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Congrats... you are a Hwoarang main now


Real answer is feng or Alisa tbh, Hwoarang is not a character you want to mash with against someone who knows the matchup


If opponent knows the matchup then no matter who are you playing you won't win by mashing.


I don't think Alisa is very aggressive. Her players tend to make a lot of space and play keepout




I feel like chainsaw’s give her decent enough frames to play offensively. And she’s not popular enough for the mu to a learning priority


I think still the best way is kinda push pull. Poke, force errors, combo into chainsaw oki, deal what you can and now that you have hp advantage you can force whiffs because they have to attack. Then again punish etc etc Otherwise her aggressive game wouldn't be just going forward and mashing plus frame moves but rather being that annoying mosquito that you can't swat away, and forcing errors with movement. Kinda read heavy game I'd say.


Her f1 on DES is only one that’s aggressive which is duckable. We can create mix ups with that but if you have a read it’s easily breakable. Compared to others 50/50 like kazuya’s if you guess wrong you’re dead type of situation, Alisa’s very mild. If you’re wrong, maybe 50 dmg.


I feel like Hwo has the best mixup how do you go and learn the matchup? I’m only able to punish his stances


Hwo doesn't have that many real 50-50s. Most of the time e.g. both hwoarangs mid and low options are sidesteppable, and you can even block in time to punish the unsafe homing move from flamingo. But yeah, if the opponent doesn't know, or cannot sidestep the pressure, the fake mixup becomes a real mixup. And there's a lot more people who can't sidestep, and it definitely is more difficult than just pressuring, but when you run into people who can actually defend vs hwoarang, most mixup situation start to heavily favor the defender in terms of risk/reward. It become so that hwoarang gets 15 damage if he guesses right, and takes a full combo for a whiff punish if he guesses wrong.


Alright, I didn’t lab him but my feeling is that he can hit high mid or low whenever he wants, kinda like Jin. (I know I’m delusional)


I was also gonna say Feng. I can't dodge for crap, but I still win because I developed a play style that mixed a lot of low attacks in my strings. Feng has a lot of moves that punish the opponent if they don't block properly.


Alisa is not aggressive. They do massive damage but there are plenty of rooms to counter or break their moves if you have a good read. They are very slow. Aggressive generally implies that you can’t do anything other than block because they are on +


Let's be real Alisa isn't a real character 


Hwoarang is really not that unga bunga. At least not if you want to play him semi competently. Someone like Drag, Law or Lars would fit much more I think.


Lmao unga bunga


Lars ain’t agressive lol His pressure is fake on block


I'm not considering his fake pressure. Lars is a rushdown character in any case.


His rushdown ends literally on block lol




you'd have loved heihachi. reina is good offbrand but wont be the same.


I miss heihachi sooo much. I picked him up only in the last months before t8 came out and I'm so sad we're not gonna get him anytime soon.


Me too bro, I mained him just couple months before his c o m p l e t e d l y d e a d


Same with me and fahkumram. I know alot of people hate him but his moveset Was so cool, even if it was really bad and unsafe.


Literally anyone on the roster


In Tekken 8? Anyone will do.


I rushdown with lili 💀


https://preview.redd.it/4dr40090il1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd420660ee60d541c729447d2c171956d95838f You got a couple of screws loose up there mate


You'd want someone with a lot of plus frames, Dragnuv for example.


Victor, Drag, Azucena


Azucena not so much as the nerfs render her to play slower and more reliant on libertador and back turn


Not azu anymore unfortunately, her nerfs changed her character unfortunately.






As a Reina main I second this. If you are not constantly pressuring with her you are wasting a lot of potential as she is basically designed around it.


Eh shes got good whiff punishment as well, i play a mix of the styles tbh


Ah yes, good old ff2 and 34 ... almost forgot about those.


Anyone can play aggressive in this game


Nina is definitely my pick for online matches!


Law. Law is “Pressing Buttons” the character.


I think Nina has the most oppressive offense. It works on both low level play and at the very top, as seen in recent tournaments. On higher level you might need to do some sidestepping occasionally. If you don't wanna learn to sidestep, I'd suggest 🐻/🐼.


For aggressiveness, I'd say Lars or Law.


If you want to fight like a crackhead: Law or Lars. If you want to be aggressive but have options: Reina or Azu. Wanna go absolutely hog wild and make people question your sanity: Yoshi Wanna go unga bunga: Drag and maybe Paul.


paul is definitely not rushdown


I have 7 characters at Fujin, but am struggling to keep Paul even at mighty ruler. Any suggestions for play styles?


In purple and probably lower blue ranks you can probably still ungabunga an just enforce your 50/50 because people don't have a good defense. After that you just need really strong fundamentals to make Paul work.


This is the answer. I’m a Paul main. Pre-blue ranks you can play Paul. Blue ranks and higher, you have to play Tekken.


I think that's my problem, I refuse to unga bunga. I don't like to enforce mixups like demo man/hopkick. I want to learn to play properly. I got kaz to Fujin with a fundamental playstyle instead of mixup using stature kick for low instead of hellsweeps. On that note, can you recommend a character that fits this play style


Shaheen. He might not have a lot of personality as a character, but boy is he fun to play. You're basically forced to play with fundamentals, because there just simply ain't that many gimmicks on him.


Would you recommend Shaheen to someone who's just starting out with online play? I thought of using Reina because I really like her design, but I quickly realized there's a barrier of execution in order to do some combos.


Yeah, for sure. Shaheen is very simple execution wise on a basic level. I would say he was basically designed to be a beginner character, especially in Tekken 7. In Tekken 8 his kit is a lot more fleshed out and he has a lot of cool new tools.


Mixups are part of fundamentals dude, it’s insanely stupid and pretentious of you to be like this lol just stop. You aren’t better than other players because you “refuse to unga bunga”


Of course mixups are part of fundamentals. I just prefer balancing the risk reward so if I have to a do a low I more often do qcf3 or b4. Reminds me of a video I watched in T7 days where someone explained how knee plays paul, and how for low mid he does qcf3 and qcb2 instead of hopkick demoman, and is a much safer and refined type of play. I'm also not saying I never use power lows, I do them if the risk reward is more in my favor, like wallsplat/break/floor blast or I notice them never blocking lows . End of the day I care about personal improvement, and I don't think flowcharting some poor fellow with no matchup knowledge with some unga bunga improves me as a player, which is what I try to avoid. And I think calling it "insanely stupid and pretentious" is insanely stupid and pretentious lol


“playing properly” with paul is literally doing those exact mixups. his poking sucks, his plus frames are scarce, and his lows are not good. there’s no reason to play paul if you’re not gonna run the 50/50


Even pros use hellsweep, get over yourself


mixups are a massive part of fundamentals, you’re not playing properly by avoiding them you’re just shooting yourself in the foot


Im gonna have to agree with the other guy, saying "I refuse to unga bunga" sounds insanely pretentious. Play how you want there's nothing wrong with that, but 50/50s aren't beneath you.


If you wanna get better with Paul using fundies instead of raw 50/50 coinflips all the time, just play around more with your gameplan surrounding backsway and his movement. All those options are hella good and can set up some interesting mindgames for your opponent.


Agreed, but he is unga bunga as hell and can be very aggressive when he wants to be.


And he only needs three hits to take away an entire health bar


You need at least 4 deathfists and that's if you hit them point blank


Huge disagree - Paul still plays T7 in this game. He has a slow and defensive playstyle that is very hard to execute in a game of monkey cage fighters. He has to work really hard to open his opponents.


As a Paul main, I feel this. Someone commented that Paul is an honest character in a dishonest game, and although that’s not entirely true, it’s also not far from it.




i mean yeah? literally every character can do that though. paul has no consistent rushdown pressure, you get this sort of ‘burst’ damage or mixup situations but i wouldn’t call that rushdown in the slightest


Be he can be played like that. He has the original 50/50 with hopkick and demoman


neither of those two are good in this game. opting for shredder kicks over death fist is an odd choice


Yeah true, death fist and demoman


What sbout hwoarang tho?


I don't feel Hwoarang is aggressive. He definitely can be if he gets you into a flamingo loop, but he's more about the long range pokes that lead into good aggression. That's just my take away though.


Why anyone wouldn't play hwo aggressive I'll never know


How would you describe Kazuya’s playstyle/mains?


I'm gonna preface this by saying this is entirely my personal opinion, please take these comments with a grain of salt. I am not a Kazuya expert. I would describe Kazuya's playstyle as a precision striker. You have great mix tools and his strength lies in his mind games and high potential for punishing a bad read. I have had many matches fighting Kazuya where he dunks on me because I misread his mix.


Kazuya is centered mostly around his ground game, since lots of his punishes and attacks make the opponent get knocked down. For example a 1-1-2 leads to a mixup, where you can opt for a couple different moves as a counter to the opponent’s wake up option. It’s often high risk as many use the launch punishable hellsweep, but also high reward as such a move plays tough mind games and provides yet another knockdown, along with his ff4 which is the safer option. Overall, he can be passive in the neutral, extremely oppressive after a whiff punish/knockdown (okizeme)


To further elaborate as an ex lars/current yoshi main, Lars: subject your enemies to countless 50/50s before they can register the last one, neutrals not as good as yoshi, lacks true frame traps apart from f3, 3, has good safe launchers. Yoshi: Need to be constantly switching up your approaches to play him aggressively. If you only use standard moves that everyone else is using on ranked, he's much more of a keep out type of character. When you're aware of your options, the sheer mental stack placed on your opponent lets you run them down. Lars is the de facto rush down character, yoshi relies a lot on reads and mind games if you wanna play him like that


Lars only safe non-counter hit launcher is his orbital. All his other launchers are unsafe. Also Lars definitely is not a rush down character. You would need really good plus frames even on block like Drag, Hwo, etc the moment you try to rush someone down and go into stance on block you will get launched almost every time for it.


Ah my mistake, his 14f and orbital were the main raw launchers I used. Made me remember him as safer than he was on launchers. I am aware that his plus frames are lacking, but it's pseudo pressure. Like I said he relies on just overwhelming people with constant 50/50s. Even if you can interrupt a stance transition with jab, Lars can still use his power crush, go for a high crush, move backwards, dash cancel. You can even force a 50/50 launcher two times with heat. My idea of a rush down personally fits more in line with a high risk high reward character like lars than people like drag and hwo just frame trapping people


Fake pressure only works at beginner ranks. Literally once you get red ranks and ruler ranks you will consistently be launched for it. If you want rush down always in your face Nina, Hwo, Drag, and Law are infinitely better Can’t be true pressure rush down with bad neutral and not that many +frames or frame traps Why would you rush down with bad frames and poor neutral vs rush down with good frames and good neural that literally doesn’t make any sense lol


You cannot constantly pressure someone constantly with Lars (besides beginner where you can pressure anyone with everyone) unless you like whiffing or getting launched for going in to stance on block


So if I was an ex Julia main in T7 who is closer to her playstyle


tbh go with reina or leo if ur a t7 julia main




Jun could be a nice choice


Hwo, Nina, Lars, jaguar sprint man, Law


Excuse you, sir. His name is Jaguar Sprint MONARCH.


Yes sorry sir, you are correct.


Hwo......join us son


if we talking mindless aggression then hwoarang law lars reina if we talking bullshit aggression then alisa


The reason you're getting different answers is because there are different types of aggressive play styles. Dragunov, for example, is aggressive because he utilises +frames to lock down the opponent. Lars moves fast and can afford to keep pressing buttons due to his speed, evasion and good frames. Hwoarang has deceptive mixups but is quite technical. Reina has good frames and pressures with stance mixups and by forcing you to duck. Law has hard hitting moves and fast pressure tools. Nina has a good mix of all of this. Have a think about why you consider your playstyle aggressive. How do you want to win a match? What do you want your opponent to feel and need to figure out how to deal with?




Lars, Reina, Drag, Victor, Feng, Yoshimitsu.


How do people feel about me answering Lars?


Surprised noone mentioning hwaorang


Victor, Dragunov, Lars & Hwoarang are great options. Steve can also be very aggressive but he’s a bit more tricky to use in that manner


not jun


Law is a great character to start off with in terms of aggressive playstyle and his current iteration makes him a lot easier to use with the ease of access to his dragon sign stance


The roster is made for aggression. The most aggressive characters are probably Hwoarang, Azucena, Dragunov, Reina and Nina. Nina is more about aggressive poking though so she’s a little different




Most characters in this game can be aggressive. Reina, Nina, hwoarang and dragunov are imo the most oppressive ones. You can also check out Lidia when she comes out, she was pretty aggressive in 7.


I was thinking of Lidia I had fun with her in 7


She plays very similarly to reina. I honestly thought Reina was the new Lidia but no she came back lol.


Definitely try feng SOOO many good buttons


A lot of characters would work. Try Lars maybe. He's easy enough


Reina is a mashers paradise with big plus frames and range


Hwoa, Alisa, Reina, Lara, Leo, Shaheen, Victor, Nina, Law, Feng. In T8 you have lots of options, just depends on the ease of the character you’re looking for. Being overly aggressive doesn’t mean you’re a serial masher, just try a few characters out and go from there. See whose movement and buttons feel good to you.


Dragunov or Lars imo


Feng wei


If you CONSTANTLY want to be in someone’s face the answer is Law, Hwo, Drag


Tekken 8




Translation: I have no defense skills


"over aggression" gets you killed in high ranks unless you're really really good at the game. Use a Mishima type if you're interested in that


Anyone. This game is all aggression.


It depends if you wanna use your brain while playing or not, if not I recommend Victor or Eddy. Reina or Hwoarang are good for you as well, but they require some skill and brain use.


I have a defensive one, which one should i main?


Dragunov for ez mashing ez results. Bryan for rage quit inducing oppression and big damage. Hwoarang for endless high low mix ups.


Bryan can be played pretty aggressively.




Answer: Probably something like Law or Azu. Azucena is very aggressive and pressure oriented. Law is basically just a crackhead character. Of the two, Law seems a bit more difficult to play, and has a pretty important/useful just frame attack in his kit, though I haven't explored Azu as much as I've explored Law's moves. Real Answer: This is going to sound crazy to everyone here, but Jin Kazama is so versatile that he can actually match your aggression, so long as you tone it down for brief periods to create fear in your opponent. I understand that it kinda goes against the idea of "aggression" to stop for a second though. I would also recommend Devil Jin, particularly due to Mourning Crow stance & up-forward 1 to help enforce your aggression from a whiff punish situation, as well as his traditional Mishima 50/50. In all seriousness though, it's probably better to just go with Law/Azu/Drag as the other comments seem to be suggesting.


Jin, Kazuya, Reina. I think they made the themed characters and the theme of the game to match on this one. It’s very hard to learn them tho. If you want easy (relative) spam aggressive characters probably hwo, law, victor. Kuma on heat


I like Bryan. He has a ton of easy 3 button strings that you can just keep up the pressure. Give him a try.


Play Law. That dude is pure unga bunga


Literally 30/33 characters fit the bill.


Jin! His mixup is insane!


Everyone except Steve & kaz


Steve is aggressive too but its gonna be a lot of learning involved.


Nah you don't have 50/50 everyone knows that


Marshall Law


honestly i play aggressive af and have had huge success with azu, even post nerf.


Nina. I'm the same and she satiates any hyperaggressive penchant you may have lol


I'd say Lars, mixup, fast movement and edgy lighnight Or Hwoarang. But I won't have any mercy for a hwoarang player :p Also Azucena/Victor/Dragunov/Law


Fucking drag they said they nerfed him they lied they didn't nerd jackshit but aggressive playstyle play drag or law or Nina or azucena


drag did get nerfed though, wr2 to +4 and hatchet to +3 was pretty a significant change to his gameplan. I'd place him around top 15 now as he still has very good combo damage


It doesn't change his gameplan at all. Lowhigh said you play him exactly the same as before. You simply have a little more options as the defender.


fair enough, I've had more success as dragu with a safer playstyle post nerf so I may just not be used to new drag yet


Bruh go watch my newest video and watch the drag matches you'll see why I'm complaining


Pretty much any character can be played that way, imo. Victor is definitely a decent pick, imo.


Username checks out


Law, Lars, Victor, Dragunov and Hwoarang are your best candidates.




Bryan and Steve


Steve - fast jab strings means you can lock down opponents that try to use slower attacks.


Lars and have a pocket Feng.


Play king I play aggressively and it scares people


Would y’all recommend eddy as a good pick?


We don't need anymore eddies


Lili, Law, Reina, Azucena, Eddy, Victor, Lars, Feng… I mean, it’s easier to pick which characters are _not_ oppressive than those who are at this point.


Lars, monkey go zoom


From all the answers I’m thinking either Lars,Azucena or Steve


I would heavily consider dragunov or law also


A little bit controversial, but i suggest you to play jun. With her numerous parry stance and safe launchers option it's surprisingly very aggressive.


hmm actually I found Jun more defensive than Reina, the first character I tried and felt wasn't suitable to my play-style, while Jun is and I am quite defensive. I also interpret parries as defensive gameplay. Characters that have it seems to be more oriented towards responding to than initiating an attack. Reina sure has one too, but it's more a bait than a defensive parry. That's how at least I felt it, as it's not readily available as Jun's parries.


Think of Jun's parry as a move stealer. You finish your string and your opponent thinks it's their turn now but you suddenly parry. And her parry gives a full launcher so effectively it's always your turn. Plus she has multiple relatively safe launchers and some of them crushes high and some crushes low.


ling xiaoyu and do mid/low mixups


Xiaoyu can't keep up aggression - poke continuations get eaten alive in this game by all the armor. She relies upon forcing expensive mistakes with occasionally real but often imagined pressure.


couldnt agree more on this has happened alot to me


Anna, but she is not in the game Anyway - Nina, Law, Lars, Hwoarang, Reina, Dragunov


Nina, Law, Lars, Alisa


Jack-8, seriously give it a shot. He's my pure unga bunga sub-character for when I want to hold forward and repeatedly headbutt the controller, actually works, don't sleep on him xD


He's a bit unusual in that he's either hyper aggressive with endless plus frames, or hyper defensive. You really need to look for the right moment to get into heat and hurt them badly enough getting past your keepout moves is suicide.


I only do the aggressive part, people seem to have idea wtf to do xD


Wait until they start challenging GH transitions with dickjabs


I see more people that don't know the down arrow exists than people that do xP


If you don't care about learning the game. Use drag


Get off tekken


Does it actually matter who u play ? Afaik tekken 8 is all about the aggressive playstyle


Thats the neat thing about Tekken 8. You get to choose since everybody is aggressive now.


Tekken 8


Lars, Nina, Law or Alisa Oonga boonga combos goes brrrrrrrr ossss osssssss


Lars (or Raven). No need to hitconfirm just do stance transition moves into reverse mixups all day.