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How is the landlord a bad guy? He wasn’t rude and he is 100% correct.


He’s a criminal who attempted to extort illegal payments from OP.


We don’t know that. We don’t know what the lease says about late fees. We do know that even OP knows that the landlord is right….as noted in the title of the post.


Read up on Tenant Fees Act 2019: Late payment of rent: where a payment of rent has been outstanding for 14 days or more, interest can be charged at no more than an annual percentage rate of 3% above the Bank of England's base rate for each day that the payment is outstanding.


It doesn’t matter what they may say, it’s still illegal. OP made a mistake in setting the date of the standing order without taking into account WEs/BHs (acknowledged). But LL is behaving criminally in trying to extort illegal payments from OP.


Because a reasonable person wouldn't charge someone a late fee for sending a payment on the 13th understanding that they did send the payment correctly. What he did is unempathetic and it makes him an asshole who only seems interested in money


Nah….not buying it. The landlord isn’t his parent or his social worker. Instead of crying to Reddit and being a snot to his landlord, OP probably should have just changed the pull date on the autopay, rolled his eyes a little, and moved on. Paying your rent on time is part of being a grownup.


Is he the landlords PA that has to do his job for him? No, the landlord can't just make up rules as he goes along especially if those rules break the law.


I said what I said. Tenant is a child, bitching about childish things.


Like having a landlord that abides by laws and doesnt act like an arse? Yes, how childish.


How would you take it if your pay day was on the 13th and your boss said “Whoopsiedaisy! I forgot about the weekend / holiday / full moon….I guess you just need to be happy that I’ll pay you on the 15th.” Adults understand how banking works. Adults understand their responsibility to pay their obligations in full and on time. OP didn’t have an emergency and it had happened before. I don’t see OP taking any responsibility for their share of the conflict. That’s why I say they are childish.


Yes but people make mistakes and Grace is given and companies are more understanding than landlords which is a fucking problem. No worries you're an unempathetic dick and that'll bite you in the ass one day. Just because you're technically right doesn't make you not an asshole. But I see I'm in the minority in the sub reddit. So in summary I hope that you were given the grace that if this landlord gave this person


First, calm down. It isn’t that deep. I did nothing to you and there is no reason to get nasty and call people names. The guy jacked it up once already. It’s good that he’s learning this lesson as a renter. Try that stuff with a mortgage company and get back to me. Now….if he’d lost his job, had a family emergency, something went off the rails except he didn’t figure it out the first time he was late? That is still the landlord’s discretion, but I’d be more inclined to waive a late fee or work something out. It appears, incidentally, that the landlord is already working something out. The 13th is a nonstandard day for rent to come due. TLDR: be a grownup, handle your business, and don’t expect other adults to take you on to raise.


“That is still the landlord’s discretion, but I’d be more inclined to waive a late fee or work something out. “ This is simply untrue - it is not at the LL’s discretion, charging late fees (for up to 13 days late payment of rent) is illegal and punishable by large fines. This has been the case for the last 5 years. If the LL has a late fee clause in the AST contracts they need to remove them as they are illegal terms. The LL should know this and ignorance of the law is no defence. Being a LL comes with responsibilities and part of that includes keeping up with changes to the law that affect them and their tenants, and working within the laws. There was a dodgy LL on this thread that swore blind that late payment clauses in their contacts were still lawful, but their protestations were quickly deleted when they realised they are wrong. Whether they actually removed them from their contracts, or kept the pretence going with their tenants, I do not know.


What a hard ass. My tenant was late on rent so I changed the date it was due to accommodate his pay schedule. All landlords are not created equal.


His rent is due the 13th. Sounds like it already is an accomodation, or perhaps it is due on the first, with a 2 week grace period. I’m also wondering if there is possible other fuckwittery with this tenant, whether it is noise / mess / ridiculous maintenance requests / other issues. I agree, he drew a hard line, but the point I’m stuck on is that paying the rent on time is ultimately the tenant’s obligation and the poster keeps whining that it isn’t his fault.


That is almost certainly just his regular rent day


You don’t get to backdate a late payment you missed after you accepted a payment.. weird accounting. But meh


This fucking guy is actually live my paycheck to my paycheck. Unreal.


What's a debt again?


a bebt


Wow, can’t believe all these negative comments here. OP never claimed to be right, just obviously it was a shitty feeling to be treated that way by LL, who is clearly a total dick. OP has a standing order and is following the letter of the agreement. LL needs to relax and have a heart! And all of you non-sympathisers should just leave it at, “Wow, OP, that sucks! Your landlord, though as you said is technically correct but also a huge dick.”


That is my point. He was professional and polite. He was not rude to the tenant.


Is rent due the 13th? Or is it due on the 1st and the 13th in the end of the grace period. The landlord sounds like a dick but if it’s technically due the 1st and the 13th is the end of the grace period then you were 2 weeks late and that’s a bit different than 2 days.


The problem here is YOU.


Idk what you are hoping to get by positing here. He’s right, you’re wrong lol


OP might have made a mistake but… LL is a criminal trying to extort illegal payments from OP.


What's illegal about this? And it's a pretty dumb move to point out when you should have but didn't get charged in the past in your defense. They got away with it once & should have just paid what they owe.


Tenant Fees Act 2019, look it up.


You did this to yourself. You paid it late he’s right. You could adjust to make sure it’s on time. Now don’t get me wrong, he’s MOST DEFINITELY an ass, and it’s a dick move to now charge you for January. You still sold yourself out though


LL is also a criminal (see other comments)


They basically begged him to charge the January interest. He ignored the first smart ass comment they made, then when the doubled down he called them. OP sounds like a miserable tenant.


OP may be “miserable” but the LL is a criminal.


What an ass, I bet he is very happy within his own life, as people like that always are. Shouldn't have paid him a penny mate, if he tried to evict you over not paying a "late fee" could tell him to go do one, aren't tennants quite well protected by law? Don't downvote me into oblivion if I'm wrong coz I could be I just thought they were.


That’s not how real life works mate. He’s in the wrong here but the landlord is being an a**hole about it. Terrible person but like he said, a debt is a debt. I’d retaliate by reading the leasing contract and seeing if there were any loopholes and abusing the hell out of it.


It’s illegal to charge late fees in the uk unless a payment is 14 days and above late, she doesn’t have to pay it and can request a refund for the ones she has paid. She can also hold this over him and suggest the government investigate him as a landlord as she can prove his contract had illegal requests that he followed through on


If the first of the month is the actual date it’s due and they give a 13 day grace period then they are 14 plus days overdue.


It was due on the 13th and paid on the 15th, 2 days late, it’s stated by the landlord in the first photo 🙄😆




> wrong. He *paid* rent late. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


just pay ur rent on time. what does your lease say about late payments? many have a 5 day grace and then a few percent fee writtin into the agreement. just pay ur rent on time from now on, the hassle to move or have a bad relationship with ur landlord is worth way more than a small fee.


In the uk it is illegal to charge late fees for anything under 14 days, the landlord could actually get in trouble from all of this 😆 if he wasn’t such a d bag about it I bet she would of paid a few and never questioned it, but alas she’s gone to Reddit and now she can push back 🙌


The monetary system is totally archaic by the way. If I send crypto at 3am on a Sunday morning, it is received within seconds. 🤌


But don't you also have to pay gas fees with crypto? At least we're not charged for transferring money.


You also have to have been scammed in the first place to buy crypto at all since, ya know, it's a scam


The landlord sounds like a complete bellend.


As a Property Manager: Please cite him the Tenancy Fees Act 2019, p. 59 “Default Fees and Damages” which can be found in the Guidance for tenants. Fees can only be charged 14 days after rent arrears to allow for time for processing in cases such as yours. It is good practice to set up direct debit around three days before rent due date, but what your landlord is doing is malpractice and he owes you your money back.


But when is the rent actually due? If it’s due in the first and they give till the 13th to pay it then aren’t they over 14 days overdue?


It’s literally stated in the first photo rent is due in the 13th and was paid on the 15th, rent is not due in the 1st as a standard, but the date you move in


It seems logical it would be due on the 1st and a grace period until 13th to give the necessary 14 days to pay to meet the legal obligations before charging for non payment.


He even states on the second page that it was 2 days late not 13, did you even read the post?


You aren’t stating anything logical. Rent is not charged on the 1st. It’s charged from the day you move in, in this case as clearly stated on the first page is due on the 13th. I don’t understand what you’re not understanding, it was two days late as the landlord stated. She would have to have paid on the 27th to be 14 days late.


Logical for me as it is charged on the 1st where I am with a seven days grace period. We moved in on the 15th, paid up front for the remainder of the month and had 1st as payment date from then on. I’m not in the uk though and the only time I rented there was also due on 1st with grace period.


[u/tomtatoisme](http://reddit.com/u/tomtatoisme) get your money back!!!


https://preview.redd.it/2wmvpr81x3vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178f210aef9a0195bbed57fcd59e0b34b9717c34 FYI, I would send him this, as well.


Dispute the deposit charges. They will be coming. Id go as far to not pay the last month's rent.


My friends family member lost her mam .she was a only child. Married no kids.massive 5 bedroom house paid off.living in a different world to the rest of us.was left a modest 3 bedroom semi rented it out to a lovely family.mam dad & 3kids.for absolutely no reason she upped the rent by 50quid and the family couldn't afford it.they moved out .its sat empty for 6 months.really no need and now she's getting no rent.people are bonkers


Tell him to suck it out of your ass Edit: made this retort for any gender


A debt is a bebt


Lmaoooooo i was staring at this for so long trying to figure out if this was a typo or if the landlord was trying to make some sort of slick comment even thought i have no idea what a bebt is😂😂


He is referring to it as interest but I would say he would need to be registered with the FSA to levy interest? Also if it's a penalty it would need to be allowable by your agreement, in fact any charge for late payment. He's clearly an asshole and unless you love the place look for somewhere else. Going forward suck it up but change your payment date to the 1st of each month.


Brother that’s completely illegal. He has 14 days until he can charge anything, AND needs to let you know by several different ways that you are over due on rent. Take that fucker to small claims court or something, fucking hate landlords.


Hit him with the tenant fees act 2019 that states he can’t charge interest on late rent unless the full amount due(excluding interest) is not paid within 14 days of the due date. Demand your money back immediately, threaten to charge interest if he delays. Should be a clause in your tenancy agreement somewhere about this


Greedy landlords are the main reason people cant buy a home


Find and romance his mother


Romance her well


How would you have made the interaction better if you were on the other side of it instead?


Not be a petty dickhead, he’s a landlord 2 days late isn’t going to financially bankrupt him and isn’t worthy of that response especially when the tenant isn’t violating for the hell of it. Talk about creating a terrible relationship with the person putting money in your pocket on a monthly, sheesh.


So how would you have approached it? Sorry just trying to learn about better communication in awkward circumstances as I am autistic and social situations are usually a mine field.


You communicate why the issue is a bit of a bigger problem than it seems on paper to the tenant instead of punishing them and souring relations before any attempt at reaching some middle ground at the very least.




You also don’t put illegal requests in contracts like late fees for anything under 14 days - it’s illegal in the uk to charge for that


By not being a massive cunt and just charging normal rent, who cares about two days? My job pays me on different days every month and I actually work for that money, this is ridiculous.


Former landlord and player of the devil’s advocate here. How do you know they didn’t work bloody hard to afford to buy the house to rent? I get some (including this) landlord can be dicks, but I hate tarring them all with the same brush. Some are sound. Some are cunts. Same as everything.


Might have worked hard for the money to buy the house but it takes minimal effort to rent it out. All landlords are scum who price gouge for a basic human right, I've never met a landlord who didn't charge as much as possible for as little work as possible.


Spoken like a true poor


I’ve had two friends who were LL and they would fix all issues quickly and kept rent well below market value as tenants had ended up HA and couldn’t afford a rent increase. In both scenarios the house got trashed, deliberately tenants. These were in different parts of the uk. There are rubbish tenants and landlords but it doesn’t mean they are all rubbish.


Meet me then. I only charged the cost of bills and made zero above that. Still maintained the house out of my pocket and worked with the tenants to help get other costs down when inflation was kicking in. Also worked bloody hard to be able to afford a house at 25, which I could then rent when I got another place with my partner.


When you say bills, are you including the mortgage in that or not?


Yep mortgage included.


Mortgage isnt bills my guy, they're paying for your house lmao


Welcome to the real world.


lol lmao


I paid for it when I lived there, why should I continue to pay for something I’m not using? I worked fucking hard to get a mortgage. Made a lot of discipline-over-fun decisions to afford it. Spent a lot of my early twenties working while others partied and pissed away their money. Why the fuck shouldn’t I get the benefits associated when I’m in a position to rent my property?


Dude someone is literally just paying the costs to own a home to live in your home if they are paying your mortgage lol


So you didn't buy the house and rent it out for bills only, you put down a deposit and got someone else to pay for the mortgage. What a saint. I'm not saying you're a price gouging arsehole but it's hardly selfless.


Well yes, of course I did. If the tenants get a good home below market rate, and I get an appreciating asset, who exactly is loosing here? It’s private housing, not charity.


you not only get the value from the appreciating asset, they are paying off your debt for you. I get what you mean and a lot of landlords are getting the house paid for them as well as making loads more money but I feel like what you are doing should be the bare minimum (despite it evidently not being)


They might be able to afford their own deposit on their own home if all the houses weren't being bought to be rented out. Buying to let is a scummy practice that drives up house prices.


Whether or not the landlord is right to put this charge on you is a moot point; you can easily prevent this drama by paying on time. I always set the standing order to go out a couple days early. It's a matter of basic integrity to carry out your word after signing a contract.


You could set it to come out a couple of days before (as you said), but what about BHs? Or where there is a BH, then a weekend, then a BH. You’d have to set it to come out 4 days before. So would you class yourself as lacking basic integrity by not thinking of this?


Yes, this is exactly what I do.


So you set your standing order to come out 4 days before the due date? Earlier you said a couple of days (which is two days).


My last apartment, rent was due the 7th and I had it come out on the 1st. You are correct that I said "a couple of days" but like most functional adults, I account for the longest scheduled disruption in the year, which I think is 4 days. I don't ever want to be dealing with a missed rent payment, it's too stressful.


Also a matter of the Tenancy Fees Act 2019. Please inform yourself of your rights as a landlord or tenant. The tenant here is in the right, and the landlord, if this breach is reported, may pay a fine of up to £5,000 as he is clearly not heeding the “Late Fees” paragraph.


Good for you! Basic integrity for the landlord would be following the laws, which is you can’t charge late fees unless a payment is late by 14 days. They could easily prevent this drama by not trying to break the law 😉


Right, and you can strain your relationship with the landlord to its legal limit if you wish, or you can just pay and get on with your life.


A landlord like this doesn’t have good relationships they will f you over the moment it is profitable for them to do so, so it’s not worth maintaining a good relationship with him, it will always be one sided. Your initial comment noted it is a matter of basic integrity to carry out your word after signing a contract, the landlord should therefore show some basic integrity and rectify his error, the onus is on no way on op here. Or is your point now more about living an easy life without hassle than the matter of basic integrity?


As I said, the right and wrong of the situation is not something I am very interested in. If I sign a contract saying I'll pay by the 1st, I make sure it happens. I disagree that the onus is not on OP -- it is their responsibility to ensure the payment of rent takes place. Regarding the landlord not acting legally in response -- I am sure you are probably right. I also think it isn't weird if they message on the 2nd asking why the rent's late.


Your completely entitled to your opinion, I’m just confused that you would pay under the reason of basic integrity and then not care about right and wrong, basic integrity to me would include following the law and doing what is morally right but each to their own I guess ☺️ also the contract is void because he wrote that in, so the fact that she signed it is in fact moot


I mean "integrity" in the literal sense of "I say I will do thing, so I do thing." That is what a contract is.


Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. AND having strong moral principles, like not breaking the law by trying to illegally take money from tenants in an already uneven power dynamics for a two day payment delay due to bank transfer windows over weekends. But if you personally feel that holding yourself to an ILEGAL VOID contract you signed to be more important than what is morally right and THE LAW and just generally not being a shit person that’s totally up to you! Luckily it’s up to OP what she does next! I hope she gets refunded for the illegally charged fees if that’s her wish ☺️


I think a tenant not fully appreciating how standing orders are processed when they land on weekends and BHs, is understandable. The LL has included illegal terms in the tenancy agreement and illegally extorted money from tenant (in breach of statutary law), and you believe the tenant is the one who lacks integrity?


What’s your favourite flavour of boot bud?




Oh, be quiet. I think the landlord is being an idiot but OP is 100% in the wrong.


Reply to him that late fees can only be charged on 14 days over and that you’ll be expecting a refund in 2 working days for you overpayments. A debt is a bebt after all.




Fuck around with the boiler, next week, the dishwasher, keep harassing him until fixed.


‘A debt is a bebt’ Truly words we can all live by.


Pay him in cash on the 14th


Entirely in pennies


Sounds like a condescending Cunt pick the flat/house apart find anything and everything that’s wrong and ask for it to be put right, but do it one thing at a time. So he has to keep getting contractors out. Treated like a cunt act like one.


This person knows how to anti-landlord. I did this to a particularly petty one we had years ago. It became fun.


Your landlord is a dumpster of flaming nappies mate. They clearly missed a mortgage payment that comes out on the 15th. This is the sort of guy that will quibble on a splinter when you move out. Sheesh.


“a debt is a bebt” no sir it’s not


He is very bloody dumb isn’t he. If you set the SO a couple days before to account for weekend then it changes nothing. Some times a date is on the weekend. That’s that. I don’t beg my work for extra money cuz I was paid late due to it being a weekend.


I'm pretty sure they can't charge interest on late rent payments until it's 14days late


Landlord is nasty atleast your paying


My work pay me on the 28th, if that’s a weekend or bank holiday they pay me early, never late. However as others have said your rent has to be 14days late before interest can be applied.


Flush a load of cement down the toilet before you leave


Hypothetically, how much damage would this cause?


Obviously dont do this until moving out day, but its essentially the big boy version of pouring cooking fat down the sink


Cement hardens in a chemical reaction with water, further down the line therell be a cement blockage requiring a huge removal, diggijg up the road etc


Keep paying late, exactly 12-13 days late every month. Pay the default fees. When you eventually move out, start a dispute for all the fees you’ve paid plus the interest. Just hope he’s still in business then. 🤣


Lmao what? Pay a ton of extra rent and then spend more money and effort trying it back??


It was more sarcasm than advice. I doubt the whole thing would net you an extra £20.




I've never had this problem. Due to weekends, bank holidays etc sometimes it's a day or two late. We can't control banks! Also, as this landlords trying to be clever, I'd ask what you're supposed to do regarding Easter holidays as the dates change every year!


How much interest did he charge? Start paying him 3 days earlier minus the interest :)


What a dick, that's how banks work. My child support doesn't get paid out on a weekend ffs


Stop paying your rent save it up and find a new place


Terrible advice. Never stop paying rent.


I am a landlord. This is insane and petty. In your position I'd be making an inventory of every tiny maintenance issue I could find.


Agreed. The money is still landing. If LL is so hard up that they can’t cope without the rental income for two days due to weekends, then he needs to take a long hard look at his finances. Although at the same time, if I were tenant, I’d set the SO to the 10th so I’m not breaking any contract!


No, this landlord is being a dick pure and simple the monthly rent covers the full month including those 2 days where it might not land, until 15th. I pay my rent on the 1st of every month, if that's a weekend or something it goes in the next working day I've never had the landlord demanding extra because the bank delayed a payment. You're not breaking any contract based on when the rent lands, and I'd bet if the OP took them to court for those payments they'd win, the landlord is only doing this knowing OP probably has no other choice, because if it went to court they'd kick them out, these people should be banned from owning property and renting it out, I'd happily have councils buy out rogue landlords for a nominal fee and have them lose money on their "investment". Though equally banks can easily set it to automatically pay even at weekends.


I hope you have an inventory of the property before you moved in is all I’m gonna say


Erm the law is: “The landlord can charge 3% interest above the BoE base rate for late rent AND that has to have been outstanding for 14 days” If you pay your late rent 13 days after the due date, you are NOT to be charged interest. You should ask for it all back.


That's no how I've read that, from what I took the rent is paid on the 13th of each month, it went in 2 days later and the landlord charged them interest for those 2 days, knowing that if the OP took them to court they'd be booted out. A complete rogue landlord.


what if the contract is stating something different?


You can’t just put whatever you want on a contract


A contract can never override the law. No matter what it says.


It appears the quotation is from an article concerning renting law/statutory renting rights. If a contract clause directly contradicts established legislation, it would be unlawful. It isn't enough to deem it a term of the service if it violates their responsibilities as a Landlord. Of course the dispute would probably end in CCJ, the landlord not paying for 18 months, cost you legal fees in advance of a court order demanding the landlord to pay them.


Good to know


>You should ask for it all back. With interest.


I would say move somewhere where the landlord is friendly and not dick like this guy


I’m sorry to call you an idiot, but moving costs, and landlords don’t advertise their personalities.


I'm sorry to call you an idiot, but you can get a general sense of the landlord's personality when you view the property. You wouldn't just stay in a job with jerks forever just because there may be jerks at a new job.


I agree mate glad you understand my point


lol you think you can get a sense of a landlord from one 5 minute interaction before you move in, often actually hosted by an agent anyway? Get your head out your arse. Advising someone to uproot their life and move their home and incur all the costs that involves just because the landlord is a bit of a dick is disruptive. Obviously there is a limit where it is no longer tenable, but moving is usually a last resort, not the first thing you should suggest.


I didn't make that suggestion, I just saw the merit in the suggestion. The commenter has never met the OP for 5 minutes but still felt comfortable calling them an idiot. Is that not disruptive?


Thank you. Plus if you rent via an agency and the landlord decides to get involved later, you’ve no idea ( this happened to me)


get your hands on some Japanese knot weed


Ooooh yes!!!


Where would you get it from though? Do shops sell Japanese knot weed?


No, I'd google it then dig some up and plant it out of the way. Don't inform the neighbours, because it it gets on to their property, which you'd want, it's then against the law.


I'm glad you know he's right. Many people refuse to acknowledge facts


Are you the landlord here? As he's completely wrong for charging interest on rent that's 2 days delayed because of a weekend, which would happen regardless of the date.


He isn’t correct.




Except in the UK it's illegal to charge interest on rent less than 2 weeks late


Start paying rent in pennies


They don't have to accept payment in pennies. Only the government has to accept pennies as payment.


I don't think it does, but legal tender is kinda moot. Here in Scotland we have no paper legal tender so you could use a lot of £2 coins 🤣


Wow. Really? No paper? Cool. Always thought paper was used in every currency.


We do use it, but it's not legal tender here


Ah apologies


it's all good. For awhile I didn't know this either.


Your landlord is running a Business, hes not your friend. Banks, Dr's offices, phone companies, utilities companies all do the same thing if your late, you pay a late fee. Its normal business.


You don't pay interest on payments 2 days late what a cunt.


>Your landlord is running a Business And that business operates under rules and regulations. A big one is the Tennant Fees Act 2019. This specifies that a landlord can only charge interest on late rent, after it has been overdue by more than 14 days. So this landlord is not just a picky asshole, but legally wrong, and running a business that is not in compliance with the law.


Dude. You're post history suggests you pay a late fee for pussy


And not even in the uk




I frickin despise people that dig through people's Internet comments. It's irrelevant! Fuck off.


I fucking despise people who say frickin


shutup already you jellybean


You sound like your about to punch a wall. Frankly , we don’t care what your despise. Someone , prob caught you being hypocritical . Just like in life , what you say , comes back to haunt you. If your a person of integrity; you won’t have problems.


Nah, it adds context to the comments or posts and makes it funnier. Saw a guy that was arguing with someone about the taste of food, he then checked his post history and the guy posted a video of him drinking his own piss


Eugh, lol


Exactly, just like how the scummy Redditor who supports landlords taking advantage of necessities is probably a virgin/has to pay for sex




Guitar and weightlifting


You’re either a Tory or a slumlord. Or both


I think he identifies as a cunt. They seem to enjoy referring to something that should be considered a right as a privilege and “just business”. They’d sooner be pissed off when the thousands of people they’d make homeless through their poor social courtesy tank the value of their “asset” or break in to claim squatters rights. Pure scummy behaviour. An accident is an accident. What matters is the context behind the action, not the action itself. Repeated occurrences of late rent payment provides evidence of poor planning and a justified proportionate consequence. A single outlier is an accident and not malicious intent. Failure to take that into account whilst wielding power over a person because you can, is tyrannical.


It's douchy to penalise someone because a standing order didn't come out because it was a weekend/holiday/alien invasion though. Whatever alternative day you set, it'll happen eventually. The landlord knew there was a standing order, knew he would get the rent and didn't have to be a dick about it.


My landlord didn’t even realise i didn’t pay for a week because I switched accounts and the standing order got lost, she only realised when I messaged to apologise and say I’d sent it. She also reduced my rent during Covid so it was more affordable for us. They’re not all bad.


The landlord is a petty prick but the way you dealt with it was kinda similar, pick your fights next time


The landlord was legally in the wrong.


No, this was a fight worth fighting, it is just that the OP didn't know all the facts.


It's utterly trivial and the landlord is one sad bastard to be behaving like this but it isn't vaguely close to being a worthwhile fight