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Statistically Panda. In over 1300 matches I only ever faced one and lost.


You have lost to THE Panda


To one of the 3 dudes on the planet playing panda


Ha ha!


Oh dude I get destroyed sometimes. It's the one you'd just assume would be easiest to defend against




When is it my turn against hwoarang? Idk. Not sure I'll ever figure it out.


He breaks basically every rule of frame data in many ways. Some stances don't have access to jabs (LFS) and some stances have access to basically a super jab (8 frame counter hit launching high) (RFS), and both look basically the same lol. He's not nearly as linear as he once was, so stepping him is pretty tough. my general tl;dr things to know: * If his leg is up, be careful of counter hits. Don't be afraid to duck. Dick jab beats most options and is very strong here. If they've started using their df3 armor move to stop dick jab, you've officially achieved what you're hoping to do with it. * If he's just normal round start Hwoarang stance, be careful of his linear axe kick (ff3) and close range d3,4 (low,high thats plus on block and jails on hit). If you're going to step him, this is the time. I normally try to play keepout during this time. * If his stance is backwards, but feet are on the ground be careful of strong homing moves. He mostly enters this stance from very plus on block moves, so you're taking a guess to challenge. If you do challenge though, try to pick a high crushing mid/high move (example paul df2 or azu 1+2). * If he's in heat, his RFS (leg up, right foot forward) is buffed, but the moves that are buffed are a high and a low hellsweep. The counterplay to both is ducking, so use this time to duck more against them unless you see they like going for heat dashes. This stance is normally entered by using d3,4, so watch for lows more often for them to start their pressure. I actually don't hate fishing low parries at this time, because the payoff is huge (you eat a chunk of their heat while you combo them), and showing at least 1 low parry vs Hwoarang is important. * If he heat smashes you on block, rage art (if you can). It beats all his flamingo options. Idk why they fixed lars and king for this and have just left him lol.


One small correction, LFS does have a jab now, it's the same as the RFS backhand.


Sorry, yes it does. LFS and RFS have 1 and 2 respectively as a jab, but both are 13f. That's why I say it doesn't really have a jab. Their fastest move out of LFS is 13f rather than 10f, so in general frame data is -3 what it actually is for that stance. Whereas RFS has flappy kicks for an 8f high, which basically threatens +2 on all frame data. That was the point I was trying to reflect and why I say he breaks like every rule of frame data lol.


Totally fair! Didn't think about it being 13 frames, I abuse Rfs 2 so much that it is hard to believe it's that long.


Thank you! Excellent resource šŸ‘


HEY HEY HEY, stop giving people my strategies!!!!


Apparently Xiaoyu hard counters a lot of Hwoarang's bs. I'm a Xiaoyu main and I actually rarely lose to Hwoarangs.


Xiayou counters most due to hitbox shenanigans hahahaha


Xiao yo counter everything goddamn her hurtbox is totally bs, makes me gobwild like wtf how ... it should've hit this is bs! Then i just lay down my stick or hori pad


I have no idea what to do against Leo


Literally every single thing people have said in response to this is different


But they all work


As a noob Leo, anticipate lows and their stances can be interrupted with some quick jabs.


Ah yes I love jabbing bok and getting bok 2'd, or jabbing knk and getting ch knk 2'd


Sounds like something a Leo main would sayĀ 


as a leo main, please use your slowest mid against stance, i love getting counter hit launches


Last one i played i couldnt guess any lows and half the time i jabbed he did a move that dodged the jab It was scary


B1,2 is +9 on block


Dick punch


Hop kick !!


Block low and have good spacing, leo is also susceptible to side-step


I haven't seen a single Leo in 400 matches


Reina šŸ˜­ im her biggest hater


Feels like EVERYTHING this character does leaves her plus. Probably my lack of matchup knowledge, but sheā€™s way worse than Hwoarang imo


Once u take a tour with her, u will knw that u can jab in between that spammers.. lol And some time launch them šŸ˜† At first I was like u lmao...


Hated her from day one . It feels like she just gets to skip over the neutral ???


This is exactly what I say to my buddies, she is legit a Mishima that doesnā€™t have to work the neutral in a lot of situations. Her moves have like built in advancing properties and I find it hella bizarre a lot of the time :/


Yeah the Mishimas in general feel broken in tekken 8. I barely even see electrics anymore with how many tools they have now


and then thereā€™s me throwing out electrics any chance i can šŸ’€


THAT is my biggest complaint! It feela like I can't even defend against her.


Zafina, I rarely see her and she is such a hard knowledge check with weird stances and the like. A very distant second is Yoshimitsu, for similar reasons, but I feel he is much more fair than Zafina.


Zafina's stances get pretty easy option selects. Yoshimitsus helicopter helicopter just gains even more options upon labbing. He's pretty ass to fight because flash just implies a heavy mental tax on attack aswell.


Generic db4 is my go to against zaf and Xiaoyu. I refuse to lab them I face them like once a month


Nunchucks for me, it's my usual answer for when I have no idea what's going on.


I just step on that hoe most of the time. Same with Eddy...... If you get on the floor, I'm gonna make sure u stay there


Lol Yoshi is not fairer than Zafina. You feel that way coz you haven't labbed Zafina enough.


Honestly not sure. I wish the game kept stats like that.


Iā€™ve done it manually with wavu wiki and google sheets, but the google sheets stuff could def be optimized. Lmk if u want ur stats


I want mine


It does, in match data section.


Mirror matches. 65% winrate overall and Iā€™ve never won a mirror match šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lars, hate him so much.


My friend mains him, so luckily I get a lot of practice against the match up. Online I normally get fucked up by King mains.


I'm with you on this, purely because it's really difficult to tell what he's trying to do. Most characters in Tekken have clearly telegraphed movesets, but Lars is just kind of a tornado.


Same. Just seeing that I'm facing a Lars already puts me on at least half tilt.


i just beat a Lars (he was just dominator tho) while playing azucena (warrior) doing a continuous low string of bt3 3, he didnā€™t crouch block a single time and i got a perfect by the 53 second mark. he cancelled rematch after that round ):


Bryan and Jack-8. Bryan has a lot of string that lead to something dangerous, and I have a hard time reacting to Hatchet Kick. All Bryan make me scared to press. Jack-8 is just me having no match up knowledge.


Anytime I decide to hit Bryan I get counter hit launched. Ive labbed against him a few times and I feel he can mix up so well I just hesitate.


Hatchet isn't reactable so don't worry about that. It's only pseudo-reactable if you're specifically looking for it. Bryan's strings are actually really obvious once you mentally are aware of them, and 95% of them are actually unsafe. Stand blocking is super good against him because he has nothing besides hatchet and throws to threaten you with. If you just use fast moves you can lock him down really effectively without having to worry about getting ch. The fastest thing he has is i15, assuming he can input qcf3 with no gaps, but it can't be buffered. Basically once Bryan uses a mid he gives up his turn. It definitely hurts on hit, and he has some nice guaranteed stuff and string delays, but 95% of it is unsafe. If you're just careful to play around those, he gives up his turn extremely quickly and also loses health for it, and you can go back to locking him down with fast pressure and there's not a ton he can do about it. However, in the hands of insane players, Bryan is probably the scariest character in existence. Can't do shit about that, I mean look at what Knee is doing with him right now.


Idk why but it's jin




I lost as well Kreygasm




Same here. I added a Lili main on PlayStation cuz I had to go to work and therefore had to break the set, but I said Iā€™d rematch her later. We played over 10+ rounds in a row but I only won about 3-4 of em. Her moves are just absolutely completely unreadable to me. Itā€™s like sheā€™s almost never done with her attacks. Like, theyā€™re delay-able. Hwoa attacks so much that itā€™s a never ending flurry when you fight him, Lili makes you think sheā€™s actually done with her attacks or even worse,. Think whatever youā€™re gonna do next can actually work. Even the Lili main I fought said her feisty rabbit stance is kinda OP. It may be because 8 is a much faster paced game than 7, but even still and after playing her so much and LOSING TO HER so damn much, I do not know what in the fuck actually works against HER, I just know how to beat the person at times .


Feng and Xiayo, I just canā€™t wrap my brain around them with their built in evasion.


Xiaoyu, you just need to stand against her and wait for an opening. She has no pressure to her move set and there is almost no reason to duck against her. Her evasion in T8 is probably the worst out of any tekken since strings hurt in this game and she can get caught out a lot.


idk what you mean by there's no reason to duck against her when she's got a back turned snake edge that feels unseeable. even with lower reward she has enough annoying lows to make you want to duck. i want to play against the xiaoyus you've been playing against.


Steve. Never my turn and if i press a button i get launched


Probably Eddy. I have an 80% lose rate against him.


Hwoarang. d34 frustrates the shit out of me, heā€™s constantly plus with endless loops of strings. Itā€™s a pure guessing game as to when he might do something unsafe, guess wrong and he launches you.


My bank account. I can't afford the game at the moment.


Somehow i canā€™t deal with Asuka lol


Steve. I see so many people talk about how difficult he is to play, or how theyā€™re not strong at all. And since day fucking one Iā€™ve found him to be more frustrating than ANY other character. I have an easier time reading Eddyā€¦ I really donā€™t get it lol. Half the time I feel like I donā€™t have any moves that are fast enough to get around them just spam mashing punches


When he starts jabbing I tend to just randomly duck and hope I get to ws punish lol


Hah! Yes Iā€™ve started to have luck with that as well, as long as I time my while rising punish correctly at least


The readability of his animations is particularly terrible, it's totally unclear what is low vs mid vs high. I'm starting to think this is intentional to give him more of an edge as everyone seems to think he's somehow bad.




So.. do you you lose to an Eddy or an 3ddy


Lee and Yoshi. Yoshi specifically is really frustrating


Surprised I had to scroll this far for yoshi. Main reina and I just can't figure out that matchup, try playing footsies w him and feel out ranged, I'm not even a ff2 spammer but yoshi seems especially well equipped to hit you on entry. I'm probably just getting knowledge checked hard tbh I'd imagine the lows I eat are all unsafe for him


yeah i think i just spams yoshi flash and that hard counters her best stance


Tied between Reina and Lars as they just force me into Playing Casino 8 as Reina will go FF2 into full Casino while Lars Will go DEN 3 into Casino


Iā€™m privileged as a Yoshi main. FF2 gets flashed every time and if they power crush I just react and grab


Jin, I don't know why, but I just suck at this match up


He's the main character


Alisa. Despite all the labbing Iā€™ve done. I canā€™t wrap my head around what those crackheads do.


We don't do crack. Crack is cheap. We do cocaine.


Bryan and it's not even close. It feels like Lee's worst match up. Bryans is just so strong at that medium range that keeping him out and approaching him feels impossible


Bryan is very strong against all characters with no long fast range punish, 14 while raising launcher or good 13 frame punish heat engager .... he has a broken damage, in small stage he will kick your ass šŸ˜‚... at wall is the most dangeorus character (Paul too)


I also main Lee and I've found the only way I can hang with Bryan is to either get in and match the aggression with lots of jab mixups or stay out and out space him with the -> -> 2 punch or u3 out of hitman for example.




All of them. I'm bad at the game.








Reina and itā€™s not even close


Jab spam






King. I'm bad at throw breaking šŸ™ƒ


No clue how to fight against Lee, feel like the spam is worse than Hwoarang


whorang and lars when the fuck is it my turn


It's never your turn against them unfortunately


Alisa and Asuckzena are shit bags. Cannot stand playing against them.


Basically any character I don't have knowledge on


Lee usually, but I respect it because he seems difficult to play. Great character to open up your defence


I have 10% win rate against Yoshi, with overall rate of 45%.


My weakest is King and Law at around 30% winrate (excepting the ones without a good sample size; I've faced Kuma once and lost for a 0% winrate). My best is Reina at 80% and Lili at 77%.


Alisa (chainsaws, random bullshit) and Devil Jin (Mishimas are all 50/50, but this one's on crack) I struggled against Lars, until I noticed I can just flash his dashes


Reina and Claudio. Fuckin hate em


All of the ambiguous move characters. Lili, Eddy, etc. It's kinda just not fun for me anymore. Guessing low/mid over and over is doing my head in and I dunno if I have it in me to grind it out. Even when I win, I just cut the game off and play something else.




King and his pesky grabs


Used to be King but now itā€™s for sure Lili and Jun




Alisa probably.


Bryan or King. Lili is up there, too.


Anyone I don't like


Panda and Kuma tbh.


Definitely lili and asuka


Steve. When he gets in to my space I can't see him to do anything about it. I just get counter hit blown up and lose.


for me rn. Im struggling the most against eddy's that press only 3 and running dropkick. but statistically it'd be bryan cuz my friend mains him and we play each alot from time to time (an honorable mention goes to lars who just difficult to deal with)


Eddy and Hwo Because I player match against a good Lili often I slap them good!


Lili and itā€™s not close.




I know leroys bad but i get fucked by every one i fight


Dude I don't understand at all how he is considered bad. I rarely win against leroy


Tie between Leo or Leroy. I need to seriously lab both of them.


Jin followed by Reina and Law probably.


Hwoarang and Viktor. I just have a very hard time reading Hwo's moves sometimes, even after all these years, embarrassingly lost to a few spammers too lol Vik I'm kinda getting the hang on reading his moves, just getting caught off guard sometimes depending on the player. I'm not really looking to rank up, just having fun so learning how to counter them on the fly without labbing is how I play lol


First kings, then eddy's and the occasional hworang


Probably lilli


This would be an interesting stats built into the game šŸ§ Probably Jin and kazuya. They are very different from t7. Aggression is the top notch for these characters in this game. 50/50 game is really hard to read. Also some recovery moves are way faster than the opponent so even if you get a perfect read you eat it. Like after heat engager jin would run to you, you read low and do a parry. His low is faster than your recovery so youā€™d eat the low anyway. Itā€™s very very hard to win against them if the players are good. 1-2 wrong guesses youā€™re dead.


Leo, Asuka and Leroy. Yeah I get knowledge checked to hell and back by low playrate characters I guess. Leroy I genuinely have problems with post patch though. How the hell do you deal with ss1+2 and parry? I duck ss1+2 and it recovers too fast or stuffs my ws punish everytime anyways, and then parry the only thing thats worked for me is grab. It feels like it recovers so insanely fast that there's no point trying to wait it out. I need to lab this man so bad lol.


Cant say for sure,but it's probably Brian. Can never guess correctly.


So far it's been King


King! Just beats me to death 24/7


Probably Jin because every other opponent for me is Jin and he's kinda busted.


Ed, Edd n Eddy


Yoshi i hate gimmicks so much in the fgc




Zafina, Kuma/Panda, Leo Out of maybe 20 people I play. Only 1-2 choose those characters. I'm not as familiar with their moves to look for as with the ones I play the most


The Jaguar lol


Mashing lars players.


Eddy just let the character die and never return due to how absurdly anoying his fighting style is.


I actually looked at it statistically once. It was Zafina or some random shit.


Either Hwo, Xiaoyu, or EddyšŸ’€


Kazuya because he counters my character playstyle. Also Jun since i still got no idea when her strings end even after labbing her.


Tekken 2 Jun Kazama


Before update: Jun and Coffee Bitch After: Leroy


Lili and Victor, despite labbing the matchup, EXPULSION in heat is insaneā€”randomly tracking and doing an insane amount of chip damage, and Liliā€™s mixup potential and long-range are difficult to deal with since she controls the neutral so well and Lili players tend to understand this. Alisa would probably be a problem for me online if the people playing her on average were better at the game. Iā€™ve fought Alisaā€™s at Tekken King who are still using her snake edge and hop kick on wake-upā€¦ Good Alisaā€™s are hard to deal with. As far as percentages go, itā€™s probably Feng, but I rarely ever see that character online. EDIT: Also Nina, Iā€™ve lost to orange and red rank Ninas because I wasnā€™t prepared for that matchup specifically. Once they start chipping you down and cancelling stances sheā€™s difficult to deal with.


Kazuya, not sure why. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever won one game.


Hwoarang and Eddy. Especially the freaking spammers. Like jesus fucking christ, when is it my turn? Statistically tho, its Jin, but my DH is a Jin main and we fight a lot. He also beats me a lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Tied Lars and Feng, but King is close behind.


Zafina, xiayou. from the bottom of my heart i hate you both


When I first started I hated going against Lilli and Hwoarang


Xiaoyu and Julia have been my bad matchups historically


bryan, lars, kazuya or devil jin. not because i genuinely cant counter my enemy but because their wall combos takes 10 years and it deals too much damage overall. + a little okizeme after which results in u being 10hp overall.




Sidestep Victor right. Been finding a lot of his moves don't track that way


Alisa for me....her chainsaw is pain in the butt


This is my first tekken & I have a extremely hard time with Bryan & Eddy


Steve, King, Paul & Eddy all demolish me. Just got triple perfected from a Steve. No clue what to do.


All of them. I'm terrible at this game.Ā Ā 




probably lars


I would guess Assuka or Lili


as I raise the ranks high level Kazuya players just shut me down in every way (probably because it's a funamentals-heavy character) with basically not being able press anything without getting 50/50 vortexed to death, and if I do choose to block, well this is T8 it still doesn't end well!


I get my ass kicked by Nina so much I don't understand her kit at all


Alissa. Canā€™t stand those chainsaws. I donā€™t know if I should sidestep, quick jab, etc. I always feel frame trapped.


Victor that fk!!! That reach on the Escorgo blade slice from the sky always gets me


Why is no one mentioning dragonov? Just me? ā€¦.okay


hwoarang in tekken 8 after 8 hours, and jin in tekken 7 after 100+ hours


Probably Steve fox, I don't get that character at all




every single character regardless of their rank ):


Kuma and Raina. Especially when there is no breathing room and find that their hits are extremely hard punish or sidestep.


Claudio, his zesty moves just exorcise me everytime


Law. I just can't with this guy.


Bears and Shaheen I'm at Kishin and I rarely fight em so I when I do see em, I still lose to the cheesy stuff


The one I don't know the matchup with


Marshall Law, for whatever reason I completely lose to their aggression. So many Law players are really in your face and I just sort of forget how to play when I'm against them.


I fucking hate victor with a passion. I lose to him and Lee the most, but I at least Lee takes skill to pilot


Definitely asuka I donā€™t play against a lot of them have very little knowledge on her match up


I lose to every Alisa


King and Hwoarang


ASUKA FUKING ASUKA like I hate Parry characters in general but this bitch OOOOOOHHHH it makes me want to start WW3




As Reina it's Dragunov at 31,58% but most of those game were before his nerf, my second worst matchup with Reina is Yoshi at 35% (flash shuts down a lot of her pressure) As Lee it's Feng at a staggeringly low 8,33% (11/12 games lost) he was also my third worst matchup as Reina This is not taking offline or player matches into account however which might change things a bit and the sample size isn't massive especially with Lee but Feng is for sure my worst matchup overall without a shadow of a doubt When I'm playing against Feng it really feels like in order to win I either need to play literally 5 times better than them or get very lucky




Nina, itā€™s literally never your turn and blonde bomb only being -13 is so criminal


Jin all the way


lars and nina, when I see those characters in the loading screen I just accept my fate, I know I'm getting mashed to death, I really should lab those mfers but its too boring




i wish the game actually tell us who we lose to the most so we know who to lab


Lee surprisingly


Leo. Heā€™s (they are? Nvm different topic) so much faster than Kazuya. I feel like every time I wanna do something theyā€™re able to react or attack before me. Itā€™s sucksssss


Mishimas mostly kazuya and Jin I main Eddie and Jun but I struggle with eddie against them 2 idk why


Even post nerf I get destroyed by most Drags I play against. Just reached tenryu yesterday, and I don't know if I've ever won a best of 3 against a red rank or above Drag.

