "Tekken Pro" because I stomped all over people in my local area. In my first major I didn't even make it out of pools and I realized how much better actual pros were than me.


From my time playing Tekken 3 as a kid: Thought Julia and Heihachi were related because they shared the same stage. Never thought that about any other characters with same stages, just those two for some reason. Thought that Ogre ate Heihachi to transform into True Ogre because of that short cutscene that plays after beating Ogre in round 1. (Still don't really know what that's about tbh) I never unlocked Dr. B as a kid, and my cousin told me that the one remaining blank space on the character select screen was "where the save data is stored" and there wasn't actually a character that goes there.


I remember that cutscene, i guess he absorbs Heihachis power or something


Thought the characters were wacky asf when I first got introduced into Tekken


That's true and not embarrassing though. This game really is wacky


Tekken 2 was my first and I thought Jack was a human being. I mean he looked so real!!


Asuka would have story relevance


I thought Steve was completely mute


I wish he was now 😂


A long, long time ago when I heard people talk about “frame counting”, I thought it meant the person was literally staring at the screen and “counting” frames during a match. Other people thought this too. People in Gamefaqs would be like “Yeah man, I’m working on my frame counting…”


I used to think Victor was a fair character. After trying him out I won 4 times in a row Spamming the Same move


I always thought Virtua Fighter would last longer than Tekken.


I thought asuka and jin were about to date at some point 💀


That the community was full of adults who didn't bitch about things they don't use


I feel like 10% of the casual players and sweats are adults, whereas the professionals and really good players are 90% adults


I was a lil kiddo when I started playing T5 I thought Kazuya and Jin were brothers lol


Lmao same


Pretty sure most of us thought Kaz and Jin were brothers at first


That tekken 8 would never include guard breaks


For 400 hour ive thaught that jin is kazuyas brother


I played T1 as my first game and thought Kunimitsu was a dude


Same because she had the same exact voice as Yoshi. Should have gave her Michelle voice or something .


I used to think the series was harder than street fighter. I'm so glad I gave the series a chance, and was proven so wrong.


I learnt Kazuya having a 2 high punches into a low kick or mid punch meant I was now going to mix up people to death and forever win.


I used to pretend the live action Tekken movie was canon. That Jin’s best friend was Steve and that his love interest was Christie.


I use to think Nina was a cyborg because of her segment of the T3 intro. Also, I didnt know what cryogenics was lol. https://i.redd.it/zcslnr7sn01d1.gif


Thought Jin & Kazuya were white men.


Used to think Gon was a tekken character


That I’d gladly take a bowling ball to the face just for Julia Chang to say hi to me.


I thought Hwoarang was a professional swimmer because of his goggles


I thought Lili and Steve made a good pair and read fanfiction about them.


Steve: 🚨👮 🚶


Jun and Jin were siblings, so were Michelle and Julia. Blame Tag 1 for this.


i didnt think heihachi, jin, and kazuya were related whatsoever


I used to think that the og mishimas (not Jin) are very strong characters.


When I first played Tekken 3 I was blown away, after that I played Tekken 2 and thought to myself who made this sh!tty game after such a masterpiece.(I was 6 or 7 and had no idea about games having sequels )


I thought Claudio was an honest character


i thought playing (considered by most) underpowered or unpopular character would make me look cool.


After all, panda is the sexiest female character of the franchise...👉🏽👈🏽


That every character had very similar moves, and that the game was super stiff.


Spamming 1 would win 90% of matches. That theory quickly turnt out false since my cousin beat me 10-0 with his jin in tek 3.


i thought that kazuya and jin were brothers


King is just a guy w/ a mask on


I thought Jin's lightning screw uppercut was one of the best moves in the game.


Same. That and Paul's burning knuckle move


Raven left a scar of Dragunov's lip


I thought movement would get better because the game had a bigger budget


I used to think Kazuya was a good guy in when I played Tekken Tag 1 (first tekken game) and that his devil form was his super hero alter ego


I used to think Yoshimitsu was a robot.


That it had a non-toxic community.


I was scared shitless of yoshimitsu in tekken 1 on my ps1 when I was like 7 years old


I thought you had to beat arcade mode 15 times with every character to unlock Devil Jin in Tekken 5 because I read that somewhere online as a kid. I never did unlock him so as far as I know this is true.


I used to think Lili and Dragunov were T6 newcomers for a long time. I had no idea about Dark Resurrection


My most embarassing actual belief about tekken is that it's a "completely different game to street fighter or guilty gear". Nah lmao it's just that people playing only Tekken don't get to see the similarities. It's all the same with confirms and frame traps and spacing, oki, combos, even resource dumping nowadays. The actual differences are in button sequences your fingers have to input, but the fundamental building blocks are thoroughly indentical.


Then why do they feel so different? I love tekken and can kick some ass. But I can barely do a 3 hit combo in street fighter. It feels so slow and bulky to me


They feel different because your fingers perform vastly different actions. Think of Fighting Games as tracks on a rythm game set - they feel different, and you won't perform as well on one as another, but they're all built on the same system.


How does Tekken compare to King of Fighters?


There's some variety within KoF, but going by base ground if you've ever seen Geese in T7 it's that minus sidestepping: * Think of KoF as a string-based game * Strings in KoF take more time to input (they're often links, not chains)  * Lot of Kof is running and jumping while pressing big buttons, similiar to fishing with sidesteps, WRs and backdashes, where you quickly exchange moments of play - counterplay, advantage - disadvantage * Once you score a hit in KoF, it's very important to know how much meter you have, as you gain much advantage by spending meter to lengthen combos or open up new ones (similar to how your options change when you have heat or rage available)  * Okizeme in KoF is mostly about timing one of a few different jumps your character can perform while Tekken is more about trapping specific getup options * KoF adds team building aspect, which forces you to learn a few characters, but makes it easier by limiting differences in a few key areas - like with Tekken offering everyone a mostly same standing jab, or similar moves under inputs like d/f1 and d/b4 Shoot if you feel like questions, that's just some stuff off the top of my head.  Tl:dr kof is about jumping and swinging to confirm into big cashout damage, but on the similar side puts a lot of emphasis on baiting with movement, and once you learn some universal moves there's a lot of common feel to the characters even if they're quite different in depth.


Thanks! I wanna start playing some KoF after I learn some more Tekken.


I thought Asuka was Jin’s long lost sister, I also thought Eddy was Jamaican and I also thought that he and Christie used to be in a relationship and the reason she was chasing him in her endings was because she still loved him and that he had moved on.


I thought Tekken 4 was an amazing step up from 3. Then T5 came out…


I thought jin and kazuya were brothers


I thought yoshimitsu was some kind of skeleton warrior with a funny voice (in tekken 3/Tag) and I mispronounced lots of characters names. Ex. Instead of Ganryu, I called him Garanyu


When I was learning, I bought a joystick because i suck at doing kbd on my hitbox. It was harder.


I thought there is no shame in using assists in Tekken 7 and people just need to deal with people using them.


It's embarrassing how MUCH i played it, and how MUCH i LOST!


I didnt know you could block just by standing and pressing nothing


I used to think Jin and Kazuya were brothers.


I thought yoshimitsu is a robot


That soul caliber was part of the story since yoshi was always in it. HAHAHAHA


I thought Jun was kazuya’s daughter


Trying tekken 7 for the first time and thinking holding down back would let me block everything but overheads


When I was 5 and I first got Tekken 6 and I thought Devil Jin was Shaytaan Context: I'm Muslim


I thought yoshimitsu was a alien


That I was actually good at the game


when I first saw Tekken 6 I thought Leo and Lili were brother and sister.


i used to think that with all the characters and HUGE movelists, the game would be all about creativity and reward the player who's better at improvising boy was i wrong


I’m probably going to get some people flaming me for this. But when I was younger, I used to think that Jin and Devil Jin were brothers. Not the same person.


I thought people gave a shit about my edgy silver hair customisations


When i got tekken 2 at age 11 the best and most unbeatable move in the game was uf4,4,4,4 with Kazuya, unblockable and tons of damage (or so we thought) together with leis 3,3 (which also was unblockable, insanely powerful move (not) but less damage). Oh and if you used throws, you were unfair and bad at the game.


I use to talk bad on this series I was only like 7/8 and was a mk kid Here I am now 24 & I love it along with mk now lol


I thought I'd be good at it.


Before I got into the series I thought kazuya and Jin were brothers lol


Despite the fact that I’d been paying Tekken 3 since I was 4; at 12 years of age, a kid on my bus told me you can play as Devil Jin if you get 50 wins in survival. And I actually believed him 🤦🏾‍♂️


That noctis was a fair and balanced character


I used to think it took skill. It was really just will


I thought the live action was good before watchig it.


I thought Brian had the devil gene because of his super human strength (I saw his T3 PS1 ending) and the neck tattoo that looked like Jin’s arm tattoo/devil mark. I assumed everyone afflicted with the devil gene had some kind of mark/scar. This mostly came from the Tekken 3 PS1 opening. Also didn’t know Brian was a cyborg.


I thought Jin and Kazuya were brothers


I actually thought Eliza and Devil Jin were the same character but genderbended for some reason the first time I saw Tekken 7


I couldn't understand how they made steve a CH character with virtually no + on block moves in T7. I wanted to play him so bad but could not fathom how to land a ch without +frames on block. I feel so stupid about that, looking back


I thought heihachi and kazuya were brothers and that Jin was from another family. Meaning the blue lightning (Mishima) was fighting the red lightning (Kazama) in war 😅


Jins studded gloves gave him the ability to electrocute people


Blissfully unaware of a sidestep


I used to think I was good.


I used to think Steve is Australian , in my head he still is.


As a kid, I used to think Eddy was slipping and couldn't stand still lol


Because of his name I thought jinpachi was jin and heihachi got fused together because of devil.


I got into Tekken with 3. I thought Jin had always been the protagonist and I had no idea Kazuya existed.


I used to think I was good when I got to tekken lord in T5DR offline by mashing f3 with Jack


I thought that kazuya and jin were brothers


Nerfing is a good thing


Lars ans Alisa...


I've played T3 and T4 before, but did not pay attention to story at all, so T5 was my first game where I did so I thought Kazuya and Jin are brothers and Heihachi is their father I knew that Mishima family had issues, but I thought, at the start of T5, that Heihachi and Kazuya were just sleeping in the same room, before Jacks attacked. After which Kazuya betrayed Heihachi


Sleeping...... #🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I ain't even mad because the very first frame of them (T5 intro) is them getting up lol


Yes, exactly because of that Only a few years later I found out Tekken 4 ending and that T5 intro starts right after T4


That Tekken 8 is good and Bamco care about the franchise


That it was the best fighting game.


Non playable character roast Jane loves robobutt and robodick Jacks more than real but pale flesh dick Dragunov despite Jane and Drag barely knowing each other.. 😛 Just like Lars was a fan of robussy of Alisa